Top 5 Easiest Starting Nations on HOI4

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what's up RAM fam diddly-doo leash moogly doulas it's me yeah boy Alex the Rambler back from a little break I finally got the motivation to play house of iron for again just kidding it's just a top five video that's right you haven't sinned I decided to take a break for a few days to hopefully help with my burnout so I'm easing myself back in gently with the top five hearts of iron for video I'm basically turning into WatchMojo so if you'd like to see more top 5 watch mojo's leave a like and comment we've another top 5 idea but today I'll be going over my top 5 easiest starting nations on house of iron fall so there are too many set criterias obviously factory counts manpower and just kind of ease of new if you're new to the game I'll try and go over my top 5 and hopefully you'll agree and if you don't I mean I guess that's fine isn't it no no no what no one usually agrees of me so ok so here we go in that number 5 it's the Soviet Union you start off with a decent number of factories particularly civilian factories and you actually start the game with more military factories than I believe Germany yeah you start with more than jail of course bear industry does build up a lot quicker than yours you do also have to worry about doing the Great Purge of wise you enter into a civil war but that's that's pretty easy to do now although the Great Purge gives you a huge amount of penalties you should be able to finish those off before Germany decides to attack you you also start off with a huge military you start off with 1.1 million men and you have a pretty much unlimited manpower pool you can just keep recruiting two divisions and if you play it smart you'll also annex the few nations the Baltic nations here and that'll give you access to what's called the Stalin line especially in multiplayers it's very important in single-player is also very important too you see you get a huge penalty if you try and attack across a river so if you build up your forts in the two little provinces here that are on the large river line and build up force and a huge military defense all the way along here you'll just be able to grind down the German military machine without losing and after that you can probably steamroll the entirety of Europe and because your war support starts off extremely high can go to war economy straightaway which reduces your consumer goods factories so that's incredibly good for building more civilian factories now what I would recommend you build civilian factories all the way into about 1939 because again Germany shouldn't attack you until about 1941 so you'll have time to build up your industry a huge amount so there'll be my fifth most easiest start Ignatian number four would be the United Kingdom you start off with one of if not the most powerful Navy in the entire game including multiple aircraft carriers and of you obviously have an island so it's incredibly difficult for a nation such as Germany to naval invade you they'd only be able to enable invade you if you don't keep control of your naval regions here here and here and if for some reason you don't do that then you really need to please the starting Army is okay but you do also have the fact that you have the Empire to rely upon so you can get various manpower pools from all of your colonies essentially Canada South Africa the raj you've also got British Malaya and Australia and New Zealand to call upon you also have several years to build up you can't really do much in them in the opening years of the war except prepare and that's incredibly good for beginners I in my opinion although you do have a lot to manage I'd say it's definitely more manageable than a nation such as France I'd say France is a difficult start compared to the United Kingdom now you could as the United Kingdom try to save France but do you really want to do that do you really it does have a pretty powerful focus tree lots of different options to go down and yeah that's that's my number four really that there's the United Kingdom is definitely a solid nation to start as once you have the basics down this is this is all this is all the this advice is it's kind of you're expected to have been playing the game for I'd say like ten at least 10 to 15 hours okay in at number 3 we have Japan led by mr. Hirohito now although the Japan doesn't have too many factories to begin with the only real task that you have for the first five years in game is to defeat China and newly startled over military that can pretty much achieve that I would also recommend making sure that you have a fair number of Marines and equipped divisions the AR Chinese AI should fall apart against you but I'd say it's a very good training ground so if you're not that confident enhance a time for play it as Japan you'll have a really good time hopefully and Japan and China should be a weaker opponent than your nation China doesn't start with an Air Force whereas you do China doesn't really have much of an industry and all the ability to have a massive industry where as you do and as you capture factories then your industry will expand you have a huge amount of manpower your stability and war support is incredibly high from the off and your focus tree is also a really good one with various options and a lot of flexibility plus you get to have mr. Hirohito who gives plus sixty percent for just being the Emperor damn right in at number two we have the United States of America now the United States has a massive industry there to call upon from the start although you do admittedly have the Great Depression which is is bad combined with undisturbed isolation and disarmed nation you're not going to be a military power in the first few years of the game which if you're new is fine the United States is very safe from invasion once World War two starts you can really start to pick up and start to expand your military and your industry it does have a boring start to the game I'd say however you do also have probably the second most powerful navy in the game to begin with huge amounts of battleships and aircraft carriers a focus tree that doesn't really give you a lot of flexibility on how to play the game but will help you out as the war goes on and it gives you the opportunity released trying new strategies your ally as the UK should should survive so you've got a staging base for which send your forces to take out hopefully the German Reich and you've also got lots of islands to do some Island hopping is very micro intensive I'd say the United States but overall it's an incredibly easy nation to start off with if you're just getting to grips with the game and if you really want to you can just invade Mexico because well no one's gonna stop you really Canada is not going to be in a position to go over Canada - and then Cuba and then Colombia Venezuela Brazil yeah if your dream is to create United States Empire then it's quite easy to do that so number one in my easiest starting nations is actually the German Reich now I know what you're thinking you absolute mad lad it's difficult to start off with it's not you have a decent amount of starting factories you have a very very nice focused tree you can get a couple of nations for free essentially especially if you're playing on historical they're gonna give you all of Austria all of Czechoslovakia gonna get Eastern Claims and if you can't defeat Poland then you didn't you shouldn't be playing the game you start off with full research lots which is powerful of the opportunity to easily get a fifth one you start off on partial mobilization and you can pretty much go and get more support I'd say 50% more support by about nineteen thirty seven or eight it's quite easy to do you have the ability to build a lot of civilian factories and then military factories and once you gain the additional factories from Austria Czechoslovakia your industry just starts taking over any other nation in the game you can get some really decent generals and political advisors within four focuses you can give yourself 12 extra civilian factories it really is a very easy nation to start off with you can easily get a very decent Air Force and Army all you really need to do then is to focus on garrisoning your ports if you don't want to don't allied with miscellany he'll probably just be a hindrance to you sorry mate you're starting Army is small but they're all 100% equipped and they are all regulars as long as you hold the west wall holding France at bay is gonna be incredibly easy while you take out Poland and you do have the opportunity if you want you to build up your Navy in order to make it large enough to maybe try a sea lion or build up your air force enough just to well power drop in and invade the United Kingdom that way I take in France should be relatively easy as soon as you break the Benelux you can just storm in there your industry will get huge now I know it's probably a fairly intensive country to play as when you want to start to go up to nations such as the USSR but for starting nations it's gonna you're gonna have a good fun time as Germany don't at me if you disagree okay I didn't really include any nations in South America although they pretty much all have decent they're not difficult to start as however the USA will guarantee and get involved in in your Wars so if you want to try and create an empire as Brazil you're gonna have a problem with the USA speaking it's noted I was going to include Romania in the list of how they do have a lot of flexibility of either going with the Soviets or with the Germans however you do start off with King Carole the second lifestyle which is a big hindrance early on in the game Italy I would say the difficult start just because your industry is it's pretty trash and your army is pretty trash and social Navy so you're gonna have trouble if you play as Italy hopefully you found this list to helpful with you're new to the game of course feel free to name your top 5 easiest starting nations in the comments below and if you've got any ideas for any future top 5 videos of course leave a comment - so this is me coming back from my hiatus just I'm just coming in generally I'm just coming in generally top 5 videos a fairly low-key and easy for me to do so please do leave a like if you want more content on the channel and I'll be back with another video very soon toodle-pip many thanks to Wyatt Papa Starling of the paintbrushes Aiden and clean Shaw jiggly crotch brocco bomber I am a living legend hunter of griefers Martin red Logan and Sam have been ridiculous rounder supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 158,206
Rating: 4.9204545 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron iv, hoi4, alex the rambler, hoi iv, hearts of iron 4 germany, hearts of iron 4 top 5, hoi4 advice, hearts of iron 4 fortnite, top 5 nations hearts of iron 4, top 5 hearts of iron 4 mods, hearts, of, iron, iv, entertainment, hearts of iron 4 france, hearts of iron 4 italy, hoi4 tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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