Top 5 Bubble Alternatives in 2024

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we're going to look at the top five bubble Alternatives we're going to look at the platforms the key features and the pricing so let's break down the top five number one we Web Two flutter flow three tottle four Builder and five share tribe now as we go through these different platforms it's important to note that bubble can do so much so it really depends on the functionalities and the features that you need for your project so in the comment section down below what kind of application or project are you building that's really important as we look at these different platforms so let's start with we web this allows you to build production grade web applications 10 times faster this is really important if you have a application that you're building like a uh software as a service a micro SAS things like that and you're going to be having tons of web pages that are going to be generated or it's going to be dominant on web that is where we web excels there are different features coming up in the New Year where they're going to allow you to be building applications and have different features but one of the standout things about we web I feel is that it's built for web that if you're having that kind of business or application this is something that you can be looking at for flutter flow I think it's going to be really the opposite it's mobile for first if you're trying to have a native application if you're going to be trying to submit it to the either Apple or Google Store this is what it excels at with flutter it's made for mobile applications you can build very quickly you can do this visually that's it just shines it just shines also too with the AI gen and so many of the new features that they have where you can be building out your pages and in your backend so quickly using the power of AI this is just a game Cher we've seen this with our clients and our students and the amount of features that they keep launching week after week with flutter flow it really stands out now totle todle allows you to build visually but you can pretty much build anything with tottle it is newer so the community is smaller but the amount of different things people have built with totle is pretty impressive in fact this page that you're looking at is built with tottle but you can be building marketplaces like Airbnb if you wanted to create your own YouTube you could do that if you wanted to this is really powerful their Community it's a niche Community it's in Discord they're helping each other but it it's just getting started it's very interesting Builder allows you to build full stack applications and everyone's going with this 10x faster I feel like everyone saying that I mean what's 12x faster though why isn't anyone doing the point is you can build a lot of things with Builder as well you can build web apps SAS internal tools Chrome extensions um you can do things with web 3 pwas Progressive web apps you can do a lot with Builder the thing is with Builder is I would say that it's on the spectrum of of low code it has its own workflow and is very different is very powerful but you have got to learn a lot to be proficient in Builder you can do so much with it you can build Enterprise sass with it there's a lot going on with it but I will say if we're looking at the Spectrum of like the harder type of no code platforms to learn I would keep I would say Builder is probably the hardest on the Spectrum flutter flow is low code as well it's a low code platform you can do stuff with custom code but Builder is by far the steepest learning curve with these different platforms with totle I would say when we're talking about like what's hard or what's hard to start using totle uses a lot of the Frameworks of things like HTML and CSS so if you're coming from a background where you're already knowing those kind of terminology the different libraries how it interacts all of the principles todle is a very easy transition but it depends on where you're coming from if you're coming from a no code background that have no idea about this this is another thing that you have to learn to be able to scale and move and then build visually with tottle or to be proficient in it something to consider the last one is share tribe now this allows you to launch a Marketplace without coding very quickly now why are we even talking about this share tribe is a niche platform for a very specific need I will say that because a lot of people sometimes try to build marketplaces with bubble and by the way you can if you look at some of the different platforms believe like tiny acquisition shout out to um Stephen Campbell you can do that with bubble but Shar tribe is meant for a Marketplace they are obsessed with marketplaces so the features the functionality all the different things you're going to be able to do that with Shar tribe a lot easier could you do that with other platforms yes in spots you definitely could but the type of marketplaces the way you can do this with no code the way you can customize the way you're going to be creating the one side two-sided Marketplace the onboarding for the buyers and sellers this is where it excels it's meant for marketplaces so that's why I mentioned at the beginning it depends on what kind of things that you're trying to create what are you building with bubble what are you trying to build with with any of these platforms it really is going to depend on the platform that you choose every platform has pros and cons but it's important to to evaluate are you building just for fun for your own self or are you trying to scale with a very specific demographic or industry in mind that will help you choose what platform is great for you in the comment section down below let me know which which platform you like what platform do you want to know more about and why are you switching from Bubble is it because the pricing do you not want to be locked in with all of your you know your entire business on Bubble without being able to export the code or doing anything like that let me know in the comment section down below
Channel: Doc Williams
Views: 2,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no code, no code app builder, no code tools, bubble app builder, best no code tools, app builder, no code app development, best nocode app builder, no-code app builder, top no code tools 2023, top no code tools 2024, softr, bildr, flutterflow, bubble, toddle, sharetribe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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