Don't Use No-Code Tools To Build Software: Bubble For Full-Stack Apps Without Code

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if you have a great software idea and you want to use a no code platform like bubble in today's video I'm going to explain to you why you should not do that why using a platform like this could actually be very negative and have very negative impacts on your overall ability to create softare in the future welcome back y'all in today's video this is probably going to lose me subscribers sponsorships and everything above the air but I got to be really transparent with y'all and truthful that's the whole point of this channel is I'm not going to fake anything I'm going tell you how it is and I'm telling you right now you do not want to use no code tools to build software can you build MVPs minimal VI minimal viable products yes so in today's video I'm going to explain why this is not a good thing to do and the reason I'm making today's video is I left a I made a short form piece of content about this topic I also did a tweet on this topic and I noticed a little bit of push back so I'm going to go ahead and explain to you why it's not a good idea to create a no code software and if this is the first time you're seeing me you're like who is this guy I'm creating a an entire AI software from scratch zero lines of code to 25,000 lines of code I'm pretty well versed in this realm I'm going to explain to you why taking the route of doing a software like this but through a no code solution is actually pretty detrimental so before we go through the drawbacks of using a tool like this let's talked about some of the positives yes I think designing a minimal bioproduct using bubble or using something like zapier is completely fine I think that is totally within the realm of just understanding intuitively how it all works what's the value point the connections that are made stuff of this nature the basically just creating an MVP to give you a concept of okay this could be done with software this is a good idea let's proceed but that's the limit don't take the extra step of trying to scale on bubbles platform you know this is not good and for a multitude of reasons so reason number one let's just start listing them out reason number one if you design a software like this and it's a great idea and you want to scale you using bubbles platform here is your first issue you don't actually know how it works with code okay Corbin that's not a big deal that's the whole point I didn't know code is so I don't have to know how it works with code okay so now you have to hire a team so let's say you have a great idea you built it on bubble and your idea has validity and it's growing and you decided not to basically go from MVP okay I'm going to take this concept and translate it to code myself go through the hard work of learning how to do it etc etc check out that video up there if you want to see the tools that are required to actually build a software through just code you can check out that video right there that being said if you don't and you actually take the alternative route here where you keep using bubble and you quote unquote scale with it and hire a Dev team you're going to run into the issue of not knowing how to actually understand it intuitively way it works with code so first you're going to have to hire a Dev team because you don't know how it works with code Dev team is this going to be one in individual two individual three individual are these individuals in domestically where you are are they are in different time zones on top of that are you willing to expend now because you have full stack Engineers on your team can you afford $300,000 a year to possibly have a team of three different Engineers this would assume that by the time you would entertain getting developers to code it out from scratch now you have to create legal document you have to create legal contracts with these developers ndas with these developers ensure that these developers will actually follow those ndas and the legal contracts if they're International so they're not just going to steal your idea and do it themselves because maybe it's not binding because they're in a different country this is going to be a headache so on top of hypothetically maybe just hiring a Dev team to build it out you have to worry about the legal implications of that Dev team maybe you're like you know what I don't actually want to hire at a Dev team to build out the software alternatively I'm just going to hire them as a an employee of the company that I'm currently running okay great are you willing to Shell out around 100 to 130k a year that is the starting salary for the type of Engineers you're looking for so the first drawback here is if you create a successful company using a no code tool like bubble and you're making money with it well congratulations you just set yourself up to pay Engineers that are going to be hundreds of thousands of dollars and that becomes issue number two what's issue number two issue number two is because you don't understand how it works in a codel likee manner you can't gauge correctly the pricing and the time lines that your engineers tell you what do I mean by that if you've ever built a website and you have competency on how to do website design through Shopify webflow stuff of this nature you understand intuitively that you could probably build a very effective and really good-look site within 5 days if you've never built a website you could be told this is going to take 3 to four weeks this is going to cost around $2,000 to $4,000 but if you have the if you have the knowledge of actually understanding how to build a website with your end product you know that's that's that's not true this could this is going to take me 5 days and I'll pay you around 800 saying that when you get into the context of your project and your code you're going to get overcharged and you're going to get timelines that are way longer than they should be therefore something in your software that could be technically coded out in 3 to 5 days is now being told to you that it can be coded out in a month what that does is as an extra layer of delay process in the overall value points of your software now we're delaying to Market because of the fact that you have an engineer team that is basically working 66% slower than they should be because you don't have the competency to understand that in reality to code this and the timelines associated with this you can't gut check them because you have no ethos in this realm I'm not saying this to sound mean I'm not saying this to undermine you I'm saying this because this is a very real thing that happens in the market if you're familiar with freelance lurk work you understand especially I I keep giving website design one because I think that's a great one a lot of people know how to create websites or a lot of people can kind of understand once you've created a website you're like wow did I get overcharged in the past like that's a great example right now translate that into coding out of software there's going to be a lot of stuff that if you don't understand how it works in code you're going to get overcharged and you're going to give and you're going to be given extended timelines Corbin that sounds like a headache what happened if I just don't even want to code it and I just you know we'll keep it on bubbles platform keep it no code I don't want to even deal with all of this headache that's fine if you don't proceed in that manner guess what there is a lot of other dropbacks okay you start creating a very successful platform it's going off you're making a lot of income you want to sell that platform what are you selling what's proprietary about your platform when softwares get bought out and purchased by other companies this is done through a manner of copyright law EG the software that is the code that you've written for it is I believe if I remember correctly the jargon is it's um trademarked or copyrighted for literary works just because back in the day they didn't have code right so the lines of code count as literary Works literary Works in this context is the piece of legal documentation you provide when you're selling or being bought out by another company as that's deemed to them that the workflow and the processes of this software is being purchased by this company which has a copyright on the literary works the code of this software so therefore we can transfer it to your company give me some money if you do it through bubble you don't have the thing that gets transferred and paid for you have a platform that's built on top of another platform you have nothing proprietary that's huge if your endgame is to never sell the software is to basically be locked down by the fees Associated the bubble platform that's fine this is why and this might have come off as a very harsh video but this is a very real video video I'm probably going to get a lot of negative feedback in the comments but if you want a real perspective from some someone in this industry someone's building a platform in this industry you need to hear it here what does this mean Corbin what does this mean this means this like anything you don't want to waste your time building out a platform and then basically hit every wall I just described there there is plenty more I hope that everything I just described there there was enough for you to realize that Holy Smokes I don't want to go down that route because I could get really really screwed so knowing that how do we leverage bubble how do we leverage zappier in the context of building software these are our MVPs we are going to build out the value point in the concept of passing data and get our endpoint okay great we know it works we know it works with software then we got to translate this to code Corbin I don't know how to code okay I go over this in a ton of different videos the first video I referenced was basically the tools needed to create a software this video is giving you a six-month timeline of how to approach the idea of coding software Ware but I'm telling you right now if you don't know how to code use Chad gbt to be your teacher I'm not saying go to Chad gbt and say programing entire software no no no step by step what's the first thing that is typically associated with a software y'all it's a homepage okay let's build a homepage with Chad gbt what are we going to use in our back end code we're going to use Python we're going to use Firebase these are going to be your back end what's going to be your front end we're going to use react we're going to use JavaScript HTML uh CSS we're going to build a front end we're going to start off a homepage it's going to take you three to four days to build up that homepage to understand everything okay what happens next with a software platform okay so after we build a homepage we need to have some type of login right how do we do logins okay we're do authentication with Firebase okay chbt how does this work okay so do I need to import this this is how you're going to do it and yes you will do this especially if you've never coded before you will probably be at this for 6 months there's no way to work around this y'all there is no magic pill there's nothing you can take it's going to take you six months to build out a borderline MVP but here is what you gained you've gained the knowledge of how it works in the back end you've gained the knowledge of how it works in the front end you've gained the knowledge of how to even build out a software from complete scratch which is probably the most valuable thing in this modern day and age especially with this new market emerging with artificial intelligence that's only been a able to do in the last 10 month 10 months in the context of gbt 4 let that sink in I don't want you to use these no code platforms and now you're you're Crux now you're spending money on Engineers when you yourself could be that engineer I didn't go to school with a computer science degree y'all I got a political science degree what I'm coding like you don't need to get a a a fancy piece of paper to tell you whether you can be a full stack engineer or not you can do it you just got to learn one thing and I I would say this is the probably the most important thing you need to understand as everyone learns differently I like watching videos to learn which I think a lot of other people doing a lot of people watching this right now like doing that as well but I'm telling you right now you need to reframe your brain rewire your brain and start learning with this you need to start getting the ability to learn through Reading text and conversating with chat gbt this is your new teacher oh Corbin I'm better at audior I'm better at visual I'm better at connect um I'm better at like actually doing it well when you're actually doing it by doing it so don't worry about that part of learning but this is your new teacher if you want a distinct Advantage this thing's open 247 seven days of the week start learning by talking and reading text that's going to be your distinct Advantage so that just about does it I'm going to leave a playlist here showing me creating my own software from scratch uh it's called concept to AI SAS there's a bunch of little little golden nuggets you can find there really understanding like why software makes so much money the implications of just data passing everything of that nature I didn't mean to come off too intense this might have been an intense video y'all but I feel like sometimes people need to hear it intense in order to understand like yo listen trust me do not go down that route that route is not the route you want to take so that being said I'll see you in the next video so that was the playlist I was referring to there which goes over all the stuff I've learned up to this point I've been creating the software that I'm currently at right now for around 7 months we're going to add more value I got paid users got everything so if you are really interested in creating AI software make sure to stick tuned on this channel here that's a random video that's my face I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 6,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai automation agency, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business
Id: OdV8TdUF8rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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