3 No Code App Builders To REPLACE Bubble (No Vendor Lock-In!)

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My most popular video since  getting back into Youtube is   a recommendation of no code app  builders for non tech founders. This is the TL:DR version of what I said: Everyone was cool, and we  all lived happily ever after. And then the bubble burst. On May 1st 2023, Bubble introduced an  abrupt change to its pricing method. It’s been…fairly unpopular. It’s a big change, and it was  implemented atom bomb style. But has it made me change my mind about  recommending Bubble to non-tech founders? No, not really. But also, yes, kind of. A quick look at Bubble’s atom bomb Bubble now charges based on  what it calls ‘Workload Units’. Essentially, how much your  app makes their servers work. And every little thing now has a price. User taps a button - workload units. User goes back? - more workload units. Problem is this was never a  metric for charging before,   so users didn’t pay attention  to it when building their apps. Why would they? Well, now they have to - the new plan  catapults many into Tier 5 pricing. That nukes your business model  into dust because it now costs   more to run your app than you  could ever charge your users. On top of that, Bubble doesn’t let you export  source code - you’re locked into the platform. For many users like Jordan Ryan, George Carlin  sums up their situation pretty accurately: Why am I still kind of OK with Bubble? Existing users are suffering -  that sucks, but it’s not the point. To a new user who signs up today  it’s not a ‘new’ pricing system. It’s just ‘the pricing system’. Aside from this, Bubble is still Bubble  - a no code app builder that is class   leading in terms of flexibility  and customization for web apps. New founders will build apps within  the new limitations - people adapt. I predict that apps with subscriptions in   the hundreds of dollars will  still be ok running on Bubble. The lack of transparency with workload  unit calculation is a big issue. But I can’t imagine the Bubble team will leave us  hanging - they’ll explain how it works in time. Or they won’t - and they implode from their  own greed - wouldn’t be the first time. You gotta remember this is a  risk that comes with no code. You…are kind of at their mercy. You can use alternative no code builders,   but they could pull a Bubble too - if it  means more revenue, why wouldn't they? Why am I not OK with Bubble? If it means more revenue, why wouldn't they? Because it’s possible to balance additional  revenue with not screwing over existing users. Bubble knew what the change meant  for their customers, and they went If you’re gonna implement changes this drastic,   I think more transparency  would have gone a long way. AKA, how the f**k do you rack up  those ridiculous Workflow Units? While in theory any no code app builder  could do this - Bubble actually did it. And you never realize how exposed you are to   vendor lock-in until you realize how  small and cramped that black box is. I understand how that makes some  never want to go anywhere near Bubble. So, if you’re one of those, here are  3 alternatives to bubble.io that you   can use to build robust and complex web apps. 1. First use case: you want to own your  code and keep developer options open For the first use case, we have the non-tech  founder that wants to go solo for as long as   possible and might want to hire a developer  later on - so they want to keep options open. They’ve also seen the dangers of being locked  into a platform like Bubble and they’re like f**k that. They prioritize function and freedom  over user-friendliness and quick results,   and they’re prepared to put in the work. For them, I’d recommend Wappler. Wappler is a low code platform  that still allows people with   no coding knowledge to build complex  workflows like you’d find on Bubble. They have the usual: visual front end and logic builders, and visual API connector Here are key differences: You can access your source code and files any  time, and it’s all in HTML and CSS - so if   they pull a Bubble, you can tell them to get  f**ked and take your project somewhere else. There’s no hosting option like on  Bubble, so you set up and connect   your own external hosting - good thing  if you want long term sustainability. Having a low code option makes hiring  a developer down the line much more   feasible - as long as you’ve done  a decent job up to that point,   someone like me can just take over and  start coding on the platform itself. To be fair, I think the learning curve to fully   utilize Wappler is steeper  than Bubble, for a reason. I’ve always thought Bubble  allowed non tech founders   to reach the limits of no code development. I still do - as long as they can  afford to pay for the workflow units. But I think Wappler bridges the gap between no  code and conventional development much better. I recommend going through their tutorial at   least once and keeping it open as  you navigate your first project. Take a look at their pricing keeping  in mind this is a Bubble alternative. I think it’s very reasonably priced. 3. WeWeb + a backend of your choice For the second use case, we have the  non tech founder that wants to go solo   for as long as possible and has no  plans to hire a developer - the app   doesn’t have to be easily portable  and can stay no code forever. That saves you the trouble of learning Wappler. For your front end, you’ll be using WeWeb. WeWeb is a no code front end  web app builder that offers   most of the functionality of Bubble with a  refreshingly modern and easy-to-use interface. You can: Build complex workflows. Connect to all the usual third party APIs And upload your own elements if you want to. WeWeb also lets you export your source  code - not as easily as Wappler,   but it can be done which is  more than we can say for Bubble. Just like Wappler, WeWeb doesn’t host or provide  any native backend - you’re supposed to decide   which you want to use - the most common stack I’ve  seen is Xano, but really, you can use anything. I suggest taking a look at WeWeb’s  showcase to see the kinds of apps   that have been built with it - some  fairly cool and complex stuff there. Their pricing is pretty comparable to Wappler  - to me it’s not a deciding factor here. With Wappler, it’s going to be easier to  shift the project to custom code if and   when the time comes. If you’re sure that  time is ‘never’, WeWeb is an easier front   end builder to master, and Wappler’s  learning curve becomes a bit overkill. 3. If you want a web app with  a (common) specific function The last use case is a founder that  has a specific type of app in mind. Instead of using a generalist no code builder,   choose a platform that specializes  in the kind of app you want to build. If it’s a common app type, there will be. And specialized boilerplates are more complete  than what a WeWeb or Wappler will provide. Also, their support team can serve you better   since they’re specifically trained  to deal with your type of questions. One super common example - a marketplace app. You have a few platforms to choose  from, I’m just going to point out one. Sharetribe. They handle technical parts of  a marketplace app, including: user management payment processing  listing management legal compliance They’ve helped over 1000 marketplaces  all over the world set up shop. If you’ve got a new idea to  validate, start with Sharetribe Go,   where they’ve got existing templates that  come with common features in a marketplace. As you grow and want to further customize  your marketplace, move to Sharetribe Flex,   where a developer can add third party integrations  and build custom features for the UI and UX. You’d never get this level of specialized  features from the likes of Bubble or Wappler. There are other specialty  web app builders out there. Say you want an ecommerce app - go with Shopify.  Say you want to build an internal tool for  businesses - go with Retool or Stacker. I don’t think I can cover all the specific  use cases in this video, and honestly… I don’t want to. Because inevitably, whatever I recommend,   ten people will come along asking  me “What about this other one?”. I don’t believe in giving someone a  fish when… someone else already has. Check out No-Code.Tech, a no code tool aggregator  that incidentally, was acquired by Stacker. They’ve got a curated database  of no code tools that cover… tentatively every use case you can think of. At least, I’ve never had a moment  where I thought of a use case and   No Code Tech didn’t have some suggestions for me. So if you think you have a common use case,  check it out - link is in the description,   along with everything else  I’ve recommended in the video. So, after looking at all these options… What would I suggest for the  average non tech founder? I’m going to put myself in  your shoes for a moment. If I understand you correctly, I’m not sure what I want to build I have little to no coding knowledge  I want to keep costs low in case I fail, and Honestly, I don’t know whether I want to hire   a developer down the line, I don’t  even know if this idea will take off First, understand that the whole  point of no code is to keep costs   low - the alternative is hiring a  developer like this con man here. When you compare it that way, suddenly the  priciest no code platforms become dirt cheap. And if you’re already going to  enjoy significant cost-savings,   do you really need to penny pinch even more? Why not go for the most robust option? It’s like when companies outsource  their software projects overseas. They’re already getting it for dirt cheap. Some directors get blinded by that  bottom line and hire the cheapest of   the cheap - and even if the project succeeds  - I’m just joking the project always fails. Don’t be that director. So with that said, I’d go with Wappler. You’ll need to learn how to use the platform  before you can really get things going,   but once you get things going, you  can take it as far as it can go. And because it’s in HTML and CSS,   once you’ve taken it as far as you  can, you can just tag a developer in. At that point, you already know you have  a profitable idea, so I’d argue that speed   becomes something worth paying for, since  it’s now an investment rather than a gamble. Now, I take it when you start development, you’ll  be working on an MVP or Minimum Viable Product. I’d like to introduce you to the  concept of a Minimum Lovable Product. The difference between the two is that an MLP  is not just supposed to work like an MVP is,   it’s supposed to trigger a positive  emotional response from your users. It means more work, but being smart about it. So just a bit more work, gets  you a lot more love from users. If that sounds good, check out my video  covering MLP complete with use cases. If you’d like to get a refresher on MVP  first, check out the second video first. I hope you found these recommendations  useful - if you did, subscribe, leave   a like and comment below - what questions about  app development would you like to have answered?
Channel: Adrian Ching
Views: 69,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no code web builder, no code, best nocode app builder, no code app builder, no code tools, no code app development, no code development, best no code app builder, no code website builder, no code saas builder, bubble.io alternative, nocode, bubble app builder, app builder, best no code app builder 2023, top no code tools 2023, best no-code tools 2023, best no-code app builder, nocode app builder, no-code app builder, nocode tools, best no code tools, no code web app builder
Id: kfEsmKqFmgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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