Top 5 Bubble Alternatives for Building Web-apps

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I'm going to be going over the five alternatives to using bubble and we're going to be looking at the different platforms the key features the pricings and what platforms I personally would choose to begin first think about what are you trying to create in the comment section down below let me know or write it down on a piece of paper that's going to be important because all of these different platforms that we go through have pros and cons they're built for different reasons so it's important for you to understand what you're trying to build to make sure you select the right type of platform let's go with my first option and that is flutter flow now this is where you can create different apps and you can deploy them to the iOS store the Google Play Store whatever flutter flow was initially for mobile applications but now it's expanded and you can create websites and other things all using flutter flow the next one I would look at would be retool this is where you can create internal tools and you can do a lot of complex things with this the formats and everything like that we've seen a six-figure businesses actually build their read their tool um using retool next a sleeper people don't talk about canonic enough you can build internal tools again with this but this is more on the low code side number four would be Builder and this really allows you to visually build out different web applications but you can build like SAS Chrome extensions uh Progressive web apps which are pwas the list goes on and on if you try and do something with web3 you can do that with Builder as well and then the fourth uh the fifth excuse me is weweb and this where you can build uh production grade applications really quickly and I got A Sneak I got a sneak peek of my sixth and favorite one uh a little bit later so let's go feature by feature of like looking at these five different selections okay so if we're looking at flutter flow the features that really pop out is it's a great user experience so you can do a lot of advanced animations you can do a lot of different things as you're building uh using flutter flow you the animations you can do push notifications you can do light and dark mode and also enables you to use chat in group chat all standard things if you're trying to build mobile applications and and really scale from there uh the other thing that I would mention too is they have uh something that they just added which they're in another video I'm going to be talking about which is flutter flow AI generation or AI gen and you can actually type in up to 500 characters or yeah 500 400 characters or 400 words describing what you're looking for on the page and then it will build it for you there's a link down below somewhere to show you um what this looks like the preview and then me actually having access to it this is going to be a game changer because this is going to allow you to be building all different types of apps and just describe the layout and then it's going to build the framework for you it's just going to get better and better uh the other thing that I'll say with the features a thing that you know sticks out would be flutter flow allows you to export the code so this is based on the open source flutter a code which is created by Google so you can export it so you're not having that lock in if you don't want to use flutter flow anymore you can just take the code manipulate yourself and do whatever so there's a plus there's something to consider there retool I think is one of the best when you're trying to create a lot of advanced actions and you're doing API calls you can be doing things with Google Sheets and do Apps scripts just a lot of really nitty-gritty things where people want to have a lot of control retool is a great option along with flutter flow with having that exporting Factor Connecticut canonic is one of the few that allow you to actually export your code this is really three flutter flow UI Bakery used to do it but I would say canonic is uh I I just wouldn't use UI Bakery in a lot of places and they might have uh stopped that feature but canonic does allow you to export the code so that's another um thing to consider I would say with canonic which stands out is you can build a front-end and back end which just means you can visually build out what you're going to do for your internal tool so look nice when people log in or do whatever but then also if you're trying to create a back end where you're creating a database or even API documentation where people can now interact with your database it does all those things with canonic yeah now it's more of a low code you're gonna have to do a little bit more but or understand a little bit more but those are some of the benef benefits of having it okay next up is Builder Builder is pretty unique being the Builder is unique because it's so scalable I will say it is very hard to use now I know a lot of people have pushbacks sometimes they're like well it's like anything else well actually the ones that I have seen that have the most success with Builder they're actually developers that instead of them coding now they're going to be using their expertise to using Builder so for no code so it depends on where you're coming in at in this space if you're a no coder and you're like I just want to build out my idea very quickly and I don't have a technical background Builder is going to be tough for you you're going to have to learn uh it's a it's it's a steep learning curve versus if you're a developer and you're you're trying to build something where you're not you're trying to build fast you're trying to not experience a lot of errors and debug and spend time doing that Builders could be one of your best friends it just depends on where you're coming from and where you're trying to build but Builder I've seen a large Enterprise companies be able to build things with Builder that's one of the benefits of it a newer place a new a newer platform in the space would be we web uh there's a lot that people are trying to now do with them especially with different changes with pricing with bubble um what I would say is with web weweb I'd start looking at what can it do for you and really think about is this the right is this right platform for what you're trying to do don't just jump in and say like well it could be cheaper what am I going to do all those things but there's there's a lot of things they can do but what are you trying to use it for if you want more information on weweb let me know we might do a video on it okay so we basic features of all them and by the way other videos down below uh you'll link out we have tons of versus videos if you want me to go a little bit deeper on some of these platforms but let's just talk about brass hacks and what people care about and that is also about pricing what are we looking at here well for flutter flow you can start for free the thing that I would really focus on is again what are you going to be using this for and are you using this as a hobby a minimal viable products scaling all those different things but to get into the game for floor flow it's still free you're going to have limited things but you're going to be able to experience the platform start building and testing your application at the standard plan that's where you can download the code I don't see this being a problem because if you're going to get to level of if you want to leave or there's something to show for this you could either just pay thirty dollars a month and just download your project and just balance if you want to so I I don't see it being a problem at the 30 price point it has a Firebase integration right there so you can have a back end um and Firebase is very affordable you just have to know how to structure it and things like that so there's a learning curve when you're dealing with flutter flow and using a database like that if you're using a template or something you're going to be able to have a lot of things configured you're still going to have to do the basic uh hookup with it you're going to have pre pre-built templates all the way across I think that's great uh two API endpoints for the zero and thirty dollars I don't see that being a problem um and then when you're more serious and you're trying to do something with apis it'll be unlimited at seventy dollars a month the only thing that I would really look at is if you're trying to do a lot more advanced things and you're going to have uh it hooked up to GitHub then you're going to be in the 70 range and then when you're going to deploy it to the app in Play store that's going to be uh seventy dollars as well so again you can start for free test it out even send it to a lot of your beta testers and then when you're ready you can upgrade and you can do that for a month and you can just bounce after that or continue and flutter flow the one thing I will say with flutterflow they're constantly building they're constantly building so that's awesome to see awesome to see so we see that their team is really agile they're constantly pushing different um yeah features changes I just love that about that team for a retool number one check out how much you can like there's tons of like right here the startups get 25k in retoole credits there's so many things that you can be doing that um and that's just great so it starts at zero dollars for five users again this is for internal use it makes sense that they're capping the users or doing things like that so it's five dollars no zero for five users and then it's ten dollars per user per month if you're going team um for the zero dollars a month build unlimited web and mobile apps write and execute unlimited workflows connect apis store up to five gigs of hosted um post uh so post create SQL uh database 100 production ready UI components so you can basically have the full package at zero dollars this is great especially if you have a small team and all those things and again you can apply for the 25k for the ritual credits let's see at ten dollars adding unlimited users yeah so ten dollars per user uh just keep that in mind configure staging and production environments for your resources that makes sense especially if you're going to be doing a lot of um just a lot with your with your database again depends on what kind of internal app you're trying to create create and manage releases of your apps so version and all those things and revert to any previous version of an app with version history great uh at the 50 level unlimited environment a deployment environments Uh custom permission for groups granular control okay so that's really going to be depending if you're managing a larger Corporation things like that or a larger team whatever you're trying to do with retool for the most part I've seen a lot of people just go with the free plan and they do great um again depends on what you're trying to build canonic if we're looking at pricing I mean the essentials it's zero dollars for unlimited projects unlimited collaborations unlimited users and Discord report I mean Discord support custom domains you do not have that caching no environments one audit logs no okay on-premises self-storage a self-hosted okay if we go with that okay so for the vast majority if you're going to be using this you're going to go with canonic Advanced pricing um you have to contact them I don't know what the pricing is right now for the new plan but I would say the vast majority I've seen people just use um just use a free plan I haven't seen someone that has had to move into a paid plan guess it's possible depending on what you're trying to build but it's pretty robust just for the free plan um again this is another thing I would just like to point out when you're dealing with a lot of startups and new no code platforms pricing will change depending on what's going on if they're bootstrapped if they have VC funding all of those things so things to keep in mind all right so pricing for Builder we're looking at the pricing starting at free you'll just have the um Builder domain for free one Builder one gig of bandwidth 20 000 data records 5000 API calls that's pretty robust for the free when you go to 29 a month that's where you have the custom domain you have no Builder branding so that really starts when you're launching your your brand and you're serious then you can go to 29 a month to get started and you're having that many API calls 20 000 data records I I yeah I think that's pretty robust that's most likely 5000 API calls per month and when you're at launching you have two Builders let's break this down you have two Builders 25 gigs of bandwidth 50 000 data uh data records so probably rows of data that's going to be going from there uh just like if you're using um MySQL if you're using a Google sheet yeah you could be using Zano the list goes on on 50 000 API calls Pro you're gonna go with five Builders 20 250 gig bandwidth uh tool 250 000 data records yeah and 500 000 API calls 119 a month so when you're looking at this structure again depending on what you're doing with your business goes from free 29 119 and then scaling up which would be you know was this isolated hosting and scaling premium support custom billing one-on-one onboarding yeah you have a lot of things custom storage option for self-hosting premium support custom host yeah 500 dollars so for the most part you're going to be looking at free 29 or 119. okay and then if we look at weweb you're looking at free starting one developer all the features and edit uh Edition mode it's Edition mode hmm let's look into this okay so I want to know what more details about addition but 59 at starter one live project custom domain one developer IP white listing so if I'm looking at one developer and then I'm saying everything in free one live project that's interesting I wonder if that is to the public when they describe live that's another thing a lot of platforms have different terminology or vocabulary so I would just look at their documentation or look in their ask their help desk to understand a little bit more but if I'm seeing one live project for 59 I would assume that's one live application that everyone can use uh you get 50 000 monthly app sessions users can upload one gig of files if they want to uh emails and chat support 199 you've got three developers roles and permissions so again it becomes more granular staging environment so then that way you can stage and test things out before you push it live three backups data caching system users can upload 10 Giga files and then 150k monthly app sessions so you're going from 0 59 to 199 that's interesting okay so we went through the five different ones now I'm gonna give you a sleeper one that I'm gonna pick and this is a sixth one that I don't talk about a lot or I need to talk about a lot more and that's paper form now a lot of people might think this is really basic this is just a form Builder but we have created marketplaces with paper form for clients and for our students and for ourselves we've created some of our best converting uh funnels with paper form we have created a um ride sharing app MVP with a paper form and the list goes on and on I use paper form all the time so it really depends on looking at the functionality of what you're trying to do and the robustness of what you need for your application what platform you plan on using but these are just a few things that you can be doing instead of using bubble now the question is which one would I use if I'm going through all these different ones well I know some people are going to hate on this but it really depends but I'm going to show you a couple that why I would choose it and when for mobile apps and if I'm really trying to scale I'm going to go with flutter flow I'm going to be able to export my code if I want to and if I need to feel like I'm not logged in I can use it and overall they have the best team that keeps scaling quickly in the game in this no code low codes landscape they are just just doing damage they're they're one of my favorites if I'm trying to build internal uh tools and I'm trying to get away from Bubble I want a little bit more intricacies retool is something that I really look at but I would say the one downside I would have with retool is although it makes really good internal tools I see a lot of people that want very specific UI and ux changes or customization retool I would say is perfect for data and structuring what you want around it not visually at this time so if you're like I need it to look a certain way it can do very basic things what really stands out with with retool is the robust Automation and the back end what you can be doing with the data and how you can be displaying it all of those things not the total overall design of the app and everything like that if I'm worried about UI ux it's just going to be flutter flow all day long canonic is very specific uh use case if I'm trying to create a us a cast a knowledge as a service I would probably do that as canonics so if I'm selling access to a database um I would be using canonic hands down I've heard a lot of great things with Builder I have yet to seen great use cases in the space of no code in low code to be able to do this I will say this is probably on par with the most robust um ways that you can build pretty much anything with Builder similar to like bubble I mean if anyone needs to build anything in no code and like you just need an all over like a all-in-one overall like uh just Behemoth it's going to be bubble or Builder the thing that I've been saying with builder for quite some time is the workflow and how to be able to use bubble excuse me how to use Builder I feel is lacking at this time they do have some basic tutorials but I have not seen this at this time and but the community is getting a lot better they have a Discord and all those things just I'm still waiting that doesn't mean I again Enterprise companies they've been able to scale this is a solid platform they're not going anywhere but I haven't seen I haven't seen what I like for like flutter flow um it hasn't been as user friendly and uh the releases they still do great things you can do again you can create Chrome extensions you can do all those things I haven't seen the uh the community be able to or even the company to build really easy Plug and Play templates that make sense in the UI ux to build again if you're a developer coming over I've heard nothing but great things and actually some of my friends that I've referred and they've used Builder they really like it but again it's developers that are using that are writing code and then they're coming to Builder not the other way around so I think that's a big thing to mention uh weweb I see a lot of experimentation with this um I am still looking for a great uh use case in people doing this in the community if you're if you use we web and you want to shout out your project let me know in the comment section down below drop your project or contact me but I'm still experimenting with weweb but I'm looking for a use case why this is better than any other platform and again why am I using paper form I'm using paper form a lot of times because I am trying to create things very quickly and to create MVPs and again a lot of people forget about how form builders can just allow you to do a lot of things quickly but my favorite example we did docs connections it was a one-sided Marketplace to find people that are having problems with no Code and low code and then we connect them with experts again the mechanics of the marketplace and everything we wanted built it in less than two hours of all those things and we've had great results the next phase that I would be scaling up from this if I wanted to use share tribe or share tribe Flex for marketplaces but again I could just knock out my ideas I do so much with this and we'll go from there so let me know in the comment section which one are you going to be choosing different ideas and all of those things if people are like Doc you just went through all of them which one are you going to choose again the winner is flutter flow and paper form those are my two that I would go with hands down if you like these kind of videos make sure that you like and subscribe we do this every single week and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Doc Williams
Views: 45,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No code, adalo, bubble, voice flow,, softr, appgyver, backendless, glide app, no code app builder, app builder, doc williams, bubble app builder, no code development, brand factory, build with me, build app without code
Id: JPbu1OwK_dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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