Bubble vs FlutterFlow: key differences and pricing explained (2024)

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by the end of this video you're going to  understand the difference between flutter flow   and bubble and hopefully know which no code tool  you want to use in your next project so flutter   flow and bubble are both no code tools that allow  you to build web applications without writing any   code one of the big differences between flutter  flow and bubble is bubble integrates the database   into the no code tool so when you're building  in bubble you're going to build the front end   uh you're going to build the logic and you're  going to store your data all in bubble so it   takes care of all of that for you which makes  it a little bit easier to get started with and   a little easier to build in flutter flow on the  other hand uh doesn't take care of the back end   integrated into the tool directly you're going  to use a separate back end such as super base or   Firebase which allows you to store your database  separately and then you're going to have to to   connect it to your flutter flow application so  this makes it a little bit more complicated to   get started and build in but it also has the  benefit of having your database separated from   your flutter Flow app uh which is actually kind of  helpful if you ever want to you know move uh your   uh app to a different service let's say you want  to eventually move to code in the future uh for   some reason you don't um want to use flutter flow  anymore your database is on a separate platform   uh which can be really helpful so that can be a  uh pro of flutter flow but it also can be a con   because it's a little bit trickier to build in so  something to be aware of um right off the bat is   the way that your data is stored on each of these  platforms the other thing off the bat to be aware   of between the difference between flutter flow and  bubble is that flutter flow currently allows you   to uh publish your app directly into the Apple App  Store or the Google Play Store and it's uh you can   turn it into an app that someone can download  on their mobile phone now bubble has announced   that they are building this functionality into  the no code tool and they haven't said exactly   when it's going to be released yet maybe by  the time you're watching this video they have   released that and you can now um upload your  app into the App Store um from bubble but as of   now as of January 2024 you can only do that with  flutter flow directly from the platform now there   are wrappers uh that you can use to essentially  wrap your app um in bubble if you Google um you   know App Store wrapper for bubble you'll be able  to find some solutions which is going to allow you   to essentially wrap your app and and publish  it into an app store um so there is a way to   do it but it's not um going to probably perform  as well currently as flutter flow will for that   uh so something to to be aware of uh between the  difference between flutter flow and bubble there   on the other hand uh bubble is built natively uh  to build web apps so it's really really good at   building web apps a web app is an application that  you just access from a web browser whether it is   a mobile web browser or uh phone web browser uh  and uh flutter flow on the other hand is as you   can even see from their kind of first um image  here on their homepage it's more optimized for   a uh for a phone app for a native app so uh you  want to think about what kind of app Do you want   to build um if you're totally okay just building  a web app and that's going to solve um the problem   that you're building for most of your users uh  then bubble might be uh the tool that you want   to consider there uh so just kind of keep that  in mind between uh whether you want to build a   web app or whether it's really important for  you to um to build a native app that someone   can download on their phone uh now flutter flow  can ALS also uh build web apps so um kind of just   like I mentioned before how bubble there's ways  to build um you know iPhone apps that you can   download onto your phone uh flutter flow has  this functionality too for web apps um so it   doesn't mean that you can't use flutter flow for  that if you want to the next thing that I want   to talk about is the community of each of these  no code tools so they both have really strong   communities and the reason that this is important  is let's say You're Building in either of these   tools and you run into an issue um one thing that  you're going to want to do is uh search in their   Community forums uh see if anyone's asked the  question before that you're dealing with or you   can ask the question yourself if it's new and  and get an answer from the community this is   really helpful uh with any no code tool that you  are using both of these tools have really strong   communities so I would say it's really a tie there  um in terms of uh which Community is going to be   stronger uh bubble has been around a little bit  longer so there might be more questions already   answered in their forums uh for example um but  uh flutter flow again does have a very strong   Community as well okay pricing this is something  that you are probably really curious about uh so   the pricing is different uh for both flutter flow  and bubble and part of this also reflects the fact   that bubble has integrated the database into um  the the product whereas flut or flow separates   out um kind of building the app uh from the um  from the database so off the bat both flutter   flow and bubble have free trials so you're able to  uh learn how to use the tools and build with the   tools to get started for free uh then uh they have  monthly plans uh which is going to vary between uh   as you can see with bubble 29 119 you're probably  going to need like a starter or growth plan to   get started um and then similar here 30 to 70  here for standard to Pro uh the big difference   is that uh with bubble you also are going to uh  pay for something called workload units uh which   is uh essentially uh think of it as u a workload  unit is charged when someone uh does something on   your app and the more like backend Logic for  example that your app is running uh the more   workload units you're going to use so if you run  out of these um included workload units in your   plan you would have to pay a an additional charge  to buy more workload units uh whereas with flutter   flow you don't have any of that because you're  going to be paying a separate bill for using   Firebase or superbase or whatever your database  is maybe xano that you're using um now uh this   those um other tools such as Firebase are going  to have cost but it's likely going to be a lot   less than what bubble is charging here for their  workload units so overall you'll probably end up   paying less less uh using flutter flow at least  if your app really scales uh now I personally   haven't had an issue with the workload units uh  in bubble I know that's something a lot of people   are concerned about I run multiple apps on bubble  and I haven't had an issue with the pricing there   uh there might be some types of apps such as  like a social media app that has tons of usage   uh but not a lot of maybe monetization in the  beginning or for a while where the costs could   get um pretty high if you don't have monetization  built into your app uh so it's just something to   be aware of um and uh something that I can talk  more about in another video uh but that's kind   of the difference between pricing in terms of  flutter flow and bubble so um hopefully that's   that's a helpful kind of overview there something  else that you're going to want to consider when   you're choosing between flutter flow and bubble  is the ability to export your code so this is   something that flutter flow allows you to do that  bubble does not allow you to do so with flutter   flow you can actually download all of the code  that uh flutter flow has it written for you and   you can take that code and then you can give it to  a developer and then that developer can uh write   code on top of that code uh whereas with bubble  you are not able to export the code so you have   to use their proprietary platform uh so this is  something to keep in mind and it is an advantage   for uh flut flow if that's something that is  important to you so hopefully that was a helpful   overview of the pros and cons of each platform uh  what their similarities are what their differences   are if you have any additional questions about  any of these platforms just leave a comment below   and I'll do my best to answer them if you want  to learn how to build in these platforms check   out nocode MBA no code. MBA click the link in the  description and uh you can go to our course or our   flut flow course where we have courses to help  you learn how to build uh with uh both of these   tools our flutter flow course is actually coming  really soon uh so if you click and you don't see   it quite yet um it's going to be uploaded soon  to uh no code MBA um we also have building apps   with AI which is a course that covers a lot  of building with bubble and connecting to um   AI API such as stable diffusion uh open Ai  and a lot more so that might be of interest   uh to you as well so again I hope you enjoyed  this video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: No Code MBA
Views: 4,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TeRa5L9HK5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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