FlutterFlow VS Bubble 2023 |App Builder

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flutter Flow versus bubble you're going to be learning five things we're going to be talking about key features the pricings which one I would choose how you can get started and start making money with these two platforms and we're going to be talking about the elephant in the room about Bubble at the end let's go let's first of all what are the features and what's going on with flutter flow flutter flow is a platform where you can build applications and it's really easy to get started and to scale your version one bubble is a platform where you can pretty much build anything you want in with no code with visual building you can pretty much build anything now the key features of flutter flow and bubble I would really focus on what are you looking to try to do because there are so many different features that you can be doing or using flutter flow for instance if you are looking for really good design the animations the push notifications if you're using mobile app that's what I would be looking for flutter flow although flutter flow can be used as a mobile app and now they've broken into creating web pages and web apps I would they're like bread and butter I would say what sets them apart is creating really good apps that you can download from the App Store but there are tons of features that you can be looking at that you can get with flutter flow with bubble when we're looking at what it can do again I would focus on what the functionality you're looking for you can create marketplaces with bubble you can create internal tools you can create software as a service you can create SAS products that can scale so it really depends on what you're trying to do with bubble but there is quite a bit you can do with bubble I will say if we're looking at design and all those things bubbles design although it's been 10 years plus I just don't think the design has really scaled like how flutter flow has it's a beautiful design there's so many components that allow it to make it like a modern app versus bubble you can do the fundamentals and you have to have a lot of creativity and you've got to use other people's um either plugins or templates to make it look good honestly but it's highly it's very powerful I'll say that now past the features let's just talk about pricing what are we looking at for flood flow you can start for free and depending on what you're trying to do you can scale up if you're going to be wanting to export the code and to have um Integrations with a database you're going to be able to do that 30 right so you can use the core features pre-built templates the Firebase integration so the uh the back end that you can build with it APK download and then down uh code download so that'd be thirty dollars if you don't want to even export the code and you're just building uh and just testing it out you can start for free I would really start there once you go pro then you can actually uh do a one-click app translation with uh Google translate which is awesome and you can deploy it or you can uh yeah you can deploy it to the app and play store so that's going to be at seventy dollars what I would say here is you can get traction at zero dollars or thirty dollars test it get paying customers before you launch but you can do that with pre-sales and all these other different things before you start investing at seventy dollars which is a great deal in my opinion especially with all the things that you get now again for the core platform features you can do that from zero dollars onwards so that's not going to stifle any of the building process it's not going to be like a freemium unlock you can just build it from scratch but you can't use templates you can build it use all the stuff you find at the marketplace you can do tons of things but to make it on the App Store it's going to be seventy dollars but to notice all what also you can download the code and if you didn't want to pay for a flutter flow anymore you could still keep the code and you could stop using flutter flow I wouldn't suggest it but if you're worried about being stuck on a platform or or just the economics of it you could export it and you'd be good to go and we'll talk about a little bit later why I would continue to use flutter flow but you got to do what's right for you regarding bubble there's two things that we want to talk about with pricing and I've done videos there's going to be links down below because this is a big thing with uh bubble because they are changing their pricing now I will just say to make it super super simple to just see um you can start for free with bubble it's not a problem you can start with the basics and we'll go into the elephant in the room at the end talking about the pricing changes and what everyone's talking about with bubble but the summary is you can start for free work on Bubble do all these things see if you like it and then go from there all right let's go into the next part let's go into which one I would choose if we're looking at flutter flow or if we're looking at bubble which one would I choose I'm going to go with the flutter flow now I will put a caveat there in the past I've done reviews years before I'd say it depends and it still does it depends on what kind of app you're trying to create but if I'm looking at which platforms that I see the advancement in the direction that I like I'm gonna go with flutter flow I like the exporting of code so I can take it with me if I want to the team is releasing different features almost weekly and they're listening to their Community that's a big plus for me and flutter flow I just see more and more things being added for example AI gen there's a link down below to the feature that I was talking about here where you can actually be building different pages in flutter flow with different AI prompts so if you've ever used chat GPT where you're prompting and you're asking for an answer you can be doing this where you're just taking text and it's actually going to go from text to app that's crazy so the team is really really um I would say Innovative and there's tons of things that you can do with open Ai and the list goes on and on and it looks beautiful I love working with flutter flow now I will say I've I continue to work with clients and we build certain SAS and internal internal tools with bubble so it just depends on what you're trying to create but this this goes into the elephant in the room that we'll talk about in one second about the pricing so I mentioned talking about making money how can you be doing this we have something called the 50 plus High profit high high profit side hustles you can download for free you can see how if you're going to be using bubble or flutter flow how you can be making money from your skills learning it making sure that you can be a service provider providing templates all these different things and examples how people are making their money and how much they're making right now with no code tools take a look at that and if you still want to know more about what's going on with no code in general in the industry we have a whole industry report that's going to break down what's happening this year and what's happening in the future so check that out all right so we're going to go back to the elephant in the room okay so this was announced in April 2023 that they were making some changes to Bubbles pricing now I've did a whole video about what I think about the pricing and the summary is I don't really think this is a huge deal because they are VC funded which means that they're getting money to scale their business which is great it allows them to provide more things to their customers but with that exchange among other reasons they have they have to make more money they got to be more profitable to give back more earnings to their investors so they have increased the pricing now they've been around for 10 years they haven't really increased the price so I ain't mad at that just Shopify increased their prices as well but the problem that we're seeing with a lot of developers and Builders is how they're doing a certain feature and that is the workload in bubble and the other video goes into the details but the summary is there's a lot of red tape or there's a lot of things that can go wrong if you miscalculate the workload which means you could be spending hundreds and if the app was big enough thousands of dollars more than what you're intended to do because the workflow was wrong okay now they also mentioned that you can contact their team for help and all of those things especially if you're an agency owner but a lot of people are seeing that their apps that they originally thought was going to be a lot cheaper because of the price changes it doesn't make Financial sense for them to continue so it really depends on what kind of app you're trying to create but what we say all the time on this channel and I'm going to say it again is I'm all about that money you need to create a software as a surface a SAS a swas software with a service whatever kind of business you got to make some money so if it's not profitable that's a hobby and some people are creating with bubble Glide flutter flow whatever and they have the intent to only have this as a hobby but there's always a trade-off there so for the most part you've got to figure out a ways to make money either by sponsorship ads or paying customers and that's really important um if you have the money to just do it as a hobby and you want to invest into it but for the vast majority Builders they want to make some kind of money off of this so you've got to figure out either talking to your customer earlier doing MVPs doing pre-sales to validate before you're going to be scaling from there that is the main outcry that we've seen with the community with these changes also they announced with this change they're kind of phasing it in so for the next 18 months of existing apps um you're going to be able to well I'll just read it it says for existing apps let me zoom in here says for existing apps you have the choice either a remain on your existing plan for up to 18 months with a 10 increase starting on May 1st 2023 or B switch over to the one to one of the new plans detailed below okay so they're giving you basically a leeway of 18 months to to make this transition which is which is nice but some people are like I don't want to see this at all and also too I'm trapped on Bubble I want to take my stuff well that enters the conversation again with flutter flow because you're going to be able to take the code um it's allowing you to use flutter so flutter flow is on the open source code which is flutter created by Google you can just use it and then leave and you don't have to use flutterflow you're not dependent on a platform or if something happens so that that's the big thing right now do you want to be locked in with bubble or flutter flow now whatever you decide to use keep in mind there's benefits why you would stay on a platform for example the benefits of flutter flow is if you don't want to deal with just being encoding or having errors and you want to visually build you have the best of both worlds you can always take your code but you can stay with flutter flow and expand from there with bubble some people have seen that they have stayed with them for years and years and this isn't big deal and they want to scale and they want to stay with a bubble that's okay just keep in mind what are you looking to do where what are your priorities do you have paying customers how do you want to scale all of those things and from there you can make a decision for yourself but again from what the future is happening and and what we see in the landscape I'm gonna go with flutter flow right now but if you're staying with bubble let me know what kind of apps you're trying to create what are you doing let me know in the comment section down below and if you want more details or you want more videos like this comparisons let me know in the comment section and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Doc Williams
Views: 26,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No code, adalo, bubble, voice flow, repurpose.io, softr, appgyver, backendless, glide app, no code app builder, app builder, doc williams, bubble app builder, no code development, brand factory, build with me, build app without code, flutterflow app builder, flutterflow vs bubble.io, flutterflow vs adalo
Id: VBjmtaiFckc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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