Webflow vs Bubble in 2 minutes! 2024 SaaS No-Code Tools Comparison! Which one is Better and Easier?

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hi my name is G and today we are comparing bubble and webflow these two platforms are both no code both provide hosting and both provide a lot of design freedom but looking under the hood they come out as very different apps first let's talk about pricing webflow offers its basic plan for $14 a month and goes up to $39 per month for businesses in addition to that you also have to pay an additional $19 per month for a webflow workspace plan if you have an internal team of three people or $49 per month if you have a team of up to n people a personal plan for bubble starts at $29 per month and only allows for one user but things change when teams get bigger bubble's professional plan costs $119 per month and includes two people in the team and its team plan costs $349 per month and allows up to five team members all prices are listed for yearly packages if you want to pay monthly that will cost you a little bit more in terms of pricing web flow is the better option as it's cheaper for starting out and even if you have a team working on a project both webflow packages together still don't reach those prices you pay for a similar package at bubble the next comparison is ease of use for starters if you're a beginner both platforms are hard to use but if we just compare the website building difficult they are similar the one difference they have is bubble also includes features that can help you build web apps and more customization in the back end which makes for even more complexity if you want to make use of the platform as simple as possible and just want to build a website this is a point for web flow both platforms have learning portals that help you master them but bubble is still much harder to master and the learning curve is way steeper the amount of time required to learn bubble vastly depends on what kind of product you want to build building a single onepage web app will be a walk in the park creating an in-depth and complex app with countless workflows will be a different story though I still think webflow should get the point here because of its Simplicity on the front end side customization is a different story while webflow sites are very customizable bubble offers you a wider variety of products to make that is why Al though you can build the same websites on both platforms bubble gets the point on customization easily when it comes to websites specifically web flow is way better at handling content and creating High performing websites but bubble is Superior in creating fully functional and complex web apps they both have strengths and weaknesses as webflow focuses more on front end development of its websites While most of the work on Bubble happens in the back end the complexity of work depends on if you're doing more front end development or backend that's why I think this is a tip final result is three to one for webflow depending on if you want to build a web app Bubble might still be better for you as it allows a lot more freedom when it comes to making websites that almost behave like apps web flow on the other hand is much better if you just want a very customizable landing page or a company site and don't need any in-depth app functionalities we have an episode coming out every week so if you want to learn more about website optimization subscribe and like for more and post new questions in the comments below see you
Channel: Flowout
Views: 3,381
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Keywords: bubble vs webflow, webflow vs bubble, webflow bubble, no code saas builder, best no code tools, no code tools, no code, nocode, no code app builder, best nocode tools, best nocode app builder, bubble and webflow no code, webflow or bubble, bubble and webflow, webflow vs bubble for ecommerce, bubble vs. webflow, bubble or webflow, is webflow easy to use or bubble, bubble vs webflow saas, no-code tools webflow bubble, tools webflow bubble, saas, saas tools, flowout, webflow
Id: iJ9K-L70xoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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