Top 4 Reasons (People Think) AK’s Aren’t Accurate

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"Yeah bro he reposted an AK guy video. It was so epic bro."

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Kalash_Lover 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's going on guys happy new year today I'm coming at you from the usually beautiful Myrtle Beach it was a little rainy today but that's alright we're coming at you with another informational video the last video that we did that was kind of informational was why cast trunnions suck this video is going to be four reasons why people think aks are inaccurate so let's get started right off the bat caliber now I know this is probably gonna tick off a couple of fellow aka fanboys like myself but with the amount of ballistic data available this one is not really negotiable if you're looking for a DMR 760 to buy 39 is not your caliber now here's not to say that you can't get semi accurate hits with an A k and 7.62 by 39 out - as far as you know 500 yards 600 if you're really stretching it but the problem is it suffers from a lot of 300 blackout syndrome whereas it drops like a [ __ ] rock after 400 yards now this is not to imply that 7.62 by 39 is a bad caliber I love the caliber have always loved the caliber it's great delivers a lot of energy and it's very cheap however if you're going for accuracy there are so many better calibers in the a K even a K native calibers such as the five point four five by 39 the flash shooting trajectory of the five point four five is pretty much on par with the 556 making it a much better representation of what the platform is actually capable of even still with an intermediate cartridge now pushing that point even farther there are some bigger caliber options available still in the a K platform like the Saiga 308 so we're even the members in 308 or 7.62 by 54r that can push that even farther and 7.62 by 54r isn't exactly a caliber that was designed for ballistic coefficient but you can still really stretch that out surprisingly accurately which really busts that myth out of the water right off the bat that the a KA platform can't hit the broad side of the bar well we're gonna talk about a couple of reasons as why that stereotype or even I would go as far as saying urban legend exists with that being said that leads me into my second reason why people think aks are accurate and that is the wars in the Middle East and to a lesser extent Vietnam now you have to remember before the wars in the Middle East people in the United States did not exactly have a lot of hands-on experience with the AAA platform you know you're just starting to see a lot of the Chinese imports and stuff like that the Mac now you started getting into the country but even especially like back in Vietnam era a case really were not a thing you know the the popularization of the AAA is fairly recent so when you have a bunch of troops deploying into Iraq and Afghanistan a lot of them were having their first ever experiences with the AAA platform and that's where you're starting to have a couple of these things that popped up so in Vietnam you started getting some of the stories about the rugged reliability of the ak-47 which is attributed largely to the fact that it was just a great alternative to the piece-of-shit early Gen m16s now the Desert Storm era or the first you know Operation Iraqi Freedom that's where you start hearing a lot of stories about how shitty the aks were with accuracy so there's kind of two reasons why this came about first of all you're talking about some super burned-out barrels a lot of these aks it floated in from all over the world you know the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan the 1970s these aks had been through the wringer and so you're talking about barrels that have had tens and tens of tons of thousands of rounds through them without ever having a barrel change or really much maintenance at all so you have a lot of really burned-out barrels that are being compared to nice fresh rifles and people are wondering why they're holding 10 MOA the second reason being everybody that the US troops had come up against using aks at this point have been relatively untrained so it's not hard to get the assumption that your enemy's weapons aren't that accurate when they're trying to engage you in the Afghan [ __ ] position not that being said it's really not terribly hard to understand where this whole misconception that the a case could hit the broadside of a barn came from it started to become ingrained in the consciousness of people who are weapon savvy or ex-military guys that the legendary reliability of the AAA platform came at the expense of accuracy which leads me to point of the story now reason number three is the lack of knowledge about how the a kay platform actually operates now it's almost ties in perfectly with that misconception that the rugged reliability dak came at the expense of the accuracy people started to invent reasons why that was possible or why that was happening and one of the things that they said is that the the reliability comes from the loose tolerances of the AAA platform which is partially true and they said those loose tolerances are the same reason why it's not accurate and that is [ __ ] you can see and some of the best videos on the internet for this are hilarious videos on the super slow-motion aks the guy has just brilliant camera equipment it's amazing and it shows the operation of the aka at a level that is really hard to conceptualize any other way than the equipment that he uses you can see that when that bolt carrier is reciprocating and all the the stamped receiver is just flexing and everything's flexing in the rear of the gun it's not hard to see why people might think that that would contribute to a lack of accuracy but here's what the average gun guy I would probably say doesn't understand about accuracy is that none of that [ __ ] behind the bolt lock up matters seriously you could cut the damn receiver in half and just let the whole bolt and bolt carrier fly out of the back of the damn gun it's not going to affect your accuracy at all because the accuracy is bolt lock up forward okay nothing that is not we attach to the poles or the barrel is going to affect your accuracy because that bullet is already left and it's it's entirely in the lock up as long as you have tight headspace none of that behind there matters and that's why hug for example part of the the claims that milled receiver aks are way more accurate which the jury's kind of out on that but it is vastly exaggerated what it mostly comes down to on the a K platform is barrel harmonics tight head spacing and a good barrel and a good crown as long as you have a nice tight lock up and those tolerances right there are good it's not going to affect your reliability at all in fact it's probably going to aid in reliability and it does not it makes the weapon perfectly functionally accurate and so it was like the ultimate flood line it's it's just it is so annoying to hear it gun shows and and you know people the average layman talking about the aka talking about oh yeah the loose tolerances are why it's you know it's so reliable but it's just not accurate you can't get that kind of accuracy out of it it's complete horseshit if it's anybody who can tell you anything about ballistics and how barrels actually work no and none of that back there actually matters so I'm sorry to harp on this point so much but it's just a little irritating because it is just it shows a lack of understanding but it is a very very popular vehicle now that kind of ties into point number four and this is going to be kind of like a two-parter this is going to be a point about builds and why build quality is kind of especially early ake a build quality in the United States has led to the rise of that myth and part two basically all the stuff you can do to make sure that the a K you're building is as accurate as possible so let's go ahead and get started with the first part so in the early days of a k' building in the United States and still a little bit today there are some less than qualified builders that were using very poor headspace less than ideal quality barrels quality of barrel presses bent barrels all sorts of just really nasty stuff that led to the first early a cabe kit builds not being of superb quality in fact there were even some cases like the infamous Century Arms candles where they weren't even using the right caliber barrels that were using it was an ak-74 and they were using 5.56 caliber barrels on a 545 bullet they were just recutting the chamber for a 5 for 5 which is a no-no and that's why they would keyhole like [ __ ] at 50 yards and I can't tell you how many barrel swaps I've had to do on samples and so there's just all sorts of weird crap the people today is because of that conception that they're just like aks aren't accurate so it doesn't matter you know nobody's using this for accuracy and so that is why the inaccuracy of the AAA platform is almost entirely a self-fulfilling prophecy because people treat it like just an a K an accuracy won't matter they feel like it's okay to take shortcuts and that's why it's so many of the aks I'm floating out there will live up to the hype of having [ __ ] accuracy because people treat them like a gun that's supposed to have [ __ ] accuracy and so it is very much a self-fulfilling prophecy and you'll you'll definitely run into that a lot on a lot of older builds that were done by less qualifying builders and that kind of leads me to the second part of this which is you know what can a builder do to make sure the a K that is building is as accurate as possible and how to really get the most out of the is something that you can really stretch out there two five six hundred bars and be hitting fairly consistently the number one thing of course is barrel quality like any other gun that you're trying to get accuracy out of barrel quality matters so really do your homework and make sure that the barrel you're using is a good quality metal if you're looking for like a nitride a barrel which is a cold hammer-forged barrel with chrome lining be sure to know the pros and cons of both and just use a barrel that's that's good odds are if you're getting a barrel for fifty dollars on the Internet it may not be the best for long-range accuracy so just kind of keep that in mind I'm not really going to get into the debate of the chrome lining versus nitriding for accuracy that is a whole different bag of cats that I'm not going to try to grapple with tonight but just do your homework read the right forums and kind of take everything with a grain of salt and just kind of figure out use common sense basically and make sure you've got good information another thing you could do to make sure your aks as accurate as possible is make sure you have the white headspace if your gun is out of headspace it is going to affect your accuracy you want a nice tight lockup a lot of the same rules apply as building a nice accurate long-range bolt-action gun just think about it think about it as like an assistant bolt-action so the only difference is you actually have a gas system running the bolt instead of your hand you still want a nice good accurate barrel with a nice tight firm the third thing is understanding barrel harmonics now the jury is also kind of odd as to how much this matter is on a gas operated rifle but it is important thing to remember the less things that you have especially on an AKM where it's pressed and pinned the less things we have contact in your barrel the better your accuracy is going to be especially one of the one of the drawbacks I think to the a Kay platform is the front sight block being all the way at the end of the barrel and that acts as you know a muzzle break 3/10 and a front sight block obviously but I think there's a lot of merit to the gas block combos where you're still retaining the front sight but you're removing one extra part that is attached to the barrel that's actually physically pressed and pinned onto the barrel especially all the way at the end of the barrel and in it the [ __ ] really matters so the less things you can have contacting barrel matter so ideally in an ideal world the closest thing you can get to a free float a Kay right now would be something where the front sight block is removed and you've got a front sight block ass block combo and you have the lower handguard retainer removed and some sort of handguard that doesn't actually contact the barrel at any point because the the just having a lower handguard retainer that is actually levered on to the barrel and a front sight block all the way at the end it can't help your accuracy you know again it's another debate as to how much that's actually going to affect it but if you're really trying to get those long range shots it's really not great oh and another kind of a side to that is a lot of people who shoot long range with aks like to take the cleaning rod out not something that really would have thought up just kind of one of those things doesn't but apparently apparently it matters and I can see why again you've got something else that is contacting the length of the barrel so does it affect the accuracy so much I don't know jury's out we might do like a comparison contrast sort of thing with that but these are all things to keep in mind when we talk about making the a a as accurate as possible and another little thing that might help is also getting an upgraded trigger like a CMC or an a LGA KT something nice and light so you don't have a crazy heavy trigger pole or a long trigger pull these are all things that are gonna add up that's not really a barrel thing it's just kind of one of those our shooter preference but these are all little things that you can do to milk the most out of the accuracy of your egg head so those are what I think the top four reasons people think that the a K platform is not accurate and something I think is completely false I feel like a Kay accuracy is very possible to achieve if you use common sense building practices and the right caliber sound so we're gonna be actually chewing a couple of long-range things in 2019 some of which are going to be released or at least shown to you guys very soon so I'm excited for that this was kind of a lead-up to that I was talking to some people about you know all the reasons people think aks aren't accurate I thought you know screw it we'll just do a video so those are some of the things that I think lead to that misconception if I missed one please let me know in the comments or if you flat-out disagree Brandon you're a [ __ ] this isn't true please by all means politely call me out in the comments but if you got to be a dick go right ahead so I appreciate you guys sticking through all the way through this video and tell you what I'm in the the Oprah mood I'm giving away two t-shirts for the top comments of this video we'll probably do that in about week so top comments say something interesting say something engaging or just say something completely balls out funny so thank you guys so much for staying to the end of the video I'm looking forward to showing you all sorts of the cool stuff that we have planned and yeah stay safe ins at SHOT Show [ __ ] that's not next week I will see you next Monday the a keep the a K population the Alaskan people did not have much experience with aks there's there's for your blooper reel people are starting to ask about the blooper reel why on the blooper reel there here you go [ __ ] actually I think the one at the very end is the Bowery now rule no whole number three yeah nope no reason number three is the lack of that was clunky I didn't like that all right try that one again that whole thing was a [ __ ] listen
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 470,660
Rating: 4.9516311 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, vlog, entrepreneur, guns, gun, startup, Accuracy, Not accurate, Ar-15, Myth, Reliability, Torture test, Barrel, Cold hammer forged, Nitride, Chrome lined, MOA, Accurate, Test, Vietnam, Full auto, Long range, 500 yards, 600 yards, Yards, 300, .308, Vepr, Saiga, Dragunov
Id: aLBekhJjoJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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