Top 20 Small Details in Friends You Never Noticed

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anastasaki's property fucky's wedding excellent welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 small details in friends you never noticed so we'll go eat you'll wear that we'll be eating and of course you'll be wearing that for this list we're looking at the best subtleties that we missed the first time we watch the show and the second third and fourth time which details are you surprised you never noticed let us know in the comments I've got the pin number to my ATM card kit can you get it for me sure uh I scratched it on the ATM machine Down on the Corner 20. Susan slapped her daughter Charles oh my baby in the season 7 episode the one with Joey's new brain Susan Sarandon guest stars as soap actress Cecilia Monroe Monroe plays Jessica Lockhart on Days of Our Lives a woman who often slaps other characters on the show in fact she's so famous for her slaps that Monica tries to get a slap of her own when she meets her in Joey's apartment just one favor certainly would you slap me would you slap me right here in the face I'd love to but my lawyer said I can't do that anymore but there's one small interesting detail Sarandon's own daughter Eva Amore plays Jessica's daughter Dina on days so when Lockhart slaps Dina that's actually Sarandon slapping her own daughter that was a great scene and and that slap looks so real how do you do that oh just years of experience can I get some ice number 19. Phoebe gave her brother a condom hi uh did I accidentally drop a condom in your case brother Frank Jr we don't mean the time she tried to meet her dad but wound up meeting Frank Jr instead of a big sister yeah well this is huge you can buy me beer I'm not gonna no we're talking about a time just before that when Phoebe loses her gig at Central Perk and ends up busking on the sidewalk outside the coffee shop it happens rather quickly but while Rachel is comforting Phoebe a guy runs up and asks her for the condom he had accidentally dropped in her guitar case earlier that guy wouldn't you know it is none other than Frank Jr kind of an emergency yeah hey thanks a lot hey Christine I got it number 18 Rachel's really long pregnancy still pregnant I'm sorry I know how uncomfortable you are you know what you look great oh yeah like 50 bucks the longest human pregnancy ever recorded was 375 days and was carried out by a woman in Los Angeles in the 1940s the second longest ever might have been Rachel Green's we know that Rachel gets a positive pregnancy test result at Monica's wedding on May 15th which means she had to have been pregnant for at least a couple of weeks by that point now cut to the following February the episode before Valentine's Day it's nine months later and the baby kicks for the first time watch so [Music] so while Emma's date of birth is never mentioned given the clothes New Yorkers are wearing in the episodes leading up to the season finale It's gotta be Springtime fans seem to have concluded that she was born on April 4th which comes in at an around 11 month pregnancy [Music] number 17 Gunther speaks I fell down An Elevator Shaft that sucks I was buried in an avalanche what I used to be Bryce on All My Children as friends fans can tell you Gunther worked at Central Park he can speak Dutch he once played a character named Bryce on All My Children and he's in love with Rachel but how many of us realized that Gunther actually didn't say a word on the show until almost halfway through the second season while he was there in the background making coffee in season one it wasn't until season 2 episode 9 that he uttered his first word an incredibly simple but effective yeah hey Gunther you got stairs in your place yeah yeah go nuts the truth is his character didn't even have a name until then either he came into work that day and reportedly co-creator Marta Kaufman told him quote your name is Gunther now and you get to say yeah today number 16 Marcel's restaurant doing it again Marcel stop humping the land stop pumping now myself come on come back come here Marcel no no not in my room while Ross gave up his monkey at the end of season one Marcel made a guest appearance in the big season 2 episode the one after the Super Bowl in it Marcel is back in New York this time as an acting monkey on the set of outbreak 2 the virus Takes Manhattan well I tracked down Marcel and get this he's healthy he's happy and he's right here in New York filming outbreak two the virus Takes Manhattan but if you look really closely that actually isn't the only place Marcel appears in the episode okay well not the actual monkey but his name we were all obviously paying more attention to Julia Roberts flirting with Chandler on their date but take a second and look at the name of the restaurant on the menus number 15 Matthew Perry's dad oh foreign [Laughter] I like her she seems smart obviously if you were a member of the Perry family or a close friend you would have noticed when Matthew Perry's father made a guest appearance on the show however since most of us are not that familiar with the Perry Family Tree allow us to fill you in Matthew Perry's dad John Bennett Perry began his acting career in the 1970s and over the decades has appeared in movies loads of television shows and was even the Old Spice sailor in a series of commercials come on wake up to the freshness of the Open Sea with Old Spice plus he wasn't just a father in real life he also played one on TV in the case of friends the Elder Perry played Joshua's dad in one of the show's most memorable episodes sucks number 14 Chandler and Monica's house was a famous movie house thank you for letting us see the house again and thank you for explaining to us what escrow means I've already forgotten what you said but thank you take as long as you want just let me know when you're through we know that real estate agents are required to disclose certain things about a house to potential buyers but we're not sure if the fact that Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern attempted to rob the place is one of those things yup the house that Monica and Chandler Buy in the final season of friends is the same one that Macaulay Culkin defended so brilliantly in Home Alone almost 15 years prior [Music] my house I have to defend it sure the wallpaper is gone and the furniture is different but look a little closer the house across the street should probably look familiar to Home Alone super fans it's the Murphy's residence across from the mcalisters now that deserves a classic Hands-On Face Screen don't you think [Music] number 13 the potato cake okay so this isn't a potato cake so much as an actual potato in a cake display if you don't know what we're talking about allow us to take you back to season 4 episode 8. Joey walks into Central Perk looking for Chandler he goes up to the counter to ask Gunther if he's seen him I thought you were Chandler one of you is over there and they're sitting prominently on the counter for all to see is a regular old potato in a cake stand why is it there was it supposed to be there is it some kind of inside joke or just a mistake was the budget that tight all good questions we unfortunately do not have answers to um number 12 5639 can you do me a favor I've got the pin number to my ATM card can you get it for me sure uh I scratched it on the ATM machine down on the corner do you have a hard time remembering the PIN for your ATM card well in the season 5 finale Joey Reveals His trick for always having it around when you need it assuming you always use the same ATM why not scratch the number onto the machine but while this might sound like a joey being smart moment in the end it's more of a joey being Joey situation five six three nine that's it thanks Steve you see his pin as revealed by Phoebe is 5639 why does that matter you ask well do you know what 5639 spells on a dial pad if you guessed it Joey so basically Joey can't remember his own name guys guys please come on usually just a big misunderstand number 11 green with an extra e it's true some names are hard to spell we'll admit we had to look up Tribbiani to confirm it had two B's but you know what name we don't need help with green however for some reason Ross did oh so I invited Rachel then sure why not in season four When Ross and Emily send out their wedding invitations we see Ross dropping off the one for Rachel in the mailbox and on the envelope clear as day it says Ms Rachel Green with an extra e at the end no one seems to know how it's really supposed to be spelled but this discrepancy is a lot funnier when you imagine Dan Quayle himself encouraging Ross to add the extra e on the invitation yeah that's Canon now number 10 Ode to Jennifer Aniston's family name so I'm gonna go through the hotel and see if there's any other weddings going on okay oh but don't tell them Monica's pregnant because they frown on that Jennifer Aniston's father was born Janus and astasakis before anglicizing his name to John Aniston with the move to America why are we telling you this because in the one with Monica and Chandler's wedding Rachel goes looking for someone to officiate the union if Joey can't get there in time and she finds another wedding taking place at the hotel none other than the anastasaki's papa soufaki's wedding yeah yeah there they're my friends uh Monica Stephanopoulos and uh and Chandler acidophilus It's a Wonderful nod to Jennifer's dad and their family name and her perfect pronunciation of the Greek names is a nice touch to Rachel's character anastasaki's Papa's wedding excellent number nine the VD poster keeps showing up you know the asthma guy is really cute do you know which one you're gonna be no but I hear Lyme disease is open so you know good luck man I hope you get it in season one Joey gets very excited when he lands a modeling job for the New York City free clinic that is until he sees that his particular poster is not warning against Lyme disease as he'd hoped but against STDs next thing you know the city is covered with the posters and Joey is decidedly less excited about the opportunity although his friends have a good time with him so I guess you all saw it we saw what no we're just laughing you know how laughter can be infectious if you thought the end of the episode was the end of the posters you'd have been wrong it seems these posters would continue to haunt Joey for the next little while because a couple of episodes later as Monica and Phoebe are crossing the street surprise surprise what's that on the wall in the background number eight hugsy reappears I get secrets of my own you know how many Secrets oh yeah well you don't know about hugsy my bedtime penguin pal in season five the stress of keeping Monica and Chandler's budding relationship a secret causes Joey to let slip a secret of his own to Rachel and Phoebe hugsy his bedtime penguin pal now we all remember hugsy coming back many seasons later when Joey has to deal with the fact that baby Emma also loves the stuffed penguin Rachel let's be clear on this okay I do not love hugsy I like him a normal amount all right well Emma loves him yeah well why wouldn't she he's a wonderful person but what many of us miss was all of the appearances by hugsy in between whether it was on the couch in the background or sitting under the dartboard hugsy showed up in many more episodes than you might remember you and I used to hang out all the time because I was I was your daddy's girlfriend but you're not anymore no I'm not number seven Monica's yelling jar familiar with the concept of a swear jar but in season eight we learned that Monica has a yelling jar at work in fact when Phoebe comes to visit her at the restaurant and is flirting with her sous chef Tim you can see the jar filled with cash on the shelf behind him although because it's just indicated as Monica's jar we don't know it's a yelling jar until a few seconds later when Monica raises her voice but exclaims that she's not putting a dollar in the jar this works out well because she couldn't if she wanted to from one shot to the next the jar is no longer on the Shelf I'll give him your number if I could just get one calamari and one I am not putting a dollar in the jar number six Estelle was a nurse I'm sure I'm sure to hear soon yeah honey they wouldn't miss this relax you only had nine centimeters in the baby's at zero station did you know that Joey's longtime agent Estelle was also a nurse we know this because she was right there in the delivery room when Carol gave birth to her and Ross's son Ben in season one if there's many people in this room is about to be one more so anybody who's not an ex-husband or a lesbian life partner out to go weirdly that was also 17 episodes after she left Joey her card subsequent to seeing his play Freud after Ben is born we never see Estelle in a hospital again and her nursing Duties are never mentioned so we can only assume that managing Joey's career became so all-consuming that she had to drop her nursing gig she also probably didn't like the fact that as a nurse she wouldn't be able to smoke at work I'm just gonna put in a call here and we'll find out what's going on and straighten it out yeah hi Lori please number five Monica's towels all right Monica categorizes her towels how many categories are there during the lightning round of the apartment bet trivia game Joey and Chandler are asked about the number of categories Monica has for her towels in the Heat of the Moment they can only think of four but Joey takes a flyer and correctly blurts out 11. everyday use fancy guest fancy guest two seconds uh 11. 11 unbelievable 11 is correct but that also begs the question what are the other categories besides Everyday Use fancy guest and fancy guest while we don't know all of the other seven categories we do know a few including those of kitchen Beach and old Keen eyes will have spotted these categories scrawled on the stacked up boxes as the girls packed up to move across the hall this is this apartment it's dirty and it smells pretty it's so pretty and look it's and it's purple Number Four The Disappearing beam [Laughter] we could put a hat on his head a hat yes yes we need to have one of the more memorable moments from the early seasons of the show is when Ross while running away from Monica bangs his head into a wooden beam in the apartment given how prominent the beam is in the living quarters you might be curious as to why no one else ever smacked into it the main reason for that is because the beam totally disappeared actually it came and went for the first few seasons until finally being removed for good as Lisa Kudrow and David Schwimmer explained in the reunion show the beam often got in the way this was here in the beginning and it was it kept like it got in the way it got in the way yeah sorry you got lost as it's probably getting in the way now well I don't know oh number three the hidden menu for ten Seasons the gang ordered coffees and cappuccinos at Central Perk but not once did we hear them order a Long Island cream a movingly rich and creamy coffee straight from the Mudders utter or a Miz Liberty blend a liberating blend light and sweet you'll be crying Freedom when you taste it so you guys want coffees yeah but I don't want to be up too late so I'll have a decaf yeah me too actually could I get some hot water with a little lemon the chalkboard menu behind the counter wasn't always visible to us but it definitely would have been to them how they were never intrigued enough to order a Manhattan mocha is beyond us that one would have been perfect the time they were trying to stay awake to party seriously can I get my coffee I'm sorry Ross I'll get it for you right now and since I made you wait I'll toss in a free muffin number two Magna doodles who'd you talk to never mind you mean you didn't get it from this with so much going on it's sometimes easy to miss the various Magna doodle notes and drawings in the background but given how they change and how fun some of them are it's worth working the pause button a few times the Magna doodle first appeared in the guy's apartment in season three and featured a pretty generic shopping list and a joey call your dad note but going forward there were all kinds of different doodles from the thank you note from the robbers to another one bites the dust for Ross's bachelor party there was also the doodle of a flag planted Atop A Mountain during the finale indicating they had reached the summit what's the matter I need to say goodbye to the table first I understand before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions everyone was an Arquette after Courtney Cox and David Arquette's marriage everyone was an Arquette for one episode [Music] condom balloons somehow Joey using condoms for balloons is not the weirdest thing he's done dude this isn't funny what am I gonna do I go to sleep last night everything's cool I wake up this morning the stripper's gone in the ring he's gone you slept with the stripper of course Monica's comfy wedding shoes we wouldn't put it past Monica to remember everything except white wedding heels rings apartment numbers changed number five changed to 20 early on in the series thank you thank you so much we'll talk later I got this must stop shooping before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one did they Reserve their table at the coffee shop here I gold no Rachel they got here first do you ever wonder how the gang always got the best table in Central Perk why except for on very rare occasions where the couch and adjacent chairs always free at such a popular place well we've never heard of being able to reserve tables at a coffee shop but apparently that's what they did it isn't always there but often enough you can see a little reserved sign sitting on the table there's a fan theory that the sign was put there by Gunther so as to always allow for a place of prominence for Rachel it's settled every Cafe Needs A Gunther okay but the money's good plus you get to stare at Rachel as much as you want what flexible hours do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Miz Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 445,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5639, Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, easter eggs, friends, friends disappearing beam, friends easter eggs, friends small details, friends things you never noticed, gunther speaks, hugsy, jennifer aniston family name, list, magna doodles, matthew perry's dad, mojo, monica yelling jar, monica's towels, msmojo, small details, small details in friends you never noticed, susan sarandon, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: ICpGyfM7Eec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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