Top 10 Things You Didn't Notice in the Friends Apartments

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when i get back it's chair city and i'm the guy who's sitting in a chair welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 things you didn't notice in the friend's apartment i'm no longer at my job i i had to leave it why because they made me you are so just doing this out of spite no no no i'm i'm gonna wear this all the time i love this shirt monica has a secret closet and she won't let me see what's in it why not i don't know what could she possibly be hiding in here that i can't see for this list we'll be looking at easy to miss objects or behind-the-scenes facts about the show's two main apartments have you noticed any of these ever wondered about some of them tell us in the comments number 10 magnadoodle who'd you talk to never mind you mean you didn't get it from this of course you noticed the magna doodle in joey and chandler's apartment but did you know that the blue toy didn't make its first appearance on the show until the 18th episode of season three okay i'm gonna go get frank it's such an iconic piece of the friends set that many people assume it was there from the beginning but it wasn't also it's been said that except for episodes 18 and 19 of season 3 where the doodle stayed the same what was written on the toy changed every single episode it appeared in here oh if she kisses him good night i'm gonna kill myself i swear i can't i can't watch the reported numbers vary but it's probably between 88 and 100 total doodles throughout the run of the show what are you doing sending back all this stuff that chandler bought out of guilt everything even the tv no i'm gonna put that in my room number nine what's in the middle of monica's door i just grabbed a spoon when it comes to the door in monica and rachel's apartment the one thing everyone notices and talks about is of course that gold frame around the peephole but if you angle your gaze downward just a couple of inches you will see this other thing guys there's uh somebody i'd like you to meet it kinda looks like a doorknob right in the middle of the door but what is it really well thanks to reddit we know it's an old-fashioned doorbell that works via a crank system on the outside of the door everybody it's fun bobby and if you didn't notice that you probably didn't notice that the guys have it on their apartment door also number eight a working fridge hey hey hey get in line buddy i was next we saw the gang get stuff out of the fridge quite often especially joey and especially in monica's apartment however most of us probably assumed the refrigerators were just props and didn't actually work all right phoebe stick out your plate well think again because the fridge in monica and rachel's place as well as the one across the hall were both plugged in and functioning appliances i uh reorganized the fridge see uh bottom shelf meat some dairy middle shelf fruits and vegetables and top shelf expired products not only that but while joey's fridge was generally pretty empty the one in monica's place was usually full and stocked with stuff for the cast and crew to grab usually taste it yep it's fat i drank fat number seven the frame ah that gold frame around the peephole along with the couch at central perk it's probably the prop most widely associated with the show but how did it come about that's right i'm taking the essence he'll be back oh there's nobody in the room well originally the frame housed a mirror that was meant to be hung somewhere on the set however when the mirror was accidentally broken the show set designer made the fortuitous call to hang the empty frame on the door no we're gonna split it you take half and i take half they say that a broken mirror brings seven years of bad luck but in this case it brought ten years of great luck and comedy [Music] number six that poster behind the tv the poster behind the television in monica's apartment is a reproduction of a vintage french advertisement for children's toys from 1885. you're welcome buddy [Applause] yeah thanks that's pretty interesting but what's even more interesting is how it ended up there you see originally the set decorator had an old 1900s religious tapestry hanging in that spot fine but i want the record to show that i tried to take the high road because in about five minutes i'm gonna be saying however when the show executives did a walk-through prior to filming the pilot episode they didn't think it fit so he had to switch it out and that's when the french advertisement was brought in and if you're wondering if they could have just left the wall uncovered the answer is no because the poster was actually covering a cutout in the wall that was used to film from sometimes yeah yeah and you can get rid of that french poster i like that poster really doesn't have anything coming out of it number five the secret closet what you have no hair for eight seasons and 13 episodes there was one part of monica's apartment that was never explored that's right that green door on the back wall beyond the bathroom well you're not 16 you're both adults now get out you doofus for all those episodes it had just stood there closed taunting us with what might be behind it well on that oh so glorious 14th episode of season 8 we found out well you know i've been living here for a while and i've never seen what's inside that closet what is what is in there feminine stuff it was a whole lot of monica's uncategorizable stuff so the door was just a closet the whole time you ask well of course not that wouldn't be very interesting in reality it was a door that led to the backstage area in fact in one episode if you look closely you can see someone walking behind the door during a scene okay well janice said uh hi do i look fat today and i looked at her number four the reappearing beam if friends took place in hogwarts then maybe it would make sense when things just disappeared and reappeared everything smells so delicious you know i can't remember a time i smelled such a delicious combination of okay smells but it doesn't which makes the beam in monica's apartment all that more of a mystery you know the one that ross banged into running away from his angry sister well consider the mystery solved while the beam was there when the show premiered it kept blocking actors faces in shots so it was eventually removed wasn't there a decision to lose this i thought this was gone this was here in the beginning it was it kept like it got in the way it got in the way yeah sorry you got lucky as as it's probably getting in the way now but james burrows the man who directed the pilot episode thought it was a nice set design element so the beam was put back whenever he directed an episode so what's this some of your old stuff number three monica's kitchen table chairs so not impressed everybody snacks when they shop remember that episode when monica throws away some of her kitchen chairs how about the one where she gets new chairs for the kitchen table and brings them back to the apartment yeah neither do we challenge extended deal challenge accepted and yet throughout the show's 10-year run those four chairs around her kitchen table changed multiple times sometimes they were all different and sometimes only a couple changed hey hey what's up uh not that much just trying to figure out what i'm gonna do for dinner i don't know it's as if she just kept going to flea markets and swapping out her chairs for new finds to be honest we're kind of surprised chandler never made even one snarky and probably very funny comment about them all right guys you better sit down this is this is pretty big number two five to twenty paul this is everybody everybody what's monica's apartment number well if you've only seen the first few episodes of friends then your answer to that question would be five however if you only started watching later in season 1 then your answer would be 20. don't ring the buzzer for 19 ring 20 geller green they'll let you in huh yep it's true in the pilot episode and for the first part of that first season monica lived in apartment number five however partway through the season the producers realized that the low apartment number didn't match the perceived height of the apartment in the building so they changed the number to 20. we're still going to the game right yeah and while they were at it they changed joey and chandler's from 4 to 19. yeah what's with the trophy oh well uh we were at a spelling bee and i won before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one bedroom doors to central perk at number one we have another case of doors on a set not leading to where you think they do rachel so you know those two doors on either side of the television in monica and rachel's apartment of course you do they lead to the girls bedrooms so is um was your mustache they used to be different or do they well they don't just like the wardrobe that leads to narnia without the witches and lions those doors lead right to the central perk set up since there weren't a lot of scenes in the bedroom those sets were only put together when needed you think i need a new walk do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from msmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 345,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, apartments, easter eggs, friends, friends apartments, friends beam, friends easter eggs, friends secret closet, friends things you missed, list, magna doodle, mojo, monica's door, msmojo, small details, things you didn't notice, things you didn't notice in the friends apartments, things you missed, things you missed in friends apartments, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: 12bKzqKcCwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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