101 Facts About Friends

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Really interesting video. My favorite fact was that the apartment set's door's to the bedroom's really led into the Central Perk set. Blew my mind.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ZTans1994 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2016 🗫︎ replies
so no one told you 101 facts was gonna be this way howdy-ho mother factors and welcome to this rather friendly her edition of 101 facts I'm Sam and today I'm here to talk about a nostalgia drenched sitcom phenomenon that has it the way we see our chums and buddies forever no not old school British sitcom on the buses I'm talking four ends but were Phoebe and Joey secretly having love banging sexy sex time sessions it's Ross some sort of Time Lord wizard dude paper so a ghost two out of three those questions are gonna be answered so come pull up a parka lounger turn off the shark porn meet me down at Central Park where we can discuss our admittedly quite busy sex lives this is 101 facts about friends number one so friends what are friends while I'm not talking about the friends you speak to pretty much exclusively through a mirror well maybe that's just me no this friends has a hit TV show that first aired on September the 22nd in 1994 on NBC number two the show ran for ten years and ten seasons funnily enough with a total of 236 episodes number three the show had several working titles including friends like us six of one across the hall Once Upon a Time in the West Village or insomnia café which sounds to me more like a straight-to-dvd psychological thriller starring Nicolas Cage than it does a jolly TV show set in NYC number four the character of Ross was written specifically for David Schwimmer he had starred in an unaired pilot of the show and he was the first half of the CHUM's to be cast Jennifer Aniston on the other hand was actually the last cast member to join number five before she became seemingly obsessed with traveling on Emirates Airlines all the bloody time and randomly befriending from the children Jennifer Aniston was a cast member of the CBS series muddling through which somehow looks even more 90s and Friends she was cast in friends while she was still a muddling through but luckily for friends muddling through was canceled after just ten episodes number six saws as the kids say I'm getting ahead of myself the six Friends of which the title speaks are Rachel green Monica Geller Ross Geller Chandler Bing Joey Tribbiani are you due yep thank you Joey I don't have time for flirting right now and Phoebe Buffay number seven if you think these character names sound familiar that's probably cuz they are well they are if you're from the 70s that is the main characters from the show are named after characters from the soap opera All My Children Ross for Ross Chandler Joey for Joey Martin Chandler for the Chandler family Monica for Monique Courtland Rachel Greene for Janet green and Phoebe for Phoebe Tyler Wallingford number eight in order to prepare for the Friends episode set in Vegas the cast went on a Vegas trip I would now go on to describe what actually happened on that trip but as we all know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas baby except for parking tickets and you know chlamydia number nine three cast members from yellow utopia The Simpsons actually made guest appearances on friends dan Castellaneta who plays Homer Harry Shearer who plays mr. burns and Smithers imagine the slash fiction going on in his head and Hank Azaria who plays mow a poo and thousands and thousands of others his vocal cords must be exhausted number 10 speaking of Hank Azaria old Hank was turned down for the role of Joey not once not twice not three times but twice oh did I say not twice my dad number 11 the average later Friends episode took five hours to film in total five hours Wow without sleep you could do [Music] nearly five episodes in a day number twelve friends pulled in a whopping 1 billion dollars each year for Warner Brothers at its peak popularity the main cast each made 2 percent of that syndication income so that's twenty million dollars annual paycheck each number thirteen during the first season of the show each cast member earned twenty two thousand five hundred dollars per episode is that it only kidding blue give me that money the main six came together to ensure that they all had the same equal pay number forty initially though the hours were very long and the production of the show was more complex than imagined crew and cars were sometimes on set until 4:00 or 5:00 in the a.m. so they worked for that cheddar baby sorry I just went all gangster number 15 the show had a multi-camera setup which is Latin for more than one camera in fact a total of five cameras were being used at any one time to film each scene number sixteen legend has it that meet guy and Love Machine Bruce Willis appeared on the show for free after losing a bet to Matthew Perry Harry apparently bet Willis that their movie the whole nine yards would be number one at the box office on its opening weekend whereas old brucy doubted it it was Bruce lost and he appeared on friends for free number that's of a deal also the legend goes anyway as some publications such as The Huffington Post aren't sure there ever was a bet in the first place what is true though is that Brucie baby went on the show for free as he donated his fee to several charities ah Bruce what a good guy hey yes stop making die hard movies number 18 Willis Gary Oldman Christina Applegate and crap bye oh sorry I mean Paul Rudd all guest-starred on episodes of the show after doing a film with one of the regular cast members Willis and Applegate even won Emmys for their guests hands number nineteen when you watch an episode of Friends or spend even just a minute living inside my head you hear a lot of this [Music] this is for the most part all real stuff as most of friends was filmed in front of a live studio audience made up of real actual human beings with faces and other things burnt wood cube up for hours before filming began to get a chance of a seat out of the 300 available but it was like The Hunger Games towards the end number 20 however you'll notice that I said most of that chortling is real that's because some of it is canned ie not live rather than just you know a tin of laughter you could buy at a supermarket this is all down to editing if a crowds laugh lingers too long and interrupts the next line the editor will cut it down and add a short laugh from their archive in its place number 35 even though the writers had of course written a full script for the episodes were filmed the group of writers actively rewrote the script and added new funnies on set and while filming in front of a live studio audience number 22 ooh it was crew member Paul Swain who was responsible for the doodles on the door of Chandler's apartment for each episode shot they're number 23 this Magna doodle also made an appearance in the extremely successful spin-off show Joey number 24 June gebel who played Joey's heavy smoking agent Estelle Leonard also played a nurse in the episode where Carol gives birth to Ben oh well you know everybody moonlights you know I've got a part-time job as a gynecologist when I'm not doing this number 25 David swim that shimmer Schwimmer David Schwimmer a name I apparently can't say properly directed ten friends episodes like the clever clogs he is number two six the storyline of Phoebe and the triplets was written because Lisa Kudrow had a bun in the oven for real by which I mean she was preggers not just a keen master baker number 27 the big white dog aka Pat the dog see what they did birth in Joey and Chandler's apartment but long to Jennifer Aniston a friend gave it to her as a good-luck gift when she got her role on the show which is a strange gift if I'm honest but maybe I'll give one to Jennifer Lawrence for Christmas hmm number 28 Lisa Kudrow had already been guest starring on Mad About You as Phoebe twin sister Ursula Buffet two years before Friends aired they decided to make Phoebe a twin of the character in friends to crossover between the two shows number 29 Friends co-creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane are also Co writers of the show's theme song I'll be there for you by the Rembrandt's which will now be in your head for the next 27 minutes at least enjoy number 30 in 1995 the song was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 airplay charts for eight weeks number 31 re M's shiny happy people was originally intended to be the show's opening theme I probably won't be able to play it for legal reasons so instead I'll sing it shiny happy people laughing doo doo doo doo noony noony noony know that's how it goes number 32 come up sorry my bad I mean Gunther didn't actually have a name until the middle of the second season number 33 james michael tyler was cast as gunther because he was the only extra who knew how to operate an espresso machine so get learning how to operate one guys and you may one day be able to talk to Jennifer Aniston well or just get on an Emirates flight she's on there all the time number 34 Danza didn't have a line until the show's 33rd episode in which he said yeah absolutely now didn't he well done go Gunther number 35 crying while holding a ball of Christmas lights enthusiast Winona Ryder and woman who's probably never done any of that Susan Sarandon were both on Ross's celebrity list too you know they both later guest-starred on the show as Melissa Warburton and Jessica Lockhart respectively which must have been as the kids say orcs in the last episode it's mentioned that all six characters have lived in Monica's apartment at some point what they didn't mention however which is equally true is that they've all lived in Joey's apart to number 37 even though he's meant to be a boy monkey Marcel is actually played by a female monkey called Katie I know I was surprised it wasn't Andy Serkis in mocap suits - number 38 sorry to burst a little bubble there but the show was never actually filmed in New York or Las Vegas they were filmed in the Warner Brothers Studio in California a done 39 saying goes for this fountain in the opening titles not Central Park LA so if you're in New York by a fountain and they tell you that the fountain they're lying so kick them in the shin actually don't do that they probably have a gun number 40 after 9/11 the show's creators added an American flag in Central Park as a sign of remembrance Kevin bright said that they tried to subtly acknowledge in the show that it did happen number 41 Courtney Cox is the only regular cast member who never got an Emmy nomination for the show no wonder Monica was so angry all the time the meaning of her life however coxy does have an accolade that the others don't before friends Courtney Cox starred in a number of TV adverts she appeared in a Tampax commercial and was the first person to ever say period on u.s. TV period ha get it Perry I know improper English we say full stop but shut up her to make the joke works somehow period not a hottie 3 Jennifer Aniston's dad John Aniston plays Victor cariocas in the actual Days of Our Lives ah he's no drake ramoray's oh don't you Drake the one in friends ok number 4 ha Monica and Joey are the only pair that haven't actually kissed in the rather incestuous group although that being said they did actually kiss in the hypothetical what-if scene in the episode the one with the truth but London number 45 weirdly they were originally intended to be the main couple of the show rather than you know Mon blur in fact you can see the chemistry in season 1 just look at this or sexy tantrum number 46 according to Jennifer no not you love you though none of the cast actually like the theme song number 47 Murphy Perry lost a bet to Kourtney I think he has a gambling problem leading him to be her slave for several months but not how you're thinking wash your mind out the bet was over which movie Nancy Michael hauled line came from either weird science or The Breakfast Club and was settled by finding Hall on a neighboring set to set the record straight number 48 ever wondered how the group always got their favorite spot in Central Perk maybe it's because they basically live there or maybe because they reserved it look look at the sign on the table it all makes sense now Wow everyone else in there must have hated them number 49 I suppose in the early seasons Monica and Rachel's apartment is shown with the number five on the door this was later changed to 20 knob of every day Ross remains 29 across three seasons of the show seriously he mentions being 29 in series 3 4 & 5 even though they don't take place in the same gear because of all the Christmases and Thanksgivings going on either Ross is a Time Lord or he can't accept being old number 51 even weird of the Enigma that is Ross apart from wider just Rachel even fancy him is that he has at two birthdays in season four it's revealed his birthday is in December but five years later in season nine he tells Joby it's October 18th which is it Ross which is it you're not the Queen Ross you can't have two you can't have double presents number 52 Jennifer Anderson stated that she hated the now iconic Rachel haircut number 53 back in 1993 Matthew Perry co-wrote and pitched a sitcom to NBC about a group of 20-somethings called Maxwell's house which is weirdly alter the name of a coffee the network turned it down as they already had a show in the works [Music] no friends not that obviously number 54 Matthew Perry had suffered with an alcohol problem and was addicted to prescription drugs and so was in and out of rehab while filming friends number 55 Joey originally wasn't written as a a less than bright character Matt LeBlanc suggested that it was when he received positive feedback from the audience that Joey seemingly lost significant IQ points number 56 in the opening credits of the one after Vegas everyone had Arquette added to their last name this was to commemorate the marriage of Courtney and David Cox Arquette number 57 the final ever episode was watched by fifty two point four six million viewers and is ranked the fourth most watched TV finale in US history number 58 the one after the Super Bowl which aired in 1996 raked in the highest viewing figures of any friends episode this could be because it was aired literally straight after the Super Bowl xxx which by the way is not a sexy version of Super Bowl I know I was disappointed too number 5 line the doors to the bedrooms in Monica's apartment actually took you through to the set of Central Park which must have been very handy for old mom the bedroom sets were made up only if they needed it for a scene or presumably and nap number 62 and a half men's Jon Cryer also auditioned for Chandler clearly didn't get it hope he didn't you know cry about it oh I love canned laughter I'm gonna take this with me everywhere number 681 Kathy Griffin and Jane Lynch also both auditioned for bb2 they clearly didn't get it either hope they didn't Griffin and Lynch about it oh no way that doesn't work does it nope sorry I didn't deserve the can laughter that time sorry number 6 - speaking of phoebe her addresses apartment 14 5 Morton Street New York just in case you want to visit a fictional character I went to one-77 a Bleecker Street last week and Doctor I did a very nice guy number 63 when the masterfully must start Tom Selleck also known as Richard entered a scene it sometimes had to be reshot as the audience would cheer and clap too loudly which is exactly what happens whenever I enter a room I'm just kidding it's Berlin Nintendo 64 the iconic orange couch in Central Park was actually found by set designer in the basement of Warner Brothers Studios number 65 the frame around the peephole in the door originally had a mirror in it it was accidentally broken by crew member but because it looks so good they decided to leave it there well done for breaking at that dude or lady number 66 writers didn't plan to keep Mike around in the story but Paul Rudd was so damn charming they had to keep him like a wisecracking puppy he would have ended up ripping him a new one in the quantum realm anyway if they had dropped him ha ant-man joke number 67 Courtney Cox allegedly had a Courtney's candy cabinet where she would store all her junk food on set she told Us Weekly that her favorite go-to snack was chocolate bars and she admitted she was addicted to candy bars her first choice would be a Butterfinger me too but why does she still look so good it's not fair number 68 smelly cat smelly cat what are they feeding you was actually originally written by pretend to star Chrissie Hynde when talking about the origins of smelly cat Kudrow said that the writers wrote it I wrote the tune and had a little help from Chrissie Hynde number 60 nah the Portuguese comedy troupe Gatto for Toronto say that the inspiration for their name was the song smelly cat number 7d Lisa Kudrow and Taylor Swift performed smelly cat live on Swift's 1989 tour probably as a dig against one of her ex-boyfriends he was a cat or something up there number 71 for years it was thought that actor Michael Haggerty played ugly naked guy which must have wonders for his self-esteem but in a Twitter post he was identified as the actor John Haugen who started off as an extra on the show and said it was the best time of his life ah number 72 the reason why Ross and Emily's marriage was doomed from the start was because Helen Baxendale was pregnant when she was cast first she used a corset then they only showed her from the neck up words smart number 73 speaking of doomed from the start Joey got his own TV show yay but it wasn't quite as good as it sounds and Matt LeBlanc admitted it was doomed from the start that phrase again it was the show Joey by the way not Top Gear although I think the same applies there to probably number 74 Merlot Blanc's hair started turning gray or should I say Leblanc early on in the show so he constantly had to die it I know Blanc means white by the way sorry French people number 75 Jennifer Anderson's real last name is actually Anastasia kiss this is the same name shown at the Jewish wedding in the episode the one with Chandler and Monica's wedding number 76 corny Cox was originally going to play Rachel but she asked to play Monica instead after reading the parts number Seven's and then Matt elbe confessed that he had a crush on Jennifer in an interview for the book friends till the end ah well he should have been very happy with this scene then ah yeah number 78 the turkey that Joey and Monica but on their heads mr. bean did it first just saying wasn't real it was made out of foam because the biggest turkey on sale would still not fit a human head probably to the relief of both Courtney and Matt number 79 Matt's had it pretty tough before his big break friends was his fourth TV show and the other three before had failed he only had eleven dollar dollar bills y'all to his name when he got the role as well as that he had to audition six times before it was confirmed no Moretti Giovanni ripsi plays Phoebe's brother but he also had a small role as a boy who accidentally throws a condom in to Phoebe's guitar case instead of a coin that's an easy mistake to make though I once tried to put a 5p piece on my axe I won't tell this story number 81 originally Theban Chandler were intended to be supporting roles only there to provide comic relief but eventually the writers gave them fully fledged personalities with actual other emotions - how nice of them number 82 30-second commercial spots to take place in the final ever episode in the UK sold for 1.2 million pounds which is approximately 1.8 million dollars this is the most expensive commercial slots for any TV program in the UK ever outside of sports and all that stuff numero 83 director of Iron Man and the jungle book and Iron Man 2 Jon Favreau was originally offered the role of Chandler Bing he obviously said no but he later returned as a guest star during the 1997 season as Peter Becker Monica's millionaire boyfriend named Brady Thor there were rumors flying around that Ellen DeGeneres turned down the role of Phoebe she denied this in a 2015 Howard Stern interview citing confusion with friends and her TV show these friends of mine which was already on air number 85 the episode where Phoebe thinks her dead mother has been reincarnated as a cat was written by Marta Kauffman at the time when her own mother had passed away in fact the episode is dedicated to her in an interview with one of the other writers they admitted that this would have got shut them down at a table rate but nobody actually felt comfortable saying no under the circumstances number 86 the love story between Rachel and Joey was badly received from the moment the creators pitched it many of the other writers and even the cast itself didn't like it which makes you think one of it actually happened but hey there we are number 87 throughout all 236 episodes between the six characters of friends they've all had sex with a total of 85 different people those sexy go-getters catch up guys [Music] number 88 lisa kudrow matt LeBlanc pitched to the writers a storyline in which it was discovered that Phoebe and Joey would occasionally meet up to have banging time also known as sexual intercourse however the writers turned it down arguing it doesn't really fit the tone of the show even though it and it does number 18 of sorry 1-1 however in the DVD commentary the creators have said that they like to imagine that Phoebe and Joey were hooking up off-screen through the course of the show I bet they'd like to imagine that the pub's number not number 90 in the episode where Chandler and Joey's stuff gets stolen the thieves rather courteously right thanks for your stuff on the magnetic drawing board nah man I too am friends was actually offered an 11th season but the cars turned it down because they thought it would ruin the reputation of the show but look number 92 then and Emma who I may remind you both shot out of Ross's Willie originally never had a sing together do they even know each other's a half-siblings Ross come on man number 93 also none of Evie's relatives attend her wedding it's not like she carried all her brother's kids or an oh wait a minute Oh dicks number 94 at one point Monica worked as a waitress at the moon dance diner the same diner that Mary Jane Watson worked at in spider-man number 95 friends is a pretty Outstanding Comedy Series right well the Emmys didn't think so not until the eighth season anyway because the show didn't win an Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series until the 8th season no 96 Lisa Kudrow is the only one out of the six main cast members to have been nominated and win a Primetime Emmy nomination almost every episode title begins with the one where the creators decided to call it this because people usually refer to episodes as the one where they blah blah blah since no one actually remembers the actual titles of TV shows in fact I nearly called this video the one where Sam does 101 facts about friends but then now number 98 during the first season the lower half of the Central Park windows were tinted and plants were placed in front because there was no props to make it look like an actual Street outside from the second season onwards however the windows became see-through number 99 in the last few months of shooting friends Courtney Cox became preggers but seeing as Monica wasn't supposed to be able to have a baby they cover up her pregnancy by making her wear baggy clothes while shooting the show so nobody could tell Ingrid Matthew Perry still calls Kathleen Turner dad in real life because Kathleen Turner played his dad oops duh number 101 after the last episode was shot during which the car struggled to get through without crying by the way the cars had three wrap parties at the third one the cast had a reenactment of their first scene in the pilot together oh now I'm gonna binge it all again Oh BRB alright so that was 101 facts about friends and I don't know about you but I had a lovely time I record this in December by the way thus you know this if you want more one on one in fact videos like I really wish I wore a jumper didn't have green on it now in front of a green screen then click on subscribe right now and you'll get exactly that and maybe just maybe we could be friends [Music] you
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 472,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, friends, friends finale, friends theme, friends bloopers, friends outtakes, friends reunion, friends facts, facts about friends, 101 facts about friends, jennifer aniston, friends last episode, smelly cat, friends trivia, friends best bits, friends theory, matt leblanc, courteney cox, lisa kudrow, david schwimmer, matthew perry, rachel green, joey tribbiani, monica geller, chandler bing, ross geller, phoebe buffay, central perk, ross and rachel
Id: 5ihtMan45O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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