Top 20 Friends Jokes That Will NEVER Get Old

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welcome to ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 friends jokes that will never get old for this list we're looking at some of the best moments from this sitcom that still make us laugh after all these years which friends character do you think makes the best jokes did we feature him or her enough here number 20 chandler's advice we may have to repopulate the earth and condoms are the way to do that chandler sarcasm is one of the most consistent features of the show and i just want a million dollars whether he's reminding joey of how babies are made or wishing for a million dollars after rachel first comes into central perk in the pilot his characterization remains reliable in all ten seasons well i thought joey and i would be okay once we hung out but it's like we don't even know how to be with each other anymore i know it's tough now but things will get better he's very aware of how prominent this personality trait is and references it himself later in the show when rachel comes to him looking for advice and he delivers this iconic line i'm not great at the advice can i interest you in a sarcastic comment at least he's self-aware maybe she should try ross or monica next time number 19 rachel revealing ross's secret one of the show's most iconic episodes is the season four premiere when ross and rachel reconcile after he fails to read her letter and inadvertently admits fault in their breakup i just wish we hadn't lost those four months but if time was what you needed just to gain a little perspective we were on that break their reunion is short-lived however because as soon as rachel realizes what has happened she loses it so does ross though ross and rachel's fights are always epic and this is truly one for the books oh oh and by the way y-o-u apostrophe-r-e means you are y-o-u-r means you're as they hurl insults at each other their jabs get nastier and nastier rachel tries to get the last word in with this reveal just so you know it's not that common it doesn't happen to every guy and it is a big deal i knew it it inevitably left many fans speculating about what exactly she's talking about number 18 chandler's ad ideas chandler's job is a near constant joke throughout the series and the more we learn about it the more depressing it seems no i mean what am i supposed to do with myself you're supposed to find your passion in life you can be whatever you want to be now he clearly does not have a passion for the industry he's in so in season 9 he decides to embark on a new career in advertising cheese it's milk that you chew when he tries out his chops coming up with promotional slogans for inanimate objects around the apartment monica's understandably skeptical but manages to hook him up with an internship anyway a grape because who can get a watermelon in your mouth we're not sure anyone would hire him based on concepts like cheese it's milk that you chew but he gets an a for effort number 17 the juice box there are plenty of friends jokes that we didn't understand when the show initially aired that have a whole new meaning now that we're all grown up i'm sorry i'm sorry this is taking so long you know i i it's just it's longer than i expect we will have dinner okay it's fine call in this episode ross and rachel encounter obstacles when they're trying to plan their date and eventually end up cozied up in the planetarium at ross's museum as they make out while lying on a blanket together something happens that makes rachel reassure ross that it's okay oh god oh honey oh that's okay what oh no you just rolled over the juice box he replies that they actually just rolled over a juice box and the result is one of the most adult jokes to ever occur on the show oh thank god number 16 unagi unagi is a state of total awareness when rachel and phoebe enroll in a self-defense class ross tries to undermine their newfound confidence in their own safety by telling them that they'll never be truly safe without practicing unagi ooh you know what if we made reservations we could have unagi in about a half hour they of course make fun of him asking if he's talking about a kind of sushi and he subsequently spends the episode trying to scare them what the hell was that a lesson in the importance of unagi the girls end up winning this battle however with ross eventually going to see their self-defense teacher and coming off like a total weirdo who's trying to learn how to attack women maybe we could attack them together that's enough number 15 ross's sandwich this is all just because of a sandwich a sandwich in season five ross is dealing with some rage issues due to his divorce and eviction it all comes to a head when one of his co-workers steals his sandwich look i am 30 years old okay i'm gonna be divorced twice and i just got evicted that sandwich was the only good thing going on in my life and it's not just any sandwich it's the special thanksgiving leftover sandwich featuring the moist maker you ate my sandwich it was a simple mistake it could happen to anyone oh really clearly his anger over the sandwich is representative over the frustration he's feeling about his entire life but it's still hilarious when he realizes that his boss was the one who took it and had the gall to throw part of it away causing ross to scream so loud that the pigeons outside hear it well it was quite large i i i had to throw most of it away you you you you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich number 14. joey doesn't share food for many of us joey is the most relatable of the friends gang and one of his qualities that makes us identify with him most is his love of food [Music] in the show's final season he's dating phoebe's friend sarah but their dinner out takes a negative turn when she tries to eat some of his fries describing the date to phoebe he yells this now iconic line joey doesn't share food when he agrees to another date he ends up having to explain to sarah as well that he does not share food when despite his best efforts she always wants to eat from his blade i don't like it when people take food off of my plate okay but you just said what's mine is yours well i didn't mean it he does however get a taste of his own medicine when she opts not to share her dessert with him stop staring at me number 13 ross's trip to the sun when monica gets a spray tan ross becomes jealous of her newly bronzed skin and decides to try it himself when the spring stops count to five unfortunately however the tanning process is a little bit too complicated for him one mississippi two mississippi three foot i'm not finished because he counts mississippi he ends up being sprayed multiple times on his front rather than on his back too when he goes back to try to rectify the situation he only manages to make it worse wait wait a minute there's no light on the back wall how do i know when it's going to start hello though the entire storyline is hilarious chandler gets in the best joke of the episode with this quip i went to that tanning place your wife suggested was that place the sun number 12 where should we get coffee wow i know it seems smaller somehow of course friends had to end with one final joke in the series finale we see the group of besties leaving the apartment for the last time this is harder than i thought it would be it's a tear-filled scene for both the characters and the audience but chandler cuts the tension in just the way fans would expect when rachel asks if monica and chandler have time to go for a coffee before they head to their new house chandler quickly responds sure where any true fan knows that there's only one possible option for a cafe nearby which is why this line always makes us chuckle even through our sobs number 11 moo point all right rach the big question is does he like you right because if he doesn't like you this is all a move point joey shows on a few occasions that he doesn't have a great grasp of the english language including when he uses a thesaurus on every word of a letter including his signature and sometimes his misunderstandings actually cause us to question whether what we thought we knew made sense to begin with when he tries to educate rachel on what a moo point is explaining that it's like a cow's opinion in that it doesn't matter we can't help it feel like it actually adds up have i been living with him for too long or did that all just make sense in a slightly less understandable example he somehow never learned that an adam's apple isn't named after every individual man would you put that back on monica's gonna be here any minute but it hurts my joey's apple okay for the last time it's not named after each individual man number 10 inside out cat rachel does some pretty impulsive things throughout the series but one of the most notable is when she buys a pricey hairless cat that her friends aren't exactly fond of should i come out oh my god what is what what the hell is that everyone has something to say about her new feline friend whether it's claiming it looks like a hand or asking why it's inside out it's it's a cat that is not a cat yes it is why is it inside out the real kicker of course is when she finally finds someone to take it off her hands gunther even he doesn't quite understand what he's gotten himself into because he thought it was some kind of snake oops so what is this some kind of snake or something number nine headless clowns we probably could have told you that letting joey and chandler look after baby ben was not gonna go well he's just adorable oh can you tell him that because he thinks he looks too pink they get distracted when talking to some cute girls and end up inadvertently leaving ben on a city bus hey where's your baby it turns out they weren't the only ones to lose a baby that day and they have to pick between two infants one of whom is wearing an outfit covered in clowns while the other is sporting ducks we'll flip for it ducks are clowns oh we're gonna flip for the baby you got a better idea all right call it in here they decide to flip a coin to decide and joey says the ducks should be heads because ducks have heads chandler's response to this logic is one for the books kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday number eight they don't know monica and chandler's secret relationship is a plot point for much of the show's fifth season and it all comes to a head in this episode where everyone gradually finds out what's been going on between them but see they don't know that we know that they know so ah yes the messers become the messies the other friends are let in on the secret one by one and eventually they're just hiding it from raws yeah listen joey's not gonna be here tonight so why don't you come over and i'll let you uh feel my bicep or maybe more but the lengths of which they go to mess with one another in an attempt to hold on to the secret a little longer is hilarious especially when phoebe uses this flawless logic that is super easy to understand they thought that they could mess with us they're trying to mess with us they don't know that we know they know we know number seven ross's leather pants ross is wearing leather pants does nobody else see that ross is wearing leather pants someone comment on the pants poor ross always seems to have something bad happen to him for new years ross makes a resolution to do one new thing every day one of those things ends up being wearing leather pants which turns into an abject calamity he wears them on a date but when he goes to the bathroom he can't get them back up again things keep getting worse and worse as he tries different tactics to eliminate the moisture from his legs i i see lotion i have lotion will that work yeah sure throw some of that on there while joey tries to offer him advice it doesn't make things any better you okay they're still they're still not coming on man and the lotion and the powder have made a paste number six phoebe's oh god isn't this exciting i earned this i white tablespoon i steamed milk for it and it was totally not worth it in season one rachel gets depressed about her financial situation after she receives her first paycheck and realizes how much she loses to taxes while phoebe and monica try to cheer her up they instead end up catching some of her despair i'm so sorry you guys i didn't mean to bring you down no you were right i don't have a plan monica worries that she doesn't have a life plan and when she asks phoebe if she has one she has the perfect response do you have a plan i don't even have a play we can definitely all relate to the idea of not knowing what we're doing with our lives and phoebe is all of us in this scene number five joey wearing all chandler's clothes no one was ready for this joke here we find ross trying to get everyone out of the apartment on time to attend his event but all his buddies are slowing him down in their own way okay beeps quick which should i wear the black or the purple part just just just pick one okay okay okay the black but oh do you have black with like little strappies joey and chandler end up in a feud over who lays claim over the best spot in the living room and it escalates quickly so in the words of a.a milne get out of my chair dill hole okay what are you doing well you said i had to give you the chair you didn't see anything about the cushions the highlight is when joey decides to put on all of chandler's clothes and impersonates him all while doing i'll tell you lunges hot with all this stuff on i uh i better not do any i don't know lunges number four rachel's trifle look at it isn't it beautiful yeah yeah what is it rachel isn't exactly a master chef and this is shown on several occasions throughout the series no moment is more memorable however than when she attempts to make a traditional english trifle for thanksgiving unfortunately or fortunately if you're joey the pages of her cookbook get stuck together and she ends up making a meal that's part trifle and part shepherd's pie yeah it'll be like a funny thanksgiving story vomiting stories are funny the result is an absolute disaster and her friends all come up with creative ways to dispose of their portions to avoid hurting her feelings yeah this is so good that i'm gonna go enjoy it on the balcony so i can enjoy the view whilst i enjoy my dessert except joey of course who is a big fan and eats the entire thing are you kidding what's not to like custard good jam good meat good number three joey on pyramid joey tribiani appearing on a televised game show oh boy what could go wrong i know it can be intimidating for regular people to be around celebrities but relax i'm just like you only better looking and richer when monica announces that he'll be going on pyramid we all had a feeling how it would go but no one would have expected how hilarious he would be uh okay it's a store like a supermarket oh i see i see what i did there okay okay okay uh i'm writing in my diary no more like a notebook his appearance as the celebrity guest on this game show is absolutely priceless mostly because he's so utterly bad at the game and his partner gets increasingly frustrated with him go you put this in your coffee uh a spoon your hands your face it's white paper snow a ghost whether he's unintentionally giving away the answers or trying to get them right we still find ourselves yelling paper snow a ghost whenever the mood strikes us monica and ross's storyline in the same episode is just as hilarious as they find out that they inadvertently kissed when they were younger well then who was on my bed oh oh no no no number two the game many consider this episode to be the absolute pinnacle of friends because it encompasses so many elements of what makes the show great while it consists mostly of the gang minus phoebe hanging out at the apartment together it also includes an unforgettable competition between the guys and the girls what is monica's biggest pet peeve animals dressed as humans that's correct and while they're playing we learned some hilarious facts about each of them what is the name of chandler's father's las vegas all-male burlesque viva las gagas unfortunately that is correct as viewers we didn't think there was any way the girls would actually lose their apartment so it's all the more shocking and funny when they do especially during the game's final moments when rachel doesn't actually know what chandler does for a living but does anyone have something to do with trans funding oh oh he's a trans france trans monster that's [Applause] before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one pivot returning to the theme of everything bad happening to ross when he decides to buy a new couch he refuses to pay for delivery assuring everyone that he can handle moving it himself with a little help from his friends of course all right rich come on let's go are you kidding when he and rachel aren't able to get the couch through the building staircase they bring in chandler for extra support here we go pivot pivot ross screams at them to pivot over and over again even though it's clearly not helping eventually chandler loses his cool with this frustrated response shut up shut up shut up okay i i don't think it's gonna pivot anymore you think no at least ross has his store credit look i'm a reasonable man i will accept store credit i'll give you store credit in the amount of four dollars i will take it do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from msmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest [Music] videos you
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 427,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friends jokes that will never get old, funniest friends jokes, funniest friends moments, best friends moments, friends jokes, friends moments, friends pivot, friends the game, friends joey on pyramid, friends rachel's trifle, friends phoebe's pla, friends moo point, friends ross' leather pants, friends they don't know, friends headless clowns, friends inside out cat, friends, TV, comedy, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, msmojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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