Top 20 Friends Mistakes That Were Kept in the Show

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okay everybody this is Rachel and another Lincoln high Survivor this is everybody this is Chandler welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 friends mistakes that were kept in the show hey how's it going aren't you yeah Rachel this is Ross's sister Monica we met at Thanksgiving for this list we'll be looking at some of the biggest continuity errors and script inconsistencies from the iconic sitcom leaving a comment on the other hand is never a mistake so go ahead and let us know what you think about TV errors did you notice them do they bother you number 20 The Disappearing table the 19th episode of the first season is called the one where the monkey gets away but it seems it should really have been called the one where the table gets away watch as Rachel and Ross are arguing about her having lost Marcel I kind of kind of lost him laughs see that little table against the wall beside the door under the piece of art okay now let's cut to a few minutes later when Rachel opens the door for the animal control woman hi thanks for coming somebody called about a monkey the piece of art is still there but what happened to the table did they cut out the scene where Ross gets so angry he picks it up and smashes it against the ground then cleans up all the pieces they must have right number 19. Joey's shirt cleans itself have you heard about this amazing clothing technology that can magically clean fabric while you wear it no well it looks like that's what Joey was wearing back in 2003 when they filmed the one with the late Thanksgiving in this episode Joey falls into a cart of food covering his clothes in the process push now if this was a normal sweater he'd probably remove it and throw it in the washing machine but this isn't any normal piece of clothing one moment it's covered with food and a minute later as the gang all go in for a group hug the front of it is almost as clean as it was before the cart incident there's a pregnant woman in Ohio and she picked us [Applause] okay so where do we get self-cleaning clothes we'll pay good money number 18 present wraps itself gonna open the presents without Chandler no they're calling out to me one of the great memories many married couples have is sitting at home together and opening their wedding presents well Chandler and Monica aren't one of those couples not because Chandler didn't want to open the gifts together but because Monica couldn't wait for him she tried but she just couldn't control herself may just count as half a present what do you think well I guess it's okay to open one more if it's part of a set you know it's probably this one or this one in fact she tried so hard at one point that it seems she kept unwrapping and re-wrapping the same gift in a matter of seconds from one shot to the next the internal moral struggle is strong with this one if you've never noticed this one before you'll definitely never not notice it again number 17 Chandler didn't know Rachel in the first episode of Friends Monica introduces Rachel to Ross who she already knows and to Joey Phoebe and Chandler who she's meeting for the first time these introductions all made sense at the time but later on in the series the idea that Chandler didn't recognize her that day kinda falls apart everyone this is Chandler my roommate and lead singer of our band let's not forget the Chandler's best friend in college was Ross and Monica's best friend was Rachel and as we see in numerous flashbacks Chandler had met Rachel many times in that context maybe we gave him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's forgotten his best friend's sister's friend probably not plus given his lack of success with the ladies we can't imagine he would also not have recognized Rachel from their college party makeout sesh you know I think it's kind of really important that I go somewhere where there's Sun so I'm sort of hey I'm in college and I'm in a band yeah okay number 16 items on the table keep changing in a scene if items on a table move around a little from one cut to the next it's easily chalked up to multiple takes especially if the items are being interacted with Phoebe and I smoke gas coming from your apartment what are you serious Joey smells gas what else is no however if the items on the table change completely well that's a mistake worth listing that's exactly what happens in this scene where Joey calls Monica to tell her he smells gas in the apartment I guess I could break down your door yeah do that and you won't blame us for any damage at one point during the call there's a dirty casserole dish and a bottle of water on the table and the next time we cut back to Joey and Phoebe there's just a bowl of fruit number 15 bottles and cans you probably wondering what I'm doing season 9 episode the one with the mugging Joey discovers that he gives a better acting performance when he has to relieve himself that was very good you did everything I asked for I did yes plus which you've got this I don't know what you've got going to the squirmy quality that you're bringing to the character that I couldn't have even imagined so for his next callback he decides to really lean into it and raids Monica's fridge for a whole bunch of liquid help he emerges from the fridge with three cans in one hand and two bottles in the other but we guess he didn't like his initial selections because when we cut back to him he's ditched the bottles and added a few more cans to the mix number 14 new top we've already discussed Joey's self-cleaning sweater but this shirt is even more amazing it has the ability to change into a completely different top when Joey first spots the hot girl while in Monica's apartment he's wearing a black pullover with a zipper how you are doing it worked she's waving me over however when he makes his way over to Ross's building to find her he's suddenly wearing a maroon or purple fight about it in the comments button up now he might have decided to change so that's not too weird however as Ross opens the door something magical happens hey Joey great stuff huh that purple button up morphs back into the black pullover wow if you were missing the button up though not to worry it makes a reappearance in the following scene number 13 teleporting extras they say it's impossible to be in two places at once well those laws of physics obviously don't apply to extras in the final episode of friends I don't want to get over her well I don't I want to be with her really yeah I'm gonna go after yeah yeah as you might remember in the episode Ross and Phoebe rushed to the airport so that Roz can tell Rachel how he really feels about her leaving the only problem as we all know is that they go to JFK when Rachel is actually flying out of Newark Newark Airport what Newark Airport why where are you JFK which means they are in two totally different locations right well tell that to the extras in the scenes you see that lady in the head scarf and the guy in the black shirt behind Phoebe and Ross at JFK now look who's also in the background in Newark number 12 does Phoebe know how to speak French or not as Monica sous chef Tim explains the word sous chef comes from the French word Su which means under uh this is Phoebe Phoebe this is Tim my new sous chef oh so you're Monica's boss actually she's my boss Sue is is French for under in the scene Phoebe is clearly learning this information for the first time maybe that interaction made her wish she knew how to speak French and she secretly spent the next couple of years becoming fluent one other explanation could there be for the fact that in season 10 Phoebe attempts to teach Joey French for an audition and is able to have a full conversation with the play's director we just don't Sue stand the flu oh my dear number 11 Ross and Rachel's birthdays you'd think that keeping a character's birthday consistent would be easy the first time you mention it in an episode you write it down somewhere and make sure you don't differ from that going forward you know my birthday sure May Timber October 18th well it looks like the writers forgot to write it down for a couple of the friends let's start with Ross whose birthday is mentioned as being October 18th on multiple occasions later however he tells Gunther his birthdays in December when's your birthday May 5th why oh I I'm just making a list of people's birthdays oh mine's December yeah whatever then there's Rachel her birthday is said to be May 5th but according to her driver's license she's an aquarius which covers the period from about January 20th to February 18th you're probably um probably wondering about the old date yes I am yeah you're an aquarius huh we'll let you be the judge of which astrological sign suits them best number 10 the foam finger in this episode from the first season of friends Ross is bummed out because he realizes it's the anniversary of the date when he and Carol first slept together you know what I better pass on the game I think I'm just gonna go home and think about my ex-wife and her lesbian lover Chandler and Joey try to convince him to come see the Rangers and Penguins hockey game with them and Joey tries to cheer Ross up by offering to buy him a foam finger if I was to buy me a big foam finger you got it all right but it seems that the finger he gets him has the some magical properties because one moment it's there and then the next it appears to have disappeared entirely that's all you need a bunch of Toothless guys hitting each other with sticks while Ross could have put it down it seems unlikely he'd do it so soon after since he made the guy's promise to buy it for him number nine necklace or no necklace so are you really okay about all this oh yeah come on I'm moving on you can press her up against that window as much as he wants throw her through the damn thing in the one where Ross finds out Rachel learns that Ross and his new girlfriend Julie are planning to get a cat together the scene takes place in Central Perk and viewers were understandably distracted by Rachel's reaction to the news you getting the cat actually we're getting a cat most people probably miss the fact that as Ray as Ripple's adoption plans a necklace appears and disappears from her neck several times well isn't that just lovely clearly the scene was shot at two different instances and someone in the costume department dropped the ball on the accessories Rachel was supposed to be wearing number eight Magna doodle writing every serious friends fan has probably noticed that the Magna doodle and Joey and Chandler's apartment frequently has funny phrases or sayings written on it I'm telling you you're gonna be dancing at my wedding before you dancing at theirs you know I don't dance to weddings because weddings are a great place to meet women and when I dance I look like this however it has two completely different things displayed just moments apart when Ross comes to tell his buddies that he's getting married again the sign simply says poop a couple of seconds later however when the camera pans away and then pans back it says get out great because Emily and I are getting married in a month throughout the scene it flip-flops through these two inscriptions showing that the scene was clearly shot at two different times number seven poorly written engagement announcement the focus of this episode is Monica and Chandler's engagement announcement and Chandler's utter inability to take a decent photo for it I know you can do this okay you have a beautiful smile yeah when the audience finally sees the announcement at the end of the episode Joey has acted as a stand-in for Chandler oh yeah that looks good this is of course intentional but if you actually pause and read the announcement you'll notice that it's a bit nonsensical there are a few spelling and grammatical mistakes and a couple of words and phrases are repeated yeah we look great together we really do okay we gotta say we're not impressed with this newspaper number six Emma Geller Green's hat after Ross and Rachel bring baby Emma back from the hospital Rachel is so enamored with her that she can't possibly leave her alone to sleep oh God look at her sleeping oh I love her so much I think I'm gonna wake her up in one scene Rachel wakes her up in her bassinet to predictably terrible results only the most eagle-eyed viewers were likely to notice that Emma wasn't wearing the same hat throughout the scene in one shot it's a solid pink hat while in another it has a white background and a print on it sorry go back to sleep considering how difficult it must be for Crews to shoot with infant actors we'll give them a pass on this one number five Monica Geller sock we all know Monica is a control freak in a good way but in this episode Rachel actually grants her full control at least as far as her love life is concerned what is the matter with you dude do you want to fall into the Trap do you want to fall into the Trap you did not drop any socks When Rachel goes Rogue however and starts ignoring Monica's advice things start to go downhill in this scene Rachel locks Monica out of the apartment and Monica frantically knocks on the door to be let in [Applause] when we see her her hand is bare but when Ross opens the door a moment later she has a sock covering it interestingly enough in the longer version that appears on DVD Monica actually knocks for almost a minute which explains that perhaps she put the sock on because her hand was starting to hurt can I talk to you outside for a sec no I really need to talk to you number four not Rachel we're not sure what was going on when they filmed the season 9 episode the one with the mugging because it was full of errors and inconsistencies while this next one may be hard to catch if you're not watching friends in HD it's a pretty egregious error when you do notice it oh yeah oh I loved him in those cell phone commercials I know when the monkey hits him in the face with the giant rubber phone Joey and Rachel are standing next to each other in one shot but in the next the woman beside him is clearly a stand-in rather than Jennifer Aniston not only that but she's not even wearing the same shirt that Rachel was wearing number three apartment numbers for most of the later episodes of the show any fan could tell you that Monica lives in apartment 20 and Joey and Chandler live in apartment 19. but listen don't ring the buzzer for 19. ring 20 Geller green they'll let you in at the beginning however the numbers were completely different in earlier episodes a number four is seen on the guy's door while the girls live in apartment 5. the reason for the switch is a logical one they clearly live on an upper floor of a decently sized building so it didn't exactly make sense for their apartment numbers to be so low number 2 Phoebe buffay's stain hello you look great thank you I know though in this fan favorite episode The Gang is trying to get ready for a formal event at Ross's work unfortunately there seems to be countless impediments when it comes to them actually getting out the door not touching can't get back don't touch it man oh oh rotten boys Phoebe manages to get a huge amount of hummus on her dress and is forced to figure out how to cover it up leaves what happened Thomas I got the hummus each time we see the stain however it seems to have changed sizes we don't understand exactly how costuming works but we've got to presume they shot this episode over several different time periods perhaps requiring a New Dress each time before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one fake Monica the changes in technology have revealed some mistakes that were originally hidden I I have to fire him but why because he's terrible okay he's slow he burns things last night he lit my pastry chef on fire this is because friends was originally aired in a 4-3 aspect ratio meaning the shots we saw on TV were slightly cropped in HD version however we see an expanded version of the show we know and love in this episode Monica and Phoebe are talking in Central Perk near the end of the segment however when we're supposed to be seeing Phoebe's reaction it's clear that the person she's talking to is no longer Courtney Cox but much like in our previously mentioned example with Jennifer Aniston a stand-in love it foreign with our picks check out this other recent clip from mismo Joe and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 230,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, bloopers, continuity, errors, fake monica, friends, friends apartment numbers, friends bloopers, friends continuity errors, friends errors, friends goofs, friends mistakes, friends mistakes left in show, friends mistakes that were kept in the show, goofs, list, mistakes, mojo, msmojo, phoebe buffay’s stain, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, msmojo friends, Friends TV Show, Friends TV Show Mistakes, Unnoticed Friends Mistakes, Friends Filming Errors
Id: arwkNnQ9zVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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