Massive Mistakes In Friends No One Noticed

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it's been 25 years as we first met Monica Chandler Joey Rachel Ross and Phoebe and we still can't get enough of friends after binging the show over and over over and over again you may think you know everything there is to know about the comedy it turns out that over ten seasons and 236 episodes friends contains quite a few mistakes that even some diehard fans missed from continuity airs to crater sized plot holes to small details that make no sense once you notice them it's hard to forget these flaws in this video we're counting down 15 mistakes that you missed in friends at number 15 is Phoebe's ability or lack thereof to speak another language in season 8 when Phoebe visits Monica at work she's introduced to Monica's sous-chef Tim she has no idea what Sue means and asked him if he's Monica's boss as Tim informs her sue is French for under yet the word went right over her head in season 10 though Phoebe attempts to teach Joe we had to speak French and seems to have a firm grasp of the language yeah now it's possible that after the whole sue incident with Tim that Phoebe spent the next two years learning to speak French we just kind of doubted one of the details in the show that is a constant source of Easter eggs is the Magna doodle and Joey and Chandler's apartment the characters use it to write messages to each other and if you look closely in each episode you can see that over the years the props department used it to showcase their creativity they included fun doodles and silly notes to make the background of each episode more interesting in the episode where all of the duo's furniture is stolen the robber even leaves a thank-you note on it that doesn't mean that there weren't a few times when eagle-eyed viewers noticed some odd Magna doodle details in the fourth season episode the one with the wedding dresses though writing on the Magna doodle behind Chandler keeps changing when Rachael enters the apartment it says get out when Chandler explains why he doesn't dance at weddings though the writing changes to say poop a few seconds later when Ross comes in and informs everyone when he and Emily are getting married the writing is back to saying get out that is one confusing Magna doodle [Music] throughout friends people popped in and out of Rachael and Monica's apartment as if they never lock their doors yet the locks work inconsistently depending upon what's going on in the first season's Thanksgiving episode when the underdog balloon gets away Monica and Rachel leave in a hurry and get locked out this makes it seem like the doors lock automatically but how is that possible when Chandler bursts in the apartment just moments earlier to tell everyone what's going on later in an episode in season 10 Chandler and Monica lock everyone out of their apartment so rachel searches for an old key that'll let the gang back in the problem is the locks were changed back in season 8 when Rachel moved out that means Rachel's old key would never get them in no matter how the apartments locks worked during the show there are a couple examples where it looks like Monica and Rachel have been by swamped if you look closely for a split second Monica and Rachel are no longer Monica and Rachel in the episode the one with the mugging Rachel races into the apartment and she and Joey talk in the doorway when Joey turns to talk to everyone else suddenly the woman next to him is someone else she's not even wearing the same clothes she may look just as happy as Rachel but we suspect that's the smile of someone who's infiltrated our friends unnoticed similarly in the one with Rachel's date Monica and Phoebe are having a conversation on the couch at Central Perk when the camera changes angles for a close-up on Phoebe someone who looks nothing like Monica can be seen in the profile on the right side of the frame who is that person and what has she done with Monica the season 6 episode the one where Chandler doesn't cry focuses on well you guessed it Chandler's inability to cry in the episode Chandler admits that he hasn't been able to cry since he was a child so the gang does their best to get him back in touch with his feelings despite how emotionally stunted the episode makes Chandler seem it turns out that his inability to shed tears has been greatly exaggerated in a season 3 episode Phoebe recounts a story where she made Chandler cry Chandler also tears up in the season 4 episode where Ross must choose either Joey or Chandler to be his best man as wedding to Emily Ross decides he wants both of them and informs them that he's lucky to have such good friends it leaves all three guys in tears despite what the show would have us believe about Chandler a couple seasons later another inconsistency that happens throughout the series is Ross's dislike of ice cream in the season 7 episode the one where Chandler doesn't like dogs Ross mentions that he doesn't like ice cream why apparently it's too cold and hurts his teeth oh poor guy yeah there's more than one time that we've seen Ross eat ice cream on the show when Ross had the monkey Marcel he's shown sharing an ice cream cone with him and then when Ross gets together with Elizabeth in season six he's seen eating ice cream with her I don't know maybe he developed a tooth sensitivity after that which led to his newfound hatred of ice cream much of the first season of Friends revolved around the coming birth of Ross's son Ben in subsequent seasons Ben continue to show up periodically which made it clear that Ross was still very much a part of his child's life yet as the show went on we saw less and less of little Ben and by the time the last two seasons of the show rolled around Ben was nowhere to be found in fact Ben's last episode was midway through season 8 in season 9 and 10 Ross and Rachel had their baby Emma but Emma never met her big brother Ben apparently there's only room for one child in Ross's life friends begins with Rachel leaving her fiance Barry at the altar and seeks out her old friend Monica that's not the last time we hear of Barry though he shows up several additional times on the show and each time he's known as Barry Farber DDS except in that pilot episode where his last name is Finkel why does Barry's last name change between the pilot and the next time he's mentioned did Rachael walking out on him make him reconsider things and result in a name change this one just makes no sense in season 5 Joey finds himself keeping his friends secrets and he hates it Joey just wants everyone to come clean so he doesn't have to keep track of who knows what especially since as he puts it he has his own secrets in the episode the one where everyone finds out reveals what one of those secrets is he has a penguin pal named huggsy you don't know about hugs eat my bedtime penguin pal the topic doesn't come up again until Emma is born and decides that she loves huggsy as much as Joey does yet if you look closely starting in season five huggsy can be seen placed in different places in Joey and Chandler's apartment it seems like he's always there watching the friends antics but never drawing any attention to himself yet if he's Joey's big secret why is Joey suddenly so cavalier with where he puts his stuff pal it's a perplexing if adorable gaffe [Music] Rachael's last name is green and it's a pretty simple name to remember and spell yet for some reason no one on Friends could decide if there was an e at the end of the name or not the back and forth made it seem like the friends didn't actually know the proper spelling of Rachel's surname including Rachel in the credits Green is spelled like the color G are en on the door of Rachel's office at Bloomingdale's though it's spelled GRE E and E Ross goes with this spelling when he sends an invitation to his wedding to Rachel later when Ross is shown holding a cake for Emma's first birthday however the box is clearly marked with the last name Green without the e honestly just pick a spelling and go with it Rachel Monica and Rachel's apartment has a big beautiful balcony that looks out onto their neighbors apartment building if you pay attention to the backdrop however you'll notice it keeps changing and that's why this mistake is at number five on our list the funny thing is that the gang paid a lot of attention to the building across the way especially when they were spying on ugly naked guy who's nude activities were a constant source of fascination despite spending all that time gazing at the big squishy but the friends never noticed that his apartment buildings seemed to remodel itself how is that possible is Monica's building moving or is ugly naked guys building constantly changing does the New York City of friends exist in some kind of space and time vortex at number four is Phoebe's astonishing ability to appear in two places at once and the pilot friends after the gang goes to Monica's apartment Phoebe stands in the kitchen with the others to meet Monica's date after Monica introduces him the infamous Paul the wine guy and invites him in phoebe mentions that she's pulled out four eyelashes the very next shot is of paul looking back from the couch reacting to Phoebe's strange pronouncement and who's sitting in the chair next to him well it's none other than Phoebe herself yet Paul seems more perplexed by Phoebe's ability to pull out her eyelashes than her ability to replicate herself one of the strangest friends plotholes involves when Chandler and Rachel first meet and that's why it's at number three on our countdown in the first episode of Friends Monica introduces Chandler to Rachel as if the two have never met one another before yet later in the show it's revealed in flashbacks that Chandler and Rachel really should have recognized each other in the fifth season episode the one with all the Thanksgivings Rachel meets Chandler at the Gellers Thanksgiving not once but twice then in a season 10 episode Monica and Rachel attend a party the night before their SATs and Chandler and Rachel make out even if they didn't remember those other meetings you'd think that particular encounter would have been memorable for both of them and number 2 on our list is the shifting floors of the group's apartments for most of the series Monica and Rachel's apartment was number 20 while Joey and Chandler lived across the way at number 19 yet this wasn't the case in friends first season in the initial episode of the show Monica and Rachel's apartment was number 5 and Joey and Chandler's was number 4 the apartment numbers were reportedly changed when producers realized that that would put the apartments on the first floor as fans know though the gang didn't live on the bottom floor they were often seen walking up stairs to get to their apartments so the apartment numbers in order to make their second-floor location make more sense this one definitely raises eyebrows still we never really focused on the apartment numbers anyway we were more confused about how Monica could afford that nice apartment in New York City finally at number one is the inconsistency surrounding the friends ages and the dates of their births this is information that seems to shift every time it comes up or not shift enough and it's a particular issue for Ross for three whole years he doesn't age he says he's 29 in seasons 3 4 & 5 of the show even though he goes through three different Thanksgivings and holiday seasons in that time he's also mentioned that his birthday is in December and October and another point rachel celebrates her 30th birthday in the episode it's clear that Rachel's the last of the group to hit this milestone except that earlier in the series Joey was said to be the youngest why are these people having such a hard time figuring out how old they are and when they were born could these mistakes be any more annoying let us know in the comments which ones you'll be keeping an eye out for on your next friends rewatch are there any other mistakes that we missed if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give us a nice big thumbs up and subscribe to the Benja for more awesome content thanks for watching
Channel: Collider
Views: 5,355,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Binger, Friends, Joey Tribbiani, Chandler Bing, Monica Geller, Ross Geller, Rachel Green, Phoebe Buffay, Central Perk, New York City, Gunther, Apartment Building, Continuity Errors, Mistakes in Friends, Plot Holes, TV Sitcom
Id: T9Zkp90_6-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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