Top 11 Gravity Falls Episodes

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[Music] [Music] Buhler hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to if you haven't noticed I'm kind of a fan of gravity falls yeah yeah yeah we got it but who can blame me there's no bad episodes of it the show about a boy and girl who's been the summer with their con-artists uncle in a supernatural town has caught on like wildfire there's cosplays fan art fan fiction disturbing fan fiction the show is touched a nerve with this hilarious writing engaging story and unforgettable characters it's like Adventure Time meets x-files there's no other show like it except maybe if entertainment x-files but together there's no doubt that this show brings back the nostalgic feeling of growing up in the 80s and 90s mix with the technique and storytelling of today's kids shows even if you're an adult you feel like a kid watching gravity falls and seeing how this is the month of dark shadows boo-ki creatures and things that go bump in the night we're gonna look at the top 11 best episodes here today why top eleven because grappling-hook this is the top 11 best gravity falls episode number eleven sock opera maple comes across yet another boyfriend she wanted for her heart--it and it turns out he's a puppeteer so she wants to put on her own sock rock opera to win his attention the downside is bill cipher the silliest yet somehow also scariest creature switches places with her brother dipper and forces his body into that of a sock puppet resulting in not only a ton of funny imagery involving differs new form alright it look it looks funny with your bad but also a viewing of Mabel's not-so-subtle opera trying to possess the heart of another shallow FOP I'm sorry Mabel but I have to go fight in the war the songs are fun the suspense is surprisingly intense and the idea is perfectly ridiculous this poster alone is enough to make the episode worth it nothing more to say except it'll definitely make you laugh your socks off applause [Applause] number ten soos and the real girl everyone can get sucked in too deep into the digital realm but sometimes the digital realm can get sucked in too deep in dollars to soos is trying to work on his love life and comes across a dating simulator game the games character giffany or as a Jif aney trains him to go out on a date but then becomes too obsessed and tries to date him in real life sabotaging any chance he has for real love the episode is great for showing the pros of the online world but also the dangers of becoming too consumed by it since becomes too invested in his false pixelated reality but even when he tries to leave the pixel a of reality that reality isn't done with him wow that's awesome sort of a red flag but mostly awesome it's a real example but nevertheless it shows how unhealthy and extreme lack of social interaction mixed with engulfing yourself in a fantasy world can go many people online suffer with this kind of dilemma and in so many various ways well this is Souza's way and he shows that you can start over again and make the best of reality it just might take a few pixelated hurdles to get through I'm wrecking eye contact going on dates and I haven't seen any natural sunlight for 13 hours number nine Northwest mansion mystery maples enemy Pacifica Northwest has been described even by the show as a one-dimensional character but that suddenly changes when her family throws a big party leaving all the riffraff out leading to a ghost haunting the place demanding that they be let in this is one of the few times we see Pacifica and dipper team up to fight the Menace leading to a surprisingly sweet kind of romance though they never become a full-on couple these two share an amazingly likable chemistry not just in how well they work together but in his as well as our understanding of what Pacifica's upbringing is like there's a seriously uncomfortable series of sequences where her father rings a bell whenever she disagrees with him and she immediately silences herself like a dog it's legitimately unnerving every time it happens and it actually makes us feel sorry for a character that seemed like a comically simple antagonist on top of that the episode is gorgeous with popping colors heavy shadows and visually strong layouts it matches to be both funny and emotional over a character many of us never thought we would feel either for such a stick-in-the-mud can suddenly be so complex and interesting it teaches us that underneath all that shallowness there might be something more fragile than we realized number eight a tale of two stands so much as Stan's background as a mystery from where we grew up who we grew up with and of course how honest he is so much of his story as well as the story of his family is finally shown here proving to be both comic and tragic his ability to both connect very well but also be polar opposite with the ones he loves most adds to the complexity of what originally seemed like a self-centered con artist but as the previous episode on this list showed everyone has a deeper side it's nice seeing what made Stan who he is both good and bad this also starts the possibility of a riff between dipper and Mabel wandering their connection could be severed similar to how Stan's was with his family I don't know if this is good or bad yeah you liked the way things were here before seeing the parallels between them in both how well they got along but also on how distant they can choose to be from each other it's hard not to get emotionally invested in the future of what may happen to them definitely more of a serious episode but certainly has a lot of laughs as well complex and interesting with just the right amount of laughs thrown in you stay away from the kids I don't want them in danger because as far as I'm concerned they're the only family I have left [Music] number seven boys crazy with Izzy maple my friends have tickets to see their favorite boy band several times no like that's our actual name several times again with Izzy a popular inspection they realize that they're not really people at all well sorta they're actually all clones so it's up to Mabel to free them and show how they can live in everyday life but will she be able to give them up when the time comes duper sweaters change every episode not only does this one satirize the craze of the boy bands perfectly but it even kind of mocks the ones that Disney made as well yeah I know it's supposed to be more of an NSYNC Backstreet Boys kind of thing but you know you get Jonas Brothers out of this to Kemah you know you're all thinking the idea of the band being clones is clearly a commentary on what many people have been saying for a while about boy bands about how they're all the same with a corporate mastermind making only slight differences even with all that said though it's surprisingly never too mean-spirited the boys are just products of the system they were created in and they're still wide-eyed and kind to anyone who wants to help them out I think it would have been so easy to go a meaner route especially with some of the celebrities out there but keep it innocent while still funny they even got Lance Bass to do the voice of all the clones that has to show this is being done in some good spirit super clever but not overly mean this is the episode to win any vulnerable girl's heart Mabel girl [Music] number since weirdmageddon to escape from reality maple is easily a favor for most people so it's no wonder that a world completely ran and controlled by her would be amazing to witness technically a prisoner of bill cipher maple has given her own reality that's determined to make her happy so she'll never want to leave it the world is everything you would imagine Mabel would create super Brides super silly totally insane but also tons of fun they even got a great cameo with Jon Stewart after he left the Daily Show playing a strange cat judge we are here to try to the pines in the case of fantasy vs. reality it's maples mind what do you expect the episode also does well in rekindling dipper and Mabel's fallen relationship as they have to prove to each other the importance each plays in their lives this helps they add a little way to what is an otherwise mad house of goofiness one that like Mabel many of us would never want to leave totally nuts but also a hilarious adventure what else would you expect from Mabel's mind this world always knows what you want sometimes even before you do apparently I wanted a chinchilla number five fight fighters all of us have either played or seen someone else play a popular fighting game whether it be Street Fighter Mortal Kombat the Capcom games and so forth well in this episode all their blood hungry cheesiness is brought to the limelight as one of dippers games fight fighters is brought to life when one of the characters enters the real world that wants to fake the world's greatest fight fighters take me to the Soviet Union that's gonna be tough for a number of reasons everything about these awesomely corny games of the past wreaks havoc on the town and dipper tries to find a way to stop him before he destroys everything the winks and jabs and this are just as funny as the well winks and jabs and the original games they could only be done by someone who loves this type of stuff everything from the inability to hold still they're bizarre need to beat up cars and their talent of absorbing items just by walking over half a taco place it on before the animation style the voice acting the attention to detail is perfect you won't want a cheat code to skip any of the comedy in this one I said stay still this is as still as I can stay number four Gideon rises this was the end of the first season and by god it feels like one hell of a big ending different Mabel are forced to leave gravity falls after Stan's mystery shack is bought by their arch nemesis Gideon Gideon doesn't find what he's looking for though he builds a gigantic version of himself to chase down dipper and Mabel it's as epically silly as you can get the fight sequence between the three of them is so creative so large but also so funny you watched impress but also laughing at the same time for a season that has such great moments both in humor and in scope this is an episode that brought it all together it was a completely satisfying climax to the first half of the show and on top of that it has one of the biggest cliffhangers ever we finally see what's down stairs behind Stan's vending machine it's finally revealed that he knows more than he's letting on but how much does he know and what will lead to of course you have to wait until the next season to find out what a finale what an episode it's huge in all the right ways now every summer we oh you can't have this on Halloween Liz without talking about the Halloween episode gravity falls has a slight disadvantage that talks about a lot of things Halloween is yet it takes place over the summer so how can you do a Halloween episode well it turns out the neighborhood loves Halloween so much that they do it in the summer as well and call it summer week it's mainly the same except instead of jack-o'-lanterns is Jackyl melons and it even comes with its own scary story the trickster haunts anyone who doesn't have the summerween spirit and dipper wants to skip out so he can go to a party with Wendy it's up to the gang to escape this evil entity while also trying to keep the summerween spirit alive almost any grab befalls episode can be seen as the Halloween episode so even more care had to be taken to separate this from the others and it totally pays off from the costumes to the cheap novelties to the traditions it still stands as a very clear Sun up to the holiday it's a day when the whole family can get together at one place and celebrate what really matters pure evil I won't dare reveal the story behind what the trickster is but let's just say it's beyond clever and anyone who has ever trick-or-treated before can recognize and identify with it very quickly with so many specials to watch her on Halloween time this is a perfect one to add to the list number two weirdmageddon three take back the Falls well of course the final episode would make it out here it's everything the show has been building up to and unlike some other final episodes it not only answers everything but it delivers exactly what we've been looking for the plot is very simple they have to stop bill cipher from destroying the world and that's about it but the lengths they go to to make this battle's epic creative smart and uproariously funny completely pay off practically every episode is building up to the end of the world and this is pretty much how the end of the world according to gravity falls would go down by paying homage to every other end of the world from Mad Max to Walking Dead to the majority of heavy metal covers it's every over-the-top extreme you can imagine but it also has the emotional side it is the final episode so that means every character has to say goodbye and every one of them is given a satisfactory exit it really takes its time allowing you to let go of these characters you share so many laughs and adventures and it knows how to not go return to King on us and not overstay his welcome it's about as perfect to send all for the show as you can get bringing the action the suspense and hilarity what a way to end and the number one gravity falls episode is not what he seems you might be wondering why I'm putting this one over the final episode which seems so perfect well on top of this one being the first episode where gravity does fall and also one of the biggest and most sought-after reveals in the show's history this is also the first time an episode made a lot of their fans actually second-guess themselves which for a TV show especially a kids TV show it's very difficult to do stain is arrested for apparently not being who he says he is we all know stand has done a lot of wrong things in the past but as dipper and Mabel dig deeper and deeper they discover his lies are part of a web that can never be untangled the stories just get worse and worse and Stan isn't really able to defend himself all he can say is that you have to trust him you have to trust him a wine he's used to trick so many people before and with everything that this episode throws at us we find ourselves the audience having a hard time trusting him - what's so brilliant about this episode is that completely makes us forget what's obvious it's a main character in a kid ship from Disney they once suddenly turn in this unlikable or into a bad guy they with yet another apocalyptic climax we find the fate of everything rests in the trust our characters have for their uncle and one of them completely doesn't trust him and the other wants to trust him even she doesn't know if she can it works because nothing but facts and logic from the show's environment are thrown at you which completely makes you forget the facts and logic of your own environment that Disney most likely wouldn't go the path with this character that you think they might go this sucks you in so much that you completely forget your better judgment and completely get lost to what's going on it's one of the few times so much of the audience surrender themselves to the show how do I know I'm not the only one who went through this because the fan art of one of the final scenes is everywhere people remember this image of Mabel holding her hands up because people remember how torn they were at this scene they were completely withering questioning that trust which makes the moment all the more powerful it was one of the only times most of us forgot we were watching a show with focus groups strategic writing and statistical choices and became lost to the world and the characters they presented us they were real and we didn't know if we trusted them and we feared someone would make the wrong choice hell we feared if we were in the situation we want make the wrong choice it's everything that made us realize why it was so powerful in one single episode help one single image it was when stopped being a show for many of us and became something much more real and much more special other any that I missed will leave them in the comments below and explain why they're your favorite hmm I feel we were talking so positively for so long if there was a movie that one of the actors from the show was in that had a connection to Halloween and somehow use the word a lot in it no no I got nothing no no [Music] [Applause] coming next week as Freddy vs. Jason the crossover we all thought we wanted to see but you can see it now under vessels ad free early access just three dollars a month to see tons of people's videos early as well as a bunch of other extra features check it out and get the early scoop [Music] [Music] Oh you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,233,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, television, gravity falls, animation, gravity falls review, review, disney xd, disney, top 11 gravity falls episodes, top 11, top list, halloween
Id: AnFxe3O3D64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2016
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