Top 100 Ranked Tournament (Minecraft Speedrunning)

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these are the top 100 Minecraft speedrunners racing to see who is the fastest and I'm one of them I managed to squeak in at 92nd place so I'm playing in this competition everybody is fighting for the top eight slots if you make it into the top eight you go to the the actual big tournament that everybody's excited about I mean for me it's honestly a win here but I could maybe maybe if I get Super Lucky make it into the top eight I'm already I've already found my buried treasure so things are going super well you should know a couple things about this tournament number one I was very stressed out I woke up at six in the morning the tournament was at nine o'clock I think I was just thinking about it too much before I went to bed my brain was just like you cannot miss this you have to wake up early it wasn't all bad though because I went for a run beforehand that helped me warm up get me ready for the day I did have to take a really big nap afterwards but that's for another point the other thing you should know about this tournament is you it works in a pretty cool way it's double elimination so if you lose twice you're out of the tournament what what classifies as a loss if you finish within the top I mean sorry the bottom 50 so everybody's playing on the exact same world has the exact same luck so it's all about decision making and like your raw mechanics of the game if you finish in the bottom 50 you get a Mark if you get two marks you're out of the torment rounds continuously happen until there's only eight people left I've gotten all my stuff together I'm feeling actually very good I'm very pleased with how I play it especially considering like how I don't know it was like kind of stressful but it kind of wasn't I think leading up to an even like this is always the most stressful and the day before I remember there are a couple instances where I just thought about playing this but it stressed me out a ton I think the the night before though I kind of came to the realization that's like you know nobody really cares I there's very little shot I'm actually gonna make it into the top eight let's be realistic here I was I was just shooting for top hundred all right if you people are far too good for me maybe next season I think I I still have potential but the point is um I wasn't sure if I was nervous or not I don't know that sounds kind of weird like I was nervous but like logically to myself I was like it's fine it's kind of whatever and I had moments where I wasn't nervous I don't really know I'm kind of rambling we're almost we've almost made it to the Fortress though and you can see in the bottom left all the people getting the achievements so you just saw like speckner entered the Fortress these will only show up for the first person to get that advancement so as I enter the nether somebody got a lava bucket like 20 seconds before me that is the only way I know if I'm like doing better or worse than most people and there's no real good way to tell if you're within the top 50 because you're only seeing the person who is the fastest so the first person just barely entered the Bastion I'm thinking to myself right now uh oh this terrain is looking not so great I don't see a Bastion there's there's not very many openings anywhere and some sometimes in these kind of ranked games you can get screwed over by terrain you go the wrong direction you're not playing Super well at the game you don't find the Bastion it is over man but I spot it out of the corner of my eye I mean not not really the corn on my eye it's right there we're on top of the Bastion entering I think 30 seconds slower than the the person who's in first I think they're in total there were 64 of us just because like not everybody in the top 100 signed up for the event and some people missed it but most people did I was also streaming this which you might be like why didn't you tell us you were streaming I don't really like I don't know streaming isn't a huge thing for me and I I didn't want to like say hey everybody I'm I'm gonna be streaming come watch me and then I then I do super poorly I don't know maybe maybe I should have said that it's on Twitch too so it's whatever I don't I don't coin I wanted to make though is it's a silent Stream So the way this corner was set up they they didn't allow us to have like our mic on because there's one big stream where there's toggling between everybody's perspective to see who's doing well in the speedrun who isn't so I was I was kind of just silent I you you could have told me I wasn't streaming I just kind of clicked the stream button and let it play which was kind of nice I think you'd have to think about hundreds of people watching me that wasn't hundreds I think it was like a 100 or something my brother was watching that was kind of cool he likes speedrunning stuff kind of a tangent but uh me and my brother we played frisbee golf today in fact me and my my all of my brothers who played my dad it was Father's Day so that was super hype a great way to end the day um I am getting very off of talking we're speed running trying to get top 32 out of 64. uh as soon as the top 32 people finished the seed just like shuts down and the people who didn't finish you just you're out of the rule the most problem thing about this first round though is if you saw on chat we've already seen the advancement for people entering the Fortress and entering the bash in a speed run you're usually going to enter the Bastion first then Fortress but the way this seed was set up people spawned in the Fortress and so we've already seen the advancement for Fortress basically I don't know when the person who's in the lead has entered the Fortress so I could be a minute behind Pace I could be 10 seconds behind Pace I'm probably closer to like 30 seconds behind first place which I think is a pretty a pretty solid amount like if I keep this pace up I'm I'm basically guaranteed to make it at least to the next round all you have to do is like get top 50 and probably a handful of people are gonna die so we're in the Fortress right now doing some basic navigating I do make this I think fairly smart decision to break outside of the Fortress just so I can get a better view because I know I'm in the bad part of the Fortress I'm thinking I'm probably far away from the good part so I'm going on top of the roof I see a good part uh I take a second to breathe and throw a good Pearl though I do not want to be messing up I have fire resistance on thankfully pretty sure I did some warm-up games before this and died because I fought or forgot my fire resistance you'll see me put on another one there my goals with this experience were twofold one not lose just immediately but two just play well like be happy with how I played I think the day before this I was practicing for some ranked I wanna I won like a match but I just played so terribly also just get trolled with their skeleton oh my gosh did you see that he got beat by a leaf what was I saying yes I won a match yesterday as I was practicing but I played terrible and I didn't feel super great but then the day before that I played a match and I lost but I played really well and I felt super happy about that so the goal was just to be pleased with how I played and I think you'll see in a second or two maybe it already happened it actually probably already happened yes I just went back and looked at the footage 10 seconds ago retropog blinded he was the first person to Blind which basically means leaving the nether with all of your Blazers to check where the portal is he could have like lined it on not six blaze rods like I am but he probably did he's pretty cracked out the Wazoo so we're blinding 35 seconds this behind retropog who's in first place and honestly probably within the top 10 so if I keep this up I'm basically guaranteed to move on to the next round because there's like RNG with the Dragon one of the only things that the RNG isn't standardized is like how long long the dragon is going to take to parts so I could get screwed over but if I'm entering top 10 and there's 60 people there's no way I'm not gonna make it so I'm just hoping I can keep this lead here we're measuring our eyes at 7 30ish which pretty solid Pace honestly I think at this pace it could PB um for my ranked matches like my best rank match I'm not entirely sure I'd have to check that probably not honestly now that I think about it I'm crafting up all my wool though because I want to be generally making all of my explosives before I enter the end that way I have the opportunity to zero cycle just clears up the headspace and you're gonna have to craft them at some point so why not now we have seven beds plus three anchors basically infinite explosives so I'm gonna try to zero cycle if I can especially because I have another fish unfortunately both of my Eyes of Ender broke so I'm gonna have to kill another Blaze here and I debate waiting at the spawner but I know that I need to go off to the right I mean I might as well guy he doesn't drop unfortunately but I know I'm gonna have to go this direction anyways I see some blazes I'm going to take the risk to just kill those along the way and hope that they drop could be a misplay but I can always lower my render distance there's there's bound to be a few here that guy doesn't drop I'm getting a little bit worried but this guy does so I just need to find my coordinates now and this might be where the biggest misplay of the Run comes in actually no sorry I kind of forgot what happened in this run this is not the biggest misplay but it might be one of them so we pillar up uh just so the way the skeletons don't kill me and we're in the lava now it takes a second for me to find the uh the the portal cord something I should get better at honestly I was just trying to play very consistently here I did not want to mess up if you mess up you're basically screwed it'd be very hard to come back from a a nine minute reset but the big mistake is probably building the portal at the bottom of a lava review I'm at a very low not a lava Ravine a lava lake I'm at a very low y level so my portal is gonna be actually underneath the stronghold normally that second portal would spawn you inside of the stronghold which is actually so retropogy you just saw the advancement he entered the end so I would actually only be like maybe 40 50 seconds behind first place but I spawn in a cave and I'm not sure if I should have just built my portal up higher but at this point I'm thinking oh no did I screw up the entire run because maybe I just didn't build it too low maybe I built it in the completely wrong spot that could also be an option so I'm digging up in hopes of hitting this a stronghold digging off to the side because I'm a chunk or two off I believe from where I should end up going maybe that was because I built the portal in the wrong spot maybe it was just because the portal linked to that cave because it was closest regardless I I have a bit of leeway like I'm definitely not out of the running I should be honestly fine if I find the Portal room in the next like minute or sorry stronghold I do actually end up digging the wrong direction for a while which is not great but you know minor time losses I think I start to dig up here yeah this Granite at the granite never mind okay I'm totally lying I should have watched this more so I can commentate a little bit better we're gonna start digging up now yeah look at that see I watched this before retropog is finished though um only person to have finished I don't know how many people have entered the end yet but probably five to ten if I were to guess maybe actually from 2 to 15 we'll say keep the ranges large because I have no idea what's actually happening but nobody else has finished the Run somebody just got tactical fishing as an advancement I don't know what they're doing that's kind of funny to see somebody just slept in a bed for the first time that's kind of interesting I found the stronghold now though and I'm sitting pretty I just need to find the Portal room so I'm doing my little scan to try and detect the silverfish spawner and I do it is a very simple nap like three turns that I'm already in the portal room I decide to uh do a thing called hunger resetting here so I'm just basically gonna murder myself so that I have full hearts and hunger would not recommend in real life um but in speedrunning it's very advantageous I have full hearts and full hunger which is huge because I'm gonna need it if I'm gonna zero cycle which I'm going to here or at least I'm going to attempt to entering the end the only thing that could stop this me from zero cycling is if I spot on underground which I do sometimes like you'll see me do here I use a pearl to like glitch through the wall like I mean not glitch I I think it's a mechanic um but a lot of times you can still zero cycle after that and I probably could have honestly but I would have had to throw another Pearl or another two pearls actually and I would have just lost a ton of health and if I messed up the zero cycle I I wouldn't have been able to regularly kill the dragon here so uh I decided to play it safe and just bow down all these crystals this is still a fairly quick way of killing the dragon 13 oh wow 11 12 13 14 people have finished the run so I still have 15 slots I'm in the end there's probably another five to ten people in the end here and I decided to bridge out to the side uh just playing honestly extra safe so I don't take fall damage even though I get out of the boat and take even more fall damage normally you uh I guess like boat through the dragon's breath but you'll take damage from that so that's why I built the bridge over um keep that in mind though me building a bridge over the fountain that becomes very pertinent I was about to say right here as soon as the dragon purchase which is all we're waiting for I could have shot more crystals down uh most people might be like hey why don't you shoot more crystals now like the more crystals that are down the faster the dragon purchase right not exactly um if you're like I think the way it works is when you shoot a crystal uh the dragon is like basically guaranteed to not perch for the next like a few seconds maybe like 10 to 20 seconds um but on at like over the long run it's better so you want to shoot all the crystals down uh quickly anyways the dragon is perching now though all I have to do is not mess up this one cycle but the one cycle is messed up look at the Dragon he's like floating above 10 blocks above I honestly thought the ranked match was glitching I thought like oh my gosh I just I just lost to a glitch or something um but it takes me a couple seconds more to remember after spamming question marks that that is actually a mechanic of Minecraft you know how I built that bridge above the fountain that messed up with the dragon's AI it will perch above the tallest block above the fountain and so it perched on the bridge I built above the fountain which is where I'm trying to kill it so I've been I I threw I threw basically what how many people have finished 30 people finished so I need the dragon to perch again which I need to get exceedingly lucky for and kill it before anybody else does and I I pretty much given up at this point let's be realistic here there's no way the dragon is going to purge again and he doesn't retropog finish first with 10 30 last person finished at 14 40. I'm pretty happy with how I played though so I have one Mark if I get another one I am out of the tournament we're on to the second seed though and this time it is a desert temple one of my least favorites oh actually I've grown to like it a little bit more but I've def I'm definitely not nearly as practiced in these and with a desert temple seed you basically break your legs twice blow up the TNT to get all of your stuff and then try to find a lava pool somewhere to enter the nether generally you're gonna be entering at like 2 or 2 30 as a opposed to like 1 3 30 or two minutes with a buried treasure seat which is the first seed that we saw I'm probably gonna skip through most of this though uh there's definitely me feeling a lot better about nerves with this second seed but I'm not sure if everybody wants to watch a second speed run in a video so I'll give you a little recap somebody stops to go fishing in probably the most prestigious Minecraft speedrunning event it was for food but I find it kind of funny as I'm building my second portal the first person is entering the nether so I'm 10 or 15 seconds behind Pace I enter the Nether and find the Bastion around the three minute mark this one is called bridge probably the slowest one overall but it allows me to do this cool Strat with TNT blowing up all the gold to you know save a little bit of time mining
Channel: rekrap1
Views: 385,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 42lWmB3X4iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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