Undercover on a Minecraft Server for 7 days

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today I want to talk about a video that I sunk well over 50 hours maybe even 100 hours into but never posted actually the better way to define it is it was an experience it took over my life for an entire week and I made nothing from it for a lot of reasons that I'll maybe get into later but this story starts when I got a random DM from somebody who who I was like acquaintances with but I wouldn't consider myself really like close friends they said hey Rick can I get on a call with you I have something I need to tell you now I get quite a few DMs like this and I declined most of them but this guy I remember he was pretty chill when I talked to him so I accepted the invite and hopped on the call what he told me is as follows hey Rick um so you own this server that I play on nobody's supposed to tell you that you own it though would you like to come in undercover if that didn't make a lot of sense to you that's that's what it felt like to me I own a server that I've never heard of it turns out there was so the guy who told he has this group of friends that all played on a Minecraft server and they they like to have a owner of this server so they all took a vote because they couldn't decide who the owner should be and as a joke he threw my name in there wreck rap what if rat crap was the server owner I won the vote more people voted for me to own the server than anybody else mind you I have not spoken or heard of 90 of these people the story gets even crazier though because the guy the guy who's presenting this to me his name is 4C he made me an alternate Twitter account an alternate Discord account and bought me a Minecraft account so I could go in undercover as the Alias Jeremy the Phantom this name will become important later I think this idea is hilarious so of course I say yes and the server starts a week later only three out of the 40 or so people on the server know who Jeremy the Phantom actually is we got 4C the guy who introduced me all rich a comedic genius and aeon the secret agent who will become important later day one is so surreal it feels like a scene out of a movie I'm in a Discord call with like 40 people I have never spoken to before undercover as Jeremy the fan and there were rumors being spread by the people who knew I was actually recrapped that Jeremy was this guy named jet so at any opportunity I tried to send Discord messages like him and give Sly hints that I was in fact jet the important things happen though when the server starts you know day one of any server it's gonna be pretty chaotic pretty fun you're getting all your starter gear I log on and immediately start getting crit out now it's not a server like lifesteal so dying actually doesn't really matter but for what Jeremy the Phantom has planned on This Server he can't be seen dying on his first day Jeremy the Phantom is supposed to be a PVP Legend So I start booking it out of Spawn and it turns out the guy who's critting me out only did it to Jeremy the Phantom he wasn't like a menace and like nobody actually really died the first day it was only this one guy who wanted to kill Jeremy the Phantom thankfully he has a crappy internet connection and I managed to slip out unscathed I get some food I get some resources but I'm still alone I need to make some friends on the server so I joined a call they started interrogating me Jeremy the Phantom who are you actually and we have some really funny banter back and forth what I have a question can you fly like can you like can you like flap your wings for us real quick that makes sense his name is Jerry The Phantom okay okay hold on hold on can you do your can you do your best impression of a phantom in the mic to be honest I would respect just no response well I can only send messages in Minecraft and Discord like it's it's like I'm actually becoming friends with these people that's what the first day looked like day two is where things started ramping up thanks to all rich the comedic genius I mentioned earlier and aeon the double agent I mentioned earlier two factions emerge on This Server of 40 players the wreck rap faction and the cube faction I mentioned that everybody voted Rec wrap as the owner of this server but it actually wasn't a clear-cut decision there was another player named Mr Cube who has only a few votes behind me so because of all rich and aeon social engineering two factions broke out people who believed wreck rap should be the owner of the server and people who believed Mr Cube should be the owner I have of course had to join the wreck rap faction but I wanted to make a good impression so I was the first person on the server to get fully enchanted diamond armor and when I came to the meeting grounds of this newly formed wreck rap faction it was so funny people started flipping out they're like Jeremy the Phantom is stacked out the wall zoo I gave them my spare armor and it must have made a pretty good impression because they not only accepted me into the recruit faction but nominated me as their leader what are the chances undercover I become the leader of the wreck rap faction dude you cannot make this stuff up I took the role of leader very seriously putting up an objective sport to make sure everybody was on the same page for building our Empire it worked out super well we built this nice little community on top a hill they built a statue for me which I did not plan for listen I have self-confidence but I'm not egotistical okay they built the Statue I guess they built a statue for wreck rap so they they weren't really building it for Jeremy the Phantom the leader but it still felt weird down the hill across the river though was the cube faction they copied us and built a statue of cube so as day two progressed and came into the evening I planned a secret attack on the cube faction we were going to vandalize their statue it wasn't anything crazy just a whole bunch of really funny and dumb puns you know everybody on the server is a bunch of friends with really close friends which I came to realize but it was so much fun to just leave these stupid signs everywhere over this dumb little factions were like we stole their staircase just as a joke to antagonize them now at this point the cute faction has started kicking it into high gear how do I know this well you remember aeon the double agent I mentioned earlier the one of three people who knew I was Jeremy the Phantom he was giving us Intel on the cube faction not only that but I kid you not underneath the cube statue me aeon all rich and 4C the the only people who knew who Jeremy The Phantom actually was made a secret meeting room under the enemy statue and we met there every single day IRL multiple times a day to plan out everything and to make it more fun we decided we wouldn't communicate via Discord we had to meet underneath the statue to talk about anything to talk about Intel what we're gonna do on the server it made it so much fun and we had so many close calls there was this one one member on the server her name was Amber she like tailed one of us under the statue but didn't quite see us enter and so she was like wandering around above arm like around the statue as we were having our meeting underneath we started flipping out so one person made a diversion and the rest of us snuck out the back end of the statue literally behind the back of this player who was searching for us it was after this close call that the Q faction caught on that aeon was actually a double agent and giving Intel to the rack rat faction so he got kicked out and needed refuge in one of our underground meetings we came up with a plan see I actually knew two people who were on This Server their names were mid-bistic and Mr Cube the person who was like in charge of the other faction they both played on another server called lifestyle that I was on but they didn't know I was Jeremy the Phantom so we thought wouldn't it be really funny if we lived inside one of their bases this would give us access to resources but also keep aeon safe because they'd just be out he'd just been outed as a double agent this was perhaps my favorite moment of the entire experience we literally found mid-space which was at like almost Bedrock it was it was one of those villager trading Halls where you'd have a whole bunch of villagers and we dug behind her trading Hall and just poked holes into her villagers so we we literally just used her trading Hall on the other side of the wall I installed secret piston doors onto the side and we literally lived in the walls of her base while she was living there I traded with her villagers as she was trading with her villagers actually there was one instance where we just straight out stole one of the villagers from her trading hall because it was literally just the wall that we were sharing it was so funny too because we did it as they were curing villagers to get cheaper trades right you cure a village right you basically kill it with a zombie and then you revive it with some potions and then it gives you cheaper traits we stole a villager during this trading process and then the next minute we see some messages in chat saying like can villagers just die while being cured which is true they can die so we said yeah the Villager probably just died and he believed that a villager died while curing in reality it was wreck rap undercover as Jeremy the Phantom in the walls of his base stealing a villager that idea is just so funny to me it is it is one of the most cherished Minecraft memories I have but we are only just getting started on this event your tensions are rising between the wreck wrap and the cube factions little pranks are happening slowly escalating there is an entire court case that lasted like two hours I got called to the stand and just had to like type stuff in Minecraft chat and I I just said completely irrelevant things you know because I I was trying to help my my defendant the point is things were getting out of hand and we needed a place where this would end some final event that would finally settle this dispute so the two sides came together and agreed there would be a boxing match to decide who the true owner of the server is so we got to work building an arena the plan was to build it in the end but we hadn't beaten the end together so the server actually came together really wholesomely everybody together we chatted we laughed and the whole time all I was doing was typing in chat but I was really starting to become friends with these people I was beginning to realize like this is what Minecraft is about it's about hanging out with your friends and having a good time just killing neander Dragon it's also really fun to have a boxing match though so we started building this massive arena in the center of the end I got myself an elytra we got some better gear but the days were coming to a close and people started hyping up this boxing match someone took an entire afternoon to design a poster for the match less than 24 hours before the boxing match though disaster a conglomerate of five or six people had come together to try and figure out who Jeremy the Phantom was it been almost a week by this point and nobody knew who I was but they were getting close analyzing everything as Jeremy the Phantom I'd made a YouTube account and a couple of videos just for fun you know it was a server for for people making videos Jeremy the Phantom couldn't be left out but in those videos my Hotbar is shown what's bad about that is me rack rap2 Parker I have a very unique hot bar I keep my water on the second slot something almost nobody does they were starting to cross-reference everything me Ulrich 4C and we were freaking out thinking these guys we're gonna catch on and figure out it was me the entire time one look at the hot bar and I would be outed so we had to come up with a plan and fast something to throw them off so a mutual friend of mine and many of the people on the server was was Mr Prince Zam I explained the whole gist to him and said I'm gonna try to pin Jeremy the Phantom on you I need people to believe you are Jeremy the Phantom thankfully he was in so I got a sound bite of him a voice recording and put it on a soundboard the going plan was to quote unquote accidentally unmute in a Discord call and play Zam on the sound board so that everybody would think Jeremy the Phantom is Prince Zam and it totally worked I played the sound bite unmuted and mid Mystics mid freaked out she started swearing she could not believe that Jeremy the Phantom had been Prince Zam this entire time I didn't give her any confirmation though I stayed out of that call and and left it a mystery I left it for rumors to be spread amongst the server and boy did they spread nobody believed Jeremy the Phantom was actually me the plan was going perfect I even posted another video on the Jeremy the Phantom account and photoshopped my hot bar to look differently so even a people cross-reference they wouldn't tell it's me then only a little bit before the fight I was reminded of just how good of friends everybody on this server was they hosted a surprise birthday party for two people in Minecraft we stayed up till 12 a.m that night singing karaoke something I almost never do but I was having the time of my life I've always been curious how people would treat me if they didn't know I was wreck rap especially in this sort of context with Minecraft youtubers I've brushed up with a couple of these people and lots of times it's like wow wreck rap I'm such a fan of your videos like imagine becoming friends with a YouTuber that you watch all the time like they they don't really know you so so it's a strange place to begin a friendship from but being Jeremy the Phantom totally Anonymous it was so refreshing to just become friends with people they didn't treat me any differently and I was able to just have so many jokes with them the birthday celebration the karaoke it was over though it was time for the boxing match something I totally forgot to mention is that I I should have mentioned this earlier maybe it was obvious but I got nominated by the wreck rap faction to represent wreck rap in the wreck rap vs Mr Q boxing match so if there wasn't pressure in your mind there was definitely pressure in this moment we had a couple like Prelude matches leading up to the main event to decide who actually owned this server I sat in my chair anxiously awaiting the moment cheering on all the other fights in text but it had finally come it was best two out of three or something whoever won was the true owner of this server not only that but after the matches this was when I was gonna reveal J Jeremy the Phantom was me rack wrap Parker I cannot explain why but my hands were shaking so much I mean I guess I can't explain I was nervous but the first match went by and I won at half Health the second match I won the third match I won but I was getting even more nervous I was about to reveal myself the last match I won and it was time to tell these people who I befriended over the past week that I was the YouTuber wreck rap the person they voted as owner on their server hey guys it's time afterwards everyone gathered at the Town Hall 4C it bill at spawn we sang karaoke shared stories our close calls everyone was getting caught what's happening between the different factions it was a beautiful night you don't get these experiences with your friends every day lots of the people on This Server I rarely talk to we're just on different paths in life but the time we spent together that's something to be remembered [Music] [Music] I don't believe you lived in my base so you know how there's a redstone torch over here this is this is my trading hall right down here and then up here is our meeting um [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: rekrap1
Views: 823,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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