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[Music] it's been about half a year since we planted our plants and i'm sure you can't wait to see how they're doing we have some good and some bad news so which to begin with well let's start with the good in the last video yellow flowers and large leaves grew on the peanut plant but then it started to grow very fast and now they look like this it no longer has any flowers and i don't see any fruits either maybe it's because the plant looks kind of ill after all look at the leaves they all have some kind of holes in them and the ends are very dry here we don't understand what's going on with it [Music] although wait what would you look at that it's a huge green caterpillar that's been eating our plants the whole time but where did it come from [Music] well on the other hand we can't blame the caterpillar for anything he just wants to live so he has to eat that's why we're going to leave it outside to feast on other plants and not our peanuts otherwise he would eat our peanuts first and then go on to the mango and spoil the entire experiment but we'll return to the peanuts later let's move on to the mango it seems to be the most beautiful of our plants as of right now its leaves are very bright and saturated i hope they would always stay like this do you remember how they looked in the last video this is what it looks like now during this time it had a few new leaves and now it almost doesn't fit into our picture anymore a disease was found on one of the new leaves but i don't think it's anything serious also a lot of small water droplets appeared on the surface although it's not entirely water but rather some kind of sticky syrup write us in the comments if you have any idea what this could be maybe this is how the plant solves excess moisture but i'm not sure by the way the mango seed from which our plant grew didn't have anything left of it it gave the plant everything to live on the mango plant is already big and the mug is too small so we'll definitely have to replant it in the next video and how's that avocado doing oh wow it grew quite a lot during this time but unfortunately not everything is as good as it seems some of the lees also got infected with something a disease or bacteria it's a good thing it's only found on two leaves and the plant can handle that and grow new leaves [Music] the avocado seed has also changed the color a bit but unlike the mango it still seems to be alive and still participates in the development of the stem [Music] you probably remember our pineapple didn't grow in the previous videos and didn't look alive at all we've almost lost all hope and wanted to throw it out but then this happened stem began to appear from the ground near its bushes and there are many of them we cleaned the remains of the old leaves a bit so the new stem would germinate we also had to remove two still living stems to clear the way for the new ones we don't know whether the old central stem has been resurrected or if it will remain dead and only the new ones will grow but it seems to me that new leaves are growing deep inside the main stem it's difficult to see them yet but let's hope for the best we're going to give it an aesthetic hairstyle water it and watch in anticipation for its future growth many of you send us pictures of your own plants but remember it's much better to send them in a horizontal instead of vertical format like this then i will be able to show them off in other videos and at last the most anticipated plants are watermelon the plant itself was almost dead probably because we planted it in early spring and during this period these plants usually die yes it is small probably because there isn't as much light at home as there is outside but nonetheless we have a watermelon we decided that there was no point in continuing to have a plant on which almost all the leaves have disappeared [Music] at this rate the watermelon will very quickly dry out and nothing will be left behind but before we dispose of the watermelon we decided to untangle the plant in its entire length and look at that it's almost 5 meters long i can't believe we've been able to place all of this on wooden ribs well watermelon it's time to leave your plant we thought that if he didn't grow up he certainly wouldn't be able to make it but we still decided to cut it open and see what's inside and here we were surprised despite the fact that it didn't grow up very big it is mature see all that red flesh in there it does look very tasty maybe these are some kind of melons that simply grow very tiny after all even the skin is very thin of course we try to taste it and it turned out to be quite good and sweet plus inside are many seeds look how dark they are [Music] let's keep all of them and try to get an even bigger harvest next year [Music] i promised we would return to the peanuts later and now you'll find out why now that the big pot is free we decided to plant the peanuts there here they will have more space to develop and maybe we'll be able to get some peanuts before the end of this year [Music] even though the watermelon has left us fulfilled his mission and left us with an offspring it's not over yet and the experiment continues [Music] you
Channel: SlivkiShow EN
Views: 109,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eDrZw3cR0Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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