Top 10 Gorgeous Stinkers

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[Music] so good afternoon everybody i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia hello i'm mike delecio not sure that was an interesting i had not seen that in yeah that was good you find yourself carrying a bunch of pool noodles right as you do i i just don't understand i think those were all pipes but okay i just think it was very i thought they were pool noodles like pool noodles to me it looked like pipe roll the intro again no no no um yeah it's just funny that he's coming in slow motion looking very good and then like oh no i don't know they are pool noodles they might have broken his fall that is true if you land on them exactly yeah yeah okay pipes yeah one of the twitter feeds i subscribed i think i'm going to unsubscribe soon because it keeps showing that sort of thing after a while i'm getting hurt like one guy tried to push a forklift that was moving backwards while car was moving towards it what's the worst that could happen yeah all right folks top 10 gorgeous thinkers so this is the opposite of a list that we did in the past we did games that are beautiful on the inside okay um and so we talked about games that were in our opinion ugly but they were fun games this is the opposite these are games that we think look great but not fun now i posted the people's choice poll which we will show later on in the episode um on our facebook group and there was a lot of comments so before we start i want to say a couple things about this um here we go no i'm gonna be a little serious here for a moment okay we do tend to get silly and stuff in these top tens but i want to start off by saying there was people like oh you shouldn't do negative lists and things well first of all the vast majority of our top tens are positive just go through and look at them the vast majority are positive this is slightly tongue-in-cheek and this list is half positive we are saying these games look good sure there's that's like you look good but you have a bad personality um there's also it's so subjective it really is my next point both aspects of them okay i get it you might look at it and go that is not an attractive game and we think they're attractive but also a lot of my choices are games that are unbelievably popular they don't like i'm not doing anything by being like i think this is a stinker those games are doing just fine many of them are anyway yeah right and i think though that it is helpful if we do this i don't i i personally believe if you were always positive about everything and say everything's great then you saying something great isn't useful but we don't have to preface this i'm going to say this now everything on our list is in our opinion because we said the same thing of course we don't need to say in every every point number nine in my opinion is bad right if i say a game is bad i don't believe that's fact right sure i just think that for me and also if you love these games also you haven't heard of a couple mine and i'm going to get garbage for that but you're going to get garbage for a lot of things you're going to get garbage you're gonna get garbage you're the golden boy worst i'm gonna get a bunch of cardboard all right with that being said here we go i'm glad i don't go first here we go all right number 10 well in my opinion tom no all right so my number 10 is uh a new game and i don't believe either of you have played it you don't know me like that yeah yeah and don't think you didn't put that up there as a troll i was just pouring random games off the shelf yeah okay my number 10 is horizon zero dawn this is a game that i didn't really have any background to the video game but when i saw this i was taken by i like this cover i like the look of the game i love the theme right and it actually caused me to look into the video game and the miniatures i'm assuming are amazing signatures are fantastic fantastic and and the art on the cards i think are really nice everything about this game had me excited about playing it and then i played it and it did not work for me at all i mean it's one of those games it's a it's a semi-co-op game and it has all of the messiness that you can tend to find in semi-co-op games it felt to me a bit unbalanced where or some cards seemed clearly better than others and again i haven't played it enough i'm not stating this as objective fact but to me it felt off i said we weren't going to do that i know but it felt off right the the the it felt like the first time in your opinion yeah and then the next time i played it that didn't go away it felt even more uh off the second time i played it also um what are my other little notes oh yes i played the retail box okay this is a huge kickstarter campaign and when you get the kickstarter you get 55 000 boxes and i'm sure there's enough content there if you like the game to play it the retail box felt absolutely incomplete which is a lot of people's experience for the game is going to be playing the retail box you're hunting monsters right that's the theme of the game you come with one monster to hunt really one monster to hunt in that retail box and so yeah i had significant issues with the game although i think it looks gorgeous and a lot of people are going to be interested in it because of the theme but this one did not work at all for me and i was pretty disappointed this actually makes me this is not on my list but this made me think of a point that when i made my list i i did a max of one game per company oh um okay i did not think about that at all well i didn't want to pile on i mean some companies are all their games look great therefore by very nature they're going to have more of the games on this list yeah sure yeah no i don't i don't know i didn't think about that whatsoever i thought about it with in steam forge's case because they make really good looking games every single one of their games looks good all their games look good all right well my number 10 is a bruno catala game wait what that i was really excited for i um it sounded neat it had a cool like spy theme the game's called dr shark oh you went there and it's a bowser game too wow yeah yeah it's a very cool looking game and the game play is basically about reaching into a bag flight shower and feeling a tile it might be a fuzzy tile it might be fuzzy it might be a little spiky it might be literally anything because you can't feel the difference that's the whole point of the game right the whole point of the game is to be able to reach in there and be like i think this is a spiky one you pull it out you're wrong the issue with that i think is even more problematic than in something like uh a trivial pursuit okay trivia pursuit is a one parameter thing yeah you know the answer the answer you know the answer or you don't know it and that's it right in this one you can tell the difference and if you can you can tell the difference every time right right or you cannot and you cannot tell the difference ever there's one i forget what it is there's one that's easy to tell in this bag like a leathery one yeah there's like a leathery one that you can tell and all the other ones could be the same thing could all be different you could punk me and replace the model i'd be like i think it's a fuzzy one and you'd be like there aren't any fuzzy ones left it just doesn't work that well it does have a shark cast in that though yeah it's it's a cool looking game i love the theme the thing this game is there's all the stuff at the bottom of the pool you're at a big spy party and you're all secretly diving in the pool when no one notices to grab stuff off i actually this one has dropped for me when i first played it i was i think taken by the uniqueness of it silly too the silliness of the theme but you're right it's it's it's it doesn't work it doesn't work it was you you tell us an idea they were sitting around oh this would be fun and it just they couldn't pull it off no no yeah all right so uh one thing on my list these are games i clearly don't like so there's a couple great games that i think are just okay they didn't make this list all my games are ranked five or less and i picked the difference in them is how far up it goes like and also how much i was excited about them anyway this was the the one that most people have not heard of on this list but i remember i was super excited for this one when it first was announced i don't know 15 years ago it's from descartes the company no longer exists oh wait um it's from them yes this is that so much has it been reprinted no it's it's a colorful game super colorful game and i like color phoenix yeah phoenix oh okay like i said like i said fool one is supposed to be and i'm not necessarily going though i'm not saying by the cover because oh the cover well this was a 90s cover you know whatever or i guess the other cover is i really fired i no i don't care what mike says i love colorful games and i was super pumped about this one because i thought there's colorful cars mixing this stuff i was really pumped and it's the quality of this stuff okay okay i haven't played it so i'm just the cove is not like i hate the game it's about maneuvering these pegs around and matching these colors in the middle aboard it's like total luck total just back and forth and i was i was so disappointed by this one this one is very low ranked on my list and but it has the lowest of the how great the game looks but this is a tom vassell thing which i said i wouldn't say but i i have to defend myself here because i know it doesn't look as good as the rest of the games on my list but i really like color okay and that's a shock i like colorful things yeah and that that i'm annoyed by that all right let's move on to a bigger better deal man deep cut cut but it was on my list all right [Music] all right so my number nine was a game that uh flew under the radar a little bit and that's a pun huh it's about birds it is about birds wings man this is a game about birds and it's a beautiful colorful game is it that aeg one it is you remember what's that called mariposa slot flock oh i didn't even think about this one this is a good choice yeah yeah this is a game that i was so this was way before wingspan i was very enamored by the thing cover is great is gorgeous and the and the the little i'm replacing phoenix with this yeah look at the i mean who doesn't want to play this game right it's it's this is your number one restart the video all right play that intro again let's see the noodles but it's got these great little wooden components it's got beautiful colorful art it's a really gorgeous looking game very inviting right these look stone convinced but it's very nice i've seen it i never played it no i never played it i think it's convoluted and for a game that really comes down to a very very simple worker placement slash kind of area majority game it was clunky i thought i was playing it wrong for the longest time i was like there's got to be something to this game yeah it just was like it's you you read the rules and you're like i don't know that i know how to play this game it feels like it's very simple but then when you actually sit down and play it it just it doesn't click it's very unintuitive clunky rules more complex than it should be for as simple as the game really is at heart it was a big disappointment for me but it looks so pretty it looks like pixar did the artwork almost said yeah i was so pumped about this game when they announced that too so yeah it was it was a bummer but uh didn't work for me that's nine flock hmm there should have been seagulls in it too to be honest but i'll let that go the sequel actually the expansion was going to be of seagull correct right just called that of of mice and seagulls but they never did well enough my number nine is a whole series of games but i'm picking one of them and these are very highly regarded games they do well i think they're very popular i'm talking about dungeons and dragons castle ravenloft legends of whatever uh the elemental there's nothing i can say i'm good i'm good for this i do not like these games i think they are fiddly i think they are imprecise i have a big problem with you telling me when my monster spawns it spawns in this room where in the room in one of the squares which one it makes a difference sure just the one that's farthest from you that's what i do that's what you do yeah that is what you do because the rule book doesn't tell you i have a major problem with a game that especially when it's so there's a grid yeah in the game right well that's because the monsters move per area you move per square yeah i thought that was clever myself that's fine it's clever they move you know basically wow however many squares it takes to get from one area to another one is what they move sure but i need to know where they are in the room because i move per squares do i put it anywhere you should say that do i put it as far away from me should it be advantageous to me you should say that do i throw it in the trash you don't have to say that because i already got like half a shelf here at a library yeah i'm kidding i'm kidding no um yeah i never i just never was able to get into these i found them lackluster and i think for you as a gamer you don't like kind of the the wishy-washy you want in any game i play with you it's like you want things to be concrete this is how it works right this does have a little bit of looseness to it i just i i'm sorry i don't mind that as much in a co-op game maybe because we all agree this is where it goes i don't think the rules are that loose that's the only thing i can think of anyway also i love these games there was nothing here interesting for me that any other game wasn't doing and wasn't doing in a more interesting package this had and d if we ever do a top 10 games that i like but i'm not surprised other people don't yeah i might do that someday yeah um this would be on that list it's a good title like you're after charlotte and i'm like oh yeah i like it i don't know if you will yeah that i have a few games like that too for sure anyway d castle raven loft dunzo it's my last obscure one well last there we go this one came out in 80 something whoa but when i was a kid i used to go to the stores and i would see this every once one i thought it was the most grand looking game i love the access and ally series um and fortress america and this one looked better because it was in space wait wait and then i finally played it and it's trash let me think it sounds fresh it's trash in the 25th century actually at buck rogers yes buck rogers and i think buck rogers looks amazing you have not the cover i mean it covers the product of its 90s yeah but you have these big space rings and these you're moving around the space rings and it looks like a big attacking game and this game is terrible wow it's i mean look at that ass i want to play it now and i know it's bad yeah yeah yeah i i know that's a bad game and it looks amazing right what's given your opinion it's bad no the game isn't also check it's raining on board game geek i'm not alone in thinking this i really like buck rogers the look of it i like the theming of it for sure um that idea where these planets might move around and you have to connect them sounds great looks like it is a big point yes man i wasted a lot of my youth wanting this game had i known i could have wasted it on winning something else i will tell you it didn't make my list but my number 11 would have been merchant of venus wow i wish it had been is this big epic you know cool looking immersive thing and i'm sorry it's it's not good well in two weeks i will allow you to say that again to eric summer's face i'll be happy to do we should do top 10 lists top 10 games eric summers wrong about with him sitting right there can we make it a topic oh like a dice tower roast you're talking about dice tower rose kind of thing i'm always afraid of these roasts yeah you know in like a week you can pass it off as your own ideas most of our lists are positive folks [Music] what you got well my number eight this is a pretty obscure game but the as soon as i saw it i was so taken with the look of it i thought it was just a gorgeous little game it's and i'm not even sure if i'm pronouncing it correctly i believe it's called kiwiten or koetten oh this looks cute this came through right yeah you may it i may have i don't know i never thought through this kid i i uh i don't know who touched it that's a weird question but this was before i worked here i i either i remember if i backed it or if i bought it but maybe i've seen this online then i recognize this cover yeah this is a gorgeous little game oh i like it i don't care what you say that's a great game it's got pre-painted minis which what yeah but unfortunately what it really comes down to is a game where you it's a roll and move where there's almost no decisions to be made tom would still like you because he likes that one racing game ugly though but this looks pretty but it looks like magical athlete it does yeah that's the way magical athlete's board should have looked yeah yeah it's gorgeous but it's so random you have these little tiles that you put face down on to begin the game and you flip them over and something's gonna happen it might move you back four spaces it might switch you know someone might be way ahead of you and you flip over something that makes you switch spots you know it's just one of those take that e very random if you win you don't necessarily feel like you won because you did anything well you just happened to be the one that got to the end um okay it's a shame because it's such a gorgeous looking game with a neat i'm really struggling because this is i feel like you're lying that game looks amazing i always feel that way but he's probably telling the truth you're like holding on to these leaves and you're trying to get to the next branch i mean it's a really neat idea and a beautiful looking game but i tell you the truth by the time you got done you'd be like yeah it's unfortunately there's nothing there there's no real game there which is a shame because it looks beautiful i will say this we have got to retire the term take that ish yeah okay how about take that style well i wonder who started that term and they should be slapped i've seen those videos from russia slap me i don't know what you're talking about where the guys slap each other as hard as they can i showed you guys that is a weird yes yes that's a thing all right so that was my number eight right yes my number eight is a uh game that just came up in conversation recently i don't know why maybe you talk about it on the q a or something this is a game about uh putting together monsters i guess it's called abomination the rehearsal for frankenstein's dinner um this is a big epic dark looking you know like this game looks like you're about to do some look at that look at that cover kyle the board it's you know it just looks like you're really gonna do some interesting mechanical things and bring monsters to life and all that and it's just so slow and disgusting in the wrong way in many cases like they really go to town showing you like you stole lungs from a corpse well you also kill people and steal their yeah but also then like that that aspect of it coupled with a game that just feels very the progression is quite measured i just found it to be way too long and way too slow it was not fun and i didn't want to live in that world that long and do the things i was doing that slowly i felt like man i gotta just go get like a medical degree at this point instead of sitting here and continuing to sort of take this slow people who like it really like it there's a lot of folks i know do like it and that's going to be true for a lot of my games but in my so the list i said we weren't going to say because we're saying it more than normal although you're not clearly not the only person that feels this way because i think the designer actually made a shorter version because people were complaining about it really yes yeah like okay wow that seems to happen a lot it does there's same thing for two of the games on my list that has happened to me yeah i believe that's going to be the case with someone where the designers i said i'm not saying it was me but like generally these people said they were fixed later on slap me um anyway frankenstein abomination the air frankenstein i think z likes my number eight i love it this is a pretty pickup and delivery game yes i'm in all right which i thought i would like yes and i took i said one thing in the review that people latched onto i said you could do nothing and pass the whole game and score a decent score wrong you were wrong you cannot win that way i'm just saying you could do well that way how's that you cannot do well anyway the game is bombay oh bombay never mind i was thinking of something else no no that's definitely it no that's ridiculous tom if you pass meaning you got a coin when you pass right you are not moving if you pass i understand that but this game is a pickup and delivery game worth so much work to pick this up and deliver it it feels like you're putting no effort but it has amazing outfits and when you get the cubes you put them in those elephants it's really cool i'm in i think you would actually like it this is one of those games that it's i have very few games i regret me having let go at some point this is when i regret having let go this was a good istari game and it felt different from a lot of their games yeah well that's because it's what's called bombay and not bombays um bombs bay bombs no anyhow again i really accept i'm the outlier here although this game did not sell tremendously well anyway not but this is i just did i couldn't get into this but man what that cover's great yeah the board is great but it's those elephants with the cubes man i think that's amazingly fun looking it's uh less so the pleasure so wrong well it's okay you're gonna agree with me on like three others so we can accept our one difference that we've ever had on any top ten most correct [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right so here's where art is in the eye of the beholder because i think this game is gorgeous i played it with you and not only did you dislike the game but you didn't think it looked good either this is the island of el dorado and please understand this is not the quest for el dorado this is not the raider konicia game so this is again this one's also by reiner connecticut it is not to buy writers he's done most games well that's true but not this one the box is nice well i mean look there's no art on the cover but the actual game itself has some really nice it's that resin i love it i think but it's all jammed together it's there's no cohesive i love the way the game looks anyway it's got these beautiful resin temples and and these custom wooden meeples for every character and every character you can play as you know every color has two different characters that have their own individual meeples and the wooden pieces slot into each other it's just it's really nice components and and i happen to like the art i know that that it may not be for everybody but the game itself say it it's pretty rough pretty rough because this is one of those games where there's like 15 different variants because it's like oh well if you don't like this generally roll and move game which is essentially what it is or you know resource farming you're just drawing cards from a deck to get the resource you want here are some ways to make it actually strategic well maybe make that the game then i don't get that you know maybe make that the game and they're going to understand why don't you design the best game you can design yeah it's it's a game that feels like it's frustrating to me because i feel like there could be a game there and maybe if you added in all the different variations and the and the expansions because they keep adding expansions that make it more gamery okay but i don't want to have to go through all that before i can actually determine whether it's a game i like does it take actually there is some take that in it but yeah there is there is a game it has almost a talisman vibe to it like oh i'm almost at the end of the game now i'm just going to slowly walk right until i get the stuff i need yeah this felt like it was like okay well you've played katan and you like katan here's something that that's like the next but it's really not i mean this game's so bad it put me off from this company as a whole and i'm hoping because all their games look amazing they do all look amazing and i'm really have that have we got any other ones there's one wind word came out i haven't really had a chance to play that enough somebody said they liked windward yeah and then there's another one eric summer age of atlantis that i've backed you know so i look i i backed the two because i'm hoping right i'm allowed to be fooled twice right yeah yeah but this this this one is somebody my mike yeah yeah and everyone yeah i'm getting gamery gamer-ish yeah i don't know what the right term i don't know if there is a term for that but more for drivers yes gamerati all right that's my number seven gamer ronnie okay all right my number seven is my it's gonna be my my my downfall here this is the one that i know people are gonna go here we go you're wrong you're insane and uh you should be dissociated from anything take that ish and board game related my number seven pick is dead of winter oh oh i knew you didn't like this no i love it actually oh no no no no i don't like it no i can't you winter is an attractive game i love the cover i love everything in a row abomination is from them yes uh i love the style i like the way everything looks and feels the game is very captivating looking i like the this crossroads idea of things might just get triggered and happen to you in the middle of accomplishing something else i think that element of the game is excellent and honestly by now should be in like 10 games i don't know what's going on put this in everything okay the rest of the game i just don't like it's got this pseudo-fake semi-co-op thing that doesn't work unless you pretend you're actually in the zombie apocalypse and pretend you're not a jerk and yes you have to pretend for both of those because we both know that you got to fake it until you well that's a nice thing you said because you said you have to pretend to be a jerk yeah so definitely not what i said um so it just it never worked for me this idea of oh i can no longer win you know what i should do help you guys win by doing some dumb irrelevant thing to my strategy just so i can claim fake victory adjacency not in the rule book just like spiritual win like you that is what no he's saying what i said you can pretend you won that's a secondary victory is what i call it yeah which is not in the rulebook that's in my rulebook just the semi-co-op thing i'm sorry it doesn't work that well yet in any game but this is one of the biggest examples of when that really doesn't work i just i'm not no longer going to help the rest of you win why would i i'm not going to wait you were talking about being a jerk yeah i choose to not pretend choose jerk i choose in your face i i like this game better than z but it definitely has paled for me over the years past few years because the one thing i love the most about it was those cards like you said forgotten and forgot waters has come out and i'm like wow that's the crossbow game i want to play now that that's a crossroads game yeah yeah yeah that cover i don't like actually i think you would dig it i think i might too but um yeah i just don't like that cover it looks like such a scattered mess they're like here's everything i'm like i don't really want a game that looks this unfocused this feels a bit it feels a bit non-streamlined for me now yeah it's also a little longer than i wanted to be and sometimes you're like oh i just died yeah okay yay i get all that so it's falling for me a lot it's always dependent i think very right i want to play with non-z's i mean i don't love i'll give you an example i don't love battlestar galactica but battlestar galactica got that tension of can i trust you can i not trust you way more uh it implemented it in a much more concrete interesting way right than i thought dead of winter that you know so there you go all right okay all right my number seven i have a crossover of companies with mike uh you might pick their newest game i'm picking their most popular game and that's steam forged in the game is dark souls the board game oh yeah yeah i still get about a negative comment on my review every two weeks from some dark soul fan somewhere just cuz the video game is good doesn't mean the board game is good this game has amazing miniatures steam forge makes great miniatures there's no question that's wrong you get all these huge bosses in this game and you get to fight these bosses and what's not a terrible boss fight except to get to that boss fight you grind and a board game like you'll be like i'm fighting i'm fighting i'm fighting i'm fighting i got an experience point fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting and funny i got an experience point i got three experience points i'll buy a card someday i'll fight the boss that's really grinding is in a video game i know you get that zone yeah but i'm also not i don't watch people grind in video games like if these are going to sit there and go i'm going to level up in final fantasy for an hour i don't sit there and go it's pretty fun to watch you do this no it's a thing he's doing by himself sure in this game i'm watching everyone else at the table grind it's yeah you know just move on back but oh it's such a bad long boring game and i feel like there's probably people out there who like the game but i feel like most of the comments are people who want to like the game this has nothing to do with the my liking the theme or not in fact the same theme setting the bloodborne board game which is not the exact same thing but it's very similar right for sure i like that board game i this game is awful i really dislike it it felt like they put no effort into it and they had some cool boss fight things but the rest of the game is just i'll go further than you i haven't played this but i think the video game [Laughter] my sucks okay it's actually considered like one of the best video games of all time and i think it's one of the worst video games of all time i have no desire to play because i don't like games video games that beat you down all the time that's not interesting to me yeah dark souls all right the publisher of my number six game i think is out of business review no they are known for having beautiful looking games and well deserved i think i cannot think of a game that this publishers put out that i don't think is gorgeous and they've got a ton of them days of wonder right yes they're known for beautiful 100 this game is beautiful unfortunately it just was boring to me and it's a take or it's a push your luck game and that's a huge crime this is deep blue deep blue was my number 11. but i didn't put on the list because i didn't want more than one days of wonder game on my list oh all right yeah yeah it's a clue he's a traitor i'm recording all the cams this is a game i wanted to like because first of all it's beautiful second of all i love underwater water-based themes with his cover i was so excited gorgeous and then i heard it's a pusher luck game i love pusher luck games right not a pushy look it's pushed tom's luck yeah it's pushed somebody else's luck um it just it has like to me the one of the biggest crimes is that it is a boring pusher luck game there's nothing about this game should be boring it's treasure hunting right you're diving and and it just was so boring to me i was just like by the time the game was over i'm like what did i do really i mean what did what did i do in this game i felt the same way when i played it yeah yeah and it's a shame because it's gorgeous and it's got great production and good components and man i like everything about this game except the except the mechanics the mechanics it was a real bummer and and uh you're right though days of water is tailor made for this list because you know their stuff is going to look right right right exactly and and and they've had far more hits than misses um but this one just for me was a miss so yeah i was i was bummed out by deep blue just did not work for me at all yeah no i agree with that i agree with that all right my number six um is pretty much i think we can say the company has buried it at this point and is basically forgotten this is a fancy flight games uh release called discover lands unknown i almost picked this except i don't think it looks that good i think it looks very good cover i think the game looks good yeah but this came out i think that looks good do you i do i like that i like exploration quite a bit yeah yeah yeah i think push your luck is nice but maybe i feel about exploration the way you do about push your luck because i love revealing tiles yeah and finding out what's there it simulates something that you get in video games and in real life and which i can't see over there until i walk there right that i find fascinating and the game they also sold the heck out of it with the idea of like their unique unique system each game is so different from every other copy we make i wonder if they lost money on that because that couldn't have been an easy production process i assume yeah i assume it was very difficult for them and from the same time period and the same innovative idea they got of course key force right they're doing fine okay this came out before keyboards yes no they were like basically at the same time similar ideas that came out of this i was more excited about this thing keyforge because you were like a deck here they're like everything's different yeah i almost bought two copies of this at the same time to see the differences i may or may and i played one copy and i was like no i may or may not have bought multiple copies because i wanted to see how the different uh biomes worked do you like this game no i do not no you don't have them no i do not no because they're very expensive now you're kidding me right i'm really kidding i'm super kidding yeah these are they're telling them is there a word that means less than worthless uh yes yeah yeah yeah i actually have a joke in my head but it's so mean i'm not gonna say it not about you about a game you might know what game i mean [Laughter] anyway um yeah discover lines unknown was a miss i think for most people this is not controversial right this was a good looking game with a lot of hype that didn't deliver so all right my number six is going to be i think i said a couple mean things to z today but this is in complete support of z and i want to clear this up because people thought at the time that we had z review this game because i don't know but i got your back on this one number six for me is right busters oh look when people said this was i remember when the review came out people said this is not z's kind of game right right tom should have reviewed this if tom had reviewed it i would have drove a car over it i think you liked it probably the best of all of us which is why i reviewed it correct i hate this game and the thing was it was like a roller coaster because when i saw this i was like this is wolfenstein the board game you were so geeked out i read the rules multiple times which you have to do and by the way they put it in a rat a pack for this and then they said oh we didn't need to print the right pack yes they did oh you did um yeah the miniatures though for this game are really cool and we got like everything we got upgraded i mean it we were like upgrading it that the world war ii vibe the artwork the wolfenstein thing man i was like man and ah the rules are the rules are bad so take that's one thing but that's actually not why i just didn't like the game yeah i felt the whole game i was moving noise markers around and occasionally fighting but it felt really random i just didn't feel like i was a cool secret agent or a guy blowing people down i want to be one of those two i want to be the guy who walks in and shoots everyone or the guy who sneaks around without you catching him and it was like some weird balance between those the missions were like go look for the letter that's here very linear yeah yeah you know oh okay so i'll go here can i go around no that door is locked you'll make noise yeah it was oh i hate this game yeah so be clear we were united in that one i was not a fan all right sorry that's my number six right so my number five is a little more obscure i think i don't know it made a lot of noise but boy do i love the way this game looks this is called barker's row um i love the theme on this game i love the look of this game it's got this kind of like slightly dark carnival vibe right and it's got these great components where you've got these screen printed wooden rubes who you are you've got these oh yeah i played this cardboard constructed uh like little you know what would you call those stands where you bring the rubes to your stand and that's how basically your points yeah it's like a take that game it's a take that game and a set collection game and it's just boring it's remarkably random and very very boring i found um and and it i really wanted to tell you that look i was so excited and it has this really cool the score marker should be cool because it's this you know the the the strength meter thing yeah and you move these things up no that's actually a terrible piece it didn't work yeah it was like yeah it was a cardboard construct that just didn't work and the little sliders that you had to use to move or you were supposed to use to move your score also didn't work you laid it down kickstarter thing and you could tell that the production just didn't quite get there i mean some of it looked great others didn't you know just didn't work um but fundamentally the game itself was it was just too slight very very random take that e um i did that on purpose um no i didn't uh maybe i don't even know if i did anymore see it's it's a whole thing i was bombed i was really bummed about this game this look i love this theme i'll tell you it's one of my favorite kinds of settings yeah for board games especially right i don't know what it is i guess i like ambience in board games i i need it and appreciate it sometimes even more so than in like a movie or uh or uh you know a video game or whatever because it's a slow burn getting into the world right right so so atmosphere is very important right the story doesn't make up for that because there isn't usually one right really right i love the setting the look the illustration style right so that's because this is the kind of game where if i saw it i'd be like i'd definitely lean in and they knocked that part out of the park i mean they did a really good job of building this vibe this world this atmosphere of the art i think it's it's i know i played it i remember playing it out we seen a picture of it but wow i forgot about it right i don't dislike it as much as you did but yeah well to me again yeah i disliked it uh but but it was mostly it was this gap between what i was hoping to get and what i got right sure this list is is very much adjacent to disappointment sure right because we are sponsored by the gap for this list we should probably point that out i wish we were gap if you want to talk yeah you're right oh wait wouldn't they make me change my clothes yeah they'd be like ah sir no one dresses like that no they'd be like click be like call i think they're related actually they're probably owned by the same corporation i think they all are right i think so yeah um anyway all right my number five is a game we talked about today what and unrelated to this news because it's getting a reprint and the original game is called ad astro oh wow was that on your list when that came up in the news wow they made my list before it showed up in the news they just that's why you were quiet during the news section it was just weird a weird coincidence where i saw it today this morning on the news and i thought oh that's bizarre i think it i think i put it on my list and they're putting in the artemis project world now right yeah yeah and um this is a game i bought i remember this is this was many years ago but i bought this from a local game store yeah i love the setting i loved the look the whole thing looked epic and interesting and just i mean the scale those are those little pieces little ships there are tiny little guys the little planet terraforming uh you know spheres they're these tiny little things so the scale is quite epic right but the game just wasn't that engaging like tom said earlier today it basically felt like katan but with more rules with a lot more overhead a lot more overhead yeah you got to find this kind of planet to then turn in two of this for one of that and eventually a combination of two wool and one uh lumber and not really but yeah you turn in stuff then for a point or whatever it just a lot of overhead i'm hoping that the reprint of this does streamline the entire thing and they rework it that it's not just a straight reprint with a new theme yeah if so i might like the new one i don't know that's how reprints work is there a movie called that astra yeah baby with brad pitt right the pidster i call him oh take that take vadish um so yeah at astra i was certainly disappointed by it i tried too boy because i spent money on this yeah yeah i bought it without you know this again a long time ago i was like tom vassell who whatever bought it played it i think i gave it a six and then i played it and then i like i will like you know yeah that's funny that's we've changed a lot in the last 50 like 15 years ago if i got a game that was bad i was like come on and i keep dancing here yeah which is why i understand when people feel that way right but here's what i've found my mind didn't change you know what i mean like i'd play the game three times yeah and after that if i didn't like it i would keep playing because man i spent money i got i had to like it it wouldn't change my mind you know what i mean it just didn't game eight is you're like wait a minute yeah like in the eighth yeah right oh no i guess i think they what do they call that the law sunk no no when that when you're the the prisoner starts loving their captor oh yeah yeah stockholm stockholm syndrome with a game yes all right anyway all right my number five i had two games and that we're both considering for the list they both have the same theme they're both from different companies but they both have similar components the one i didn't put on the list you played with me sam taught it to us was like ninja rush or something like that you remember that game it's awful but this one is ninja all-stars so this one is from sodapop oh i've not played this uh and they make um they make really good miniatures they used to be uh work they used to work with simon they had like a joint relationship which was right before this came out okay and when i saw this these cute little chibi ninjas and they had dice with different symbols on i was like this is going to be amazing it is so not amazing it is bad and here's the problem well those are painted but here's the problem this company is not getting better they did that little cowboy western one uh where you were robbing a train and i never played that one but i remember melody and jason played it melody said burn the game game did they no it's a different company that's uh anyway yeah not that it starts with an a um but i really like how this looked i read the rules and i thought maybe it's interesting maybe there's a uh you know some sort of this this cool dynamic with fighting no it's roll some dice look to see if the symbols match you're like uh does the wind symbol help me here oh that's annoying did i play this with you you did not you played the other ninja one that was where we were running across the rooftops yes yes right i just want to put two of these cheap engine so that's this one from edge also did it i think edge is the and sodapop ninja all-stars oh and uh thank you to the super chat from gator dave we have a super chat fight going on between him and alex what did i say bloodborne wasn't a fun video game get good and then what did that's right baby gator dave come here wrong but i believe alex paid five dollars right he's three dollars more correct that's he is correct take that ish that's how it works moving on hey you remember how a second ago you talked about you spent your own money on something you really really wanted to like it yeah so technically i said i spent money on it i've never said it was my own money fair point i scored my own money on number four actually i think i bought all these games but um what a sucker this this one was a huge disappointment for me i'm still holding out a small sliver of hope that it can be redeemed this is a whole collection of games it's not a single game this is what's called it's called the matchbox collection oh i didn't even think of this one um boy this just recently fulfilled on a kickstarter these games are to me gorgeous i love the look of all of these games i love the components of all these games i love the packaging even though there were a couple of decisions they made i would have done differently but i just think this is a great looking package and the whole idea i thought was cool hey these small box games they have a you know variety of player accounts but they can all be played by solo if you want to the issue is i've tried all five of them multiple times he's he's almost an apologist i would say this game's garbage mike's like well you know the issue has come i don't know if it's garbage because i don't know how to play the game it's because the rules are awful they're the worst rule almost the worst rules there's some that are worse on my list i think but these rules are so bad that i don't know fundamentally if i have played any of these games correctly this would make my top ten for worst rules ever for sure yes they are they're so bad and there's been such an outcry that the publisher has said that they are going to redo all the rules they've won one of the five games has already been redone i have not tried yet with those new rules but look if what does that happen right if within a couple of months of fulfillment and let me tell you this did well it's not like they were you know barely meet their funding goal they had plenty of money i would think to maybe pay a rules editor they're also not a terrible like 10 gardens wheels weren't right it's not like this is like this felt like some weird this was a very i don't know what happened there yeah i haven't played these and i haven't read the rules i've just heard this from well enough people that they had to that that's a switch it's super disappointing i'm still like i said holding on a sliver of hope i'm still held on to it i really want to at least try oh someone in the chat said the new rules just came out today they heard you talking about it they're like mike's top no no hey look i don't care if they make all the rules better and they're all good a couple of these games i'm pretty sure aren't going to be good no matter what but i agree um they still dropped the ball i'm sorry i mean you've got crazy yeah people can use and it's again it's not just but they also decided they put extra kickstarter little expansions yeah in the box right and then didn't include the rules they're like yeah go find them online yeah we're putting in this big deluxe box yeah come on so again gorgeous looking games i'm still holding out hope at least three of them are something that i'll enjoy but i i'm annoyed that i had to wait for them to actually get cohesive rules so yeah you got did you get a set of these yes i actually backed this because i thought they looked amazing they do look good yeah yeah i haven't tried them i at this point i guess i might when they release all these new rules yeah i would tell you to go look from the dysart library but they're not there yeah i gave it to a a someone came by the front door and i said here [Laughter] all right my number four i think tom will agree with me and mike i don't know if you've played it this is also a smallish game with a a ton of very cool translucent dice called lucidity six-sided nightmare i thought about this but i don't think it looks i don't know i i love the look i actually do love that pencil shading look the entire thing i like i do like that style though that monstrous stuff and the dice are so neat um yeah this was a captivating looking game to me yeah and then i played it and the game is just i'm not quite sure what i'm supposed to be doing or why everything just seems like there are a lot of manipulation mechanics in the game that i'm not certain i understand what the logic is to get from point a to point p there's a lot of stuff in between and i'm i just felt like what am i doing this is so pull a lever to push a button and when you push the button all it does is open a door with another lever i'm like what is happening i had this weird like nightmare mechanic thing where you flipped your thing yeah there's a lot of mech a lot of overhead yeah just a lot of overhead with the rules i thought i kept i thought it was missing something we played it we were like yeah these aren't the rules there must be other rules there's got to be something going on so yeah yeah i just found it very disappointing and this is a small game it was very much my speed it looked great the dice looked great yeah it looked different from a lot of games most games don't come with this game is still being sold like this is an act this is not one that's out of print and i think it's being sold because it looks people have that like that look i think yeah i think this was at like even barnes and noble and stuff like that so yes i saw it there yeah yeah anyway lucidity six-sided nightmare is a little bit of a night truth in advertising all right i mentioned earlier reichbusters and they released the errata pack this is another game that released an entire set of rules difference and they said try them out and i never had because our first experience with this was so bad this was a game from cmon and their stuff normally is great great miniature game uh but it wasn't designed by the simon it was designed by a spanish team and it was just terrible and that's besieged son of the abyss yeah yeah and it sounds good this is one of those games where i read the rule book and i thought okay this is going to work you roll dice you get to go to different spots but you you're moving like it feels like the whole game you're running in molasses like i need i need to stop these guys over there i'll get there i don't even know how you're supposed to win the game on it's on its default setting yeah and it's it's so much overhead so much going on amazing miniatures cool art i l i like the theme even yeah and then when we did it like i said the designers kind of were like well look you know we kind of these weren't the rule the best rules here's another set of rules it's like ah then don't publish those right right exactly i think a big problem was the difficulty there weren't like difficulty adjustments in there and the game is incredibly punishing yes uh i actually own this game you're still on it i not not that i still own it i bought it maybe two years ago at a marshalls i think it was for ten dollars there you go or like 8.99 or something yeah um it's and that was already like a 2.0 yeah it's kind of hard to like figure out i had to look online like how can i tell the difference right and i already had the improved printing the answer was did you buy it in marshalls you got the second print you got the good prison sure i know i mean i mean you see people in the comments like with house rules and stuff it's great i don't want to buy house rules i agree with that that's a good game for me that's kind of where i'm at with this game i got it so cheap it is so cool looking i play it with a couple of adjustments and that's not okay i totally get that i do it because i do it because i like the way it looks um and it is better a little bit but agree there there should not it's never okay folks for you to say yeah but it's good with house rules you have to understand you are giving there you know that's not really what you should be looking at hey you spend the money do whatever you want like if you think the game isn't so good but it's a great paperweight then you bought a paperweight that's cool do your thing uh-huh but like when you're looking at a board game review that give doesn't make any sense yeah you know be like oh but i shouldn't but if you have to download something i should be at right board games are not fixer-uppers they're not they should be sold that way like this you know put the work of twitter is a good one as a company i don't want to be known for that sure sure that's a good idea for a company a little fixer-upper games do they have to take take that uh expansion on that sure why not take that aholic okay something is missing you have to fix that up a little bit so like you buy it and you open it up and some copies won't have the rulebook some are missing the dice like provide your own dice you know why not that's not a bad idea i like it i like it all right call me kickstarter [Music] all right my number three is where i might catch some heat here we go because i think i've been waiting for the heat game i think you might like this game i love it i wanted to like this game i love the theme you know what is one of my favorite popcorn movies of all time turner two judgment day yes what did you say he said mad max i don't know i just bring him throughout the round tremors this game oh you don't like this game terror below no i i feel like this game it's great with house rules yeah i feel like you need it i just felt like this game was like super fiddly super fiddly it's a little more fiddly than it should it's a little more than i think it's okay but you're right it's a little more than it's like i want i i mean look at this who doesn't want to play that game that technically has pieces that i think don't come in the game kevin bacon the kickstarter version comes with the with the the mini for the worm seriously and the what i have is trash wait there's minute yeah you can get that worm go find that one and throw it out pretty sure we're throwing it out i don't know many i'm pretty sure that the mini worm came like because i actually picked it up at gen con i had i had backed in a kickstarter and picked it up at gen con and i was so geeked about it i was like yes yes and it's hard to play games at gen con yeah but i made sure to play this at gen con the day i got it and then returned it and i was like this was no what this is can you take this back please um i took it to marshalls i was really annoyed am i look you took my socks back um yeah no i i felt like this was a game where just like you said i felt like did we play this wrong and i had two other people we played i played it with and we all looked at the rules like no no and then i played it again i tried playing it again at dice tower west it was at the hot games table i think i played it with with bro now he's criticizing me for putting out the hot games and it was oh it was a worse experience there i just i was like are you playing with there you go take off two points right there but no it was uh it just look it's i don't know that it's a bad game but for me it just didn't work i i did not enjoy it because i felt like it was like so much work just to do a little thing yeah i look at this as a popcorn game i just don't put a lot make it easy just make it easy to play though i was thinking of how to phrase this and i think maybe you you nailed it uh i put this game in a very specific category for me and that is games that are a little bit clunky right they're a little bit goofy we're not quite all there you know like defenders of the last stand maybe right that's too big to qualify i'll tell you which games fall into it this one godzilla kaiju whatever yes yes yes yes because it's like big epic hollywood kind of clunky but it's like you kind of want to grab the game and be like you're right you know what i mean it's okay yeah you're not great but it's like kind of fun to play yeah this one i think was that gap that we were talking about sponsored by that i wanted it so much to be good and it just for me didn't work um i was pretty disappointed i get it i get it yeah um the one thing i thought was super weird is the game comes with not the fancy one but the other one cardboard monsters that do nothing and cardboard like rocks for the desert or something you really get bugged by that i hate that yeah yeah you put them around the game for atmosphere right that's not what i meant when i said earlier i want a good atmosphere not random crap on the table you know what are you talking about like make something useful out of the cardboard no you could too yeah it just did no make a coaster like literally that would be more useful than a shape if you put somewhere nothing you could have made something like a little quarry to hold the rubble or something right if you want to do something like that at least anything else that is useful yeah right like like a sandworm all right well uh we're gonna go from uh worms under the earth to murder you got that segway time you like that that worked really well and um time travel kevin bacon is in both those things six degrees six degrees of tragedy looper tragedy looper has that cool anime manga you know murder suspect thing where you were trying to figure out a murder and you're able to loop time i mean if this was a tv show and for all i know it is i'd watch it that sounds cool i like the look i like what's going on what i don't like is trying to figure out how to play this game i also don't like the fact that i may have never played it correctly because who knows there was so much going on yeah it was the wrong kind of goofy but i'll put up with you yeah that did not want to put up with this one this game was a clunker this game did not work a lot of people like it apparently it had an expansion yeah i just found it the people who like it really like it i've been offered people offered it teaches me a lot too i've never played it and i'm always like i don't know that i have not played it so i don't know right it was just a cool idea that got lost in them in a mess of rules and that guess they kept going at it because they wanted to simulate this idea of well you traveled in time and now you know some things it's basically like the worst version ever of time stories you know what i mean like time stories with way more rules and just not clear what you should be doing or what you can do didn't work out for me i thought this was a a huge miss um for i guess the z-man or whoever put this out i don't know but um yeah tragedy looper again it has its fans did well enough to get an expansion i really don't like it even people that have liked it i've never heard any of them say this game is easy to understand and teach no it's an esoteric game right people who like it like it they they don't go around teaching other people i think because they know you know we'll be bringing this in my house get out take that ish all right my number three is my days of wonder game oh i almost like i said it came down to two and deep blue was but deep blue is newer so i went i went old school you know it's a really slow auction game when i saw this i was super excited like days of wonder is doing a mafia game or something yeah yeah i don't know what mafia has to do with this game really you're moving chips around and slowly bidding coins and stuff this was a huge miss for me and um i'm not alone on this one at all this is not as well regarded this i think was actually their first bomb of sorts from days of wonder because they've had several since then but um even ones that i like yeah but uh yeah i liked the idea of this and he played it and i was thinking i think i played this with you the first time i played it and i was like what am i missing here yeah because if the the theme is cool i will usually like auction games uh yeah that's too bad yeah it's a set collection auction game where the set collection is very by the numbers it's the system from mar nostrum where it's like all of the same or all different turn in a set right yes that's fine the theme is very loose that's it like that's literally it has like everything else going on and then the bidding so the set collection isn't that interesting and the bidding is so incredibly slow right bid to put a ship in my ship on it you outbid me comes back around to me and i rebid and it goes that you would it's like oh my gosh this is so slow yeah this was a bit of a pulling teeth experience this may ever up to this point dave's monitor could do no wrong in my eyes then i was a little close i still think again their their percentages are higher than almost every other company out there so there you go cargo noir mike's about to say cosmic encounter i'm going to hit on my clipboard it is cosmic encounter now my number two is you talked about a big come on production that did not work for you this is my big command production that did not work for me this is massive darkness this is a game that i feel like had enough issues the kind of the redo of this came out pretty quickly after the original version has it been i don't think it's out yet though the second edition is it not uh i don't think the second edition hit this i thought it was like a sequel not just a reworking no maybe but i mean essentially to me this whole system just didn't work the difficulty felt way off the pacing of the game felt way off to me i don't know i i just felt like this was a game that was trying to do something different and it felt like a swing and a miss for me it just it felt like the core system did not work like it felt unbalanced it felt like i said the pacing felt way off the difficulty felt way way off um and again i don't think that i'm alone in this i've seen a lot of people with similar issues um and you know it looks great it has beautiful components uh you know i'm there's a lot of dungeon crawlers out there so it's not original by any means i mean it doesn't set itself aside by being original but they know how to put together one of these big lavish miniature based productions and this is another one i think the art is great the the again the look but boy uh it didn't work for me you know i never played this i watched it being played once but i never actually played it you played it at seamon expo what did you think it was fine it felt like it's not a dungeon crawler yeah though it was it was very slow progression was the main thing i remember like you were meant to play a campaign and you would write down like when you level up on whatever and it was fine it was kind of forgettable yeah here's the thing you've got a dungeon master too though that makes i mean someone really didn't forget yeah right right main thing about this is they have one clever mechanism the night day thing right or darkness and lit spaces which i think that that aspect of it uh kind of got reworked rethought and is actually part of some of the expansions for zombicide second edition like they've taken that and moved that into other things because i did yeah zombicide's second edition you can just play that game but then if you buy like one of those campaign expansions you're kind of playing kind of what this did massive zombie dart yeah you go through story like you go through chapters there's a clock and it becomes night time and the the line of side rules changing at night right so yeah i think um it wasn't different enough from the their other big games to stand on its own i'm going to play the second edition when it comes out i'm going to hope it's good i will too i know you're not you can't now okay then i'm out i'm out never again never again you got me once come on never again i'm gonna hold out for massive brightness tell you what if this isn't at kohl's which is a for five dollars i'm out wait we jump from marshall's the cult aren't they the same store i mean essentially they're the same story that's right if i could put one in there too because one thing you we know is retail i'm gonna pick someone right aid okay my number two i know you like tom you like it quite a bit i like the cover i like the way the game looks i thought it would be an interesting space game it's hot garbage pulsar 28.49 you don't um this game is hot garbage you know i didn't know that you felt that way when we played it it's just a bunch of boring math it looks neat but the game was so here's what i should have known you don't like cge games this is par for the course for you here's what i should have known the first time we saw this game at a convention or somewhere they based they didn't have a title they were like this is a the space game we're working on and it was clear that the game was pretty well along at that point yeah and they were thinking that little about the setting and the story and the theme you know and the title right that should have been a giant clue to me that this is not what you would call a sci-fi game it's a euro through this is gonna be just a strange bunch of real boring like hands it to tonic up but way way drier kind of game i'd liked nothing about this i was so disappointed it was oh it's worse when the game has a cool theme yeah you know when i'm playing yunnan i expect it to be like a very you know dry like i'm playing right right you know i'm playing one of those things it's like okay well the donkey goes up the mountain it's not that exciting but all right this is what i'm doing in this one i expect to be excited well i am not interested or excited keep your math in the rulebook to math class math doesn't belong in space it wasn't great right in in space no one can hear you actually cute you can't get into space without a math book okay a macbook launcher can't get into space without a map tom bass put that on the box kids learn your math all right um my number two is a game that roy wants me to get out of the dice diet collection he does he has asked me but he and i both hate it but the fact of the matter is is i think some people might like it and it's a deluxified game dwellings of elder garbage oh it's not swelling it's about it now this is downfall from tasty menstrual games this game looks really good it's a cool post-apocalyptic theme yeah but what this game is so brutal that not only is radiation killing off all your people you're also running out of food the whole game and other players are attacking you to the point where you feel bad hitting someone else you're like you're starving and all your people have radiation sickness and they're all going to die but also i'm gonna punch you right in the grill and i don't like the the take vettedness of this game to the point to the point where i mean it's really it's added on it's just so there's no fun yeah i get that there are hard games and you you go through them and you win but this is not even a cooperative game this is a competitive game yeah and there's a lot of rules but man that deluxe fight version looks really good has cool ships and all you know so cool but there is definitely a level of punishment in games that goes too far for me there are certain games i i don't mind if games have elements of being punishing right especially if it fits into a theme and if it's equally punishing the players but there is a line and and when it gets to the point where it's just like you're not having any fun you know what i mean that's when that's where this one is and this designer here is one of my favorite johnny claire i love space base i really like it right uh all the fun and space space they borrowed it from downfall right he was like i want to make space base so good i need to make another game that's also decent take all the fun out now space base is twice as fun but that game is just a poisonous fruit we will sell the remains the leavingness yeah i haven't played it it looks it looks a little big and sort of epic for me maybe even if you're saying it's it's not as bad like you'll never even get to create a big empire because it's like oh i'm going to start blah blah blah blah like what's going on the one good thing is that there's a kind of cool card mechanism in it where you are using cards but then they pass around other people so if i keep using this one card i might not get it anymore right okay depending on whether it's passed back to me okay and there's secondary actions and primary actions i thought that was interesting but also i was dying so much i didn't care i i usually in games have a lot of fun doing that right to you and this game i felt like the biggest jerk like i would you know what we're just going to curl up and die because beating you down while you're curling dying feels worse we're going to at least die with some dignity [Laughter] yeah that doesn't sound fun all right well my number one game is a game that you sure can't fault the production well actually no crossovers no you can fall to production let me take that back you can't fault the way it looks i think you and i also don't think you can fault the ip um this is to me the most user unfriendly game that i have ever seen in my life hang on hang on i want to try to guess and it's not even a friendly game and i just talked about games i didn't even know how to play it because i couldn't read well you like tang garden so it can't be that that's very user friendly um not that bad how new is this game it's new it's within the last five years give me the company uh well that's a tricky one because multiple companies kind of came together to work on it you're really close batman batman that was me that was me i'm taking credit for that you didn't say batman gotham city i'm i'm batman look i learned this game the best possible way you can learn it from the designers someone else bought and paid for their own money when i showed up to their house it was already set up on the table he had learned the rules as well as you can learn these rules taught it to everybody at the time also in the top 10 words books of all time [Laughter] at the end i'm like okay okay i think i see what's going on here and i never want to be i i was just like you're no longer friends with that person you like batman right and i love batman i love the dc universe i thought it looked amazing it was so user unfriendly it was like the horrible iconography just icon soup and no real explanation and then i looked at the rule book afterwards it was a mess man this is a mess after conan that's the problem and they already did this with conan you remember that yes he said oh good they're going to make the rule book good this time they were like we know we messed that up we got the rule book we did a preview of this they sent me the rule book and i was like i can't understand this rule book so we talked back and forth over email and i figured that would be at least some clue to them yeah man and there's this is such a missed opportunity i mean what a great ip i mean what great looking component this is a game i honestly after we played one time i never thought literally never thought about again because it was like well that didn't work yeah i'm swinging a miss again you know it's a great idea moving on i love that whole river system i mean it's this is another one i might take out the star library because it's taking up two giant boxes for one and two i don't think i think what's gonna happen is people are gonna pull it and they're gonna look at it and go that's cool looking and they might even get as far as setting it up then they'll be like you know we could play something else yeah i mean you should put this in the downfall box keep all of it yeah this this is it's a shame man it really is a shame and i consider this one too hard it's hard to excuse it right because so much money was made on this hire a rules editor right there are people that do this for a living yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come on and then test it and if the rulebook doesn't work online which i think you can do when you make millions and millions right you gotta blind test it give people the rule book i know i'm good it's like go play and just watch you know how many people got this game we're super excited about it and then we're absolutely frustrated because they're like i don't even know what to do with this right you shouldn't have that experience you really shouldn't so yeah it was disappointing beautiful though all right well my number one is um quite a beautiful game but there's one thing i really don't like in board games what you we we mentioned it earlier already what's one thing that just generally in board gaming i find it annoying loose lack of precision in whatever it is you are doing right this game's mechanisms are kind of about that it's as close as you can get to that right without being a miniatures game oh okay okay and it is gorgeous looking i saw the cover i learned the theme and i thought this is me i mean this is going to be perfect vincent drew tray oh i know exactly what this game is treasure island treasure highlander no man i just was telling someone how good this game was you were lying to their face i told you i was worth getting i said z doesn't like it but i like it and i did i said he doesn't like it because it's imprecise that was my exact words actually a gorgeous game look at this cover i like it it's so pretty this is what the yeah the board i would hang on the wall what you are doing in the game is finding some spot that someone picked which is where they're hiding or whatever or where they bury their treasure and so you're using rulers and compasses and making circles and drawing lines and splitting the board i like it that z doesn't like math is it in this area i'm actually pretty good at math is it in this area is it inside the circle and you just better hope and pray you don't draw right over where they picked because there's no grid there's no pattern you pick like a spot of paint on the cover on the board and if you draw over it or near it you're like yes it's in there it's inside the circle i'm to say it is inside it's like come on what you're supposed to if it's anywhere near you're supposed to say yes i hate that rule and everything it represents i really like this game i hate rules like that i think do the thing that's worse for you how about you write better rules no whatever this game is specifically better rules um no i really don't like this kind of game i know that too and i really was so disappointed because it looked so gorgeous but man the game was just so disappointing there it's a this weird where's waldo with a bunch of rules it's like you can spend this to split your option and then yeah just all the the whole map looks like a bunch of garbage i don't disagree there should be a couple fewer rules in the game but i like that in position stuff i think it's fun and that game is specifically about that no i don't like it i have to try it all right my number one turned me off from the entire company even though i recently bought another game from this company despite me not liking the company and that one also was not amazing it was okay at best and i think it's on the people's choice top 10. but oh wow this one has pre-painted miniatures and is one of my favorite video games when i was a kid that is mega man the board game yeah i figured i haven't played it but i've heard so much this box first of all one of the seven deadly sins is the guy who wrote the time on the box because he lied i think it says like like i think they said something like an hour to 90 minutes this game is four hours or something oh my gosh you move so slowly in this game playing uh have you played mega man ever like any of the any other version of mega man it's not slow not a slow game you're like not like oh what should i do now you don't have time to think that right right that's that's what this game does those it looks great though it really does jasco knows how to physically produce a game they need to find someone who can design one that did not happen here yeah yeah yeah oh you make games that look this good then just only make them then why not partner with someone who's got a good track record maybe their productions aren't so good right like come on become a mega you know juggernaut i mean like i said i went by how much i liked and difference at the end but while some of the games i picked you know people have different opinions on this one is universally destroyed i think it's in the bottom thousand games on bgg or maybe in the bottom hundred it's that low rated wow yeah it's not i've not heard anybody that said they've liked it yeah i'm man i'm just getting mad looking at this so all right well we foolishly asked the people the top ten and i think people were like i'm just going to pick a game that everyone else likes and smash on it because i'm just going to flat out say most of these are wrong but let's take a look at them real quick what does that mean i didn't put them in any particular oh no we did put them in order all right i don't all right what are we going to like samurai all right so tennis street fighter also jasco all right nine unstable unicorns i don't know what people were expecting eight tang garden i don't i disagree but i understand why people say it seven wingsman come on six first martians i get it sure yeah five batman yeah yeah four photo sentences no you must just not like the game i mean yeah three talisman fair two tapestries no i don't buy that one at all no i get that i get that that was a disappointing the hype is hype is part of this yeah that's true especially if you look at number one hype is a big part of it right right right right this game has not been hyped it still would have been like oh it's not good yeah but it wouldn't have been that far from grace that it was sure it's unfathomable i didn't put seeth on my list because i don't think it looks that good right let's see what you did there yeah do you think that i i didn't put seat on my list because i didn't think seafoam looks that great that's why i wasn't on my list i think it was all right and i think the hype was you know yeah huge sure but i i didn't look at that and go oh i got to get this game i thought i'll play that mm-hmm alrighty well there you go everybody i'm sure the comments will come let us know your thoughts on these games in your opinion [Laughter] all right our next top 10 list might be positive or we're going to roast eric summer or one of the two i'm not sure let's make it happen um that's our last top 10 until the summer spectacular but that's coming two weeks from tuesday from this past tuesday not too far away we're gonna be playing games live we'll be doing lots of fun things uh we still got a full schedule next week though with um q and a's board game breakfast and all that we'll see you then and we got more videos going up over the next few days too all kinds of stuff so until then i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia i'm mike d'alessio have fun take that there you go [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 88,260
Rating: 4.9007502 out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: WVffNoohXz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 6sec (5226 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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