Top 10 Games NOT to play with an Angry Person

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alright folks today you are here listening to the dice tower let's watching the dice tower I suppose today we're doing another top 10 list and we're going to be talking about top 10 games that you shouldn't play with angry people for some of you that would mean you can't play solitaire games but III guess if you're really playing with someone truly angry it went over like a lead balloon oh no someone out there left a just thing was fine thank you no but I mean angry people we use to try to avoid playing with a period yes root but there's always one or two or three or four or five you couldn't tell hey listen hey buddy you want play games sure halfway through why'd you do that huh why'd you do that um let's play on see instead we could do a top ten list of the top ten angry reactions in games that I've ever seen that would be that would include throwing water yes flipping a table yes um leaving the room that one up yes that one's happened a lot going home throwing sure throwing cards sweeping the board yes I've met while throwing cards so that they sweep the board you guys need to play with friendly folks all right folks won't we that is we we did the same thing we've done in our other top ten list and that's where we've made a combined top ten list where we added our scores together we each made our own top ten list and then I use my super mathematical skills to make a top ten but first we have three games that we'll each talk about that was not in the top ten we'll start with you Z okay no problem the the three that didn't make it or three of the ones that didn't make it to the final list I'm just over the resistance the resistance uh you know could have been this or werewolf or anything like it you know one of those negotiation games um not social games where sometimes people lose their cool and they don't eyes no no I'm supposed to accuse you before you I have to I know you're not I'll tell you later but right now when it goes over you lied to me well duh I didn't eat the rule book and people lose their minds when you go after them you know they go not really it's not me it's not me I like I know I know it's me actually but I'm supposed to so you know people lose their mind with this game one of the things I mentioned in that regard especially with werewolf is that you because of that thing I'm always very cautious not the mix age groups that's true yeah in fact just this past weekend I ran some werewolf games where there was a kid and the adults and adults just murdered that kid you know and that K almost cried you know because he deserved it he was a werewolf so that's fine okay next game for me passion guns um this is a Yakuza expansion with the cash and guns which with or without the expansion it's a game in which you are pointing guns I'll be a foam guns at one another yes you need to be careful who you play with you might want to walk through a metal detector if you're on they're pulling out foam guns in case a real gun pops out you know it's just again it's that thing where you're supposed to go okay three two one goes you supposed to point a gun at somebody and people are like what you're pointing at me it's like well I got I had to pick your winning it's how you play a game okay you win you know calm down I won four three two one you flip your okay they're mine because of you dug out of the game um I mean that is the game you know and people have an issue sometimes with the fact that no I have to I know that seems a little rough around the edges people pointing guns at each other but you knew that coming in you know all right you have to be okay with you being the target um so there's not it my last game was which I don't have here um creationary I'll build it creationary is a Lego game and you build it's like pictionary with Lego bits and this could have been pictionary because it's that game where you know you're drawing that guy's like oh it's a donkey a donkey donkey ya know the zebra it was like BMW no it wasn't that was clearly a striped donkey that's why that's fishing area where you get to draw I mean yeah picture never you get to draw creation air you gotta build it out of LEGO pieces and that's how you're asking for it you know cuz it's like oh about like I don't know it flip it and get all the little pieces scrape them off a table it is the most maddening game you know you got it like it just drives people up the wall I'm like the angry guy in that game well there's the clay ones to make things out of clay I can like do whatever I want with you know what I mean I can't like reshape the bit um in creationary that game if you know you're gonna if you know you have gamers that get angry with the drawing games and there's plenty out there avoid creationary I think that to the 10th power alright yeah what about your three alright my three um first first one that I'm coming up with is that didn't make the list is Warhammer 40k or any miniatures yeah it really been after half game because I mean you got these guys that spend hours upon hours upon hours upon many more hours detailing their models painting their armies constructing their armies using computer programs to optimize this model over this model or this model with this little gun attached and and then you get to the board and you just lay waste to their army you'll rule the day exactly I'll be back you know all this kind of stuff well you know at Warhammer 40k tournaments they have a sportsmanship award and you can basically win it by being normal oh no no no no I'll say this in tournaments you're good man I that one sportsmanship was the guy that just basically did let them do whatever they wanted to do I'm just said let them do whatever they wanted to do and I'm sitting here watching the game and I'm going you can't do that I don't care I wanted to win Horseman's 400k came the angry person but this is why I don't play many miniatures games because it's really easy people get angry you move that model necks rich right you did I did and you moved in an extra tenth of a millimeter and and and that end the very long with you I I avoid them exactly because of that that imprints on imprecise nature of the games yeah gets under my skin yes Bob well it's it's not really imprecise nature it's it's playing the game and precisely uh-huh you have to have that precise mind in order to play the game correctly if you just say okay you're six inches I'm a little muddled up there and then I'm gonna just go write all that on no no all right let's move on anyway dony Hill was better for him I know right some set Warhammer 40k is my first one second one and I have to kind of take a little bit of a personal note here that's a ticket to ride Nordic countries ticket to ride Nordic countries this is not just Nordic countries that comes in and out of this case you get the mist operations you know perhaps I have all my ticket the right game sort of that this is all the boards are on that puck is hitting out okay I need to tell somebody that before they try to pick it and have a hernia um okay so you have Ticket to Ride Nordic countries this is the first I think of the nastier Maps that they've come out with may become maybe Switzerland but yeah alright this is that this is only three players and so it's a really tight a very jam-packed map and there are very few very there are a lot of places where there's only one thing and it it connects this side of the board to that side of the board and that's it and oh yeah they went back to the old original Maps I'm like okay how about if we remove all these tracks and just say it's only for three people like I was sure that won't get people do stuff at all I feel look what happened India and Africa and Switzerland all for those if you want to play nice tickets ride get Europe Europe is not Europe it's not your little train station and everybody's happy he heard half a guy have not played but I heard that game was full but I had you a bride today that this one um I was playing it with my wife and my son and I threw the cards in such a manner that's where it wipes the board clean thank you for sharing sense hi Sam thanks hi my name is Sam and I'm an angry gamer alright got one more I got one more and that is a trick-taking game called rook Oh like in college we played rook every weekend probably for a little while and there were these guys there were two one of them was Terry and the other one I can't remember the other guy's name but Terry was the guy that I remember I could hear him down the hallway you were supposed to play this card you know and I'm like dude it it's a stupid card game for crying out loud now you can I when we were in California I played this with with some of our church members a couple of our deacons and their wives recipe for trouble and let's ask now now look they were they were angry but they were very civil about it but you could see the you could see behind the scenes they were very really passed really lefty ethic cause you go that's all righty then like reading a British play I gotta have to go to the restroom I'll be right back and you hear like crash not happened the mirror is broken but rook is just one of those cards if you play with people are games where you put if you play with people that always play they take it incredibly seriously and it's like this is now if I leave this that tells you that you need to play this card in partnership partnership trick-taking games are very dangerous anything where does a partner even like a game like password or whatever name well that came back to the whole pictionary thing yeah people withdraw my name was died nights people throw marker you can't draw it all never never pick up a pencil again just gets nasty drink taking games do it anyway and then partnership ones roof alright my three our first one is bang a card game and bang is a game that should be fun everyone shooting at everybody else but there are moments in bang like when the deputy on the first turn for no reason he decides to empty his or another sheriff usually it does it the sheriff was like I don't know who's my deputy so I'm just gonna unload him this guy he takes a guy out of the game in a very first turn who is his deputy who then I think somewhat justly explodes as does the other deputy because now he's by himself and there's a some moment in bag where things can happen like that another one is Game of Thrones which has a feeling similar to one of the games that's on our top 10 list but there are spots in Game of Thrones where you can just really do mean and nasty things to each other really mean and nasty things that have super long-term repercussions and there are moments of betrayal that just happened it fits the theme ale does fit the theme it's but you know when you're playing the game you're not like oh I want you to slip that dagger between my ribs that's some thumb at ik and I appreciate it for the next two hours I'll be sure to deal with that yeah and then the last one I the last one is one I was actually surprised neither one of you guys picked that survived I was thinking about putting it on my list uh it made the shortlist it just didn't make the cut survive is a game where you are destroying people's swimmers as they go to islands with sharks and whales and sea monsters and it's really not nice at all it's called a family game and I guess I made it that's work for families but my kids cried when we played the game cuz there people are getting eaten and what he's supposed to it was like suck it up you guys died thank you Tom for sharing good parenting skills he didn't die he just swam in a differ duration though the whale is just moving here yeah but I have played survivor I've seen people get jiang gree it's because they had all their people on one boat the whale swallowed your person he's going to spend him a fun short somewhere else yeah yeah that game is I have better examples for the same kind of thing all the same kind of thing it's a bit good that guy's gonna die you know what I mean and so I had other examples for it I think it's it's like there's nothing else to do in that game put that right where I tried to fit games where you could do this or you could go and smack someone you know oh I see so you're saying in the game you're expected to smack everybody so it's not so bad yeah a little bit you know well here we go the top 10 to number 10 is Twilight Imperium 3 by the way I have a standing thing at this year Fantasy Flight is gonna announce Twilight Imperium for taking right but some guys nothing to do that I don't think it's right okay gambling on that one okay this is it this is one of Sam's top choices why yes umm this is a game that absolutely requires calmness a level head because there is there are cards that are special objectives that say take control of that your neighbors home system yes and once you do that you cash in your card and if you're nice you move out let him move back in but if you're not nice you begin you continue taking him out and that just doesn't sit well with people and if you have somebody that's been very connected to their to their home race they get angry I've seen timid people get angry in this game I think one of the reasons is because of its length the longer game is the more involved you get and so when we get nice especially when in this game it doesn't happen often in ti3 but it can where you could be effectively taken out of the game yeah yeah that can really upset somebody who gets angry easily right and I lose again more than four or five times I really won yeah I can't say that I would be getting angry but there's still a guy I know English actor yet Sam about this game for something to have a true like eight nine years ago Wow he's at the next IV play he's coming after you he's waiting sharpening his knife something better be prepared session murder ISM yes I remember that he was like I'm taking the Smurfs it was funny yeah oh I didn't thank you yeah well I will say this though it is one of the games that um you just I drew a point I'm angry you did why yeah voices uh cuz it's uh you know like my nose it's not nine I might come back to you later what's good number not anyway alright number nine is object or architect before I got renamed by Fantasy Flight that's cuz our guys do translate thing we're a satyam upset about that one to architect that's another top ten list of things that people get mad about they change today here's the game right you you're working with a partner and they are your cavemen and you are trying to get them to build a structure from a card only you are looking at with various wooden blocks you communicate with said person and tell them where to put the pieces by hitting them over the head with an inflatable Club okay um except when you get Club happy and you tell the guy that's wrong that's wrong no not that one hit you twice for yes hit you once for no that's good well it's good again and the guy starts getting pissed off not cool like that why would you get pissed off four people hit over the head with a club cuz it's cuz you're you know you got these you got some people who are really into like you know focusing on what they're doing and let the distraction of getting smacked over the head constantly I mean I think it's a silly party game but soon as you introduce that whole like hey hey it's like I'm not touching you I'm not touching you don't mean it's like oh please let me just work get a card I'll just build it myself you know people lose or cause the silliest game but avoid it with the angry gamer that guy who doesn't want to be pulled interestingly enough this one is my favorite game I did not actually put this one on the list you guys did and I did not and I'll explain why didn't after you guys go ahead go ahead I mean it's almost kind of obvious why I could see people putting this on the leg got angry on this bar I know really man that's a that's a proof of a game played often I play my games I don't chew on them proof of a game not taking care of oh it's like he's those games off roofs or something no really did it burns them those have been to trash games okay hit a Cosmic Encounter Cosmic Encounter man anytime anytime you have negotiation where you can negotiate something and then just straight-up lie the one face to face goes you can do that escape yeah yeah we can't ever do that this guy go to his own wife for crying out that was a decade ago why don't you cut Twilight something soon the idea is this man whenever you can just it's built into the rules where you just straight up lie to somebody it's gonna take somebody off especially when you get those really trusting people yeah and they're like yeah you probably will do okay yeah yeah let's do that again yeah the thing about it is here's the thing the payoff is right now you know what I mean it's like if I play every play with friends you know what I mean you're like yeah well negotiate yeah yeah we're 20 you know but when you play with somebody who's brand-new with the game right you're like yeah you wanna go oh yeah okay sure wait a 15 second ha ha ha no planets belong to me you know they're like it's like that the payoff is right now like you'll know I'm like in about three seconds right you know what I mean and they're just like taken aback like wait oh oh you can do that yeah I had a chance to play this this weekend we put a seven player game and there was a five player victory really attacking my planet and I I didn't get upset about that because we know whatever but the reason I put on my list is because it's almost to be expected in the game I can see how new people can be really taking a bag but like I pointed in that particular game I the guy and we had a chance to win the game but because I had told my story about my wife you know always you know and then you really need to start telling us now he didn't believe me and I did actually negotiate he didn't how do you negotiate we were the one jointly but I I do my best to keep my backstabbing to minimum mostly because it's expected from me but I I just maybe it's because I think this one doesn't bother too much because people get really mad once I even touch this a little they they'll never play it again I get it ya don't want to avoid it that first time with the energy that you wanna be I'm now gonna play with those people again anyway if they're the angry guy I am NOT going anywhere near that person with that inflated it's a fantastic game I would actually put us on a list of games not to play with people who aren't fun in a sense this is a game that I I almost like the pick and choose who I play with sure sure well make fun definitely you know fun and angry guy exists in two different places I you know I guess so you'll avoid the angry guy by you know I'm trying to imply I want to cool it for the fun guy so if you're angry don't play with Z in this one I'm going to confess that I've been the angry guy someone on this one this comes back to what when saying this most of those times when Sam in fact after you play one game of this the pastor was playing he asked me if we needed marital counseling that's because you're playing with a partner and you are explaining the easiest person in the world to guess you have given them the obvious clue how can they not know who such-and-such is and you calmly explain it at the top of your voice and I have I have seen so many people get upset at their partner in this game it's the partnership thing it's go back to your pictionary and this could stand in for almost any party game or you're trying to get your partner to get something right right they just seem to be incredibly dense well think about this one is it escalates to it didn't make my list but don't you play in three rounds and you have to get yeah wanna eat right they out of its once you get to like the third round you're like and the person like what you wind up at twice all right we just did it the last 15 minutes twice you should get it by the third round you know what I mean but no people lose feel I get exactly like oh I don't know what right you know oh yeah I think that the fact that it's three rounds in each has the possibility for people to get angrier yeah yeah and I've occasionally seed pairs of angry people together I had fun to watch it's very that's fun to walk corn I almost recommend that a caveat don't play this with any people and there's there's - what did you sit back and have of have a blast you'll pop some popcorn get it together and mix sort of loose upon name because they'll be at each other's throats I use this in my speech class at school because it helps with different types of communication not just verbally alright yeah so anyway I use it I use it in my speech class and old man there's a couple kids that their network time using their work they're not all there mentally while we're playing this game em it's like this one one guy will be given all the good all the good Clues you could possibly give I'm sitting back I haven't even seen the card I'm like oh yeah it's this and other students are doing the same thing ya know what that is huh it was and oh man the guy that's giving the clues just is vein right here turning red and oh man it's bad but the angry thing does not come into effect as much with title recall actually it happens with the people most of all because it's pop culture and you're playing with different generations old people like I don't know what that person is and then they'll talk and then the other people like that historical figure robert e lee was was was he a singer in the band and oprah just wants to it Iron Man Robert II actually I use Title Rico in my room so that's still like I don't mean to contradict you but I use title recall in my room so it that's the one I just think the name thing makes people angry ER that's harder yeah gendered order okay but I still up the game alright moving on I'm the boss that made our two lists okay as a game in which you make deals to get money you're splitting money and you can basically take different deals and you can say I agree to take you or I agree to take you and then I say okay you know what you're out of this I agree to take you and he says oh guess what I'm the boss you know oh you are here's a card now it's my turn like that in the middle of your turn it's very chaotic are that I think does it for me that was forward yeah that could push the game up for me on the list you know everything else is pretty much fun in just about any negotiation game no no I gotta work with you I'm gonna do this over here oh you're gonna do one now okay fine not forget it I'm going to work but the fact that when you pitched that guy off he goes oh really now it's my turn Morgan medicals he waits till the negotiations are finished you've gone through this I'll go now let's work okay I'll get this into you wait if I guys deal good and then you're like oh boom ha and it's I'll deal with you now yeah half what he was gonna give you you know but just have you played this one yes yeah it's it's it's a great game I it's one of the few games in that style it come out make free-flowing games which are kind of weird to do right that I like but watch out for people who are not okay with controlling their own little world because you will not have that in this game you're probably run around what other reasons I didn't like this thing is because it has that that I guess that random chaos fact yeah somebody just stepping in and saying no let's do things yeah it's kind of free-flowing and if you're not okay with games that feel that way it'll probably upset you it'll get under your skin yeah alright here's another one from Z and my list that I really thought would be on Santos because if I recall correctly I've actually seen you get angry at this game at the game not the people but the blame yeah no I I have and I will if it ever it's the table again weighted um matter of fact I'll probably get angry at the people that are wanting to play this um Wow because I absolutely uh greatly dislike this game are you talking about Sam your robot got pushed and now you just have to deal with that I know right gamma laser and they got very mellow laser on compare gonna do a flamethrower yeah no oh step 2 oh I push you and then we're gonna be there Oh step yeah what what I think where I've seen people's buttons really get pushed is they have a perfect plan and that plan gets messed up by someone else and the person who messed up their plan goes ooh I played the wrong card that just wasn't explosion oh I didn't mean to play that one that's what did I kill you it gives me it's that thing where you plan where you take a while you put together the perfect plan and then some random person is coming borrow your pen for a moment I need to stab you in the throat somebody this pushes you slightly over and all the Oh scared everything else is not yeah what I've noticed that this game is that it brings people to a soul burn cuz you're watching her guy dies once and I'm like mm-hmm don't worry you got get more robots good life then they die the next turn then they die a third turn and then usually they're like yeah I know I think I think I've seen it having the most I mean you tell someone well you just power down and then the next turn you start up full full you know pull up again okay power down but I guess I'm a girl while they're powered off and then you power back up when it's like busted robot and you're like oh sorry that might not have been the best place to power down I was coming right through that you see right through you know this gives me the same feeling that um what's that space game I hate to get with the trucker da galaxy truckers the same thing you plan and you do your thing and then your ship kind of saw subscribe that on them here's the thing on my list was specifically for me okay play right things I would actually play but would avoid playing with the angry guy hmm galaxy trucker no go yeah no play I'm fighting like galaxy trucker these guys are right sensitive maybe one or two of my games I did the same thing games that I like I enjoy playing but I'm not gonna play with person so important exactly yeah yeah yeah cuz just I just games and make me angry oh I just want to play I just want the white house and galaxy trucker oh that's on ma'am it's true okay well there was a that's a bonus now galaxy trucker of all the games in this list I am convinced that this one was designed specifically to make people angry probably oh no no no the number one game but I'm actually convinced was to make people idea okay but this one I think was very much a too well Nachi well we'll get that yeah this one you're all working together in a dungeon but you can constantly be tripping each other up if you trip people up too early then they will die or whatever then they can't help you then you won't survive right but you can really mess people over at critical points and sometimes for no reason and other to just mess them over sometimes it doesn't even help you and but it's such a cool card that people are tempted to play it yes and then anger occurs and I've actually seen a few its incidents I've had people yelling in my face to where I can feel the heat from their breath and possibly a child like a chunk of cash burying my cheek it was on camera yeah beginner my view lunch today yeah they're yelling at me like this this dude actually threw water in my face Nick no no it was a glass he was drinking out of it and I did I played a card to just totally after that dick he was were you guys play he'd he he took he stitched back he sits back in he Y had to leave the room so that I didn't kill that person wow you guys need wow we need some serious game councilman I'm telling ya it was this video actually powers identity this is the same guy who has the grudge against him to Twilight peering in so if there could be some inter related incidents okay this is a long-standing feud maybe I played this up ways in which one can we tell you first it was a violent period yeah it was this was one of the last games you play okay but anyway I seen a habit of multiple games you got to be really careful in this one yeah I played a couple of times and I haven't played more because I really wasn't into the game but you know it wouldn't have made my list I did not see it being I don't know it didn't it didn't have that vibe for me that you really get angry at people laughs well you're wrong yeah alright thanks game because well to me people got angry at it and that's risk 2210 now I suppose you could put any risk in this category I don't know twenty to ten is it's the pretty is pretty special that's because not only are you doing your typical attacking and everything but you are also blowing up nuking whole section of the border eyes actually legendary risk legends might come close legendary risk because there are some of that stuff that can happen in that game but man here's the deal I played all the games in this list and some of the games I played people have not got angry and even number one and two but I've never my life played a game of Risk 2210 where someone didn't get angry and I had even you know I I pride myself that I very rarely get angry in games almost never and I stood up and screamed in someone's face in this game um he screamed at a pastor okay but that passer in that same game how the send games to avoid insurance is that pastor was straightly heavy to yes I have never seen that guy ever get mad in any game he was normally a very mild-mannered controlled personality but it really does bring out the worst in you because in fact this was a game when I play with Joe Stedman the very first time and I was like well he's gonna teach him how this game plays and I took him out in the first turn and he got really mad which is a fair assessment but the game is a catalyst for that and because that this is a game we should play with angry people you shouldn't play this game with anyone who has even the chance of getting angry but angry people yeah yeah yes this was an easy choice but I think aggregate you guys look like the times both have this game free high on your list I'm assuming his one number one his one of my number two were switched two and one so okay yeah cuz it's not this was your number one write my list mainly cuz you know well it's his risk on the box and have inflated but wow gamer snob what is that is that elitism I smell yeah go on to good games on the list to good games no I haven't played it but um man I'm avoiding it now that's for sure that is it a game that probably everybody expected to be on the list and that is diplomacy and this is the one game that I said the exception of one game that the rest of them three games that I would want to play yeah I will never play diplomacy yeah I wasn't on my list because I would I would play this was number one on my list because I have seen so many people get angry this game I've seen a guy crying in anger and frustration a grown man at a convention over this game I've seen people quit the game and just sheer funny I feel like I'm listening to that Blade Runner monologue I've seen a man cry at a gaming table over diplomacy you know what I mean the moon the one really you've seen a guy weeping yes really wait was that him it was at at the policy tournament at origins and he was sitting there and he was and then he would uh pretty he was just like what you promised hahaha yes he did promise at yes he lied wow I didn't think is the game has a very high opportunity to lie other people but you don't even have to lie you could be like guess what I hate to tell you this but I'm gonna beat you down now mmm and the guys like oh please don't beat me down no and not only am I gonna beat you down but these three guys are gonna help me and there's nothing you can do about it and I think diplomacy is a great teaching tool I think it's an exceptionally well designed game even though I don't personally like it that means--it's there's some really neat stuff and it's lasted for 50 years but but wow this game makes people mad and I mean really mad at that is there a I don't mean Coachella is there a group of people new people that enjoy playing this game I know this has a very big online community of people who buy my Harry overino those are people that have played it when it first came out sooner or later I don't mean to be insensitive they're not gonna be here anymore well no I III put it with kids and they've had fun uh-huh I played it with kids and they've had fun but they've also gotten angry but they've had fun how long is that game normally Oh or it devours figure figure a normal game as five hours you've played that game think for five hours with kids think of twilight imperium I played it turn a day as far as one is concerned Twilight Imperium three as far as length is concerned SAP all the fun out of it right got the bump okay well I'm not here necessarily did not the getting down I just want to say that it really makes you mad I got mad playing it but it's brought a level of tenses to me when I play when I'm done I'm like I feel like I went three days without drinking CAF coffee if I was a coffee drinker I do not explain it I the headache oh my god and I can realize it it if you were someone to get mad this yeah this video yeah this is this is the only game I've seen a grown man cry Oh for so there is this you put that on the box when they're reprinted I made a grown man cry over this game Bank bathroom actually grow actually I I do know that there are friends who would stop speaking to each other over the game yeah it the tagline is not not the official tagline but diplomacy destroying friendships since 1956 or whenever it was invented all right Austin number one interestingly enough this was the only game that was on all three of our lists but just like my top two this was the one of the first ones that came to mind because like I said earlier this game I wouldn't convinced was designed to make people angry there's no way the design I thought people thrown over the side even though well you know there was another game that almost made my top actually did make my top 10 list but was more horror and more of and and jaea par yeah but that was the right thing that would have been my 11 or 12 but more varsity appar for some reason those games they have other things going on so if you feel like you can mitigate it and this one people were throwing you off a boat yeah there's nothing else right and they you're doing it with glee and it's right the thing is about winning in laughs a negotiation game where you have nothing to offer nothing that don't think I committed guys oh we're on a boat together you have two guys on the boat and you have two guys and I have one crap I'm gonna go over the side aren't I no but they don't for you that we get him instead how about your lunch ever nothing to give right but I think you're screwed in lifeboats more than any other game like you said because you've nothing to offer in lifeboats people are thrown overboard and people lose this game because of their personalities yeah we threw John overboard because well we just don't like him and that's what happened to this game more than any other game it's not because he's winning or he's the most money it's like Matt I like him and since you tend to kind of say that sometimes you gotta be careful you know the explosions yeah this is definitely that kind of game where you have a the frog in boiling water kind of a or the more you go and the Schule you know the boats got a little closer it's like these guys threw me over once if they do it again this happens again I'm not outnumbered on this boat anymore pick on me again you know what I mean then there's the there's the mechanic where depending on what order you're going in you don't have a choice what boat you get to go into right if you jump bottle you'll just get stuck and you gotta jump back in when you get in the boat and you know yeah you're not gonna survive that much stuck in a boat you're not gonna survive in oh now incidentally there's another game called my vote which is different than this one right but also probably the top 20 games to play people get angry and that one you're just one character who's going to get thrown out here you have multiple people this gives you a chance to get mad multiple times so it's madness in waves so anyway do I know that was good yeah that's good so anyway that's our top ten games play with angry people hot not play you're writing real boy doctor games to avoid with sand most I what I usually don't get that angry I'm scared on the table keep the video on top keep it on you laughing thanks so much for watching the diced our videos find more great videos and reviews as well as our top rated audio podcast at diced our comm you can also find the latest board game news at diced our news calm I'm Eric Sommer and you've been watching the dice tower the dice tower is sponsored by fun again games the world's best game source fun again games has over 5,000 games available check them out at spawn again calm
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 303,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, boardgame, game, game review, review, reviews, board game review, card game, party game, war game, vasel, metzler, hoier, dice, dice tower, dice game, The Resistance, Cash and Guns, Creationary, Warhammer 40K, Nordic Countries, Rook, BANG!, Survive, Twilight Imperium 3, Ugg-tect, Cosmic Encounter, Times Up, I'm the Boss, Roborally, Cutthroat Caverns, RISK 2210AD, Diplomacy, Lifeboats, Tom Vasel, Zee Garcia, Sam Healey, vassal, vassel, top 10, top ten, The Dice Tower
Id: dFex4FGzKjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2013
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