Top 10 Tiny Games

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[Music] hey everybody I'm Tom vassal I'm C Garcia hello Sam Healy welcome back yeah so today we're talking about our top ten tiny games Oh tiny games so small games really actually we've done this list before but we call it top ten stocking stuffers but we pulled back from that because we actually do a top ten stocking stuffers now you know each year thumbs for top nine it depends on that's a deep secret secrets all right so all right someone has do you think mr. face will show up in this list possibly not who's mr. face we just played it remember oh you make that little you know all right so what does tiny mean it means that it's volume is a small number if numerically counted all mine can fit my pocket all mine can fit in your pocket too too small well you have a big pocket though okay so there you go that's why I said that believe Tom Oh said he had big pockets these are all I didn't take deep pocket the biggest thing I've got on here is about hand size how about that yeah I don't if we're using Shaq's hand okay some of these are fairly big I'm curious okay we'll see I will allow the game is everything smaller than carcass owns box yes that's pretty alright I think well let the internet judge there I'll judge you they will okay no here's the thing no it's at first I was gonna order mine by largest to smallest I thought about doing that actually okay but instead I just did mine from my favorite I did am in order how much I like them yep I kind of did my original plan was I'm gonna do and from the one that liked the number one ideally originally I should say was going to be the one that has the most game to its relative size got it it kind of fell apart that's not really what I'm doing so my original plan was to get 10 games on a small games list really I got so many high yeah I had I could have done hundreds that's the thing some of those lists we've been doing I don't enjoy for the most part small games actually I feel like I know at least three on your list there's gonna be AI and many of these games multiple times alright just because I'm not a big fan of having this tiny little dinky game I feel like I'm gonna break it while I'm playing it type stuff I don't like so much for games well there's two things I want to mention about my list one is I did not take into account the fact that some games can be collapsed into a small place I know that's possible like the one thing the one game that people always bring up when it comes as splendor with splendor you can really shrink it down into a small box but I didn't do that I'm going by the box they came in yeah I mean that opens up a whole can of worms if you can do that and also on my list there are no tiny epic games but I give them props for existing sure and I got an A or games look the oint games are small games that sometimes pack a lot of game into a tiny box so to reiterate anybody's any epic games in my list yeah I was saying that yeah no that's fine there's a few lines of games another thing I will mention is each of these that I picked on my list has a different central mechanism or type of game I'll talk about that as they come up so that if you're looking for something small and what you like is deduction then I'll have one of those for you I'm not going to mention anything else because I feel like this is dragging on another thing I want to mention I'd like to talk about Sam's lakum all right all right go ahead play it number ten what do you got there Sam all right my number ten is a fun sized addition of a larger game called ooh bungo I thought it was extreme but yeah you're right the fun size well they're actually we have both of them there's yeah there's the same size Bongo extreme which uses hex shaped different kinds of hex based shaped pieces and then obongo front sight magician is is more like the original correct right where it's it's just the tetris e type shapes that you can get although one that was so what one shape that is missing from that tetris family is justice where there is no justice square in this in this box sounds like - that's big I swear is really hard to put in these puzzles actually it would make some of them easier I think I think that's why it's not in there yeah that's why so that's what I did with my let's call what the fun fun size yeah it's called the fun size addition it comes in a in a box that's about that big tall somewhat large person I don't understand why being small and fun are synonyms like someone says oh I'm fun sized or this is a fun sized thing that much no one describes you as fun that might be fine but I did with mine it's a little hard so what I did is I just cut all the little squares into hide/show squares is a lot easier to play now everything fits just about it works I mean I made it the fun and easy size it's like really hard a quick put the squares on it's good work this is a fun easy light game to take around it's the one that I like the least which is why it's number ten but it is fun and I have had a lot of fun with it these guys still find a way to mock my choices whenever I make them good and I can see this is definitely that was my when you described a size thing when you described I feel like I might break it this is totally in my category really those little cardboard pieces I feel like I am gonna break this thing I've seen it I haven't played it but I opened it up I think and I saw and I was like man this is tight leash oh yeah oh there there good quality all right here's a real blaggers though Rain Man it says over five million games sold he's probably a full time game designer I guess yes so maybe alrighty everybody my number 10 is a deck building game is a fairly small one this is dale of merchants I either want there's Dale of merchants Dale of merchants - that both come in the same size box you can get both and combine them but one of these will be great either one again they're about the as tall as my hand maybe slightly more but they're very thin they're skinny games and it is a deck building game in fact one of my favorite deck building games because it is not the usual Dominion blueprint in this one you buy cards they go right in your hand that's a small change other games I've done it but I like it so much more and you are trying to fill in your stalls and so as you are buying new cards you're also putting them into these stalls and getting them out of your deck organically it doesn't feel fake doesn't feel like Oh thin your deck out because deck building games told us that's good and mechanically it's good so yeah yeah you should do that it makes sense in this game I like the cute artwork I like the theme it just works for me it's a really fun no it's a fine uh-huh it's a fun zeg building game that I enjoy a lot so there you go my number 10 tech building game Dale of merchants Dale merchants is a one of those it falls into that pitfall of a few that a few small games come in for they're like we're small here's more now we're coming out with the mega version yeah that's coming there's a big box that holds everything right another game I'd add is Tom the valley the kids which I was like oh that's a good small game but now it comes in a ticket to right sides box so right now you got three three versions in one box yeah so someone asked me why I didn't put any of the tiny epic games what half of them because I'm not huge fans that half the ones I do like it wasn't that disqualified then they just didn't make the list tiny epic galaxies might have been like 12 or 13 yeah just like I've only played two button shy games so circle the wagons which were pretty cool all the ones that's like an 11 for me so 10 is a game I actually haven't played in a while but it's a kind of a game I play as a lark like oh let's play this for a while it's it's the gamer who know in my opinion and that's red seven red seven is a game in which you are trying to play a card that has a winning condition on it or you're trying to have the winning condition so as you play the cards have the most of one number or the most cards in a row so it's it's a really fast game was like five minutes maybe but you but you played over and over again and I think there's rules in it to make it more complex and you know from game the game I don't normally do that it's just play the same game over and over and over but I like the simplicity of it you're trying to get a rule into play that helps you and only you know basically if at the end of your turn you're not winning you're eliminated right so you have to play a card that says you're not the most Blues on the table and have the most right the one by the end of their turn or they're out it's very light game yeah but it's it's quirky it's kind of tricky yep so that's my number 10 red seven all right oh all right this is where my listing of games that I've talked about before on other lists begins it begins at 9 yes and it ends at 1 no ok that's like a brace reprieve picks back up to games that I've mentioned before where's blutter another half reprieve at 2 and then you know I could okay alright so anyway my number nine is Celestia Celestia or cloud nine is what it used to be called Celestia is a much more attractive version here largely doing the same things of course it just looks better on on the table and it's a pusher luck type of mechanism where everybody is well one person the pilots gonna be rolling dice and he has to play cards out of his hand in order to move the airship from one space to the next and everybody else is going to basically be betting I guess you could say wagering on whether or not he's going to go he's going to be able to make it by playing those cards saying yes I'm staying in or no I'm staying out or whatever any and you keep doing you're just trying to get the most points first person I think what is it 50 points I think is the winner or something to that effect and it's it's a really fun game and it comes in a fairly small package the expansions are like seriously tiny and they add a lot of oomph to the game as well so that's why it made my list there's I think a couple of little mini expansions that are out for it and it's really fun game I've talked about it a lot already so I'm not gonna belabor but my number 9 Celestia a couple things one Sam at the beginning of this was choppy so if you missed that he said that all those games are from now on out are ones you've already heard about ad nauseam I believe was his exact words no I said there this is where that begins with a slight reprieve at number 6 a half reprieve at number two then yeah alright anyhow alright yet I would it it's small yeah it's small and for me it is a tiny game because I usually don't like giant was by raw blood right okay you gotta take what we got I get my pen back so I can cross things off here now we got the PowerPoint you can't do changes on the fly oh I realize that mm-hmm I only ever did that like once or twice my number nine guy my number nine is a bluffing game and this is my one pick from the pack Oh games line of games these are the smallest of anything my smallest game on all of all third that's likely it's about the size of a pack of gum not really slightly larger than that but not by much and this one my pick here is lie this is pretty much liars dice with cards you are going to have a hand of cards they give you you know five or six or whatever the cards are they're all the cards in this these games are long and skinny like that and they are going to you are going to take those and position them in your hand showing I either one of the two ends ie either dice up that's what you rolled and then you play liar's dice oh my god there are among us five sixes oh well the next person says I think there is a six sixes at least until somebody calls it you show them you'll lose cards deal new ones out you like large dice and I really do and you want to not have to carry it you could literally have this on your person probably at any given time that would be great it's very very small and I enjoy it a lot this is a free solid line of games like I said the pakil games I wanted to pick one that I really liked this one I really like and it's it's neat because it's a blood that bluffing element is very front and center there's not a lot of fluff in this that's what you get I like that man I need to play some more of these lack of games I only played a few Jem is my favorite I think it's jamming the ones you like Jim I like yeah okay yeah yeah yeah that's why again when I was saying a tiny games this is like the ultimate tiny games the back of games that way check them out ultimate if I'm playing this game I'm like I'm gonna lose some of these cards yes I'm gonna in your Nathan well no there's actually there's a between my faders this is all you card tricks where's the card oh man it's not bad don't get me wrong I'm it's slightly hyperbolic you know what I'm saying but man it's like oh I feel like I'm gonna mess the game up somehow because they are small if I got their really good quality cards helps yeah it does they are the games are great these cards are very fine quality linen finished you know what you would get from like the US playing card company quality really good all right my number nine is the largest game on my list I think box why is it so well maybe not I'm having a hard time visualizing the box I know it's small but that's ten minute heist so ten minute ice I think it's a slightly taller box from daily magic games but it's a really small game yeah maybe yeah I felt guilty putting this one on actually really um so in ten minutes you black lets you eat that game for breakfast ah ah that's fine light snack right before breakfast so in ten minute hikes you basically put out a bunch of cards and as it's it's kind of a drafting game you're dropping down as thieves out at the top of the tower moving down you can move down essentially as far as you want but you can never go back up as you collect the cards that's pretty much the whole thing and then you're just collecting I mean you're trying to get sets and ones that are valuable and things like that I really like it it's fast and simple and it takes around ten minutes it's nice components there that aren't working well daily magic always does great artwork didn't want to do the valaria games and such so I like this one a lot it didn't get a ton of buzz and I've never played it I think it's actually my favorite game from daily magic wow now they have a lot of good games but this one is one of the fourth for punch per size 10-minute high-seas there so that's my number 9 cool I like how we are there was like a theming there right lying and then stealing what was yours bad again why flying flying lying and stealing sounds like that's my new movie now find the airship flying lying and stealing with John K it's another one alright number eight if you put all of the different versions of this game together you've got a lot of stuff and it would not be tiny that way but if you just pick your individual style that you like with this game it's pretty tiny and that's timeline oh sure now time behind there's there's like if you like Disney I was like so much comedy if you like Marvel there's timeline Marvel Star Wars timeline regular history timeline science timeline there's just a number of different versions out there and you can literally want to keep I just showed you a generic version of it I think that's a really pretty version yeah I like the way it looks or any of that maybe yes maybe so but I've I've really enjoyed this game and the people that I've played it with have really enjoyed it as well because it's I I guess I mean it's a game there there are rules that you have to follow but it also feels like an activity where you're trying to construct a timeline from the different cards that you have and of course there's gonna be a winner because it is a game but it feels like it doesn't feel like competition it feels more like a challenge maybe or an activity or something to that effect and it's gone over well every single time it's at the table so that's my number 8 timeline well it is quite probable that as this list goes by I'm going to give you a lot of garbage over your picks but this one is amazing a great pick so I'm trying to balance it out and now I know this is feel icky this is one night nice but no no this is one I thought about it and this is one people actually called it you were gonna say my time lines is all in one big box but I still this counts easy your time line is that game when we actually have played it on a train yeah good works really well also since there are so many themes yeah and be like oh so-and-so is into this bang out yep nice mode over Oh got it turns a hat around now we need to watch for that hey Tom oh good my number eight is the a game from Ryan conditio this is a bidding game called high society I the latest printing of this from Osprey games is gorgeous and they did some it's got some art Art Nouveau logo suited to it it's good it's really really pretty and this is a again a kind of a slightly taller box about that tall very thin the cards are large format cards very well done production of the skin schemes been around for a long time I've enjoyed it for a long time but I think it's you know it's sort of been out of print enough that when this hit maybe last year it was a new product to a lot of people so I think it's work you know sort of drumming it up a little bit and I definitely think if you haven't played it and you're looking for a bedding game that gives you those decisions of although I do do am I in am I not in but does so in 20 minutes or so with you know on the nonon Ives edge sort of balancing this is a really good one very very well produced as well so I society a bidding game and my number eight pick and I years ago when love letter came out this will there was the whole micro game genre that's right everyone was trying to make their own micro game and it really hasn't stuck around that much there's a few but it's not you know that won't kind of died down yeah yeah it was a fad to some degree I mean we're still seeing a may but one that was made recently which this is the smallest game on my list and that's mint works so they actually came out with a sequel mint delivery which was okay I like mint works better mint works it comes in a little tin that looks like a mint tin and in fact those little white pieces that look like mints in it it's kind of cute that way but it's essentially a work replacement game he plays your workers you you you're trying to get these cards put in front of you and they get the stars on them that are worth points and different workers go to different places and sometimes special buildings will come out small ticket cards small pile of these little workers that look like mints it's a really simple game but offers I'm I was really impressed with wow the bang for the buck and this is one you can carry around in your front shirt pocket in fact no I can't keep doing that joke because I didn't I should have brought in one of these in we could have easily brought most of these our person in fact most of these are so small that the ones I'm keeping in taste our library I put in those photo cases and make them bigger you that's very big just so people can find them right yeah but we found that these tiny games are the least played games at conventions because people go on are like ooh you don't notice this little game in the corner yes right and yet in real life they're probably one of the most played games sometimes all right networks my number eight maybe so seven number seven is dead air number seven can be played in eight minutes we know it that's all I know it actually is supposed to be played in eight minute no but that's still a lot no it's played in eight minutes there's actually a timer Oh empire's spiteful what did Sam play 8-bit Empire's been had which is a lie by the way playing in eight minutes you actually do use a timer now whether or not you are jus a stickler about how closely you watch that timer and when you if you started and stopped it correctly and when you're supposed to that might carry it over ten minutes but it's supposed to be played with the timer in eight minutes and then more often than not you play it again and again often enemies bastard and it's because that's true right it can't be yeah yeah I mean the max is eight minutes but this is a really cool social deduction game that carries with it some of the trappings that social deduction games have that being if one or two people aren't feeling it it can mess up the game but if you get the right group of people this game sings and it is a great fun time of trying to ask the right question that will give you just enough information to let you know that the person that you're asking the question to isn't the spy while at the same time not giving too much information to the spy to let him know where everybody else is so that is my number seven spy poem it's the same size as Celestia and it's true so she got bigger so she was initially small or the first meeting of cloud nine no but technically each game that you play only uses a deck of about eight cards so what you could do is if you're playing this and on a trip you could just stick two decks in your pocket you'll be able to play it twice you also know what they are not looking up if you know you're supposed to keep the spy cards in the bottom so grab two random ones put them in your pocket boys have some that works I guess all right my number seven is my escape room pick you want to play an escape room type game but you want a small one you can take with you there's one choice really deck scape oh yes you're right okay wait that's six games what a cheap that is a bunch of versions of deck scape each one its own standalone game take about an hour to play flame eggs I recognize that counter some of us got to do what we got to do that sir does it Mike they are yours I I haven't played all of those at play some of them I like the ones I've played yeah some more than others sure but these are neat and they are tiny they fade it definitely you know in about a pocket and you'll play them be done with it because they are not replayable but they also do not get destroyed once you are done with this this is a great hey if you have some time this weekend here you go enjoy that I take an hour out of your day sit down solve some puzzles have some fun it's a really I'm not gonna say it's a relaxing activity but this is one of the easiest escape room games to get into I honestly find all of the other ones slightly intimidating it's that it's the commitment the idea of once I start this exit game I need to finish it I'm gonna play once I better get the best experience possible yeah I don't feel that way with these and really I mean they're the same kind of thing but I don't know they're a little more easygoing maybe so maybe also if you can't figure it out you just flip the card over that's true you're like oh we messed up life goes on you pawns of the other ones you're like what do we do I don't know what to do don't yeah so I do like these and I recommend them especially if you're starting out and escape room games deck scape my number seven pick yeah do one of the best jobs of keeping everyone engaged usually it has a way for everyone to work on the puzzle at the same time yeah yeah they got better at that with the with the later ones too hi my number seven is an link game here we go mix well all the games are small this whole list could be point games really from here all my picks are all week however most of their games I find to be okay they have a couple good ones and this one is one of those and that's a fake artist goes to New York from oink from link stop from who else made the game no one did no nobody did yeah fake ours goes in New York now actually I wish this was a little bit bigger probably just because I I wouldn't mind it's this such a small game that's probably where most of their games honestly not most of them okay the ones I like I would be perfectly fine if it was slightly bigger yeah well anyway this one is and also these markers are the highest of quality yeah well look what do you do anyway so annoying I mean New York everyone is drawing a picture someone decides what the picture is gonna be yeah they're not playing that round everyone else they write a word down and everyone's board accepts one board is says nothing nothing right over make it pass it out and everyone draws one line or one you know holding the pen down and the marker down and not moving it you make a picture and you have to figure out who didn't know what you were drawing or you all came together right except the person who doesn't know what's going on is trying to guess the picture and if they guess correctly they win yeah so you don't wanna be too obvious I really like it's my fault this right but this one's small so it's my fault okay so my number seven is a fake artist me so exactly the sad part is that June Sasaki it's his company Kroy hit it number six all right my number six is a small issue I guess so and this is where I'm going to break from games that I've talked about on other lists before I may have mentioned this one but I don't remember having done so but it is a good game key Forge key Forge and it is you can play with just two you don't have to buy anything else with it all the other things that come with it are very small it doesn't take a large footprint on the table so it is in my opinion a tiny game but it packs a lot of punch and that's why it's on my list I've not played this a whole lot mainly because I usually have to write rely on playing other people's decks right now I don't have my own but when I have played it it has been a very good time I like how the different houses I guess your factions work within themselves and I like being able having to choose rather a specific faction and use their abilities during each turn so I enjoyed this game a lot and it's it's really fun I'm not that great at it but it is fun and I do enjoy it my number six keep words go by this box would say small but the actual decks come in those who just put put you can put two decks in one deck protector yeah that's true and with them with being sleeved double sleeved that's the way you go that's the way it should be done I didn't even know double sleeping existed until I used when I collected sports cards I used to double sleeve some of them they're really they're rare yeah you you've got those plastic ones too it's not a sleeve but it's like a plastic no that's what you would do you would put regular sleeve and then put in the pot inside the plus and then you sure that you wrap it in cellophane see we couldn't stop I tried to get through that without crackery but like I couldn't I had to crack on you know they actually make smaller sleeves now that go on larger sleeves so people can double sleeve them for card games yes I just feel like that borders on insanity not if your want to protect your thing and you use a lot I mean it's made for tournament players tournament players who are shuffling their cards of maniacally is it me yes here I go uh I don't even know what number we're on anymore six I'm at number six pick as a pusher luck game called kodachi this is from with kids yes yes kodachi that one go talk to you that's fine yeah that one no Kodak Gia's Korean not that just go there is my pick it's a card game version of ninja ho which has been out of print now for some time they reworked it one of the designers of that game rework to this one and card game and it is very much about pushing your look now so it was the original one this is much more streamlined you are simply every time you are playing going to decide on your turn if you want to continue fighting you'll flip a new encounter they scar the card from your hand to best to them or stop and collect some cards that you'll be trading in for bonuses powers victory points what-have-you it plays really well I've enjoyed it a lot I think it's honestly I think it's ultimately better than the original game it does about as much with fewer components it packs a punch for a card game retains the main core mechanisms of the original one you know the idea of fighting with strength ie you play cards that are higher than the guy you're fighting or stealth lower that's still the core mechanism and I really really really like it also manages to keep every player engaged every turn because after you fight and back out let's say you win whatever you'll take some of the cards from the ones you just flopped over every other player also gets one so I'm still like watching what's coming up thinking about okay I want that card because it'll let me pay for this one later on that stuff so this is very good mind number six pick that game play that when I have to try it my number six I think you haven't played but you played the prequel and did not care for one of the rules but they changed the rule in the sequel and now I like the game and that is Hokkaido follow-up to haunt you I think was their first game sure you hunt you hotcha was like a trick-taking game in which you I don't remember it was a trick-taking now just drafting drafting is so much faster it was a drafting game but anyway they just pretend that it was a trick-taking yeah but it was a weird one here like if you played the highest number you whatever now you de-stress and you build these cards into a land in front of you and then you get points in various ways for having a big having city split between the mountains having different cubes and be able to put them on other spots it's very basic scoring but this it's pretty simple and it also feels good but I like these city building games that have the nice thing in front of you so I don't think you played this one poisonous 1-yard although you can and end the rule book here that like oh you could also play haunt you with these rules which you can where you can play this this game with haunt you rules which you shouldn't write you know because there's such a major change for me and it's a thinking thing was ill-advised yeah so I really like this one Hokkaido cool number five my number 5 we're back to games that I've talked about before and that is what well it's either bang or Hanuman coaching choices no those two are coming off there's my hero realms okay that one too actually I didn't play you sure you don't put star rounds sorry I'm is actually smaller no actually this fall's it well the original one that came in that just that deck there was one little diamond not now no I'm saying both these games fall prey to when I said earlier with his it was hey this is hero realms also big box that you can put all your stuff in they have a big box yes for both of them I think yes they do but hero realms are just talking about the base set where it comes with the you know basically just two decks and you you can play that way but I would say that you need to have the character packs to go along with the base set and I didn't include any of the pictures of that but I'm just saying that hero realms really is I think my favorite of the two I really enjoyed star rooms but I like I like the graphics the artwork of hero realms better than star realms not that star rooms I think it's bad I just like this one better that's all and I really enjoyed the character packs that really came with hero realms first and then they have since added into star rooms as well but you neither here nor there if you like sci-fi go with star realms if you like fantasy go with hero realms they're the same game just with different skins on them that's all it is but hero realms is a really really fun game and it is tiny in my opinion so that is my number 5 hero realms okay I like a both but I mean again I think I pick serums because I think I like the space theme better than them yeah I'm always here my issue is I like the space one better but I also think I agree with Sam I think this one looks better I like this artwork more ships look very similar except blob like Roboto blob right blob so I usually play with the blob chips cuz I remember what they look like okay alright my number five pig is a cooperative card game called the grizzled and I just saw this box out there and small that is the Armistice Edition which is considerably larger than the original one they have included the expansion at your orders in it sort of they've also good at minis for no reason included minis for certainly no reason you will cost so it's more pricey but also they sort of took the expansion stuff and some new concepts and legacy fide it you're kind of unlock it as you go let's let you say five that's a real word to legacy who know me I'm the king of grammar the grizzled is still feels like a pusher luck game but it's about the cooperation between discarding cards to no man's land the center of the table without busting that's how you want to do it and you want to enter your hand you just can't always do that you also end up with conditions on you placed on you that affect what you can and cannot do your abilities in the game it's tricky it's hard to do well actually and the expansion I thought was great the new one seems very good also but there's a lot of repetition there with the original and the new one and if you just want something small and portable that still has plenty of play in it than the original one I think would work for you I've played it quite a bit I've always enjoyed it the grizzled cooperative card game from come on my number five pick all right five pick was smaller the first time I was printing it got a little bit bigger the second time but it's still small and that is archaeology it was called archaeology the card game and archaeology new expedition which was a slightly bigger box didn't need to be they added some tiles I guess instead of cards it's probably what every mile of it yeah that's such a great game if you never played yeah it's such a simple game you are literally drawing cards and then you try to collect sets by trading cards with the middle trying maybe to cut maps that way you look in a pile of cards that no one else can get to and every once in a while a sandstorm comes and gets rid of half your cards but you have to realize that you can always lay a set down in front of you it may not just not be that worth that many points there's a lot of luck involved in the game decent amount of strategy plays fairly quickly I don't know what it is this game just it's like boom it's a great filler it is like modern ultimate fillers you were talking about read seven kind of be in your uno or like an who know esque game yeah this fits that category for me I'm not saying I know that might sound like I'm saying something negative okay I just mean that it's a quick filler it is incredibly approachable oh yeah you can teach it I Annie played this with folks I would not attempt to play most of the games I own with and this works it's just that light and simple it's that it's that cadence of on your turn you draw card it's that thing to like traditional card games draw card maybe make a couple of changes oh okay I'm gonna give up this for for two twos place that that's it like and then the action cards are very hoppy is also like oh I got a sandstorm or like a throw even a theme is you draw a thief discard it and steal a card from someone that's it which is normally something I wouldn't like it a game right that's what's in this game I don't know why also if I see you trade two cards for the four I'll be like okay next time I get a thief I know who I'm stealing from right yeah yeah it's uh it's enjoyable so yeah a lot of fun and they added slight bit of complexity in a new one which you could ignore if you want to with those tiles but it also makes it a little more gamer or asset mostly adds some diversity but yeah this is a solid game it's also considerably more beautiful oh yeah and the card a fantastic designer not necessarily fantastic artist yeah the original was from his company number whoo we're getting the good ones now my number four is a game that it's a two-player game and um it looks like I haven't really thought about this but the last three if my games have been two-player games a lot of small games are by nature it'd be another one coming up but this one is Oni Tama now Oni Tama comes in a freakishly shaped box now it didn't used to but now it comes in a well it's not like I like the original box it was just some big flat box it was the composer for the first thing the box that they come in it comes and now it's considerably larger than the one that used to come in but it is still in my opinion a very tiny game and the component quality which I love is the only reason it's as big as it is now so that it can fit all those miniatures in the box and that type of thing but really this is a very it's very much an abstract strategy game where you only have five moves between the two the two of you and you're going to be cycling those moves between each other so when your opponent beats you he literally beat you with the same moves that you have available to you no not the box and it's it's a great 2 player game back and forth and it's another one of those games where you are probably going to play it multiple times in a row because it plays that quickly and I really like it when games do that because it feels like you just get more playtime out of them even though the amount of time you played it is it as much as one of this other game but you've played it so many more times just feels like you have more experience with it I like games to do that so that's my number 400 neat amma alright number 4 is a trick-taking game called monster trick enemy monsters I don't think you've played this monster trick well we'll look at the box eventually there we go thank you this one is a very cool monster and different very clever trick taking game have you played this game no never even heard of it so the way this works is it's a game in which you are trying to predict how many tricks you will take but you don't straight-up predict them ok you have 3 little cards in front of you those are like three orange three purple cards they have victory points on the other side escalating because you play three hands and so let's say during the second hand for example I think it is two four and six victory points our range of those three however I want to and I might put the six first then the two and then the four if I win a single trick I reveal that first card and it stays face-up but if I win another trick I flip that one facedown and flip the next one face-up which means if I intended to take only one trick perhaps if I've taken two I better take two more to come back to the six so it'll cycle back around oh also if I see that you've taken one chicken it's a six you try to give me wants to give you another one that's right here's the other thing on top of that you are playing four simultaneous tricks in this game and you can play to any of the four which means you can try to short suit yourself elsewhere before you have to play over here that sounds tricky it actually works really well it's not it's fairly smooth oh you know I talked about this before does it sounds cool it's a very nice game I enjoy it a lot I have tated gosh that was that origins last year I think taught this to a couple of folks there they had a blast with it it usually goes over really well if you already like trick-taking games it'll be an easier to teach of course but even not and even if you don't this is not that complicated my explanation probably sounds slightly more complicated than really it is it's a straightforward game and it's not too long you play those three hands and you're done figure out what your score was so I really like this one one of my favorite trick taking games monster trick all right my number four is another blinky game this is when action has been reprinted also from bezel wait or you can find an alternate version from bezzie a games from where words but I'm but I'm picking the smaller of the two which is insider so okay insider or where words they're they're very close to being the same game okay insider is basically 20 questions with a group and but one person is a traitor you don't know who that person is you're trying to figure that out and I really like it it's just so simple the first time I played this at a convention I think we played it like 10 times in a row just kept playing it and playing it some combined yeah and then someone will leave what is this coolness and then we played it on the cruise i sat in the cruise and I was just like all right so now played a game you're boarding right you come here and I just kept playing it I really like it yeah it's very easy to play I didn't understand it it's literally 20 questions where the track I like 20 questions anyway I mean yeah you know like I will say that the 20 questions thing I played with my kids in the car all the time it's some not all the time but a lot I like 20 questions I like that is 2014 half on the internet that you ask you questions and then you see if it guesses what you're thinking of and it's like this it blows my mind it will it will figure it out in seven seven questions sometimes there's a thing on the internet I favorite it's called but it will ask you questions and it's a very rare thing that it will not guess it in 20 questions it's like it's called Skynet I'm anyway insider a lot of fun and this is my favorite link in these were the only two that made the list for me I know there's other ones that people said are good but I have not played them probably the ones I played from wanker and number stop telling me to do it now stop it I'm not even talking to you alright real my number three I I three because that's not as big as technically right no no no my number three I when I first played good cop bad cop I really enjoyed it but now this version came out you put this a more top Dedalus than I think people who have played the game that is not true because I doubt that I put this on more than five and it takes more than that game okay you got your money got you with cold hard math so Patriots and redcoats is my number three this is really fun that you you it plays a lot like good cop bad cop in that you have three roles three role cards in front of you and you either says well I can say say a couple of different things either says Patriot a Redcoat or it'll say Patriot commander or a Redcoat commander if you have red Co command or Patriot commander you are one of the that side no matter what the other two cards are if you don't have one of those two you are the the frequency of your role cards is going to determine what side you're on if you have two red coats and one Patriot then you're a red code and so forth and so on so you're trying to figure out who's on what side but you're also trying to win a certain number of wars by having a war council and have it successfully go on your site it's really fun I've done a less than stellar job of explaining it but it is a really fun game and I enjoy it a lot my number three Patriots and redcoats I agree with everything you said wow that was cold I was amazed he said all day support it all wait you said something before we started the camera that was meaner to who probably kidding out I'll listen to you guys alright my number three is a two-player drafting game called caper this is from humanitarian plan is a lot lately is a fantastic game and it's a reprint of a game I really enjoyed before from before called it's mine I believe it's a Spanish design from Spain and they reprinted it really nice components great artwork and he said that in Spanish it's mine that's a meal is that the name of the game and no it's called it's mine he's disappointing yeah this is this feels before I played seven wonders duel this felt like seven wonders for two people hmm not that everyone there's duel feels like seven wonders because of that drafting from the table thing she was the actual drafting you will play a card you will pass your answer to the other player they give you there's you will play and you are hired to play this you'd like drafting I do it's really good you're hiring feeds basically to place them in front of locations more thievery in nearly yes and to those thieves you give equipment so you give them equipment you know and you are trying to combine all sorts of different things like this thief for every one of these type of equipments they'll give you a one influence point there you know stuff like that really solid quick game takes about 20 minutes to play and I I'm fairly certain I have never played this game once in a city I've always played this more than once it also helps that it comes with three cities you can loot and you'll you know take out London and shuffle in Paris and that will change it up a little bit that's usually what I've done if I play multiple times I'll mix it up so yeah fantastic game feeling for a two-player game you like drafting you haven't heard of this you you I recommend it strongly really fantastic caper I will have to try this alright my number three is a great little game that I have played often at conventions because I choose you in one of those games like I don't think you guys have played this even though it was popular for a while from yellow and that is welcome to the dungeon or at sequel welcome back to the dungeon very small little game and it's your you pick one of four of adventures you're gonna take them through a dungeon all together and one of you is gonna be that adventurer and you slowly either take equipment away from them or make the dungeon harder or you drop out last person to drop out has to go through riot right and I did just so much fun I really have a good time with this one it's why I want to say it's two to four players I don't know why I thought was five but two to four I played it works really well with two people I put it with my wife you know and it works well with a group of people too and I don't know I just there's a lot to like about this game for me welcome back at slight complexity like some boss monsters but and then you can mix them or whatever they both work fine you guys like this one I think oh it's not like it alright it's been ages since I played it being very original I liked the idea of what was originally called kingdom of men oh this is a point game isn't it ox is annoying came yeah they're mad right it was originally isn't a game from that company and men know it says it down there in a corner you're right and then yellow reprinted it but since they were picking company a pox upon you Healy since games does not necessarily like having other companies reprint their games differently they no longer do this much this was one of them and unfortunately this one kills the kingdom a man come or whatever this was so much nicer I like it welcome to the dungeon cool thought you're gonna sing it but you always did I was gonna boy but it said he decided to appoint ten times yeah I can only go one gag at a time man come on he goes with like three sometimes yeah he over does it he's an overacting never [Music] [Laughter] I'm not wrong welcomes engine is great ma I never did it we didn't disagree no well he paid to say that comment oh ok thank you I wall out a couple be like you're wrong I'd be like ok when you spend a lot of time on the internet kids books my number two you've probably been waiting for this is another two-player game it has two version review skins you can either go out and get Hana me Koji or you can go out and get G Shia Academy these two are essentially the exact same game there's no second one G Shia Academy oh that's hard it's I know but it doesn't look it looks like Dixie I know it's that's what it isn't the same it's hard for me remember that she's she so it is essentially the exact same game the artwork is just different and the background setting is different oh one is women the others men yes that's correct you have you are trying to gain the favor of what are they called humans yes sure I think I like the first artwork better which is the first the top the the the geishas right yeah the geishas there you go so I was trying to think but I I believe it's the same artist it's the same artist is two different two different sets but anyway the thing that makes this game really good to me is are the the excruciating choices that you have to make during the game usually is it is very much based upon this idea of I split you choose and if you get beat largely it's because you gave the people what they needed to beat you because you made basically a wrong choice or maybe you were banking on something else coming up out of the deck that didn't come up whatever it might be but it's a really tight I I don't want to say screw Shay because it really doesn't hurt but it's a little bit of I really don't want to do this but I have to because I have to get up when I want to wait for things no that's not except someone eise's and i and i and i would like to ask the question why did they make a new version I don't know I didn't even know they made another version until I saw a GC Academy that's why I came in or yeah we saw if you were like what's yeah you said this looks familiar or something to that no it does and I open it up and in and oh no no I bought this I bought this one I bought GC Academy after I knew that it was available I saw it on on I saw it in the store and no I saw it on a Twitter a tweet or something like that and then I went and found it now there must've been something so the number of the first one was a numbered in there numbered series yeah maybe that was it the I have no idea why but deep water games is putting this one out I know that quick simple fun games was doing Hanuma koji maybe that has something to do with it I have no idea but both versions are great because they're the same game number two enemy koji or GC Academy DOS okay my number two is a deduction game this also happens to be cooperative but it's a central idea here is deduction it's called the shipwreck Arcana I've talked about this quite a bit lately as well get to play it again at dice tower Khan and it's a game all about drawing two tokens out of a bag playing one somewhere on the table to one of these cards face up there and having the rest of the group try to deduce which one I'm still holding the numbers go one through seven as you can see there that is your own set in front of you that one is there just to help other people flip some face down and help the decision process but there's also that bag filled with these tokens you draw to keep one play the other one face-up try to figure it out that's it you try to do that more times than the game hurts you back and if you do so you win together it's a very small game this toe the line between you know like I would say it's a micro game only because it's also a deduction game most abduction games have a decent amount of stuff in this one managed to do deduction with a handful of tokens and a few cards it's not even that large a deck of cards that's cool I really like it I love teaching this game because it does not look like much on the table it's so small and I get tons of great reactions through the entire play it blossoms there's a lot of people who I bet you're like okay this is thinking my songs are awful there's to your game this is not my game I didn't make it that's my number one you were designed is this like the magic shipwreck is that what that is I don't know it's called the shipwreck Arcana I guess maybe the ship is called Arcana egg was wrecked the art crap anyway my number to pick the ship regard camp all right my number two was a micro game before micro games were cool way back in a day and it's been reprinted I think six times I'm not sure thanks no yes well hey you're gonna set me up I'm gonna take it amigo is the current company that does this this is I think their current version of the game although they have a boys really the game was no thanks what's the new version of the game the game was huh that's the best-looking version no no no no that may firm aid that want to change colors I really like that well the best one is that weird Amiga when we got that kid it's like a little cartoon bad things are happening i things are happening to uses that you don't want any of them so like there's never seen that one numbers and they're garish colors and I just like that you like that plain boring one better than most better no I like this I'm saying it was one where the cards were full color and if you put them on order it change color through the deck I like that a lot Mayfair did it okay I know it's weird to say Mayfair equality is my favorite one but they're out of business they won't get mad at me anyway no thanks a really simple game and this is one Z was talking about earlier with the archaeology you could play with anybody I have never had someone not getting no thanks no almost you forget it for like years what are you talking about a minor thing who cares I'll tell you what it's not fun sighs all right you done messed this up for years it's finally learned how to play it is an amazing game I like it a lot no thanks no sorry okay here roll your dice am your wife sir here we go hi hi rollin like being profiled thank you very much that's a five to five minute stays at five regardless what Sam does that's a four that's also a five so it's me first cuz using things negate each other I did say that last time didn't I yes he go ahead what are yours and yours you do oh come on now here's got to be obvious you don't know mine I bet right now you don't know it I guarantee you I didn't you don't know what it is really if you do I really missed something now I'm scared for my life no way this is gonna be your number one I'm really terrified I'll go first just to put me out of myself out of the misery it'll be myself then Sam and then I guess mr. nobody knows over here Oh mr. bean tall is cool being tall is cool all right what is it what's my number 109 room oh you don't messed up didn't you it's not your original printing was second editions not okay all right I thought for sure that's what it was I feel like somebody's trying to justify it's gotta be joking I will solo game that's your ping when I went through this I really thought there's a lot of games I'm missing and I've even seen a couple people mention I was like that's a good one so what is it no it's a rolling right again I didn't have a rolling right on the list thanks to the very first one okay all right this is a very new one so that saint-malo that's actually I think one of your favorites yeah this is a very very new one it's from a designer that's already been mentioned over and planet is going to be published in English it's been told it's been a this is coming out from Fanta surahs in the near future if I'm not mistaken so you'll be able to get it much more easily as this is fantastic you are going to be flipping over cards that give you patterns Tetris style patterns you will mark them off on your maps and then once you complete a map you bank that draw a new one place it in front of you keep on exploring there's a couple of little things you can mark off on the cards that give you bonuses you can dig up gold find palm trees things like that it's a real breezy game I like that about it the best I think the cards are also dry a race car he's flipping right it is not a rollin right Wow sure I call was on the end I would say maybe we should call them reveal and rights no I like flipping right I just are you putting on one of those flipping right games right all right are you playing one of those rolling right games that matters Monsieur Roland here's the thing though I don't know that I would disagree if talking about my these kind of the style games this is definitely in the top for me and I guess it's so simple yeah this is my number 11 that should have been in my top five because I forgot about this oh you like this one that much yeah yeah it's really good stuff man um if you haven't played it again keep an eye out for that panda soros edition coming out absolutely really actually I think Roy can quick change the grep and make this your number one no is your number one no one wants to hear about again go ahead what is it it's getting bang the dice game it is not it is age of war which is smaller than Bangladesh oh that's true there are two dice games that are always on his liquor Oh have infinite seola I thought maybe god save the queen' I enter her god save the queen' I thought it might be on your list too no I don't know I mean that big 4x4 huh I said maybe I like that one more than you god save the queen yeah I just put her on the list and you were mocking me for it yeah you you doesn't want that kind of trip I mean I said where actually he said unmerited this because of what you said about god save the queen so you compose it well now I'm confused what happened mm-hmm watch it there's actually comments about you do an unmerited dis on God saves the Queen this episode it's going to games there's a oh sorry i frightened turn your hat around you crazy man a little too hard didn't know I think it pull something loose I just said what just go look got sick the Queen no you were thinking about it yeah your comfort I'm thinking of the what's the game where you had the that came in two versions with the steampunk version and the princess version long live the Queen long live the Queen sorry name your okay I thought would be on your list is what I'm saying a good one but I didn't that was probably if I would have thought of it it wouldn't emit the list okay cuz I do enjoy it but it's that is what I'm talking about a nice shot what it gets am back to the game that is not as over users bank so you can talk about it okay cool age for is basically a fun way to play Yahtzee I agree because you're rolling dice a you're placing those trying to get a certain groupings I guess you could say of characteristics so that I can take this castle and then be part of my tableau once you get a complete set of castles you can flip them all over and they're locked in but if until that time those castles can be taken from you if the other opponents at the table roll those same combinations so it's really cool back and forth I don't I don't remember if this game has ever gone poorly for me every time I played this it's been very fun and everybody's enjoyed it so really enjoy it has great component quality rest room the the cards are a little I wouldn't say chancy I'm surprised they haven't made a Star Wars version day before they warp easily but huh I'm surprised I haven't made a Star Wars version of this I I don't I that would feel cheap to me I'm not arguing that point I'm just surprised there's not a key one that's I'm glad they've they've stuck with the Japanese good call because they get the other one the CIA one and rebellion versus whatever whoever yeah some Star Trek crap but I know you're right haven't done it but they should that could be Darwin say war all right my name is you got a guess on this it's a deck of cards only that's the only components in the game bicycle bicycle decker cards oh that's that cop out like my number one is a 52 card deck because you could play lots of good as a kind of a cop I'm gonna give you garbage like a cards he better not say what I what he was joking it is not the mind okay it is not I like the mind it just didn't it wouldn't I don't know would make my top 20 it's like a amusing activity just a deck of cards yeah now they kept sitting here for only two people know it can go up to five I think it is a push your luck game Steve Jackson reprinted it and then stopped because it didn't sell well for them oh oh that's that port one Port Royale now Steve Jackson's version was this big but the original one is a money I love this game you just adore this thing I really do I'd like to push your luck aspect of it there's a lot of variants of it honestly that there's like three different versions and expect it's really confusing bass games fine really and I don't mind adding a few other things you just keep flipping cards until they busted or you put them in front of you and then they give you special abilities and or points and I get it's really fun Port Royal and and very specifically the Pegasus version even though the Steve Jackson version used the same cards essentially just an ugly box and then they that he wondered like why didn't it so I know I remember that box was not great so anyway Port Royal all right so what did we not say that we should have said bang the dice game some people said it for sale but for sale comes in a box like it's a pretty big abajo box pretty small yellow the yellow box is small oh is it have I seen that one it's only I'm French I think yeah okay but that's why I didn't put for sale my list cuz the box was bigger mm-hmm someone mentioned earlier illusion I just forgot it it woulda probably replace red seven for me illusion we turn to Carter it's a guess oh it's like a timeline would call [Music] illusion is not again it's not the same thing Jaipur Friday about Friday yeah it's good it's fine yeah I just didn't I guess out of all my categories one of them wasn't solo games you know so when I asked did that was the Descartes blue box games count for size yeah they're pretty small that we've mentioned plenty of games that are bigger the shore I didn't even think of those that I guess the game is that when you open those up though the game itself doesn't feel tiny necessarily I really like matter but a dragon size which is the size the possible trick monster trick is about the size of those blue bow as in wine you cou I don't like it I like to okay oh my word cool bonanza Sam said he's tired of bonanza yes sorry yeah but it was what I want my short list that I also had oh my Goods innovation which is kind of big and tides of madness that's on my list which was what's like 16 cards but the box is big is I was confused on that one it's the size of like the Silver Line and reissues those skinny ones yeah all right okay I got padorin Gardens on my list Kariba you're doing garden Reba yeah he turned indie which is another trick-taking game on we picked one Titan madness was on the archeology of the new expedition kobayakawa that's annoying game originally got a reprinted by Yello really okay you guys hated it but I like that one a lot bang the dice game our echo but it's so out of print I don't want to hear it you know stuff like that I'm getting that before you die me because I put on mint works which people couldn't find so yeah alright hive or pocket hive I guess about it I thought about of the one shot in taunton slash battle line I thought about it skull no I mean yes that's the right size but yeah new it's the right size I picked different bluffing games let's see they're all good again this raid is a decent like parental x-ray it's okay Fox in the forest that's a good one player trick-taking game but I got one of those targhee for me starts pushing the battery size up bigger is where I'm like nope because there's a lot of games at that point yeah cosmos two-player line or off to the races pit the Bell pushes it over the size limitation that's true though it could just be a single dead cards I've played it's like one of those games I'm like I think maybe we'll do a top 10 like games that I'm pretty sure I'll never play again before I die and Pitt may be on that list like my fond memories of it let's leave it at that and have fond memories of it that's just I don't like loud chaotic games like that you know the same thing with like uh you know that salmon game what is that call happy salmon not only games like that I mean they look fun they're fun to watch other people play it I don't like playing Mille Bornes no death angel is actually a pretty good game for how small it is and we just added today's to our library but it's again was a little bigger from oh yeah yeah tiny game brave rats is a good choice that's a that's a micro game they were still doing micro games kanabi is a hobby small card a bigger one I got the fear I like the big one but sure it's a small game chimera is a good game time era the the three player yeah teacher yeah I like it better than teach you actually then a lot of people are mentioning rolling right style games obviously Oman all of those the times they're in that realm I'm actually surprised neither one of you had a rolling ride on your lists right no again I would have put silver and silver and gold on my list ones but my favorite one is the dungeon one from Matt ago and that's too big it's big and then silver gold slipped my mind maybe I would have put it on what other role rights I left I like the flip old boom meringue oh yeah you have a boomerang no I've never been able to get a boomerang to come back to me and it irritates me so I get one I'm done treated nicer that's a joke you stole dad all righty beastie bummer is again it's about the size of one I arms a little chunky for me so wow people are like just let suggestion to blow it out today zombie days unexploded cows six nip or five alive or slide five order again there's a lot of card games like accident I was trying not to necessarily do all card games cuz it could have yeah it's a little too easy for me like that would feel like a cop-out is what I mean someday we'll do a map bang for your buck but I think we might have done this in the past too we're like the game exceeds its size the doctor the TARDIS the top ten TARDIS games that's the cool games that are bigger on the inside than on the outside is really pissy I like that I think we should end because this is that I can't get a better cut meant than that Pippi alright folks thank you for watching of course we'll see y'all tomorrow means you're gonna back suck on something right okay if you say so boss we're doing it libraries Oh game libraries that's right wide lots to say all right until then I'm Tom Bassel i'm zhu garcia thanks everybody damn Healy's see you on the flip side folks take care until then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks so much for watching another diced our video if you enjoy our videos subscribe to the channel for more fun comprehensive board game coverage also consider joining us at one of our events come to diced our retreat a small intimate gathering where gaming is king join us or diced our cruise the largest board game cruise attended ice tower west in las vegas for gaming fun on the west coast or diced our East in Orlando in sunny Florida diced our conventions the friendliest gaming conventions on earth I'm Eric summer and you've been watching the dice tower
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 130,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, Sam Healey, Healy, Zee Garcia, tiny games
Id: -ASkyGybOQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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