Top 10 QB Teases

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[Music] but T's is like you know going to get a lap dance pretty much you know you know you pay all your money you invest your time you know the girl dances for you and at the end of the night you go home broke and frustrated that's pretty much a quarterback tease [Music] oh six of Newerth the gala what exactly is this quarterback teases category well Julie that's really good question and one that we hear that all networks set out to define by barnstorming our way across the country posing that exact question to some of the nation's most esteemed columnist and talk-show host when your quarterback tease how you define that it sees is a quarterback quarterback teets we know it's a tough question fellas but let's get to the bottom of this to me a classic quarterback tease is a guy that early in his career shows you signs of baby being something really special and proves to be fool's gold the tease has to be that this guy was actually good at one time showed flashes and then got really bad he does just enough that's good that gets you thinking this guy can really be something special and then he never becomes that's something special you think you're gonna close the deal you think that you are gonna get this done you think that this quarterback is gonna take you to the promised land and then we should have a siren that goes off on our heads that alerts us when there's going to be a quarterback tease my definition would be to have just a bunch of turkey club sandwiches and the glass refrigerator that I can't get to that's the teaser wait a minute did that make any sense no describe a quarterback walk Sanchez quarterback tease [Music] Society somewhere he's throwing the ball here's a guy that leads to just the consecutive AFC title games I mean let's say this guy wins for road playoff games now the expectation level is okay this guy's a winner and we all saw what happened [Applause] Mark Sanchez started teasing Jets fans on draft day in 2009 you know he comes out as this this this USC quarterback one and he's handsome he's charming we wanted him so badly to be this Namath guy he was a guy who was taken fifth in the draft that probably should have been taken 45th and if that's happened we wouldn't be talking about Mark Sanchez two years into his career our number ten T's appeared headed toward stardom he made a two AFC champion games in his first two years like that's amazing like it's really like if he would have said you know why I don't wanna play football I've done he's a hero we talked about him like a legend and if you remember when they wanted New England in the postseason he made plays when they beat Peyton Manning in the Indianapolis Colts he did drive them down field for the game-winning kick Mark Sanchez being a tease absolutely I mean Rex Ryan has a tattoo of Mark Sanchez on his arm that's how convinced he was that Mark Sanchez was gonna take him to the promised land they could have fun clean up lingo fella this whole idea that Mark Sanchez somehow led the Jets to two AFC championship games is an absolute fallacy they had a great running game found it found oh they had a spectacular defense that's what led them to two AFC Championship game not Mark Sanchez no matter how many more touchdowns he throws or games he wins when you hear the name Mark Sanchez two words come to mind but fumble but fumble fumble you never live down the but fumble it kind of epitomizes what happened to his career with the Jets this is the greatest volley in NFL history like it's one thing to fumble the ball for a touchdown but it's another thing completely to ram your head into another man's ass and it wasn't random or her tackle didn't base on who's awesome to see [Music] with the second choice in the draft the Seattle Seahawks elect Rick Meyer for Seahawks fans Rick Meyer was a tease there's no question about it had a pretty good rookie year was by far and away the best year he had in Seattle everybody was fired up over the offseason for this Golden Arm from Notre Dame and then starting with year number two it was just right down the toilet for Rick Meyer AJ Feeley is my worst nightmare the guy came in went three games for the Eagles at the end of the end of a season they played three crummy teams and then Miami gives Eagles a second-round pick floor and who's a complete boss way kind of man [Music] AJ Feeley was so injury-prone one time and running back slap them in the ass in any one I liked that he pulled a muscle he pulled an ass muscle some salt in the wound we never saw him again while sele was known for his sore fanny it was our next QB face that got him noticed had a name that is totally unforgettable Vince Ferragamo sounds like he's out of a novella he's a stud you can't consider a studded tee Ferragamo burst on to the LA scene in 1979 with a rifle arm but that's only part of what got everyone's attention that was a guy who looked like in a sentence central casting to play quarterback for the LA Rams good-looking guy Vince lungs and movie some beloved football I think sure the hottest quarterback in the NFL extremely been looking at all the fans love you it's kind of got pushed into the starting job Pat Haden got hurt Ferragamo came in and played and played really well Ferragamo went 6 in 1 as a starter leaving the Rams to the Super Bowl [Music] Warren Beatty's new comedy heaven can wait is chock-full of magical moments hello it's funny because a couple of years earlier a movie came out called heaven can wait starring Warren Beatty who leads the Rams to the Super Bowl against the Steelers and then Vince Ferragamo kind of looks like Warren Beatty you're like oh my gosh this is kismet this is gonna happen what is your opinion of the Rams this season what's my opinion oh yeah if you look back on Super Bowl 14 I mean Vince played really well for three quarters of that game and the Rams were in a position to win that game Ferragamo storybook season ended just short of a Lombardi Trophy [Applause] the ER that he took them to the Super Bowl he was making fifty two thousand dollars a year I mean he was making 1/8 the salary of Terry Bradshaw who was his opponent in that Super Bowl after throwing 30 touchdowns in 1980 Ferragamo opted for a bigger deal north of the border he ended up signing in the Canadian Football League believe it or not when I was up there with Montreal Alouettes so he chose to take the money and go up there then we went there but I think in Vince Ferragamo we have one of the emerging stars in the NFL after a year in Canada Ferragamo fizzled in his return to the NFL the guy had the looks he had the name he just didn't have really the game to match it off unfortunately he just had that one here we played it at the top level it's a classic example of a great tease you're expecting more from him in the future and it just never happened Bobby hoeing who I know that name why do I know Bobby Hoying yeah I think you guys have kind of screwed up the definition that sees the tease has to be that this guy was actually good at one time I mean what are we throwing the wild-card in there just to try to get a reaction out of people what did he have one good gave a good drive or two isn't that perfect for Philadelphia but the guy on the tease list isn't even that great you have to understand the context of Bobby hoi Randall Cunningham was supposed to be the ultimate weapon in the NFL and by 1995 s no longer with Eve so the Eagles never get to a Super Bowl disappointment the franchise in the region are desperate desperate for a top-flight young quarterback and here comes Bobby hoi a third-round pick out of Ohio State boy led up the Bengals in 1997 in a come-from-behind win the boy boy threw for over 300 yards and four scores wetting the whistle of a QB thirsty fanbase he had one good game against the bangles and suddenly was going this is the next guy this is the Delirium of Eagles fans desperate for a quarterback I remember when the air began to come out of the balloon they had a home game against the Giants and he came out on the field there's a big roar the crowd was really behind him the big game if he goes one that one all of a sudden they're in play and early in that game pouring throws a pass and just the arms dead intercepted and it was just a killer and from that point on Bobby's performance just imploded pointing is the starter the following year and ker-slunk he can't there comes a safety please they opened at home with Seattle and just got buried and got shut out but this guy who had shown a lot of poise and had a lot of promise the year before it just seemed to regress with every practice Bobby Wayne can no longer complete a pass down field at ball the entire Eagles offense turns into a bunch of sacks and interceptions the following year boy was treated to Oakland where the Raiders fail to resurrect his career he went from being an up-and-coming young quarterback to being out of the league like a shot forget about the boogeyman just use bobby-boy and you will scare the Dickens out of children in Philadelphia ooh Bobby boy and then that's it it was the tease of all teases for Philadelphia the comet that was Bobby hoy flashed across the sky was gone in in record time a pretty classic case for quarterback tease they say men prefer blondes but coming up which redhead made a list that's the definition of a guy that's a tease in the two decades and Boomer Esiason left the Queen City for the Big Apple 12 players have teased the Bengals faithful in their search for a franchise quarterback in 2003 it looked like Cincinnati's quarterback drone had ended with the first choice the Cincinnati Bengals flex Carson Palmer Palmer appeared to be the man but he move on all huffing derailed their dreams after the injury Palmer's career was never the same but it's another day his quarterback who found his way onto our list by teasing through that nation [Music] Andy Dalton is the ultimate quarterback tease one week he'll throw for a bunch of touchdowns and a bunch of yard next week it's the complete opposite Andy Dalton naughty boy you guys are pretty quick to jump the cut on this guy I mean let's run Andy Dalton out of town he's been to the playoffs a couple of years Cincinnati you guys are brutal Andy Dalton take it very well still turn out to be an elite quarterback so I think it's a little too soon to put the T word he's at ease any domes at ease the life of me I can't figure out why people kill that guy I don't get it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's taken the Bengals to three straight playoff seasons nobody's ever done that at the quarterback position each and every year his numbers get better he's not an elite quarterback but he's far from the teeth despite his gaudy stats and three straight playoff appearances it's what golden hasn't done let's let him on this list the real crux of the tease that Andy dong is relates to the playoffs on wildcard Sunday he becomes a shell of himself fires towards the guy is killer in the regular season he's breaking every mangle touchdown record ever he wins twelve games he's totally dominant and then he goes into the playoffs and gets absolutely eaten alive he's the ultimate tease four turnovers on the day any dog person responsible three of them when you designate a quarterback as your franchise guy and you win regular season games with him and then fight him out in the playoffs then yeah that's a tease that's absolutely a tease order back tees well I I know where you're going I know why you guys have this category you want to get another show to get t-bo's face wanted network [Music] because the guy iseman trophy it isn't a great pro quarterback does not make him a tease and by the way he did win a playoff game [Applause] he was a tease I mean he took the promise to the playoffs he had that whole like this humpy Tebowing everyone thought that Tim Tebow with that big heart that drive that will and nothing I'm not gonna lie at some point in his career when he started to win I started to believe that you know what this Tim Tebow kid he's for real myself feeling very comfortable with him as the quarterback in this situation so I kind of became attempt IDO believer I don't know if it's beautiful Tim Tebow of tees we have never seen a quarterback really look like that [Music] he was a quarterback was bigger than a linebacker he ran like a fullback he was very hard to stop I don't know if there will ever be anything like TiVo mania TiVo's T's Factor hit its peak when Tebow mania swept the nation have you heard about this new social media phenomenon called Tebowing I think you know it's pretty cool table goes down instead that polls on Tim Tebow teased on the game's biggest stage I covered one of the most magical football games I have ever covered when he beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in Denver in overtime [Music] when it came down to it it a 300-yard game he outplayed Ben Roethlisberger and he hit Demaryius Thomas in sudden-death overtime and I don't think that he got enough credit for just two months after his playoff with the Broncos saw Peyton Manning and Tebow was shipped to the Jets I just want to thank the Broncos for my time in Denver and just that I'm looking for it so my time is it said Tim Tebow is a tease for faiths Tim Tebow was a tease for the media but the guy he wasn't at ease - with John Elway I think Tim Tebow did far more with his NFL abilities than most anyone else has in NFL frankly didn't have the arm to be an NFL quarterback so all he could basically be was a tease how hard is it to replace a legend big giant huge shoes find out Nick [Music] hey fellas what's so funny let's recap our list so far the guy had the looks he had the name he just didn't have really the game the boogey man and just use Bobby boy and you scare children in Philadelphia he goes into the playoffs and gets eaten alive [Music] and now the number five for a tease Richard certainly a lot of jets on this list Sanchez Tim Tebow Richard Todd because in a Jets because in a Jets because I am convinced there's been a curse since Joe Namath Richard Todd the Mark Sanchez of the 1970s oh my goodness gracious I still had the magnet in Todd we trust he really never had a glory era to speak of with Broadway Jones best days behind him New York look for his replacement in the 1976 draft d'art Jeff's first round selection Richard 5water back Alabama big giant huge shoes to fill and when you're trying to replace a legend in Joe Namath and you come from the same school this city can eat you up learning I can read thank you better that you have to play to learn richard was never really Namath he didn't have the tools of the young Namath he didn't have the skills I got scars on my body from Bridget on nobody found the open line back of better Todd had to fight off opposing defenders as well as backup Matt Robinson and his fear Cynthia Manchu because Todd wasn't all he was supposed to be out of Alabama open the door we're guy like Matt Robinson it was just a guy to really affect Todd's stature in New York is that if Todd was feeling that heat feeling that pressure as quarterbacks tend to do in New York finally Todd winds up getting the job at 1981 it seems to find themself the Jets Colt and five in one pot as a very good dieter throws 25 touchdown passes Jets make the playoffs for the first time in 12 years you know hey maybe they got something here next year what is Pandu he goes out when to play golf game on the road against the defending AFC champions of Cincinnati Bengals in Cincinnati then he goes into LA he beats the Raiders before 100,000 people and I'm saying to myself as they get ready to play here see that'll get hey maybe we got something here doubt what is your pot you talk to people in New York and talk about talk about Richard Todd they'll always talk about that championship game in Miami the game was played in abominable condition stock Shula conveniently says let's not cover the field cause it never rains in Florida so they play in this mud ball in Miami todd has a miserable game and AJ doing whoo I think maybe had three career interceptions had three interceptions against Richard Todd in that rain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] AJ Dewey is still running pick to go to the Super Bowl the following here the Jets crash-landed finishing 79 as taught through 26 interceptions I wouldn't call Richard Todd a tease because it took him six years to really have a good season and Todd we trust he belongs on the list I do they did not come up a couple notches my number one quarterback tease ever is Jeff George [Music] I would probably put him at number one because so much was expected of him when he came out you know what's the ultimate tease thing here is his cover of Sports Illustrated he's gonna wispy moustache in a mullet and he's wearing a turtleneck this thing's gonna pan out for us he ended up being the first pick of the draft based on throwing the ball and a workout because it gets throw the ball through a wall his good arm as I've ever seen well when you watched him throw you stood there in awe of what this young man could do with the football players like Tim Brown would say the ball it almost materializes in your hands it's like he teleports the ball for years and years everybody thought that this was this was a guy that could be a franchise quarterback he was a very confident guy extremely confident to a point where I think he was too confident why is that it's gonna be really sweet and Jeff Gordon I'm Way too teeny led to the Pacific the ball he was late to his first team practice he wasn't a guy that was gonna work on fundamentals and mechanics they got him in trouble phone pick [Applause] Jeff George made the famous statement that leadership isn't that important oh really he just didn't have that ability to rally the group it wasn't his personality just a non-emotional guy like you just didn't have that billion in the huddle to like just bring the team down the field and go win the game extremely talented but yet wanted to do things his way I'll never forget sitting in a meeting sitting with Jeff saying tell me about the offense and he said first and second down basically you know I'll do what the coach is one third down I'll just look for Tim Brown Jeff George on top of being a huge huge disappointment and not a good quarterback was also know somebody that nobody likes [Applause] his teammates didn't dig him his family and friends probably didn't dig oh I'm not sure Jeff George like Jeff George he had I think a problem with authority he really got into it with a lot of different coaches for you not to get along with June Jones you've got to be pretty much you know a butthole heating up with seven different teams during his 14 years career Georgia's immense potential met a very little production this career winning percentage was 37% for guy that played a long time for a lot of different teams and a lot of physical talent that's the definition of a guy the cities he went one in 15 in his second year he won one playoff game in 12 years how bad is that I would say Jeff George might be the single most talented quarterback that never achieved a damn thing in the league still to come which former Rookie of the Year landed the number three spot on our list he's such a gifted quarterback amazingly gift as Kendall Bryan on that list Cal Bryan was definitely a tease out of that quarterback class of 83 he's one of the oh yeah and then general Bryant was also taken by the Jets ahead of Dan Marino and 83 grab ken O'Brien led the league in passer rating in 1985 but he never produced a playoff win during his tenure in New York however O'Brien saved his best for Marino and the Dolphins ken O'Brien was my worst nightmare that guy was so overrated as a quarterback but whenever he played Miami he looked like Joe Montana that guy was a thorn in my side for years him and Marino would get in he's unbelievable shootouts ken O'Brien the week before we go like 10 had a 32 no touchdowns three interceptions against the bills who are like the worst team in the league and the next week against Miami 28 at a 31 for touchdowns 482 yards we play my am every week he'd be a first-ballot hall-of-famer while O'Brien teased fans in the big city the next player on our list is his work in the Music City one of the great quarterback teases is obviously Vince Young Vince Young was big and fast and he could just wing them all let's throw the ball like 80 yards and he just seemed to have everything that you would need we should have been a tremendous board but Vince Young had too many negative things going on on the outside and he didn't do enough with the positive things to learn the game and become a great quarterback ah dream team with the nightmarish way Vince Young's career ended it's hard to remember that our number 3 p's was once a coveted prospect I think everybody was thrilled about the potential for Vince young because that national championship game he was just a man among boys when he ran into the end zone it was like everybody else was you know sprinting in slow motion behind him [Music] [Applause] if you saw Vince Young play in that Rose Bowl game I don't know how you didn't think he was gonna be a great NFL player before there was ever Tebow mania there was Vince Young running off a long string of games when he came in as a rookie [Music] they had a comeback against the Giants that was one of the greatest comebacks I've ever seen in my life [Music] his rookie year against the Texans 39 yard touchdown run in overtime I is the announcer said and at the time there was a thought that the Texans made a colossal error [Music] we're selling the rigid ball up Mike said so today get rid forward oh I thought Vince Young was going to be the new prototype for NFL quarterbacks and that's actually not untrue because now we have a lot of guys like RGV like Colin Kaepernick big strong guys that are dual threat so I think in a lot of ways he kind of did break the mold the young man makes the biggest plays that you've ever seen in the most critical time he makes the Pro Bowl as a rookie and you think okay he may not be the most polished passer but he has a big arm and at that size and that speed this could be something special he has really struggled despite his t's worthy 31 and 19 career record as a starter Vince Young never really could recapture the success of his rookie year this kid was so great in college as it comes to the pro it has so much promise behind them and it just didn't translate I think it's unfortunate that Vince Young's pro career didn't turn out like and thought it should it up next what's former Michigan Wolverine clawed his way onto our list it's unbelievable how some guys in college can be so brilliant and then they get drafted and it gets worse by the year [Applause] [Music] since his first game as a packer Brett Farve seemed destined for greatness [Music] quarterback Brett Favre starts his 200th consecutive game but when it came to retirement he was the ultimate ease I am officially retiring this guy with his 15 retirements the way he and negotiated his endgame and not the most stylish thing but who am I to J Favre teased the NFL world about retirement while our number two quarterback teams did it throughout his career [Music] big tall guy right I mean straight out of central casting goes to michigan's two big strong-armed forty and thirty and his career he won I mean the guy won I don't know why he went away and everybody else did the first entry on Elvis Grbac lengthy tees resume dates back to his time with the 49ers had a chance to watch Elvis Grbac relatively closely when he was born back in the 49ers and there was a buzz there was actually a little bit of an Elvis Grbac buzz around that time the Gir Beck's greatest moment occurred on the road in Dallas in 1995 [Music] [Applause] we're talking about a heavily heavily favored Dallas Cowboy team at home and Grbac found Jerry Rice on a slant early in that first quarter and Jerry Rice scored a touchdown set the tone for the game Niners won that game huge upset and Elvis Grbac led the way that was his greatest moment as a quarterback as a 49er anyway we were sort of hoping against hope right that that he would be the guy and I think sadly our better instincts were proved correct gearbox greatest 49ers moment was quickly followed by his worst 1996 Dallas Cowboys at Candlestick Park Elvis Grbac throw is a critical interception late in the second half across the 49ers a game losing to the Cowboys at Candlestick is it so painful into mayor of San Francisco called Elvis Grbac an embarrassment to humankind tough one the next stop on the Grbac tees tour was Kansas City where he had the most tees worthy season of his career I played with him at Kansas City Chiefs I was his backup believe it or not my last two years in the league and he ended up having his two best seasons of his career when I was in Kansas City you really played well what's so I really don't know why things didn't pan out for him when he went to Baltimore their backs final TVs came at the expense of the Baltimore Ravens in 2000 of course the Ravens had won the Super Bowl at the end of that season Brian Billick felt like you need to make a change at quarterback I think it's I think outstanding quarterback I think he's gonna bring us a whole new dimension Elvis is supposed to be an upgrade at one of the weekly positions on the Super Bowl winning team at quarterback and it just didn't work out as far as being a tease Baltimore was definitely teased by Oscar Valley if elvis grbac couldn't hold down a position that Trent Dilfer did definite t's still to come the number one quarterback teams of all time you guys now the number one what are you doing here we would point flip it up we're not slapping on it no J we're recapping the list of the top ten quarterback teases the expectation is this guy's a winner and we all saw what happened it's a classic example of a great tease is a pretty classic quarterback tease he's three years it was in FL career you guys are brutal plea didn't have the arm to be a bird back so all he could beat was a tease he'd never had a glory era to speak of he's a pretty big tease the ultimate big job I don't know how you didn't think he was gonna be a great NFL player why things didn't pan out for him [Music] [Applause] now the number one quarter manatees you know what the definition of a quarterback T should be Scott Mitchell he's one of the great DiMarco Farah once call him a water buffalo what more do you need to say something about the big left-handed big arm and a guy that would be tough to bring down him it just never happened for Skye [Music] Scott Mitchell's big break came with a tear Dan Marino's Achilles tendon in 1993 they put Scott Mitchell in and he played fights out there are a few glimpses when he's in Miami really [Music] he looked like a lefty gamma rain on the way he throw his weight that was in the pocket or all that stuff he played so well there are some people including some people in the media that we're writing and speculating that you know maybe he's won the job and if Moreno comes back from the Achilles injury maybe it's time to move Dan and let Mitchell play you know he had a nice four or five game run and got that big contract they got a three-year 11 million dollar contract with the Lions it was a lot of money back in those days you were taking a chance because you only really had one good year I could have gone to a lot of places and I chose to come here because I thought this team had the potential to win and win now and then he gets the starter's job and he gets the starch money in Detroit and he actually has a good regular season he has a couple of good regular-season Mitchell is a machine in 1995 throwing for over 4,000 yards and 32 touchdowns as the Lions roared to the playoffs it gets a little playoff game against the Eagles and throws four interceptions and the Eagles score 58 points on [Music] I remember I went out to dinner with a bunch of the Detroit Lions tonight before and privately they had their sincere doubts about how we would play the next day and I never seen so many hi fast balls in my life I mean he was not ready for primetime one Scott Mitchell did that in Philadelphia you know he would never truly amount to being a legitimate starting quarterback Tom war should be anointed for sainthood for getting that guy to throw fourth out of the yard he just fell apart quick you feel a lot of floaters out there I don't think had the personality traits to handle the money to handle the fame and then handle the pressure that came along with it it's a sad cautionary tale that we've seen way too much in the NFL when you have a backup quarterback looks good flashes gets a big fat dollar contract with another team and then plummets yeah when I think a quarterback teases to me he sees the first one it comes to Scott Marcos mom is watching this hood thing he never thought he could even play you guys nailed a number one the Scott Mitchell has to be the ultimate ease [Music]
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 95,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cTEx50SaYQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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