Top 10 One Shot Wonders

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staying power needs to go over 200 yards in the Smith you're talking about a one-game wonder I don't remember seeing him again after that season everybody still who requests me to do the shuffle hey man let me see the shuffle I kind of look at him man I'm 40 now I don't do the shuffle no more dude [Music] NFL history is filled with stars who shined over a long period of time they are the legends of the game 180 but through the years other players have had their 15 minutes of fame shooting stars who were great for just one season one game or even just one play being a hero is not necessarily a permanent condition a person can rise to the occasion for one moment and become a hero all of a sudden people think if that represents what he's capable of doing on a bigger scale and it doesn't represents what it was I mean you fall in love with a chapter and you assume that that's going to be the book and it's not to me Super Bowl heroes should have regal names Lynn Swann Terrell Davis and then there's Mike Jones you know Mike Jones I know Mike Jones one of those common names in the English language and one of the greatest place in Super Bowl history Mike Jones Dyson that is the first time in the history of the National Football League that a Super Bowl literally came down to 18 inches I mean Mike Jones personifies one-hit-wonder we're good about one good year get one big play foul number ten one shot water is famous for stopping Kevin Dyson on the one-inch line to win Super Bowl 34 one play in an 11-year career before the Rams Mike Jones was an average linebacker for the silver and black after the Rams let him go he was a run-of-the-mill linebacker for the black and gold I could give you probably sixteen hundred miles off the top of my head in the National Football League right now which I'd be pretty proud of and Mike Jones wouldn't be one of them Mike Jones was one of those linebackers that doesn't make a ton of big plays he actually went to the Rams and for a good portion of his career was a special teams player worked his way into the regular defense Jones was a cog in the machine no one noticed especially in the greatest show on turf Cory Holtz got it the Rams another touchdown [Music] but he was an anonymous among his coaches and teammates to them he played a critical role on the squad Mike Jones was important to the team beyond that one play and we brought him in there as a free agent from the Raiders because Mike White had coached him at the Raiders and thought his leadership in his contribution to the defense plus his growth as a player was all in front of him MJ the steadying influence become he is the captain he's the guy that's always gonna come in the same he's gonna work hard every day be where he's supposed to be three years in a row he's been voted as the inspirational leader of the defensive football team he's just one of those kind of guys thank you buddy all right now we got what most their tremendous leadership almost there here first and goal of the Gulf our number 10 one-shot wonder made the big play because he did just as he was told he played the scheme as he was coached to play it and I really if you pick one guy you would like to see make that play and being recognized as a guy that made a play at one the game you'd like to pick him Mike Jones because everything else he brought to the table st. Louis the Gateway to the West [Music] still to come on top 10 one-shot martyrs the rise and fall of Robbo sack people fall in love with what he looks like as opposed to what he is [Music] the number nine one-shot wonder of all time Jim O'Brien set to go snap all down kick up kick is on the way is Adam Vinatieri is known for kicking game winning field goals in the Super Bowl the Jim O'Brien did it first nine seconds going on the clock in 1970 our number nine one-shot wonder was a rookie who specialized in rubbing the veterans the wrong way because he came in with long hair loves veterans used to call them ago pea in those days hippies in Phoenix you know their karma was interfacing at the apex of life so they're viral and blah blah blah he wouldn't really like that he just haven't have longer hair look at the hippie back then kickers did more than just kick well Brian was actually better known coming out of college as a past catcher we drafted into receiver he was an excellent receiver out of the University of Cincinnati he was a football player he wasn't just a kicker [Music] it's good that O'Brien could do other things because he wasn't a very good kicker missing nearly as many as he made the Super Bowl five kick was his only big claim to fame going into that game he even hoped he wouldn't be needed on the orange Bowls state-of-the-art astroturf surface he said to me hoped I might count on me Sunday I said why so I can't get kind of stuff he was a straight at conventional kicker he said I take it that it give it like a 7-iron in the way I kicked my foots bouncing into the ball kick gonna pop out for the ball get into the game united six backe for the touchdown he misses the extra point so you can imagine what my feelings were the rest of the day about the game coming down the gym Oh Brock with under two minutes to play Mike curtis's interception setup just that scenario [Applause] our number nine wonder the beatnik had a chance to win it nine seconds showing on the clock the Cowboys and the Colts all tied up at 13 to 13 Laurel is kneeling there is [Music] I think you got to give a lot of credit to that kid he not only saved our Super Bowl rings but he saved his loss that day because once we got inside Billy Ray Smith said boys we can't do it we can't cut the kid's hair off we had planned on doing just that it was gonna be fun so we had a little ceremony until over he had saved his hair well I think you know Rob Johnson was a guy who really got rich on one game he had a great game for Jacksonville parlayed it into a twenty five million dollar contract in week one in 1997 Rob Johnson filled in for an injured Mark Brunell he passed for almost 300 yards threw for two touchdowns and land for another after Brunel returned our number 8 one-shot wonder went back to the bench but that offseason the bills paid him 25 million to be their quarterback of the future truly rob was supposed to be the guy he was the franchise player they made a big investment in money Wade Phillips identified him as his guy his quarterback Wade the first-year coach in Buffalo with his quarterback and felt they would be a duo for many years to come [Music] here's the thing teams are desperate to come up with franchise type quarterbacks and when Rob Johnson flashed a little bit of talent that he had everybody became enamored with the guy Rob Johnson is is the classic guy who people fall in love with what he looks like as opposed to what he is if you could draw him up on a board this is what a quarterback would look like all those things and you go he's our guy and then once you met him and you around him you know you wouldn't you wouldn't buy carpet from the guy that blue 28 blue 28 he wasn't the greatest team guy in terms of guys on the team liking him he sort of separated himself some I mean these are men and they're getting paid and you know you're out here doing the job and my feeling is you got to take care of yourself first before you couldn't worry about anything else Rob seemed very uncomfortable with the idea of being the number one guy and watching him in practice you could see there was something lacking he just didn't feel the game he certainly didn't feel what was happening around them in the pot knowing how to adjust Russia no.1 when to give up on a play he would hold the ball hold the ball the balls only took way too many sacks you know and then when every time he got hit I mean something could break or shatter every time he did get hit the man who became known as robo's sag missed a lot of time due to injury and this gave his backup an opportunity and it comes Doug Flutie he is the guy he is the leader Rob Johnson isn't he is a miracle man man I believe Flutie became a local hero and this caused a quarterback controversy when Phillips decided to start a now healthy Johnson in the 1999 Music City miracle game even though he played well it was another notch against our number 8 one-shot wonder because the bills lost and the what-ifs later [Applause] and obviously everybody knows we had the game on with Rob you know in hindsight you know Doug Doug probably would have won the game so you know that's that's kind of when we look at the controversy lasted another two years after that game in 2001 Flutie was cut one year after that Robbo sack was let go as well coming up on top ten one shot wonders one of the uglier dances I've ever seen whatever happened to the man behind the shuffle easy is a 100,000 mile through the years a lot of running backs have conjured great seasons then disappear due to injury rashon salaam blew into the Windy City with over a thousand yards in 95 David Simms led the league in touchdowns in 78 and Don woods had seven straight 100-yard games in 74 but in each case their bodies broke down and curbed promising careers this tale played out again in another woods shuffled in distance Anatomy in 1988 [Music] one-shot wonder of all time he would hello welcome to the precinct what would you like this evening what do you recommend well we have a popular steak Esiason and a very delicious chicken nikki chicken it game oh but it's really good few running backs have made a name for themselves as quickly as Elbert ickey woods as a Wookiee he burst on to the NFL scene leading the league with a 5.3 yards per carry average when the Penguins came out of training camp that year Bruce consulate said Woods is a very good player he fits with what we want to do and that was that stretch style offense and he said would just read that beautifully from the first time we gave in the ball was a quick study partly because it's college UNLV had run a full style offense most of the things that they were running here was a lot of beans that I've already ran in college so I kind of knew you know exactly what to do what the team was doing fit him what he was doing 15 it was a perfect match [Applause] changed his number halfway through the year from 31 to 30 and he racked up numbers rushing for almost 1,300 yards and scoring 18 touchdowns he also added a new chapter to the history of endzone dances when teammate Ricky Dixon challenged him to come up with something unique I was like Rick check this out bredis what I'm gonna do on our score I'm gonna 1 2 3 this way 1 2 3 this way 1 2 3 back this way now hop back three times spike the ball big man that's gonna be live you know what when you mention the keywords I too think who he was for a second see the Bengals guy who danced yeah yes you know I don't think people really remember much beyond the dance right now I'm still having hor memories about that dance is one of the uglier dances I've ever seen you're gonna choreograph something at least have it be good I don't think a key why ever be on Dancing with the Stars put it that way regardless of what you thought of the dance we've caught on faster than the Macarena the steps were in the paper and even 80 year old owner Paul Brown joined in the floor I said Vicki I a note your dance personally I don't think much of it but my wife likes it and with that I had leaned over my right foot nor in my left foot moved a little bit they thought that was really funny hey he parlayed that into a few bucks from sell you got the cutlass supreme SL because it has four-wheel drive mp3 suspension and because tests prove that the blue t-bird LX just pretty mind as long as fast that kid he's got all the mood the Bengals had won the Super Bowl it was McDonald's in Florida as I recall we're gonna be big endorsement deals for him and the shuffle is gonna be incorporated a little bit famous didn't won that Super Bowl 23 and and those kind of evaporated on them in week 2 of the 1989 season his future began to evaporate as well a torn ACL was the first in a string of injuries that shuffled him off the NFL stage oh my you hate to see that that happens you know with with running backs like that you just never really know how long the wheels will stay on I mean guys like that they they are literally one-hit wonders these days our number seven one-shot wonder still wears a bangles Jersey selling hot chocolate and autographs to raise money for his charity everybody still requests me to do the shuffle hey man let me see the shelf all right you know I kind of look at them man I'm 40 now I don't do the shuffle no more dude you know I'm staying I I said I'm barely walking man I said I tell you what I'll do a shuffle a night I give him one of these and one of these and they mad at me why what's that man that said that's the best stuff where I can get you man Howard Percy Howard the immortal Percy Howard I had no idea that evenness Percy Howard Percy Howard he's my mailman right it was personality Percy Howard is a truly remarkable story never caught a pass in a regular season NFL game and yet they got it for the super ball against the Steelers 1975 and caught a touchdown pass and that was the only pass according Zen FL career [Music] well Percy Howard was a was a basketball player the Cowboys had had good success drafting guys who were college basketball players so they brought him in and they had two really good receivers playing ahead of him they had true Pearson and they had golden Richards so they didn't have to play this kit they had the luxury of being able to develop them but they thought there was a lot there to develop going into Super Bowl ten our number six one-shot wonder was a longshot to get into the game let alone catch a pass he hadn't had a reception all season Percy Howard's big break only came because golden Richards just knocked out of the game by Hall of Fame quarterback Mel Blount Mel Blount really feed on golden Richard something unmerciful that day andwell knocking about a game with cracked ribs so Percy Howard had a play now once in the game power of zero career catches and seemingly zero common sense started trash-talking with Blount he and I got into a verbal confrontation out on the field I felt that I could get open because I had a certain burst of speed so he said what why don't you go tell her odds that you can get open on me whatever it was he said Blount was like laughing and Howard wasn't showing up I went back and I told Roger that I could get open the next place fall back does throw the ball to Percy our he catches it for a touchdown and there was no more shock person in the Orange Bowl the Mel Blount I came off pretty much slow and then I burst into some speed and what I did I got on him and why he was spinning I was going by him and the ball hit minions on I called the past and Mel came up his eyes was as big as a clock in the closing seconds of the game on our number six wonder nearly caught a second touchdown which would have won the game when starback launched the Hail Mary if I had jumped maybe just a split second later I would have gotten that pass if I had pulled that when anybody ever something I see rods that he talked about it and they called me bird at the time said first if you had gotten that one you would have gone down in infamy and something for that effective I know I say yeah but you know that times that maybe just wasn't meant to be at that time still to come on top ten one shot wonders these are men he was still a boy the draft bus who got a second chance to show recapping our top ten one-shot wonders number 10 one tackle makes my Jones a household name forget about one good year hit one big play number nine the Super Bowl game-winning kid gets invented by a hippie number eight appearances were what they see with Rob Johnson truly rob was supposed to be the guy number seven he would shuffle to stardom last just one year when I'm well I'm 40 now I don't do the shuffle no more and number six our rookie schools a Hall of Famer on his one and only career catch and mail came with his eyes was as big as a clock the number five one-shot wonder of all time tommy maddox I guess if you're talking about one hit wonders Tommy Max had one phenomenal year in Pittsburgh and a lot of years that I'm sure he'd rather forget until 2002 tommy maddox would have made our list of all-time NFL Draft bust [Music] our number-5 one-shot wonder was a star at UCLA and drafted in the first round in 1991 I think what happened and what ultimately proved to be his downfall at least in his first incarnation was the fact he came out of school too early tommy maddox was just too darn young he came into the game in experienced sophomore out of college games too big too fast these are men he was still a boy he looks like a kid that might be selling candy bars door-to-door he was so small Maddox was brought in to be the heir apparent to John Elway but it became apparent that he couldn't cut it at the pro level from the mid nineties on he bounced around the league as a backup wherever Dan Reeves was coaching at the time daenerys drafted him in Denver dan Ruiz brought him to New York I believe Dan Reeves even brought into Atlanta everywhere that danwon Tommy way and when Dan's coaching career ended and it was only natural to assume that Tommy's quarterback career had ended as well and so he went into the insurance business we went down and did a piece on him for NFL Films the whole thing was done as his career was over and he was looking back and you kind of see in his answers and he could kind of see in his eyes when he talked about this real kind of sense of loss I've had to swallow a lot of pride coming back it was to the point where he helped people ask what are you doing like a year later I pick up the paper and read this story as tommy maddox back in the arena football during don't forget the new jersey gladiators or the Red Dog whatever they were up there and the next thing you know tommy maddox is in the XFL the football in Pittsburgh the Steelers had given up on the Kordell Stewart project and decided to let the XFL MVP try and fill the void in 2002 tommy maddox gets his chance and showed all the talent that he had when he came out of UCLA as a first-round draft pick Maddux threw for 3,000 yards and 20 touchdowns [Music] and that year Pittsburgh Pittsburgh should have taken the black and the gold off because they want the Steelers that they became an aerial circus and tommy maddox fitted Maddox is back he steps up and here's the rainbow our number five one shot water was named the NFL's comeback player of the year and led Pittsburgh to the playoffs where they want to shootout against the rival grounds [Music] the year after Maddox progressed and the Steelers won just six games in Oh for Pittsburgh drafted Ben Roethlisberger to replace him and Maddox watched from the sidelines when the Steelers warned super villain he now has a Super Bowl ring but his memories of 2002 are probably more precious even though in the grand scheme of things that just amounts to one year it was one year that tommy maddox really needed i'm sure it would have haunted up the his whole life to say if only I had another opportunity I wonder if I could have played so now he knows number four one-shot wonder of all time Clint Longley [Music] Thanksgiving Day 1974 began as usual between the Redskins and the Cowboys and Roger Staubach gets knocked out of the game early Redskins are comfortably ahead the Cowboys backup quarterback that time was a rookie named Clinton Longley who really hadn't played at all the game and Dallas destiny was in the hands of Clint Longley apparently no one told this twenty two-year-old that he was supposed to be nervous he just started throwing deep passes and one after another after another our number four one shot one who led the Cowboys back into the game throwing for 203 yards two touchdowns in the final quarter and a half reporters next May scrambling through their press books trying to say who the heck is this guy it just happened it was just there and it was like it was it was just tumbling down the hill and they couldn't stop it get out of the way his long bomb to Drew Pearson won the game with under a minute to play and after the game one of the cowboy alignment Blaine I said in referring to how unprepared Clint Longley was he said this victory is a triumph for the uncluttered mind and forever he'll be remembered as the cowboy on Thanksgiving day that won that game and also punched out Roger Staubach [Music] I only made news once more in training camp in 1976 the story as it goes in Dallas is that that game went to Clinton wall his head and gave him an inflated sense of who he was and what his role within the Cowboys organization should be he said something about me one day and I told him don't don't ever say anything about me today my teammates say it to me on my face a few days later he did something to me he hit me from behind and just completely that's exactly what happened I mean his story that I was facing even saying something to me was a lie looking back on it you don't have an explanation for something like that it was two men getting on each other's nerves and it seems very unlikely one of the most unlikely things to they could have happened of course he left I mean it like ran and I've never seen him since that day to prevent Staubach from probably physically killing Clint Longley the Cowboys cut him immediately put him in a car and sent him the airport and I'm not sure Clint long he's been heard of since the last thing that we heard he was selling carpet remnants out of the back of a van and Marfa Texas the 12th round pick turns into a Super Bowl MVP on the next episode of NFL's top 100 the Super Bowl has seen a lot of big interceptions often by unknowns like journeyman Jack Squire it will add just two picks in his five-year career but one of them was in Super Bowl 18 in Super Bowl 37 no names safety Dexter Jackson's two interceptions one in the MVP and a big contract in free agency but Jackson nearly seemed like the second coming of our number three one-shot wonder [Music] way back in the early 90s when the NFL draft had 12 rounds the Cowboys took a flyer in the 12th on a quarterback named Larry Brown anybody that tells you that in the 12th round scouting prevail is misleading they had to take somebody in the 12th round right and it was like you know what let's just take somebody's clothes we don't have to pay for him to come in this kid at TCU Larry Brown at cornerback let's bring him in at training camp he gotten so discouraged didn't feel like he was getting a chance cuz there was a 12th round pick he walks on a camp Brown eventually came back but his life didn't get any easier Mike Zimmer our deepest about coach field and Larry Brown more than any player I've ever seen our number 3 one shot water persevered and in Super Bowl 30 had his one big day in the Sun [Music] and he fires a pass his two key interceptions helped determine the outcome [Applause] Brown was named Super Bowl MVP and that offseason got a huge payday from the Raiders and free agency but he never lived up to the hype if you take away Super Bowl 30 Larry Brown was a pedestrian type cornerback at best but so are a lot of players who made big plays in the Super Bowl and once you make those big place on the big stage big headlines all of a sudden your value goes through the roof I think Larry Brown was a product of a great system and a great team and on one shining moment he was a benefactor Larry Brown's best friend for life has to be Deion Sanders because you weren't throwing at Diaa let's say on this one side of the field we got Deion Sanders who's probably the best single cover corner it's ever played the National Football League on the other corner we got Larry Brown as a 12th round draft pick hmm wonder where we're gonna throw the ball it threw the ball Larry Brown all season he's our number three one-shot wonder because Niall O'Donnell threw it right to him twice I know everybody was thrilled for him when when he got the MVP but you know that that's that's a miscommunication between the quarterback and a receiver [Applause] you know Larry just happens to be in the right place the right time Stewart to come 200-yard instant star implodes here the greatest thing in the world everybody wants to give you all the goodies including the cocaine [Music] without a doubt the running back position has produced the most one-shot wonder yet the foster can never back analogy to Barry Foster's set a single-season rushing record for the Steelers but sputtered out due to injuries most would claim or Landis Gary's success in 99 is more thanks to the Broncos blocking speed than individual talent and there is a similar theory that tries to explain why Timmy Smith became the greatest running back in the world for one day and one day only [Applause] [Music] one-shot wonder of all time Timmy swim the game out of Texas Tech in 1987 and he spent most of the season backing up George Rogers didn't didn't play much at all he was drafted as a running back he played on special teams but that was it that's all the guy was gonna do you know he's just one of those guys he's part of the cannon fodder Timmy Smith was the ultimate underdog story my no name backup who got his chance at stardom in the playoffs when the starter got hurt and that's the championship game and then all of a sudden in the Super Bowl he's starting but here's the thing Joe Gibbs was worried how our number two one-shot wonder would handle the pressure of making his first start in the Super Bowl so throughout the week the Redskins pretended he would only see spot duty because they were afraid he'd get sick they wouldn't be able to play he'd be out there throwing up instead of playing so they didn't tell him so he didn't have time to get nervous the only player who was told was quarterback Doug Williams who tried to get Smith mentally ready tiger don't tell him I said you get in this game and you screw up you fall myself I'm kicking your hands I said good this is my first time in the Super Bowl and he just laughed he said I hear yo man he's thought laughs and I said man and then he realized that I was serious and he say if I get a chance to play you I show you Smith showed the whole world he could play he'll hand off the Smith Oh midfield horserace to the 45 35 30 20 he just kept going and going and going and it got to the point where it's almost funny because it was just like oh there he goes again another 14 yards our number two one-shot wonder finish with two touchdowns and 204 rushing yards 200 yards will be the single game rushing leader in Super Bowls gotta do it and Doug Williams won the MVP award but Timmy Smith wasn't the best national sensation a couple of days later he's spinning a football David Letterman's show it was shortly after that that is agent demanded to be the highest-paid running back in the league and I said way to finish this guy's played in two games and it was all downhill from there some guys can handle Fame and celebrity that comes at them quickly and some guys can't and he just seemed to fall in that second category it was just too much for him yeah the greatest thing in the world everybody wants to party with you everybody wants to give you all the goodies including the cocaine and the last we saw of Timmy Smith was he was cocaine dependent he was dismal as the full-time starter in 1988 and was cut a year and a day after his record-breaking performance while trying to make a comeback in 91 Smith denied any drug use I was supposed to bid on drugs but I never been on drugs and you know I just want to clear that up there's also been other explanations for why Smith was a one-shot wonder Tim Smith is a simple one for me it's called the Hawks that's the offensive line that blocked for the Washington Redskins he had an incredible game but if you look at the footage probably you and I could have ran through those holes those holes were huge they weren't big they were huge you could have driven trucks through him you know he ran through a lot of legal problems he actually was involved with a drug sale that went bad and he might be in prison right now in fact Smith is behind bars though he outran the Broncos in the Super Bowl Denver police caught up with him recently and he's serving a two-and-a-half year sentence in Colorado for selling cocaine he had the great Super Bowl bingo the air came out of the balloon he was going going god coming up on top ten he was in truly outstanding brilliant athlete the man who could have been the greatest quarterback Bill Walsh ever coached recapping our top ten one-shot wonders number 10 an NFL journeyman finds Super Bowl glory Mike Jones tackle Dyson number nine a long-haired rookie kicks the Colts to victory look at the hungry the bills throw 25 million down the Johnson he just didn't feel the game number seven in keep shuffling days are short lifts in Cincy number six a Cowboys Lone Star catch comes in the Super Bowl number five a draft bust makes good the second time around they became an aerial circus and tommy maddox fitted now for a Thanksgiving hero turns out to be a real turkey they did something to me he hit me from behind number three Larry Brown gets lucky in the Super Bowl and number two Timmy Smith's day of glory leads him to the lockup but I never been on drugs and you know I just want to clear that up the number-one one-shot wonder of all time Greg cook great cook could very well have been remembered who noted as the greatest quarterback of all time bill Walsh is famous for molding legendary quarterbacks like Joe Montana and Steve Young when Walsh was offensive coordinator of the bangles in 1969 he mentored a pastor with a potential to be better than all of them Greg cook who said truly Austin I'm brilliant athlete had a very quick delivery he could he could avoid very similar to Terry Bradshaw and he had a rifle arm I mean he could deliver that ball on a dime perfect anticipation laces up over the outside foot band we're down the sideline score just ungodly [Music] if one man can transform a team that man is Greg cook his presence is magical he seems to inspire something in every player [Music] our number-one one-shot wonder also inspired something in fans he would have been the next Marlboro Man you know I mean he's a great-looking guy he would have been a billboard not only for the Cincinnati Bengals but it's the National Football League he'd have been on the cover of every magazine in the country for years he was going to play 15 years in the NFL he was going to be set for life good cooks star plummeted to earth in Kansas City come on at quarterback the Chiefs finally found a way to stop Greg cook they ruined his throwing arm I tore my rotator cuff and we didn't know it at that time because we didn't have the medical attention that that you had today Dean doctors let him play and with a torn muscle in his shoulder he's led the lead in passing and won Rookie of the Year but in doing so cook did even more damage and the Archaic surgery techniques of the early 70s could do little when they finally operated they had to cut through muscles they just basically laid a shoulder open if there was the rehab programs and the types of micro surgeries that exist today Craig Cook was off and running for a great career by comparison Saints quarterback Drew Brees had surgery on his rotator cuff following the o-5 season and returned to Pro Bowl form in 2006 [Music] cook tried for several seasons to make a comeback but was never the same player since retiring he's tried to downplay the tragedy that lies in his injury but those he's remained close to like Trump II know the real story regardless of what Gregg has told you it's affected him psychologically for a long time as well it should he got cheated and it's Ascari to carries with him to this day we just think about it whatever your profession an accomplished heart surgeon medical school and you're saving lives for a year and you have a bad accident take your hands away from you he can never do it again I don't know I don't know how how people deal with that I don't know what he would have done a Peter plate 10 or 12 years I think my fingers would have been filled with Super Bowl rings now a painter cook himself sees little use in constantly asking what if even though his football career could his true masterpiece I never looked at me as being a victim and I tried to if I can avoid that trap but what could have been it's not healthy were thinking I've had some success I'm I I always thank God for that Greg cook tries to look on the bright side and perhaps that's all that one shot waters can do the curtain may have fallen on their NFL careers but at least they had a chance to shine on one of the grandest stages if only for one act [Music]
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 317,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zJphXxO7j-E
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Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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