Top 10 Football Divas

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well somebody that just wants to put the spotlight on them makes me the camera me the game revolves around them and you're gonna win or lose because of me I love me something that's to me what a diva is [Music] Oh Kayla how do you define a diva so pretty right now ready whenever I figure the word diva I think I'm a hot woman not in this show a diva is a guy who is dramatic overly dramatic he's gotta be a little braggadocio you think these are the guys who are celebrated the squeaky wheel gets the oil and the endorsement deals defining a diva is tough if Devers really someone who says look at me the diva has to stick out when I think of a diva I think of self-absorption there are many factors to consider a diva is someone who whines and complains crying all the time but when the game is on the line the diva almost always delivers the players on our list may be football divas but they're all great players we're counting down them all Madonna's diva to me well almost all of them I'm a football diva hold on rady number 10 Tom Brady is he sort of underrated as a diva no I wish I could be Tom Brady no I don't think he fits the definition even a little bit sorry guys you're right Tom Brady it's one of the best cubies of all time he's been to six Pro Bowls he's won three Lombardi trophies and twice been MVP there's just one problem he is a diva Patriots fans still love you Tom but you're making this really hard okay you're making this really hard well let me try to be nice here he's not helping his cause the hair of them help you know this would have worked in 1993 he's got that pretty boy image Tom Brady strikes me as a classic pretty boy it's only the hair it's only cause he has the long hair he's had 15 different haircuts I don't know whether he's a woman or a man I can't tell our number 10 football diva has a bunch of hair and it causes some controversy the hair Pro behind the ears looking real awkward [Music] well what do you shop at Hollister with the other 14 year-olds come on a low-key deep he's a celebrity he's kind of caught up in his celebrity status Calvin Klein GQ I think he's definitely a diva I don't quite get it and Brady is one of the toughest players at the quarterback position in the National Football League whenever I think of the word diva I think of a hot woman this former sad-sack has a woman most men would like to get in the sack rolling with that hottie which is a luncheon and that kind of like negates every awkward corny thing that he's ever done there would be two hours a night most men would saw that they had married Gisele Bundchen they just hit their knees and crying they'll forgot sex why am i this lucky oh my gosh if you got just cell on your side and you're in Rio de Janeiro I don't care how bad you dance the dancing at Carnivale didn't help did a terrible dance in Brazil what a scrunching is here I'm going home with her he's got all the cachet I think there's some green Envy behind the diva talking he's shopping a poppy right now and said the Avenue please tell me where I can sign up to be like Tom Brady he's a diva I don't look at Tom Brady's a diva I don't consider him a diva not a diva he's like a half a diva is he more feet into diva territory yes certainly a pretty boy a Brady no question about it if he gets half long sessions in disgrace [Music] coming up which football diva has the most hair-raising antics that's consummate diva hairstyles come and go but a unique hairstyle is a requirement for any diva the football divas are no exception I'm growing my hair out next year so we can like get long hair brother but it takes more than a crazy cut to make the cuts on our countdown he might be the quintessential example of a diva Randy Moss is one of the most talented receivers in NFL history we're muddies been labeled a malcontent and a football diva Randy Moss is a diva diva when you have a press conference and you say I'm going to ask the questions that puts you in diva category okay I'll come here and try to do well the best I can to rip the NFL up yeah that's that's consummate diva Randy Moss didn't talk to the media he doesn't want to deal with the media I don't even think he perks up when he sees the cameras that don't play a ball game he shuns the media talking to Randy Moss was a waste of my time there's been a long couple of weeks of of really trying to change Moss wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire in the media Moss just seems like a little kid to me this would ball diva isn't afraid to make the tough catches or go third-person I come ready ready sometimes it looks as if it's about Randy Moss everybody Anika not Barbie though I know that he can be a great teammate and it and really a team leader when he's into it he makes plays that take your breath away but it's the place he takes off that helped make him a football deep becoming an Oakland Raider in the silver and black I mean I'm happy cuz I get a new start you know when he was in Oakland I thought he had some shameful performances I'm committed to excellence well he did say I practice what I wanna practice Randy tries to go up with one hand that's just not gonna get it done Randy Moss you may question his dedication to football and his dedication to his craft I'm sure lots of players take plays off in the NFL I doubt many players have taken as many plays off as random Austin there are times where Randi clearly checks out on the team concept and starts thinking about Randy you said Tony tail he's a diva but he wasn't his loud mouth about it [Music] self-absorption showboating but I think he's misunderstood it's just this weird guy he moved people most divas are a little bit likable and that's kind of what makes it fun I'm not sure Moss is likable enough make that damn official dump right out of your hands after you scored touchdown all right Randy make a cup fry it off least he's in the top five at least I don't know how he got down that low I was Randy Moss not in the top three I think Moss was just a free spirit and Randy Moss is right at the top of the list [Music] number eight football diva of all time go bees name Joe Theismann obviously a dear changed his name Joey - well first of all wasn't his name he's been originally first of all he changed his name from C's Minh the Theismann around with Heisman when he was at Notre Dame the perception that is associated with that could turn some people's stomachs I get it Heisman rhymes with Heisman even though his name was Steve he started doing things like that at a young age you probably are a showboat talked a lot I'm still talking always enjoyed sitting down with media now joke a talk now we know that the one time Sports Illustrated came to interview at camp and I said well how long you hear he says well up I'm gonna be here about three days I saw that's good so I got a hundred questions Isis on its good never ever wanted to know questions beforehand because I wanted to see what kind of answers I could come up with you saw about two days later I says how you doing he goes I'm only on number eight he'd have something to say about everything that's something to say about everything he just talked talked all the time he didn't shut up I mean he was a chatter machine hockey yes Kathie Lee Crosby in all at it in the early eighties Kathie Lee Crosby was the host of the hit series that's incredible she was also our number eight football divas girlfriend but unfortunately like a lot of Joe's marriages that didn't end up too well the fur coat come on Joe I chuckle at some of the things I did I mean I had a fur coyote coat Joe just loved the camera Joe's hair was always perfect the only better hair around his Donald Trump's he had great skin Joe's nails were I'm sure his toenails were done - I never looked down while I was rapping and he was naked after a gay but there's about the field father field doesn't matter and The Crucible is a beast when he took the most frightening hit ever and had the most frightening results and he seemed to maintain being a mensch about it he sustained what is probably the worst injury in NFL history so there is an element of toughness to Theismann played tough football to got itself a Super Bowl [Applause] Joe Theismann is a diva he is a diva in every sense of the word Joe Theismann is definitely a diva yeah he was a bit of a whiner at times [Music] I never hated your plasma give me more Joe Theismann I love Joe Theismann I think thighs is great Joe really was about Joe you know that's why you want to kill the quarterback because guys like Joe football deeper or not there's really only one person to settle the debate oh there's no question I agree I fit at all and in all fairness to me I didn't realize I was being quite the diva that I actually was coming up who is the number seven football diva of all time he was a nut [Music] today's players try and stand out any way they can you think God never farted but old school rules when it comes to football teams almost any seventies Raider qualifies being a Raider is fortunate for me because I have been off-center most of my career and they've accepted what I am but it sure doesn't hurt to be on America's Team my team the number-7 were both diva of all-time henderson he was a nut Hollywood definitely qualifies he was a diva tip people didn't like him at all the weird thing about it is that he was playing for Tom Landry the squarish coach in history had to put up with diva linebacker Thomas Hollywood Henderson in the late 70s Tom Landry trying to deal with with Hollywood it was a thorn at Tom Landry side but the things he did on the sideline and all the antics he did it to call attention to himself [Music] he was Viva 100% I got a pass on him although anybody with Hollywood and their name chances are as some diva tendencies there you can't at the nickname Hollywood and not be a diva lose some about Hollywood debt who is deserving of the name is this thing about the nickname tell them every since I've known you you've always been very low-key very cool very laid-back are you really serious about all this Hollywood stuff oh no Jane is a mere myth [Applause] Hollywood was unique you know because it was braggadocio he might have been the most talkative chatterbox [Applause] it almost masks the fact that he was a great linebacker if you're going to be a diva you had better be able to play yeah he just he was a monster and he lets you know everybody wanted 56 because of holograms he was another guy who could perform Thomas Henderson the guy could play the game and for a five or six year run he was probably the best outside linebacker in football there was nothing he didn't believe he could do now some of it might have been because of certain vitamins he had running through his body you know it might have been a little artificial listen anytime you play in a Super Bowl and you admit in your water bottle you've got tons of cocaine he was wacked out on drugs for a few years he was a really really good linebacker he went straight down the tubes like dad cocaine kicked my butt I thought I was hips looking cool and tall ten and talented I was Hollywood my money was long I'm strong I'm a big guy strong guy whipped me Hollywood Henderson was a diva and he loved every minute of it Henderson was a diva Henderson loved the stage our number seven was able to continue his diva life after football by twice winning the lottery God's favorite player must be Hollywood Henderson because all the stuff that he did when he was playing to win the lottery not once but twice means if somebody's smiling on him Loudmouth Dallas Cowboys all the wild nights out and the fact that his family has won two lotteries in the state of Texas since Hollywood Henderson he's the epitome of all this he should be in the top donated really needs to be a lot higher than number six six is far too long this this was the consummate diva a quarterback when you're talking divas Joe Namath invented deep while there may have been guys who fit that characteristic before him Joe Namath sort of kicks it off in the color television Europe I don't think of him as a classic diva in that he wanted special treatment I think Joe just kind of blazed a path that it almost commanded special treatment anytime a guy doesn't commercial wearing pantyhose that's a dude Joe Namath in beauty miss pantyhose yes we did it to prove the beauty mist can make any legs look like a million dollars now I don't wear pantyhose but a beauty miss can make my legs look good imagine what they'll do for yours there are too many quarterbacks who have the guts to do a pantyhose commercial Sonny Werblin was a Broadway producer and he was a guy who understood the mindset of New York he wanted Joe Namath to be more than just a quarterback he wanted Joe Namath to be a star got to have confidence in your team gotta have confidence in yourself and if you don't have that confidence you can't play football he took the position of quarterback in the NFL the whole all-american image and blew it up did you think about Joe Namath with cool hair and you think about the fur coat back in the 60s and early 70s ahead of his time you talk about a player who lived life in the way most people would like to live it for a while I would love to bid Joe Namath just one one night it seems almost unamerican to me for it bad you're not there you know go around having a drink with a lady now and then I'll call him and even I loved the first coat in the white shoes I I thought it was cool because he still played it played hard unlike some football divas Joe Namath was a team player I talked to old teammate of his down here one of the Super Bowls said he was the best teammate you ever had cuz he worked hard he was a good quarterback and then he knew how to have a good time Joe Namath is not a diva for this reason John Amos barely had one good meat and he would drag himself up play after play after play to play with that level of toughness you can wear all the fur coat you want on and even go to the championship game against the Raiders in 68 he got there you don't wat be out of him that game why Oakland I can't look at him as a diva because I don't think he gets enough credit for being as tough as he was Namath had his ultimate diva moment in the biggest game of his career he is said that the Jets are going to win he doesn't even predict it if that I guarantee you never come out before a big game and say I guarantee we're gonna win it he guarantees he's gonna win a game where the Jets are an 18 point underdog and indeed the Jets go out and win the game he's a year of her life after he did that [Applause] I don't think he was a distraction like I think a lot of divas can be he just kind of set the standard for doing things his way Diana Ross might have been the original diva and I can't think of anybody more polar opposite from Diana Ross than Joe Namath spans man despite the pantyhose in the fur and all that coming up which one of our divas was ready for the primetime before he was drafted he was a corporation before he became an NFL player you got it look good look good you play good play good peg that pay good live before we resume our countdown here's a look at the list so far it's only the hair it's only because he has the long hair Randy Moss was born a diva he's been a whiner at time hockey yes you're talking about a guy in the 70s come on sit the original diva Joe Namath invented diva i football diva of all time [ __ ] big man I like being out of the Sun and I can't lay in the Sun drives me nuts it is later so this way I get get a nice tan daughter said if I go outside the gate with this on tell them please I wish I could play golf like little something to hold my teeth a little fanny pack or something figure eight there is no way Jim McMahon was a diva that's just insane Jim McMahon wasn't a diva Jim McMahon was goofy Jim McMahon for me Falls more into the sort of jerk category punk he was a pain in the neck he's a DVM he's not how to debug he's a very different sort of cat I think he was a gator because he was fighting battles that everybody knew he couldn't win Jim Jim for it anyway [Applause] [Music] our number-5 diva is a proud graduate of BYU they always kept asking myself how in the world that he ever survived BYU becoming from BYU I think he was taking out all those frustrating years of strict discipline and went the other extreme and the chicago jim mcmahon showed up on draft day i popped open a beer and i was 22 years old i just taken a three-and-a-half hour flight I took a 40-minute limo ride to the thing I was a little thirsty so I had a beer big deal he was Dennis the Menace if he could get into something he probably would McMahon was sort of anti-authoritarian more than anything I mean I don't think of him as glamorous by any means he was just rebellious you can comedy if you'd like I'd like the caramel rebel Jim McMahon chose to rebel against the most powerful man in football the commissioner one time he wore a headband that said Rozelle on it he was upset he was protesting he was taking on Pete Rozelle and his tyranny against the players I probably had one of the most famous Super Bowl weeks in Super Bowl history you mean a helicopter at one point it was not a pretty boy quarterback let's face it he was a rough-and-tumble quarterback and he was frankly good for football because he did things differently being a football rebel makes you a football Devers Mike Ditka said do this and Jim McMahon did the GOP's hired Mike he was certifiably crazy at times as a coach I've always liked I never understood him sometimes but he never understood me sometimes either so it was even his teammate you really rallied around I mean who's different but he's smart he's one of the smartest football guys I've ever taught football he had it together a lot more than people realized [Music] [Applause] let me tell you this you're not a diva if all the old linemen and D lineman love you Jim McMahon is a macho man he was prime time prime time I think when you have the nickname prime time it's pretty hard to get away from the diva label prime time might be the one guy on this list who you could call a diva and he'd be delighted did he be probably disappointed if he wasn't on this list so 10 primetime Deion Sanders one biggest divas in history Dion was a old-school entertainer he is all Entertainer of two I'll tell you that when you put your hand behind your head I'm way to the end zone and you're hi Stefan that was Dion and the D on shuffle follows in my left corner of the end zone Dion Sanders was just so good [Applause] I like the way Dion played I didn't like what Dion did after the celebration began I kind of ruin it against Dion Sanders but you always knew in the end he was going to get you as flamboyant as he was he really backed it up on the field I mean he bounced around to a couple of teams but he always seemed to be part of really really good teams nobody loved the spotlight more 21 and then if Dion's back here to return a punt and he's just telling the crowd - if you're not paying attention to me right now maybe I can get your attention dances right dances lap dances up the middle 40 mid feel the Chuck foot place with the putter no one can touch him watching Deion Sanders it's amazing that he is like an extra jersey on these receivers he made a bunch of interceptions when they never threw his side of the field we put in the whole thing on the first ballot he deserves [Applause] I just think he brings a lot to the game in terms of star power and I think that's good for the game now number four diva appeared in MC Hammer videos while MC Hammer appeared on the sidelines [Applause] [Music] and in the locker room all the practice in the limelight has helped Sanders with his job in front of the camera today when you talk about analysts now his DVS cuz he might have been as a player I don't think anybody can break things down better because he can do the football side and the entertainment side and getting you guys hit he's the flashiest entertainer the NFL's ever known who's bigger than him primetime game over up next which diva loves the camera more than any one star like the kid that sticks his hand in the cookie jar and wants to make sure someone's looking the preseason is coming and many wide receivers our football divas [Music] he shot a little frustrated obviously Keyshawn Johnson made his opinion known but he didn't make our list they haven't thrown a fast here in the second half come on even the playmaker wasn't enough of a football dealer give me the ball we win the game I'm telling you that's your best bet think about dagger selfishness is a competitive spirit to have there's nothing wrong with being selfish chad is definitely a deeper you Chad you know you're a deeper you know anytime you change your name that makes you a diva okay otro Cinco from now on anybody that writes about whatever I say that you call me ol Joe cycles I'm not saying he checks every box flamboyant thinking of himself more than the team boys Oh always wanted to be on camera so make sure you keep the camera always wanting to be a center of attention just think about some of those endzone celebrations I got a great celebration for you guys [Applause] I think my favorite one of all of them was that Riverdance thing Chad Johnson got a dance mock marriage proposal to a been Gaucher leaders yeah Johnson on the sidelines kind of the knee like he was proposing the death thing over there and I don't know if that's the exception or not didn't he pull the pylon and use it to putt CJ part of me really loves them loves the creativity of the dance you know but to put the yellow Hall Fame jacket on outrageous I just inducted myself and who is he to vote himself into the Hall of Fame who is he he's not out to embarrass anybody I think that he's out just to have fun that's part of what he is enchanters is rewarding some of the fans chad johnson the mr. Schulman he's a carnival act by now it's not the joyous celebration of a great play it saying I thought about this ahead of time and I thought this would be really cool for the TV cameras and that's not real football please a [Music] guy who says child please in my neighborhood bride you know a child please me like if somebody come here coast on you and be like man you just look at coach he be like man coach child because you really disrespecting me right where I'm from that just doesn't go not with tough guys I think chance a diva but I would never question his toughness because I've seen them take some huge hits sweets the business Network CNBC voted our number three diva the number one most influential athlete in the social media with the reality shows the talk show would Terrell this past year the Dancing with the Stars definitely a deal I'm surprised it was only number three I have a Twitter show maybe following I mean anything I say is a show for the new era of athlete nobody gets the idea of building your brand better than Chad Chad Johnson is going to have more opportunities even when he gets done playing football because he such a master promoter I have seen him in training camp I've seen him in the offseason he works about his hard trying to get better as almost anybody I've seen in recent years only be wanting the greatest on a secret but I want to be better than right that's right we know how good he is I don't quite understand why you need that special attention 85 who can cover him he says nobody guys that have played with him love Jay Johnson he sort of is in the true spirit of what Joe Namath was and in the primetime was what a diva can be but not to the point where they're a full-blown distraction coming up is our number two diva really one of the good guys never been arrested dead drink it's all about him what paul bivas used to have great nicknames like the Matt storm the snake the diesel white shoes the baz the fridge or prime time now the nicknames are as boring as the players are exciting LP ap anyone [Music] hey Ron the nicknames are as reserved as players personalities most players that is how can he not be number one no popcorn rich CEO is definitely a dealer I'm not sure he was a diva as much as he was just serve an odd personality Tara laws is the biggest David football history but he's also the greatest showman they bout to get one I call more of a jerk than a Venna diva but you call them what you want if there's a camera he's finding it thank God in the prime of his career there was no Twitter that's all I can say he's different in a being different is not necessarily a bad thing he came here he was very quiet but didn't support he figured out if you do things that are controversial but you can back him up on the field you could be a star he did not just take the pom-poms and dark spirit we know Te'o's got a long laundry list of reasons to be a diva what was hazing doing a celebration on a star early signs of being a diva crying at a press conference Dee [Music] it's my Corvette taking a sharpie out of your side and signing a football diva [Applause] [Music] it just seems with Terrell that things rarely are his fault Tara loans has been suspended by the team he was never shy when things were going bad about speaking up and saying that you know the house is on fire and I'm the only one who sees what's going on and so I have to speak my life one thing that was a little strange was the sit ups in the driveway I mean by hill but I like to I probably take my shirt off her decision to drive or it's number two Depot Terrell Owens has become a bit of a football Nomad despite a reputation of clashing with the quarterback another team signs up for I mean he wants to be quarterback he wants to be the loudest voice in the huddle we've learned traditionally that really doesn't work try to get away from him and find some peace but he would not let it rest in some cases you you wonder if things got blown out of proportion just because it's tio one aspect in which Terrell Owens was not a diva was in Super Bowl 39 when he went out and played on that broken ankle with the screws in it and caught nine passes from Donovan McNabb Terrell Owens caught the pass did a pirouette took off for 37 yards [Music] here's the funny thing about a lot of these divas there's somewhat likeable in some ways there's t oh there's really no middle ground I just he's not a likable guy the fact that he's burned bridges wherever he was makes him maybe the ultimate diva in the history of the game he should open a PR business when he's through because nobody knows more about PR and T oh of all-time I'm so glad you have him on this list before we reveal our number one football diva here's a look at the list so far [Applause] [Music] beautiful I wish I could be Tom Brady I don't even think he perks up when he sees the cameras I think if anything hates the cameras I will come here and try to do the best I can to rip the NFL love I didn't realize I was being quite the diva that I actually was are you really serious about all this Hollywood stuff oh no Danis a mere myth oh yeah he was a people but it's a cultivated deep I wish I could play golf like this just little something to hold my teas dancing his creativity is just something else and he's not finished yet donovan mcnabb in philadelphia I don't know house Tony Romo and Jason Witten in Dallas those guys could tell you better they're not good I'm so glad you have him on this list I am so glad you have Brett Favre no more on this I completely agree I am officially retiring I've always wanted to be a pack I think I always will be a pack no no NFL player okay has ever got his rear end more kissed by the media than Brett Favre nobody there's a lot of drama involved with Brett Favre in his old Favre lightwei he couldn't get enough what you've done in your career yep it'll never be done again right in this error letter then what happened again nobody level doing things you did and a plate of games if you play can second I am pretty good I don't know how I did the one thing you cannot ever ever quibble with his playing 300 games nobody could dispute the man's toughness demands love of the game you talking about a guy who played like 300 consecutive games can't deny that he played the game as rugged and reckless of any quarterback maybe in history here's a guy who's only missed the final four games of his career somehow it morphed into diva hood for Favre how did you go from the kid I'm scenario just goofin all who jump around in celebration who players would literally throw themselves off a buildings for to someone who thought he was bigger than the game he's cheesy that's perfect that he played in Green Bay being down south the a little bit of aw shucks to him he's just a regular guy everybody loves French fort and a he loved he lived for it this guy got off on the attention this future hall-of-famer is Anna diva for the weight he played the game but for how he left I am officially retiring it's all of us have trouble realizing when it's time to leave 16 years is hard to forget for everyone this guy with his 15 retirements and the drama the way he did it on and on again maybe he just got a likes the spotlight a little bit and I don't think I got left to deal I'm retired I'm not retired I'm crying I'm leaving I'm coming back I'll talk it over with my wife and go back to Mississippi and we'll have conversation we'll think it over it like god man it just got so infuriating and so annoying and so self-indulgent probably the elbow moves the offseason drama no one wants to go to Mississippi ever no one ever as the world turns in Mississippi starring Brett Favre it's just a place with woods and crawfish there is nothing to do there why do we continuously follow this clown around getting on and off Cessnas waving to the media that was a joke the way he and negotiated his end game they're not the most stylish things at home I degenerate what happened to me now Brett Favre there's your dealer there's your dealer right there yeah Brett Favre is a Depot I don't think it's unfair I can't argue against that I use the diva Brett Favre was a diva he's the biggest diva of all time well Brett Favre is the quintessential people think at the end clear-cut diva hood for afar Oh without a doubt the old-time DVD all time it's all about me no question yes that's the perfect number one Brett Favre makes me sick to my stomach I mean this guy is he should just absolution when he dies they should put him in a dress in his casket and put flowers at his hand and lipstick on and that's from the heart that's it we have reached the end of our list but the debate continues I would suggest TOS the biggest diva I just want to see professionalism a diva a wide receiver let's face it but it seems that that position just kind of breeds divas the only reason people cared about anything about a diva is that they could play squirrel touchdown depend of the ball of the referee comeback score another touchdown divas can be tiresome of what I think yeah I think you have to have them it it certainly adds to the storylines but the word diva on a football field I'm not so sure I like that [Music]
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 147,410
Rating: 4.5934539 out of 5
Id: Rz5XRAbcNe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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