Top 10 Draft Busts

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you know you can't play in the National Football League if you're not tough and you want to find guys that are bust they probably are afraid in the National Football League they make everybody be a man [Music] [Music] over the years the NFL has developed into its own industry rife with experts and can't miss prospects unfortunately the science of player selection involves far more misses than hits you know keep it smoothly the man only wanted some buzz come out of college with great expectations while others are the product of white-hot hype what they all share is the disappointment of unfulfilled promise no athlete is an athlete with the intention of being a bus sadly the lowest success rate occurs in projecting the game's most important position the position of quarterback judging it from the college level to the pro level is almost impossible for every great quarterback a moreno and Elway Akeley there are those guys that had the same expectations that haven't lived up to them he can think of David cling Lowe or Andre ware as a junior at the University of Houston quarterback Andre ware said 46 NCAA passing records directly the run-and-shoot offense Lions select Andre ware Houston [Applause] despite running his college offense in the pros the Heisman Trophy winner was lost in familiar territory there's a whole lot more to being a successful quarterback over a long period of time and just having a good arm a whole lot more to it while we're wasted away in Detroit his successor at Houston David clinger was breaking all his records Claire put up some numbers that are just off the charts he threw 54 touchdown passes in one season he put up seven hundred yards in one game and then he put up numbers that were mind-boggling he started to think that any team that had him was gonna rack up countless yards and touchdowns because it was effortless what he was able to do at the collegiate level the Cincinnati Bengals select David clinger he went to a bad team that didn't really have a lot of direction the offensive line that was falling apart the receivers were young and inexperienced he was taking over for a quarterback in Boomer Esiason that was enormous ly popular there was just a lot of pressure put on him right away they throw them in against Pittsburgh that Pittsburgh defense gets sacked ten times what you have is that young players confidence just collapses and when you don't have people around you they're going to make you better or give you a chance to bring you back up once your confidence falls that's pretty much where it stays as klinger's confidence was taking a beating so was his body [Music] he was a tough guy cuz he got sacked a lot in 33 games as a pro he was sacked 83 times and never got comfortable with his surroundings here was a guy from Texas you wore cowboy boots and here he's come into a kind of an urban environment in Cincinnati I don't think that environment fit him very well in four years with Cincinnati cling ler threw for just under 4,000 yards a thousand yards less than he did as a junior at Houston the failures of our number 10 draft bus became cautionary tales for the rest of the NFL those two guys taught everybody if you have a run-and-shoot quarterback you better look at every aspect of his game and how it's gonna relate to a pro game because they don't automatically come in and make it coming up on top 10 draft bus why he chiller wasn't commander the people I went into coach Turner said coach while these people hate me so much [Music] the number guy outside draft bus each jeweler we were the team that was most hurtful Eve by the salary cap so we were gonna have to gut our team and start over and the feeling was that we're going to start over going to start over with a young quarterback to leave the Renaissance the Redskins hired Cowboys offensive coordinator Norv Turner as their new head coach Turner and Casserly began the search for the next Troy Aikman and quickly zeroed in on Tennessee's sure the Redskins select Heath Shuler quarterback Tennessee I don't think you can really comprehend the the joy that you feel in the and the true excitement you know of being drafted after attending minicamp Schuler had to wait until late August to get back on the field because of complications with his contract a lot of the holdout was not his fault he was signing a contract that had never been signed in the National Football League before and it was called an option buyback that's a standard contract right now in the NFL so the lawyers weren't sure how to write this contract far too often people think it was a money holdout when it was actually just language of a contract he walked into a tough situation because he was taking over for a quarterback that has won a Super Bowl for that team way to go mark Triplett the MVP of Super Bowl 26 I think the veterans didn't receive him very well and the fans really did first one that's a big you were a hunk or what after throwing just eight interceptions in his last year at Tennessee Schuler threw five in one game against the Cardinals that's when you turn around at the end of the game you think is it possible for me to ever complete another ball to an offensive guy ever again mentally emotionally you just think wow I need some help here instead of help he got competition from fellow rookie Gus for I'm a fan favorite Ferg odd kind of became the people's quarterback and sure became the outsider and the fans cheered for ride every time he stepped on the field and they boot Schuler that was the most difficult thing for me to to to overcome I went into coach Turner I said coach wow these people hate me so much you know it emotionally affected me because I've never had people dislike me ever in my life successful little Gus fought beat John if Heath Shuler performance last week as any measure which is absolute zero this guy can't get less than a 5 by the 1996 season the incumbent Schuler had lost his job to the more popular for rock we were trying to find a young quarterback we found a guy in the seventh round ahead of the guy in the first row that's really what happened I got to play one down that year and that was very very difficult to sit behind and watch Schuler was traded to New Orleans and immediately named the Saints starter thanks from the 39 our number 9 draft bus again struggling and a serious foot injury ended his tenure in the Big Easy just the pain was such that there was no whack continuing it could come up with his arm around and he says he says he that's enough people say he throw a lot in the world did you put yourself through that I had lost my job because of an injury once and I made a commitment to myself there was any way possible I could stay on the field and play that's what I would do with his football career over Shuler set his sights on a return to Washington and in 2006 he was elected to the US House of Representatives most of the guys that were athletes that became politicians used their athletic career as a springboard to political office wellsure had to convince people the opposite was true forget what you saw me doing the field I could be a lot better as a politician my little boy will take my Washington [ __ ] helmet and put it on this says daddy I won't be just like you and he doesn't know about those interceptions I'm through you know that's a great thing about it up next on top-ten draft bust how a straight-out missed his target that was suspended for a gambling and my work near was really a waste as was most of my career from Archie Griffin to Sami Smith more running backs have fizzled out than broken out until larry johnson penn state was a factory for draft disappointment Blair Thomas Curtis eNOS and Kijana Carter came in as promising Nittany Lions but went out like wounded lambs but the biggest running back bust of all time was the one who kept getting busted in 1994-95 Nebraska running back Lawrence Phillips led the Cornhuskers to consecutive national titles [Applause] but his college career was torn in two he was arrested for assaulting his ex-girlfriend despite serious questions about his character the st. Louis Rams took a chance on Phillips Lawrence Phillips if a guy does a bunch of bad things in college and he's an abusive guy how is getting a lot of money and fame going to help that it can't and some teams say I still think I can fix a guy the Tennessee Titans they thought they could fix Pacman Jones you know we get him in a structured environment he'll be ok in his first year in the NFL Phillips was arrested three times and fined by the Rams almost 30 times after spending 23 days in a Nebraska jail for violating his probation he was picked up outside prison by his new head coach Dick Vermeil well I'm counting on Lawrence an awful lot he's here in camp he was here for rookie camp he's doing fine he's a little bit overweight right now and it'll take him a while to be under percent but I'm I'm counting on him an awful lot of lords' you're moving better today than on Tuesday already with Vermeil support Phillips sophomore season would be the best of his career [Music] Philips driving for the goal line to the outside but the honeymoon didn't last long when Phillips skipped practice in the dispute over playing time his biggest champion was forced to release him I care about the guy I really do it's but I made the decision was best for the RAM organization right now we're out in the practice field and he'd Cutler and Lawrence Phillips that day he started talking about him and he started to cry you seem kind of sad when you talk about it almost Hey want to get into it the autumn said when Dick Vermeil gives up on you and you're a talented football player you know it's time to find another occupation brief stints in Miami and San Francisco were cut short by more arrests and in 2006 Phillips was convicted on seven counts of assault and now faces up to 20 years in jail we can talk about character and Lawrence Phillips when the character makes place and the team wins games character is no problem and that doesn't excuse the behavior it just goes to show you there are always going to be questions of character on players entering the draft the number seven all-time craft bus March Lister was the straightest arrow in the all-american quiver in fact there was a biography written of him that was called straight arrow in four years at Ohio State archly stir started every game at quarterback with Heisman Trophy winner Marcus Allen and BYU's Jim McMahon still available Baltimore bet their future on sleepster Rams spot on the first run quarterback Arndt's lease term Ohio State after the Colts treated Burke jones Sleater competed with fourth round pick Mike bagel for the starting job when we got the camp we hit it off from day one and pushed each other to make each other better well I think the artists rooster you know there's a lot of pros and cons about art and as far as his ability nothing else but I had seen him play a number times he's a winner and I'm sure he's gonna continue to be a winner I think the big difference for me was I came from a college team that was a running team and we passed you know out of necessity so I was behind knowledge wise when I went to the by the end of training camp bagel was named the starter causing a rift between the rookies dead started to put some serious damper between the two of us I was playing most of the time he wasn't playing much so you started getting frustrated it just was not a good season for spur gear it got to be very nasty and then you add the addiction on to it with me I just you know wasn't the kind of player that I needed to be released er had been hiding a gambling problem since his days at Ohio State when the NFL went on strike during the 1982 season he was left alone with his own demons the gambling for me escalated at that point from being a regular normal gambler to actually being a compulsive gambler by the time we came back from the strike I was concentrating more on the gambling I was on I'm actually playing and put a lot of pressure on me I didn't react very well to the pressure and my rookie year was really a waste as was most of my career that year Schlichter gambled away over $700,000 and it was also discovered that he had bet on NFL games he was the first player to be disciplined by the lake for gambling since warning and Karras back in the sixties that was suspended in 83 from by the league for gambling and I understand and I crossed the line on that never bet on any game that played in but I you know I made some mistakes everybody thought that this guy was gonna be the next greatest I think the gambling probably just distracted him so much that he never was able to recover from Oyster came back was caught again and then his band our number seven draft bus was the first player to receive a lifetime ban since Merle HAP's and Frankie Phil jock in 1946 I had petitioned to the NFL but they they wouldn't let me back in at that point since his final days in the NFL slickster has been incarcerated in 44 different prisons on over 20 felonies recently released he's making one last attempt at straightening his path I started a foundation gambling prevention awareness org what we do is just try to spread the word about the addiction of gambling and about the harms of gambling [Music] recapping our top 10 draft bugs number 10 the running ship quarterbacks are stopped in their tracks he was a tough guy because he got sacked a lot number 9 Washington whips on a future Congress coach why these people hate me so much number 8 the Rams you know what I'm sad my rookie year was really a waste as was most of my career Andre Bruce hundred was a just a freak of nature he was a guy that was about six five six six had amazingly long soft speed you saw a great level of strength you saw a guy who instinctively knew how to anticipate the snap everybody trying to find the next LT he was the next guy that people felt could be the next Lawrence tan going into the 1988 Draft some thought Bruce was the second coming of LT others considered him simply the byproduct of a weak draft glass may be the worst year for her first round maybe in NFL history you know another year in the draft and he's he's in the middle of the first round he's not number one the fact of the matter is there was nobody there to draft number one and two in fairness to the Falcons they tried diligently to get rid of that pick they were forced to get Andre bruised if his first season Bruce flashed his next LT promise and was named to the NFL all-rookie team despite the selection doubt still surrounded our number six draft bus the big question about Andre Bruce was how motivated this guy was you know when it came to anything like learning the defense I would say every play he didn't make the best effort to leave it all on the field he wanted to take a little bit home with him and I think maturity was probably another issue because in addition of drafting Andre Bruce the Falcons we also drafted Marcus Scott right behind him he was a talented linebacker from USC and they were roommates and and they were just like children that year Bruce was also busy fathering children and was slapped with two paternity suits and then there was the incident with a BB gun here you get this guy who can't play okay and then he's feeling like a BB gun on a pizza guy I mean this is just you cannot write a better script than this don't you know they will lock you up I know you thought it was fun and cubed guys enough is enough disappointed with Bruce's production as a defensive end new coach jerry glanville tried a different approach he saw him on scout team one day walking I thought he could make a Titan he had big-time tight in the village Jerry got this wild hair to say you know let's put him in that tight end let them block a little bit you know let him go out for a pass or two I thought it was just silly dumb idea to do something like that Keaton where he is keep working at him see him get him motivated because he did go on and play for the next six or seven years as a defensive player international football our number six draft bus had an 11 year career but never lived up to the hype of being the next Lawrence Taylor the number five all-time draft five in couch everybody's always trying to I think create a legend before it's ever effect and I think Tim Couch is this year's hype beginning with the 1998 college season Tim Couch was ordained the first pick of the draft he may end up being a franchise quarterback but I think everybody declared him the franchise quarterback before we really analyzed whether in fact he has all the tools to be that guy in 1999 Kentucky's Tim Couch was at the head of a very deep class of college quarterbacks [Music] [Applause] the resurrected Browns franchise needed a quarterback to build around he gets death off the ball and takes away that I miles will come straight back side to try to hit the big and in this window here after ruling out Syracuse is Donovan McNabb Cleveland struggled to choose between couch and Oregon's Achilles Smith they tried to place as much research and study into this as possible because they knew they had to get this right one of the knocks on Smith who also ended up as the bust was his low football IQ with the first pick in the 1999 Draft the Cleveland Browns selection is from the University of Kentucky quarterback Tim Couch the expectations on tumor take the team to the Super Bowl right off the bat but Tim came out of college without ever looking at a playbook now hero Sonny he's got this huge eight-inch thick playbook here Tim learn this whole thing by the way we have no talent no depth and no experience around you plus there was a guy named Bernie Kosar that was here in 1986 and with 12 and 4 and led his team to the AFC Championship game people were saying well if Bernie can do it why can't team do totally different situation Bernie had tremendous amount of talent around him Tim's team was brand new and had his sophomore campaign cut short by injury Chris Palmer was fired and Butch Davis brought in to jumpstart the fledgling franchise I tell you the thing that has impressed me more than anything else has been his diligence to learn to watch and film and coming in and being there early and being the leader and I think that that's really going to pay big dividends for him before Steve Spurrier was a bus as an NFL head coach the former Heisman Trophy winner was a bust as a player drafting a quarterback in the first round is risky even the legendary Bill Walsh couldn't always predict their success to have Bill Walsh say that Rick Meyer was the next Joe Montana that's hard for anybody to live up to as a junior Rick Meyer emerged as the next great Notre Dame quarterback with New England holding the first pick in the 1993 Draft Seattle was poised to select either Meyer Washington State's drew blood so Rick Meyer is a guy that I thought was gonna be a great NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe Virat's Meyer debate I thought you'd go with Rick Meyer the patron select Drew Bledsoe [Applause] coveting my er over blood so the Seahawks got their golden boy Seattle Seahawks elect Rick Meyer here's a kid smart out of Notre Dame winning program I'd like to have two things hanging over my head at once I think if you finish one then you jump into the next you can sleep at night and feel better about it hopefully I get a chance to play but I'm not gonna put any pressure on myself right now Tom Flores did something that I thought was very smart he kept things very simple for him take a look downfield if your first choice isn't there go Meyer told peek you would say you know coach on this play I'm not quite sure and they would go okay forget that play we won't run that play we'll just run stuff you're comfortable with and he said he went into games with five or six plays before they say Rick bio looks like Jill Montana the boy app again in to believe it in his first year he was probably one of the more successful rookie quarterbacks in the history of the league he actually had better rookie stats in True Blood so did when we took drew Rick Meyer had a better year in the first year and nobody remembers that right after that season it was like okay the Seahawks made the right pick problem is he never got better after that as the offense sort of expanded over his next couple of seasons he didn't grow with what they found out as time went on is it he struggled throwing to his left Maier to throw what teams were able to do after a while they stacked everything to his right and so now he had very few passing lanes to his right and had to throw to his left when those things happen to a young quarterback then your tendency is to not read at all it's to pull the ball down and take off and they started to take a beating after throwing a career-high 20 interceptions in 1995 our number-4 draft bus was benched got back the pathways at downfield and it's picked off by Ray Buchanan fortunately for Seattle the shine on this golden Dober hadn't worn off for teams like Chicago they had a young quarterback they tried to make it work it didn't but they got a first-round draft choice back for him because Randy Muller made one of the great trades of all times and got a first rounder from Chicago the day they made the trade I called him and I and I I said Randy would you get for him he said what did you what do you think we got and I said you did not get a first-round draft pick for Rick Meyer and he just laughed and I said Randy that's the case you need to get on a plane right now and go directly to Las Vegas Meyer started just three games for the Bears before they realize their blunder in a 12-year career Meyer played for seven teams never lived up to the hype of being the next Joe Montana up next on top-ten draft bus the best offensive lineman ever can't miss prospect no way how the incredible bulk turned into a mere mortal no athlete is an athlete with the intention of being a bus the work bus is like the absolute worst word to give to Natalie that means you came in and we gave no effort coming out of the University of Oklahoma Brian Bosworth was arguably the most hyped player in college history they all expected to be the next great player like a Dick Butkus Boz was sort of Madonna with shoulder pads you know only bigger Brian Bosworth was totally created by Brian Bosworth and his agent they came up with this plan that they were gonna create this bigger than life football player there was two people there was Brian Bosworth the nice guy then there was the colorful boss it became time to go play and be aggressive I could just say oh now I've put on the mask and now I'm the boss like a superhero in 1987 the 2-time buck dis Award winner was kicked off Oklahoma's team for failing a drug test despite the controversy the Seahawks picked our number three draft bus in the Supplemental Draft there was not one team that would not have taken Brian Bosworth they had cornerback speed along with linebacker hitting ability it was a media frenzy when he first got here he flew into the practice field in a helicopter when he arrived in the city they just can't come in with her as a rookie and land in a helicopter and have a huge mouth and spent 45 minutes on your hair when you haven't made a tackle yet in the NFL that was the Boz is here thought little more like it wasn't a flat tire it was the Boz the whole thing with with hair is energy starts in the top and it works its way down so if you feel good about the top everything down below is gonna work better that day too our number three draft was created plenty of buzz signing a then-record 10 year 11 million dollar contract suing the NFL for not letting him wear number 44 and smelling like a rose on television a most mellow ders I purposely went to Seattle played the game I was asked to play my game specifically by the coach I needed that arrogance that I had Chuck Knox like Brian Bosworth because he was a target and if you're a target that opens things up for other guys to try to make some big plays my whole focus each and every week was what do I got to do to get into somebody's [Applause] you started out with a game in Denver he had been mouthing off about what he was gonna do to John Elway he was talking about you know John's teeth a nose like mr. to the horse and it did make he and John any closer that's for sure first I didn't like John because he was a good quarterback and as a linebacker that's your archenemy going into that game in Denver they're selling Bozz Buster t-shirt saying no Boz and bo-zone the International symbol Boz and the search solved by crazy well who created the t-shirts turns out his father's company to this day everybody remembers Bosworth as a bust but was he really never Bell say all Brian bother at all hype on a flop and if you watched and studied with Brian Bosworth did he was talented he could run he could tackle he was a much better player than people ever knew all they remember is Bo Jackson tromping on him touchdown Raiders Jackson [ __ ] on Bosworth and just blasted him dragged him into the end zone no matter what he did Bosworth failed to live up to the expectations he created and was branded a bust he had built himself into the super cartoon character as soon as the cartoon balloon got punctured you know the whole thing was over he sort of walked this tightrope of hype and he fell off he lost by 1989 injuries had to railed the bosses once a promising career thanks to Bo Jackson and all the hype you'll always be remembered as a bust my body belton and it's that's part of the game you know the 25 surgeries I've got more metal in me than the Terminator does but if that was the same outcome and I was able to play seven eight years then I would probably look at myself much differently than I do now that's just been a basically a struggle filling the voids being very fortunate and some films action this is the Air Force sour bomb they sent me to get it back it's not one of those things that this is my passion my passion with football I mean that's what I wanted to do in some way shape or form be part of it until I figure that out I'm gonna be kind of that cloud floating around the atmosphere our next bus had everyone's head in the clouds but this sportin turned out to be a Trojan horse I'm picking them Sports Illustrated and I'm seeing this guy from Michigan State and I'm convinced that yeah that's everything I think a dominant offensive lineman should be and he looked bigger and stronger than any offensive lineman I had seen just on the cover of Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated I think helped make Tony Landers with that infamous cover and our best offensive line prospect ever the best offensive lineman ever the greatest offensive line prospect ever can't miss prospect no way he can miss Tony Mandarin Jimmy was probably the greatest workout I've ever seen I remember betting Ken here on I saw him on film and I watched him I said this guy's got no feet the guy who looked like Hulk Hogan and then weighed 300 pounds running for six like Hulk Hogan Tony Mandarin was a colorful character he loved Guns & Roses and had a dog named axel in a spring of a senior year he quit school to lift weights on Venice Beach if the reigning mr. universe a guy that had you know the height machine behind him and arguably he was probably in the best draft do you think about Troy Aikman was in that draft Barry Sanders Deion Sanders Derrick Thomas in that dress that's at the top end look back on the guys were taking around them and what they became you would say that's one of the worst traffic sever everybody looks and says well you know of course Roy Hagen was the guy well Troy Aikman didn't even make all plat ten so if you were honest about it we had people on our own staff that wanted to take Tony Mandrax most people did see him as a top pick in the rep my question is looking back on it was this guy on steroids suspicions of steroid use spread further when Mandurah showed up in Green Bay 15 pounds lighter than his college playing weight a deflated physique and bad footwork made this former superhero a mere mortal had all the hype and all the euphoria forgot to check whether he could play football I mean I remember a game that he played against Reggie White when Reggie got his arm hooked under Tony's arm and just threw on the side the Eagles players were like laughing as they came off the field and I'm sure the Tony Mandarin wasn't used to people laughing at him so much of his persona was built up in the idea that he was this larger-than-life figure that everybody was afraid of to not just get beaten but humiliated like that I thought just took him down to a level where was hard for him to compete at all after being out of football for four years man rich decided to give the NFL one more shot and signed with the Colts in 1996 everybody says all he was the ultimate bust well Green Bay you could probably say that but at the end of his career when he came back to Indianapolis I'm not gonna say he was a great player but he was an okay player you think that people remember the Tony Mandarin finished his career starting at guard and protecting Peyton Manning Legos gonna throw him right off we haven't done it yet here you are you no ill veteran you get the whole thing you're gonna have a rookie quarterback behind this to me your thoughts on that you know I relate it to what happened the year I got drafted cuz Troy Aikman was the number one pick and look what he did and I think peyton has every chance to do that I expect him to play like the number one pick in the draft might have been a number one pick but the quarterback taken right after him is tops on our list everybody's always trying to create a legend before it's ever affect number four a golden boy Rick buyer looks like Gil Montana number three the FA's is run over in Seattle finest robot was number two the rentable bulb becomes the incredible bus the guy never could do anything all time traveler it's an age-old question in in the NFL draft it was the finished product versus the upside Ryan Leaf was seen as the guy who might climb farther and Peyton Manning was seen as the guy who was more NFL ready at that moment you know initially wasn't even a deadlock Leif was the leader because the rocket laser arm that Peyton Manning talks about most commercials Leif had been as the process went along the focus shifted to what was up here the question was asked in the players interviews if you were the first overall pick what would you do hatin gave some Payton kind of an answer well you know we played hard we worked hard during the week that I practiced hard and I studied hard Riley says I got a misty I would go to Vegas and we have a week in Vegas the red flag right there that maybe this wasn't the guy wanted to draft San Diego held the second pick in the 1998 draft one spot behind Indianapolis who also needed a quarterback we would rather have taken Peyton I've talked about Poland to see if we could trade up to that number one pick which he wouldn't go charges select quarterback Brian leap so require probably I hope so nobody here was disappointed that they were gonna get Ryan Leaf instead of Peyton Manning I think the general consensus was that the Chargers might be getting the guy that had the better future and I remember the next day as well when leaf came in from an all-nighter in Vegas which should have been a red flag at the time Thanks [ __ ] my new coaches my new owners and everything that's a privilege for me to be up here with them I feel like I need to reward them in some way so hopefully a Super Bowl ring or two can do that in the next few years leaf was immediately named the Chargers starter and won his first two games [Music] [Applause] he played so well that I think he felt like he could do anything and that you know maybe this wasn't so tough thought well that's good it'll give the guy confidence in the Kansas City game game it was a disaster I always remember he was one of 15 for four yards with five turnovers I even went off the field with lion that says Brian just go in the dressing room just tell your teammates hey hey you guys that one's on me let's get back to work I thought that'd be easiest thing to do he had a little incident in the locker room where yelled at a cameraman who happened to be a club employee it was just trying to do his job I wrote a very small note about it the next day that I just felt that good leaf was out of line Jake came in day and interview him and he went all off later that day after he yelled at me he read an apology on camera I misdirected my anger at the Kansas City game I was extremely disappointed in my performance let it show he read the piece of paper and then he crumpled it up and and threw it back into his locker I thought somewhere along the line he'd just come into somebody to coach somebody say you know what I've screwed up but it never happened this was a guy who was woefully immature and not ready for the spotlight not ready for a responsibility or leadership he's in love with me in love with me look at me he came in as if he was the savior for the organization it was really disturbing and I cuz you could see it coming in thought Wow in 2002 Chargers lost 15 games [Applause] leave one just four games in three years as a starter at a price of eight million dollars per wind San Diego could no longer afford our number one draft bus I think it was very much good riddance this guy was gonna turn the franchise around and instead he helped drive them even further into the depths of the NFL I mean they were the worst team in the league that year but they got the number one pick and they end up with with Damien Thomlinson who has helped resurrect the franchise [Music] the Chargers caught lightning in a bottle with LT but draft history teaches us the benefits of striking it rich ardor by the cost of striking out [Applause] the end has finally come for Hines Ward in Pittsburgh oh look back on his would-be Hall of Fame career does he have anything left and if so where could he go rg3 continued to turn heads at the combine Steve Mariucci sits down with the Heisman Trophy winner for an exclusive look into what everyone wants to know why do you deserve to be the number one pick in the draft this list has been four years in the making we ranked our top 10 leaps of all time in the photo Alexis [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome to NFL Total Access Lindsay Rhodes alongside Andrew Siciliano I am still Siciliano she is now Rhodes and I propose a fine jar every time I call you that other name yeah I'm putting in a dollar I think
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 841,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PuxK2RhxpNg
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Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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