Top 10 Quarterbacks Of The 70s

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they didn't make a cookie cutter quarterback in the 70s you had the pretty boys you had the clunky guys who were jalopies you had the big buck studs he had the really God Squad guys you had a little something for everybody all six of you working Kayla in this top 10 were focusing on one position quarterbacks and one decade the 70s should I put my bell bottoms on 70s was a glamorous decade but that was a very strange time I don't think any other decade you look back on the styles with quite as much of a chuckle maybe as the 70 the big hats and the shirts with the collars that came down to here polyester was big and I had a lot of polyester pants the shirts the fur coats the boots the belts the beards flowered shirts big pool and shoes the urban cowboy and the Nehru suits remember those the high-heeled shoes I mean guys actually wore shoes with heels on yes I didn't I think he was somewhere in a closet I saved a pair jeepers it was just it was crazy man 70s gave the NFL a fresh look to new stadiums new teams new turf and new quarterbacks I just remember what a badass some of the quarterbacks were but the 70s was not a golden age for passing it was just a different game I mean even the 50s and 60s saw more passing 70s then you were dealing with a whole set of rules that made being a star passer different than today if it was third and 14 I could sit the corner down at the sticks and if you went to try to go by me I knocked you down that was prior to 1978 when the NFL made it illegal to hit a receiver further than five yards from the lines despite the dead-ball era there were some bad quarterbacks in the 70s so here's our list of the top 10 and these aren't just the cubies who had the most wins or best stats during the mid decade the guy has to embody the Flair of the 70s Jeff have some personality you have to be over the decade as tough was to put together oh I'm gonna love this one I love this one let's go I don't know if arts you belong to list other than the fact that he's sired Peyton Manning during this decade hey who's your favorite football player kids now think Archie as Eli Manning's dad or Peyton Manning's dad but this guy did have a history before that it's a good player before going all in the family Archie Bunker Manning was a two-time Pro Bowler and he was the 1978 NFC Player of the Year I guarantee that every time a team played the Saints they worried that Archie Manning was gonna go off that day I remember watching Archie Manning it's a kid thinking wow this guy can pretty much do it all where you can just close your eyes and see him running around anybody he's so much different than his sons as he was so mobile so athletic and he would have you know a couple of great games a year where he single-handedly carriers came to victory when Archie Manning went to the safes everybody expected great things from Archie Manning's career at Ole Miss was swell enough to make him the number two overall pick by the Saints in the 1971 draft look would you pick that high you're gonna go to a beautiful court record that they never got players after that he should have hired an Indian Kemosabe because he was the Lone Ranger they never really improved and they were a doormat all through his career I do think that Archie Manning should be much much higher on the list the only thing to kep Archie from being one of the greatest quarterbacks of that era was the teaming zone dictates that taints the aints somewhere out there is a winning season and someday soon the Saints are gonna find it but under Manning the Saints never did find a winning season during his ten years in New Orleans Manning won more than five games just twice artsy's problem was we'll never find out how good he was because he was always throwing from the back of his pants his two sons wouldn't be alive today if they played on the team music he's still alive that's amazing yeah I mean it's still up to the quarterback no matter how bad your team is our chief Manning in his years and then with the New Orleans Saints had a winning percentage of 26.3 I mean you look at that list and there's a lot of good quarterbacks in 70 so you know I put in the time coming up you got out of them which two quarterbacks combined for a postseason record of over five in the 70s but land next or not bliss that's incredible spoiler this guy is not one of them by the mid-70s mobile quarterbacks were hip and when it was time to book New England Steve Grogan wasn't afraid to stick his neck out I believe you have the longest neck of any quarterback who played against neck and neck with Grogan was the nimble-footed Jim Zorn who led the expansion Seahawk to their first winning season in 78 and 79 it was the early stages of the franchise and he was the perfect quarterback for that team he's still an iconic figure in the franchise history and at what a quarterback who followed an icon in Baltimore made it to number nine he was this good a talent I as I've never been around he could throw it through a car wash in night get the ball John Riggins called him the toughest competitor he'd ever seen might have been the best pure passer one of the great forgotten players not a far history Herr Jones follows Johnny Unitas he's the guy who follows the guy after two tough seasons Jones won over fans in 1975 when he led the Colts to the league's first worst to first turn around from a year ago these interventions the championship the great thing about Bert Jones was I watched him as a kid and then to hear Bill Belichick 35 years later talk about in my career I can't think of another quarterback that I would say had a better arm than bird nobody up Bert Jones he could throw it to a damn wall if he had to Burke had a laser he had a great touch on the ball or Jones / Jones Bert Jones he was tough he was fearless he wasn't afraid to run the ball take a hit he was almost famous for before he would get hit to jump up in the air and they would hit him and spin him around he'd come down on his head and all that because that was the first team but he had been a coach with one of the coaches come over tomorrow and say what are we gonna run he saw out and I was super called that's the kind of confidence that Ted had and Bert and I would say that's the kind of confidence the entire team had and Bert he was special looking sad I was a basic natural suit without heavy perfumes and deodorants our number nine quarterback was clean but he wasn't just a pretty face first get all the ability and the talent that anybody that that's playing the game right now possesses he knows how to run an offense yell I respect fun we did the research study to figure out the best quarterback seasons and NFL history and the number one season was for Jones in 1976 Player of the Year but Jones threw for 24 touchdowns and was the league's only 3,000 yard passer for three years there he was maybe the best quarterback in football three playoff losses and a shoulder injury not even Hawkeye Pierce could fix kept Jones from a higher spot on our list he had the misfortune of being the same era as a great Pittsburgh Steelers team a great Oakland Raiders team and then the injuries I don't know what happened we didn't have that motorized x-rays wouldn't show it in those days you almost had to have exploratory surgery whatever happened to his shoulder probably a torn rotator cuff they never operated on it they kept thinking it was going to heal he kept coming back playing great getting Rangers kept coming back anyway injured basically his career was ruined to meet Bert Joneses in the Hall of Fame she doesn't get hurt had he not been banged up and certainly would be somebody we'd be talking much higher in our list at number eight jenny was the guy didn't make mistakes that guy was very very accurate and efficient he was marvelous he was wonderful he was one of us he was not separated from us like a lot of quarterbacks that guy was a baller bad a son who was right-handed and I want him to watch somebody just perform what's his footwork and watch his arm with you one copy somebody throw in the football Kenny Anderson would be as good as any quarterback Kenny Anderson the field leader of bagels this young man out of little Augustana College can do it all Anderson was hot like WKRP Johnny fever on a Monday night at 75 throwing for a career-high 447 yards but this four-time Pro Bowler was known more for accuracy and distance Ken Anderson's numbers blow away most of his contemporaries he was completing 62% of his passes at a time when the NSL average was 52% when we did the research study on the best quarterback seasons of all time Ken Anderson had two of the top 10 of seasons 1974 and 1975 in 74 he led the league in both completion rate and yards per attempt get a +10 win-loss record for the Bengals I mean when you win 91 games for the Bengals you belong on some list plus great mustache very 70s he was running a Bill Walsh offense before anyone knew who go watch was he was in a lot of ways I think a prototype for what Bill Walsh won or that's a position bill and I spent a lot of time working together anytime you take a kid out of Augustana College it's gonna take a while for him to come into the National Football League and we spend a lot of times on basics and looking at film he was one of these guys that if you could ever get a bead on him you could get into him but it was the one to drop boom and he just dinked us all the time we can never get to this guy thanks to you it works for all of us the United Way Kenny wasn't one of those quarterbacks it's you and he just wanted to go kill he was a good guy that they're respected though Anderson was righteous his bangles were going to in the playoffs during the 70's we weren't good enough around him I'm willing to admit Todd you had to go to her Pittsburgh and there was no way you were getting through Pittsburgh at the time but still some think his spot at number eight on our countdown is totally bogus Ken Anderson at number 8 for the all-time quarterback for the 70s is just an absolute travesty Ken Anderson needs to be higher on this list you know he's done a hall favor but I think he was one of the real good quarterbacks ourselves that's too low for Kenny Anderson I think he should be in the Hall family there's big Cooper sport they should get in there coming up we keep it weird and get even more Dazed and Confused when our countdown continues we couldn't hit on that in the ass with a football from 40 yards out with only ten spots on our list of top quarterbacks of the seventies we had burst a few bubbles look at the list and I don't see damn folks damn it so have a little problem yes Dan Fouts is a Hall of Famer who quarterback seven years and 70s including a four thousand yard all-pro season in 1979 79 they have the best offense in leg long passed in history but most of his career was played in the 80s including five of his six Pro Bowls if we could have extended the miss Faust likely would have been out number 11 like it or not this is only the top ten let's keep on truckin of the 70 daily Kilner for anyone now to look at Billy Kilmer and be told that that was one of the great quarterbacks of a decade they're gonna have a hard time with it they see Cam Newton they see Billy killer put those two guys side to side let's see what you got there run Billy Kilmer for the combine and see him pass like that you'd say okay this guy's not even gonna work he'll be alignment or something but once the game started none of that stuff seemed to matter Kilmer began the 70s with a funky midseason in New Orleans but his fortunes changed in 1971 when George Allen was named coach in Washington and he started Bogart and quarterbacks when George Allen took over the Redskins get circus but George believed in Billy Kilmer he thought this guy was a winner and he wanted to get a second quarterback I would imagine that they might trade him then it proved to be a brilliant boo because jergensen got hurt Kimmel becomes the starting quarterback and wins the NFC championship in 1972 turned out to be one of the great acquisitions in history George brought Billy in for the very reason that he was so tough if you starting a list with the players of that era that had the biggest part and they could start with Billy Kilmer they always see him he'd be getting punched on the nose I told him I said you gotta stop this bleeding and he went oh there he was better than any cut man and in pro boxing Billy really should have been playing for a blue-collar town instead of Washington need to fit better with Clinton or Pittsburgh or Buffalo because that's kind of plain was the Bears defense dominated the game and left Washington's offense as shredded as a Nixon memo the reason why I believe Billy should be on this list is because of his toughness it certainly wasn't because of the beauty of his past I can tell you he threw about the most ugly ball you ever saw if you sell the ball he may not be in the top 25 I don't think there are too many spirals that Billy Kilmer through receivers like Charlie Taylor and Jerry Smith now when all out to pull in Bill Kilmer's wobbly ball every time as a fan watching him like why can't he throw the ball like other quarterbacks and it was like hey that's just how he rolls man just go with it that's why I tried to get to the chest bug Lee passes and maybe uglier wins but he did win I would find room on this list for Dan Fouts and it might be Billy Kilmer who might suffer my like Turk and you're out of here you're out of here don't influx half his career was played in the seventies he's in the Hall of Fame he's not on the top 10 list Billy Kilmer I don't think really is a threat to be a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame at this point I'm totally gonna defend Billy Kilmer on this list because he looks like he would be playing football in the backyard on the Brady Bunch I don't think you could leave him off that list in seventies if we're talking about the big arm and all the measurables then no he doesn't belong on this list if we're talking about one in football games just look at the results he belongs you know as a starting quarterback with the Redskins he never had a losing season with them and he took him to the playoffs on multiple occasions this ball goes to Billy Kidd because he cool situations it's a matter of like what about Jim Hart Jim Hart was the guy who had decent receivers he always connected on his passes never won games during his 18 years in st. Louis Jim Hart lost more games than a 1 but in 1974 75 and 76 the cardiac cards were among the NFL's most exciting and successful teams they only played 14 games then but they went 31 and 11 and three regular seasons behind Jim Hart but hard and the Cardinals looked like Scooby's at the disco in playoffs going only to it was such a bummer because he was a great quarterback Jim Hart was on the Cowboys he kept a little run some playoff games maybe a Super Bowl a lot of us being in the right place at the right time and one dynamite place to be for a quarterback is under the tutelage of the mad genius Don Air Koryo we drank the wine with the crap when Cory L wasn't talking to a phone on a tree he was dialing up the most advanced passing offense of the decade and Don will always be yelling throwing I mean it'd be third down and inches or 4th down and inches and he said sawing going and say ok Don ok Coryell's bombs away style attack help pile up the numbers only one quarterback on our list pass from war total yards and yards per game then Hart did during the 70s that Koryo offense everyone associated with San Diego but it really started in st. Louis and of course the biggest thing is the triggerman that would by playing quarterback I think that's a pretty good spot for him you know some would argue it should be a little lower but I think that's a very very good spot for him I have a real issue with Jim Hart being on this list he played for 18 years you don't have any of those seasons he had more touchdowns interceptions three he's number six on the list you guys are out of your mind I'd probably move them up no no Jim Jim will be a little lower than the in my opinion Hart was a guy I think people always underrated for a couple years Jim Hart was as good as anybody in the game hey man give me five well we're about to and trust me this cat is far out man the great quarterback on money quarterback this guy please so you think our list sounds pretty good well don't touch that dial even though you probably don't have one we're only halfway through here's a look at our list so far not dead Archy many rise alone he should have hired an Indian Kemosabe because he was the lone ranger very athletic great personality he just ran that system to perfection everyone associated to San Diego but it really started in st. Louis Ken Stabler the snake man that was the guy come on five Kenny's fire this guy pls check his comebacks he could hit a gnat in the ass with a football from 40 yards out all-pro a few years the most underrated quarterback in a decade Super Bowl winner no one looked like him no one played like him no one talked like them really knowing one like I'm in the 70s as well should be at least in the top three snake Stabler the snake the snake the snake since in a lot of people in the NFL had nicknames nurse happens to be the snake how'd you get it an old hospital nickname returning a punt back and forth across the field somebody said he runs like a snake and stuck around the 70s was kind of a renegade era nobody embodied that period like Kenny Stabler did the long hair devil-may-care we were just a bunch of fun-loving guys that push curfew a little bit don't let what you do the night before affect the way that you play the following day and I don't think we ever did but we did have fun and read the game plan by the light of the jukebox sometimes as a young Catholic tape growing up you could look at Ken Stabler and think you know there is another way to live this life and it might be more fun on the way I'm being taught he was very unstable if you ask me I'm not kind of a percentage passer I thought I think that the twenty straws if he was a perfect guy for that Tizen Tizen Tizen then go long he was deadly accurate with intermedium passes of Fred Biletnikoff although Dave Casper but then cliff branch and he just had a symbiotic relationship born on Christmas Day Ken Stabler had a hand in the Holy Roller and a few other of the decades most miraculous moments and when you through the sea of hands against the Dolphins it was his defining moment it supported well I have to talk about goes to the post my memory of him will always be the double overtime game Christmas Eve when they beat us he was one of those players that did the capture the moment erase what he had was a great insight a great ability to make the big play when he needed to always a showman our number 5 quarterback led the Raiders to five Conference championship games and a winner every time we playing we always give the people a bucks worth there whatever the tickets cost I have all these ideas you know what's delicious well give it up oh man he goes there you go there so I'm facing the field and Stabler his face of me and said you know what ya know what what ya got woke up and he could boy says these fans are getting their money's worth today aren't they I just think he had it all but a joke that's of a burglar I drank the snake number one it's a crime a case that was not all thing a joke get this thing right guys you know agree see what Bob had certainly had physical skills and was gifted as a quarterback what he was just like a surgeon out there what he was the master chess player he was the guy that was moving all of the parts around for these in the Hall Fame so obviously people felt he was a pretty good quarterback but they didn't call on him to do a lot all he did was here's on here Burt here kick and it wants to well Paul Mandich every pass hurt you when you're playing against I don't know that was ever a smarter quarterback at least or in this era I have scars on my soul from him ball control and that's what this was a ball control team when he had Jim kick mercury Morrison Larry Csonka their a running team he would have games 10 for 12 for 295 yards and one would be a 75 yard pass to Warfield understood Don Shula's system probably better than Don shewing himself he was an unselfish person long as the team won he was happy the quarterback should be happy with the team performance and not with individual performances though not known for primo stats Bob Griese Lightning's pastor reading for the decade is the highest of anyone around list can you be but despite six Pro Vols and nine winning seasons in the 70s critics aren't down with his melon numbers what are these first seven passes into one Super Bowl I know he won but he's tennis he's got to do more of it see Gracie wasn't a great pastor his gift was he was a great quarterback he knew how to manage the game set up a defense and run the place he wanted to run when he wanted to run I think he's too high on that list like he shouldn't be ahead of Kenny Anderson I my foot Stabler head up I might not look at probably been on a team that didn't have a running game and it was forced to throw the ball who knows maybe it meant a little bit higher up Bob Griese kept a little secrets in the early part of his career he was actually legally blind in one eye he always struck me as more of a guy in the control room at Cape Canaveral that he was a quarterback it was coming off mediocre season when he finally started wearing the classes obviously everybody knows you think wearing glasses this last year what kind of responsible gun I got a lot of letters from a lot of parents saying for once I can get my kids to wear their glasses well Bob if a professional quarterback can wear glasses in front of millions of people in a Sunday afternoon or a Monday night so can a network sportscaster this is Phyllis George for CBS Sports with Bob Griese in Miami Florida up next okay guys the most controversial ranking on our list well that's a tough one you're gonna throw people for a loop in that doubt come the 70s was an interesting decade for hair do's and dont's the big afros yeah everybody had that for doing that's that I had a perm in the 70s would you believe that we had a froze on one side you had long here on the other side right look the longer the better bunch of knock the snot out of somebody you know I don't care if you look like your group me from the Grateful Dead I try to forget it really long time oiler Dan Pastorini had the locks and lifestyle to make our list I was a young teenager at the time I remember looking at Dan Pastorini and taking let's see plays in the NFL he plays quarterback and his wife is a Playboy Michael yeah that's the trifecta that's about as good as they can get Houston fans might think he should be number one on our list number one today and though Pastorini hipper than the Mod Squad he only made one Pro Bowl and he never threw more touchdowns than interceptions in the season unless it's hair I don't think pastor really gets on this list no three more Terry Bradshaw twins for super balls they can't even get first tear you don't get any respect pushing can't spell respect I don't know what more you can do then practice on did he was in for Super Bowls you want four Super Bowls although there was a time early in his career where the defense did have to score for us before Bradshaw was the big right here in Pittsburgh he was a buzz kill for the Steelers unfortunately earlier this career when they didn't win he got the bad rap even his own head coach sometimes was not on his side you know when no one's on your side and they're howling scream at you and you keep playing you got some inside you he was not a Pittsburgh kid he was a kid from Louisiana I think he'd lid it up off the field no he always seemed a little socially awkward when he got on the field was he a killer were they afraid of him I mean damn right they were from 1972 to 79 Bradshaw won over 75% of his regular season games and went 14 and for the playoffs he had a rocket for an arm yeah the guy had a freaking gun it's one of the five best guns that ever played the game you better have your cup on Mac because it was coming in at Noli Ryan Smith to this day I don't know how you throw a football with your finger on the point he did it and he did it masterfully and the ball releases then that's the last finger that leaves a football anyway and I always felt like it's like this finger like a well I say you won the old-fashioned way they can beat him with a pipe and it still go back out there my ear a kind of football drop back and you had to wait till I got over and down the field and take your lumps he should be number one probably he's not welcome you need to redo this whole show how he's number three in terms of quarter back to the 70s I have no idea the guy's got more rings than a married pimp and you know something that's what matters at the end of the day but I guess we're not weighing the biggest game of everybody's life then this is perfectly fine no Bradshaw won four of them I never lost when you win four in six years nobody's better than you that's how you make spaghetti with sauce or in six years lop it on I got no time for this three when you say that Terry won four Super Bowls now his team won four Super Bowls because he played with two Hall of Fame wide receivers a Hall of Fame tailback Hall of Fame center a Hall of Fame coach and oh yeah for more Hall of Famers on the greatest defense of all time look for Super Bowl wins our four Super Bowls and that has to matter however when you talk about Steelers 70s dominance where does that conversation start it starts with defense it doesn't start with Terry Bradshaw it just doesn't I've got him radar good I think he's ever he should be I think you should be number two I would put him lower on this list he simply didn't have the numbers to be considered one of the top quarterbacks Bradshaw had the lowest completion percentage and threw more interceptions in the 70s than any quarterback on our list and only Archie Manning at a lower passer rating during the decade but I'm comfortable with the idea that when a guy wins four Super Bowls we put them high on a list of top quarterbacks I understand how that works can't stand the suspense well stay tuned our number-2 quarterback of the 70s is next I'm surprised you were smart enough to rate him that high a few players fell short of our list because their best days were behind them in the 60s the Rams roaming Gabriel went to three Pro Bowls but in the 70s with Los Angeles and later Philadelphia they lost more games that he warned we were guaranteed controversy with another omission come on Namath is not on this list after winning the Super Bowl in 1969 Broadway Joe's star began to lose its luster by the time we get to the 70s he's got no knees he's playing for the Rams maybe his best moment is on the Brady Bunch set with five Pro Bowls in the 60s and four more in the 70s our number two pick who is as groovy as Greg Brady's own room I'd say the first thing that comes to my mind in the 70s would be I don't know you have to put him in a category all of his own let me thank his mobility changed the defenses I'm just so flustered first of his kind in terms of quarterback who could beat you with his feet as well as his arm I mean come on Fran Tarkenton baby I don't have enough hands to cry when you say 19 more hands sometimes you just wanted to say throw the damn ball while his freewheeling style had others tripping bran Tarkenton made it to number 2 on our list by having the most passing yards and touchdown and the highest completion percentage in the decade she was like the little kid in the backyard you know who just came up with plays and say you go here you go there and don't worry about it I'll make time so you can get open absolutely drove defensive players crazy talking was a pain in the ass he can't lead to run anyway and then you're not up in the stands as we have to on a hot day in the Coliseum tasted brand targeting and not what you wanted to do Paulus hated Tigers I really do I mean that little wimp could run around out there for hours and hours and hours I was always distressed when I saw quarterbacks from their protection broke down just to give up and pull themselves in the pocket and accept the seven or eight yard loss to go to the next play and I just made him a mound I got to go football that I was not going to give up on the play ever the pace of Frances talking ttyn the best quarterback in football today one of the best of all time though our number two quarterback one six division titles in the 70s going over three in the Super Bowl was a real bummer and he was a great quarterback but again when it came down to the ultimate test he didn't win it sometimes you think you'll never get to the Super Bowl knowing to get there we'll be back you never will women every team he lost to his bed the 73 dolphins 74 Steelers 76 Raiders they were all better not even debatable no question about it a tremendous quarterback that I would never be penalize him for not winning a championship Super Bowls Fran Tarkenton laws I think he should be happy to be the second best quarterback have a guy with four rings versus a guy with no rings you can't have targeting ahead of Bradshaw but I'm surprised you were smart enough to read him that huh because most people don't get there remember when he retired from the game he held Hall for major passing records and attempts completions yards and touchdowns should he be ahead of Terry Bradshaw I can't put him ahead of Stabler I just can't know well I don't know who could be one if he's two because he was the best coming up the number one quarter act of the sentence we'll cut to the chase soon enough but before we reveal our number one quarterback of the 70s let's recap the list so far should have hired an Indian Kemosabe because he was the Lone Ranger he wasn't off he was fearless he wasn't afraid or Jones / Jones / Jones if you want copy somebody throw in the football Amy Anderson would be as good easy ugly passes and maybe uglier winds but he did Jim Hart profited greatly from having played undergone choreo nobody had bodied that period like any state very good he only struck me is more of a guy in the control room a Cape Canaveral than he was a quarterback the guy's got more rings than a merry pimp that's what matters at the end of the day I'm surprised I'm you were smart enough to read him that high seventy Roger saw Roger Staubach clearly is one of the five greatest quarterbacks of all time and certainly the greatest quarterback of the 1970s you cannot go against Captain America sorry but the Captain America of America's team the goody two-shoes it's just one of the vomit here's a good Christian guy he was a clean guy the only thing he did that was mean was beat you if you on the other side I mean there's nobody that travels in that kind of cloud except for Jesus all right we're three so whether you dig it or not no quarterback on our list had a higher winning percentage than Roger Staubach did in the 70s he also won two Super Bowls before retiring with the highest passer rating in history to that point Roger goes deep across the middle he was Staubach a great quarterback but he was also Staubach the leader he came two days had come out we're going to get in a Thunderbird put the top down and drive off the bridge you'd probably go he was the best two minute quarters a kin history of the National Football League he was going to find a way to get it done damp credits minute and 16 seconds on the clock obviously no no don't so credit Bob a new house of the middle school it's a little putz a little bit right Roger I really pull it out back in the 70s you were either with the freaks or you were with the strange well he was decidedly with the straights he had this choirboy image although he wasn't a choirboy you know I enjoy sex as much as Joe Namath Staubach was the antithesis of the 70s star back indeed live to meet decade attitudes and air cut but he provided plenty of razzle dazzle with his legs and was surrounded by enough america's team flash to gain style points on our list even when the huddle making love to a lady man incoming rule you lit on top of kiss off for you you get up and do something else you come back to a letter marinate both of it you off there really wasn't anybody in the 70s that would deserve to be number one more than Roger star you're serious right you're gonna give it to stop ah the lovers making that list as a resentful talisman I gotta go Bradshaw one because Bradshaw own Staubach head-to-head with Bradshaw Bradshaw won two Super Bowls and Starbuck law specifically I don't know how I would argue with that but even when he lost he fought down to the final second and it was defeat without her he just needed a couple more minutes and I think he would have beaten the Steelers in both of those Super Bass when Roger goes to bat woman takes his rings off you hear punk punk when Terry goes to bed you hear plunk plunk plunk and the discussion the way that he handled himself and defining himself as a quarterback I would place where I just store back as number one in the center stall back had fewer rings but he topped Bradshaw in every major passing category during the decade you look at some of the seasons of Roger Staubach had well he only threw a handful of interceptions in a season incredible accomplishment at a time when the other Hall of Famers have 15 20 25 interception seasons on their resume he's got the stats and he has the leadership and he has deep wins and he has Super Bowls so he's got every part of the argument you could fly over the Cuckoo's Nest picking apart I'll count down who is doing it list evidently they were not born during the 7th I look back at these fish I'm really is it okay for Cuba's button it woo Billy Homer I mean let's face it the quarterbacks the 70s I mean you have to pad this resume a little alright it's a classic football quarterback debate but this much is certain no position stirs up more controversy than quarterbacks and no decade unveiled a more colorful prop than the 1970s
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 143,728
Rating: 4.6691957 out of 5
Id: S7t3Iyd5cYQ
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Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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