Top 10 Gutsy Calls

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[Music] the best coaches in the NFL don't coach scared I don't know if Lombardi does that I don't know if Harris does that that is one of the gutsiest calls of all-time [Music] it doesn't take guts to do something stupid watch this fella jump out of the stands he appears to be at least 10 feet off the ground this is the don't try this it may take guts but it also takes an absence of brains there's a fine line between gutsy and stupid and sometimes the boldest moves don't work out put the ball in Brady's hands and try to end a ball by go fellas there you've got a bad team you've got one good player there's a gutsy decisions are ones that are the right one to make even though you know you'll be criticized for having made them I know where Dallas fans ranked up on the all-time list of dumbest calls I'm never gonna say somebody else is stupid because Mike Ditka is not a stupid man it's decision time and we've got our list of the bravest boldest gutsiest calls of all time these types of clays are called from the heart that was my call you ripped me they're called from the gut in the great movie spinal tap one of the characters Nigel tuff says is that fine line between stupid and clever Belichick was treading that fine line [Applause] fourth and two from your own 28 you have a lead on the road but 28 to play Nicole doesn't have to work to be gutsy and our number 10 call was an example of when fortune did not favor everyone stood there with their mouths open with a short field Peyton Manning quickly marched the Colts toward a game-winning touchdown I'd love to see what the other nine gutsy calls are on this list for this to be number 10 if you've won Super Bowls if you've coached at that level you get a pass man I love the call you know coach being aggressive and I love that about him and he gave us a chance to make the play bill doesn't wear those rings because he's a timid individual he's very willing to do things that are unorthodox field goal attempt for Adam going to Terry it's a fake patriots doesn't think twice about it that's the way to win with New England you kind of expect the unexpected are you kidding if Marty morning wig goes boys were going for it for the two let's go he is crucified he didn't want to put the ball in the hands of Peyton Manning which tells his defense a lot doesn't it I think it was the stupidest move in the history of football it was a real gutsy call gutsy call and smart call I did not think that at the time Manny could not be stopped at that point he figured out the patriot defense there was nothing to suggest that the Patriots were about to rise up defensively our percent of kids winning this game is better than punting the ball away to Peyton Manning if we don't make it hopefully we can keep him out of the end zone if we can't get him out of the end so hopefully we'll have enough time to come back still win the game very good advanced statistical analysis says that to go for it on fourth and to in that situation what's the right play I was extremely unhappy it didn't succeed by failing it sort of validated every conservative impulse other coaches head-mounted of a gutsy called it's an idiotic call and now teens are never gonna do that I think if Billy check is a situation again he won't do it really the difference for the half you are there everybody what's a while what a gutsy move by the genius Bill Belichick is a game a chess guys it's you know he'd come up you're through this show or else do you kneel on it for three pegs in the game's over so you tell me that half yard makes a difference between a brilliant call and an incredibly stupid fall I don't mind you know if we gained seven more inches and you know it's a great call stay tuned to find out which trade was the gutsiest of all time [Music] the youths in Texas select Mario Williams many gutsy balls come on draft day like when the Texans took Mario Williams over fan favorites Reggie Bush and Vince Young public sentiment first had been from Vince Young he was the hometown hero once they realized we weren't going to take Vince Young it was all for Reggie Bush it was gutsy from the point of view of you if you were gonna worry about criticism yeah we didn't worry about criticism in 1999 Mike Ditka traded the Saints entire draft and then some to get ready Williams the New Orleans Saints select Ricky Williams it was gutsy that's one way to describe it the state's went 3 and 13 and Ditka lost his job the fact that you mortgaged the Saints future and ramifications for years to come and even bigger trade landed on our list [Music] I thought this would be all about on the field this is what of a front office gutsy call when Jerry Jones and Jimmie Johnson joined forces in 1989 they inherited a terrible team with one shining star Herschel Walker 1988 rushed for 1500 yards caught 50 passes that's the only thing Jimmie Johnson had going for him five weeks into Johnson's first season Dallas traded running back Herschel Walker to the Minnesota Vikings the conventional wisdom is that you tried to build around your best fire well guess what Jimmie Johnson and Arizona thought differently Jimmie Johnson look look we're gonna be bad we muscled trade one player for as much as we can get you got to give Jimmy Johnson credit for the fourth site to do that was it gutsy I don't know maybe it's just taking advantage of the moronic one owner said it's a great train robbery and what has become known as the trade the Cowboys acquired eight draft dicks and five players and the Vikings got what they thought was the final piece of a Super Bowl team three number ones three number twos and if we're running back at that time know had some mileage on the Vikings sacrificed everything for one guy it was like a garage sale here take all our stuff if you Cheney Johnson why wouldn't demo that was gut secret on the Vikings perspective those a crazy thing for them to be them to mortgage their future for one guy and I know the fans back in Minnesota just put their head in their hands on that one when Mike Ditka did this for Ricky Williams and when Vikings do this for Herschel Walker it's a huge gamble you say it was gutsy you have a category nutsy because I think that's what that was I don't have a problem with that deal at all you want to win sometimes you want to win right now touchdown and you look at the greatness of Herschel Walker and the type of back he was why not take a chance at first the Walker come to the Vikings and rushes for stepping hare yards then it's a great move as it turns out a basically built the cobble in Spanish team any people can Texas will tell you that was a great move but I don't think anybody in Minnesota will tell you that required a lot of guts like efan somewhat disappointed he has a head full of an impact on the offense in three seasons with the Vikings Walker played in just one playoff game a blowout loss to the 49ers in which he rushed for only 29 yards Herschel Walker and the Cowboys got Super Bowl rings so dumb I love Bill Cowher because he spits on people when he talks screaming and getting in your face that would fly and you'd see guys like blinking when they were talking to him power has this image of just hard nosed Ram it down there's drugs but you had Kordell Stewart doing the slash stuff with coward for nobody for their job Hines Ward and Anton Randall L connecting on that gadget play in the Super Bowl how the tricks out there [Music] and maybe that's the trickiest thing of all is the fact that he puts up this whole tough-guy hard-nosed persona he's just like Mike Martz when it comes down to his call of all-time teen in the second half of Super Bowl fully with Bill Cowher Steelers trailing the Cowboys we needed something we needed we needed a spark let's go the old day made the school of 2010 with 11 minutes left in the game I don't think people in that stadium that day felt that he's going to have the wherewithal the guts to make that call it was your call and no one expected and that's the beauty of those calls [Music] [Applause] [Music] there wasn't that's a golf big at that ball no short field it much down score at games over if that wouldn't work we had heard it for a long time I give chinny-chin-chin Bill Cowher a lot of credit with that call the one he congratulated himself for about a thousand times on the sidelines Johnson began it was minutes bill it worked it really didn't get this gimmick back in the game so yeah it was gutsy Bowers Paul even a loss which is why it wasn't higher on our list [Applause] up next a safe call that took a lot of guts to make I was watching the game at home with my dog he was livid in week 17 of 2007 Giants head coach Tom Coughlin played his starters against the undefeated Patriots with new year's playoff position already locked in I do nothing but talk to our guys about winning hiya heck am I gonna go into my team and start coaching well if this happens and that happens and but if this doesn't happen that doesn't work for me here on the sideline thinking this is the best team in the league 35-40 has a scene - you've beaten it with this close just went 3-4 weeks later they find each other in the Super Bowl and all those Giants players know we've been in the trenches with these guys you're a giant fan you're believing turned out to be a brilliant move gutsy and brilliant while playing your starters can be risky not playing them can be an even bigger gamble with the Patriots Colts and Belichick making that call on 4th and 2 for delicate believers I thought that was gonna be the most controversial call of the season then pulling Peyton Manning midway through the third quarter of what would have been a perfect regular season is Bill Polian made the decision along with Jim Caldwell we got to go for the Super Bowl not the perfect season Peyton Manning will take the snap to see his facial expressions you can see the look on Manning's face he obviously did not agree with that decision I'd be careful analyzing my facial expressions our seven gutsiest call of all times kept the jet season alive and dropped the Colts to 14 and won [Music] Cheers turn the booze this crowd is unhappy remember the old Frankenstein movies where the villagers are running through the forest they got the fire in the pitchforks that was cult Nation the Monday after that game they were going after Bill Paul and they were going after Jim Caldwell they were looking for Frankenstein it's a gutsy call to rest your starters Bill Polian knows the fan base is going to be irate and he knows he might even upset some players but the reason the Colts hard at full is because they have a model and they follow it to a tee now you might not agree with the model that's not gutsy it really robbed the fans it probably was wrong most people disagree but the point is they followed the plan you still have to look at your objectives it's not about going 16a no it's about winning a Super Bowl or if the seasons never been one of our goals what makes this even gutsier this model of resting starters had failed for the Colts the previous three times 2005 2007 what was a great season has turned into mush and those guys are one and done in the playoffs the only year they didn't rest starters was 2006 they won the Super Bowl if Peyton Manning went down week 15 or 16 we'd be killing them at Sports Radio in Indianapolis he'd be killing them how many chances do you have to get greatness as a player you can't help but want that undefeated season and that's what players dream up to be perfect exist lost the first game in how many games when you take that away from these guys it makes film study a little bit less urgent practice a little bit less important it changes the component of what they were doing I think you give them a chance to do something that no one has ever done read write idiot no one has ever forgotten about that [Music] the right idea remembered very well I think the score time was 14 to 12 the bronze were driving into the wind kicked a field goal and go home right the only thing Sam Rutigliano has got to do is kick the field goal no in Rutigliano incite decided to go for the touchdown Cleveland may be a conservative city but it's coach is a gambler [Music] then we needed a field goal the win it I frankly is really startled if they would go for all like that here's a guy that threw 30 touchdown passes he's the MVP and the National Football League Brian sign came off the field and the first band agreeing for Sam Rutigliano placing Brian I love you and that's all I said the Raiders met the Browns in Cleveland last Sunday with a temperature Annie knocking one degree above zero our six gutsiest wall of all-time came as a result of bad weather and a struggling kicker in missed field goals we missed an extra point we had to have another option and our players particularly offensively felt we needed to attack them I don't blame the play call I mean that's you know your executive chants Cockroft they're afraid it's gonna miss the real goal a lot of people question the decision and one guy threw a brick through his television set people still talk about that all the time home Sam Rutigliano is immediate maybe it was crazy doesn't seem crazy now her throwing the ball that dive through the conditions were awful but if he succeeds not only do the Browns win that game but I think if you're Brian Sipe you'd be like our coach really believes in us so that was play the gutsiest call that I can remember by an opportunity to do it all over again I would do it there karma started right from that moment bad things stay with the Browns to this day coming up our top five gutsiest calls of all time and the Super Bowl champions who made them tonight on NFL Total Access aubert [Music] before we show off any more guts here's a recap of the list so far I think was the stupidest move in the history of football you say it was gutsy together category nutsy I give chinny-chin-chin Bill Cowher and a lot of credit that call perfect seasons never been to one of our goals [Music] the only thing Sam Rutigliano has got to do is kick the field goal no in the 1990 NFC Championship the underdog Giants faced the two-time defending Super Bowl champion 49ers it was sifted they already penciled in to repeat they were going to beat the Giants and they were going to win the Super Ball period and was going to be their third in a row in one of the hardest hitting playoff games of all time the decisive blow was our number five Dempsey call clock is running under eight the half minutes to go tried to block that game Oh stay on my head they loves painful game in minor history the most [Music] gutsy call one of the gutsiest calls of all time and really kind of I thought that epitomize Bill Parcells during that era big balls big stones to make that call what I remember is we had it called the punt before reasons have made the call and called it off the last second the next time we come out the 49ers only had 10 men on the field and the one guy that's not there just happens to be in the one place where when we call the fake reasons is gonna run how does that happen Gary's eyes got big he called the play right away and he goes down and he makes a play that we don't win that game or go to the Super Bowl without and they had a hole that Bill Parcells gonna run through [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Gary reasons one set up a field goal that brought in New York to with an appealing for San Francisco 13 to 12 with 547 to go on the 49ers next possession Roger Craig fumble and the Giants drove down for the winning field [Applause] if Bill Parcells doesn't fall the fake punt and if they don't get the succeeding field goal then by the time they get the ball back for the last field goal it once again maybe there is no time but Gus he called by Bill Parcells on fourth down was a game for the Giants he had me whatever to call this fake punt and before you knew it they were on their way the Super Bowl [Applause] you gotta have stones to get somewhere in life and he did it he did it I hate to say it but all hail Bill Parcells here we go guys the only thing that's here than a fake punt that gets you to the Super Bowl is a fake punt in the Super Bowl no one ever took a bigger risk that I took in the Super Ball in 86 school was ten to nine we were looser than the first day of the third quarter we had the ball in our own side of the territory on 4th one and we ran a fake punt for first down you know that's as big as they get hit the drive alive the fact that he had the confidence to do that in a Super Bowl is amazing Bill Parcells on the sidelines goes to the bag of tricks that is gutsy when you think about the situation they were down 10 9 a Super Bowl that a lot of people thought that they were supposed to win so many expectations from the entire city of New York on the back of him and his team and he comes up with his gadget and it works it's why he's a Hall of Fame coach we'd run the same fake against the same team earlier in the year and it has worked ran out they recognized it right away knew where it was going so Rutledge who came in two different times looks to the side the bill and I see bill over there like this Rutledge looks back again as it does say bill they all know what's going on and Bill had that look on his face like yeah I know go ahead run it quintessential for ourselves you know where it's going I'll tell you where it's going there's nothing you can do to stop it we get it go down school run off 20 30 points and never look back the Giants scored 30 second half points following on number four gutsy call turned into a blowout it basically ignited the team in the second half and gave them their first Super Bowl championship I think Bill Parcells as much as people remember run the ball play defense they forget he wasn't a cow it was fourth and one at midfield there are a lot of coaches who would have said let's planet I've got a tremendous defense so many coaches cope scared they coach to play the percentages that wasn't Bill Parcells look here might thinks he's a Smash Mouth guy how they got is the biggest misconception by far of this coaching sign he always used to preach to me be daring I think history tells us there's not many coaches that have been more daring than Bill Parcells coming up a gutsy personnel decision perplexes our pundits that can't be on that category maybe change a category to like the stupidest things coaches and jams are done that's not worthy of being the top ten of any list somebody has got some splainin to do [Music] gutsy calls don't always come on the field sometimes they're made by the front office then why did the Eagles trade you it's a great question but you can get ask them that no instant any basically saying that I'm not afraid of you you know I mean with all due respect he knows doubt of his strengths and his weaknesses with you don't trading in a division to kind of send the message that you're afraid of so he didn't want to send the same message that Green Bay sent to Brett Favre when they didn't want to trade him the Minnesota she is unloading star veteran quarterbacks it's nothing new but only once in NFL history did the defending Super Bowl champion not bring back a starter this is the ultimate gutsy call I don't think gutsy is the right word to get rid of Trent Dilfer I think you can come up with some other words misguided ill-founded one of the most dubious decisions of all time I don't wanna say any really bad words maybe change a category to like the stupidest things coaches and GM's have done no quarterback had ever lost his job after winning a Super Bowl during the 2000 season a stretch of course three games without a touchdown led Brian Billick to bench Ravens store there penny banks [Applause] when Dilfer took over and baltimore went seven and one in route to Super Bowl 35 he was there to manage the game not make mistakes they had the best defense in the NFL and they just had to score enough points and he did that if we can get to about 10 to 13 points we can win football games the defense did carry him but he may place when he had to and he was a tremendous leader Trent was not a out here over here guy he was one of the guys they love this guy he was a football player he was beloved in that locker room without him we don't win the Super Bowl he did what he needed to do in that football game the touchdown pass to Randy stone was a great truck I was on the sidelines that day shooting sound we had Brian Billick wired and what I was hearing that day from Billick Swire Trent Dilfer was driving Brian Billick crazy [Applause] [Applause] I remember he missed a bunch of wide open receivers as well just a little bit overthrown in the Super Bowl he throws a pick there's return for a touchdown watch the back to watch the bathroom take the straight drop back onto pressure Electric Brad Billick is going nuts on the screen he might have just the Dunsford game but they called us for a penalty and brought it back that's defensive holding yeah what second half Tran spent most of his time on the sidelines watching the best defensive football win the Super Bowl for him you add it all up you can understand why Brian Billick thought maybe I've got to make a change at quarterback I don't know how you don't bring back a quarterback that just helped you win a Super Bowl especially when you consider that they ditched him for elvis grbac elvis grbac are you kidding me the minute elvis entered the building some ravens would tell you probably that they thought they had no chance at repeating the first comment he made when he got to Baltimore he said that it was there to make our football team better so I don't think he knew we wanted to go to you before outstanding quarterback I think he's gonna bring us a whole new day it was a classic case of we've got our ring we've been validated by success now we have a carte blanche to do what we wanted back in 2001 Ravens failed to repeat both gearbox completion percentage and quarterback rating were worse than Gophers had been the previous season the Ravens turned out to be a huge mistake curve Bakker puck was one of done and quit football the year after the Ravens after they got rid of Trent Dilfer we're looking for a quarterback years not for Chris right but after years just like drop after year Anthony right back this road after year after year the Ravens didn't really get over that mistake at quarterback until they took Joe Flacco Joe Flacco coaches do dumb things sometimes I don't think it was dumb I think that you have to get better to win again he looked and he said you know what we're not gonna get better at running back Webb Jamal Lewis we're not gonna get better on defense because that defense was arguably the greatest defense ever in a single season we're gonna talk about a defense set and the final 11 games nine times held opponents to ten points or fewer can you bank on that two years in a row the Ravens say no you can't we're gonna need more often at some point is Dilfer that guy what did Trent Dilfer do after he left Baltimore he didn't take anyone else to the class you didn't win a lot of football games I don't think that if you had Trent Dilfer for the next five years you'd want a couple more Super Bowls I don't believe that at all you could argue this is the guts his call of all time I would call it just an out-and-out wrong call whether you agree or not with a decision you have to respect that they decide to go in a direction they went full speed in that direction obviously it doesn't work out for him but those kind of calls are what makes franchises great on one level you can say it was gutsy but on another level I would just say you can't do that oh next a trick play for the ages that's the element of surprise and it's best I could not believe what I was seeing it's been and 1-yard the grand for the championship some of the gutsiest calls in NFL history have come with championships on the line in Super Bowl 23 the 49ers trailed the Bengals by three with 39 seconds left instead of playing for a field goal Bill Walsh called 22 halfback curl X up I take great pride in that play they double John one up Joe hit him right on stride down by four in the fourth quarter of Super Bowl 17 Joe Gibbs made a gutsy call on a fourth and one had to be 70 chip I left I claim 70 chip on my right it was our power formation we were the Washington Redskins we were the Hogs we were John Riggins these super bowl-winning calls took super guts but still lag behind our next election I think at the time Sean Payton was thinking listen if we pull this off people are gonna talk about me for the rest of my life as a genius onside kick let's do it it was gutsy because they recovered him if you don't recover it and stupid and arrogant nothing that works can ever be considered stupid Sean Payton did the right thing it helped them win again the kid went right to the the guy to recover the kick and he proved a recovery to bounce off over and sank basket and that ticket Sean Payton a chance to have his team recover and make the call look good if you're backing on the Colts making a mistake who do you want to Bank on Peyton Manning or Hank Baskett I'll tell you something about this call that you don't know within the start of the second half the Saints had their choice whether it kicked from their right to their left Sean just basically didn't carry as I've you know left to right but then he realizes if it's gonna be near a sideline I want it near our sideline let's go this way I want to go this way but it's an odd sidekick because I want every official hearing Saints ball moorlands ball we got it white ball white ball I don't want their guys get in the scrum and still no indication you look at the replay of that and you look at how many Saints or pulling Colts out of the pile that might have been the longest Club Super Bowl know who would cover the fumble I think Chris Reece is the man who covered the Paton onside kick was really gutsy but if you look at the numbers it's not that crazy surprise onside kicks since 1996 have been successful 70% of the time that recovery rate is so good that it's actually a really good gamble the chances of success go up when the element of surprise goes on what in the world could be more surprising than doing it coming out to the second half of the Super Bowl that's the element of surprise and its best [Applause] gutsiest of all time top three top four of all time that's tough because if the onside kick fails there's still a full half of football to be played it's not a make or break play not even sure if it goes in the top ten I think the fact that you were willing to do it in the Super Bowl just praiseworthy because it's the Super Bowl you are taking a chance with everything on the line the fact that they were covered that onside kick and then went in to score I think that's a 14 point swing and they won by 14 points in that Super Bowl Bill Parcells is on the list and Sean Payton's and Bill Parcells disciple and Sean Payton's telling us that Phil Parcells told him you got to have big ones to go in a Super Bowl he absolutely deserves it hate making that call that's what defines champions in life on a football field if you want the brass ring you got to be gutsy sometimes and Peyton was in that situation that is the ultimate gutsy call so I'd love to know what's number one then stay tuned mr. total access up next is the number one gutsiest call of all time that's the all-time gutsiest call ever that's a great call before this show seeks any further into the gutter let's recap all this so far [Music] it was in calling no one expected and that's the beauty of those calls we got to go for the Super Bowl not the perfect season that was play the gutsiest call that I can remember big stones to make that call we don't win that game or go to the Super Bowl without it no one ever took a bigger risk that I took in the Super Bowl it's why he's a Hall of Fame coach what did Trent Dilfer do after he left Baltimore the same that's the element of surprise at its best when you look at Lombardi's defining moment as a head coach it has to be the collie made at the end of the Ice Bowl Cowboys out in front the guy by far the gutsiest call of all time no questions number one it's a good pick for number one because the game itself is so fast it's a championship game you've got one playoff to win or lose the championship and it was under frigid conditions I think it's also the coach Vince Lombardi please cemented Lombardi's reputation is typifies Packer football and just the way he coached it was a huge gamble if star doesn't get in the end zone the game is over and with the footing down there it was certainly no sure thing they're down on the part of the field where in the previous two downs the running back is slipped they took the last timeout as star goes over to talk to Lombardi abort Dave Cowboys out in front third down there 16 seconds left in the game you had two options really one of them is to just kick the field goal then and play for overtime even under the conditions they were going to deal the kick was pretty much an extra point or you have an extra down here you could have called some kind of a rollout pass the book says you have to roll out of try and throw the pass if it's not there you just throw it out of bounds so that they can at least attempt to he'll go on fourth down the play that they called was 31 wedge that was meant to be a handoff to chunk marcin but Bart Starr told Lombardi during the timeout that it's all ice let's call 31 wedge let's block it the same way we normally block it but it's going to be a quarterback sneak my party said okay let's go with it so everybody on the team thinks it's going to be handoff to mersin that it wasn't at all the only ones who knew the Lombardi at start I'm not an NFL historian but when it's cold [Music] and it all somebody else just take it and get in there I'll guarantee if we come down in that situation at the end of any of these upcoming Super Bowls I'm sure a hundred percent of the coaches they're gonna play for overtime they're not going to go for the touchdown to win the game and that's just something you don't very much city in a world where coaches are so scared about being second-guessed sorry same vents but some in the crowd think Sean Payton's onside kick is gutsy er they needed quarterback sneak Sean Payton's clock coming out everything was huge was big Dayton's call in this day and age with media scrutiny where everything is second-guessed he ran the risk of immediately being labeled a goat the outside kicked the show on Peyton went for it the second half yeah it's a gutsy move and you really don't see very often Super Bowls but that's the beginning of the second half the gutsy call is made when the clock is ticking down they're a threat this is silly ice Bowl where it's do-or-die we've got a yard to go and make it you win you don't you lose if it fails there's a gutsy but just stupid it's stupid because then you've got that Chinese fire drill then they scramble the kick team and you just look slowed down so that pendulum could swung all the way to wow just look away if that's the game that in a lot of people's minds defines the Lombardy here takes on a whole different feel if you lose if the Green Bay Packers are stopped on the one-yard line and time runs out on a failed running play at the end of the 1967 NFL championship the Packers are still a great team but Vince Lombardi is not the legend to use today maybe the Super Bowl trophy is not even named after him if that play doesn't work out after the game Lombardi was asked why he made the call he said these types of plays aren't cold from the heart the call from the gut and that's what makes it a gutsy play I still think to this day it isn't extremely extremely gutsy call that's the all-time gutsiest call ever that's a great call everything about that was gutsy any if stayed gutsy cuz it worked [Music]
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 138,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wU4xEwf66Rk
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Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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