10 Signs Your House is Being Cased by Burglars & Ways to Minimize It.

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2.5 million burglaries happen annually in the u.s. that's one every 13 seconds in fact according to the FBI you have a hundred and fifty percent chance of having your home burglarized in your lifetime now of course obviously people get their house burglarized a number of times so it doesn't necessarily mean that it is a hundred percent for you but definitely the odds are against you for having your home burglarized you know about six years ago we had our home broken into and it's a traumatic experience for everyone but one of the things that I really wanted to bring to you especially with the survival Channel is that burglaries are going to increase as the economy is civil and rest natural disasters those kind of things and your supplies and your livelihood could be in jeopardy we're going to talk about some statistics we're going to talk about how you know if your home is being chased by burglars and also we're going to look at some different things that you could do to prevent it according to authorities 87 percent of burglaries could be prevented if certain measures were taken July and August are when most burglaries happen of course during the holidays as well that's a time where people know that you're getting new stuff and a lot of people are getting expensive gifts twenty-eight percent of burglaries happen when people are actually at home thirteen percent of burglars are arrested so the chances of them burglarizing a place and getting away with it is great for us the guy cut himself on the way out the window and we actually had the DNA sample and we were able to track him down and they arrested him so you know definitely it's unusual for them to be caught and so if the risk is low they're really out to do it over and over the average time for a burglar to be in your home is about ten minutes doesn't take long sixty percent of the burglars will go straight to the master bedroom because that's where a lot of valuables are kept it used to be traditionally that burglars would kind of avoid going into children's rooms but now that we have these really cool game systems that's definitely a place they like to go to and guys only 17% of homes have a home security system and that's one of the things I recommend right upfront doesn't mean that they're not gonna break into your home because of a security system but they'll usually look for a home without one instead now thirty-four percent of burglars come right through the front door twenty three percent come through first story window and twenty two percent go to a back door nine percent through a garage four percent through your basement and then only two percent try a second-story window now there are ten things that indicate that your house is being cased first thing is if you see unusual cars driving slowly through the neighborhood or people walking on foot and they make Paul's in front of your house if they take a picture of your home the odds are even greater and so they're kind of casing things out if you've seen home alone you know how they operated with a van and went through the neighborhoods looking for the house that they thought would be great to hit another thing is doors that have been jimmied or been messed with locks that you see marks on them or the lock is broken then also if there's tape over the lock they know that no one has been home for a while and so they kind of test that also leaving Flyers on the door if you're not picking those Flyers up it probably means that you're not at home and again guys they really want to hit those times where people aren't at home in fact the high times for burglaries are between 10 a.m. and about 3 p.m. when people are typically at work now if your dog goes missing that's one thing that could be a sign a lot of times burglars like to go ahead and get rid of the dog there's no warning one thing they'll also do is poison the dog if it's an offense and they can't quite get to it they'll feed it some food with poison in it or drugs to be able to give them time to get in also trash if it's missing that's one thing they like to go through the trash want to see what you have and you know maybe even bank statements or receipts for really high-dollar items now while burglars are purported to be dumb many of them are very sophisticated and a lot of times they'll actually leave marks on the house is they're casing different homes they can do certain marks and it indicates what's going on in the house if it's something they want to hit if it's something that they don't want to hear and so it's definitely something to look for here's a chart of just showing some of these marks and these have been taken from places all over the world where people are using the system if you have a broken window that's another way that burglars test alarm systems and again there's only 17% that have them but they'll throw something into a glass and get it to break and to see if it'll set off an alarm many times we just think it's the kids playing around or a limb or something happened but definitely it's something to be aware of also if you have gas that's been stolen out of your vehicle sometimes you may get in it you think I just filled it up and there's a considerable amount of gas missing that's definitely a sign that someone's messing around your house and you could be a target for a burglar now things to do to harden your house when number one is getting a good security system you can get a monthly security system you can get a do-it-yourself there's a lot of options out there because there are a lot of break-ins or one that's being monitored and that's one that we have I mean if we don't call in once we set the alarm off and let them know they're gonna send authorities out and so that is a great deterrent number two having security lights around your house and you know that illuminates the dark it keeps people at bay they're there trying to stay hidden so keeping security lights of course considering that most break-ins happen during the day that's not necessarily a factor but it could be especially if your family's at home now keeping your yard tidy and keeping your home looking like someone's there that's definitely a good sign you know typically people aren't going to break in if they know someone's at home and so making sure that the yard is clean making sure that the mail has been taken out of the box if you're away a lot of times when people are gone they just let the mail pile up you can also call your post office and just tell them hey wait and deliver later and of course package is on the door the same thing also again for your trash make sure you stretch important papers but one thing that's really important is if you get a high ticket item maybe it's a brand new TV game system or you know just a big box that they can identify something that would be expensive you don't want to leave it out for burglars to see over the holidays I was up at my brother and sister-in-laws house and as we were leaving I noted that my sister-in-law had gotten a Big Apple tea monitoring huge and the box was out there in front of the trash just sitting there and I immediately got out went and moved the box around the back and so anything you can do to keep people from you know making your home look like a target and that's what you don't want to do the guys when you're getting ready to go on vacation don't get on facebook Instagram snapchat or whatever and announce it and let people know where you're going and then while you're gone don't put pictures on your Facebook and show all the great times you're having because it does signal people to be able that you're not at home and that you know it makes a good target a good friend of mine just recently he had a family member that actually broke into their home because they knew that they were out of town because they put it on Facebook and of course they were caught later but you don't know who might be in your circle of friends that may target your home now one important thing guys is to lock your doors and windows 30% of burglaries occur right through an unlocked door or unlock window so that's a really simple one but it's something that some people just don't think about just make sure you lock your doors and windows guys make sure you hide your valuables if you leave a laptop sitting out on your kitchen table if you have a TV that's broad and big right there in the living room having shades pulled having your windows covered or just putting away the things that you can because you don't want to make it to where they can look through and say yes that is something that I want also while you're gone turn on the radio let it play turn on the TV have some noise inside the house and that will also alert burglars that someone may be at home also spare keys a lot of times we have places that we keep spare keys burglars know those places they know where to look they know what they're to look for and so you may think it's really smart but they've already thought about it and guys get to know your neighbors and they'll watch your place for you have someone come a family friend or someone you know to come by pick up the mail make sure that packages aren't laying out make sure that you know flyers aren't left on the door and it gives the appearance that someone's there you could even have a friend to park a car there while you're gone so at least a like that there's somebody there having lights that are set on timers that's a great way to do it and you know again having those security lights ready to go especially in the dark it illuminates and people tend to leave those areas now all those things being said guys we've seen it a number of times where people are home and the burglars are the home invaders know they're home and they don't care and so we're gonna address that and a little bit later video but these are just some ideas to number one know what's going on around you because to be forewarned is to be forearmed and then some things you can do again just to keep it at a minimum you can't always keep burglars out but you can do quite a bit to keep them from being effective and guys if you're serious about prepping and survival check out survival dispatch insiders one of the best resources on the web has a lot of a top leading names in the survival world that come together we upload one video a week that's exclusive to the insider I'll have a link down below in the description check it out be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] [Music] [Music] now July and August are the high spots for burglaries that's when most you know a lot of times people when they're gone they just let the mountain the mill and so that's one thing that's really important just to be able to you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 191,201
Rating: 4.9369965 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper
Id: m5od4ILM3cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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