Top 5 Most Powerful Psykers | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal i know none of you are thinking it but i'm going to address it anyway yes the italian stallion pretty much has the exact same video as this from a few years ago which is why despite me knowing i could do a way better job of it i refrain from making it people would often ask me oh major kill make a top five cyclist video and i'll be like oh yeah good idea and then bam i remember it's already been done but then two things occurred firstly i skimmed through his video at light speed to see who he actually ranked as the top five and god damn it's a shitty list and secondly who actually cares if it's been done before no one has the copyright to top 5 warhammer videos not even you gw today we'll go over the top 5 most powerful psyches in the universe of warhammer 40k paying special attention to how they achieved their power as well as some of their more impressive feats there will be no limit to this list hence primordial entities primarks and even the galaxy's most powerful vegetable are all allowed to qualify like spidey's list didn't even include the big e bit of a broth moment an important note is they won't be including characters on this list who are mega powerful and just happen to be psyches i'll only include characters whose true power comes from their psychic talent so no kaldor drago i'm afraid with so many overpowered [ __ ] psyches running around it was hard to put this together but i like it hard let's get into it the fifth most powerful psycho in the 40k universe is eldred uth1 power doesn't always have to mean that you can shoot the biggest lightning bolt out of your dick it can be subtle yet wildly effective eldred is the greatest farsi at the galaxy he's ever seen at least for the last 10 000 years he can accurately see and change the future which has saved multiple craft worlds from obliteration his foresight is so good that he was able to charge out abaddon and beat him in a melee fight as he was able to see every outcome of the fight and was able to choose the one that would result in his victory he is also over ten thousand years old which is ridiculously old even for the elder pretty much all other eldar farsis would have crystallized long before getting to even half that age he took on the cabal an organization of psycho xenos with extremely powerful abilities and foresight pretty much all by himself killing all of them he isn't some bitch-ass wizard that sits back eldrad puts leroy jenkins to shame with the amount of time she just charges into melee combat against opponents who look as if they could wipe him out with a single strike keepers of secrets abaddon titans catan shards they've all been brought low by space elf hugo weaving hell the dude even blocked an attack from magnus all of this power and foresight is only a fraction of his true power due to the elder performing coke-field galactic gang sodomy slaanesh was born and laid claim to the souls of all eldar hence elder who dive too deep into their psychic powers will get eaten by slaanesh hence all elder basically have to handicap themselves and avoid using their full power imagine if eldred didn't have these constraints like the dude foresaw the horus heresy and the future of the galaxy in seemingly better detail than the emperor did eldrad's raw power impressive feats and large impact on the galaxy make him a deserving member of this prestigious list and hey with the awakening of vienned who knows how much further he will go the next sparkly space wizard on this list is azek aruman whilst aruman has always been a naturally gifted psycho his power has come more from being the most persistent [ __ ] in the galaxy rather than raw talent plus performing some extremely questionable and disastrous rituals never hurt before all of this though the man was still a beast during a duel with a rune priest aruman was able to burn out and destroy the space full of soul something that has been repeatedly stated to be extremely difficult to do the thousand suns were taken from highly psychic people and given the gene seed of a highly psychic primark hence even their rank and file psych is a top tier they have a sorcery system where they basically allocate their librarians into different specialties some specialize in pre-cognition some in warp fire and lightning etc iruman started off as the greatest pre-cog but eventually gained so much power that he is now number one in every category he's captain of the a team however i need to be a bit drab for a moment when people think about powerful psyches iron man comes up a lot like mr spaghetti muncher over here put aruman as the number one psycho in the galaxy but he's just like [ __ ] not the rubric of aruman which was old mate's attempt to stop his legion from dying of super space gonorrhea was a failure it turned most of the thousand suns into dusty robots for ten thousand years iron man has been trying to undo the spell without success but then euvrain just casually does it in front of iron to prove a point and she's not even really a psycho iron has also been attempting to access the black library which is a hidden elder craft world so that he can learn its secrets and whilst he gave it a good shot he was knocked on his arse by the elder and was only spared because the elder had bigger things to worry about ireman is constantly trying to free his own fate and destiny from titsnich's control but all that does is make tits niche laugh like titsnich finds iron's attempts at freeing his own destiny highly entertaining which is why he allows iron man to continue living iron man has also got his ass handed to him by a shot of magnus so whilst iron is incredibly smart powerful and experienced he isn't even close to being the strongest psycho in the galaxy this next entry might seem a bit controversial as up until recently ironman was widely considered to be more powerful than mcfitsten however with recent law basically making the fits then [ __ ] leop and giving him some of the most insane fruits of power i've ever seen in warhammer along with recent law also showing iron getting knocked on his ass a few times it's safe to say mafitsten is now ahead in the game but fitzthen gained immense psychic power initially through becoming the only blood angel to ever overcome the black rage the black rage being an affliction that resides within all blood angels that threatens to turn them into mindless ptsd fueled berserkers at a moment's notice it's generally considered that when a blood angel falls to the black rage they are doomed to insanity all of them except mcfitsten after recovering from the rage the newly reborn mephitstan became the lord of death and he gained some obscene psychic powers stuff ranging from flying with flaming psychic wings to bringing time to a complete standstill mephisto's power was further increased when he became the avatar of the dark angel god of baal it's a bit confusing but the gist of it is if you were to combine mephitstan the sanguino and dante into one body you would have sanguines reborn to prove my point even further there's a scene when mafitstan is in a ship and he gets shot he freezes time and walks around the doomed ship he spots the pilot with his brains blown out by a bullet and he considers undoing the damage and bringing the pilot back to life but then he decides that he should let nature run its course and he leaves the ship to its fate unlike ironman mcfitsten wins through sheer raw power and effort like let's say both sikes want to kill a titan mephitzen would spawn flaming angel wings fly up to the titan and hit it with a [ __ ] kamehameha while screaming incredibly loudly aruman on the other hand would travel back in time and he would witness the birth of the titans pilot he would then supplant the pilot's father using illusions and warp spaghetti to raise the pilot as his own then when the titan pilot became of age ironman would fake his own death in front of his fake son leaving the son with hectic daddy issues ironman would then return to the present and as the titan prepares to fire on him he reveals that he is the titan's long lost father the time pilot would have an emotional breakdown as father and son would embrace they would speak of many things life love heartbreak and choices then iron would give the titan pilot cancer and then vanish into the night i don't know what point i was trying to make but yeah mcphitsen is more powerful so whilst mcphitston might not be as experienced knowledgeable or well-versed in magic as eldred and aruman his raw power exceeds theirs and is growing every day like it's loki insinuated that he will become the darkness to the sanguinour's light our number two spot gives us our only primark on this list magnus the red out of all the primarks magnus had the most potential psychic powers give you a hell of an advantage like the number one killer of space marines have always been [ __ ] who can throw [ __ ] with their minds no matter how pathetic their frail bodies might appear with mangas being a mega psycho with [ __ ] powers and a taste for knowledge it's no surprise that his feats of power are wildly impressive the big red was able to take out an elder titan by himself and was said to be capable of tearing apart a fleet with his mind magnus and the emperor were able to have long deep psychic conversations despite being obscene distances from each other maggie was also intended to replace the emperor's role in the golden throne this is a huge deal as malcolm another super powerful psycho could only sit on the golden throne for a few hours before dying magnus been intended as an indefinite battery for it is a huge testament to his raw power unfortunately magnus has only ever scraped the surface of his true potential due to him being a moody irresponsible teenager the emperor abandoned from using warp sorcery this didn't stop magnus from using it but it definitely slowed his progress magnus's power was once again dampened when he did something very wrong and he ruined the emperor's webway project aka humanity's only real chance to beat chaos the big gig called rust the fetch magnus so that together they might have a chance at fixing [ __ ] but getting russ who's racist against red people and also likes killing [ __ ] to go fetch magnus a man that detests fairies was not a good idea it'd be like sending a member of the ku klux klan to go donate blood to a transgender black person so when the two brothers met it was on the battlefield as their legions fought despite the magic of magnus and his sons magnus sabotaged his own planet's defenses to punish himself through stupidity and arrogance the wars were also backed up by psychic killing sisters of silence as well as the custodies when magnus finally took to the battlefield his psychopaths were awesome but they weren't like godlike or anything he was then badly beaten by russ who was able to disrupt his powers with a mighty yiff magnus then had his spine shattered and was teleported to safety the shattering of magnus's spine at the same time as a crew teleportation shattered his soul into multiple shards that he's slowly been putting back together since becoming a demon prince magnus's raw power has increased however with the loss of multiple parts of his soul as well as the demon princes having a hard power cap he has had his ass whooped multiple times bjorn the fell handed [ __ ] him up pretty good and he nearly lost her duel to a spacewolf chapter master when he fought giliman he had the upper hand obviously but gman's still gotten some huge hits and he survived long enough for help to arrive so whilst magnus is the second most powerful psycho in the galaxy he could have been significantly more powerful than he is today i wanted to quickly throw in an honorable mention malcador malcolm daddy was a legendary psycho with his greatest feat been hiding a planet in a pocket dimension and forced choking a primark to near death but whilst his knowledge was vast his raw power doesn't really match up to let's say the fitztone malcolm was nearly assassinated a few times and he got obliterated by magnus the red only surviving due to another perpetual making a sacrifice to bring him back on top of that he could only handle the golden throne for a couple hours whereas the biggie and magnus were said to be able to handle it forever malk isn't weak though for example some of you might think that tigress deserves to be on this list as he was able to overpower the tyranny hive mind with his psychic might but if you actually know the law it's not that straightforward firstly he was able to survive an attack by a hive mind via a tyranid conduit so the hive man's power was bottlenecked plus he only survived because he had the staff of malcolm which contained incredible power so it's almost maukaro's fate rather than tigerius's but yeah malcolm is a legend and deserves the mention now for the number one spot was there ever a doubt the emperor of mankind a lot of people know he's filthy powerful but not many people know how he actually accumulated his power well it was a combo of things firstly the emperor was a perpetual which means he is immortal and incredibly difficult to kill hence he had all the time in the world to learn pretty much everything current canon also states that he was created by a bunch of highly psychic shamans performing mass suicide merging their souls into one mega soul so from the get-go he was powerful but nowhere near what he was like today after thousands of years of hiding in the shadows suddenly nudging humanity along the emperor's knowledge of the warp and science was insane he combined the two to create legendary armies to begin his galactic conquest his foresight was also incredibly sharp although not as sharp as eldrad's which helped direct him to even more power the emperor had gone to pull a fast one against the warp gods hitting them with a devious lick and imparing himself even further with this power the emperor performed incredible fates bashing the [ __ ] out of a mighty void dragon shard psychically forcing lorga and his entire legion to kneel before him in shame and summoning the ghost of ferris as well as thousands of other space marines to help him in the war of the webway for most of the great crusade the emperor fought the greatest horus the galaxy had to offer leading his armies from the front line all the while he was doing this he was also powering the astronomicon which was ages away from him when the emperor sacrificed himself to end the horus heresy and give mankind a chance his broken body was put into the golden throne now when most people get put onto life support they become a bit weaker like would you rather fight one coked up conor mcgregor or ten comatose mike tysons however the emperor's power only grew due to pretty much all of humanity worshiping him as a god as well as thousands of psychos that are fed to him on the daily his body is withered but his psychic might has grown using his power he holds the four gods of chaos at bay whilst powering the astronomicon he also occasionally just gives out random powers here and there the creation of living saints who are more powerful than even greater demons was done as an accidental side thought of the emperor with the opening of the great rift the galaxy has been flooded with even more psychic energy this is a work in the emperor and increases power even further like when giliman was killed in god blight the biggie just instantly resurrected him for a laugh and then he set nogle on fire for an even bigger laugh every other psycho no matter how impressive or arrogant will always describe themselves as a flickering candle when compared to the blazing sun of the emperor there has never been nor there ever will be a greater psycho than the god emperor of mankind if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of battle maze 40 million hentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more psychic content join the score for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 304,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus
Id: eTv_m244nzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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