Best Wizard Feats in D&D 5e

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Hey Looters, it's Flutes here  today i would like to talk about   wizards and feats spellcasters have a  unique problem where they often don't   know what to do with their feats because they  just rather invest in their stats to up their dc   or the features aren't very tempting or effective  but we recently got an influx of all kinds of new   feats that are wonderful for spell casters so  let's talk about feats today on Flutes Loot so as i'm getting started i want to remind  everyone that is the website that   Opal and i have built and we're now making these  youtube videos that are based on our articles so   feel free to open up the article and follow along  on the link to the article if you   want to follow along with this video is down in  the description below so in my article i focus on   five different types of feats that a wizard might  be interested in the first being augmenting your   spell casting or expanding it working on your  mobility and escape mechanisms improving your   durability and your ability to heal yourself and  others enhance your ability to work as a team with   your allies and fifth just a few niche feats that  wizards could find useful but today i'm going to   focus in this video just on some of the feats that  i think are the best to consider again it doesn't   mean there aren't others that are useful and i'm  sure there will there will be comments and there   always are of people who maybe see another fee  as being more valuable than how i presented it or   didn't present it and that's always valid as well  so let me know in the comment section if you think   any feats i missed deserve to be on this list or  if you disagree with any of my choices i'm always   open to having my mind changed and it happens  all the time first of all feats kind of come   in two categories where one is like a full feet  and sometimes there's one that's like a half feet   and a full feet usually doesn't come with like a  stat boost to make it a little bit better a full   feat usually is just standing on its own without  having a stat boost to go with it because usually   an ability score improvement gives you two points  towards a stat so if you put one point towards a   stat it's kind of like you got half asi and half  feet so they call them half feet i didn't come up   with that but that's how i've heard it presented  and it made sense to me tasha's cauldron of   everything came with a lot of these half feets  which is really cool to see because they come   with an ability that's cool useful but without  the stat boost that comes with it it's like   not really sure but if you can get plus one  to your intelligence while gaining an extra   spell that's awesome if you think about the magic  initiate which for a long time has been one of the   best feats in the game and it can help wizards  expand what spells they know and everything   you don't get a stat boost with it you just  get some cantrips in a first level spell   but with a few of these feats you'll get a  stat boost as well the first feat i want to   discuss at length is fey touched not to be  confused with fey teleportation for elves   only which is from xanathar's as a racial feat  that one's fine too and it's in my article but   fey touched is for anyone you don't have to  be an elf fey touched will allow you to boost   your intelligence by one point as well as giving  you a free misti step and a spell from either   the divination or the enchantment school of magic  of first level this will open you up to have the   blessed spell for example to bless your allies  with a d4 once in a while if you're willing to   concentrate on it especially nice at low levels  if you're doing variant human or the variant   background whatever it's called natasha's where  you can get a feet at level one this is a great   one misty step is already one of the best spells  in the game for having just an escape mechanism   up your sleeve or being able to get through jail  bars or get past a front line of people to get to   where you need to be without risking your flesh  and blood with uh just moving through things if   you want to know what kind of divination and  enchantment spells are available you can go   to dnd beyond and do a filter for your spells and  hit school of magic enchantment and divination and   level one and you can just do a  filter to just very quickly see what's   on the menu next feat if you're augmenting your  spell casting is for tieflings and it's flames of   phlegethos this boosts your intelligence stat  for one thing it gives you the ability to read   yourself in flames when you cast a fire spell  and flames of phlegethos does a better job of   augmenting your spell casting to do more damage  than the old elemental adept feat does it puts   elemental adept to shame so if you're a tiefling  i highly recommend this spell if you're going   to focus at all on dealing fire damage with  your spells metamagic adept is the next one   that gives you a little bit of spiciness from  the sorcerer class by learning some metamagic   the metamagic options that are best to learn  are a affordable with only two sorcery points   that come with this feat and are actually useful  subtle spell is one of them because subtle spell   allows you to not be counterspelled as you cast a  spell as long as there's not a material component   you can omit the verbal and somatic component  which is talking and moving and just do it   with your mind and no one will know that you're  casting a spell counter spell doesn't work if   they can't perceive you casting a spell so use  it when you're casting a spell that is crucial   and you don't want it to be countered i won't  go into every single meta magic option because   i actually have a whole article about using  metamagic for the sorcerer i recommend checking   that one out as well but the article i have for  this wizard feat concept also goes into each one   and which ones might be the most useful to pick  with this feat it's an excellent feat it's a shame   it doesn't come with a plus one stat boost but i  think it's good enough even without it next feat   to consider is telekinetic i think this is just  an amazing feat for most spell casters to choose   you can boost your stat and you get a really  cool mage hand ability that is pretty much   being able to force push people around and it  utilizes your bonus action as a wizard which you   don't often do you can reposition allies you can  push foes into your cloud kill spell or whatever   area of effect you want to keep them  inside and it's especially useful if   them leaving the area and then you pushing them  back in immediately triggers the effect again   on their turn because then you're just doing all  kinds of damage to them you can push people off   of bridges with your mind it's just got so many  possibilities that i highly recommend picking it   up another one to consider is telepathic so we had  telekinetic now telepathic this is an interesting   one because the image for it in tasha's makes  it clear that a bard could inspire someone with   bardic inspiration telepathically without having  to speak out loud or use their instrument that's   really interesting to me so if you have a  spell that only requires verbal components   you might be able to cast it on people  without them noticing kind of like a   subtle spell meta magic this is a little bit like  iffy with raw rules as written but i would ask   my dm to say can i cast a spell on someone if it  requires them to hear me but i do it in their mind   and the spell only requires verbal components like  could i cast suggestion telepathically so yeah the   suggestion spell also has a material component so  you'd have to supply that or use an arcane focus   component pouch but when you speak the words of  the suggestion spell when you say hey here's what   i want you to go do my temporary minion could you  do that telepathically i think that'd be a really   cool way to play this off and i think it's worth  asking your dm if they would allow that and if   they would have fun with it moving into more like  escape feats the mobile fee is always good you can   boost your movement speed by 10 and you can use  booming blade or some other cantrip at close range   to attack someone and then they won't be able  to attack you as an opportunity attack as you   don't have to disengage you just move away  regardless of whether you hit them or not   usually i'd use like shocking grasp and take away  their reaction or i would just disengage and run   away if i didn't want to risk it but this way  it's not a risk and you have the extra 10 movement   speed you can actually get a distance away from  them that is maybe 10 feet more than they can move   so they have to dash to reach you again and then  they don't get to attack you until their next turn   by which time you will have moved away again so  you become like a kiting expert as you just kite   enemies as they keep chasing after you with their  axes but can't reach you the resilient feat is   really good to pick as a wizard you'll boost your  constitution with this one which could increase   your hit point maximum if it was an odd number  before and you can plan that out and you gain   constitution saving throw proficiency which means  when you are concentrating on spells you'll have a   much better chance of maintaining concentration  when your proficiency bonus can be added in   infernal constitution is another great feat for  wizards if you are playing a tiefling you can   boost your constitution for one thing it's always  useful to have more hit points and to have a   better concentration saving throw and you'll just  gain a few free resistances to damage if you're   worried about damage you don't love mage armor  you could invest in a few feats and take lightly   armored and moderately armored then you just need  like a dexterity score of like 14 to get a plus   two to your medium armor and then you can use a  shield that could get your armor class upwards   of like 18 without much problem sure it takes two  feats to get there unless you want to multi-class   or gain armor in some other way armor proficiency  but if there's nothing else that interests you   from the feats you might as well just armor up and  become more durable those feats will also allow   you to boost your stats that are relevant to them  so check it out the lucky feat is always useful   the alert feet might be useful if you're getting  surprised a lot if you want to heal people you'll   want to take artificer initiates so that you can  gain cure wounds from the artifice or spell list   but you might also just take the healer feet and  be able to heal people with your healer's kit   where you could usually not actually restore  hit points with it normally if you want more   hit points you could also just take the tough  feet and every level you gain you get another   two hit points moving on to like some teamwork  feats i really love bountiful luck it just makes   me want to play a halfling every time i look at  it you can take your ability to reroll ones and   stack it with your party every time they roll  a one and they're nearby you can allow them to   re-roll it with your reaction as long as you're  not needing that reaction to do counter spells   or the shield spell or anything like that it's  a great way to buff your allies and make it so   they don't roll ones and they will love you for it  but you do need to make sure you're actually going   to be 30 feet away from them because as a wizard  you like to keep your distance often and if your   fighter is running in 60 feet away your 30 foot  range on bountiful luck is not going to help them   now if you're an abjurer a blade singer or a war  mage you might want to take the mageslayer feet   it's not just for rogues and fighters that are  getting up in the face of wizards to attack them   and everything you'll have advantage on saving  throws while you're up next to other spellcasters   which they won't really see coming they'll expect  like a long distance wizard duel but you'll get   up in their face when they cast a spell you'll  be able to attack them which is a blade singer   you'll be very effective at as an abjurer you'll  be really good at saving against their spells or   or take like half damage if they're trying  to damage you with a spell and war mages can   alter their armor class and their saving throws  to be boosted upward so that the other spellcaster   is just really having a hard time getting away  from them like if i'm playing a wizard i do not   want an ab juror or a war mage getting up in my  face and being able to have an advantage all the   saving throws that i'm tossing at them if they  have the war caster feet too and they could like   opportunity attack me with booming blade or some  other spell i'm gonna panic and i'm gonna have   to use misty step to get away and then i'll only  have a cantrip to use on my turn and then they'll   probably just move up to catch me anyway so you  can really give enemy spellcasters a tough time   if you're one of these subclasses of wizard that  is meant to kind of like wizard duel i mentioned   warcaster if you're one of those subclasses  that doesn't mind getting in the thick of battle   warcaster might be great for improving your action  economy so you can cast spells as a reaction   potentially getting two leveled spells per round  not bad and your saving throws for concentration   will be done with advantage if it's taking  damage that is the reason you're doing it   lastly mounted combatant is a excellent way to  make a wizard more mobile and able to keep their   mount alive in my wizard multi-classing article  and video i don't know which is coming out first   i talk about how the necromancer using vampiric  touch is kind of hard to pull off because you're   not very mobile or durable but with a mount to get  you around you can go in vampiric touch maybe even   kill someone with it so that you regain hit points  very much between vampiric touch and grim harvest   and your mount just carries you away without  you having to worry about it and you're just   weaving in and out of combat at the right moments  to get these killing blows and heal yourself now   you don't have to take mounted combatant to do  that as a feat but it is a great way to make it   more reliable so that you and your mount can work  as one so that's been a really quick overview of   some of my mindset that goes into picking feats  in those like different five categories that i   mentioned from my article about like what kind  of feeds do you want to choose based on what   need you're trying to fill again let me know  in the comment section cast message down there   and i'd love to have a discussion with  you about feats that's just a really fun   part of the game even though it's  optional to have feats in your game   it almost seems like an expectation of  players that like feats are always going   to be available i've yet to play in a game  the dm said you can't have feats they're a   lot of fun so wizards shouldn't feel left out  in picking ones that change up their options and   increase their effectiveness so again this has  been Flutes with check out our   website like and subscribe we love to see that and  we'll see in the next video tata for now see ya
Channel: Flutes Loot
Views: 21,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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