Top 10 HEALTHIEST Things To Buy At Costco...And A Few To Avoid!

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flavor family what is up it is art and Bobby in my happy place Costco because the other day I was doing some shopping here I saw some awesome items that are relatively new and super healthy and I figured hey let's make a video and show you these ten items that I think you should buy right now that are fantastic and you know what a lot of them are new to the warehouse club and I think you're gonna love them before we get started you know the drill like subscribe share all that good stuff but below the video is a little Bell icon and enable all notifications because every single week now you guys we are rockin three to four videos and you do not want to miss out plus the live stream during the week is a ton of fun usually on a Friday night called hash tag Fridays with Flav we make our recipe start to finish and you do not want to miss out all right let's start with probably the most exciting item I've seen a Costco maybe in a year or so and I like to think I had a little something to do with this it's this say hello to my little friend sir Kensington's avocado oil mayonnaise that wait a second you might be like no Bobby you talked about this six months ago here it's not new it is new playback the footage from six months ago or so and what was a problem with that one that they used to have here go ahead play listen listen listen real quick but there's a problem art I look at the ingredients and it has sugar and that means it's not Zito or paleo that's right it had sugar this is the new one here look ingredients sugar be gone why is that important well number one without the sugar there it's paleo which is great you just don't need sugar when you're making mayonnaise let's see them better about that now it's fantastic it's all best-in-class ingredients so why is avocado oil man is better than art bring out the Hellmann's and bring out the best so why is it better than this this is garbage products in here you guys you look at the ingredients here they replace avocado oil with soybean oil it's GMO soybean oil they're using calcium disodium EDTA that's a nasty preservative they're also using natural flavors the main ingredient and this is eggs and oil this is the kind of oil that's bad for you GMO highly processed highly refined and a lot of people don't realize hi process oils like this are very inflammatory to your body so no we don't get this this is great cuz avocado oil is one of the heart healthiest oils on the market it's high in oleic acid it's also good for your good cholesterol and lowering your bad cholesterol and look at this price art 32 ounce jar for $9 holler you guys that price is gangbusters it says no sugar it says no sugar no I like to Pat myself on the back and think maybe it's cuz of art and I'm making videos like this thing why are you putting sugar in here why are you trying to kill us right but hey who knows right the good thing is at this price it literally is almost the same price to buy this instead of making it your own at home I mean I do have the Flav city avocado oil mayonnaise I'll put the recipe down below the thing is I use a pasture-raised egg for that they're not using pasture-raised they're using cage-free which means nothing we all know cage free and free-range mean nothing those are marketing gimmicks if you want to learn more about that you watch our egg video that being said the price is right because for $8.99 you would get a 16-ounce container like this at Whole Foods sprouts farmers market anywhere else this is half the price so hurray for brands listening to us hooray for no sugar and hooray for this because this should be in your pantry no doubt about that at all that is so exciting and come over here real quick art this is a new right but I just can't get over the fact how good of a deal Rao's is so Rao's is fantastic because when you look at the ingredients right you see real ingredients there's no sugar there's no filler there's no preservatives and they're using olive oil the only knock against this is that it's not organic and tomatoes are on the Dirty Dozen the thing is they're whole peeled stew tomatoes so a lot of those Prasad herbicides or pesticides come off in the peel it's not ideal but you guys you get to 28-ounce come here look at that - 28 ounce containers for 1049 I almost see if the price just went up roughly about a dollar used to be 949 that being said go to any other store a 24 ounce container of this is about eight or nine dollars so this is literally half the price it is phenomenal I love this they are making now soups and their pastas problem is those using enriched wheat which you don't want this is also kita by the way I've gone on Amazon and there's a keto marinara sauce cold I think yo mama's it's twice the price of this and they call it keto it's the exact same ingredients skip that by rao's this is the best it's going home in my cart with me fo sho here we go this is a very Waldo folks will be coming back to this aisle we have a clean-up on aisle six clean-up on aisle six looks like someone exploded a bag of rice of all the items we're talking about today possibly the most exciting thing here at the Costco warehouse is the cookbook the hard work finally paid off the book is in Costco not only in Costco look at this we're flanked by my girl Rachel we're flanked by re the Pioneer Woman ina in the Hamptons and me and se you guys this is so exciting here's the deal that we need your help Costco placed a limited run order what does that mean they placed order for 15 Costco's across the country I'll put that list down below they said to me and my publisher if it goes well they'll place a nationwide order so we have to mobilize the Flav City family if you near if you live near their locations please hook us up for some reason there's no East Coast there's no Florida there's no Texas but we got people everywhere unbelievable you guys plus if you don't live near a Costco you want support the book I'll put the Amazon link down below clean eating recipes low carb without sacrificing flavor you guys are going to love it over 680 five-star ratings on Amazon unbelievable but to finally see it here at Costco is a dream come true ok we're in the snack aisle and every once in a while you need like a sweet snack but you want to stay on the healthier side right so what I recommend you do is after this video check out our Costco snack video from this summer he went down every single aisle hit there's four or five we reviewed every snack telling you what's good what's bad and what's what to avoid this is one of the best in class it's coconut clusters from this Eno foods and you might think just seeing it like this no it's gonna be sweet it's gonna have bad ingredients dude check this out everything's organic which is a win for me lush but we have pumpkin seeds which are actually high in zinc and are good for fighting off colds in the winter so flower seeds a little bit of cane sugar a little bit of brown rice syrup and chia seeds which are high in fiber iron and protein but the guys there's only six point five added grams of sugar for a half a cup serving so that's roughly a teaspoon and a half of sugar which isn't that much when you compare it to other snacks here the question is I actually haven't tried this yet and neither has art and if you like this hang on thirty seconds I'm gonna show you something even more exciting than this so look at this art huge pieces embark just like clusters of nuts and seeds and coconut bears let's try this runtastic not too sweet nope if you love this come on Mero crap look crazy thank you for waiting I'm very Jenna nicest people Oh costume today it's two days before Thanksgiving keep learning good mood hohoho the holiday spirit is alive all right here it is check it out same company Eno Foods pretty much the same product but hello dark chocolate not milk chocolate not the candy chocolate dark chocolate and this one here is pretty much the same thing you guys right but it's got that organic dark chocolate here so we have to try this one too and this one he'll he has three grams of added sugar wait a sec all right compare these real quick all but it's the serving size see that's we got to pay attention you guys this is half a cup and this is one ounce so exactly right that's interesting total sugar seven there's only a half a gram more of sugar in the chocolate one which is really interesting all right you go first thank you Mike Anna alright look in here you guys same kind of deal clust all looks great clusters covered with those delicious seeds in coconut that is awesome art not too smooth alright guys reach in there pick a good one for art that is great so I'm talking about healthy ish snack food everyone needs to Metropolis everyone needs some sweet once in a while these are the ones you want to get and obviously I'm going home with both so Jesse's gonna be happy because it's a real there's no filler and it's not too sweet too much sugar is terrible for you for many reasons but it also kills the gut bacteria in your stomach it promotes the bad bacteria grill so these are fantastic let's go see if those our rice is cleaned up now and move on this product really caught my eye at parks & Nash and brought soup but it's a dehydrated soup so I get very nervous at those kind of things because often times they're bad ingredients preservatives msg let's look at the ingredients together here so chicken bone broth I'm all about bone broth it's just so good for you I'll tell you why in a minute coconut milk in the coconut milk it looks like there's a little bit of organic malted Xtreme which is really interesting because it says GMO free here and that's very important because if it doesn't say organic before a malted Eckstrom it always comes from GMO corn so I'm semi okay with that rest of ingredients fibers all good galangal lemongrass flavors here so okay this is really interesting product so why do I love nombre you've heard me talk about it before especially for the winter season bone broth is so good for you because it's loaded with collagen gelatin and chondroitin all of those things are good for your hair skin teeth gut and your immune system right so good for your immune system 80 percent of the cells that make up your immune system living your gut so that's fantastic stuff I don't love the fact that putting malted Eckstrom even though it's non-gmo is high in the glycemic index because it's from corn but I've seen other ones before that have way worse ingredients in the Miss so you know what I'd say for a cold winter day when you want a bone broth soup like you don't want to pay up for it I don't want to make your own bone broth with that how you the suggest you do go to the place to the Instagram the SAV story from bone broth is right there if you follow me on place city Instagram which I hope you do I make stories every night what I'm making for dinner but I do bone broth on a weekly basis it is so good and good for you but at eleven eighty nine for eighteen cups I mean geez that's an amazing price you guys so I would scoop that for sure another amazing thing to see here is look at this Ami's we've talked about this before in the canned food review everything amy does is like touching it with a golden watch she's amazing so this has a vegetable barley soup and chunky vegetable soup look at the chunky monkey vegetable soup everything's organic she's not even using oil on this that's the kind of soup you want to eat from a can my friends the vegetable bar the soup see the only bad ingredient she's using high oleic safflower high oleic is a healthier fatty acid profile but I prefer it said expel their pressed but I'll give her a pass because everything is good we're talking about four cans for $14 not a bad deal if you want to eat can soup amy is the only option really out there for a hearty quality good quality canned soup by the way arts dream one day is to do what art is to buy an entire bag and cook it in one one massive pot every time we come here art says that and one day I'm gonna take some time it's on my bucket if you're gonna get pasta swing around here art this is basically the only pasta I would buy here at Costco and I'm very excited to see it it's chickpea rotini so why is that important because it's one ingredient where are you there chickpea flour we have a whole video from about three weeks ago about pastas telling you what to buy and what to avoid you want to avoid the traditional pastas like this even though it's organic it's made from in a rich wheat flour what is that that's a whole grain like wheat stripped of all the good stuff like the bran the halt and all you have left is a simple carbohydrate this is the kind of stuff that spikes the crud out of your blood sugar this is the kind of stuff that can help you insulin I'll become insulin-resistant bad news bears so I would encourage you to get any kind of whole-grain pasta whole-wheat brown rice or dry bean pasta like chickpeas red lentil this is great because it literally is for boxes for $7 fantastic price and one ingredient and chickpeas have the added benefit of protein look at this there's 11 grams of protein in one box I'll take that if you're gonna eat grains once again eat whole grains it is a whole grain that sustains your hunger and doesn't spike your blood sugar as much as simple carbohydrates all right we have a few different options here for granola this is a good deal right $3 off Barenaked until 12 24 Wow the thing is we're gonna talk about this in a second this is a good premium Barenaked because it's organic but I want to compare this to a grain free paleo vanilla cause autumns gold first look at the parent there nicob this is really important because everything is organic after the organic oats we have cane sugar not my preferred sweetener we have expeller press side and flour oil if you're gonna see sunflower it has to be expeller pressed and after that look at that clean as a whistle no natural vanilla flavors a vanilla extract 1/2 a cup serving of this has how many grams of sugar 11 added not bad right a little high but not bad now this is paleo granola what is the difference between paleo granola and regular no oats oats are not paleo and the nice thing about this you look at the ingredients everything's organic again they're using maple syrup instead of cane sugar and instead of using sunflower oil they're using coconut oil a little bit of sunflower oil there right but the prevalent one is coconut oil and sea pay attention look a quarter cup serving has six grams so 12 grams for a half a cup and this one was 11 grams so I would go with a paleo one for a couple of reasons number one they're both organic so anytime you pick out any oats to eat whether it's oatmeal steel-cut oats or granola organic really matters there are so many studies that show the conventional oh it's are loaded with a glyphosate glyphosate is the active ingredient in a roundup that Monsanto sprays over everything right you do not want that you always got to go organic oh it's very important this has cane sugar which is not the best this has maple syrup which is a low glycemic natural sweetener which is very good I'd say both are okay but I think a lot of people don't realize that votes are very melodia at the bloating effect I kind of say inflammatory about I say bloating effect so I actually got tested with Dessie for intolerance to foods about a couple years ago and oats was very high up there so if I eat a bowl of oatmeal what my stomach feels like a balloon it's so big so if you have that problem too you might want to lay off this is one of the best prices for paleo granola they also have paleo snack bars I saw in the aisle so I would grab that or if you want to just grab this and heck I mean it's not terrible but this price that's a great deal but conventional the NAM premium bear is not organic so sticking with maple syrup and stuff I saw this out of the corner of my eye best best maple syrup ever I just told art he's got to try it and what did you say about this I'm not going to use it I'm never going to use it I said dude it expires in two years and he's still a stud he's never gonna use it well either way I want to thank you guys I'll Instagram a few people said it Bobby you got to try this this is bourbon barrel-aged maple syrup that's organic from from either the USA or Canada the flavor on this is unbelievable Dessie has been making her new paleo bread recipe I put the link down below and I make french toast out of that on the weekends I drizzle this my only issue is that it actually has like a bourbon top you pull the top out and goes the thing is it has no pour spouts so when you pour it it's all messy and dribbles down they should if I was the owner of this company sell with this one of those liquor pours so you can go like that otherwise it's a phenomenal product if you don't want to get this they have the organic maple syrup on the end cap that stuff is awesome all right place city family that is it those are the healthiest hottest items here at Costco that I think you should buy and have it home because they are not only good they're good for you speaking of good oh man these clusters you guys are fantastic I would scoop these all day plus the cookbook is here too let's mobilize to place any family sell them out so that there's a nationwide order that don't you guys like subscribe share the only way this channel grows is about you spreading the art and I have two more videos going below us right now well we must feel very soon and kill down cow should I keep on cooking keep on snacking keep on eating Pacers Yolo mmm threw me off I don't say until then will leave you like we always do that's a feature habit that's what happens Wow
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 807,530
Rating: 4.8625736 out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, costco shopping, costco grocery haul, costco grocery shopping, costco shopping tips, shopping at costco, healthy costco haul, what to buy at costco, costco shopping trip, grocery haul 2019, costco grocery haul 2019, costco tips, costco wholesale, huge costco haul, costco shop with me, costco haul 2019, food haul, shop with me, bobby parrish, grocery shopping, grocery haul, healthy grocery haul, flavcity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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