Top 10 HEALTHIEST Things To Buy At Costco Right Now!

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place city family what is up it is rose and Bobby back in the kitchen for an epic Costco haul there's a lot of new stuff at the warehouse and I was hoping to film this in Costco going around showing you all the things to buy a void and why but here's the deal last time art and I were there filming the frozen food review we got the ax right luckily we finished the video but afterwards the manager said that from the executives in the corporate office the word came hey next time you see Bobby and the flava CD crew please tell them not to film there anymore and hey it's their store policy they can do what they want and I get it right our videos get a lot of views rose and I guess that makes us a victim of our own success but it's not gonna stop us right they said hey if you want to do videos at home Instagram stories go ahead so I had to go there yesterday and get all this amazing stuff for the haul because roast there's so many good things at the warehouse right now including keto paleo and next-level stuff that I want to share with you so hopefully I'll petition them with an email to corporate or if you want to politely on a social media tag them and say hey place city get them back in there we love them I'm the reason why he's the reason why we got the membership that's cool too hey before we cover all this amazing stuff you know the drill like subscribe share all those good things but right below the video I think right around Rose's head is a Bell icon you're gonna want to enable all notifications by pushing Rose's button nose because we have so much content going live every single week including the live streams on Friday night call hashtags Fridays with flame where we make our recipe from start to finish you're not gonna want to miss out okay where to start this haul I know where I want to start this all because I was walking around the aisle and my eyes almost bugged out of my head when I saw this this is the best-in-class coffee creamer on the market it's made by layered superfood if you've seen my coffee creamer review videos I think we have to now this has consistently been one of the best because if you look at the ingredients here let's do it together art but look at these ingredients it's dairy free best-in-class ingredients coconut milk powder organic coconut shirk sugar a lovely paleo sweetener this is aqua mean it's basically a calcium from algae that they derive and organic extra virgin coconut oil it's less than one gram of sugar per three quarters batiste they recommend adding one tablespoons we're talking just under three teaspoons of a great sugar I'll talk about and what I love about this see that the MCT is so how do you get the MC T's in there well guys when you buy MCT oil and powder it is derived from coconut right coconut oil coconut fat coconut meat has natural MCTS MCTS or medium chain triglycerides are so good for us because they are gave us energy they boost our brain and they actually help with weight loss by curbing your appetite here and there this is so amazing because number one is dairy-free the flavor is fantastic but go right next to it in the warehouse and see the traditional kind of creamer this one here is called coffee-mate we all know this it's in like the work break room the typical fair compare these ingredients so I see the first ingredient is corn syrup solids so GMO high fructose corn syrup salad instead of paleo coconut sugar we have hydrogenated vegetable oil in the form of palm and coconut so they're taking a fat hydrogenating it when you eat a hydrogenated fat your brain actually can't recognize it so it doesn't know how to store it it's literally devastating for your body and there's artificial flavors natural flavors and a bunch of other stuff guys that is literally par for the course for a standard store-bought coffee creamer the layered is so much better it's $20 right but compare that to the price on Amazon it's way way better now I wish they had this this is actually layered insta fuel this is what I drink every weekend so look at the ingredients on this it's coconut milk powder combined with good-quality instant coffee a little bit of coconut sugar and I believe they put the Aqua mean in there too you guys if you love coffee with creamer this is next-level it's a bit pricier but the amazon link down below but on the weekends and only on the weekends right we have this with our keto pancakes our pasture-raised bacon from thrive market and all those yummy things but my god I thought they only had this in LA let's go nationwide now this is probably one of the best high quality coffee creamers in the nation right now good on there right so that fantastic next up where to go rose let's go to collagen so we talked about collagen in many videos why is collagen great because not everyone is like Rose here right not everyone has those collagen filled cheeks and if you feel her skin it's like mud uh right pasture-raised grass-fed butter right daddy's 42 years old right you guys might not know that but yeah I'm 42 as you get older your natural collagen goes away in your body this is a great supplement to that it's also great for your joints very very important as you get older and it's very good for your hair your skin your teeth your nails and your gut right it's very important to foster your gut health rose because 80% of the cells that make up your immune system live in your gut this is something you want to eat every day we've talked about it at Costco before so this is actually not the size I believe at Costco they sent me this in the mail but it's grass-fed unflavored collagen fantastic to take twice a day but here's the deal they now have brand new at the warehouse this this is flavored on-the-go packets of grass-fed collagen and here's the caveat emptor I would not buy this because while this is straight-up unflavored look what happens to this so this is interesting flavor right dark chocolate berry and vanilla when they start doing that what do you think they're gonna have you guys right coconut water powder amazing natural flavors organic black berry powder amazing organic cacao don't know why they put the natural flavors in there and for the vanilla instead of using vanilla extract they're using natural flavors so we've talked about that to the nth degree if you're new to the channel which a lot of people are we've been growing like a spaceship lately so thank you for that natural flavors really are another word for natural for artificial flavors you really want to avoid them the weird thing is rose that the powdered flavored ones have it but the drink that I love the vital proteins liquid flavored water like this is strawberry lemon doesn't have it it just has strawberry juice lemon juice and monk fruit so there's something about the powderized process that does it and they add natural flavor so I would avoid that but the best deal ever on collagen peptides scoop them I think it's a 24-ounce container at Costco this stuff is something you want to take twice a day I put it in my morning tea in my afternoon smoothie so very excited they always have that we have to go here right you are so funny you always send me DM well do you have it's flexible DMS and emails of Costco fines and thank you for doing that it really keeps me on my toes well this is one of the newer Costco finds right here keto snack mix so check this out see this kind of stuff bothers me because keto is so popular now that rose what a lot of people do when there's money involved they bandwagon right and I think the keto God is actually getting ruined because just because something is high fat low carb doesn't mean it's good for you and here's why I don't like this so we look at the front looks good probiotics that always kind of kind of makes me leery but here's the ingredients right it's almonds pepitas dry bus you dried cheddar cheese not organic but very hard to find organic dried cheese you guys see the one ingredient that really makes me upset here sunflower oil is it expeller pressed no is it organic no and when you see these probiotics please keep in mind that shelf-stable probiotics are not really that effective you need the ones in the refrigerator aisle and yeah it really has to net carbs per quarter cup but you guys it's basically just a combination of nuts seeds and cheese of course that's keto I mean my god why you putting it in a bag for us and labeling it keto it doesn't really make it anything that's special so the cheese itself someone just told me on histogram stories yesterday look at yo what they're like the cheese is grossly under seasoned I have no flavor that's what someone told me that said she said blinders can be it's bland this is basically nuts seeds and cheese that has no flavor but by packaging in his Kido they can charge a premium price and they're using the bad oil if they're gonna use sunflora it has to be expeller pressed meaning it's not as highly processed and refined but my keto diet my paleo kitchen my keto recipes in my now number one best-selling book on Amazon in soul food cooking category and food allergies thank you for that I never thought of myself as a soul food chef practises good quality fats avocado oil extra virgin olive oil coconut oil that's the kind of stuff you want sunflower oil even if it's expeller pressed is garbage in my opinion so epic fail for that one okay where to next there is a good amount of well calm Oh meal snacks at Costco so I came around the corner so I saw these organic heavenly hunks a really cool name and they're on sale $6.99 it was it wasn't good no it was a great price I agree 100% but what do we do Rose we look at the ingredients on the back right so we turn it around and it really gets interesting here because it starts off good it starts off with organic gluten-free oats so if you're celiac it has to be certain a certified gluten-free and then dark chocolate chips have a little bit of cane sugar standard for the course the first half of the ingredients are lovely but then there's hammer gets dropped right we get palm shortening yikes I know there's three shares brown rice cane sugar and brown sugar and way too much added sugar we're talking about nine grams of added sugar per serving so that's too much so speaking of too much this young lady is hungry I'm gonna pass her off to mommy then I'll show you the much better option oatmeal squares hey you got mom yeah alright good thank you for the transition Rose so what do you do instead well I had never seen this before I walked up to the fridge case just seeing what's a new there and I saw these these are organic super Omega squares and it's another oatmeal based square but let's compare the ingredients of this versus the hunks I just saw so we look right here Organic oats with a star everything with the star is organic oats have to be organic otherwise they score high in glyphosate the active ingredient in roundup because they are sprayed with Roundup coconut sugar instead of cane sugar or brown sugar hip-hip-hooray once again coconut sugar is a paleo sweetener low on the glycemic index coconut oil instead of sunflower oil hip-hip-hooray real ingredients real ingredients the cranberries you guys are sweetened with apple juice instead of sugar that's so hard to fly find now there is sunflower oil here and here but it's used in the cranberries and dried blueberries we're talking a trivial amount they probably outsource that from somewhere else and we're using everything else SuperDuper clean four grams of added sugar for two pieces but this sugar you guys is a paleo sweetener in the form of maple syrup and coconut sugar I'm okay with a moderate amount of that I'm not okay with added cane sugar or brown sugar or brown rice syrup because those are in my opinion inferior high glycemic sweetener so this is fantastic I got to see how it tastes now we don't need too many oats around here right because we're a little bit intolerant to oats but I wanna try this oh it's actually well someone's not happy oats gonna have a bloating effect on your stomach and I think a lot of people don't know that or realize it no I would try eliminating them from your diet for 30 days and see what happens that is delicious Wow absolutely fantastic so I'd much rather you have these them the other hunks they do have these paleo bites that are in the noun refrigerator session that are very good too but you really want those high quality sweeteners not the traditional cane sugar ones alright let's reach into the bag of goodies and grab out granola and muesli they actually have a really good selection of granolas at the warehouse we've talked about it in the past Costco videos I'm gonna link all those videos during this one and put in that and the end cards so make sure to check that out um one of the coolest things I haven't checked out yet is this muesli so muesli is a really nice either quick or overnight kind of oat based breakfast and I love that I see organic here let me just explain this really quick we have a video coming out next week about foods with the highest amount of glyphosate in the grocery store glyphosate is the active ingredient in a roundup from monsanto our buddies right the reason why they spray wheat and oats is not to kill the the weeds around the oats it's to desiccate it or dry it out at the end of the maturation process that makes it dry quicker so they can harvest it really quickly when you spray it with glyphosate that's toxic to humans so organic oats score very low in glyphosate it's what conventional oats score really high so if you eat oats please get organic but look at these ingredients you guys so gluten-free certified organic oats we'll get the star sorghum flakes a gluten free grain buckwheat a gluten free grain wild blueberries they're wild and crazy guys right but look it's blueberry sweetened and apple juice and wild blueberries are actually these tiny tiny blueberries that are way better than those big fat cultivated ones wildflower honey that's local I can promise you it's not the stuff that's cut with a rice syrup from China apples coconut pumpkin seeds Chia and lemon extract that's what you want to see if you're gonna eat grains this is what you want organic whole grains not like a bunch of filler we talked about gluten free grains oftentimes being white rice and tapioca starch those are simple carbohydrates that just spike your glycemic index you don't want that this is super cool I would probably make if I ate oats overnight oats soaked in almond milk and coconut milk and then top it with my favorite plant maize yogurt which obviously you guys know is this one right here maybe four on some fruit and you're good to go right so that's really cool but right next to it is another example of a granola it's not quite um usefully and it's organic Nature's Path pumpkin seed granola and a lot of people will see organic grab it and run but look what happens right when you turn it around we look what it's made with and it's made with whole grain oats that are gluten free but the sweetener you guys is cane sugar instead of a paleo sweetener like these guys using maple syrup we also have soy oil do you see that so yeah it's organic soy oil so it's non-gmo remember something's organic by law it's non-gmo if something is non-gmo that don't make it organic but soy oil it's still it's not expeller pressed soy oil is still highly inflammatory so that's garbage in my opinion and the rest of the ingredients are not bad but you're talking about cane sugar and soy oil versus sugar in the form of apple juice and no oil and sugar in the form of maple syrup and then you look at the macros there it's got a whopping nine grams of added sugar per serving I would not pick that up now some Costco's have autumn's gold granola bars and oh and uh granola that are fantastic because once again it's a paleo granola bar so what does that mean it's paleo meaning there's no grains in here so look at these ingredients instead of oats and sugar they're putting bunch of nuts bunch of seeds organic honey and maple syrup totally paleo we have coconut oil and vanilla it doesn't matter that the almonds and pecans are not organic because they're protected by the shell there's nothing here that has to be organic if you find this or the granola at Costco scoop it all day paleo granolas are the only granola as we eat because we don't eat oats or grains but I'm telling you this is the kind of stuff you want to put in your body and between that and if you want to get oats this muesli is best-in-class compared to any one or any other one in the market it's next-level right okay where to next we float around the costco warehouse let's go here this is super exciting so we've talked about creatine e cauliflower wraps in the past and it's such an interesting product cuz they used to use expeller press canola oil then they graduated to olive oil I discovered that with my video if Thomas tell our we were like high five right but now they make big burrito sized wraps here so you can do a lot of rap in here and look at the ingredients cage free egg whites I wish it was organic I wish it was pasture raised I wish I was a little bit taller alright wishes he was a baller but what I'm gonna do right we got cauliflower powder olive oil the xanthan gum is a totally harmless emulsifier this is great we're talking zero net carbs per wrap that's awesome you guys actually have a video and a recipe for keto eggs benedict where I take this and I put it into a ramekin i crisp it up I fill it with an avocado hollandaise prosciutto and a poached egg I'll put that recipe down below it lives on Flav fantastic then if you want another keto rap you have that option but you have this and this isn't new but it's actually relatively new at our Costco in Chicago its parmesan folios cheese wraps and once again it's a wrap with one ingredient cheese I count 3 but the cheese is made up of that Thank You art art is the accountant after all and it's 1 net carb and the reason why so even though we don't eat that much in dairy in my house I can eat aged cheese's like Parmesan and so can you if you're lactose intolerant because aged cheese's have no lactose how do cheese's have no lactose because when they're aged the bacteria eat or consume the lactose during the aging process and their lactose free now they're not Casey and free so if you're allergic to Casey and you can't have them but these are basically low - no lactose cheese for parmesan pecorino aged cheddar and stuff like that I'd probably rather go at the cauliflower just because I love the texture of these but either one of these is SuperDuper cool and was definitely Bobby approved and then I literally go like two steps around the corner and I see this product right here called organic Amy Lou kale and mozzarella chicken burgers right so I'm like are there's gonna be some garbage in there this is not gonna be good right it's organic which is great because chicken if it's not organic have a strict feed of corn and soy that is GMO Laden but you guys are ready to have your I blown out of the sockets look at these ingredients so organic chicken hip-hip-hooray organic kale is really important because kale is one of the dirtiest of the dirty dozen member so that's cool organic and mozzarella it's actually hard to find organic mozzarella in the grocery store don't look at this they're caramelizing onions in extra virgin olive oil what the look evaporated cane sugar how much we're talking one gram of sugar per patty who cares spices that's gonna be their proprietary splice why a spice bun they don't want to tell you and extract garlic that is amazing you guys now I still eat it even though I don't eat much dairy but are you kidding me this is amazing the only thing about make it better is maybe if it was like pasture raised chicken which doesn't exist at the grocery store but this is what you want to feed your family most chicken burgers most chicken sausages including the a meal ooh at my Costco are not and I won't eat that because the chickens only eat Monsanto laden GMO corn and soy at least with this they're not eating that they're eating a GMO free feed very very important stuff and then right next to that actually is one of the most important things I think at Costco for gut health so we always have this in the fridge and they actually got rid of it early winter and I freaked out this is naturally fermented sauerkraut we talked about it before but what makes it naturally fermented is look at the ingredients on the back art you'll see an absence of vinegar that's because it's a natural fermentation and vinegar is not bad for you right but it doesn't allow a natural fermentation process to occur when that happens there's living enzymes in here that are good for your gut this is such a grand ACOG got friendly food that when Rose is a little constipated we'll give her like a teaspoon of the sauerkraut juice and it really helps her like go to the bathroom this is fantastic stuff you have to eat raw you can't cook it but I would always repeat them always scoop that because it's so good and it's half the price of like this one we normally would get back in the day or is it before I realize that was the task I used to get this bubbies one which is basically the same the only difference is it's twice the price and homey don't play that game anymore right so really cool things in that aisle right there all right Rose would not go to sleep and I don't blame her she wants to hang out with the Flav city's family and finish the video so Rose we just went over a ton of really cool stuff I'll show you later on let's just end this video with a cup of my all-time favorites you may know these but I just want to go over it you always want to by rayo sauce at Costco it's literally half the price of anywhere else the ingredients are always best-in-class the only knock is it's not organic tomatoes and tomatoes are on the Dirty Dozen list but they do peel them and steam them so some of the pesticides from the skin come off but it's the best you can do at Costco and it's way better than the organic Kirkland one and the flavor is next-level um not so is amazing I was reluctant to buy this for a long time because it's pricey but look at the ingredients here I know Costco has our own version now we don't in Chicago but look at the salt there it's Celtic sea salt these are the only guys in the universe who use Celtic sea salt actually one of the two salts I only cook with here because kept Celtic sea salt is an unrefined salt with 70 trace minerals that won't spike your blood pressure very very important stuff I'm gonna put a link down below for Celtic salt because it's one my favorite salt right now and it's way better than using iodized salt or white salt like this this stuff will spike your blood pressure and it's processed bleached and refined I'd rather you get the celtic salt but this is better than the costco version because it has a few more nuts and seeds in there i love beets and sometimes i don't want to make my own but i swear these organics steamed beets taste just as good as homemade beats and they're so cheap it's crazy i love them are you eating daddy's microphone you're getting to microphone and then you guys know i love the avocado oil mayo from sir Kensington's because i'm still saying because of art and i that changed the recipe and they got rid of the sugar and it literally is cheaper to buy than to make it now but they're not using organic eggs and then I'm waiting for it but this primal kitchen vegan ranch has been in test markets at Costco it's completely dairy-free avocado oil based best-in-class ingredients they were nice enough to send me a demo of that if you have this at your Costco I think it's a context is and maybe Oklahoma I would run there as soon as possible because that is fantastic Oh what that's it alright guys that is it we just went over a bunch of new healthy a lot of keto a lot of paleo a lot have super clean items with best-in-class ingredients available at Costco yeah what might have been a little better if we were in the warehouse and walking around with those neon lights on my skin you know but what are you gonna do maybe the gods will grace us with a path to get back in there but either way we're gonna make the videos we're gonna help you be the best shopper and buy the best quality stuff to put into you and your family's body like subscribe share the only way this channel keeps growing the way it has is by you spreading the love I'll make you guess he said that was gonna happen if she keeps pulling on your bracelet it's gonna it's okay rose we got to heels going below though but art and I and rose and dusty and everyone will see you very soon until then we say into like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace you got daddy
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 557,719
Rating: 4.9213104 out of 5
Keywords: costco, costco haul, what to buy at costco, shopping at costco, costco shopping, costco grocery shopping, costco grocery haul, costco shopping trip, healthy costco haul, costco shopping tips, huge costco haul, costco tips, costco 2020, costco haul 2020, costco haul healthy, shop with me, grocery haul, bobby parrish, flavcity, healthy grocery haul
Id: -3ujyh836Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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