10 Healthy Pantry Items To Buy At Costco...And What To Avoid!

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we are here we're at Costco because the other week on Instagram I was showing my favorite things and I get here and you guys loved it you said do a haul video on YouTube so a man of the people let's get past that a guardian of the gates aka and do our thang baby Costco baby I'm like a kid in a candy store here it must be like the free samples all this abundance of good stuff that half of it I don't even need but we're gonna check out ten of my favorite items here at Costco for healthy meal prep in a home we're also gonna check out like five items that you think might be healthy but you gotta stay away from now there are free samples waiting there's tons of stuff to do so let's get our shopping on baby the first thing I want you to avoid here at Costco are these rotisserie chickens I know the lure look at that are $4.99 is an amazing price the problem is no whole cooked rotisserie chicken should be $4.99 that's way too cheap this sucker is pumped full of preservatives chemicals God knows how many hormones are in here and the thing is look your art at the ingredients modified food starch sugar dextrose or easier is to buy chicken thighs roast them at home and then shred that to make chicken salad I have two recipes that do that that's unbelievable I got to give you the alternative so roast your own chicken thighs I'm getting the easiest thing I'll buy him like a broiler chicken and roasting that whole and then all right this is officially the coldest remove in Costco but there's a really good vibe here in the form of Kerrygold Irish butter if you're a butter fan if you're a fat fan you're on keto you better be by European style butter it has a higher percentage of butter fat fat is flavor when you buy American style butter over here it has lower fat in more water so number one you're paying for water number two the flavor isn't there the one thing I don't love about the carry goal that have here is that it's gold when it's gold that means look it's salted when I cook I like to control the amount of salt in my food but the thing is the savings are so good it's still worth it to buy it now before you freeze our butt off let's go to the one thing you should avoid here in the cooler it's the organic eggs people think this is the best deal because you get two dozen for six dollars on the surface it is but looks can be deceiving like oh they're brown they're organic it must be good they're not there's a website called the cornucopia Institute and these are rated about as low as they get because just because they're organic doesn't mean they're happy chickens who run all around and play in the Sun they're actually cooped up in a cage fed an organic diet of corn and they can't even move chickens are supposed to be pasture raised or roaming around having a good time hanging out with their friends not cooped up eating corn and grains so I like to buy organic ads from Whole Foods called vital farms they're literally twice the price of this but there are happy eggs that taste better so stay away from this even though I've seen about twenty people walk by and get eggs in their car Bobby's right - yeah here we go in but I'm trying to tell people they're not the best quality organic ones people buy them but they're really not the highest quality or given a that is sure it is the highest quality here at Cosco you want to forget it I do it yeah oh yeah I'm gonna get the cornucopia institute on a ring so modified like this pasteurized pomegranate juice pom wonderful its sugar water you're paying for uber greens organics Suja juice unless it's cold-pressed from your house and you're drinking and immediately forget about it this has been sitting here forever you're paying for sugar water acai Brazilian sugar water kombucha and makes me gassy and fart other kombucha it's got weird ingredients not just tea and mother Khumbu chit in there and cold brew coffee God knows how much sugar they have in there listen ma'am I don't know when it became socially acceptable to start charging like 10 or 12 bucks for these cold-pressed organic juices at these like hipster places but that ain't cool okay I don't I don't roll like that but I do roll with this are look this bacon here is really good if you're gonna buy bacon you gotta buy thick cut bacon it's the only way to go that it's not thick cut you're not doing it right and you're also not doing it right if you buy this if you ever buy fully cooked and bacon that you put in the microwave shame on you because it's just so hot in here so long all right let's find something good we can talk about now a healthy snack it's getting out yeah thank you so much appreciate that mmm nutritious nut butters are a must buy at Costco I'm on Team creamy thankfully that have organic creamy peanut butter here for the ridiculous price of two 28 ounce jars for $9.99 even more ridiculous because if you're on keto you need almond butter here's the price on this almond butter it's a 27 ounce jar for eight bucks at Trader Joe's a 16 ounce container is almost $6 so the price is so right and we have so many recipes that use this so make sure you stock up on your almond butter and your peanut butter here at Costco because you can't do better than that all right 307 this is the money aisle except for this what is it nobody needs this much no one needs tired moody in this booties a good thing okay no one needs that much booty in their life but they know they're not I'm not buying it but they do need almond flour if you're keto or you're gluten-free almond flour is your best friend even more of a BFF situation is this price look at this 396 per pound at Whole Foods in the bulk section at $7 a pound at Trader Joe's it's 750 a pound I saw this for the first time like a month ago and fell in love I bought three bags deci makes her keto biscotti out of these her Kido and gluten-free crackers and making gnocchi out of this there's so many amazing recipes we have using almond flour so it's built by one by two because they're gonna plow through it now continuing down aisle 307 here this is where the magic happens art spices look at this ground turmeric oregano basil you guys know it love spices but it's actually I'm I do not my list here at Costco because ground spices start to lose their flavor after three to six months and I don't care how much you're cooking at home how much your meal prepping are you gonna go through that much cumin in six months art I'm not worried definite without the cinnamon or cumin challenge you're not gonna go through that much cumin so by the time you get halfway through that's gonna lose lose its power at the bulk section of Whole Foods they sell spices by the ounce and luckily in Chicago or any major city they have a spice houses where you can buy by the ounce so just buy a couple ounces use it and then replenish it otherwise it's gonna go back alright oil oil oil let's grab some coconut oil because the extra virgin coconut oil coconut oil here is the best price ever that's really really good quality but there's also some oils here that are not good quality such as canola oil and vegetable oil the reason there's a reason why you can buy two three quart bottles this is like enough to lift weights with for 779 689 because the stock is cheap in those it's a highly highly processed oil that uses a chemical solvent to extract the oil from the vegetables it's really really bad for you like if you read into it because it's such a highly processed oil it can change the molecular structure of the oil and totally mess with your body so if you're gonna deep fat fry it's really tempting to use this but they have something else here art that I'd rather use it's a Mediterranean blender that has look at this canola olive and grapeseed so at least the canola is cut with olive and grapeseed so if you're gonna deep-fry or do that I always buy my olive oil here and my extra-virgin this is such a great price to use olive oil for cooking extra virgin olive oil for finishing it's a good price you gotta buy it yeah it's the best price you're ever gonna find it's a really good extra virgin olive oil I agree it's the only one I use you yeah if you buy your avocado oil here too okay yeah okay well I used to buy my avocado oil here but recently this costco change suppliers they used to have chosen foods organic non-organic was cold-pressed extra virgin amazing quality less than half the price of Trader Joe's but recently they swapped it for Mary Ann's listen I'm sure Marianas a nice lady but it doesn't say that it's cold-pressed it doesn't say that it's extra-virgin it doesn't even say what it is I talked about this on Instagram some people at their Costco wherever they live still have chosen foods if they have that great but right now this is on my do not buy list because I'm not sure how they get the oil out you've got to buy your nuts here it's obvious I mean look pecans almonds all those nuts are the most obvious deal here ever but store them in your fridge or your freezer because nuts contain a volatile volatile essential oil that can go rancid over time and if you store them at room temperature they'll go much more rancid quickly now there's one thing our never buy in my opinion Organic pine nuts at Costco art and I talked about this on Instagram last week and it caused some controversy because the problem is these are from China and China has been known to use a breed of pine nuts that really aren't pine nuts like pine nuts are supposed to come from Italy they're called pain yoli's these are a different breed that sometimes can cause a really bitter taste in your mouth almost a metallic taste and it actually has it has a syndrome called pine nut syndrome it can last for days Art's mom actually had it happen to her so I would not recommend buying these you have to buy the real deal from Italy look at this organic coconut milk Dessie and I use a lot of coconut milk the one issue I have with this brand here is that it has guar gum in it which if you're sensitive to emulsifiers and gums it might be a problem it does make this coconut milk incredibly creamy and rich whereas if you buy the one at Trader Joe's it's the same price that comes out to about 11 cents an ounce look at this part but at Costco it separates the coconut cream separates from the coconut milk so whichever one you want it's a great deal here but it's the same price at Trader Joe's to do aisle 307 at Costco he is where it's at let's move on alright welcome to the official hipster aisle here I'm guessing that all Costco's have this but in Chicago we do hemp parts these are awesome they have a mild nutty flavor they're really high in omega-3s omega-6s antioxidants and they actually have more protein than chia seeds I used them in my quinoa breakfast bowls but you can also sprinkle them raw on top of yogurt and the price here is so much better than Trader Joe's flax seeds obviously really really good for fiber chia seeds we go through a ton of chia seeds because if you haven't seen our recipes for chia seed pudding chocolate and mango and cinnamon and no baker NOLA it is the bomb and once again calcium Omega threes protein and fiber the stuff is a legit every morning from breakfast dear the week Monday through Friday I have a quinoa breakfast book that I cook in water and coconut milk throw in some hemp hearts some vegan yogurt nuts seeds fruit raisins it's the bomb two dollars and 15 cents per pound for a four and a half pound bag of quinoa you cannot beat that price that isn't absolutely ridiculous that is it the superfood aisle is done alright this is one aisle that just angers me all of these bullcrap supplements and vitamins and officials and everything like that I mean if you think about the billions of dollars that Americans waste on this stuff when ninety percent of it is not even needed maybe once in a while like some vitamin C is good but like gummies that have sugar all these different B vitamins look at these adults and gummies like no I'm easier for kids adults should not be eating gummy ins we don't need 90% of the stuff in here yet we waste so much money on that this kind of stuff infuriates me because just eat good workout don't worry about this joke stuff here you'd think someone like Robert Irvine who's like mister fit mister healthy if you were gonna endorse a whey protein bar it would probably be good it will have a really really good ingredients that make your biceps look like that but I'm sorry to call you out Robert but look at the ingredients in your protein bar palm kernel oil sunflower oil which is highly processed super lohse maltodextrin what else I can't even pronounce when you can't pronounce half the ingredients that's a bad thing so I don't know dinner impossible more like protein bar impossibly disgusting all right all right mission successful you got to be kidding me oh yeah arch is clearly not drinking the kool-aid that I'm preaching here not just a hot dog hot dog and pepperoni pizza that's what they all say art all right you guys that is it like Costco all is done we're not leaving until art finishes his food if you want to get recipes for some of the stuff that we bought check the description box below if you want to see more hauls like it Trader Joe's all the may be online on Amazon leave a comment let us know subscribe to the channel check out the videos going below us I cannot believe I'm sitting here waiting for art right now hope we will see you soon until then hashtag
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 2,012,177
Rating: 4.3186331 out of 5
Keywords: grocery haul, healthy grocery haul, costco haul, costco grocery haul, grocery shopping, costco shopping, shopping at costco, what to buy at costco, costco shopping tips, things you should and shouldnt buy, costco shopping trip, healthy costco haul, flavcity, bobby parrish, costco, shop with me, costco tips, costco grocery shopping
Id: 0ZIgtLzCqTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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