Top 10 Games with Perfectly Fitting Theme

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome to a dice tower top 10 list i'm roy canaday i'm mike d'alessio hello i'm chris yee and today we're going to be doing a top 10 list about themed games but not only theme games games that perfectly fit their theming this is uh this is a good one i'm excited about this yes so i want to ask you guys like how did you kind of like come up with the concept of lifts is there like certain parameters you did for your list pair of parameters what was the bgg weighting make no mistake there are plenty this list is nothing but parameters i i see just so here's the rhythms logarithms well i didn't want to say it but i'm glad you did i i have a little bit of an issue with this uh with this topic okay really yeah when you're okay discussing i suppose look we're amongst friends aren't we we're amongst friends exclusively um depends on how you define friends fair point uh so my thing is look board games are all about abstracting something so there's no such thing as a game with a perfect theme even games where you're supposedly it's a game about playing games never all of my games on my list are all larps it's just all like different types of larps and like literally running around in the yard and doing that roy if you told me the grocery store larp exactly if you told me that larps were acceptable for these lists i would add a very different my favorite pick of a number game doordash that's right anyway no no i guess for my for my list what i tried to do was pick games that i felt like evoked a theme very well that's really what it is i mean sometimes it's going to be because mechanics help reinforce that theme other times it's just going to be because you know the designer did a really good job of finding ways to make you feel somewhat like you're doing what you're doing but i mean that's that's really the best idea if a game you picked isn't in the top 100 theming games or theme games on boardium geek then it's invalid wow where's the door i did a similar approach you know the and these are also games that i particularly want to pull off the shelf so there are some games that many will argue with me many will that are far more thematic perhaps than the 10 on this on this bad boy right here but are they the ones that i want to pull off the shelf that was also a part of my uh my logarithmic uh cosine coefficients that's a good point i do like all of these games that i chose yes i mean for me i really like games that help like evoke that emotion and theme and that really get you into the game so for me it's mostly just games that like give you that feeling of like you're doing the thing that the game is about or like just invoke like strong stories and emotions and things that you can remember after you're done playing the game so that's how it works for me makes sense i like it i'm excited go ahead and get into this with our number 10s all right well my number one ten my my one zero my number one uh number ten game it'll be a pretty short live video if we do this 100 is a game called last will okay it was pre-emptive last world yeah my number 10 is last will this is a game from cge vladimir uh who is known for i mean he's made plenty of good games this is one of the first ones i had heard of where it's about going broke this is uh if you've ever seen the movie brewster's millions or it's remake brewster's millions then you know the idea right you have an inheritance of money you need to lose it all i love it because this game leans into the silly it leans into the funness of it it's a worker placement you know euro game right this is not like this is not a uh maybe not what comes to the top of most people's minds of like thematic but the actions that you're doing in the game are all in the pursuit of losing money messing up everything possible and you have to it's so thematic to me that you have to flip your brain you know you flip the switch where you say i have these investments i must ruin them and lose them i get income at the start of each round that's a problem i love it so that's my number 10 last will it's an interesting choice i i don't know that i can get on board with you on this one but it's an interesting choice chris i'll say that it's interesting every one of us approaches this list differently interesting i haven't played but uh yeah i'll just i'll just trust mike on this all right so for my number 10 i wanted to pick a game that just really evoked like the feeling of and this is the game that evokes the feeling of being like an investigator and murders and mysteries and things like that and that is chronicles of crime this game is extremely thematic not only i mean i really like app driven games i know some people are here or there on them but this one the app helps just bring you into the game and kind of like takes the game away from you so it's not so mechanical it's very much like what you're doing there's even parts of this game where you're looking through like a little spyglass and you're able to like basically like see the different things that are in the room and you're calling out oh there's there's blood on the ground oh there's papers over here oh there's like trash here you're pulling out all those different cards and you're working together as a team to try to do that it just the theme just comes out in this game as you play it because it's all about trying to figure out how the murder mystery happened and and being able to solve that at the end of the game so that's why it is my number 10 games that fit their theme perfectly yeah this is a good choice what's neat about this one is that it's not necessarily even a theme right there's like been multiple themes and it fits them all because of the way that the game is designed it's going to help make you feel like you're in the middle of it just by its very nature so yeah that's a very good call yeah yeah you taught me this one uh when it i really enjoyed it and i liked leaning into that a little bit like oh okay okay we're investigators now let's you know you scan the little different things and you i don't know it's fun it's evocative and i could not agree more how are you waiting for the shoe to drop and you're waiting on the shoe to drop now i agree all right my number 10 is actually not a board game it's a larp is uh going to the grocery store can't make that change it's a top 10 list of the larp that's correct um my number 10 is last will one yes you disagree with mike now for some reason yeah yeah yeah so so obviously i agreed with chris frighteningly so uh and it's really odd that this is a game that is on two different lists in on this topic at the same level it's it's that's really cool uh chris already mentioned a lot about last will so i won't belabor it but it is it's thematic in the sense that it almost encourages you to like you said lean into the silly it's like okay is this really any different than a standard euro where you're trying to get the most money no it's exactly the opposite but i'm telling you it just feels different it just feels different and that little twist on a very common you know kind of a euro game because this is very much a euro game which is odd to put you know on a thematic list but this shows i think that euro games can very much have a strong thematic element um and and this is one that the i always lead with the theme with this game when i'm teaching it usually or even suggesting it as a game who's not somebody who's never played it before usually the i can explain what it is and they're in they're interested in it just because it's such a fun idea and a nice little twist so uh i have to give it up for chris brilliant choice chris you've ever made chris made the powerpoint therefore he just copied every single one of mike's picks so and and he's first in the order so he's gonna save them before you every single time this is ridiculous this is why i don't like sitting to the left of chris when we play games is it the other way around you don't like sitting next to me on either side really well that has nothing to do with that but we'll leave that for another time that was my number 10 last whoo [Music] all right my number nine i'm going to say the correct number this time i'm also going to see if i can steal uh mike sometimes my number nine is rolling right game actually which is uh was surprising that it fit this list yes i'm very surprised what is this going to be here super skill pinball 4k this is a game that um when we chose this list actually a shout out to roy for picking the topic uh we were struggling to figure out exactly what it was going to be roy threw it out and i said i have this at home in shrink i need to play this one because i've heard that it fits the thing really well and it does you have these little half pinball tokens that start off at the top of the uh of your little player sheet and it'll gradually fall down and then you can use flippers and stuff you just use different numbered actions to hit it back up into different spots and gravity keeps pulling it back down and so for a roll and write game because usually they're very much like check this box does it give you an extra green this one is so good this one's real it fits its theme perfectly could not be a different theme and i think that that's kind of like you said mike right the last will does for you know dry looking boring euro games this one does for roland wright's uh what that one does where it it picks a theme i could see this being designed theme first and i think it's integrated perfectly so my number nine super skill pinball 4k do they mechanically evoke that uh scoring thing that tom likes to do on the shoots and marbles that that bonus that's redo the whole thing is there a way to work that into the game chris uh nothing in the world evokes that it would be awesome like we need to talk to jeff and and uh and with kids about like yeah yeah we need a promo that lets us do the pinball bonus where you can get a re-roll if you've got the perfect numbers that's exactly it we need to make that happen roll two dice is that your score yes you win i haven't played this one i need to check it out i've heard really good things and uh i'll give it a shot my next one my number nine here um fits into the western genre of theme and so a game that really fits its theme that is western is western legends i really enjoy this like western themed sandbox style game as you're running around and you can be either like a marshal or an outlaw and you're going trying to like wrangle cattle and get gold and trying to go bid and do poker things it's all about like trying to get victory points in different ways and it just evokes that feeling of like running around in a western game you can blast the other cowboys you can blast the bandits and outlaws and things like that and it just gives you that feeling of a western game and that's why i have it on my list and i really enjoy western legends i actually need to play this more i haven't played the expansion yet and that just adds even more you have like a train and things like that you can go on and stuff like that i really enjoy western language this is another one i've heard a really good thing good things about but i haven't played it i haven't played it either actually yeah i've heard it's almost kind of like the red dead redemption type of thing so that i mean that's appealing and i do like this theme it has not been overused in board games i love i love games that give you like that that feeling of being able to kind of run around and do whatever you want this game very much does that in a western setting so it's like there's lots of different ways to get points but you can run around and do it as as an outlaw or a marshal just a cowboy running around doing crazy stuff yeah that's cool i'm going to assume it's a good choice chris are you with me on this um i'm going to disagree with mike fantastic we'll see what chat says i'm going to disagree with you while agreeing with you oh yeah a weird conundrum all right all right well my number nine uh even though i've never played it before is super skill pin no sorry um my number nine is a game about mendelian genetics called genotype and i know next to nothing about mendelian genetics i assume it involves dice and perhaps cards of some some type but here's the thing you are a geneticist well i play one on tv um first of all this is a very unique theme and i like that quite a bit but even though i don't know much about it here's the rule book okay i know i'm in a small little square here but here's the rule book right of the game in addition to this rule book is an entirely separate book that is nothing but the science behind the game and it shows you how the game mechanics are actually evoking the science behind the game now genius games has done a lot of these but this is not one of those games that feels like a science lesson it's a very very fun euro game but obviously a lot of time and effort was put into making this a game that evokes the theme behind the science but it never feels like it's at the uh that that's more important than a good game right because it's a really solid mechanically uh dice drafting dice placement game with a little bit of player powers and card powers i really really like this one this one surprised the heck out of me when i first played it i was intrigued because it was a theme that was novel but the fact that it was actually a really good game is also a huge benefit so genotype i feel like i know more about genetics than i did before was the rule book peer-reviewed by other scientists the appeal the rule book was strictly peer-reviewed on wikipedia and so it's an absolutely unimpeachable rule book and uh yeah no this is a game that even if you don't have an interest in the theme you should check it out and it might make you more interested in the theme it's really you know the the pea plants george mandel the whole idea of breeding these pea plants and recessive dominance yeah and all of that the punnett squares if you remember punnett squares from school all of that is reflected within the game a really really cool theme and a really good game that is my number nine genotype nice very good [Music] all right my number eight this is about as dry as it's going to get and yet thematic right it gets better for me it gets better from here my number eight is a game called power grid power grid is freedom and freeze uh this is his most well-known game by and far it's about building up your grid uh building up your different power companies you're trying to have connections to different cities but the the very simple economy that the game uses the very simple supply and demand scale as well as trying to break into markets and everything i've i've read multiple people say that those who work in this industry really admire this game for being fairly representative of what they do they really yeah huh yeah the you know the different energy markets breaking the markets uh and then also just the supply and demand shifting different uh you know shifting according to if you're using coal or uh or what are the other resources in the game garbage obviously is made up sure right the nuclear power using the different resources available as they become more available shifting and being fluid and i thought that was really that's really cool to know that people this wasn't a peer-reviewed rule book but you know people in the markets actually like that game a lot and so and i feel i feel it too when i play it so i really like it i integrate power grid i would say this fits its theme if the theme is math right correct yeah math the game arithmetic the board game i i'm shocked that this is i i mean i would have never considered i appreciate that you're going out on a you know a limb i mean that's great go for it it's just i would have never ever figured this game would be on this list so it's okay the chat will just secure you it's okay looks all right uh you know we're gonna find out awesome my number eight is a different theme i enjoy like popular themes in games this is my pirate themed pick this is a game that has tons of story in it it's definitely very on the silly side and this is forgotten waters oh i thought it could be power grid no i pick games that actually like nail their theme but yeah forgotten waters is a blast to play and the crazy thing that makes this the theme like nail home on this is the fact that there's like narration in the game you're playing these narrations with wacky things happening and even though it's very mechanical where you're like rolling dice and kind of seeing where you're going with your different like pirate placement on these different pages on the arts evocative and the stories are crazy as you're going through different stuff it just feels like you're a zany pirate crew going through this like mythical land and it just really helps you like draw you into the theme as you're using an app and and hearing all these like c sounds and like pirates fighting in the background it just evokes that theme so well so i really think forgotten waters nails it with the pirate theme and that's why it's my number eight wow nice and somebody in chat chris said that the first game they thought of when they heard this list was power grid so i'm not alone no dry desert dry euro game loving no but for but forgotten waters i think is an amazing pick i really consider this one because not only is the theme and the art and the sound and all that stuff evocative but i also love that you're a pirate crew you're working together you lose or fail together when you go to an island and it gives you out the different options we are a team but also i'm going to go right yeah right yeah exactly very much that's a good pick i i really enjoy i want to play more forgotten waters that's the thing is that i have not played it as much as i would like to it's really good all right well my number eight is not a pirate game but it is a game about power water no it's not about power nor grids um this is a game called dive this is a very unique interesting game where the components of the game are part of what really sells this theme the idea behind dive is that you are it's a little bit of a mythology type thing you're diving deep through the depths of the water trying to get a mystical stone or something along those lines but you need the help of sea creatures and you want to kind of avoid bothering the sharks it's not like they're necessarily trying to attack you but you don't want to bother the sharks and you want to get some help from see manta rays and turtles and so what you really are going to do you can kind of see it in the picture there is that there is a stack of translucent kind of acrylic tiles okay some of them have holes cut out of them and some of them will have different printed animals and what you're trying to do is program up to five depths down which are basically five layers down and you're trying to figure out looking just looking without manipulating the stack of tiles at all where the different things are like i think three of these tiles down is a red turtle so i'm gonna bet really high so i can win that tile and if i do i can move closer down i don't know if i'm explaining this very well but it's a very intriguing game it's not like anything else i've ever played and the first time that i played it i thought man what a brilliant way of trying to evoke this theme of diving you're literally pulling you know depths of water down uh from this this stack so very very cool game um it's light it's not like something that's gonna you know be the center of your game night or anything but it really is a neat little game with a very cool uh evocation of themes so that's my number eight right eight yes i i definitely want to play this one it just looks really cool with the transparencies and trying to figure out the depths and things like that i just think that mechanic looks very unique and interesting it is and and it's one of those games that when you see it on the table you're going to be drawn to it you're going to want to see what's this all about you've never seen anything quite like it so yeah very good [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right my number seven is a game called through the ages this is a big this is a civilization game and civilization the card game basically it's long it's it's very big and just by the fact that it is so long and has such a large scale well that's you know it's a civilization game it pulls that off but it feels like these types of games somehow reduced to basically cars and cubes uh but one of the things that i find most evokes the theme for me of human history civilization is the fact that you have to lean into your military in this game this is this is a particular touch but i can't emphasize how much if you don't have a military i want to build great amphitheaters i want to go into poetry and all this stuff your neighbors will wreck you they will destroy you and you will not have a very good time so you start investing in military then you make a bigger then someone else looks at yours and says well they have a bigger military than me so they start building up and one of the things that i felt actually after playing one of these games was very sad up thinking how many great you know civil buildings and and and structures and and uh statues i could have built i didn't have to worry about this military side of things you know and so i feel like it it does a really good job of evoking what it is like to build up your civilization right next door to somebody else knowing that they could come in and kick over your sand castle at any moment every card in the game is also thematic the whole scale of it but i but i've had a lot of moments playing this game where i thought wow this these are the types of tough decisions you need to make if you're in a position of power if you have these responsibilities and if mike keeps building up his stupid army look it's gonna happen yeah so i like this game a lot i also really like how it it evokes that sieve themes that's my uh that's my number seven pick through the ages you're not shying away from the dry euros in this category it's like you know dramatic cubes cubes are so small right that's right i've never seen i've never felt more like a spreadsheet than i have while playing this game so no it's an interesting choice it's an interesting choice but you're going to probably get a whole lot of support in the chat so that's all right as long as roy and i are sitting here crushing these pics what do you think someone said in the chat i really appreciate it the theme doesn't have to be exciting itself no to be thematic and to fit that's absolutely true you you know power grid for example right because it's not an exciting theme but so for me my number seven um is a game that has gorgeous art an amazing story and when you think amazing art and lots of story i think ryan loves yeah that's always fun and this game is sleeping gods this is a game that is just filled and like takes you off to this world of whimsy as you go through and you're trying to find totems and like trying to figure out how to wake these gods even though you maybe should let sleeping gods lie but it's awesome i like it but it's awesome going around you're on a ship you're trying to manage a crew but all this time you're like going through all these different stories and getting clues of where to go next and what you should be doing and just trying to uncover the mysteries of this world that ryan lockett's built for you to explore and there's just something about it that just draws you in and the artwork is always amazing in these games and i think this is kind of like this is definitely my favorite ryan lockett game so far i've really enjoyed it and i just love going to the story and you can just explore in any direction you want to as you play the game it just gives you a great feeling as you're like working together to figure the things out in sleeping god so that's why it's my number seven tons of theme just nails it and makes it happen very good right yeah that's a good pick i did not uh well spoiler i guess but i didn't pick this one but but i'm kind of kicking myself that it didn't even make my short list and i don't know why because it's remarkably thematic but it's so interesting to me so far we're only three picks in here almost i haven't even gotten to mine yet and just what different approaches we're taking to this topic right yeah how you're leaning more so far anyway into like the storytelling you know i forgot the things that make me feel like i'm struggling right and it both are valid they're just different approaches to it right so interesting two different approaches and then the correct approach so my number seven is um a game that evokes panic and fear and frenzy and running out of time and you're in a temple and you're trying to escape what is the game it's escape curse of the temple language escape the curse of the temple is a game where you know the idea it's kind of this this indiana jones you know the the opening scene of uh raiders of the lost ark where indy is trying to get that that gold totem and he's trying to race out before the cave collapses on him and the way that this game kind of evokes that is through a real-time die rolling you know frenetic cooperative type of of a thing i don't typically love real-time games let me restate that i usually hate yes real-time games this is one of the games that i will play not all the time but i'll still play this and it is almost solely because i think it does such a good job of bringing out the theme because oftentimes and this is a controversial statement but i'm not going to shy away from it oftentimes i feel like real time as a mechanic is used in a lazy way it's like i want to create some sense of anxiety amongst the players i want to create some sense of angst amongst the players and i'm going to do that by forcing them to do something in a particular amount of time whether that fits what's happening in the game or not and that's when i get annoyed it's like okay why are we why are we why is there a sand timer here when we're when we're building a city are most people under time pressure when they're building a city no but in this case it makes sense right the thing is it's falling you have to get your things and get out and i love i love how this game forces you to cooperate as well the fact that dice can get locked and like someone's way over here with their dice locked and you have to like run over there and try to help them and just the fact that like you can use dice together to complete the different tasks and things like that just makes you feel like you're working together to get those gems and run out of the temple so i i think this is a good pick i love what yeah well the one person's on their own they get all their dice locked like oh i got my ankle caught in a trap fine i'll come over and rescue you you turn around for one second their arm is like stuck to the ceiling come on yeah stop stop messing everything up yeah so this is this is the game that has rescued real time i think for me a little bit this is why my number seven is escape curse of the temple awesome pick [Music] [Music] all right my number six is going to go a little bit more on the silly side of things but i will note actually this is the third cge game that made this list interesting yeah they are for you know for the euro world i think the euro side of things they're very thematic so my number six is a game called alchemists oh so alchemist is by many measures a dry worker placement you know the euro game that many people would call it but it also leans a lot into the really silly factor you're alchemists you're trying to discover what uh what effects will come about from combining different elements this actually is use an app-driven game and i feel like it uses that really well where there's uh you know you make combinations it creates different effects you can publish in papers in pure reviewed papers even what what you what you claim these effects will do other players can take the time to actually disprove you so there's the theme of this is yes alchemy in one way the exciting and silly and goofy you can feed potions to your interns and make them explode or whatever the other side of things the hidden boring dry side of things is research papers and p wow yeah sign me up baby i love gary dave says he needs some water just listening to chris's picks because they're so dry oh brew you a potion gator dave no but this it leads into the silliness but also does uh i think people are playing a uh a drinking game it does evoke yes we're gonna evoke some more yeah we're gonna it does evoke that research side of things so you're the one that brought up peer review this is your fault my number six is alchemists my fault chris miss heard the the topic of this he thought it was top 10 games that evokes the sahara desert [Laughter] i i defy you to sell say to me and tell me that this game is not thematic i can't i've not played it i know it's deduction so yeah yeah no it probably is i don't know yeah so my number six um gives me a little bit of a same feel with the sandboxiness and people been yelling it in chat already a whole lot uh but this is a space themed sandbox game called xayah a lot of people knew this was gonna be on my list it might be higher actually i really enjoy zaya this is a game where you're it's basically like you're in the firefly or cowboy bebop or something like that where you're flying around fulfilling all these different bounties you can be picking up goods you can be exploring space you can kind of play the game the way you want to play it it just evokes that like feeling of like being able to explore a spaceship and upgrade things in different ways there's something about sandbox games that kind of like helps the theme come out for me just because you can play the game the way you want so you get to pretend like you're that pilot you get to pretend like you're that cowboy this game allows you to be a space cowboy and do all the crazy outlaw things you want to do all while outrunning the law and trying to uh make the most fame you can happen um i really enjoy zaya and it's a lot of fun and definitely nails the theme of hopping around space like you're han solo yeah no this is this is a good call i i think this is a good one this is a good one it is interesting seeing some of these uh comments in the in the live chat of of this this is an interesting topic you know it's like how can a game with dice be thematic well again it's like i said at the very beginning of this it's all abstract everything is abstracted board games by their nature are abstracting things so i think it just depends on how you're looking at this topic and that's why i'm giving you grief but i think your picks are all great they're just coming at it from a completely different angle we're having fun we are definitely having fun it's easier to make fun of through the age of the zaya yeah yeah for sure sure but i think it's always great i appreciate that you're willing to go out on a limb with these uh picks that you're making all right my number six is a game that uh is horrified i'm just gonna put it right out there horrified so this is a game that uh i think the best kind of example of it bringing about its theme is in the monsters themselves right and that's really when you when you set up the game you choose a certain number of these classic universal studios monsters you might play against two or three or four if you're really trying to go uh go over the top but the different monsters play differently i mean essentially it's a it's a pick up and deliver type of game and is that particularly thematic not necessarily but the way they set up the monsters i think you are so if you're going against dracula you're trying to destroy dracula's coffins and if you're going up against the creature from the black lagoon you're trying to find their secret lair and you know the wolf man you're trying to to discover the cure for it so i think they did a really nice job of taking a family weight gain right and bringing about a theme through these different monsters and not just they could have made it so that every monster essentially works the same right but i thought that they did a nice job of kind of using those monsters as a way to bring in different thematic touches for the game and so uh i think it's fun a really fun game that does a nice job of bringing about a theme tonight this game could have been all over the place right it could have been super silly or it could have been super dark and it's neither it does a really nice uh middle ground for that and the the items that come out i noticed too when we were playing is yeah you know the oh the red items actually are all kind of weapons attacking so yeah you're completing red yellow and blue tasks but they do go out of their way to make sure that those tasks still also feel appropriate right yeah that's a good point this is a great one yep that's number six horrifying [Music] all right we do have a super chat mike do you want to read it you're closer to the screen yes this is from the fancy filmmaker just got the godfather board game by simon and it's dripping with theme get a towel yeah yeah bury him and bury him in the lake that's right yeah yeah that's that's not a bad choice not a bad choice at all no i i that's what i have not played so okay uh i would be curious about it mm-hmm yeah i can see that fitting on this list sure is it is it dry it does have euro elements you're trying to fulfill different like things but also it has a lot more theme than any of the games on your list my number five let's get to something exciting oh here we go here we go now it's time to wake up uh so my number five is a game called firefly oh i chose a different outer space uh kind of pickup and delivery type uh open kind of game firefly is a game that i played very early on when we got into the hobby and it was one of the first kind of complex ones very big table set up and everything we used to play this on two separate tables right because we had you know just like a coffee table and a little folding card table and i loved it i loved being able to just do the pick up and deliver do the missions uh get it you know get a little bit into into of course abstracted fights and stuff with the with the die rolls but you build up your crew the way that you want to and uh roy recently taught us xayah and while i was thinking about that while i was playing that game i kept thinking about firefly and the reason firefly beat it beat out zion for me on this list is i really love collecting the crew yeah you know getting the characters from the show even though occasionally it's like gunman and it's a very pixelated background character that was blown up to the full size this is good in in a different thematic sense too and that if you have no idea about the firefly universe never watched the show never saw the movie know nothing about it you can still play it as an enjoyable pick up and deliver game but if you are a fan it's gonna be so much more because they really like the character right yeah yeah and they do a good job i think of bringing that out this is really kind of a love letter to the fans i think in a long in a lot of ways yeah and it was it was fun too because when we played it on the two tables you sat you know it was just uh my wife and i against each other so we sat kitty corn it kind of felt like being at the helm of a spaceship which was weird and it helped but i like it a lot my number five firefly the board game all right nice so my number five is a horror themed card game and you would think how can just cards feel that thematic how can cars feel that thematic roy this is arkham horror the lcg this game is crazy how thematic it is you're actually playing through a campaign as you play the game you are building a deck with your investigator and going through all these different like story-driven scenarios um it uses like a bag pull system to like do like your different skill checks and things like that you're trying to do things with your cards to like collect different items and go through these stories but there are things in the campaign that follow over like from one scenario to the next scenario so there's like this stuff that builds up like maybe you'll meet these people and they'll help you later on or maybe they'll betray you later on depending on how you acted with them in the current scenario that you're playing and just all that stuff ends up evoking this theme that's just a bunch of cards and you're reading like some text and stuff like that but it just comes through so much as you're playing the game so i really enjoy arkham heart the living card game i think is a great game if you're really into the theme and it's just crazy how it has that card game feel but just drips with that lovecraftian theme that uh comes through in this game so strongly um so that's my number five yeah that's a that's a good choice it's uh you're right you wouldn't think necessarily that a game that is this card driven uh would but they obviously have taken a tremendous amount of time in building an overarching narrative and making sure even even things that you do affecting things later on in the game so uh that's always a good way of kind of bringing that female the fact that you just have so much like you read a decent amount of text in between each scenario and you actually make choices right and those things just help like bring the kind of like the world and the scenarios you're playing to life yeah um so it's really strong for me this game i really gotta try i've gotta try i think you would like it i really do i think you would like it all right so my number five chris are you ready for this is it what is it it's a dry euro by the tallah number five is the gallerist now this is interesting somebody in the chat actually a few people earlier in the chat mentioned canvas and said canvas would be a good choice on this list and i absolutely agree and canvas was on my short list but this actually edged it out for me because although they're not the same theme they're both art based theme right this is much more about you are the owner of an art gallery and you're trying to kind of have the best art gallery and this is one that does a fantastic job i think of bringing that theme across and you're trying to get particular types of customers and particular artists to fulfill the uh the the market what the market wants and you can influence that and it all is underpinned with these very very mechanical dry euro elements but it does a fantastic job i think of bringing this theme out the most of any of the sort of games that i've played anyway i know a lot of people say that he is a you know a new euro designer that brings about a lot of thematic touches i don't always agree this to me is the one that really does uh co2 maybe to an extent as well but this one really i feel does a great job of kind of making you feel like you are running this from all different elements from you know kind of advertising from finding artists from you know getting the right customers in the door finding ways to entice them into your into your gallery and then finding ways to boost up those prices to get the hype machine up basically to make these these uh paintings worth more really really solid solid job of bringing a theme into what in a lot of ways could be almost a spreadsheet-y type of euro game so my number five is the gallerist nice all right so for my number three remember thor my number four i'm gonna go a little bit more to an exciting theme my number four is a game called detective city of angels so i really liked your pick of chronicles of crime i consider that one uh but detective city of angels is a game that uh one z garcia tops to me oh nice uh and i had a lot of fun with this it's kind of a one versus many game is what it is one person sits behind this this screen almost like a a dm or a gm with a role-playing game and the other players are the investigators but the other players are all trying to out investigate each other and so you're kind of it's it's it's fascinating because you have to use your resources to kind of listen in when the time is opportune and you also have to try and determine if the person running the game the game master is giving you all the information or not because they are trying to win by not having anybody solve the crime so you go and you talk to a character and then you say hey i'd like to know where were you the night of xyz murder or whatever that person will give you an answer but it might be the best it might not be the best and that person gets to kind of role play you know to the character in the game what they're going to tell you right there's a card you rotate a certain way and so it's it's hard because you got to know when to lean on them but if you lean on them too much and they actually were giving you the best information they had then it'll work against you in the future interesting it's really interesting and it leans into this really cool you know a film noir era kind of a theme you know and by the end of it you're talking with you you're talking about uh you know you're talking about that ankle over there that was a hawking bent cars over at the juice joint you know it's just it's it's fun it leans into that it's silly but also i feel like the this idea of the detective one or you know game master versus individual detectives makes it for me one of the most thematically fitting of the of all the detectives type games that have played that's my number four detectives city of angels i'm a little annoyed with this pick honestly chris if i'm if i'm being perfectly frank here because i should have probably put this this is a great pick this is really really good i really want to play this just because i've heard so many great things and it just sounds like a great game yeah this is van rider does really good themes in their games i i wish i had a thought of this this probably would have if this is my 11. here we go i'm going to pull a tom vassell this is my number 11. you mentioned canvas earlier i thought yeah that's another good one so for me my number four is a game based on an ip that when i played the board game um and then i had never had seen the ip i'd never seen the show that this game was based off of and then when i finally watched the show i was like holy smokes this show is just like the board game and this is a game that's decently out of print i think that's coming back out i know what this has been a different game this is battle star galactica bowser galactica just nails its theme so well as you have this like mistrust of the other players that could be cylons you're trying to keep the ship together as you're making jumps trying to get to new caprica or earth or depending on which expansion you're playing with um but you're trying to race to get there but the whole time these cylon ships are popping up you're having to jump out in ships blasting those ships away protecting the crew but all the while there's other players that could be cylons amongst you there will be cylons by the second half of the game and you're trying to figure out who do i throw in the brig if you're the cylon you're trying to do the whole subterfuge thing this game just feels like battlestar galactica in a box it really feels like that theme and having seen the show after playing the board game it just resonated so much with me i was like this is like the pilot or the like first few episodes of bowser galactica to a t so it just fits so well i really enjoy this game and that's why it's my number four and extremely thematic bowster galactica the board game when you played it before you watched the show did you feel like oh there's definitely something going on here like you could tell i really enjoyed the game and i've played a lot of social reduction games and things like that before this was like oh this has the social reduction thing but a lot of other board game stuff going on and of course i love space and all that stuff it was so crazy that i hadn't seen the show at all okay um so i really enjoyed the game and then going in and watching the show i'm like holy smokes it all makes like it makes perfect sense like everything just fits just right you know right okay i never saw the reboot of the show i you know i remember the original one when i was a little a young lad they may have been on reruns i don't know look all i'm saying is anyway i don't want to be the one to say but my number four my number four is a uh a game with a theme that is not very heavily used and i kind of wish it was done more although if it's gonna be done let's do it well this is a game called vinyl i worked for many many years in a music store uh after high school and this game is basically crate digging the board game where you are going into a music store and you're trying to find different albums that you like it's essentially a set collection game which hey it kind of is what happens when you go to a music store it's like i like heavy metal i'm going to find my favorite heavy metal albums i like country music i'm gonna find those that type of a thing and so this game is really a the idea is you're going into the different record bins and you're trying to find the albums that you like and you're going to the magazine racks and uh it does a really nice job of kind of giving you this feeling of being a crate digger which is just this kind of terminology of people that like to go and dig through the album crates and so i really was thrilled when i heard about this game because i thought this is a really cool theme i hope the game actually follows through on that and it really does it really it gives you that feeling of of kind of searching through the racks and finding just the right album you wanted so i i i'm very very happy to play this one and not a lot of people have played it it kind of flew under the radar i think we have it in the dice tower library so i'd be happy to uh play this anytime it's a a really really solid game with a with a fun theme a really fun theme and you could tell that the designer publisher obviously have the same love for music it kind of shows in the game itself so anyway final is my number four awesome [Music] my number three is a vital assertive game actually i agree with what you said earlier that this he's a designer who seems to design very much with a theme in mind and that plays into what he designs and so my number three is a game called vinos venus is his winemaking game i know that uh you know winemaking is a is a theme done twice in games yeah you know but uh this is this is the one that i chose vinos i feel like i'm just gonna straight up compare this with viticulture i think viticulture is also a very good pick it evokes the theme it represents it well but there's certain things done in this game that i think are more uh more thoughtful right even where you on the left side of the board over there you see there's a map of portugal depending on where you know what type of of grapes you or what types of fields you you you choose to grow it has some effect in the game it's representative of that region somehow uh this is about submitting a lot of the points you get or submitting your wines to a wine fair a wine tasting fair and you have to you have to alter the way that you the wines uh look and they smell and their alcohol percentage all these things that i can tell are very very much crafted into the game very intentionally and i and i like that i really really appreciate it this is one of those more uh mechanical represents thematic rather than punchy exciting kind of a thing but i i have a lot of respect for this one uh and it's fortunate i like the game so my number three is vinos another thematically adjacent game to this somebody mentioned in the live chat is distilled and i'll just say that that's something we played live here on the channel that absolutely would have been on my list but i didn't pick it because it's not it's been released yet yeah it just finished crowd crowdfunding but yeah it's an interesting thought yeah that this theme you know can work well for that so i have not played vinos yet uh i put yet on there so i kind of opened myself up i'm not sure if i really want to but maybe i do i would try it so my number three is a game that is the same theme as the game that i've already mentioned but i think this one is even stronger in the theme it's another app driven game it is a game that's full of puzzles and mysteries and building out and exploring a mansion this is mansions of madness definitely evokes its theme extremely strongly as you're playing the game the beginning when you start out it reads like a little narrative to you with like voice acting and then you start playing the game and you don't even really know how to win the game as you start you're just going around exploring a mansion trying to uncover mysteries and figure out what's going on the game also uses an app that has sound effects as you play the game and unlocks and builds the mansion as you play but then there are also like puzzles and things you can come up to maybe you find a combination lock you have to like actually put in numbers to figure out the combination lock where there's like little sliding puzzles as you're like fixing a glyph some of some like archaic rune or something like that it just helps evoke the theme of this game and really gets you into like the immersion that can happen when you're playing a game like this this is great for like the halloween season coming up i feel like this is a game that i'm definitely going to be playing in october just because i feel like i have to every year i'm gonna have everything for it and i really enjoy manchester madness it's got a ton of theme in it so that's why it's my number three i love the writing in it too you know the first time i got into a combat in it uh because i've played a lot of eldritch horror before played it and the combats yeah you roll some dice and then there's a little math system but this one you know even the story that comes up in the afternoon you know oh i'm going to use a uh blunt weapon and then talks about grabbing a fire extinguisher off the wall swinging at it depending on how many successes it you know that or the the old druid comes up and vomits up some black icker and it turns into mice that attack your face or something crazy like that i think that happened once it's kind of thematic yeah so if it didn't happen that's pretty quick to just come up with something like that yeah i just made it up that's pretty pretty impressive i used to roleplay you know wow little known fact about me i don't talk about it all that much digger we know well even before my crate digging days i was the executive director of a dinosaur theme park and so i know how thematic my number three pick is where most people wouldn't because they don't have that life experience my number three pick is dinosaur island take it from me former executive director of a dinosaur theme park that i can't name for trademark reasons this game does a fantastic job now i joke about that because how can you be thematically accurate to something that is fantastical well it's the same reason why firefly can be you know what i mean firefly documentary that's correct yeah dinosaur island i think just does a fantastic job of look let's not be coy jurassic park the board game right there is there are jurassic park board games but to me this is the true board game that that brings that game that about where you're manipulating dna to create these dinosaurs and then you have the dinosaurs that you've got to contain and you're putting in attractions to to bring in different customers that are going to be you know wanting to visit the dinosaurs but you don't want them to break out because you know eating your customers generally cuts into the profit margin over sure there's not great press right it's frozen upon up the at the the c-suite it's frowned upon now look i'm not going to say that that might be the reason why i'm no longer an executive director of a dinosaur theme park is that i had far too many casualties on the job but anyway i really do i think that dinosaur island is a fantastic job of bringing about this theme and and doing it in ways that are mechanical that don't feel mechanical you know it really feels like you're doing what would make thematic sense if you were going to be trying to bring people into an amusement park filled with dinosaurs so uh very very silly very fun and i feel like it does a great job of kind of bringing the tone of this uh of this idea across so for sure that's my number three dinosaur island boom [Music] so for my number two i'm gonna go exciting again my number two is a game that is called black orchestra black orchestra is oh man this is so great i know that many historical games could make this list right this is where i think that a lot of your perspective comes from i'm the dry euro game player a lot of mine are games like through the ages and shower grid right if you're a historical war gamer all 10 of your games would be historical wardrobes sure right this one does the theme so well that i had to put this on my list it was one of the first ones i thought of when the topic came up you are different conspirators trying to assassinate hitler uh early on in the in the middle of world war ii so much of this game even the appearance even though just the visual layout of it but so much of this game feels very thematic all of the assassination attempts that you can lock into and then attempt in this game are based off of actual things that were uh either uh attempted or at least uh planned the map of the game itself ebbs and flows depending on the the amount of time that you're you're you're taking right as the war rages on germany's reach expands and then it starts to contract near the end the amount of support of you know the of the regime support you have to overcome also ebbs and flows as the war effort changes so much is put into this game that you know the the designer clearly had history in mind first and i really like this game a lot it comes down to a die roll whether you do it or not but that also feels thematic it's such a long shot to be able to actually win this game and guess what it was a long shot for any of these attempts so i really like it i read up on tons of history after playing it because of this game oh wow so yeah that's my number two yeah they did a really good job of incorporating the historical elements mostly through the cards you know those event cards that that come up but without making it feel like a history lesson right yeah it's it's what it does is what i think a lot of the best examples of these games do is exactly what you said which is when you're done playing it you had such a good time and you were so enthralled with what was happening that you feel compelled to learn more about it you know what i mean and so yeah this is a really good pick and gary dave also says that uh you're quenching his thirst for theme now wow there we go i guess you're finally getting the chats approval with your top half of the list there chris congratulations with a slow burn slow burn um my number two is my favorite like intellectual property of all time and this is lord of the rings war of the rings i mean this is i mean people said before people in the chat were already calling it out they're like this is going to be on roy's list i mean you guys know um i love lord of the rings and this just gives you that feeling of like journeying as the fellowship trying to figure out a way to sneak into mordor while holding the black forces at bay and all of the the the moria orcs and things like that that are taking over everything and then as the shadow player you're just trying to figure out a way to like stop like get corruption on frodo and take over all these different strongholds it really gives you a strong strong feeling of lord of the rings as you're playing the game and it doesn't necessarily make you like stick to the book 100 there's cards you can use in different ways you can try to like be sneaky there was one time where i took the boats in grey haven and sailed around the outside and popped up down near gondor and like snuck in through like the back way and it's just interesting things that can happen in the game and mix up like the theme overall but just feels like you're playing in that world of middle earth i really enjoy war of the ring it's one of my favorite games of all time and that's what's my number two for thematic games here yeah i mean hard to argue i i this is one i have not played uh but i mean everything i've heard you know makes it sound like this is very very very it's definitely a giant game but it definitely immerses you in that theme as you play through it you know yeah i've not i've not played it either i would like to because of exactly that all right well my number two is a game that is set in 19th century victorian england i believe this is a game called obsession uh obsession is a really really unique theme where you are you know the the leader of a manor house a respected family but it's kind of fallen on some hard times and what you're trying to do is is bring yourself back up into the big social graces of uh society in victorian english england and you do this by managing your staff your your gentry and your your butlers and your maids and you're also trying to invite people to a to parties that you're throwing and things along those lines and upgrade your manor house in such a way that it's gonna appear that you still are are the high levels of society and you also are trying to to marry uh into these even more prestigious families to bring yourself up uh really really cool theme uh you know if you are familiar with downton abbey the the show or they even made a movie out of it this is very very much like a downton abbey-esque type of a game very very unique theme this time period is not unique but the way that they're handling this time period and and kind of this idea of of societal pressures and trying to to kind of hold yourself in in a time is really really a a great job of doing that and a game that really doesn't play anything like anything else i've played so that is my number two obsession nice [Music] all right my number one this is everything that everyone's been waiting for this what is my dry euro gameplay it's going to be thematic games go drive this team i'm not telling you to go go is your choice right unfortunately not my number one is a game called captain sonar i actually thought about this i really thought about this this is the other game that came to mind instantly when we thought of the topic i thought black orchestra i thought captain sonar i loved this game it's been a while since i've gotten to play it it's difficult to wrangle together six seven eight people to play but two teams on submarines are chasing each other down on a on a grid and are trying to call out each other's coordinates it's real time battleship oh for sure the board game basically and i love it because there's four different roles you have the engineer the captain the uh weapons person or whatever that's what they're called weapons person what's the official title weapon z uh hey torpedo mcgee and then the radio uh uh the radio operator the radio operator is the most fun role yeah it's also one of the most thematic where you're sitting there listening to the other team calling out their movements you know north north east wherever and you're tracing their tracks trying to figure out where they could possibly be it's so great it's so much fun you know your team is discussing in you know with themselves where can they be you're the radio operator you're still trying to keep an ear on the other captain seeing where they're going it is uh kind of like you said mike this is a game that is real time for a reason okay it's because this theme is perfect for it a hundred percent this couldn't be about anything else it makes me feel that tenseness and pressure when submarine gets hit oh no they're like oh no they found us and how do we hide again and the whole pressure of like being like can we fire do we know where they are we don't know where they are yet do we know where they are we gotta shoot now we're gonna get sunk and you're playing it's very exciting and you're just playing like a little board game you know yeah but it's great so my number one pick captain sonar when i play this uh i'm i'm calling torpedo mcgee i'm gonna be torpedo torpedo mcgee so my game for my number one is a game about arena conflict a game that's extremely thematic it utilizes dice as gladiators and that is strike my number one my number one my number one is actually star wars rebellion everybody of course it is it was on the list this game is star wars in a box it lets you do so many things from the star wars movies you can throw characters in carbonite you can you can like have luke like train with yoda your the entire like the rebellion is trying to hide their rebel base the whole time and like trying to be like sneaky of where all their stuff is while completing all these different missions but the empire the entire time is just creeping forward and forward and trying to find the rebel base and destroy it it feels like star wars and the theme is so strong in this game it's definitely a game that just i mean it's my number one for a reason i love war of the ring but this game feels like star wars so much that i just think it just nails that star wars theme so strongly and if you're into star wars and you're into like big epic games i mean this is a like four hour-ish game to play but it really immerses you in that theme of the whole hiding rebels and empire like blowing up planets and lets you do all the things you get to do in star wars that you love from the original trilogy um and that's why star wars rebellion is my number one boom does admiral ackbar play a central role in i mean i think he is one of the characters you can recruit and you can use to put on missions and things like that too so there is at there is like it's a trap card probably all right then i'm in i'm in as long as that bar is the central focus of the this is one that i have played i really consider for the list uh and i i don't know the the way that i constructed my list was a particular way but this one met so many of the parameters oh for sure i'm sure it's a great pick i have not played this yet i don't play a lot of two-player games especially ones that are long like this but i have people that are willing to teach i really just need to like take you guys like have you guys come over one at a time right together and be like okay war of the ring star wars rebellion so that way i can have other people join these on the list because there's so many lists you guys have where people were like why are these not on here you don't want that they're so good you don't want to have two tables where you're playing actually you guys can both come over i would let you guys both come over and i just teach you guys both the game and you play against each other because that's how i'm how dedicated i am to these games of the ring against your star wars rebels there you go you have you have the the dark side trying to find the rebel base there you go it actually kind of makes sense nothing could go wrong this will be us at roy's house who is it torpedo mcgee all right my number one when we brought up this list when you i think came up with this list i only had one game that immediately came to mind everything else i had to kind of think about a little bit the first game that came to my mind is this number one and this one wasn't even close my number one most perfectly themed game is nemesis this game is everything that you would want if you're trying to play a game that evokes kind of this space horror theme again not being coy this is very much alien um again there already is an alien board game now but this is truly to me for sure the alien board game i mean just the idea of waking up in a cryo sleep not really knowing what's going on trying to figure out what you need to do to survive the the the the feeling of paranoia and fear and panic that comes about with trying not to make noise and and trying to you know get around the ship without getting the attention of these terribly frightening uh aliens that are beautifully rendered in these miniatures and this is a case where the miniatures i think really do this is a game with minis where the minis make a difference right they really do kind of bring about this feeling of even scale as well as as kind of the terror so i was upset that i couldn't play this or couldn't put this game on my list because i haven't actually played the game even though like i ran a live stream where i was watching through every little bit of it like on tabletop simulator and seeing all the different pieces i know exactly how this game plays i'm like this game fits the list and i was complaining to mike i didn't realize it was mike's number one anytime yeah but i was like man i wish i could put this game on my list and it was my number one that's awesome yeah it's my number one it's hard to get a feeling of fear in board games and it's not like this is going to give you the same type of fear as maybe reading a really good horror novel or something but it does for a board game it does a really good job of kind of bringing that kind of paranoia and fear and what's going to happen next uh in a just a really remarkable way i i think that nemesis to me is probably you know again the most thematic game that i can think of uh that i've played and so that's why it's on my list my number one that's awesome all right i'll have to play this sometime for sure everybody let us know in the comments if there's anything we missed or anything you think you can add to the conversation like what games are super thematic do you think just nail their theme um we did have the people's choice for this right so yeah we put up a facebook poll we got we got the answers and we're going to uh we put up the the 10 most popular as of today and uh i don't know i'll be interested to see if you guys disagree agree what's that i have a feeling there's going to be a number of crossovers and i think they're going to mostly be with roy's list i'm serious if you want to do like our polls and things like that make sure to check out our facebook group yeah for the nice tower so you can be involved in those sort of things as well yeah come on power grid so we're going to go ahead and show this and we're going to read some of the people's comments first we can i mean does it matter let's go ahead and look at some of these okay okay so number 10 mansions of madness cross over with me balancer galactica number nine roy's list robinson caruso considered this but i can definitely see that yeah it's really good okay because you get that pick up and deliver feel of like trying to rescue people terraforming mars i strongly disagree with it chris did you did you vote for terrifying mars i did not i don't think it seems like it seems like something to be on chris's life that does not feel thematic right but i don't think it's wonderfully i mean not to the point of getting called out on my my impeccable list alongside giants like power correct correct number five which you can't see behind me let me actually make this bigger number five is photosynthesis it's an interesting choice yeah it's an interesting choice i really agree with this but i don't love the game so that's why that's also yeah yeah this is a game that actually photosynthesis my enjoyment of it has gone down since i'm playing the expansion um but uh yeah it's an interesting choice i'll say interesting wingspan is interesting i mean it has all those bird facts and things like that in the game and you're actually feeding the birds of different types of food and things like that i can see the theme in that yeah there's a yeah i can see it i don't it's okay it's not a standout right right i wouldn't i wouldn't call that a slam dunk but yeah number three is nemesis with a crossover with mike makes a ton of sense number two star wars rebellion right and number one a game that wasn't on any of our list is viticulture it was on my short list right here see i can prove it to you it was there it's a long time it is a long day look at that that's a long short list um it just didn't quite make it and and it's funny you you made a little comment somewhere when someone else brought it up about grapes don't age well yeah that's true but i do think that's a good thing i i do think that's a good a good pick the only one that i like actually disagree with i can make arguments for it against the only one i disagree with is terraforming mars i don't think that's terribly thematic i'm seeing a uh this war yeah a lot of people are mentioning this word a lot of it yeah i've never played but i haven't played it i have played it and that is a good choice that's just that's a game maybe maybe it speaks to why it is a good choice for this list i have a hard time playing it because it makes me uncomfortable so maybe that's a good reason for for it being on the list nemo's war was actually also on my short list outlive someone mentioned was on my short list dungeon pets is kind of funny because you have all the little the little monster creatures let me mention my shortlist ones canvas viticulture black orchestra distilled which i couldn't put in there right meeple circus i considered i thought that might be kind of an interesting one museum nemo's war outlive rescue polar bears smartphone inc spirit island and vengeance even though i've really cooled on the game i i almost put time stories on here just because time stories just evoke so much of like that time travel feel of going forward and backward in time and redoing things and like the story of like just those panoramas of the different cards like really make me feel like the cooperative nature like as you're going through it it really evokes that theme yeah and they plug in all sorts of different themes into it which is kind of interesting yeah for sure i was very close to putting adrenaline on my list and that would have been my fourth cge game had i done that i feel like that company really leans into theme and does that very well bonnie crew brought up a good point uh said wingspan is fine but mayor opposes by the same designer elizabeth hargrave is even more thematic i would agree with that that's a better choice i think for this list really feels like that was one of the things playing it was like holy smokes this gives you a lot of like butterfly science right the life of butterflies is playing twilight struggle is a great choice too it's just not a game i've played i think i've only played it twice so i didn't feel comfortable putting on the list but a lot of people mentioned spirit island right yeah i thought that was on my show there's this debate is spirit island really thematic or is it kind of a big abstract i think it does a good job of leaning thematic i agree i've only played it once so i didn't put on the list because i would like to see more of the of the of the nature powers the deity powers what i'm going to kind of see do i do i feel distinct from game to game that could bump it up for me yeah it's awesome well thanks everybody for joining us here on our thematic list um with tom and zee being out of town we uh made this list happen and thanks so much for watching thanks to roy for running and devices that are connected over here you look like you're jacked into the matrix everybody was saying that fingerbot was running this whole thing well technically i'm i guess the robot here there's multiple things computers off screen so yeah huge shout out to roy big round of applause great job man make it happen hosting and running and being in the thing at the same time it's been a lot of fun well thanks everybody for joining us until next time i've been roy kennedy i'm mike delecio i'm chris yee have fun enjoying those themes [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 58,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: 8X0xoMdOen0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 51sec (4251 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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