Tommy Leaves Prison with Dream.

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today i left prison on the dream smp and it was just mental boys if you do enjoy these streams then please subscribe it's completely free and if you enjoy any of my tommy unit content then you'll probably love the content on this channel thank you all for watching and buckle up for this one boys enjoy this video are you ready boys welcome back to the stream and here we oh hello hey dream still here that eh i've tabbed now oh hello i'm starving okay can you give me that can i have that i only have one okay well you can have it done thanks pal what so how are you um you're ugly why do you look like that actually i was i've been meaning to ask you why do you um why do you look like that uh it's a mask what it's a mask what if you take off this what are you like when your face is really gonna have like an actual skin and stuff i can use skin that's not wank well no but well so it's not really a mask it's sewn onto your face isn't it so we're actually okay don't don't no don't do that how do i turn down the don't oh why did you do that why did you do that you know i get all angsty is that the word that they use for teenagers maybe i'm hangry i'm hangry i'm angry because i'm hungry you're hungry are you angry dream [ __ ] off [ __ ] off die sam has not visited us in like a week well you can entertain me i don't have any more left don't hit me where is sam i haven't oh god oh i haven't seen him i'm sure he's gonna go i'm so [ __ ] angry in that man dream yeah why are you looking around like that i don't know i'm bored i know you've been how long have you how long have how long have we been in here i don't know i you burned okay i burned the clock you burned the item frame i think yeah yeah so you don't even know it's [ __ ] we have we i i've been trying to keep track but there's not even like a sun there's just lava i can't [ __ ] take this i'm still i can't believe you did that you were the one pushing me to you know what you you were basically begging me to yeah eat that [ __ ] yeah well you don't know when you don't know when you'll get food again so nice job burning your food oh a nice job [ __ ] i deceived you i deceived you i'm like a magician oh pardon me oh my god man of me sorry he's all these potatoes have you seen moana um no i haven't actually you're a [ __ ] loser okay i haven't cried yet though you know even though i died i haven't cried hmm how good is that i think i saw you cry i'm pretty sure i saw you no i haven't cried once and i've been here for so long well i think you cried i haven't cried look i'm seeing [ __ ] now i even see his name i haven't cried i literally i've kept it stop stop hello hey are you here to give us potatoes can you give us potatoes i'm here tommy yeah what tommy tommy tommy go to the corner go to the corner okay okay okay i almost heard that sam mommy sam you hand me that right you let me die sam tommy oh my god lower this lava i want to look at him you let me die what the [ __ ] you've taken 14 no 19 days sam to come and get me no tommy 31 days sam if i've calculated it right and timed it right to come and get me your [ __ ] yes yes what are you how are you here what do you what the fudge you mean what you were dead how do you know about that because when i found out it was happening i came here to see dream and he was you let me die you kept me in here for over two over a week and then you let and then you didn't you didn't even stop him you didn't you didn't put him in what you didn't even move the cell i was in with him you let you just walk you just let me die tommy there wasn't love with this slow with this right now will this do it let's do it i want to look at him can i leave now can i is a security thing over is it security [ __ ] no no let me look at him sam dream can you hear me through this dream hi dream i've got one [ __ ] thing to say to you [ __ ] you [ __ ] i'm lit you are the [ __ ] worst in the world and you're gonna die probably to my hands likely [ __ ] you [ __ ] enjoy time in hell loser i'm going to go out and oh god i'm going to go into the room [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and everything you stand for even the good things as well i probably disagree with them tommy come on let's go let's go let's go suck it green boy can we go stand stand in there stand in there so you can get there once you get the fire res come come stand here it's been so long i've been in that room so [ __ ] long sam sam sam you you failed your one job sam you let me die sam i was in there for so long why was i in there for so long this was my final visit i came here for tell me now you don't burn i'm not gonna burn i'm me i felt the sizzle let me out all right let me know now and get water so you get water breathing you got to get water breathing to get through there tommy you're going to drown don't you [ __ ] talk to me like that do i just go in yeah we can you can just start going just let me go just let me leave okay go go through i can't you haven't let me through oh it didn't open sorry you don't tell me i'm still stuck in here dude don't tell me i'm still close to him okay go go go go [ __ ] you for doing that sam i'm coming tommy you know so you knew i died i only i only knew because i no no no no tell me you knew i died yes tommy i i knew because i went to try and stop him from doing it and when i got there it was already done sam you kept me in this prison for 32 days tommy i didn't even know you were here i haven't even gone to you you had me in this prison for 32 days sam do other people think i'm dead i thought they were just they oh my god you're [ __ ] you failed your job sam i'm gonna [ __ ] i am going to sue you i'm going just can i walk over here can i walk over here yeah go ahead i'm going to sue you i'm going to [ __ ] i'm going to destroy this you [ __ ] you absolute wanker i am so [ __ ] oh my god let me let me angrily put my coke can in my [ __ ] bin you [ __ ] i can't [ __ ] believe this is the worst room service i've ever [ __ ] had i can't believe that you're yes i'm here i don't make me [ __ ] talk about it i will not talk about it okay you don't have to talk about it but now i'm thinking about it ever never do that to me i can't i can't i can't i can't let me out let me out let me out please let me out stop pushing buttons tommy you're pushing my buttons [ __ ] come on so does everyone else think i'm dead yeah i imagine that they do that's what i told them tommy get off the floor that way you don't go down into the lava i told them i was dead some dreams going to escape all right i don't [ __ ] trust you anymore no no no no listen to me i don't trust you anymore in the slightest sam all right i've seen you don't i'm gonna be honest with you there are a lot of things now i'm thinking are you even are you even educated to run this prison you are now the most powerful man on this server not dream you are because you withhold him you can't even stop him from killing me you're not qualified to run this prison sam but that's beyond the point all right look at me dream is going to escape he told me he told me he was could we go can we go can we go dream told me that he was he's planning on escaping all right tenor blade owes him a favor teleplay oh my favor i've seen everything sam do i go through here oh please sam he's going to escape you've got you've got it you've got it you've got sam you've got you've got to let no visitors in from now on you can't have any visitors ever please no visitors no you can't let anyone else visit please sam please he's gonna escape and he's got the he's the rough i've become me he used it on me he used he actually can that's how you're back yeah please sam don't let anyone else visit you would be you've already let me die you fail i i get you've tried your hardest but that's not good enough sam you can't let a prisoner die in the prison you don't know what i've been you left me in there for weeks i'm sorry tommy the things i've seen i don't please stop holding the sword stop holding the sword stop holding the sword stop holding this okay i don't want to why did you come and save me tommy i tried to get there i was too late okay please let me out sam we'll talk later i can't please just let me out of the prison go get your things they're still in the locker you also need to sleep in this bed okay done where do i place the locker key is it here yeah drop it there yeah oh i forgot my hotel that's why i went in in the first i [ __ ] oh sam i can barely remember that's why i went in to go to the hotel to go and see oh this is my this is going to be my last visit singing dream sam my last time ever seeing dream it still can be oh sam you don't understand sam i've got so much more i have to do now goodbye sam goodbye tommy i'm going to sue you i cut you i will not let you get away really glad that you're okay tommy okay chap he is not qualified to run that hotel he let a civilian die and keep me in there for weeks i know you will you all seem to think that he's the right guy here i'm telling you now he's not he can't he can't run this [ __ ] prison he's not fit to and there needs to be more guards there needs to be more not more anything he oh my god might wait let me just [ __ ] i need to leave the call i'm in so sam said that everyone thinks i'm dead let me join vc2 sam said oh that's disgusting jesus calls his own [ __ ] skep his ass everyone thinks i'm dead oh my god the server's gonna have changed if everyone reckons i'm oh my god fresh [ __ ] air i've got a water bucket i've got to try hey let's go up here we go boys okay no no never again never again never again no no no no i don't want to do that i don't want to do that oh what the [ __ ] is that me is that harambe what the [ __ ] has happened okay i will i'm never taking damage again i want to be on full hearts like i can't oh it's going to be the last so if i remember it was going to be my last visit my last visit was going to go to see dream now it can't be okay no no no none of that he just ran from me why is there a hello hello hi hey you're not real what do you mean what the [ __ ] pinch me oh no no you pinch me no you pinch me now pinch me what the [ __ ] is going on it's my host hello what how are you you you've died never say that never say that to me ever ever never say that no i don't want to talk about don't hold that axe i never want to talk about that i never i said okay it's not that too big of a fall i've got my water i can clutch and take the damage i don't want to no i'm alive i'm alive and well i can uh there's the bench over there where we'd sit and listen to the song and listen to songs when we first defeated dream and when we last defeated dream we didn't defeat we didn't defeat dream we didn't defeat dream we didn't he's going to break out of prison he's going to break out of prison we need we need we need to kill dream and we probably need to kill tat no blade he tend to play those in my favor we can't look at me look at me but believe me we can't don't make me talk about it all right don't make me talk about it i saw death and i saw everything okay i wasn't gonna this is like the second one holy crap oh this isn't in next to my hotel oh yeah that's cause jack manifold took over and he's kind of made it like crappy so i made a little inn got married yeah okay i'm gonna go can i ask you leave me you leave me for a minute yeah yeah yeah uh yeah yeah see you in a minute yeah yeah yeah yeah welcome back to the big inner hotel sam you don't know what's happened to me i'm glad you missed me sam what do you mean we missed you jack what the f hello why is everyone why is there a huge penis behind you i don't know what what the [ __ ] hey bigger elephant in the room why are you alive does everyone still think i'm dead you were i'm a freak jack jack i don't don't make jack i'm so i'm so i'm i can't i can't no you're dead you're dead you died i grieved for you you're not i'm fine no one comes back no i'm fine most people don't come back no i'm all right anyway um okay all right all right anyway me you always anyway he's staring at me of course i always anyway do you jack manifold mate you're [ __ ] yeah this is why you deserve this this is why i should have been yeah mate you sorry mate you got to be bigger for your boots on your pal i'd literally just died and you sat here making it about you jack you're selfish now what have you done to the hotel well i've not been here selfish what about what have you done jack i made this hotel better than you ever did all right i mean money i i upgraded i filled the upgrade chest i i sold rooms what did you ever do you did nothing all you ever did was take and even when i agree for you even despite all that everything you did to me i agree for you and here you are back again as if nothing so did you say griefed me no no i didn't agree grieved i was sad i was upset why were you because you died and we were friends you know i don't want to hear about that you know what i want to hear about that jack you're being i'm being what i'm being what selfish yeah basically yeah you know what oh like i'm the selfish one what did you do you did nothing but take from me always i gave you a job and i built this hotel i feel like that's quite give me a job it was slave labor this is my little cubby hole you built slavery you were happy you didn't complain i didn't complain because i was trying to kill you you could have killed me i came back from this i came back from the dead [ __ ] that doesn't you're not special well i don't know why you're crawling everywhere look at [ __ ] i'll take it get off the floor pal get off the floor i'm not on the floor get off the floor jesus christ trump all right well anyway don't come back here calling me selfish as if you didn't do the things you did is this what do you mean don't use my own smile tell me let's go to the roof this is my hotel you died dead people don't have hotels you're in prison don't have hotels jack manifolds specifically we had a bit of a yeah puffy was look there we had a bit of an argument about this but this is my sweet welcome you took the hotel from me and you built a giant i didn't take it you died i didn't i didn't i didn't build a penis do i strike you as a penis builder yes you always had me wrong i'm pissed jack jack i'd what i died you didn't even care oh god i did care you you didn't even care that i was trying to kill you for two months even when you died i didn't feel happy you weren't trying to kill me jack you're [ __ ] joe manifold pal you're like you're literally like the i don't think you did jack that's the problem jack all the time you belittle me you dismiss me you drop me in a pool of lava i'm the only person that tries to visit you in exile and you forget me like i'm nothing and when i finally try and get my own back i launched nukes at you and you didn't even care no one's done that on this server i built a nuclear program have you seen moana cause i keep having the song stick in my head sorry i completely don't know what you were saying but i'm sure it was words jack listen to me i built this hotel from the ground up with the help of my companion samuel you've stolen from him and he's like to kill you you [ __ ] stupid talking son of a [ __ ] for once in your life just listen to me please stop deciding stop deciding that i'm the wrong and checking just for you you're denying what's happened so you can try and manipulate it so i'm the wrong of you just loving if you are doing this i'm gonna leave in a second but listen to me okay jack what you're doing here is creating a villain for yourself all right and when i was gone you didn't have that you're so glad i'm back you need to stop you're just creating a villain out of nowhere all right listen to me jack dream is gonna revive no i should probably shouldn't tell you you're just getting away jack listen to me i i i i'm changed i i saw so much i've learned so many terrible things jack i'm i'm trying to hold it together i'm trying to be all shouty like the old me but i'm struggling jack all right so please for once in your life just just just put a lid on it please all right everyone's telling me to kill you i'm not gonna but listen you listen i don't get this put that away right [ __ ] now sam sam you died and you think you're all that and you think you learn everything i don't think i'm all that i died we died i died because of you sam i'm gonna go sam and i'm gonna go investigate the right people think i'm died sam what did they they must have changed the server forever yeah sort him out would you sort him out sam can you get him out can you can you escort him out of vc2 please escort him out vc2 please sam this is my hotel all right i've done everything you know what you know what jack jack you can keep the hotel for now i've got bigger fish to fry you keep you keep it running while i'm gone i've got bigger fish to fry escort me out of vc2 please sam this isn't the end it probably is he's staring at me like i'm not even real and what's he standing on chat big jack manifold hotel not jack's hotel i'll see you in court puffy he [ __ ] he's staring at me like i'm not even real and he's got a new best friend a new husband thank you sam remember you're in charge of jack and i'm in charge of you never forget i'm gonna go home bye-bye sam i'm gonna go home [ __ ] [ __ ] out i died and now i'm not even back muck puffies why are they building so close to my property why is that a penis oh no it's a i'm so sorry or wilson sorry i saw that sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm still a teenager i can't i can't look at that no no no it's worse oh [ __ ] i've been in prison for so long jesus i can't believe everyone's assumed i was dead i'm still dead too many of them i'm never gonna be the same what is that what are all these my hat wow it's not an angel is that an angel ah it's not an angel statue of me oh ninjas are ninja your statues oh flowers that's a bit silly isn't it connor oh my god oh my god oh no is it big on ghost do not punch me do not [ __ ] punch me oh my god punch me never punch me never never punch me on and never punch me hello is that actually yes it's messy i'm back i'm what why does everyone seem to think i was i was dead i i heard rumors don't [ __ ] bring that up to me they're not true they're not true they're not true all right listen listen connor i appreciate what i don't i'm back now so do i have to move back in the ninja's house oh man i just got this house like two days ago i wrote in my diary this is my hand me your diary please is am i okay it's fine it's my other picture it's very secret and soul mortality it's very don't you just read the wednesday what happened to carl you just you should read just don't read the other pages you should just read the wednesday ask them i miss my friend tommy connor he died got my hat connor this is my i appreciate that i have my diary back but connor this is this is my home i've lived here forever yeah you're right oh so are you really alive like why be honest he's in the walls connor listen to me i know i know what you get up to in america and i know that you've probably got lots in your system but listen to me i forget how americans are oh connor i and i don't want to talk about this because it freaks me the [ __ ] out and i fee i'm shall i open up to you kind of you know you're the only person that seems to be treating me real are you treating me real tell me i'm real tell me i'm real tell me i'm real tell me i'm really i want to believe that we can solve death okay now listen to me listen to me i died and i i i i don't feel the same i take damage and it's like a shock through me it's like i'm i'm flashed there to when do you know what dream did to me did they tell you what dream did to me what did he do to you and you can tell no one this is a secret between me and you calories pants okay he beat me to death he punched me to death and i fell to the floor yes and i knocked my head out and i i felt you know i have been saying we need prison reform on this server i've been saying it for a long time connor i wanna don't wait now i've got a whole other thing that i think sam i don't think we can let sam run the prison but i have something i'm thinking about but i i speak to them later but i don't think we can let sam sam let me die he let me die he let you down he let me die in prison he failed his job and he is he is single-handedly the most powerful man on the server and he's irresponsible now listen to me oh my god connor i'm gonna need my house back all right that's fine i mean yeah you're gonna need some nether right have you got some nether right you really think i have that kind of material i forgot i can't wait connor i died and whenever it feels like i'm straight back there being punched to death all right i can't i can't be i'll i need to be honest with you it feels like i'm right there being i know fall to the ground i die and i see it and then i'm there for months i was there for months connor in the void the world i can't kill you how did you come back no no connor i need please get out of my house moving to ninja's house are you gonna you tell me that oh my god i'm a little friend you gonna tell me that this secret eventually i kind of yeah i will layer but all right i'm on your side listen i'm i'm down to reform the prison system yeah i do want to talk prison with you later on but also i'm you know obviously you'll need to pay rent for the time spent at my house that makes sense i'm gonna go to bed bye well i can't it's not i'm just gonna stand here next to bed actually they cared that i died look at that that's cool prank wars take paper from your chest put your name on the paper and put it in the hopper they're building on my land they know i have a strict nut oh i forgot about that [ __ ] wait oh it's still is it yes i [ __ ] miss when times are simpler and all i had to worry about was defeating one big green guy and all i had to do was follow someone else's lead and now it looks like i'm gonna have to follow my own lead so the server seems to have changed a lot why is he why is everyone walking away from me why does no one want why is no one treating me normal why is everyone treating me weird chat no one no one helped when i died the egg pie into it i'm on the path i barely even feel like primes i do a little bit i do a little bit uh tommy hello the best friend what is tub hi tubbo you're uh you're here wow that's uh that's cool hi um how are you how are you doing you're doing all right yeah that's that's good that's good um you're okay you're here um he just looked at you come on come on call me worth it come on okay so okay so obviously you're i don't how do how are you are you here i mean obviously you know i'm here you know i'm here i'm here i know what you're here obviously i know what obviously you know what happened i mean what happened or know what everyone thinks now what happened tell me tell me tell me tell me no one's treating you normal just tell me what what happened was one day um we were outside the prison sam came out looking all worried and he told us that you lost your last life you were gone did sam lie sam did not lie i was gone you were gone stop making me talk everyone's making me talk about it and i know that no it's okay stop making me talk why is he looking at you like that why is he looking at you like that is he your best friend um i mean he's he's a yeah he's one of my best friends you know cool yeah here here there oh you're welcome so please stop making me talk about it i won't okay i won't okay go back to hanging with turbo okay all right i'll see you man glad you're doing okay future thera puffy office pretend i didn't do that that's the red banquet oh why is there a wall of girls i like that so so it looks like guys i'm back but i'm not even to most of these people i'm still dead it just kind of celebrated my death they just celebrated me he just celebrated me and hung with his his husband this server was this server wasn't about this it wasn't up it was about me and turbo fighting dream i'm still dead to most these people please please okay they're looking at me like i'm not even alive i'm not even here hello hello i don't know what kind of sick [ __ ] joke this is this halloween was a long time ago and for you to be dressing up as a deceased person i don't know who's doing this i don't know who's who's doing this [ __ ] this is so disrespectful i encourage you to go change your skin right now because this is just [ __ ] up in so many levels this is not funny this is not funny at all yeah yeah go go away go away we halloween was a long time ago pal costumes is not the [ __ ] way to go okay what hello i can't do this you sound like him too you sound like i i am him i remember when we did the heist and i remember what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no you're not no i remember the highest we did with john manifold and turbo in the sewers um remember when we stole all of the phantom membranes tommy tommy what no no no no no no no who the [ __ ] are you and why are you cosplaying as tommy this is just make the big queue listen to me listen to me let me look at me all right i'm alive and i don't want to talk about it anymore because everyone's making me talk about it dream used to revive become me and now i'm here after i died why is there a bee i don't know i'm i'm here after i died all right and i can't take this anymore no one's treating me normal and i i need to i need to go but um he revived me and now i'm here all right women that son of a [ __ ] tommy you're alive you're alive and that oh my god that's awesome thank you thank you welcome back tommy what did how did what did you do when i was dead everyone built things tommy i've been doing so much i've been doing so much uh more specifically i've been doing a lot of a lot of business tommy i've been so excited for for all the business that i'm building up oh you'll see oh you came back at the perfect moment tommy i'm going to be [ __ ] rich i'll tell you that much um before you go before you go i just just want to ask something what what do you mean revive book you're gonna maybe what do you need me to keep talking about it yeah i kind of do okay okay i died i died dream beat me to [ __ ] death in a prison all right and i saw death when i died and i was with wilbur mexican dream for so long months and then he revived me and i was back and it was back in the daylight in this dreadful world and i'm sat here now and dreams still out there with the power to kill people and send them through that so some dream is live and with the revive book yeah goodbye biki hold on before you go before you go i found nemo ah for you tommy this is for you thanks tommy it's so it's so great to see you alive hey hey we we gotta catch up sometime soon i got so much to talk to you about oh my god what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that green son of a [ __ ] all right boys i know i'm here but i still feel dead no one's i'm just [ __ ] even the people that care about me chat i'm just science to them now i'm just science they just want to learn about my trauma i'm not even turbo's best friend anymore the whole point of this server was that we you know you know what boys i can't do this anymore i can't keep being dead i can't keep being i can't keep being the one in the middle can't keep being alone as them as in the middle i need to kill dream and i need to do it [ __ ] soon foreign uh the problem all right boys i'm gonna end up now uh i'm gonna i'm gonna rate phil um you can watch jack manifold i think he's gonna go livestream i was gonna raid him and i was messaging like why aren't you live and he's just like yeah he just hasn't replied so thank you all very much for watching i'm gonna write phil i won't go on for too much now uh video in an hour so uh i hope i hope it's i hope it's trending see you all later oh it's chat live oh poor phil okay also go watch phil's minecraft but i'm hosting jack because i didn't tell him i would go watch phil two thank you for watching good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 2,883,568
Rating: 4.9311905 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, minecraft funny, minecraft funny moments, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, tommyinnit dies, tommy dies dream smp, dream kills tommyinnit, tommyinnit is in prison, tommyinnit dies dream smp, tommyinnit final death, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, dream smp, dream smp prison, tommy's final death on dream smp, tommy's trapped in prison with dream, dream revives tommy, tommyinnit revived, tommy escapes prison, dream escapes prison
Id: ejK4sZrt1A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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