dream ESCAPES the PRISON (disappears) on dream smp (WEIRD STREAM)

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make sure we're good all right okay very good you left all your things you can come back in here yep all right very good let's open that up that way you know your stuff is safe yep i'm also going to close down the entrance of the prison so no one's going to be following us in okay uh you'll go ahead and proceed through those doors over there all right very good let me retrieve my key card and i'll be following you shortly all right very good if i could get you to right click that bed to the opening there all right there we go all right all good go ahead and stand on those uh those blue squares there right in the middle all right try and hold still it'll only take a second okay all right oh there we go took a minute the levels that's that's all right though we don't really need them no all right very good all right okay if you'll just make sure that at every point you stand back don't get caught in any of the moving moving pieces of the prison the floor is going to rise in just a second and at any point you accidentally pick up my key card um you're gonna have to make sure you return that to me immediately okay yes of course no problem i'll raise the floor now okay all right we can continue on okay are you are you nervous you seem a bit nervous yeah i'm a little bit nervous i don't really know why but i just kind of am don't worry i'm here to keep everyone safe and keep him in there stand back from the vault while it opens please be careful okay i'm gonna stand back from the moving floor in the next room it's gonna rise up okay all right we can continue along once we're through here just know that i'm going to lock us in with the vault door at this point that way if anything does happen this is as far as anyone can go which is still some of the holding cells all right okay okay okay awesome continue on oh man wow probably must have been misbehaving out there yeah all right we're gonna go right through here okay for just a moment very good all right this is us you can go on and make sure to right click that bed there for me uh the bed there okay awesome all right very good okay now i'm gonna lock us in here again i'm just locking up everything behind us we just want to make sure that we're as safe as possible yeah yeah and um i'm going to need you to stand here on top of these four lights again i need to run you through a physical search okay okay to make sure that nothing slipped through i know i have the book that you're gonna need yeah um that's fine but uh sorry about this oh okay all right very good all right so you had nothing on you let's continue along we'll go through here towards the main cell okay um oh this is going to suck for a little bit how long is this a little tunnel it's uh not too bad it's it's a nice little journey though okay okay all right it's gotta go in fast wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come back please okay sorry okay how many you you'll die if you don't do this first i need you to walk into that small hole there okay stand still and try not to move all right all right you can continue through the tunnel now whenever you're ready okay gotta go really fast through this [Music] okay okay we're okay very good all right now i'll need you to right click the bed in this room as well please this is just a precautionary bed to make sure we know where you're at if something does happen you will be trapped in there until a guard comes to let you out and i'm also going to close the waterway behind us just so that you're aware okay there's two agreements here i'll need you to read those out loud sign those as well all right [Music] yeah you're just fully informed the event of security protocol taking place while i'm within the bounds of the maximum security cell i hereby acknowledge that i could be potentially locked within the cell for up to seven days or until the security issue is resolved okay all right very good and then the last one please in the event that a prisoner is to escape during my visit or after my visit because of my actions i hereby give permission for any individual to hunt me down and kill me until i am completely dead okay yeah very good all right now what i'll need you to do is walk into this hole over here on the side i'm going to go fire resistance so you can make it through the next part without dying all right stand still all right all right proceed to the front yellow block right there okay all right i'll meet you on the other side all right all right let's step into the water very good all right we'll continue on to the main cell now follow me okay i need you to right click that bed right there please all right very good all right uh you can stand here face forward while you're here yeah all right i'm going to withdraw the lava now so just stand still and be patient okay all right okay oh wait i i might need the the book yeah you know what at this point i'll i'll let you i'll let you awesome thank you thank you make sure you don't leave it with the prisoner though if it's yeah with him i'll have to confiscate it and destroy it okay okay and if he tries to take it from you then uh i'll intervene but he shouldn't misbehave yeah that's what happens when he does oh he's just there yeah he's in the cell [Music] i mean you must have done a really good job of building this then because of course yeah it's impossible to escape wow that's really incredible oh man i don't get why i'm nervous honestly you know like nothing i to be fine here it comes man all right stand still here okay i'm gonna send the bridge across make sure you walk with the bridge you don't want to be dropped down into the lava there okay okay okay all right that's good stay safe all right okay i'm gonna retract the bridge i'll drop the lava and then you're free to discuss with the prisoner openly okay man so hello oh hello you've come to visit me yeah i know it's probably surprising seeing as how we've barely talked if at all i think what it's not surprising well i think actually i'm surprised you didn't come sooner actually really what why i okay well and you know why i'm here then well we're like we're best friends right i'm we've barely we've barely spoke we're not best friends what i have probably talked to you more than i've talked to anybody on the entire server that okay now you're just i know what you're trying you're trying to scare me i'm not i'm not gonna let you i'm not gonna let you scare i know you're just trying to scare me into thinking what how am i how am i trying to scare you i no we haven't we've barely interacted if at all we're not why are you acting different i mean why am i acting different i'm acting i normally act what is what is that supposed to mean well i'm glad you came to visit me yeah yeah i didn't i don't know why you're glad because i'm here to tell you what you did well i'm just i'm glad to see you i mean you've been a good helping hand and everything no you okay you must you must know that i thought you must know that i somehow hear your voice sometimes and that was just the complete lie the entire you're trying to make me think that i did those things again and i'm not gonna let you do those do that again but you did do those things i did none of those things because you did them after a dream told you to but you did do them after no i i didn't know there was there was there was proof i got i got rid of the voice i got rid of the voice you got rid on the voice because dream got put in prison and you haven't been talking to him like you usually do so it's harder for you to it's harder for you to you know imagine what he sounds like yeah because you stopped talking to him and he used to talk to him every day are you referring to yourself in the third person have you gone insane in prison you're right you're right yes yes okay i mean there's not really much to do here yeah it doesn't doesn't really seem like it got one clock the entire time yes i do have a clock i don't really like it though but oh and then you also got water and everything oh yeah i've blocked you i see what i've been writing oh yeah sure sure what have you been writing what if you want you can look at it i mean you look at everything i've been writing i've written probably like i don't know a lot of books so like 26 books if you want to look in my chest but how do you no you must have been you must have been no you must have been you must have been just you must no you must have been just you need to face the truth no i am facing the truth the truth is that you're you're a terrible person and that you you've done so much to hurt everyone you know i could no the truth is that you've helped me you've helped to dream all right i won't even dream right no no i got i got no you you have to be i got rid of the you know you some okay no you somehow know what i went through in the panic room and everything so you're just you're doing this as a way to try to make me think that i'm i know what i went through because i'm you no no no no no no no you you you i don't know how you know what happened to the panda groom but you're looking i know been helping dream the only reason you haven't been talking to me recently is because you just can't picture what he sounds like you used to talk to him every day he used to help him oh i did not he would he would tell you things to do you were like his little servant no i i couldn't no i couldn't be i couldn't let myself do that you know that i couldn't let myself do that i couldn't work with the person that has hurt so many people are you dead you did no i many times but if it's if it's so if it's so prominent and if it's so much as you're saying then how come i don't remember any of it you do what do you mean i do i i don't i don't remember you do because i'm you oh you just you just have to i'm i'm not even real wait me no i got rid of him i got rid of i got rid of the i got i got rid of the voice i got i got no no no no no no no no no no no no this has to be no there's there's no way there's no way i got rid of the voice i got i got rid of it i got what's going on i got no i got rid of i got rid of the voice it has to been it has to have been no it just i got rid of the voice i got i got i got rid of it i got rid of the voice and how he's back [Music] you
Channel: Ro0oney
Views: 5,138,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hkzCglO8Fps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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