TommyInnit Speaks To Dream's Sister AGAIN

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[Music] welcome everyone [Music] this has got to be a no no music stream oh oh well it looks as though we have some things on the agenda today uh before drister gets on so we all know what we're doing i've had an idea i've got my appetite back boys i've got pep in me step i'm gonna oh god i'm still ugly i'm gonna build hear me out hear me out a [ __ ] tower boys it's what i'm best at is what i'm best at i build and i'm gonna build it out of logs i'm gonna build the log the log lake what's an upwards tower called a tower i'm gonna build me a tower first let's just check in on everything make sure we've got we have a visitor on their way today oh god he's the [ __ ] even hot why can i not um hmm i'll sprint i'm feeling pep in my step tonight oh we got to keep up our streaks as well that would be rough if we damn and a six day streak holy [ __ ] call me dedicated please if you will boring are you insane at a log scraper no no no that's not good don't choke okay well i think they're going to arrive shortly oh we need to hop into vc2 where i belong let's just stack shut the shire is all well hmm i don't like that fella okay a little secret hole where we put our anti-dream things isn't there either all right oh no oh for [ __ ] sake uh i think we should probably take down a md's home as well because there's not really any way that you can explain to someone hey mexican dream was here and they don't they don't just sit and stare at you like what what does is that something about that sounded weird and you have to go uh oh no oh i just shaved a log what the [ __ ] that anti-sun that is anti-standard what is it not sanitary like [ __ ] and piss you know why not you know i mean i mean you know i mean if anyone knows it will be it will be the chat oh god we don't have much food on us neither and we just have some netherrealm ah what the [ __ ] somebody stop it stop it stop it what the hell no no no no no no no no no no no no no wait hello hello hello oh you ju you massive what's a nice [ __ ] you massive why would you do it stop it please stop it hello hello oh my god yeah oh okay you just keep saying hello hello i can hear you lady hello again drister hello can you just what the [ __ ] how are you how have you been how are things okay have you been i've i've been i've seen better days this place i didn't this is like your new place like your new house well yeah well i got exiled you see oh yeah that's yeah but i actually buy um you're really quiet by the way can you tell your brother you're quiet i said i'm quiet speak louder speak louder dresden don't want to yell speak like let yell oh i ought to just say he's turning it up oh by the way hi vods channel pl uh please subscribe if you're watching and also compilation channels you do not have my permission to use this footage i this is all mine and if you use it i will be so upset i will be angry i will rage i'll leave hello hello why do you why you are quiet i don't know it's speak louder speak louder be stronger in your words i'm trying to find how to turn it up one second he's an idiot so he can't figure out how to turn it up hey hey trista is there a knife nearby no okay well we'll add that just to [ __ ] him okay maybe not we should wait for him to turn up first okay yeah no good call yeah good call hey hey i like i like how you think that waiting waiting till he's done is taking forever oh wait yeah give him a little is it better now oh my god [ __ ] oh yes but yes okay oh you're loud now you're overbearing yeah better yeah you're getting so now should i fork him yeah yeah no no wait so i'd say prong i'd say prong okay i'll do it so oh i actually i had to ask you something so i whenever i got on like i saw your stream and you were talking about how there's like chocolate on your shirt but i saw your message in discord and it said that you just took a massive poo okay no no no no he did say that but that's [Music] but listen if it was chocolate if it was poo could i do this would it smell like chocolate what did it smell like chocolate but you're gonna lick it i'm not it's hey listen man it it smells like chocolate smell it so maybe it smells like you're massive i haven't well how do i even get poo on my uh why are you flying how would i even manage to get poo on this bit of my shirt i don't know how do you get chocolate on your shirt well because whoa whoa whoa put the lava away lady because i was it's not what the hell what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what's wrong with you nothing hey just a hey hey drister hey bro hey i'm gonna i'm gonna be the only real one that says this in show life you got problems you said that last time oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i did yeah hey i had a look at this i'm good poopy in it tell dream poop on his shirt i don't know it's not it's clearly not poop it is why would it why do you think coincidence that you just took a massive poop but there's i did just on your shirt well it's because the chocolate has been here all day lady well we don't know that maybe well look at it look at the age look at it's like fine wine it's like it's like um why this is really unsettling that you're just flying everywhere wait are you wait wait how much can how much gonna what's it called big d here you over there oh um he's like across the room i don't know okay okay come with me come with me here's what we do okay okay type type the following hear you but i can assume what you're saying i am here okay okay just adjusted type the following type the following and type it quickly very speedily all right slash op space no you no what which is fair he didn't say he was going to eat a massive chocolate he said he was going to take a massive poo and then that's true no no no the poo was minutes ago the chocolate was hours ago i'll go and get the half-eaten cadburys bar if that's going gonna prove it to you it's not poo you okay sure look okay okay just address the drifter i your brother are we in the nether okay listen listen your brother has banished me from the server can you wait but we're on the server right now i know but have you noticed that i'm alone and if you hold tab everyone's on and we're with no one oh what the hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey that's obsidian that that's insane stop it stop it stop it no okay okay so do you have so many blocks oh because i'm because i'm like god oh that was a class one oh yeah wait wait this isn't this isn't actually you're actually cutting me off from society i'd really appreciate it i actually really like to say low blow low blow hey am i allowed to swear at you yeah low blow prick no okay what would dream do not i don't know why have you done that wwd what would oh sorry sorry i had to calculate what you were saying okay well listen listen come with me come with me okay go well no wait you're not allowed to go over there watch me didn't you no come with me come with me yeah you know but here's the thing just to hit my friend here's the thing this is where you help me okay do you reckon you could okay can you just get me uh able to go back to lumber and see all my friends would you be down to do that because we're pals yeah yeah yeah we're pals aren't we yeah who's your best friend irl i am not gonna say that yeah yeah good day hey good choice yeah so what have you been up to these days nothing what do you do i don't know i do school oh how's that it's okay yeah what's your favorite bit where are we going look look look trista trista is your brother there yeah well he's there you know that fork that's near you i can't hear you yeah how how easy would it be to what's the yeah you know his eyes how vulnerable are they right now they're out for sure yeah yeah yeah okay okay it's what you do yeah you see the fork yeah grab the fork now grab the fork no i don't ah tristan what is wrong with all my what the [ __ ] okay okay get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] now i i had fires on me i had fire okay stop it stop it i have all my things on me just addressed it you okay grab the [ __ ] with one hand i have the four of the four kills keep gaming with the other now now okay look to his eyes look at his eyes how can you get them can you get them no he's a little far away okay walk over to him say a tree my friend and then get him that's when you get his eyes why are you holding up a fork like you're gonna do that i'm gonna give you some i'm gonna give you some life advice and you should get this tattooed across your head all right okay don't be a [ __ ] all right now is when you get him no i'm not gonna get him sorry sorry but you know information that you would not like to hear yes earlier he was mocking your accent i would never do whoa whoa whoa yeah yeah well really yeah really what did he say i don't remember but he was saying something you said and he used your accent i i never have done no he did it earlier that's so offensive yeah it's really offensive that's so offensive can i hey can i speak to him for a second yeah he wants to speak thank you hello what is wrong with you i would never do it dream dream dream you didn't you rap bastard did you really no no tommy tell me i i may have said one word using your accent okay i don't remember what the word was i think it was okay and i just said it in a weird way i no no no it was something it was simple it was i i i never would i never would he did didn't he no no hey can you tell can you look drifter dead in the eyes and say operation fork is a go operation fork is a go stop stop it's not even funny that's not even funny yeah yeah hey those eyes of yours hey use them while you still can oh my god now she's looking at me weird okay could you put twister back on the headphones and i can't can you can you put yourself back on yes he does not like you better than me you're like moving the microphone into my face i'm trying to fix it there you go just adjust that yeah there was i still work or not yeah they still work okay he shut me down when i tried oh [ __ ] okay okay okay well so the thing is i'm banned from going through here is there any way you can get me back what with being his sister you could just walk through it oh then i'll die and then i'll and then and it'll just ban me well i can't go through it and i don't die well okay well there's no need to be an [ __ ] well whoa what is this there's like bamboo everywhere can i you reckon i can come in now what will happen um what will happen if he comes in i'll kill him well no well you're not controlling it so how are you going to kill me from you and i will kill him tell me it's not sounding good for you just accuse him of do what you did last time that was that worked yeah that worked yeah yeah okay do it do it you ready just just accuse him of hitting you no no i no that worked last time but they're gonna know they're gonna know that you're lying okay all right will you come back then oh whoa there's like a christmas tree in here this isn't fair man you know i'm i'm gonna come through if you don't no you tommy i'm not the one who's gonna kill you i'm oh wait you actually reckon i could get the christmas tree ask him say can i please come through because i'm exiled and it's terrible he said can i plea can i please come through because i'm exiled you're making youtube americans and that you are so effect i am so offended right now i hate both of you and everything you stand for you make it believe me you just make fun of my i'm gonna sprint i'm gonna you just made fun of my accent you just made fun of my action to my face to my that is worse than spitting on my grave you told me to do it i didn't say it in that accident though yep but you did that's what how did you say it then well no no let's move on or else i'm just gonna i'm gonna start breaking the twitch terms of service so so i'm not allowed to go back to my home then am i hey wait actually hey hey i've got a request for you can you okay go into your creative inventory please okay and then golden apples 64. no you might not know what that is 64 golden apples on my inventory i don't have them i have 63. well i do actually have 64 too okay press q on them press q press hold over and press q do that well look at me do i look like someone that does wrong things yes you're a [ __ ] what i mean look at it just no no fine fine let's just chat no no no hey let's just do small talk then what's your favorite color is it gray i bet it's gray green oh yeah of course of course what's your favorite color it's probably red it's not red it's oh thank god i do like red and white no no i just yeah cause you're sure [ __ ] what the hell okay well nice work idiots now i have oh oh it's like glitch okay okay lucky for you i have never right pickaxes on me but that well i do too can you just spawn in some obsidian um maybe yeah see why are you lagging it i'm not lagging it there yeah you are it's not me that's lagging the server it's you how could it be me it's you you're the one who's like how could it be who else would it be everyone agrees oh my god this is just one big hate mob yeah look at them they hate you it's just tetana blade what's he gonna do okay sounds a little harsh well hey hey nice trip and that was what do you make of my home then can you stop just like which one is your home what are you destroying let's have a chat drister let's catch up buddy so how have you been how have you been good you already asked what i know it's because i'm struggling what youtubers have you been watching um i haven't been watching youtube what the f what have you been watching then like netflix you're an idiot okay thank you where are you where are we going i'm gonna go mine down some logs because i need to make well so what have you been uh who's your favorite politician why why are you why are we asking us hey my name that was okay oh can you slash weather clear please um do you like it better clear yes then i should i do it then i feel like i shouldn't yeah can you make it clear please well if you like it better clear weather weather space clear well he told me that but i don't know if i should do it because it's okay whatever i'll do why are you listen i thought last time we had quite the bond going about you know hurting your brother and now you're just uh you've just gone oh playing fork his eyes i don't really know yeah yeah hey hey hey but hey i mean that was just an idea do you have any other ideas call him clay yes i don't think you're on a like a first name basis yeah like i reckon i am me and big c c money that's what he's known on the streets oh you would know oh yeah what the hell yo oh wait uh excuse you excuse you holy [ __ ] man oh wait i'm gonna die why did you just do that oh anyway me and big c we get on well we uh we're like brothers you know we're better than brothers we're closer so that makes us siblings too then sorry tender blade's just just trying to talk in the chat no we're not hey you're not like a sister to me trista you're just you're just annoying yeah you made me turn off the rain and then you well yeah well the rain wouldn't i agree when did wait what did you agree with what did i what are you wait why are you getting logs oh so i can make myself a log tower oh why are you making another tower because i don't know if you've noticed i've been exiled and i don't have any towers yes i yeah okay yeah why do you need a tower you cry a a slow thinker aren't you you you yeah that was actually you take things on the slow end don't you what no that's hey that's okay i'm not one to judge it's you are one to judge all right no that's no yeah so tell me about things then you know i can just get logs what do you mean like i can just go and you hey you know when you just say get logs you sound a little strange oh what is this stop it man holy [ __ ] i'm going down why would you do that what i was that's a potion that's a potion of harming well i didn't know that okay well okay just don't you know just don't throw it again get what i have tell me where are you okay hey i actually you know i will get what you have just okay follow this command slash up no i'm not doing that i'm not what did you just do oh you just broke my nether right boots oh [ __ ] oh thank you hey can you hey if you middle click that i'll get low oh it's like you're kind of vomiting it kind of looks like you're vomiting yeah yeah wait what i still don't understand why you're building a tower why okay well have you seen do you see any towers around here and i think i should have a house like i think oh do you want a house yeah well you can live in the guest tent if you like well i don't want to live in your guest town you could live in the well we would think of the guests not me the stench of tommy in it look at you your shirt has like holes in it it doesn't have poop on it my shirt doesn't have poop it it does you seem like the type of person that smells their own poop trista what you you literally just smelled your own poop on the screen off your shirt i'm gonna go get the cadburys bar if you do if you're not careful okay look you stay in here i'm gonna build okay can you just can you spawn me in some oat lock hey where should we where should we oh over here this is perfect this is tower location oh actually no no you want to see the sea what was who is this guy what is this oh wait oh wait oh no no no no no no no that's a beheaded that's one of them sort of mexican dreams beheaded friends it's very um yeah it's horrifying hey man i don't i don't really know very much about oh and it was your brother that did that by the way yeah yeah operation [ __ ] beheaded that guy no yeah that's what he said no that's not tommy did it actually i did not behead him it's so ominous he also he killed he killed mexican dream wait who's mexican dream it's me but but mexican standing there i didn't kill my dream well it sounds like you did well i didn't drister what are you hey hey look at this why should we build my tower i'm thinking over here on this on this hill maybe we dig it into the hill a bit yeah that'd look good your tower all right yeah why aren't you pro tower because i'm pro my house tower okay well you can live in the tower you can share this place that's mine you're not gonna live in your tower well listen if you want a home or wait what is this a cow oh no oh wait no no i've got it i've got to take this down oh i can see it on you what if did not read the bomb thanks no it was it was big cues doing it's too late there's no going back it was it was not my doing it was not my doing hey trista hey look me in the eyes don't do drugs trista how to sex [Music] you don't read that book no no no no no no no no no where are you where are you that franchise is not it's not been franchised it's not been fully wrote yet it's not me fully wrong uh number one is in my chest and will never leave okay yeah it's in progress cc uh and the second one burnt to death oh jesus man okay stick with me from now on stop wandering off by your by yourself well you're wandering off right now what the [ __ ] what the hey can you come with me please i'm trying to build you a tower you're so ungrateful you're so ungrateful you're like you like it you're like it's you're a spoiled brat i need you to come and help me no i'm not coming to help you i'm building you a home okay you're not no that's a lie you're building me you're building yourself a tower i'm building a tower and you can adapt it as a home if you if you please i don't think that's how it works hey no i we went over this last time i'm an exterior designer you just i'll help you trista i no stop wait no no no no this takes away every every part of the tower stop that stop that that looks ugly you have made this look you have gone too far [ __ ] hey hey do you swear can you stop it please what no i'm probably not gonna stop are you really far away from the microphone or something no it's like right next to my face scream no i'm not gonna scream i'm not why why scream come on no scream i'm not going to scream scream you scream you scream no i don't i don't scream don't be a joke i'm listen man it's really not a big deal just i'm not gonna scream just i get told off when i scream though you don't you don't have parents actually you know i've spoke to your mother i definitely do have parents hey i've spoke to your mother really oh yeah yeah yeah i know never mind can you stop oh my god you're making this look ugly you dressed up you're the one who dressed it you are making this look ugly you are making this look like you always have a hole in it too what yeah but that's because you've put me in exercise who is this oh jesus he's strong can you kill him please hmm you can kill him oh i did i did because i'm because i'm massive did you know i've got massive ass muscles no i didn't i didn't know that what halo does your little like camera and it does not look like it bad boy halo knows that because i've beat him up from time to time oh my god stop it you've made this look ugly well i already did half of it so now it's just gonna match no no stop it please hey can you spawn me in some logs please i'm trying to build you a fine well i'll give you logs if you let me trip them okay okay so what else have you been up to you're not you're not hey you're not being very talkative dressed are you being all uh well okay how else that you've been a tower for yourself instead of hey what would you like what would you like then a house houses are for losers oh well do you not have a house i have a tent look at your lame christmas tree the one in the other place is pretty why'd you say that what you just [ __ ] float over nope that's a low blow lady what is this i'll keep building my tower what does that even say i can't even read that what do you make of uh wait what does it say how do you zoom in how do you do that thing where you like zoom in what is it what does it say i can't i can't read it i don't understand oh no wait no no no no no no then rhett oh oh ten reds oh that's my tent what oh well it's ugly conrad don't let don't say that to hey hey do you want to come see my iphone come drister dressed i'll give you a tour oh oh okay i guess we're doing a tour but i was gonna listen to music on this like thing oh oh yeah go ahead so okay hey wait hey hey trista have you heard of the disc pig step play that no okay what disc should i get there's a lot there's like a lot do you have any in your into chest um i don't know do you yes which one oh i saw it on your screen you like five no yeah i have the i'm not i'm not hey play one can you just give me one uh no oh what that was you're gonna play it maybe [Music] [Applause] that doesn't sound very good i don't know all the other ones sound like yeah like that one's the good one that one's the bop i think i should just get the tour okay yeah yeah play what is this place like why can't we just go back to the other place okay well shall we shall we just go back to the other place well he can't he can't he can just let him just for this one time you just want him to die because then you know no i don't want him to die i want to go back to the other place you want me to die grass lady no why are you calling me grass you stood inside some grass and talking in it it was weird tommy i still have the fork okay we can go to the other place yes his eyes he don't need them he don't need no eyes we still have the fork so his eyes don't need nobody yeah yeah yeah here's what you do here's what you do okay then he won't see you coming he won't see you like go into the other place what how strong are you drister i'm pretty strong okay that's what you do okay here's what you do you he's a bit bigger than me so i don't know oh no don't worry if you have a [ __ ] you'll be all right he wait tommy told me he took the pork chops play monkey play minecraft okay close your eyes close your eyes okay my eyes are closed okay good good all right you'll be all right yeah okay you put the fork down okay [ __ ] [ __ ] out yeah that would that would have sucked if your eyes got stabbed yeah that would here's my iphone 5s oh streaks yeah yeah i do interesting what'd you make of it i bet this is very similar to your phone no definitely not are you not a big redditor no wait can how do you zoom in i literally can't read this just oh my god you're right god maybe you need a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know spotify what songs are you what the hell what the hell is duolingo i don't need school i dropped out i said school is stupid it doesn't i'm actually quite quite literate oh okay so and then over here is the beach party that no one showed up to why did no one show up that's sad i don't know whoa whoa whoa whoa what the hell can you give me that block please can you give me that no press q once press q once okay i'll press q once you only get one what the hell now you're screaming yes yes yeah oh my god okay press q again please no actually i'll show you how i'll show you how to do it i'll show you how to do a really cool thing in minecraft all right hold down w hold down w okay now hold down q no and then let go w i'm not doing it okay hold down tab q and w no oh what the [ __ ] oh my god what are you doing i'm not i'm just building stuff just uh okay what here's the thing you've not told me much about who your favorite youtuber is last time you sat and you told me you told me all about how great you thought i was because i am great and it was awesome and now this time instead you've just sat and been like me gusta netflix you know what okay i don't really watch youtube do you did you not watch what the hell dra oh my god do you watch uh any of my videos no i i have before why do i i'll clear out dress do you watch oh thank you oh no what oh do i watch do you watch uh any why don't you watch any of my videos well i'm just not very interested that's really hurtful i hate to break it to you why aren't you interested what could i be doing better than that that other people are very they're not what could i be doing better then be more like me okay okay excellent me me me i have a folk me me me chuck you're the one who told me to get the four my mother his dream is your brother was drinking nice eyes you have clay would be a shame if i stabbed them with my fork oh my gosh that was violent that's cool yeah hey why don't you drop me another bedrock and i'll make one that says tommy not giving you one please i told you i'm only clicking it once i'm not gonna be able to get rid of that actually i'm not gonna be able to get rid of that yeah that's the point so what else should we build i really want to go back to the other place i don't know why he's not letting you well let's just go let's just go drizzle let's just go yeah okay hey hey you know what i say i say [ __ ] hey i say i say foot dream huh you know you would never believe what he just said don't tell them say dream is pogba's dream is pogba's he's just so come [Music] why on i believe that he's not a burrito he's a bad friend i go dream i just had a big poo he goes stop telling me is that from moses it's not from moses or like it's definitely not from chipotle no no it's because it has like oh i hate americans so much i hate you so much well you wish you were us going survival right now so i can kill you no i'm not gonna go on survival oh [ __ ] okay okay holy [ __ ] hey hey is your iq big like your brothers yeah who says he has a big iq he does over and over and over how do you know he has a big iq because he didn't everyone knows hey hey tristan question for you we should like make his ego smaller he seems yeah yeah just a question for you do you think dream has a big ego maybe yeah yeah yeah me too so do i though it's okay yeah he grabbed the fork tommy tommy okay say say okay just to say one if you think he's [ __ ] up ego ego wise ego wise no i don't think so god you are hey hey man hey my friend here's what you do it why did you call me jennifer i was trying to guess your name oh was that why not was that right no you weren't right you can keep guessing though but i won't tell you if you're right or not that just sounds pointless yeah it's pointless oh not they're all saying one okay okay listen to me listen to me okay okay say that was a really low iq play there drister no it wasn't i have a good idea you just you mind the block in front of you and just immediately fell through it well that was the point directly we can go through the block in front of you i'd rather i think we should just go through you should get like a pass because i'm here yeah yeah okay you ready we just looked we just lost he should have like a pass until they go through just for us no yes come on he'll yes come on he'll just today just for like 10 minutes or 20 minutes or 30 minutes no however long he wants to go in just for today come on huh what come on okay fine fine okay okay please don't kill him i'm not gonna kill him wait does he know that you got approval uh uh just just kill him just kill him not gonna kill him but he can't kill me because i'm in creative right yeah yeah kill him now kill him well i don't know if i should kill him okay yolo are you in here that you got approval which way do i run then run away okay okay obsidian i'm sitting here i'm sitting here and i'm sitting here cover me come on me cover me don't worry i'll box myself in it box oh i'm indestructible i'm like i'm like steel stronger than steel yeah you are you are ah save me i'm trying why is he not dying i don't know just can't hit him with the axe i am hitting him with the arm he's not dying now he's running away from me oh he's like recharging he's coming back for you tommy run run i hardly doubt watch this boy [ __ ] i bet he's gonna stop fighting me now oy [ __ ] okay okay yeah i'm not actually up next okay cover me give him my government okay i'm trying but you have to run you can't just stand there go go go cover me up mate go i am oh well i'm not covering you but like i'm running i'm [ __ ] running i'm [ __ ] out no wait why did you go back because he had a knife tristan if i die i'm dead for good but i'm not about to get shanked up by some guy with a p in his name okay tell him that you're allowed through no dream says you're allowed to there you go that's better no no we should just i don't want to die i don't think is he in charge dream dream dream no no can you tell dream i don't think i have to clarify i don't think i you quite understand if i die i'm dead for good why no you can just respawn no that's not how it works on this server drifter oh i died on here i know but you think you you're also in creative so oh well you can't die in creative hey do slash kill space dream no please no i think you should just go back through tell him he understands now how long am i allowed how long am i allowed temporarily for a very short time there you go actually just uh what i'm sorry i'm just dming my friend oh he said you can go on what happened no that guy said that tommy can go through oh yeah what are you doing you're just like messaging my friend i'm getting my friend here what friend i'm about to change joe life who's the friend why are you like mimicking the zombies let's see if he joins adam to the cool you're about your life is about to be changed trista okay hey do you know where are we gonna yeah you're about to find out oh my god are you sure i'm allowed here this feels wrong yes you're allowed here i come look at the christmas tree that i was talking about hello what i know i know where are you where are you tommy you can't brag about it this is amazing yeah oh my god this must be what jesus christ felt like after he was revived the dream sounds so different what's what's the opposite of balls dropping tommy uh members list tommy what the hell dream dream dream dream dream where are you tommy we're at the christmas tree oh my gosh we're at the like yeah we're at the christmas tree this is fun all right all right oh my god i have some gifts can i just teleport you here why don't you have gifts for me wait wait wait wait wait give me creative please because you're mean dream i'm not giving you creation all the time no no no no i'm so nice just adjusted this is one of the people that you want to try and be more into what you dream i don't want to be mean to him for me oh yeah i have i have plenty gifts [Music] we didn't order a gram my friend no no no no no no no no no why is he naked check this out no stop what the [ __ ] he was naked why would you slay a man just because he's naked why wouldn't you you're just around killing naked put your people on i hate you dream i hate you so much stop stop your voice sounds funny now what the dummy tell me why does dream keep killing me yes dressed why do you just keep killing everyone well he's naked and he's telling me he hates me so i think that i hate it thank you i think maybe you should go you've made hey guys this is 13 victims how does this always happen with every 13 year old girl you've met okay that was interesting oh is he still here no no he's i'll remove him i think oh he's gone drowning hey don't do that to me hey let's walk what do you make of a turbo wait hey drifter drifter can we go see my house yeah we can wait you have a house here come with me come with me i think i need a house here like well well how old are you why because i'm trying to work out if you're the youngest child uh big q's tried to sell drugs to well i i'm not did he try to sell drugs to a 13 year old yeah oh yeah yeah what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what is this no no no no is that your muscles that you were talking about oh yeah that's my muscles but the face just so that's from a video that you should never see i saw that video no you didn't i did see that video what video you know what video oh i know what video you busted yeah you know what video i'm talking about why is obama on there interesting okay let's go to your house oh wait i haven't been here i'm on the prime path again are you sure i'm allowed here yes you're allowed here but at any point i could get mugged that's true i mean you're wearing like ripped up clothes with like poo on your shirt i don't have to do them okay that's it that's it one minute make sure i do not get mugged what is he doing what is he changing he's going to go change his shirt isn't he what is he doing we're on his rear control of his stream because she's gone that's true wait say something say something what can we say everyone everyone like leave what everyone leave no don't leave outside don't what did i miss look at this wait what were you on about i heard look harvey and cadbury's [ __ ] let's just hope this doesn't don't wait i can't see it you're like behind us look look look i look that the rest of it i spilled down my shirt i know you're tiny it's not poo it's not poo it is how is this that doesn't mean that that's what you were eating well you can't eat poo kinda okay well you probably could if you really wanted to only you would eat poop did he say that he spilled chocolate on his shirt how can he spill it yeah it's a solid food i don't know all right it was massive and it was awesome and it i have the receipts my poor ass muscles like i do i saw you get up can we go see your house or like okay but i haven't seen it can i get like a dog yeah mom on him what i can't understand you because you're eating poo i'm this is clearly true you're i i'm your brain name so nasty i can like hear you chewing your brains all [ __ ] oh i could just like spawn in a dog for myself i wanted a river i need to get what i literally can't understand chocolate it's because you're eating poop i know but wait i should get like another that's a stupid thing to say periscope that's all stuck in my brain you get like so many no i'm looking at so many dogs wait i need now i've got all [ __ ] stuck in my braces tommy look at all my dogs a baby one can i have one please if you have bones you can have a dog i have j shot i'll spawn you one but you have to get it okay well i have i only i gave thank you thank you what should we name our dogs oh my oh i've got one i say we name him yeah what should we name him i don't know who's your favorite youtuber no i don't really have a favorite youtuber say it's me then if you only watch my videos right but we're not naming your daughter really i say we all i think we name them i can't believe you i say we name them all tommy in it after your favorite youtuber me no after your favorite youtuber me can we name them something so am i your favorite you [ __ ] i want to go see my house i haven't been here for ages trista how about we let you should like ask okay like you can like tweet what you should name our dogs why don't i tweet that i spend so much because you you know listen they can pick our dog's names you know i'm like the god of twitter i only i get i tweet things i just get so many likes okay then you can get so many likes and so many name ideas it's your privilege i'm letting you be here right now okay you're so you are such a that's true hey look this way i'll post a screening of this then dogs what is wrong with you i'll post a screening of us i'll post a screening of us and they'll reply dogs names all of our dogs all right i'll tweet that and then i'll put i'll i'll call it screeny with dream sister and then you can and what you can do is everyone else will reply what would you like me to caption it i don't know caption it whatever oh our dogs what did you just do this is where dream killed me okay go run this way run this way and they'll stop dying what the heck oh my god you're such a [ __ ] dog owner man take him to the oh what this is so magical i've never oh my god tommy we know you've never been here so get what are we gonna name our dogs this is so my i'm just i may never be able to come back here no i haven't yet because you didn't tell me a good caption well i don't know a good caption me are you captioning it what should we name our dogs no that's a [ __ ] caption are our dogs in it me andrista hanging out with the dogs with the what about the hashtag dogs how do you feel about that yeah hashtag dogs that's good you'll get more likes yeah i'll get more likes with a hashtag okay i just i'll get rid of my going live tv as well since i'm pretty live right now yeah that's hey that's good there you go there you go they all want me to name go through them well yeah just i'm trying to make i'm trying to hang with you and you're just trying to make me get on mexican dream no what i don't even know name one of them clementine what is what he pulled up his twitter and i was like something weird oh yeah that's that's dream for you yeah yeah yeah he's a pretty yeah everyone is saying it's clementine but that can be your dog's name did you know did you know dream hates this we have a lot of dogs does you know he hates his stance that's that's like his biggest thing his biggest thing is he's a world-renowned stan hater oh say that no you should rename one of the dogs we can name it like tommy's big poo massive what though do not name one of my oh my home what your house what's up what the [ __ ] this is your house whoa what is that it's overgrown it's all overgrown what is that can we out sit down i can't sit down no okay use your legs then i sometimes i think do americans legs even work i think that i think i look at an american i think your legs don't work properly hey can you play pig steps have you ever been to america yeah i have really yeah i've been to new york hey can you can you play oh do you not like new york um i don't know that's okay hey play pigstep play pigstep i'm not playing oh please we're on the bench and everything we're on the bench okay what is it called pig step which one is pig something this one okay now call me that it's copyrighted by the way it's copyrighted [Music] yeah you're not going to get your likes if it can i have that back please no i play it again no i don't mind i don't mind i don't know you're just going to get it okay just wrap it they call me they call me little t little t they call me little t when i rap no because because i because my yeah that's why because my rap skills be little but my my my oh no i yeah play the play it play it i'm not playing it because you're just going to take it out i'll go boom boom i'll go my name is my name is my name is tommy in it and i'm here to i can't wrap that because i haven't got a baseline do you want to do a bass line for me ladies do you want to do a bass line for me please please maybe dream will give him like a beat to rap too no please i did not no you wouldn't even scream ugh why would i scream god hey dristed trista this is what other people are thinking the people are going and believe me they're saying this they're going trista she's a [ __ ] that's i i i i didn't say it i didn't say it i don't know yeah you kind of did say it i i i literally might that i mean that's just what i've been dm'd by so many uh fellow influencers i don't think so can you can you just play can you just play okay this is my home dresser this is what you deserve you know my dog is that what you is that what you wanted to kill our dogs okay tommy we haven't even picked out names for them please please please can you just play pig step and we'll chat no i'm not playing anything oh my god i am going to lose it yeah you're gonna you already lost it oh my you know what just i'm going to attack you if i ever see you if i ever see you and i have a fork you know hey those pr those precious eyes of yours there'll be no please play pig step someone replied to your tweet with the video what video you bastard maybe we should name it you bastard you bastard i'm going to kill all your dog like bruno mars or something we did not we could this is no this is terrible we can name the dog bruno no no no why would you reference that video right now right you know what i'm going to think of my peak viewership on twitch i'm almost at 300 000 and you're mentioning that video oh you you must have said i'm going to go i'm going to have them how do you wait stop being mean or i'm going to go again i'm going to i don't even know how to build it can you just pass me a pig step please i'm not passing it to you please it will be so nice it doesn't matter i'm willing to make no money no you're not for the subs for the subs born for the subs i am i'm like usain bolt but instead of running the subs homie yeah i'm like i'm like i'm in it for the i'm not in it for the money which one of the dogs is named bruno no we have to establish this one the wet ones the [ __ ] one no whoa wait that the wet one's not my one is it it probably is oh it's not it's not this one's this one's mine okay that one's name is bruno oh trista i'm gonna name i'll name your dogs for you then this one's called brickface this one's called [ __ ] this one's called dickwad you can name one of them okay i've named one prick face no you should name it no well you're gonna let me name it i've said it well you can name it we only have an hour max in the mannburg and we stood here pissing about with doc please but we only have like 50 minutes left okay what do you want to do i'll set a timer for 40 minutes because i'm guessing that's how long we have left until we until we have to have our grand escape yeah well my last time it was tempting when i was cooking pizza 39 minutes right 39 minute time please please please please can i just listen to pixel i just want one moment no i we already listened to it tommy okay okay i'll add someone to the call to sort you out i named the dogs there you you named all of them bruno you knit that's true that's true okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna add someone to the call who is a master of disciplinary action and he's gonna take you out and if he doesn't take you out then we we turn on him all right we turn on him okay we'll turn on him who is it oh you oh you know i mean i i mean you're his biggest fan i could see us turning on him actually quite really who is this hello tenno blade sort her out i'm gonna be honest it was it was pretty bizarre to be listening to the stream and then hear you call me on discord and i'm like oh god he meant me all right what are we doing here i'm going to be spaced out are you teleplaying a tetherblade be be sexist i [Music] uh killed our dog repeal women's suffrage lmao okay but that oh my god bruno's are dying am i seeing [ __ ] you guys are dying am i seeing [ __ ] again hey drifter do you see that guy right there why is he not wearing any armor like anyone else help me kill him tommy he's killing our people he's all right he's all right oh actually i take more damage fighting him am i seeing [ __ ] tommy he's killing no no no time to think about that no okay okay here's what you do here's what you do pass me the disc of pig step tetano blade just to just come this way no i'm trying to save thank you they're all growling at him do this command do that and then okay he just come back he called that combat you're calling that combat login like it's legit combat who's that why am i seeing that is that guy real because i keep seeing him no he's not no he's not he's right there no he's not i keep seeing him in me dreams and [ __ ] whenever i'm around oh you know what they say about seeing people in your dreams what i don't know tenner blade can you just take her out can you take her out no no no take her out with yeah yeah death no no no no no no i don't know if i can take someone in creative mode yeah no no it might be time to test my limits why is he twerking oh did you see that no oh he's oh he's probably pooing you're the one who tommy hey look at this this is the big hole we went to last time that i built oh ew wait why does it not oh yeah hey i don't think that's real man i'm gonna hey look if i was to poo i'd throw it down here oh it seems like you just like rub it on your shirt or something but i don't rub i don't why do you keep saying that well there's can we go see them i thought about having one life earlier it's fine i think i think when i get thrown off a cliff by someone in creative mode getting thrown off a cliff is literally how these died really yes who's theseus yeah this is the most canon death i've ever oh my god oh my god oh my oh my god no no i can explain i can explain it's okay who is theseus you keep dying there's just there's just no hope he's the [ __ ] from your when you went um miami no blade i'm stronger i feel like you're you're mixing up two different characters here me ammo technoblade oh my god why did you just do that why do you keep doing that i'm losing all my things it's not funny man hey tenno blake can you just finish her guys i'm looking up how to kill people okay all right well can you see his eyes do you know where he hey tenor blade lives are your eyes feeling right about now let's go pick it up uh they're feeling and they're feeling pretty good tommy do you want to hear the fork uh okay okay so we're gonna want to do is we're gonna want to get her to below y level negative 64. all right that should do the trick tommy why are you not on my side and who is this why is he still standing there i don't know i don't think he's real because i keep seeing him why is that the validation of someone's real look he's following you where's techno where'd he go what do you think about been far away the whole time and now i'm here is that george yeah why why it's just so weird i'm not sure if i i'm so you know tommy would be really mad if you opted me i'm just saying he would be furious no i wouldn't i'd love it that is you're really going to fall for that oh no blade tenon blade eva okay eva look at the chats bruno's are dying well i know because they keep attack can you just okay let's turn on him dream drifter yeah take him out please all right i need you to uh look straight down and then punch until you find the void and then just keep going down no i'm not gonna know she's your biggest fan tenno blade she she found the one weakness of my strategy you know last night i'm doing all of that so that's all i got you know she's your biggest fan i'll give you one piece of bedrock oh thank you no no no no no no wow where's my bedrock at i don't know you were supposed to have it can you teleport me back please oh i'm a mess he's a bedrock oh i'm more spoiled and [ __ ] i don't know i'm pretty sure that the twerking guy has it oh who is the twerking is that tubbo he's that's not i i'm freaked out right now i'm not sure oh i see that's the better he just logged out with it he just logged out with my bedroom why are you why are you giving up i don't know why are you doing this i only give out one piece of better okay no no no no no no no no no no no tristan kill technoblade i want him dead no i'm not gonna [ __ ] him you were trying to get him to kill me for like ten minutes just lost half my things okay oh he logged back in no stop killing him who has it now dead no rage techno rage techno rage they really tried they really tried well did you get it perhaps can i have it no what the hell why oh my god tommy it's that guy who was killing you earlier bro they had a team operation and everything to stop me like they were coordinated in vc and everything and they still failed and they still failed to get out of here no he's here leave him alone i i'm leaving him alone he's punching me and the aura from my armor is killing him all right it's not even me it's not even me it's my arm type slash kill space techno blade he's a wrong and he hates women i have a hundred and fourteen levels he hates women he hates women he said it earlier he says he's a sexist well wait is your stuff still over here i don't know i couldn't find it yeah i think it's over here oh what's this that's really pretty oh there's nothing here all right block a shulker [Applause] [Music] don't let someone get that you keep playing the guy who was killing you just took it why did we should go back now we should just me and you just me and you no no no just take him down take him down or stop no no no just to get in the boat no i'm not getting in the boat oh my god you're being said last time you were so nice this time you're so difficult you're so annoying this time oh my god you've hit puberty that's what's happened i know i understand it it happened to me as well but then i became but then i became what the [ __ ] does that mean i am the biggest man have you seen my muscles no i'm not laughing at mine when i look in the party i'm not look when i look in the webcam and see mine i wasn't you idiot you idiot dude poor dream has spent like months meticulously making sure that no one can go to the end and then drist is just like hey or take this shulker button and it's all ruined this is weird now this is weird months of planet okay we're gonna have to snitch everyone everyone snitch on puns he's got a shulker box tell dream tell dream get an admin dream is here he doesn't dress it trista here's what you do slash game mode c tommy in it or get in the boat one of two options neither why would you not get in the boat because i don't want to get in the boat why what other stuff like are we not allowed to have here are you knowledge no the wings let you fly oh yeah you can give me an elixir if you like no no no you can't oh oh oh no she gave out a shulker box i'm snitching dream i saw i can't hear you bro say tommy and it says hello dream tommy and it says hello dream puns you wait a shorter box what i did not receive any items myself though yeah but you did get a bedrock i wanted some messages to the contrary don't invite you don't play tonight all right punch this back on yoink it yoink it take him down slash kill slash kill justin come and go can we go bro he put her in his under chest this entire server is a cleverly constructed plot of law and increase and you just came on a bit like hey i'm bedrock i've juggled this is insane this is insane we need to bring the dogs with us if we're going back no okay where are the doc tristan here's what you do solve all your problems slash ban dream slash ban dream i'm not banning myself it's not you you're trista don't you having an identity crisis it's okay puberty does these things to you i thought i was tom cruise for like a whole week just slash ban dream okay what you're so bad at spelling so bad oh wait wait yes none of those letters were the same at all none of those letters were the same yes good wait did you ban tub out wait yes yes yes yes yes wait let me screen she got this for my thumbnail oh i'm gonna get so many views oh band from dream smp oh my god oh three million views he's not even live and he's still making it about his family you wonder how he can make it about his stream whilst not even being live and he still manages to be frankly incredible are you are you wreck right now am i what are you recording oh yeah what do you mean i can't just record what this is gonna post it and then you're not gonna be able to you know what i'm not even gonna use my point of view i'm just gonna post tommy's highlights on my channel i'm the compilation well now what are you gonna do now i'm gonna be getting pictures what are you gonna do yeah yes how do you unban people slash party slash ban slash ban you won't have to worry about the server ever again just do it because i know the conflict okay all right dude everyone's saying you hit your sub goal but i mean while we're handing out choker boxes i wouldn't mind one hey can you tell i'm gonna i'm gonna ban you have the power to do that tell me we need a party because you hit your sub goal oh oh yeah i hit my twitch sub goal yeah celebrate good times come on you know what would really make this party good would be the music this pig step the music it would then oh thanks yeah the music this pig step you know what i reckon you're just i hello how did you build that thing like this no no no no no no no no i'll be back i'll be back soon do not do this no no no please wither skulls on top no no no abs i say no tommy and it says no wait you didn't unban turbo by the way you didn't unban turbo and he's live oh he's alive you didn't unban turbo when he's like what are you doing then if he's not even playing he i think he just ended stream he did wait i've just started lagging one sec tommy you're gonna make turbo end his stream no you've already i've just started uh it's okay i'll i'll unbox it wait i'm having bitrate issues i'm i unbanned him though yeah he already tommy this is the wrong time to have bitrate issues am i oh it whoa whoa whoa this makes no sense to me what i'm having bit rate issues what does that mean my stream's lagging well i have 319 000 viewers holy crap what he has a lot of viewers tommy can you give me a shout out he does he's a lot of people oh it's the most viewers he's ever i have waited to hear that for so so long i'm pretty sure i've asked several times small youtuber he's a bit underground technoblade thank you i'm just i'm just trying to reach four mil here you know yeah he's just trying to wait wait stay here oh mom [Laughter] i have 350k and i'm lagging out wait you know what i think it was tell me wait wait okay i'm back guys you know i think it was what was i think because we we reached like one of the twitch bandwidth issues like twitch starts crashing the stream because i wasn't having any internet issues but because we've reached like peak viewership on twitch it's like yep we're not ready for this and it just switches oh my goodness i i i've never panicked more in my life than when i had the little red logo on obviously for twitch oh no no please it was yeah mom that's so rude you're so rude you're such a tender blade why did you think your mom was gonna know how to get your my mum was actually asleep now and now she's very angry so what are you doing how is this the right thing to do really not working why did you think your mom was gonna know how to she was asleep she was listening to an audiobook and she was very very angry through twitch streaming i just thought i'm suffering i can't believe it twitch literally just had bitrate issues maybe she was like just torrented music non-stop and i was using up the bandwidth the audiobook she was on yeah it was her audio download copies of your your boyfriend wait what how many viewers am i on your new boyfriend wilbur soot oh my god it is seven million views what is that what has 7 million views the greatest song on youtube the greatest song on youtube oh wow hey drister oh wait [ __ ] dressed up we have 19 minutes left until we've got to go oh can you okay come with me come with me okay i'm coming here's what we do here's what we do i tried building you a big ass tower and you are you just going to be with me i like that idea i was doing my own thing tommy and i got joined across dementia tommy yeah did you hear that dream said something did you hear what he said what did he say he said your time's up you have to go back no i haven't i have 19 minutes yeah we have 19 minutes 19 minutes to what so we have to get off the tell him tell him you know where the fork is tell him you know you know how to buy more forks hey here's what you do threatening tell him his eyes are on their last cannon death one hour max okay but it's not the max yet well his time is up his time is up yes he has to go back what no what [Music] not about to get lectured on rules by a man who just under-chested a shulker box hey can you just play pig step please i okay we have to play teleplate if you're going to stay you can't mention audience retention before we leave i did not mention it you can't mention i've been holding back this whole time like five times so i was like man i really want to talk about it right now if you'll just for tommy [Music] [Music] keep going keep going [Music] this looks much crunchier when i have [Applause] this is basically the most powerful thing on the server since it means that you get copyrighted i'm going to steal it now [ __ ] it hand it back wait turn around please can i have it we got a bonding moment we had a bonding moment please don't give it back to that i'll let you talk about audience attention all you want you talk about audio give it back to him for a shoulder box this is worth it this is worth it i'm not giving you the show no why would he go out that way giving it to tommy no no don't give him the disc we appear to be at an impasse one of us has to buzz we appeared to be here please please please please what even does that thing do the box it's like a portable chest please please please please please i just stopped bars and they call me tecno blade that's what wilbur said wilbur said what color do you want just pick cyan sure no you're not you're not giving tucker with a shulker listen if puns got one i want one dream just take him it's only fair please please just give it back just give it back tender blade turn tentacle look at me in the middle i don't give a [ __ ] in her hand you see you don't get poker boxes tell anybody i tell you what you hand it to me then we'll uh no i'm like i'm like eminem i'm like eminem i'm gonna have to give it to you no she's gone it's gone it's not oh but literally kick puns greed and green monty literally already has one the greed kick this ban this guy from the server ban him look at this greed he literally already got the first one and he's like no i'm going to take the whole place i'd like to spend more time with you and less time talking about shulker boxes i'll be honest that's yeah that's true turn away can you just hand it because she's not going to give you one oh now panzer's going to take it no he won't yeah i will he came here specifically come over here come over here come over here they're not allowed other than that over here no other than that thing that's basically it there's i guess you just forget to invent about no i didn't we i unburned him a while ago he's oh he's still banned he's just spamming in the chat please unban me [Music] i want to spend more time nothing changed about underscore is this name to about underscore yeah turbo underscore okay there you go it's slash justin can we go i'm this guy's just this guy's just annoying this is all of my leverage tommy once in a lifetime opportunity just when you want i'll i'll kick him from the core when you want dressed up what trista look at me in the eyes okay okay that you're still just looking probably at your own feet which is well i'm looking at you not my character that yeah but you're right if you make eye contact with the camera then i'll be making eye contact with you okay okay drister do you want me to get rid of tenor blade so we could spend some quality time together before yes okay well any last words oh just address it we appear to be at somewhat of a stand still hello um okay can you tell technoblade can you ban tetnablade bro he's threatening me he won't let me speak to trista because he's holding me he's i'm basically a hostage right now yeah he's he's wirelessly down but maybe you're wasting my time man this is i will totally leave for a shulker box i'm just saying oh my god okay we got him we got him okay dressed a dressed up he's just asking for free things yeah i've got it just addressed it we gotta go we've gotta go they're all they're all standing around you now they're gonna yeah we i think we gotta go oh but the sun just okay we gotta go okay yeah do we go we do we go you're walking very slowly after shouting run run well you weren't running i don't want to leave you okay oh wait we're on the price this is my last time on the prime path for a long ass time he's very angry at us by the way we we we should go we should actually go we should actually really run yeah he's like very very annoyed at me because he just had the opportunity to get everything back and we just is that why is there another person can we go trista yeah we can go well why are you running like this he said he threw this just go just go just go let's go okay i don't think he threw the disc i need to do it let's go let's go oh this is my last time on the prime path drister oh tell them to subscribe with prime well subscriber prime yeah if you want to make tommy stop crying subscribe with prime just let's let's chat who's your favorite woman my favorite woman yes i don't know probably one of my friends is such a [ __ ] answer what who's your favorite woman the queen it better be me the queen no i'm your favorite woman you are not my favorite woman there are so many more women michelle obama is better than you the queen uh my mother oh okay uh i have to say that though your mom what the [ __ ] what the f oh i can't hate you because yep you can't hit me okay yeah yeah i suppose you're up there i'm up where up in the in the list of favorite women holding the fork while you're just walking i know very few women i need it on hand i know so few women yeah if you know so few women then i should be your favorite okay like okay okay well we have to go now yeah we're going okay what's the i say bye he's not going to be here for a very long time so oh bye bye home at the very minimum at least not until christmas that's 10 day that's so long it's only 10 days until christmas yes 11. no no tell dream in his massive iq to shut up he blows everything up what is the worst word the absolute worst word you know why oh you know i'm a curious man what's the worst word you know no one has done that to me before justin who understand that to me before i don't understand that to me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what is it why does your chair make such loud noises what the holy [ __ ] that was weird you just appeared pooh you're like moving the fork just put the fork give me the fork no give me the fork stop give it get your crotch how am i going to give you it stop clenching tommy should i give you yeah here's what you do you give you give the fork to his eyes that's a little much that'd show him who's boss everyone is still saying tobo in the chat why he's been i've checked like three times he is unbanned just tell him to dm you on discord he's being i don't know what he's telling him to do he's not on band because he would have just he would have just damned us on discord so he's fine what what i'm so confused it's fine okay apparently it's fine he'll just be unbanned forever or ban i can't believe i could like reload or something but he is unbanned let's go back oh i missed my home yeah uh i also missed the uh drister what i'm just i'm having a seizure what i'm having a seizure i'm still having okay now it's done you're there oh a server like oh i thought i was sorry see now if he's unbanned did he stop streaming because he got banned that he's fine he'll he he wouldn't damn me on discord if anything had actually happened don't worry okay let's go where are we going let's go to the tower it's not the tower doesn't exist well i almost would have finished it if i'd have had time you well the tower's here not in the other place oh [ __ ] yeah well trista are there any a terrible thing apparently dream once cut off your hair what you didn't know no i didn't know that okay this is very old i think that's the wrong sister i think you're mixing it up what happened whoa wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up wait no wrong yeah that's the other sister that's not me what i said when i was young you probably weren't even born then it was not it wasn't me yeah there's two of us no no oh what no no no no no one is already far too many yeah stop it wait there's two yes there's two you already knew that no one knew that yes everyone knew that you told he told you on the call with my mom did he yeah go watch it forgot about dream's mom that's the sober yeah that's so rude she's probably watching this right now and just hi dreams mom hey do you want me to teach you something she's definitely not watching this you want me to teach you swear words she's not watching you want me to teach you oh yeah what's the what's the best way um i don't know you don't know you you can pick prick bollocks no [ __ ] it's not my favorite yeah i like [ __ ] what no that's why are you [ __ ] what are you saying he's asking what's the best you just got beta oh my god i didn't mean that yeah context is like the weirdest conversation i can hear i think it's everyone's just gonna take that like tommy like tommy has poop on his shirt i don't have poop on my [ __ ] shirt i was just mocking tommy let's go chop down some trees and time mister that's one for the club tommy oh you give him a lesson about about about manners and respect and remembering and listening and using his ears tell me do you remember what else he said submit i called you a poo a poo baby that's why i called you well what the [ __ ] that's weird isn't it hey you're your brother's a little he's got i never told him he's got ghosts in his brain and [ __ ] tommy oh hey oh hey you're being you're being you're being disrespectful tommy you're being am i does that sound like something i would do it sounds exactly like that that does not when have i ever been disrespectful to anyone oh it's everyone you've been disrespectful to me i've only been disrespectful to men because i hate men all right well we have to go so you want to say bye yeah i will i will i can't hear him oh yeah here you can here you go trista yeah where are you i'll sprint over i'm by the portal all right i'm spreading over i'm sprinting for you hey hey justin there's one thing i got to show you as well before you go before you go go into the little campsite area go into the little campsite area go to the okay i'll go to the campsite alright no the other one the other one oh okay the other one just trista it has been an honor i'm sure i'll see you again dressed look at me in the ice please okay i don't think i'm looking if you don't see me again in this uh you know in this shape i'm sorry yeah in this alive form on this server you might see me a bit you know a bit a bit i don't know a bit maybe a bit ghostly i don't know he used to sit on me when i was little i said you're saying bye i have to ring the bell first dream guys [ __ ] up guys hey guys no no don't drink i have to dance on it no okay yeah dancing dancing no hey guys check if you ever tell the interested we gotta get him to check subscribe and prime boys guys everyone subscribe with your prime if you haven't if you have amazon prime if you haven't it's free it's free you can just check right now if you have free money yeah you can link your amazon prime it's free link your primes boys it's free oh my goodness look at them fly back oh my gosh look at all of them holy crap do you see them no there are so many you probably have a prime just check to see if you have one all of you probably have a prime it's free no cost needed [Music] yeah guys it's completely free and it really dance moves do it if you like it do it now think of the log [Music] think of tommy in my dance moves holy [ __ ] oh and i just eat it [Music] yeah i'm j clicking yeah holy crap drifter it was an honor streaming i'm sure i'll see you again at some point maybe it's in a few years maybe it's in a week but i'm sure i'll see you again yeah all right well it's been an honor if you wanna you can put dream back on now if it has been an honor hello hey are you off now game mode survival i'll see you tomorrow then when i um yeah yeah i'll be tomorrow i guess i guess from now on we're back oh you just i guess from now on we're back in uh back in back in sad mode oh come on tommy oh that's fun right yeah yeah that was great that was brilliant [Laughter] i don't know all right well i will i'll talk to you tomorrow all right yeah i'll see you tomorrow all right all right bye chat we need to check about this down here because i i we need to keep preparing now because we don't have very long also big q is coming he should be live i'm going to end up and host him now i'm going to be in his stream for the next two hours boys i'm going to go be on quackity stream so if you want to watch that if you know if you like this go be in history i'm going to be there for the next two hours thank you all so so much for watching uh i really really appreciate all of you coming by uh i would tune in to these next couple of streams over this next week we've got yeah i mean that was our last draw now we've seen drister we've seen mexican dream and now we don't really have anything left to we don't really have anything left to live for boys if you didn't enjoy that was my alarm to level the hamburg please just check don't primes no that doesn't matter if you could just check thank you all so much for all the subs but if you can just check the little notification bell on twitch to see if you've turned it on so when we go live you can see the streams if you're on the vods channel or anything thank you so much for watching um again please can we not make any highlights out of this highlights channel uh or i mean i'll just you know i just i just destroy you that's a terrible thing to throw people with thank you all so so much for watching uh yeah if you can because we're gonna be going live every day throughout this week if you can just check the little notification thing on twitch to see if you have it on you probably like do but if you can just see if you um i've got the notifications on for twitch oh no my packed with wilbur [Music] oh no okay i think will was ending so oh he's gonna be so upset with me that i haven't raided him but i told bq i'd be with him oh no okay okay okay here's what we do here's what we do we can't break the pact oh i can't raid we have too many viewers oh my god okay no they're ending all right i hope guys i'm gonna be in quacky stream for the next like couple of hours so i'll go see you all there go follow him thank you all so much for the follows and the subs tonight it is just crazy at the minute i really really appreciate all of you are tuning into the streams for the minute i like thank you so much i'll see you all later and good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 3,645,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, minecraft funny moments, dream smp, dream team smp, drista, dreams sister, tommyinnit speaks to dreams sister, drista and tommy, drista bans tubbo, dream smp exile, tommyinnit exile, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods dream smp, tommyinnit gets exiled, tommyinnit enters lmanburg, tommyinnit dream smp vods, dream smp vods
Id: OGXPvme_aE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 37sec (6217 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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