I Troll BadBoyHalo with ONE WAY GLASS in a Building Competition...

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okay now let's go up 10 and place lava right down oh my god it worked it is working it is falling down and he has no idea uh bad you have a little bit of an issue going aah how is it going guys welcome to the best building competition troll on all of youtube i think now let me explain first of all we have a bedrock wall dividing our building sides but i have a command flash see-through where i can look at his side at all times it is one-way glass and i have another command slash link enable anything bad builds on his side automatically is built onto my side now i'm sure you can see where i'm going with this one so yeah this video took so much time in preparation to set up so if you wouldn't mind please please consider hitting subscribe according to youtube analytics you should do it and you can always unsubscribe later but why would you do that seriously i hope you guys enjoy this video is so funny and yeah that is all how is it going guys welcome back to another video i am with bad boy halo and i have built this building arena thing and we're gonna do a building competition so are you ready man yes keppy i'm ready to destroy you are you ready or not yes i'm ready let's go to your side which one's mine this side yeah yeah the one with the steppy head is your side oh that it's not actually your side oh fine i'll go to the other side this is my side you go over there hey hey shoe shoe what are you doing okay i'm going you're hovering i'm going you need to leave my call and then i will type i left last time you leave this time okay wait what are we building you didn't even type in chat and then i'll say how many minutes we have to build it all right then leave my call all right i will leave your call user was kicked back oh my goodness he did not just kick me okay the troll is starting this is going to be so funny so i had this plug-in developed look at this when bad boy halo joins us they're oh my god he's getting battery i'll read this quick when battle hill joins the server he's automatically sent to his side blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah type slash see through i can see him and he won't be able to see me this is gonna be so funny okay the topic is a fountain two minutes to build it go and i also have one more command called slash link and i just disabled it so nothing's going on but if i type slash link enable look everything he builds on his side is building on my side this is gonna be the best video ever okay so for the first round i'm gonna completely turn it off because i'm original and i can build myself and i don't need this so i'ma build my own fountain we will use stone bricks we will go up like this and we will place water and we will call it a day really nice fountain if you ask me oh look what bad's building over there he has absolutely no idea that i'm literally watching him oh come on fountain fountain fountain um how should a fountain look wow this phantom looks kind of nice but is it really that nice if i go like this and start breaking go up like that oh my gosh come on i'll do it one more time oh my goodness those servers what the the server is lagging skeppy the server is lagging are you kidding me the server is lagging no it isn't link disabled the server actually is just like a tiny bit laggy so it's actually a good thing that he thinks it's lagging okay okay i have to wait until i do anything more otherwise he's gonna catch on super quick time's up join my call all right i'll just join him yo time's up okay time is up okay i'm going to come over to your side and see what you built ready okay come on over here what is that it's a fountain it looks like a planetarium system do you not know what a fountain is skippy what is that okay let's go to my side it's spilling water it is a fountain you're garbo that's even better the fountains and the malls are nicer than this i wouldn't even throw a penny in here to make a wish two minutes and i you disabled it what am i supposed to do wow okay show me what you built genius okay oh my gosh this is terrible the splash in the water you called mine in the water it's terrible this is actually good this is the worst fountain i've ever seen this is good but you did your best so i guess i'll give you a plus one all right so that's one zero steppy no no no no no no i'm giving you a point for you effort i give you zero all right next topic all right see through now let the trolling begin clear this okay okay we'll clear it for him okay all right let me just go ahead and clear it for him cut that's what you get fix my ground topic is modern city three minutes wait what is happening here oh wait okay it's the ground let's change one of them to like gravel for no wait what i don't have world edit world edit is cheating the truth is world edit doesn't work it doesn't leak to my side if he does it he's on the gravel you broke it okay let's go back to the same block and place the girl i'm pretty sure he saw that i'm so sus look away bad look away look away oh perfect nice building has really never been so easy before one more minute wait what what what is he doing what is he doing it's not happening on my side oh no oh no no no replace near 30 water air [Laughter] okay that'll buy me some time what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna like raise this a ton walls stone bricks oh he's placing the water again wait the link is on meaning oh no the world that it didn't go on inside but the renault blocks i placed it you know what i'm just gonna build like glass buildings that are gonna like represent buildings there we go these are actually buildings that's that's what i'm saying if he asks he's like oh what did you build i'm gonna be like these are buildings um what is this why are you building literal lego blocks on the ground time's up all right let's join it's called let's join this call channel all right let's see what you built okay coming over right here yeah okay look i didn't have a lot of time stop [ __ ] i you gave me three minutes you have lego blocks over here no are you supposed to represent buildings yes those are buildings look when you're standing over here there's a bridge and then you can see buildings over there oh my god that's so funny okay you are a muffin head okay this looks fine no this is like a a a skyscraper but you interrupt this part this what this part over here why'd you build this uh i get what oh i guess this is how high i was gonna build it oh interesting um are you ready to go to my side yes let's go to your side what is this um no i literally don't have any water what are you talking about oh my goodness i stuck how would i stuck in your building you would water everywhere on your side okay that doesn't even make any sense look no listen what you mean what did you copy haze no listen copying me oh you made [Applause] and i put water in it and this was supposed to be a bridge you did the literally exactly exactly yeah because i wanted a cool bridge but i didn't have enough time to finish it it's literally in the same place why not no literally you're watching me you literally you're watching me no you have water i don't have water get out of my car and stop cheating i'm not user was moved out of your channel next topic i should clear his picks my floor okay oh jesus christ oh my god okay i need see-through on i need to clear my side hey hey why are you looking huh what the heck did i break this will you notice hey hey hey what are you doing what the heck oh darling yo yo what are you doing i wasn't i was what are you doing i was just seeing if you were what are you trying to cheat no i'm just saying if you were clearing your side you weren't cheating or doing something i was not cheating i'm ready what's the next thing the next topic is just a house a house how much time do we have um one minute one minute are you kidding okay feed run speed run okay okay i'm gonna go full muffin on him now [Laughter] oh my goodness the flipping lag what is up with this server wait for it wait for it what this is not good okay this is not fair this is literally not fair okay okay what if i place like lava falling down like a hundred blocks out would this work oh no it said i got the lava i can't do it now i know i know i know what to do we're gonna get a pig there we go let's bring this out what wait he didn't see it i'm gonna make the pig die dude okay what i swear if he's messing with me i'm gonna lose it oh my god oh my god is he over there yo what is he doing what is he doing no no no no no no no no no no did we get the return of the flying us a lot you have that what what did i do that no i'm gonna do it the next round wait i'm pretty sure if i open the door on my side it open oh my god it does oh my god i just gotta get like the basics done oh i'm dying oh my god this is the best thing ever we should get some blue to sauce him out place it right there oh my goodness this server is so buggy why are we no no no no no no no okay oh my goodness this is so dumb this is so dumb ah wait no what there we go there we go i get literally what is happening i'm gonna link disable and then i'm gonna replace near 10 wood to stone just like that and then time's up time's up okay good because i am done i am done too all right show me your amazing house or actually i'll show you mine first check this out okay all right this is i'm not that impressed with the changes wait what i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm coming i'm coming no you're not working no i'm just doing that one thing no i get an ad style oh my god fine add stuff you're literally a cheater no you're literally a cheater a seedy place you're putting down seeds are you kidding me okay there you're putting down bone mule are you coming yeah i'm coming all right so i'm coming over to your side now what what okay i'm here what you did not build this no there's no way you built this i did look at it yeah yeah yeah you're jelly you're jelly you're actually kind of good not gonna lie thank you i mean it's not that great but for like a minute this is pretty good all right let's go to my side all right let's check out your side there's no way yours is all right this is good for a stone approach and then if you go inside are you coming if you go inside the house um i didn't have enough time that's why i was adding stuff okay this looks very similar to mine were you looking at me while i was building why did you keep saying that it looks very similar dude these two have nothing in common they literally they literally have nothing in common what are you talking about you put mine's out of stone where my farm was you literally okay mine's out of stone okay okay was this your last minute edition while i was adding lion you were like oh i'm gonna add that yeah i added it the last second okay well your house is okay it's good it doesn't look as good as mine so i win this one i thought you said they look the same no they look similar if they look the same then shirley's this one should be a tie tim miller so i'm winning right no i'm winning okay it's 3-0 to me we'll do one final round last one is worth four points okay okay user was moved out of your channel all right if i haven't already messed with bats head it is time to go full muffin mode whatever whatever that means topic is boat go how much time uh two minutes okay here we go i wonder if i get a flint and steel and then if i just go like right over here and then do something like that oh jesus keep it nice and tiny that'll make it easier to do whoa whoa whoa no no no no oh my god okay now let's go up 10 and place lava right down oh my god it worked it isn't working it is falling down and he has no idea okay let's link disable and then clear mine just in case he decides to come over he has no idea oh my god uh bad you have a little bit of an issue going how is oh my god nope i removed the block you have no way of getting rid of it oh my god all right time's up let's go through his calls yeah because you're trying to mess with me oh and where'd this water come from oh you think this water's just magically actually it works what fine i put this water here look come over here you'll see what i'm talking about i refuse to believe you did not put this here wait i need one more minute flying us a lot flying us a lot i forgot flying ocelot are you ready bad are you ready bad it's a flying ocelot i ki literally what is happening all right i am coming over okay no hold on my side okay i didn't put that lava there give it a second to go what is this give it a second to go away that llama the heck no no this is a boat it's got little oars okay it's got a little rudder back here these are oars for you to paddle it and you sit in here and you paddle the boat and you go this way okay ignore the lava the lava was not supposed to be there ignore the cat which i can't seem to get rid of all right well this is okay i guess but let's go to my side okay okay i guess that's really good what this is literally the same as mine no it's not yes it is did you spawn in ocelot because i spawned in one no you literally this is my design what do you mean this is completely different this is literally my design this is verbatim this is exactly this is completely different from what yours is exactly different completely different are you kidding me all right bad well today was a fun day it i know what you're doing what okay there is no way what you could follow along one what on what are you doing let's stay there i need to end the video now okay one second what are you doing nothing don't worry about it what okay nevermind what oh yeah i was gonna say what did you put that on your side because you thought it'd be on mine yes yes i'm like there's no way you could build like this and copy me that accurately all right hold on wait a second wait a second they're literally in the same spot skeppy okay okay there's no water confessions it's mirroring the sides isn't it okay i have a confession to make uh-huh type that command i've been copying everything you've been doing you've been here and copying it yeah i'm sorry but then how did the water appear on my side um what do you mean his water what what water what i know you knew what i knew it what wait wait wait what oh how is it doing that how is it doing it is this a world edit thing your little muffin it you were cheating no no you did no you actually did you did you cheated it you did something you cheated no you my mother is calling you cheated no you're a cheater yeah yeah your mother cereal you are cheating disconnected
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 5,355,518
Rating: 4.8968163 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, dream smp, badboyhalo skeppy building competition, building troll, troll badboyhalo, trolling badboyhalo building, mod badboyhalo
Id: gAdJMwhZeFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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