Minecraft, But Fishing Drops OP Items...

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after hours of grinding i'm happy to announce that i'm the most overpowered player to ever exist don't believe me check this out oh stack of netherey ingots bedrock stack sharpness 10 enchanted book i don't know oh god ned the right hoe would knock back c oh hey pig oh oh yeah this is overpowered now you may be wondering how did i even get this loot [Music] from the kiddie pool pause if you haven't read the title already this is minecraft but fishing drops op items by the way i've added custom crafts to the game because without it the whole video will just end up looking like this yay anvil anyways a small percentage of viewers who watch this video are actually subscribed so be sure to subscribe and also like so we could beat the youtube algorithm anyways that's pretty much it and i hope you have a great day three two one let's do this here we go here we go it's time let's get gray blocks and prepare ourselves and also get food and iron etc but also i want to make sure that i'll have a fishing rod soon because you know that's kind of the the huge part of this challenge anyways let's keep going take this real quick hold on tools have been made there you go it's already night time i i need to kill some sheep so i could get some wool so i can make a bed so i could sleep so these mobs won't be in the way oh hello oh string wait wait a minute actually this is not a bad idea if i could just get the string now and make that fishing rod early early on to the game i think this is a good idea maybe the moon isn't so uh bad after all let's just keep going then i want another spider please spider hey yo oh yes okay we literally have two string now we'll just do this real quick and well that was easy let's just go in the forest i still need some sheep that would be great here we go thank you wait load it in game load in the chuck that's a village it's literally a village right there and it's a full-fledged village let's go nice let's just go let's go get a bed good night i steal your bed now you might be thinking oh this lad's just gonna go fish for like 20 hours or something like that oh this lad's gonna go go fish for a few minutes and then all of a sudden he's gonna have ooga booga netherrite full armor woohoo end the video no there's more to this op items antique challenge all right here's the here's the twist about this one we've actually added custom crafts to the game we're actually going to have to work our way to getting opinions not just have like oh i got this fishing rod boom insta diamond blocks no no that of course not no let me explain let me explain the thing that we have to do in order for us to get the op items there are custom items in the game and we need to find sugarcane because sugarcane is actually one of the items that you need in order for you to make these special custom items is there any sugarcane yes there is okay let's just take this we're gonna need a lot of sugarcane since it's part of like the most essential items of the crafts we're gonna have to farm these things which means that uh get rid of this and we're just gonna instead just do this make a sugar cane farm we need more sugar cane we need more paper paper is gonna be the thing that we need all right i'm just gonna do like a quick strip of mine thingy i want to just get some quick iron armor etc just stuff like that just some basic stuff you know okay time cape time cape time holy crap hi everyone hello hello hello let's go back up i don't want to be here anymore okay i'm back from my iron run is my sugarcane growing hmm it is growing okay just a bit just a bit it looks pretty good let's go expand our sugarcane base this will help us a lot over time i know it seems quite slow right now but trust me we've almost doubled our production so this is gonna be really really good in the long run let's just keep making more now here's the second portion of this all right now only we need to grow some more sugarcane but we also need to do another thing which is uh well actually just using the fishing rod let's go fishing it's time here we go fishing moment [Music] wait wait what scroll of lure five right click this item to apply the enchantment to all fishing rods in your inventory i'll have one oh i think lure five is the thing that allows you to like reel fish faster so we don't need to wait like 20 minutes for one fish thank goodness okay this is the start here we go let's see how long it takes for me to actually get one oh that was so quick okay there's a reason why this might not just be uh op remember how we said we have to work up to it that's why we have to use the sugar cane we're going to take this cod right and we're just going to store it right here let's go and make a chest real quick god oh we're going to save the cod because we're going to have to use the cod plus the sugar cane in order for us to go and make the special craft yeah it's gonna take a bit we're just gonna wait on this i mean while we wait for the uh the sugar cane to just go up and up and up and up we could probably just go and uh establish a farm a let's go building moment we're gonna do a building moment we're just gonna go build a bunch of stuff let's do it we're gonna do an interesting pattern with the water we'll do something like this and then we're gonna go place water inside of it just like this and we're actually gonna move all of our sugar cane to this new farm that we're gonna have okay i have the nine sugar cane that we have we're just gonna do this and we're just gonna keep doing that we're gonna expand this little like flat area we're gonna go and put a bunch of holes in it and then make those holes soggy and then we're gonna just have a big sugar cane form sounds good yeah we're gonna rough out this little area right here i think that looks pretty good we're gonna also add slimes and then we're gonna have a really really nice looking sugarcane firm oh yeah this is just gonna take five billion years right now this is supposed to be our passive income i'm just not gonna rely on the first nine here i think it's actually faster for us to go and get sugarcane by finding it we're gonna go on a jungle adventure thing we're gonna go scavenge some i actually see some right there okay i'm back oh okay it's been a while it's been a night i have almost a stack of sugarcane i have so much sugarcane now that i could actually show you the first custom craft that will get us towards getting the op items this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go and just make nine paper but we need eight for one craft we will get one fish in the middle of the table and we're gonna surround it with paper and this is what happens a scroll scroll of vlog 10 right click this item to apply the enchantment to all the fishing rods in your inventory i'm gonna do that oh yep look 10 so you might be wondering what does 10 percent mean 10 of a chance for you or i guess me because i'm the one who's playing this challenge to get an op item from the water i guess for every nine fish i get from the sea i get one op item and it could be anything it could be literally netherrite it could be diamond ore it could be anything anything that's overpowered it's time to fish we at least have a chance let's do it come on give me something op come on game oh yes we have an enchantment table let's get more op things shall we i'll get like two more opie things you know [Music] oh we got an emerald block very convenient the fact that we're at like a a village you know nice one more thing one more thing oh wait what is that arrow of slowness a whole stack of arrows what i reeled another thing two stacks of different arrow types slowness arrow and harming arrow this is actually also called the uh the pain arrow oh boy we're gonna use this we're gonna start our very very op loadout and it's gonna be awesome although i have ten percent of luck there's actually a way to get more luck onto the fishing rod a higher chance for us to get op items not just ten percent but we could go all the way up to a hundred percent and here's how we're gonna have to go and use a lot more sugarcane than just what we already used we need more we need way way more a good amount of sugarcane like maybe half of our sugarcane and then we're gonna do the maneuver again we are gonna go and do the scrolls bang we got four scrolls okay now that we have four scrolls there's actually something that we have to use with these scrolls in order for us to go and get 20 and we're gonna start with dirt i'm not even joking we literally have to start with dirt 20 there it is okay and this is going to use a lot more sugar cane than before and also the higher the percentage the more rare the item in the middle of this crafting grid is gonna be so dur is the very first one bang twenty percent nice i think the next one is like stone or something and then it's gonna be like coal and then iron and then gold diamond another right yeah you get the drill let's keep going oh uh with this one though strength five minute splash potion you know what i'm gonna go and just like do something interesting here i'm gonna make a double chest right here and i'm just gonna go and put all of the oop items we're just gonna archive everything and then once we're ready once we're at a point where we're just the most opi lad then we're gonna use everything from this chest and it's gonna be amazing one more oh oh twenty percent and we have enchanted she apples one more come on now okay i've been fishing for a bit and uh i gotta tell you my rod's actually breaking oh oh i gotta make more rods if i break this then we're gonna be back to zero and that's gonna be no good anvil yeah we need an anvil oh i'm gonna go mining because i want to get an anvil and i want to repair this thing let's go down real quick and get some iron this way all right we're at the surface now we got 50 iron that's gonna be more than an anvil okay let's get this we are getting our iron i know we'll do this the iron tee boom all right we got the anvil now hey please tell me this works hope hope i think it works please don't be safe okay it works at least you know we have a pretty extent we'll have it here just in case just in case oh another one i got another enchantment table i'll just go like oh my cane is just like doubling right here let's go and just farm we'll keep spreading it what is that is that obsidian it's not just a whole stack of abs why is this in the water i'm just gonna add it to the pool of opia items i suppose and you two gapples oh boy okay this has been taking a while obviously passive income i should still go around but i wanna do something different this time i'm gonna go around the area and find some sugarcane but i'm gonna try to find the swamp now you see the swamp is a sacred place in this challenge if you get a swamp you get stacks and stacks of sugarcane and if you get stacks of sugarcane you'll be the most overpowered lad in the world you will be able to get so much just from the swamp we gotta find a swamp [Music] oh we found it we found the swamp swamp equals a bunch of sugarcane let's go find that sugarcane okay that was a lot of sugar cane holy crap i mean look at this this is great really really nice oh my gosh all right i think it's time for us to go back to the village though we're getting out of here oh we're back we're here once again i could splurge on all of the sugar cane now but i kind of just want to go and extend this form i want to make this the biggest sugar cane farm known to man that was a bit of grinding but we have a very well-established sugarcane farm i just remember the days where there was just like nine just right there or whatever but now we have a whole whole load of them dude and the more we keep doing this the higher the chance that this rod will give us a higher chance of getting op items and it's gonna be great let's go fish a few more things oh god what is that wait i got flame 10. that seems like another lp item add that one to the pool you want to see a magic trick i'm going to run this way i'm going to run all the way here and i'm going to go run all the way here and then guess what happens [Music] oh i'm just thinking about it the way that we're gonna get the pearls the fortress the rods from the fortress it's gonna be like a swoop it is gonna take no effort at all just to get all those things we are gonna speed run times five i did some uh off camera uh sugarcane expanding and this is a lot of sugarcane oh boy okay just a bit of sugarcane just a bit you know this is gonna get us to like not only 30 but also 40 let's get 30 here we go so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna do this again paper in fish in we're gonna take four of these 10 and we're gonna do this bang for 20 and then we're gonna take four of these 20 and then we're gonna do this 30 this is a new era for our fishing rods and it's all coming from this nice let's go and click this ready mat oh all of the fishing rods not only this one but also these as well they have 30 luck yeah we're gonna get some op items faster now yes and we're gonna wait until these sugar canes allow us to get 40 and then maybe 50 and then 60 70 80 90 and maybe 100 if i'm gonna go and play this game for like nine more days [Music] oh okay we're getting a lot more stuff now i mean we're getting blocks of diamonds oh that is an interesting potion invis a splash of invis oh this is a lingering potion i'm gonna try it [Music] it lingers and i walk forward ghost apple okay well done now i'm invisible feels weird man what is that what did i just see with my eyes bad rock bedrock of course i think it will work i think it will work oh it's a book i wanted to see how far i would fling so that's what i did where is the book though i think it's gone oh wait it's right there it's right here power 10 you know what if we just go and make the bow now okay this is going to be our laser gun for the rest of the game power 10 in flame 10 in you need a target all the food is cooked oh this is how i'm gonna get the food from now on oh yes unlimited smelted food now extract oh i have so much already holy crap dude i took so much cane from this one swoop we've extracted and we have over three stacks almost four stacks now holy crap there's some more pieces right here hold on okay we almost have like five socks wow i'm gonna make 43 10 bang and then we're also gonna do this the dirt in the middle and then we're going to make 10 luck 20s boom we're going to go and also make some 30 just like so boop boop we are on our way to getting it we got 10 20s and then now 30s and we're going to get that 40 soon it's coming the investments are really showing now oh boy uh what was that oh what is this dude resistance you know what resistance 5 means i'll literally be unable to die this may be one of the most op items i'm holding right now right i have done some off-camera calculating but i have the results here at the start of the challenge i wanted to get a hundred percent i did my math and let me tell you it'll take a bit of sugarcane for me to get 100 100 chance of getting op items so i'm gonna go on google real quick and show you what i mean you would need 8.3 million sugarcane in order for us to get a hundred percent alternatively that is an eighth of a million stacks of sugarcane so i don't think i'll be doing that we're gonna dumb it down instead we're actually just gonna go for 50 i think 50 is very reasonable that is 8 000 sugarcane aka 128 stacks of sugarcane we're gonna have to go and expand this form i'm going to make the executive decision to instead not just have this farm and finalize it here but we're just gonna go expand it even more i uh did some off camera expanding yeah this is our sugar cane farm now this will most definitely slingshot us into 50 we're still at 30 and we need to go to 40. but we'll get to 50 in no time 128 stacks of sugarcane i think it's extraction time wait before that though we gotta do this i'm gonna also make these boom a whole stack of luck pens and then even better these boom sixteen luck twenties and then now we're at thirty percent can we get forty yes forty percent we have forty percent now we're going to get a lot of op items now okay we should extract first now we're down from one extraction that took about like eight of them things let's go what is that what did i just get a whole sack of cake yeah screw those sugar cane we don't need sugar from that anymore no no no this is our new source of carbohydrates we're just gonna add more dunk a spotter we got a spawner what does it spawn oh it spawns pigs bang easy food oh i got a buck oh sharpness goldblock we're getting so many different things right now diamond look ooh neither i ain't it our first not the right piece we can get our chest plate nether right now that is huge smithing table chest plate oh my god are you kidding me that is insane all right let's extract after mining all of this this is what we have oh that is a lot of paper let's see what we get here boom boom boom boom and also boom holy crap that is so much we are going to get 50 very very soon oh lapis wait we got a lapis block now we could go in like enchant stuff too oh we should enchant some stuff i'm gonna enchant might need the right chest plate that's what i'm gonna do bang and this and that because why not [Music] what is that did i just get a hoe what is enchanted with knockback c is that like a hundred or something wait we need to test it [Music] where did i go this is what we might just need you know it went through the bedrock did anyone see that or is that just me i think we found the op item that we need for many different things okay whoa i got a total of them dying bruh oh we got infinity 10 it's time it's time for the upgrade 10 10 10 flame infinity power what [Music] this is amazing we're halfway there we just need mainly the fish and that's it i i've realized something we've been grinding for so long to get opioids we have so much random poop in the chest but i've realized we're at a point where i did not expect that we would be in we're at a point where we have so much paper but no fish to make the scrolls we are gonna have to just use a normal fishing rod because this would allow us to get the fish way more faster because look how much more paper we have we need fish to match up with the paper we have too much paper now here we go we're getting there oh my god we need four more of these okay if we get four more of these then we can have enough to make 50 if we make 50 that'll be the last time we'll we'll do our fishing session and then we're gonna go and kill the dragon we're getting very close this is hours of momentum that we've established and it's all leading up to this moment let's just get more fish five more fishies we're getting super close there okay oh my god it's been so long i've been fishing for so long and you don't even know okay it's time it's payday i think this is the final stretch i did a little bit more off camera fishing and we're gonna just do it let's see if we could get it we have 16 now you know what that means 16 30 and we just do this 40 please tell me this works please we finally got the 50 after six hours of grinding through paper and fishes i've took every single fish from the river and it is now finished bang all your fishing rods have been enchanted with 50 luck which means every time i i reel in 50 items half of them rop it's op mode here we go let's go yes this is the last time we're gonna do some off-camera fishing and then we're just gonna go ham we are done with our with our session we have gotten a good amount of items after so much time i mean look at this look what we have just i don't even know what this is to begin with four sacks of 64 things of water buckets and a stack of 64 and lava things a bunch of random potions not one but two elytras and two n crystals we got efficiency ten books piercing four sharpness three like what three totems of undying three spawners three beacons three under chests many many fireworks another right hoe would knock back see nether i ingot and not only just obsidian but a stack of bedrock as well this is gonna be very very nice since we have an electron all these op items we could go very very quick to wherever we want to so we're gonna do that let's just speed on everything i'm gonna put everything in my inventory that i need and we're just gonna go ham absolutely ham we're gonna stack up just a bit another right leggings boom let's have sharpness on the axe there you go we're gonna have efficiency 10. let's go enchant stuff as well here we go i have an interesting loadout this is so strange looking okay it's time let's go make that another portal now extra tall nether portal why not there you go it's slit let's do this here we go it's time all right let's find the fortress here we go we're gonna speed run it we're going fast we're going high octane now is that that right here oh you found the bastion already yes we're going hyperdrive now here we are i'm here to trade hey i'm here to take all of your stuff thank you guys here right in there guys come on now thank you guys thank you give me pearls please thank you yes we got pearls we're getting it keep going guys yes more thank you oh we got so much right there a little bit more a little bit more guys come on all right we got our pearls thank you i appreciate your efforts i will be seeing you guys uh not later bye [Music] now let's go to the blazes oh we found it yes it's here okay nice fortress easy peasy let's go straight into the blaze area oh it's right there i see it i see the blaze stuff we just made a little bit more space for the blazers to spawn just just a little bit of space you know you're welcome blazers 360 no scope i'll get a little bit more blazes okay all right there you go all right i'm done with the blazes bye we gotta get out of here now wait hold on i don't have a flint and still come here blaze here i'm gonna push you all the way here can you please light this up for me hit it up there you go thank you so much please i'll see you later i'll beat that dragon let's do it now we're gonna take these and make eyes of ender and then we're just gonna throw it we're going this way now we're going to the stronghold now it's time oh it keeps going okay oh it's right here it's super close it's right here okay we found it we found it let's go down it's time three two one and we're at the stronghold here yes time to find the portal easy come on where is it yes we found it here we go [Music] oh it's time i'm gonna gap up just for dramatic effect and i'm gonna drink my jump boost five and have my haste five even though i i already broke my pickaxe an accident i think it's time let's do this here we go i lost my pickaxe so we'll just break through it's time dragon here we go we're up we're up i'm switching to the elytra here we go it's time to blow this dragon up here we go there another one right there and there and there let's get the cages down that's one cage that is the last one that is over i have an idea birch dragon we're gonna start this one off with a bang hello explode here we go it's shooting time come on dragon i'm down dragon she's almost gone it's almost over i'm placing it i think that you used to regain it let's go yes let's go yes we did it and i have haste five and there's like no mining animation for some reason that is quite strange okay but there you go that is it we did it we beat the dragon with its own material there you go that's the challenge thanks for watching bye
Channel: TapL
Views: 7,130,626
Rating: 4.9299092 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC, TapL Challenge, Challenge, Tapple Challenge, Minecraft But, Minecraft UHC But, MinecraftBut, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Hardcore, Beating Minecraft, Minecraft OP, OP Minecraft, Blessed Minecraft, Cursed Minecraft, Minecraft Scenario, Minecraft UHC
Id: nyI2rsPHaXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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