Tommy Is Alone in Exile with Dream...

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today was my first day in proper exile on the dream smp and big man dream showed up and you all know what happens usually when dream shows up because on this channel we're coming up on a million subscribers which genuinely is insane so if you've seen any of the stuff on my tommy channel then please subscribe you'll probably enjoy and it really means a lot enjoy the video lately and utterly alone why is he here why is he here why oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god i'm gonna [ __ ] this [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] wow why why why why is this why out of all the people that could have came from the mamburg all of my old friends this oh i'm so alone oh my god what is this hello hello hello why are you here it's the camps i am disorientated i am [ __ ] spinning and great tommy language tommy oh why are you the only person that has came to visit me i thought that you they just oh i just wanted to say hi and check it out hey i heard you got exiled you're griefing i'm not grieving what is this this is this is decorating you'll see in a second i'm i'm building something oh is this just is that piston blood what no why is something happened over here um i where baby halo i am quite emotionally vulnerable now oh of course all the bastards are longing on oh my goodness i holy [ __ ] holy crap oh my goodness come on look at this come in look at what oh that thing was this yeah i saw that huh who did this this structure oh i thought this was you oh i know who it was i didn't build any of that it was wilbur this [ __ ] oh tommy oh my god bruv language i said the word broth i said well i was talking about earlier the earlier i said the word bro i said oh my god i can't blaspheme in the presence of bad boy halo bubble hello it's a christian man only jesus worship and prayer pleasure god pray to god to jesus oh my goodness oh my god can i say that word you cannot say any naughty words okay well i say not like how many times can we wait so no one else has come to visit you at all uh no no no one else has i'm really well i only moved in yesterday and i'm alone and i have nothing and i'm not i'm out what i i wanted to come and visit you and i i did bring you something but you can't see it yet i didn't expect you to be on so well i'm i'm right i'm here i'm stood here why are so many logs in this chest that was one of the things i was gonna give you okay that's very nice of you but not not yet that's less nice of you what well oh so it's nice if i give you stuff but if i make you wait for it that that's not nice yes that's not how it works oh my goodness yeah just give me a second and you'll you'll get would you want me to go no no no just you know wait i'll go i'll go sing a little song or something okay i'll sing a little you really what song should i sing um sing something cheerful i don't know any cheerful songs um sing something that's not cheerful jump in the cadillac girl let's put some miles on it would you jump in the cadillac bad uh probably not me neither okay your your present is almost oh okay i'll turn around all right i'm very i'm very upset these days bad i actually think i'm going into it yeah lobster cheer is uh i'm actually alone uh am i you're the only person who's came to visit me wait what do you say that like it's a bad thing yeah why oh oh i'm not good enough for tommy okay come and visit tommy apparently what who would you have rather sam visited me actually that was nice it was kind of shocked can i what is this oh i just want me just to go do you want me just to piss off and die no no i made it look presentable you want that's good enough for you it's fine it's good enough all right come down here no you gotta open it from this side okay you opened it from the top that's not how you're supposed to open a present that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine oh thank you bad boy halo what's chirp um it's a music disc i thought you would like it never heard it oh well i now you can hear it it's a music desk i don't know it's not one of the ones you had it's just one i found so how do you have a jukebox in there did you just carry a jukebox on you where did you get the jukebox this song reminds me of death really like space like space girls like a space like a space woman an astronaut a female astronaut yeah oh now she's uh you know what it's it's uh got that one enchantment where i can't take it off sorry i can't what did you say i gotta hear you over the over the sounds of this female astronaut female astronaut i'm not sure how i feel about taking your p things considering you actually were an enemy of me and would kill me in wars bad hey well this is the nice bit this is the nice bit yeah other than that time that you tried to kill me in that war when it was me and dream me dreaming tenno versus you and you actually were completely against me oh my goodness okay tommy let's not argue over who tried to kill who okay none of that's important okay like people try to kill each other all the time right should i take your gifts then yeah i feel a bit about the ender chest i can't well uh they told me i gave you a soft touch pick by the way so you can move it they told me that you had lost yours or something like that yeah i had there you go and you're right you can have that too these are pity things bad these are not a pity do i look like a man that takes pity things yes you do how dare you how do you take that back take that boogie strip instead of the [ __ ] ready i'll burn them i'll burn them fine you are not a man that takes pity things even though you built a dirt hobble over here i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna watch me bad watch me why not why not no you know why because i spent a lot of time getting that and getting over here so fine fine thanks thank you bad bad bad thank you no problem those things kind of feel like they're out of pity no no no they're they're not out of pity i would never give you something out of pity when did you get that disc um i found it it's actually one of the first music discs that i ever found on the server i like it a lot i might have stolen it from someone i can't remember who though you can have it it's yours now thank you thank you no problem they told me that you liked uh music this you know what you know what this will be a new leaf for me now you give me a disc and it's nice yeah yeah you know what this this will be the start of an epic friendship between me and you yeah yeah yeah you know what that's a great point this friendship can't start with pity things you can't we've got to be equals and i i think the things that you put in that building i i can't take it i've got to get it myself bad if i'm going to start a new uh bad what you know i didn't give you any of that stuff by the way i just found it there someone else must have brought it definitely wasn't me hello oh hi dream how are you doing i'm doing pretty good um tommy yes yes uh do you have uh something you wanna you wanna put on the floor here yes what the how did you just how did you just mind that that quick that's the shovel it's very quick dream you're evil nope you're evil by the way you're an evil man you're an evil groomer i know there's something else you want to drop down here no there um i don't reckon there is okay are you sure yes all right what are you um what do you look like your armor tommy well no this is i actually earned this myself oh yeah i know you leave me alone just drop it in the hall tommy oh no no no he can't just come and demand things from me i've been exiled i've done your [ __ ] what do you mean tommy what okay okay okay okay okay okay huh anyway how's exile doing you are a dumb [ __ ] you're a dumb bit hey dream stand right there stop oh stop right oh stop yeah are you diet i'm not dying though dream won't you just leave the poor exiled man alone you're just like rubbing it in his face yes exactly i mean i mean that's pretty cool oh my god bad just let me know i'm clearly having a rough patch right now i've just been exiled dad he's upset sometimes it's okay being upset is no excuse no no well i disagree yeah i saw the iron gum hmm sometimes in life bad it's okay to say it without working yes you built like a what the hell yeah do you like it lobster shoes i didn't wilbur did huh what you mean ghostbear ghost well we can call him whatever oh this is written please don't destroy that by the way this is oh wait wait do you do you have the ender chest i do can have it can i have it please can i have it please no yeah but please tommy what sorry i'm not gonna give you an ender chest why why you can have your chest back okay why are you here why are you here oh thank you what what could you what could you possibly want more from me i'm just i'm just you've tortured me i've what does that mean it's i'm just i'm making sure that you're not up to no good how could you've excited me you [ __ ] stupid manipulating [ __ ] green but no and you know why i did that you know why i did that yes no you know why why because you don't listen to me ever you're the only person who doesn't ever listen to me if i tell you something you're like no [ __ ] you and you go and like do like the exact opposite exactly i made you not make fun of me you're not in front of me i'm more powerful than your nation has ever been your continent you're like a little annoying bug in my room and it's you piss me off and so i take you and i put you outside and that's what i did and now i'm just making sure you stay outside yeah yeah okay oh he just caught you a little bug santa you know yesterday you were like oh i'll be on your side tummy and it's i'll be your friend i'll be you know you're like yeah dream yeah dream i love your dream please let me be the hunter listen here tommy listen to me i i didn't say you know i loved him i just i mean i mean i know you're in a little tricky spot but it is a little funny that he's over there just you know kind of you're all you're all ourselves other than bad boy halo hey he's the meanest one of them all right no no he's every time he says muffin where's my mind you know what he's really saying tommy yeah bad bad racist slurs that's my yeah exactly that's exactly what he means where's my mine i'm so you're just stood watching a poor man run around lost disorientated i'm aware of you tell me where it is because i've lost it well you're mine yes maybe down there i don't know there's a lot of iron there there was a bit no oh iron oh [ __ ] okay so why why do what do you actually um want from me then well nothing i'm just i'm just i'm here to talk to you oh oh tommy we're still friends okay just because i exiled you doesn't mean we're not friends just because your friends and family doesn't mean we can't be bros oh it's true there's like a zombie nation down here oh wow oh yeah there's three dream there's three there's four i think i think your mind's oh look there's four now you're all just stood here and you're full neither right armor staring down that you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of the of the 1910s and i won't get into why 1910s yeah get it can you tell us what that means what that means i'm gonna be honest gentlemen i have absolutely no idea what that means okay as before world war one what that wasn't that was before world war one yeah yeah you don't know history 19 1914 1914 14 okay i was like okay we need to ask that can you can you can you help me tell me actually why are you why this is so weird man you're all just stood watching me yeah it's entertaining it's weird pretty normal i think this is i think watching people play video games is is weird well you're just mining iron and stuff well i'm i'm getting that that that's weird well it has there's some form of correlation with my lack of things and and people around me and this big exile thing that happened because of you well i mean you have to also take the blame partially right tommy why would i take the blame i'm gonna lose me okay at least admit you're annoying just say i am annoying i'm annoying dream dream most people when they first meet me find me annoying and then they realize i am the best well people that when they first made me finally annoying so if that's you then subscribe no no no no it wouldn't have opened with that i'm sure no no no no no no no no that well that's because when they first meet me they do think that they do think that and then they realize i'm stupid that's an interesting realization tommy tommy they realize you have friends over here these can be like you're i'm mining iron i don't have them in three who matthew oh wait you just forgot who bath you were i know but you know about what happened to bathy don't you he was saved i heard yeah yeah he was saved but he almost died god i can't why am i guys i'm poor this isn't fair hey guys hey hey guys have you not seen a christmas carol you know the um who's christmas carol no i i definitely laugh at you he thinks i'm well he thinks i'm hilarious do you see my approval dream you seem like someone who seeks my approval ah i mean not really i know a little bit a little bit oh there's some diamonds down here i'm gonna take these no no just let him let him get him it's fine the thing that you just did yeah i'm really cheap no 10 of these brother go to hell i um help me just keep mining i am keeping mining no why is this isn't fair this isn't fair man i'm alone i'm like a i'm like a sad little spider spider that's better all i'm saying is house if i had eight legs i would [ __ ] you all up oh my hey [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] say stop dream dream i've always wondered like what does he consider a cursor because there'll be sometimes where i say some word and he'll say a language and it was like the dumbest word ever you know once i said i said girl and he went language and i went up oh yeah no i said girlfriend and he went language and it went uh oh no you guys gotta be appropriate okay something i said one time and then he went language and i was like are you kidding me like i don't know what you're talking about there's something okay if a girlfriend just says him he doesn't know what to willy tommy what the [ __ ] why is my day going like this all right here i have a little um god listen closely listen closely five he's uh he went on deaf and i was trying i really wanted to he's on mute groin groin that's pushing it let's go okay let's go let's go dream loves testicles okay now i didn't say that oh what's the next one we can test we can try um tommy i think you should go up i think you're too low what if we just tried oh [ __ ] but there's no way he says language to that ass crack oh we should we should head back hey hey why because ghostburg's on oh gosper oh he's trapped sorry we ought to go well then again no it's okay let's go tommy let's go okay well i need to go up yeah fly me fly me too i didn't work oh wait i thought that might work with you so dream yes what's your favorite blog help me tommy help me oh dream why are you hitting me it's not helping because you're in my way oh i didn't know we're doing that oh oh i don't want to be stuck in a hole with this oh god it's fellas in the hole get me out of here get me out of here oh my god guys my pick's gonna break and then i'm absolutely screwed oh no oh i will just leave them down here it's fine you can be stuck for a while do you like being green green is a nice color green is my favorite color you know in real life what do you look like like are you good looking or very bad looking i'm very green oh that's weird help me not really yeah oh oh my god how much higher do we have to go where at once you just let me out please we're trying keep oh i made it i made it to the exit oh it's night time oh look at you sam now i'm stuck in a [ __ ] pit with dream i'm in a hole with my enemy i saw his groin boy in my home where are you guys getting the chords um 780 negative 2090 where are we actually i'm like lost i think we're just deeper in i think he's this way do you reckon if we refer to bob by hello as mr groin he'll he'll mind no i think he'll i don't think he didn't say language when he said it so yeah it's not he must love groin language okay bye boy halo hate what's growing okay he's muted he was muted when we said that and he unmuted to say language randomly what coordinates are you guys just message him the chords someone just said last cannon death guys it's over let's go tommy's dead tommy's dead now let's go what where where are you guys i'm messaging you the chords there you go okay left or right there's like horse all around left or right do you not know how to operate coordinates badly oh oh oh oh bit of a burp yes i'm here guys hey friends i'm all alone we're not alone yeah we need to save ghostburg i'm suffering why don't we bring ghost for home how do you go back something it's this way this way stop following me no well okay then tommy's always like follow me follow me and then when it comes to minecraft he says don't follow me but everything else everything else is following i swear it's always follow me exactly yes i need to kill an enderman oh why is he why is he here on mute just telling people off he's like the world's weirdest teacher he didn't teach you anything but halo have you ever spanked someone like kissing to tell them off well right have you ever spanked anyone yeah have you ever given someone a spanking not language why is he muting what is my theory is that when he's muting he's just cussing like he doesn't want him talking to people oh dreams hello can i call you wilbur or ghostburgh or what what do you reckon i can call you you could call me whatever you like hi dream hi hi bad boy here i'm just trying to figure out how to do the the map thing or the photos i want to put a photo on my wall one photo ghostburgh um well you might need a bigger don't let this man in your house by the way he's done terrible terrible things to so many people this is a great house yeah i love it i love it i'm actually like this whole area how long did it take you to build this what like it like an hour like it was just it wasn't it wasn't too much oh you have a lot of blue we have sat nap you would not believe sat nap you would not believe the the the ladies say i'm inundated with blue okay you're dead guys calm yourself have some blue i put mine in my ender chest so i have some iron what ladies are you talking to yeah i think we would like oh oh they haven't seen one of these in a while should i not have done that dream why'd you break i had to say well because you didn't break yes now we need entertainment also we have no diamonds also we need um we need more girls oh this guy gets all the girls right here i don't think that's true no no it is trust me what was the last girl you got what do you need in entertainment i might make an exception but we we need it so that we can access our stuff from the old world the old world but not to go back how would we better go back with an empty chest maybe there's stuff in there that's better i mean told me do you have anything that could get you to go back then into chest a boat what do you mean yeah to be honest we just need wood to get back it's not really oh we've got ah so i haven't really shown you oh the vlogs look at this look at this dream dream dream you may stand dream you may stand you may stand dream you may stand on the log dream stand down the log not that long that's straight stand on the back because that's a strict vlog it's less impactful wait wait wait oh wait no wilbur where were you idiot you oh we need to take down this one it cuts off the peripherals okay okay no i can do that here you go oh oh no no one wants to prime the sap nap oh come on well i gotta be i came here to visit you and now you're just you literally open the call by bullying i'll prime to sat nap no you're right oh bro look two people just so many people have said that and no one has ever three three people are primed up oh four maybe i'm wrong tommy i made them up it's the price maybe sam is is why are you you know why are you why are you there i have a gift for you oh i like gifts let me see show me what a book a book is just blank you can write down you can write well but wilbur whilst we're out here thank you you're welcome thank you so much stream do you have a spare book i have wilbur i have uh whilst we're out here in the woods having some clarity time i have a novel i need to write do you wait so you want me to you're gonna steal his book no no do you have a spare one do you have a spare one i don't know well listen i'm sure i can find another book i'll go find one now all right you i told me i i you better not be writing how to sex need to know where else how will they know how to sex without me without my guidance oh god i'm just saying i'm just saying the last book saved so many lives bad's gone on deaf enough that i mentioned that he keeps going on deaf and i think like his mom came in he's like you need to get off minecraft and get a job what is that what she sounds like better not be held in there you better not be cursing again his mum comes in like are you [ __ ] cursing oh i would i'd hate to meet bad boy halo's mother yeah imagine naming your son bad boy halo yeah dream oh can i oh no worries no can you all leave please i just want something about your aurier smells so much of body odor oh well that's just not true i mean maybe for dreams what do you smell like somehow i smell good oh yeah really what do you smell like yeah yeah i smell like ladies i smell like your mother's perfume oh yeah so you why would you why would you buy the same perfume as my mother so weird i didn't just yeah to you don't have to it's not the only option oh i know but there are so many different smells i thought i thought your mother smelled really good so i was like oh why not copy her you know that's so obscure what's sat nat why are you coming to england to have relations with the child's mother that's so weird and she's married and she's married you're a bit of a homewrecker something that might say she'll also probably come in and shout at you no she would never shout at me well i don't know okay this is a yeah this is a terrible joke sounding everyone's gonna i'm gonna guys guys something up is making me uncomfortable we found it it doesn't like bad can we talk about having sex with tommy's mother bad bad you know what please don't deafen i need you here this is uh this is because my mum that is just that is that's so that's something that's such an upsetting thing to say to a 16 year old i mean you can you know i'm sure you can talk about a dream i'm sure that's that's definitely sentences you can uh you can discuss you can you can't that's true it'll just be really awkward if we meet her one day yeah yeah you know if tommy goes like an event or something he can't go alone his mom he's going to be there with them so it's true and it is likely that we meet her yeah so why do they call it supervision it's normal vision it's not super vision it definitely feels like you two are running around on my dirt objectifying women which i'm not sure i'm a fan of what are you on about supervision like if they call it parent supervision why is it called supervision dream yeah you're so clever i i know i don't like it you reinvent words never realized wilbur yes i think i want to make myself a little tense as opposed to this dirt shack i want to make it here so i can look out over the sunset that's a good idea and i'm just getting i'm getting a leather for more books i am mercilessly slaughtering the cattle of this area i just want more books do you know where um well where sheep are oh how much how much like 20 something is it white wool yeah oh brilliant okay i've got two shears actually no out uh no no i want white wool okay why do you why do we do have a tent already you don't need to make a second no i want to be able to look out at the sunset it's very important to me i appreciate it that way we are on vacation i mean that is fair enough thanks are you guys having fun on vacation i'm having i'm having a terrible terrible time i'm loving my time i keep being harassed by these two americans that keep talking yeah it's gotten stuck in my brain because of just how uncomfortable it was tommy stop talking about your mother and build a [ __ ] tent your ghostberry told you something i was just letting you know i was just letting you know imagine getting pulled off by that's funny guys was that funny thank you tommy's hilarious i mean it's crap i don't know oh no i've got another book that was fast yeah i'm not the only you're not the only speed runner here speedrun getting a buck speeder on the record yeah yeah that's what they say they say wow you're so fast ghostbuster and i say i know and then i go and write books in my house where's tommy gone i'm over getting i've just found carrots ghostbuster i just found carrots i don't there's water other than yourself have some self pride man have some self pride get get a hobby all right all right you're right you're right you're right i just punched a dream i just punched a dream i did it okay how did it feel good hobbies it feels good i want to do it again i want to do it again i just punched him again yeah i wasn't feeling are you at the village no no it could stay there stay at home i am about to change your entire life okay i'll go home you ready for the campsite it's about to get it's about to go on steroids and [ __ ] i know i just wanted to do that the thing that they do in the heart uhc things where they hop across them speedruns you mean yeah speedruns i'm really fast please welcome to the conversation i'm fast at making books we've we've attested where are you guess i just zoned out i'm running i'm looking home boy heather's here why is why is he muted it's like like skeppy on the he's on the phone with steph he doesn't want to leave the phone call and he's like all right all right one second and then he unmutes hey guys language then he mutes hey i'm back by the way talking let's he's listening to the stream why is he muted listening to people haley no you're in the corner boy halo you idiot yeah you're in the corner you're so stupid what is the deal with with you know him and like just scappy in general it's a naughty word complicated i'm about to start spamming chat with naughty words unless you want to do a dream do it do it i will i will assert all right are you ready i'm talking to all of the people that i'm talking to who are you that was such a [ __ ] answer are you ready i'm about to make this wilbur please you ready wait i want it guys guys let's see if this excite oh a bell do you like it i do i do like the belt it just reminds me of leman berg though he just shot me sorry i did i thought very clearly to the right of you yeah well you shot me in the in the in the leg i didn't swear no one swore then but tommy did well i just got shot in the leg bad i think it could be excused ah you probably deserved it what what a [ __ ] up thing to say hey bad tommy wait tommy battle hillary message me he said i'm streaming oh are you yes [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] penis is anyone else alive just because bad boy halo inconspicuously just started streaming a little bit tommy and rambu thank you for the raid of four thousand man holy crap watch out what are you doing i'm trying to try to do the are you gonna move out of the way tommy oh that was the trick shot it's prime time boys boys prime time it's prime time dream are we really still enemies enough that you can't help but help a poor old friend get some primes it's prime time prime time yeah it's time to say the line man guys use your twitch prime right now on tommy and it is completely free i will ring this bell every time you prime it it's amazon and he's bold he's so he has so little hair okay yeah good work hey you know if you use the splash potion of invisibility on an item frame it disappears how long does it disappear for is it forever um i don't think it's just as long as the potion laughs i think oh dream just oh you're clever because i i would like to do that on this side i do have something before you over you oh the dream you always have tonight what the hell why don't you have anything for me man why don't you have anything for me you're even faster with that use it wisely though don't use it now use it don't give a ghost drugs man i'll get addicted oh it's okay one thing you should know about drugs i'm gonna make so many books with this oh okay okay wait wait wait maybe this maybe this will power me to write half the sex three i'm not using it why is he just has he just gone live so he can just stand and stare at us on mute i'm gonna shoot him no not till i've had the drugs okay that's so weird i didn't i didn't okay i didn't know this was gonna happen well you didn't know bad was just gonna stand there didn't know what was gonna happen something about drugs hello are you actually live look who's back yeah yeah he is that's why he doesn't want to first on his stream because he's live yeah i don't want my my stream to hear your wait where are you live on youtube youtube on youtube oh oh you have it that's my saturday stream you're advertising i am advertising but i'm also live can i have tommy stream can i advertise hey i didn't mention it dream brought it up you can take it out with him well no because you've met dream i messaged you you weren't live dreaming guys i'm going to make me a tent come and help me with my time exactly oh no i'm i'm still going to swear definitely no if you're going to swear hey i was live first i no you weren't actually i was oops i'm still yeah leaping your swear word out that wasn't me oh somebody can you um this looks nice where's me wood gun i'm sure i'm sure you'll fix it whenever he's offline just just let him let him have his pity tent for now wilbur is that oh my god i'm going to give you some pity compliments in a minute dream dream dream dream dream i'm going to give you a pity axe okay thanks yeah tommy this is awful this is not a very good turn no watch this now it's being held up but they're not even attached to the tent use role play what a great so you vouch bad i vouch vouch we vouch i like it wait let me google minecraft tent i love roleplay okay ghost but that was a bit oh simple tent tutorial no no i'm i'm off to make more more books you gonna make a library no i think my tent looks good i can go and i might just go and go and visit my old library but i've lost all my logs again come with me tommy do you want to come with me and visit the old lady yes yes please so he wants to stay here he wants to stay here with me i don't stay here i definitely don't believe he does he's just trying to be nice to you he's trying to be nice yeah i'm not will but i want to come with you well he can't i can't yeah i'll tell you about it when i'm there please don't leave me i'll tell you what it's like i'll be like i'll be like hey look at you wait don't leave you is it okay i'll be back um you put a sign that says this is a tenth i like it a lot definitely wasn't me it packs a punch it's starting to come along isn't it yeah yeah well let's it looks beautiful don't be sarcastic with me you're wet fine looks smelly don't swear i was a swear bad that's not a swears don't make me educate you don't make me educate you because i will oh my goodness whatever hate taught me um i was just wondering is there is there anything you wanted in the man book how to sex too i want it you want me to bring you how to say okay yeah yeah i do i do is that okay dream can i bring him out to sex too yeah okay yeah you would say yeah you what i mean you should bring him a coconut too whatever coconut was it coconut this is a joke there's no coconut but you i know i know i know it's because he's on an island and like he's alone he's asking for a book about sex he needs a coconut i don't know oh i don't get it sex joke it was a masturbation how is masturbation that's not how is it a bad word man it's actually healthier muted already is wrong with it it's he could tell me goes it's healthy that's the healthiest thing you can do mommy knows i have so many dolphins around you i don't even know what that i said i didn't know two years ago in a jacksepticeye video he said it while playing life is strange and i went okay jack i don't know what that means but okay two years ago yeah yes my butt crack whoa we're clearly gonna keep saying swear words but you can't just keep on dampening and trying to go make sure wilbur makes it to the mandarin okay because he's going well okay where is he i'm almost there he's just he's the just just use your truck is wilbur exiled too no no no okay just tommy yeah just tell me all right got it you you are doing well for yourself you know being excellent at all you already got a news ugly like wilbur's gonna have to come and fix it what the [ __ ] he's gonna change everything it's cause i'm not finished with it it's gonna look like this but yeah but i can tell you have a sign that says this is a tent in the way of a block people know some people know you have to put a sign there because it's so trash that they need to know just so american you say words like trash oh my god trash trash rubbish rubbish rubbish is it so cool no one's gonna know what it is they need to look at the sign it's so rubbish i really love when you use your voice stream do i like this or not you know i i sure as hell don't like it i just turn red i'm just taking it down i'm not generous no like i feel like you made it battle he's above the other tents all right fine how do i make it better then dream mr builder he's french oh tommy look you can make a villager with this guy oh no not not not look give me the shears no you'll steal it all from me i know what you do okay okay okay okay turn turret was going to look cool he had so much potential oh you're cheering him he needs more you know what he needs i know what he i know where we've gone wrong i know exactly where we've gone wrong he needs more logs wow dream's a builder you let you just okay look at that dream excuse you excuse you excuse you this should be grass like why did you replace the underneath of the tent with the wood the whole point of the tent is that it's like movable what do you think about this like what if we add like this that's like it adds some texture it adds texture no you're disgusting that's going to take you a little bit what oh he broke it yeah it didn't did it though sometimes people underestimate me i'll make us a little to-do list board in the campsite oh and we've got a little i know what i need there's so much i have to make in my new home i can't believe i live here wait so how long is tommy supposed to be here like a week a week it's not bad no he's here forever for uh oh like a week i made it to le mans how is it oh ah yeah it oh it actually looks a lot nicer than it did before you left actually tommy like the walls are gone can i go and see i'm really gone but they're mostly yeah the walls are like almost completely gone maybe like did does tommy get like visitation like once every month he gets to go to london for five minutes no no no no visitation huh okay no visitation oh yeah it's all open there's also like a christmas house oh yeah it looks really pretty i was there not too long ago it's like a christmas house it seems like it's like there's a day since last war board one it's actually three that's pretty good ah that's good well i don't guys you're making me sad and then i'm just going to get angrier and i don't want to be angry anymore i didn't know i was just well he just grabbed he can grab how to sex too oh maybe maybe you can take some pictures and bring them back and you can put the pictures like on the walls oh that's true you could if you wanted to you could you could put them on the walls for a time yeah sure i'll do that hold on that way you can get like a little taste of home that you'll never go back to but that's fine let me take some photographs what do we need to do wilbur uh um hmm i don't know well how about you find diamonds okay oh wait i just had a so if you if you write what you need to wait so am i really just alone well i'm not i'm with you but you don't believe me he lives with you most of the time though tommy it's just he just doesn't actually that's not his that's not his yeah i don't know actually i don't actually live here either no you do well you do but oh wait hold on i'm trying i'm trying to take a good photo wait wait wait wait dream yes i'll i'll be allowed to go to the nether weren't i um i yes as long as you don't go back to um as long as you don't enter the portal into dream smp then you're fine technically it's just this the whole point is you just stay as far as far away as you can so okay okay i need to go get diamonds one second fellas fellas fellas if we get that we can have a quick way to the smp and back a quick way so we could maybe visit our friends once in a while i quit hello here's the music where did you get that song from dude okay free free download trance music 24 hours no no no it's no it's it's it's it's trance music for a racing game by bobby cole you can that's that's the information you need now you're going to be all clever and [ __ ] where was my mind i'm sure i made a mine yesterday to be fair minecraft isn't it isn't it right here tommy or am i losing my mind there's a cave right here that goes down there's so many good angles for a photo of the hamburg oh you gotta get the perfect shot yeah i don't know which one to choose i think i'll do this one with the flags on the lanterns oh that's a good one there we go i'm gonna go caving then i'm if i can get some diamonds and holy [ __ ] hey dream so what have you done today um i don't know i've done a lot oh yeah was it was it fulfilling sure really yeah how do you know you're not lying to yourself dreamworks punch and hit and shoot me dream what was your childhood like um was it do you want to start how do you say was it a bit problematic yeah i was a problematic child i was a problem child for sure lots of problems like what like i don't know just problems that's that's interesting i i i caused a lot of problems i did a lot of a lot of terrible terrible things terrible terrible things oh yeah like what um i i did i did a lot of things a lot of terrible terrible what's the worst thing you've ever done to another human being to another human being oh god um i was very young i was very young i uh like where this is going i okay it's fine no no it's i i um i i cut some of my sister's hair off really terrible i feel i feel terrible about it that's really bad did you know apparently i once blew up a nation and killed everyone yeah that was a zinger wilbur you're cutting your hair is pretty bad yeah yeah yeah yeah i agree it's at least comparable this why did that one tickle you so hard man i don't know it's just funny like it's just funny because i'm it's funny it was funny see he knows no i mean it was it was good anyway um yeah like my sister i was married my sister and she was like she was like uh why were you mad at like i don't even remember it was something so dumb but she was like sitting on the couch and i walked in behind her like was it just like cut it with scissors like a lot of her hair oh my god it's wrong i know that's i was messed up i was a bad [ __ ] i was a bad kid i was already terrible i feel so bad even talking about it yeah that's a really that's a really terrible thing to do i know it is it's bad it's really bad i feel i feel i feel horrible how else do you feel um are you would you say would you describe yourself as happy now yeah why what what is there to be happy about i don't know my family me neither my friends my people who support me what about your fans makes you the happiest that they cheer me up and say nice things make me happy how do you know they're not lying to you because they would never lie that's i think they would sometimes i think i think sometimes yeah sometimes human beings they would probably lie yeah i don't think i don't think the second you become a dreamer you're immune to life over bias i think you'll think of survivor bias right now dream they definitely could lie that's true they could lie it's just they only lie about the bad things they only lie about the bet that's even worse yeah what bad things do you reckon they lie about your fans these fans of yours when they say like oh he has a big ego or something i know they're lying then i'm coming back tommy are you going to be at the campus yeah what else do you think they lie about um do they say like he's full of himself or anything like that for all of these to do with your um just you do you think you do have a big ego well compliment yourself oh come on of course i don't i have the smallest ego i've ever seen what history compliment yourself um if i describe myself in two what's your strongest quality small ego i think my strongest quality is how small my the first words correct what's your yeah that's not when you describe yourself in two words it's not one word you describe yourself in one word that's true what's your um yeah what's your strongest quality um my strongest quality is being amazing okay my strongest quality is knowing when people are lying wow yeah tommy i'm back at the house where are you i'm being i'm being good at talking to people that's true that's true i spoke to a lot of people about a lot of [ __ ] up things tommy where are you he's mining right now i'm coming home tommy's coming home yep and he's sad this is the new the new song wilbur's new song he's been working on tommy's coming home coming out coming out right now it's a surprise draw surprise drop if i made an album called tommy i could say you could just kill me right here right now i i would be fine with that you can name an album write a song about me please no why i mean i don't want to like spoil it i mean i know wilbur write a song about me wilbur i'm your next song i'm not gonna write a song about you tommy you wanted to do the piano on my next song and i said sure and then just never asked you and now it's done yeah yep when we first spoke a year ago um i think it might be a year ago today until tomorrow or something i asked you to write a love song about a girl that i liked and you never did it yeah that's because that would be incredibly weird if i did i agree i mean now but here's the thing about quackity you still owe me a song i'm not he's written songs he's written write me a song cracked he's very good at songs yeah exactly oh you've just made my tent where are you tommy it looks like if i made it but worse where are you little a little bit better than if you made it to be fair but so we have two gifts for you oh yeah from from is it immortality no i've got that come in the house come in the house tell me come in the shack i mean i'm in the shack you're ready for this right yeah i'm thinking we put it where do you want to put it this big wall this big empty wall yeah right where dream is stood wait whoa oh wow one hamburg look at how good it looks tommy can't really uh oh oh it's because i was stood too close it was getting all blurry yeah just stand back and and and just stand very far back and swim back and squeeze and imagine quite hard as well yeah and also i got you this oh wait hold on there you go get that what's the sexy should i read it yeah read it really really dramatic reading if you're not all about not all of it how about you i'll tell you when it's going to get you cancelled and you can stop reading i can't believe that i don't know what i wrote because i was um off my ed all right how to sex babies be like yo i came out of the vagina hey this is how to sex to tommy and it's novel how the sex one is so very unavailable he's in your enter chest i think isn't it yeah it's very unavailable chapter one how to sex you like sex yeah me neither but let's read this book so we can stop the sinners do not have sex with terrorists that's true that's true did you hear that book so far did you hear that book dream make a note of that line that you should read the next page make a note of that line chapter one the tutorial oh no all right well it's true it's true so you need to know how to get a [ __ ] kid doesn't need saying no i think it's true it could be children watching actually oh i've got a hood let's tell bad to unmute that's so bad don't mia i'm not gonna read i could have children watching i'll read it i'll read this line again if baden news he's so good at it he's so he's so good he's looking good he's so skilled wilbur will come with me okay what am i looking at what are you showing stay here because we're naughty folk he's he's just making creepers why are there so many fellas on me guys what i wasn't sure about i was gonna say okay i can read it um just listen bad uh babies be like yo i come out the vagina hey this is how to sex too tommy the parents are going crazy all the parents they're gonna lose their shits this bad boy halo character isn't who you told me he was he isn't pg family friendly i reckon he's just got some like contracts from what they're killed the big d's disney i once had it i once had a sponsorship want to take me on but they wouldn't do it unless i deleted my dating show video why because they were horrible sexist stream they were horrible sexists or what company was like women being in your videos exactly no genuinely like there's really nothing that bad in the video i mean i wouldn't want a child watching it but it's definitely like people i've watched it and i've watched it yeah and it's but it's like yeah it's okay it's like pg-13 for sure so you've got like the reason i didn't want it i think it's because the girls have like low-cut tops some of them which is just sexist women can dress however they want why does why does that have to exactly big company that i shan't name what are you showing you're talking about just listening to you google aren't you yeah google yeah google was gonna sponsor you but wait but it might get linked up to tommy you might not be able to get back it's gonna okay oh you should test it and just make sure you can you can give it yeah it's it's made a completely new wait if i portal back through it did you just use logs to bridge stop me well yeah tommy it's our own portal it's completely isolated that's awesome what does period with a t on the end mean it's it's like it's the british it's the british way of saying like period like that's that's that's right period that's right why does it have a silent t we say full stop it's period why do they say period t that's just it means like i mean like it's like yeah you're whatever you're saying is 100 is that is that what the t why does the t do that period i thought it was pronounced perry dot i i always thought it was perry dot as well and then and then schlatt said it in one of his uh weekly slaps that went oh i guess it's guess it's with a silent t why does it have a silent t on the end for emphasis yeah but that's ironic because it's silent it's not silent though i say the word period now my whole chat spamming the word period and i don't know how to feel well unless you're sexist you shouldn't you shouldn't feel anything yeah you sexist tell me huh do i look like do i look like someone that hates women to you nobody hate men that's pretty i'm only sexist twitter wow wilbur i hate you just lost a subscriber and it was and it was i know i know you can't be sexist against men yeah period t that's what i say to that no not amen period t to that brother let's get a beer to that statement we're gonna make a t-shirt how to improve your tent you're just just creeper holes everything the issue you issue you've got with the with the tent is that it's it's just like a perfect triangle thank you it's a perfect triangle it's perfect that's not never you want it to be like taller than it is wide that is that's all we have to do okay fine let's make let's make it lose weight okay so now you just make it make it taller like yeah here's your shears back i thought i'd give him a jack give it like one or two blocks more height and then maybe make it a little bit less wide and then there you go voila can you do it these are for you i don't want to do it but i'm not doing it please you know i can't build wilbur of course you stand there you've wait just watch shut all right i'll do one side and you just copy it on the other right now it just looks obnoxious now it looks like it now it looks like it knows more than me it probably does what the [ __ ] look at that just moves on he just calls you like dumb as a brick basically though is there as dumb as a tent intense smarter than a brick and then look it's a bit more homely a bit more roomy it's got a bit added more depth and then what you can do is you can you can if you get oh i can get a bed on the left i mean you could if you want to do it on the right like a horse like an ass you may need some wood but this is as good as you're gonna get for a purely one block like a one block type 10. thank you i know what we need trap wire hooks how do we craft them uh it's with string stone and something i don't remember oh tripwire iron iron that's the one that's the one i think every ingredient you said was wrong wilbur no no the ingredients are wood stick and iron and you said something completely different he said stone this actually looks really nice i just literally increased the height by one part this actually you know what it looks way better thank you me you did a good job tommy actually what should i call this yeah i'll clear out this i think you did well tell me i reckon i go short and simple what the [ __ ] call it trent the tent call it big t oh oh you oh you didn't have to do that thank you it's me why are you doing that i didn't throw up the whole new tank no no are you pooing no he's a jacket i've taken so many drugs someone tell bad boy halo oh wait that's true what if we cuss in the chat he can't run from that thing i feel like he's done so many drugs freaking fast wow over censoring himself why are you censoring yourself over i because i want to make more friends and bad is currently i've spoken to him once ever and it was very nice and i feel like swearing at him is not the way of making friends with him well but you know what we need now you know what we need now okay no no no no no anyway what the hell is spamming well but will but if we can get an ender chest now then we're going to be sorted and we can finally listen to my disc again so i feel like we should make what do you feel like dream you should make a pact right dream when was the last time you had a good cry last night don't ignore me we should make a pact we should make a pact and our pact is that we make a book and we put that that uh that that saying muffin is a slur and then we we present it to him with a signature from everyone on the server and then like if he continues saying it we cancel him yeah i'm down i mean that's like that i mean that's a hundred percent like we make it and we make it within the lore we make it lore that it's a slur what is he gonna do then what is he gonna do then he's the most evil man on the whole at that point yeah or you make or make it some other word some other word where is everyone gone dream continue complimenting yourself please i'm mining obsidian um uh compliment myself maybe tell me what you compliment dream yeah i can't why i just can't why it's not not how i was raised i'm just i'm i'm really trying to think i can't think of it what is it what's a compliment it only works whenever you're talking dude that's a good compliment what are you thinking right now speed run locking yourself speed run your mental health care dream go self speed run loving yourself whenever i hear that song it just gives me anxiety what else gives you anxiety the social situations yeah oh you yeah for some reason whenever i feel like i'm not safe around you on the server because i'm something anything bad it always stems from tommy i agree honestly that's kind of true no there are bad things don't happen and in real life you've just destroyed my entire home actually what home yeah this was your new home well yeah but i had an old home as well that i was quite hap content with whoa can i go back to record for like an hour and see all my friends no these aren't we already established there's no visitation i mean i think that people they could somebody could come here and visit you but you can't ever go back yeah think about like this i don't have anything against people coming here and visiting you if they want to they don't they don't have to but they can if they really want to think of it this way whenever like you're in prison you can't just go and visit your friends but they can come and visit you can come and visit you so also oh yeah that's actually a very that's a perfect analogy actually but thank you thank you compliment me that's fine yeah this is actually more perfect um but anyway i think that you have to go to the next messenger you can have wilbur be your messenger and so if wilbur if wilbur if wilbur gets a message from le mansburg or he can send a message to lemberg but you can't go there so yeah wilbur you can be like a messenger pigeon i i'm quite similar in many qualities to a pigeon i've been my facets have been compared a lot to a pigeon so that's fine with me oh okay you can't attack pigeons you can it's quite easy actually you can't but but they retaliating groups it's called a flock tommy they're retaliating big big hate hate groups hate flocks hey [ __ ] yeah hey do you know where the nether port is you know what i say i say i say floccum wait i just realized this is a dream this place is really close to the i don't know i ain't no snitch i know no he's not matter he's you can but you can't if you go through then then i'm gonna what happens if i go through it you kill me but say if i go through and you're not there and then you catch me what do you do then i come and i kill you and you'll be dead i might i will i will make sure one hundred percent that it is a plot point he will kill you well well yeah make it through make it part of your character development than it has to be well they will it has to be yeah after killing after killing tommy dreams says i have had character development and then it's karen he's dead you completely change your character you just you kill tommy and then you become you you start speaking how do i go how do i go yeah i just i just start speaking spanish after that it's just it was the moment that happened how do i go down oh look you can you can see the hub yeah what the [ __ ] wilbur help me please dream he's a 16 year old boy he's the writer he's the author of how to sex one and two how can that be i'm a teenager yeah factually how the sex one and two of especially one are incredibly inaccurate well the thing is they're they're they're not they're not a tutorial they're they're like uh more when you do your gcses and you have a and you have a little you have a you know a calculations paper i hope i don't die right now awesome oh who's next wait he just he deleted the hay oh thank you dream you're welcome oh look you can see the whole thing how are we going my home my home how are we going to get back to lobster dream please don't push me it didn't push you tommy if you go through if i just want to see though tommy you'll be canonically killed and then you'll be you're gonna let me just see it you can see it it's fine do you want to be ghost in it no ghosty in it big j big g i think there already is a big g hey like i genuinely think it's quicker to boat home than it is to run through this netherlands we've already already like take it's already taken longer than it would take just to boat over i don't know where you've gone tommy tell me watch this watch this tommy tell me i'm lost are you jealous okay you don't need to be jealous oh my gosh i'm home oh my oh it's so beautiful oh there's a giant tree a christmas tree can i go and look at the christmas why didn't you why didn't you i wanted to see this one with this wait wilbur can catch up will work and go through the picture i lost you all no but i can go and i but i want to i want to have christmas where you went i want to have christmas with my friends so tell me why we can't have chris with your friends just not uh go go go just no don't go i i if i if you guys okay you're trying to beat him into being dead now let's be honest dream if you go through you can't fully kill me but what will you do if i go through holy kill you what about my home and ever what is that tell me i will actually genuinely if you want me to go through take a photo and come back tommy oh yeah that's what i'm saying you can do that you can go through take a photo and come back i'll be there actually i want to see the christmas i wanna yeah just tell me stay here we're back in a minute yeah look where let's get it it's so beautiful it's right over here oh oh yeah it's across it's across the community house but it's cool i'll bring it back i'll bring it back i'll i'll go back through just uh check and see wow here here give me let me in the picture let me in the picture yeah you can always look at me come on i need to get back a bit because i feel the view uh i need to get higher here i can i can tower up i can power up no there's no i need to i need to go okay oh should i go at the top of the tree or try to stay down here you could be the little angel yeah yeah exactly tommy thinks it's not your time to die yet tommy it's never my time to die that's true let me get up there all right i can be the little angel in the photo yeah okay can i can i not just have one little walk along the prime path no hold on i'm waiting for the water to go let's see it's taking a little while can i on christmas day um yeah i i mean i consider it an exception maybe i'd consider an exception but probably not this water is really taking an awful long time with the ghost spur yeah don't worry it's fine i'm just reading tommy's chat and they're all telling him to fake cry yeah they do that now ready we're ready we're ready that's their new thing because they realize i can't please cry picture is taken nice now tommy you will always have a picture of me on the christmas like a polaroid now i have to now i have to do that oh it's something from before your time child good one thank you what's this sound that you are just about i don't know do not go through it do not go through it i don't even know where it goes you have to watch this ad to upload yep that's yeah that's what he said all the way around watch where are you taking me it's right here this is where you're supposed to go i'm all sad and [ __ ] there we go we should probably wait for them because i'm gonna get addicted to coffee as well and then i'm gonna get a new york accent and they're gonna go cover actually i'm gonna get a new york accent come on i'm gonna grow a new york accent oh yeah i found it wait is this how is this where we go no no no it's this okay i'll get you back safely hold on i just need to no it's not it's saying that you are this way if i killed you now you just die i've got apple so i wouldn't but well why is this saying that url is incorrect what's wrong mommy stop tommy i just want you to die i don't think i asked very much right here you lose all your weight this way this way this way goes bro i'll take you thank you gonna see you on top of the trees oh yeah yeah let me let me see the portal's here you do just like i look amazing i look amazing you guys having fun in le mans we're in another now we're coming it's this way come on home home sweet home home sweet home yeah be careful now i think it'll be good a lot of people visit your family i can't visit you it's actually fun to come here it's like a little bit it's a change of scenery you know it's not it's not fun to be stuck here well you're not stuck it's your vacation home i've got it can i go back i'm you can leave this area i mean you can go somewhere else this is just i took you far away you can you can go even further if you want i'm loving life i'm here for a good time not for a long time oh you're being shot at i know guys how do you know when it's too much no it's definitely faster if you know no no announce how do you know if you when it's too much hey tommy i've got you a polaroid photo isn't that the horrible bum thing what you think of piles what's piles the horrible bum thing or hemorrhoids hemorrhoids that's it let's make this safer polaroid and hemorrhoids don't get me started don't worry tommy with your more lifestyle you'll experience them one day what's sedentary mean like cement tommy i've got you a polaroid i don't want one i'm not ready mentally or physically oh that's what i need to kill but where's the dream where's the fortress um i have no idea actually are you at the are you at the house to me one sec one sec one sec one side we need a pearl wilbur well you want to defeat the ender dragon no no i want to ah somebody look christmas do you see me at the top i'm the little angel christmas christmas christmas christmas is that really that is that yes yes a christmas tommy can i go and see it dream no tommy you've got it in your hands you've asked me that's the same question actually eric knows where the fortress is by the way if you want to ask him can i i don't okay can i go and see the tree tell me you can't go and see the tree why don't you let him just it's not in la manburg why don't you just let him see the tree and then escort him back it's it's not in la manburg but it's in it's in dream smp so tell me how about we build our own christmas tree in lobster ship oh yeah i'll build one that's a really good idea let's build our own christmas tree does anyone have an item frame i want to have it next to my bed so i can we can we can develop christians i could be wrong though time will change any man we may all become christians in the end yeah on on doomsday god willing what's god willing this is the first to turn a phrase is that a town in lancashire do you have do you have a sapling tommy ah i have all right i'm waiting to go i have a i have a wedding to pretend wait oh oh i have a wedding to attend too i have a wedding thank you all so much for watching i think i have a wedding to officially wait weddings sorry about it you gotta swear to go to the wedding yeah it doesn't start for a little bit but it does start for me for now because i have to go with i have to go to five yeah i just got okay all right i need to get it ready you're not supposed to see each other before the wedding surely well that's i guess that's just not how this one works but yeah that's fine all right no more progressive wedding well i'll see you all later in five minutes getting married bye bye bye fellas come on now thank you all so much for watching oh boys another fun stream holy [ __ ] thank you all so much for the subs and everything tonight um oh my god turbo's just got imposter in in among us should we go watch him should we go watch him thank you all so much for watching if you didn't turn on the little notification thing i'm gonna be streaming every day sorry for being a little bit lower energy tonight i did a recording like just before the stream so um but thank you all so much for watching uh dude and all the support and people that like thank you all so much even like just the followers at the minute oh my god it is sick uh go watch turbo and hope you all have a great night it's fun to your dreams wedding as well goodnight everyone dude by the way streaming every day approximately at the minute please turn on the little notification bell if you can thank you so much for watching have a great day
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 2,287,990
Rating: 4.9514556 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, tommyinnit gets exiled, dream exiles tommyinnit, tubbo exiles tommy, tubbo exiles tommyinnit, tubbo betrays tommy, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, tommyinnit exiled, dream smp exile, tommyinnit dream smp, wilbur tommy, tubbo and tommy, wilbur tommyinnit and tubbo, dream vs tommyinnit, dream smp, dream smp vods, dream smp playlist, dream, dream smp war, dream team smp, dream bullies tommyinnit
Id: c6ILC5Z5bD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 33sec (5613 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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