I Married Dream...

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dream will you marry me no way zapnap married carl george married ninja yes yes i will marry you fundy all right so long story short i went on a date with dream this guy now for that date i made a program that allows me to play an entire movie inside of minecraft treasure planet to be specific now i did that to impress him and to my surprise it actually worked i i never expected it to work at all i thought it was now i am engaged to dream and i have about three days until a wedding happens three days and you know what the problem is it's not the excitement it's not me being nervous or something no no i have three days until my big wedding and i have nothing prepared i wanted to make crazy contraptions all right i need i i want to blow his mind with what i'm going to show him it needs to be the best thing that has ever been done in minecraft and of course that would need to start off with a proper map oh my god what an absolute beauty look at this place what a beautiful place to get married it's got the theme it's got the mood it's it's even got the the marriage hall right there what a beautiful place to get married and what a beautiful place to click that little subscribe button this video has taken me over two months to make so i would really appreciate it if you just give it a little check just check if you are subscribed and if not please do consider it it really helps my channel and me out a ton it's completely free and if you change your mind later you can always unsubscribe please just do consider it it really helps me out a ton yeah i mean you know whatever i just i just built this place within an hour or two i'm uh i'm i'm pretty good at you know i just well i'm somewhat of a builder nah i'm just kidding i just hired someone there's a lot there's a lot to see there's a lot of walking that's going to have to be done during this wedding what do you think it's so cool hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours i've spent on this okay hundreds i mean listen all right it's definitely visible that you put this amount of hours into it it's oh my god i'm so impressed it's the details it's like the just this already the tiny little bushes like i would have i mean this is the main wedding area so should we leave this for last i think we should leave this for last okay oh my god there's a little food shop oh they have their fish on the things and water and everything oh my god oh by the way everything underneath has also been decorated okay so if you fly underneath the island oh my god detailed what i wanted to make sure that everything was perfect even if you're not gonna see it it's gonna be perfect even if you're not gonna see it there's gears and stuff oh my god you can grab an electra and fly through the gears just like in the movie oh my god oh what do i see there hold on let me eat my renaissance the treasure planet let me fly what you wanted the treasure planet theme right this is the biggest part of this entire build the wedding hall i actually did a little just a little little teeny bit of redstone at the very top three different colors constantly changing so green for dream orange for you and i don't know what white is i just had to put it in there and then and then priest priest man goes like will you yes and i will be like yes and then you will go like will you yes and then all the people are gonna be sitting here and gonna be like wow like that the guests will spawn on the ship and then everyone would go down straight to the wedding zone the main building and then when the wedding is over you guys get the portal to go on your honeymoon okay i like that i like that i have option three we spawned at the portal and we built a giant catapult and a catapult yeeks the player across the map onto the ship and then as they walk off the ship there's cannons on the ship and they blow everything up except the wedding hall nice all right that's the plan that's the plan that's what's gonna happen you're actually serious yeah i'm telling you seriously yeah no i'm serious i want to get a catapult that eats people over to the ship and then have cannons on the ship i want to make custom explosives not tnt because that's weak i want to actually like all right so now we actually have a goal that we need to work towards we got three different things to make first of all we need to make the the little catapult that shoots people with like pinpoint accuracy all the way to the ship now the second thing that i want to make is i want to make actual cannons on the side of the ship that shoot like custom explosives not tnt i wanted to actually shoot something that you can see like that should be very simple the third and final thing that i want to make is i would say a little bit more complicated i want to be able to talk to dream and you're probably thinking fundy but you can just call him up right you could just talk to him and call no no you're being dumped don't be dumb i want to talk to dream face to face in minecraft i want to have a 3d webcam of my face in real time that dream can see inside of minecraft so that i can speak to him i basically want to make a hologram i want to make i want to make a 3d person i want to make me giant screen uh like person me talk face real life it's gonna be cool but before we get started i just want to show you something uh this is what i'm gonna make dream wear [Music] remember how i said we only had three days um i may or may not have slept a little bit and we have like one and a half days now um but i do have this so this is the uh the start of what was gonna be my hologram right now we got a bunch of particles just hovering midair and uh what they do is they're changing color live as you can see they're slowly going through like the rainbow colors that is gonna show my webcam somehow uh it's working progress [Music] all right all right we're getting somewhere as you can see so right now um the screen it's picking up is the top left corner of my monitor the thing you can see on the screen behind me is the chain that's like you know this chain right here if we were to put something that's extremely vibrant like it's example yellow where is it oh there's the yellow oh it's working it's working almost almost look at that yellow block right there oh okay uh not exactly what i wanted whoa that's cool it's a little bit delayed whoa that's cool though that's so cool oh my god look at that that is insane uh i want it to be a still image look you can see the texture of the cobblestone you can see like the lamp that's insane what that is so cool oh my god there's me in the background in particles look at how beautiful that is and when you make the screen see itself look i see my i see my own character right there and then another time and then there's another one there this is this is really weird this is really really weird it is uh this is kind of insane oh my god look at this look at this we got we got me it's it's actually me you can see me no way you don't really see any facial details you can see that i'm wearing a headset you can see them you know uh oh it's really it's really weird it's so weird but you can you can tell if you know what i look like you can tell that it's me you can you can see my background you can see my hands very clearly very clearly look at that that's a hand that's a hand right there oh that's so cool this is so cool let me let me stand up let me stand up this is so cool this is not cool whenever whenever i move really fast it it just looks like i'm facing back and forth here look this is so cool though this is actually amazing i i i oh my god i i'm so surprised this works well i i'm still gonna work on it quite a bit i'm gonna make it more hd and better and such uh but for now let's focus on the other two things i need to make a giant catapult okay so i put down a little netherright block area and a little sign that's a stand here and supposedly whenever guests come in through the portal they walk up here stand on the blocks like the sign says and they should shoot all the way like all the way towards that ship right there that's what should happen problem is um we have this little roof and um from here we can't really like jump there so i'm not entirely sure what to do with the roof all right okay that startled me why did i okay so we go up we just need to go that way it's literally just like a bouncy castle i should make something like that just just some bouncy castle just somewhere like uh like a tiny bouncy castle just for fun yay whoa awesome wait how do you get down i'm in survival wait [Laughter] perfect oh perfect that'll do just fine oh yep absolutely perfect this is going to be attempt number one okay that needs a lot more power attempt number four nope nope still the same attempt number nine please okay all right all right that's further than previously this is most definitely further okay we are getting closer number 12. yes we are getting closer we're getting closer all right get a good feeling about this one 16. oh it's going the right way just longer it just needs to be longer 18 [Music] all right this is the one this is the one i'm feeling it i'm feeling it come on oh so close to the bucket okay okay all right all right i landed i landed i count that here we go please please yes yes yes ah please please please please please please please [Music] please [Music] yes yes yes yes okay okay i did it i did it i did it now we're just gonna make sure that you know uh the guests can do it too that should help right i mean i've been absolutely nailing this i've been i've look little look come on the one time that i'm recording it i i did it like five times in a row look look i can do it i can do it i can do it all right so next up is the cannons um i want to have a cannon right there right here right there and maybe one there i'm not entirely sure but here's the thing that i want to do i want to make a button somewhere and i want to bring dream to it to the button and once me and dream are at the button i want guests to start arriving you know other other people and i want them to do the jump you know with the catapult from there to here and once they're going down you know the the pathway i want dream to press the button and explosion's all over the place and i want a lot of people to i want a lot of people to die wouldn't it be funny if if people just like oh yeah it's a wedding they they jump from there to here they walk down and then dream presses a button oopsy they say everything explodes they all they all go all right let me uh let me design some some makeshift cannons okay i'm not entirely sure um if this looks like a cannon but i i know a fix for that you do the trick right just an arrow point [Laughter] all right so so we got we got the button this is going to be um where dream compress the button and supposedly when we press this yeah you press the explode button things are gonna go blah and just for testing uh other buttons don't work even if it's the same block it's specifically this one so yeah hopefully uh hopefully this is gonna work nothing happened okay all right [Laughter] okay all right all right um that works that works oh that was so loud okay okay okay so we can we can trigger stuff with the button yeah [Applause] perfect [Music] that's cool that is cool wait again again i like that i like that that is cool that is so cool now i actually want to you know explode this area of the eye oh oh i just realized i may or may not have made the button way too close yeah this is definitely going to uh to also kill the person that presses the button this is definitely uh going to kill dream yeah okay all right how much was that that's actually you know what that's not that bad i want more explosions all right let's try it again oh okay all right that's more like it that's more like it but still not enough here we go i hope it actually hit something oh boy all right that's an explosion all right that's an explosion that's what you like to see even oh like that got far but the only reason it got far is because there's you know obviously no real thing blocking it right like everything is already gone uh but when there's houses here i think it explodes this entire area it lets you know what let's just try it let's just let's just give it a go all right fresh world everything is fixed and i'm in survival let's give it a go oh my god oh yeah oh yeah no that definitely is gonna kill some people oh i kind of want to be down there when it happens hold on i i gotta try this oh okay all right let's see the damage make it make it make it why do i always when i'm ah i swear i swear i can do it it's just every time i record i i somehow you know what whatever it's fine it's fine the thing that does matter is that it's time everything is ready everything is set up and dream and all the guests everyone will be here in five minutes from now i am extremely nervous but hopefully this is gonna be the best wedding that has ever happened so let's get it started ooh wait what is that i can see like in the distance on a giant building yeah i spent a lot of work on this do you do you remember treasure planet dream oh no way oh you bet you bet this map is based on it but before we do anything before we do anything i want you i want you to equip something real quick i want you to put that on what i have a dress oh look at you i'll do a little twirl i have a flower too this is amazing did you buy this for me you bought this dress just i bought the dress it was so expensive this video is definitely going to need to i am i don't want to say that i'm in depth but the ads on this video definitely are going to help okay okay yeah definitely a hundred percent all right follow me dream i got a lot to show you this already is incredible so i don't know i mean i i have at this point the rest could be bad and it'd still be great so do you do you like do you like the crafting tables by the way what is so dumb don't ruin the suit don't ruin this sick no you're right you're right also there's a little bouncy guess over there you know if you want to oh what oh it actually bounces yeah i thought it was like i thought it was like a joke no oh there's also one want to die am i gonna die there wasn't there was a water place dream you get it i'm already gonna dab i was gonna test you no you have to do it again you have to do it again i was gonna test you to see your skill whether or not you could land in the water it's a one by one bouncing i'm gonna go on a second bounce uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh that's who i'm marrying baby okay all right exactly all right all right now you know who we got now you know who we got he's the real one this is this is incredible like who built this oh that was uh jerichraft actually probably one of my personal best builders that i know uh it's another youtuber guy he's really good at what he does he nailed it in my opinion absolutely nailed it say your spawn i know you will fail at least once uh yeah so i'll put another right blocks and aim for the water uh-huh so just what you just did but a little bit more severe you'll sing oh yeah how did we how did you die yeah wait wait wait wait wait let me redo it redemption redemption don't worry about that don't worry about that there we go don't worry about that don't worry about that yeah so now we're on the ship that's the the treasure planet ship remember yeah it's that massive [ __ ] thing let's keep moving dream let's keep moving i got a lot to show you also uh yeah uh we got a guest as well don't worry about him uh you know me perfectly i know i know hey that's that's why that's why i'm marrying you man like there's there's a reason for everything head straight to the marriage hall is something that's for the guests but we need to take a little detour we need to take a little detour i actually uh i'm semi lost uh i think it's this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so how do you like the place how do you like it it's incredible actually i'm so happy with it i'm so happy beautiful you couldn't have picked a better venue dream we're gonna do a little trust fall okay okay what i want you to do is i want you to get to the edge of the of the thing and then just trust me and fall down uh-huh oh all don't worry we can keep going you gotta yeah you gotta do it again i i didn't have a proper path to go up here so i just i just built this it's incredibly creative thank you thank you that's what my middle name is incredibly i wanna i wanna bring you to some place very special there's one little house right there i want you to follow me because i got something very special all right don't press it just yet don't press it just yet you're gonna be amazed okay press it what uh-huh that is very cool uh-huh how does that even work what is that hi are you drawing this right now or is this like oh what's gonna happen a thumbs up is that your camera this is live this is live what yeah this is live you're kidding me it's live no chance put up put up a peace sign you're kidding me it's live that is insane jumping jacks check this out yeah what that's crazy like how does it even work is it particles i can talk to you in person hello dream how are you that is crazy it's particles or something that is i don't even know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah principal and again check this out bye that may be one of the coolest things i've ever seen in minecraft thank you oh man you do not have any idea how long that took that was that was really annoying to me well it was incredibly worth it dream oh my god i've had the most fantastic day but of course the most important thing is yet to happen we have a wedding to attend to so we do we have a wedding to attend to let's uh let's go back oh i have one more thing i almost forgot i almost forgot there's one there's one more giant thing i um see i i know you all right i know you extremely well dream i know how um how much you like killing people so uh i put up a little a little extra button that does something very cool i ca i can't even sprint i need food oh oh oh hold on can't have my can't have my my bride dying before marriage that's very true he's very unfortunate here we go here we go this button i don't want you to press it yet okay i don't need to press it yet take a look at the ship and see if you notice anything regarding uh there's cannons there's cannons this button may or may not um trigger those and may or may not uh you know mess with the guests a little bit when they arrive so i think it's fair that we let all the guests in and uh okay you know whenever whenever you feel like it you can then uh decide on i'm pressing that little button there all right everyone you can join now all right so there should be there should be like a red carpet just follow the red carpet why are the crafting tables stoned [Music] [Applause] oh that is not what i was expecting [Laughter] all right okay oh that is very cool oh my god what happened to the world was that oh my god it's a small part of the map it's a small part yeah just don't do it again just don't do it again oh my god eric has died four times talking about it we're not talking about it all right all right let's let's let's go guys you guys can wait down there we're above you we're above your dreams look at me you look beautiful when do i meet guys [Laughter] awesome all right all right let's settle down and sit take your shoes son this is thank you thank you tommy and rambo need to walk down like together side by side tommy drops flowers and then rambo gives the rings you don't have many friends please [Music] no [Music] oh there she is oh my gosh that's so beautiful [Music] come on honey it's your big day i'm all grown up now i'm all grown up two grown ups all right wilbur beautiful friends families furries we are gathered here today in the site of the youtube algorithm to unite these two people in holy matrimony their decision to marry has not been done through impulse rather on dedication and a long bill or connection so today they shall be publicly declaring their private devotion to each other amongst the company their closest friends they will today accept each other in their entirety as lovers companions and friends in sickness and please dream please you said accept themselves when they're entirely it's kind of weird sorry about that they will today accept each other in their entirety as lovers companions and friends in sickness and in health to hold each other till death do they part do you fundee take dream to be your lawfully wedded partner promising to love and cherish him through joy and sorrow sickness and health and whatever challenges you may face for as long as you both shall live i do and do you dream take fundy to be your partner in life and to share a path of life with him equal in love embraced as a mirror for your true self sharing everything including your subscriber count with him and promising to honor what you're adding that part on you're adding you're adding that's not that's 100 you're writing that until until death do you part [Music] repeat that with the without the youtube i cut you can't change the holy matrimony of him what that's just how it works so do you take fundy to be your partner in life share a path of life with equal in love embraced as a mirror of your true self maybe sharing the subscriber counts with him and promising to honor and cherish him through good times and bad until death do you part can we have the rings please brought to the front i don't know when the vows happen but it's here right fundy if you may place the ring on dream's hand and exchange your vows it's just beautiful this is this is a huge ring it's like bigger than my hat it's really like my entire i'm rich i'm rich whatever it's fine it's fine it's fine dream ever since i saw you speedrun and do your minecraft manhunt videos i thought wow this guy is really fast i bet he's really fast at other things too god damn you were the fastest dream what i pledge i pledge to honor you love you and play minecraft with you for the rest of my days i'm sweating yes and dream may you give your uru vows um i mean what can i say fundy i what can i what actually what can i say um we're gonna be married in minecraft we're married in minecraft um you you make me very happy thanks is that all brilliant beautiful thanks thank you funny deserves better i think before we can before we continue is there anyone in this hall right now that has any reason why these two should not be wed okay and now through the power invested in me by this church and minecraft skin i pronounce you two partners why get away from him off the stage why take this chicken [Laughter] why round headroom back in here uh you're making a mockery of my minecraft church they're kissing no no no that's what i that's what i have to do what kiss me what what's yours get away he's a mockery to the wedding george i'll take care of him why you will not ruin my baby's wedding did you pull away when he kissed you he didn't uh dream dream dream dreams hey a dream what you why what tree love is dead you
Channel: Fundy
Views: 10,282,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, dream, I married dream, dream smp, fundy dream smp, fundy dream, dream fundy, fundy marriage, dream marriage, fundy marry dream, dream marry fundy, dream fundy wedding, dream wedding, fundy wedding, dream fundy date, dream fundy tommy, dream fundy george, dream george, so I married dream, fundy married dream, wilbursoot, tommyinnit, georgenotfound, dreamwastaken, sapnap, ponk, punz, nihachu, wilbur, eret, ranboo, hbomb, sneegsnag
Id: PmvCZzTCbXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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