Tommy's YouTuber Song Tier List

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lucifer_pumpkin_god 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey today was a ridiculous stream where i ranked youtuber music this was so much fun so please subscribe if you enjoy the video it's completely free and you can always unsubscribe later anyway enjoy we have we have a task today we have a little thing that i would like to do now i'll be honest we all know i'm good friends with dream however are you sitting on a chair yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you all know god forbid i'm a big j schlatt fan and i've been sat thinking [ __ ] my opinions are skewed how will i fully know and and now i know all of you all of you have thought terrible things of me since that there were some other things that that were apparent in that video talk about however what i would like to do today what i would like to do today is make it clear to you i i you know i'm sick of this malarkey i god knows i love everything to do with dream i love that song where he talks about dick and smiles i you're apologizing for the wrong thing i am [ __ ] no no i did not hurt dreams however it doesn't mean it guys no offense there was literally like like like a thing detected up to my body to make sure that i meant it like i could not have meant it anymore but to to smooth over this malarkey i have assembled a tealist a great one at that oh jesus because i am sick and tired of this [ __ ] you can see yourselves on the screen of this [ __ ] i want to make it all right i'm not digging the hole deeper i'm not d don't say i'm digging the hole that apologized would i put it no no i want to make it very clear my thoughts and you for some reason whenever on the vods channel i i i react to uh to saddest animations it trends globally i don't know why i haven't done this in years yes yes yes i know but i i thought listen i've got the the the judge jury on the screen we've also enabled media share today it is time to take it but we i i wanted to code what what was that i phrased exactly in my tweet i felt as though i phrased it perfectly i will want to be eyeing out the opinions the lies the slander in search of the truth because i know the vod viewers like when i take tears why does everyone choke me song i don't i still can't really grasp that well listen there is a lot to unpack today i why would rambu be upset i just now i'm gonna encourage any streamers in the twitch chat today if if you disagree with one of my opinions dm me on discord we can hash it out oh my god didn't you say that all your apologies are lies well i understand how that could be confusing however if we if if if if if if if if we segment out that section of the v no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no if we segment out that small section of the it is important you all know what i think of music because what if you guys think i hate wilbur how could i hate why is it what what what photoshop [Music] is that right okay okay it is important you all know now i'm gonna be on it oh we're not even 20 minutes in man shut up okay guys guys i have assembled the most idealist of the most influential youtuber music and we're gonna rank them we're gonna that intro was word for word like jsclass by the way i've memorized it because it's important if we've missed any wicket we can go through it's so important you i guys all i am is honest to you all i am is honest i don't lie whenever i apologize i cry about it all evening because it time for the fake sorry ark stop saying guys i think who's with me who wants to know the truth behind my thoughts give me a yes we can all agree what the what the best yes thank you first one's up is is dreams road trip now i i think it is a confusing song at that so oh by the way uh monster we have media share on this evening uh in case people want to media share songs and we also smile for hours oh oh i'm overwhelmed it is very it is it is violently important that you do that you only send the most quintessential of media shares second thing when we hit the sub goal of 15k i will sing along to whatever song is next in the tier list please don't time that with the mass sus remix now what i suggest we do is road trip dream now i'll be honest of all dreams work that you know let's just give it let's just give it a watch i don't have my alert box on oh [ __ ] what kind of streamer oh god get out my screen lishma no no no stop hahah [Music] so i know all the lovejoy is they love this song humbata i the mca who is fine they'll ban me it doesn't matter people change like the tides in the ocean do they dream has anyone ever changed around you have you ever changed a dream you can't okay so he's already he's bragging about driving the cars now he's in the east coast and the west coast in this no no no it's not just a banger stop stopping jack no so true true oh dream you and your past life it's doing your reality shifting you high [ __ ] [Music] your mother really this winter dream when you were making tens of millions off of merchandise were you really thinking about what you were used to i don't i don't think you were a dream i don't think you were i think i think you were thinking about manhunt am i right am i right what is this song about goggy his voice though guys i couldn't agree with you more guys it's so incredible i actually do think dream's quite a good singer right you know i apologize you know i love you like a brother but where is where is clayton where is clay thank you paige for the five gifted subs but it's not good enough where is clay [Music] you know what guys let's get serious i don't i don't mind this bit now that interstate is paved with memories he's not bad he's no he's he's he's not bad but god when this is on the same this just blitz blitz no no me and you is this song about a girl it better not be if i find out this is a love song dream i'm gonna i'm gonna you know to hurt you five gifted okay you guys really want me to do a sing along you know okay no out of all the dream music i guys can i be honest with you i don't [ __ ] with it i'm sorry road trip i know i know you were about love and when could love ever be wrong am i right dream those are minecraft youtubers we just get it [Music] it's about googie is it is it i think it was pre g pg p goggy pre up prior to goggy i'm gonna be what are we feeling for this one chat because i'll be honest with you yeah sdf compared to mask oh change my clothes okay okay we don't like him here yeah i'm gonna give this i'm go you know what i'm going to give this a solid c for okay i liked it i apologize pm barter you know did you really post a youtube video yeah i had two man it's for the who i like does anyone disagree with does anyone disagree listen not quite sure what this next song's about i like the susque mask version better well listen again again little reminder if there's any youtubers in the chat any of my discord friends please send me a message and we can hash this one out uh i know rambu has some disagreeing opinions with me also to do with the lie detector i don't you know i can't i can't believe what now it's just it's not well it's nothing for the five gifted compared to the mask remix no road trip road trip is for casuals road trip is for normies it has 80 million players on spotify if you listen to it you aren't quirky you're mainstream solid d for dick that's no no b c for c for solid colored solid colors next up we have i okay guys can i be honest with you i don't really understand this next one i do let's get on the lyric video i don't really i don't i don't get it now i love corpse he's a good man he's so good and he's you know he's a good laugh good bloke choke me like you hate me but you love me now already i'm confused choke me like you hate me but you love me wow why that is so contradictory of course i wouldn't get it what does that mean i wouldn't guys [Music] why why would you want that it would hurt cops [Music] [Music] no a freak little bad hoe [Music] among us do it corpse among us this is this is all this is awfully sis of you [Music] i swear if i die here today i don't want to stop asking cops oh my god clingy innit [ __ ] no just keep now keep the lights on go just keep your chains off the choke me song i'm gonna um it's estier you think it's astia i guys guys i'm going to listen to the high definition version of the able sisters right now that's how there we are able and maybe god save me from the pain that is the corpse husband why why i'll be honest let's let now a song about strangling someone are you homer simpson my good friend this makes no sense to me or any of the anyone on on the internet first of all it's f for frightening it it is frightening if i was in the middle of the night and corpse came around to my house with his chains on his big chain and started strangling me to death i would i would be horrified guys no f f or frightening for [ __ ] up not s for strangling it's an s3x song no i know what i need right god god knows what i need right now oh my god i i need the one thing all right guys guys i need some normal pills i let's oh my goodness um dream has got this this is what we're going to need on right now oh goodness gracious me ah that's not what it means guys i think i know what it means i don't think there's anything i wouldn't know what it meant guys this now this this is where we get oh look how comfy he is look and his hands are back there so you know he couldn't be doing anything and he's got his ipod on danny oh my god this is so this is such a class a classic wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time i do this to dream what's on my mind [Music] oh my god is there something you can ask [Music] why is it they ask is it either to do with your emotions why are you so sad oh dream is that anything to do what the point of the mask is that's what the mask oh thank you oh god this song and look his cat is there twitching oh man oh my god dream sounds weird without the sus no this is the this is the best song of all time oh just keep smiling dream when people when people point guns at you i smile at them and they say when they say stop chasing me i smile it just works oh don't compare dream don't come back the only thing you should compare yourself to is you dream because you're you you you are so dream oh what's so long sorry i zoned out you're just talking about so long it's written we don't judge your dream well i suppose we do but only good things and if it's bad things they don't don't listen but i've been places where have you been dreaming what the hell i'm is all my classes no dream you're a 20 year old man you should have been out of school by now oh you probably do need glasses if that's the case [Music] oh dream i just want to give you a hug and i want to tell you everything's going to be okay and then i want to buy your merch [Music] at least it's still smiling [Music] i oh dream it's okay keep rubbing that cat's tummy dreams let's see what happens oh okay we'll stop it oh dream i wish there was a lie detector in this street oh what have you got right here you've got your green bag your green hood do you only wear the colors can you get it oh keep wearing your smile dream oh god oh god dream you are oh yeah correct those knuckles of yours go beat the [ __ ] out of that cat off camera obviously it's just oh mate i think oh guys he has a plant up there oh he's so comfy he's so s s s undoubted s yes you know what let's move down take off your clothes let's how let's have something else up right now i'm not i'm i'm oh [Music] what are the ksi songs these days what does kill what now what does get out where where are you on the sub goal should we see how many you two you ties we've sold that's what we're doing today isn't it uh oh it doesn't tell me yet guys remy pleasant reminder give us a one in the chat if you've bought the youtubes it's up there unless you want to wait a month and a half something else could be coming out but all of them that was well i mean no no sorry no that was that's good of you thank you thank you very much thank you [Music] oh thank you holy [ __ ] i love wow there's a lot of people buying you thank you [Music] oh god oh god oh jesus oh christ i if anyone's gonna dmca this stream it's gonna be this guy sally doesn't sell to my country i'm sorry king i bought all three [ __ ] jeez cheers man one said no i understand the hustle i had to lie to get my just like you two's don't you well i didn't lie i'd stop this this next song is by uh jj olatunji uh this is his song called holiday uh it's about love and if there's one thing i can relate to it's love what do we think to this chap i'm seeing a lot of f's in the chat don't waste food you [ __ ] [Music] why did he just moan this is a this is a charting song let's do the polls at the end of the songs oh wow it's all left nevermind wow oh i like you i do like your hoodie [Music] this is serious guys you shouldn't be making a mockery of a bit ksi now why are you enough now why are you on stairs on a pool okay what i now it's good i i'm often lost in emotion that's when i say [ __ ] i'll regret you know i completely get you guys i've done some bad things you know i've upset some you know rambos [Music] why are you on the water stairs i like it [Music] he sat in a pub 10 gifted from libby thank that's you when logan paul took polaroids with me but then i didn't smush [ __ ] on his face afterwards oh yep they're old but that's so cute that's okay oh they're giggling why is rambutan every time rambu texted me same set okay rambu that's not funny that's not funny at all that's no no no they dream of all places to [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh god okay it's like how are we gonna get you out of the upside down buddy because you'll be you know you'll be stuck there making music thinking about holidays reading that sounds fun don't push him off he could die why is he with with women just hitting people in this just sorry just a ksi song [Music] okay why why why are you just stood there meandering jj yeah yeah and he did another moan oh my you just need to stop guys it's a pda [Music] oh are they all in the same pub at the end we actually have a pub but it's called the why is he grinning at them if i if i was trying to make out with a woman in the in the supermarket island ksi was stood there going i would [ __ ] run [Music] don't just let them get away with it oh this is just oh mate i'm gonna damn [Music] hello hello why is your mic not working what oh what do you want hey tommy hey will hey tommy i've just come on to your stream why are you uh well i'm currently watching ksi i'll admit it i've been watching i came onto your stream to tell people if my youtube sells out before yours i will give you back the vlog gun buy wilbur's youtube chat buy it buy it if you can what can i say man buy it buy it buy it kids go ask your parents to refund yeah every fun mine refund mine refund my charge but i don't i don't care for this i don't take it take it will wait how much how much is it to sell all of them out let me message you to use how much stock is the wilbus how many wilbur's are you selling can you make it one i will buy it all [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god i'm gonna emancipate so much right now buy it buy it buy it ignore mine chat ignore mine put mine to the side as long as i outsell dubbo yeah we do don't worry about tablets yeah yeah don't guys don't buy tables actively if you buy turbos burn it pollute is quite destructible compared to what i think will be going live shortly to promote his you're in the lead though no change that change that don't read out don't read out that sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm jo i'm overwhelmed i've made lots of money king oh thank you king i like to think i have i actually can't go live until i get the origins mod to work but it's broken so i'm going to go and try and fix that for the next hour bye i'm going to have your stuff can i ask you can i ask you that you don't constantly cross promote my youtube will if there's any of my opinions you disagree with please call me back because i'm you know i'm looking for a fight this evening okay thank you thank you bye speak soon yeah guys buy a will but but i'm gonna buy a wheelbarrow right now [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it add it to cart go to the shopping cart check out now oh contact info you don't have in mind oh sorry they cost money don't do it don't say it no don't you say oh okay let's finish this this this this this masterpiece she's touching his chest [Music] nice nice little uh he's got his finger in his nose in that thing oh he's like his oh look look how happy he is oh mate give her a good ugg ask her about her feelings then buy her diamonds oh tapping his foot on that chair good luck [Music] am i am i jj am i your holiday am i does that now [Laughter] what do you think that one was boys [Music] what do we think gracious gracious and forgiving and merciful tommy in it twitch chat she oh sorry sorry guys i didn't i didn't you know of course you are as holiday now it wasn't bad it's just when my mother lent over to me after listening to bbc radio 2 and went your buddy ksi was on the radio i have never felt closer to quitting the internet after that you should add yellow submarine by the beatles that is just not a a youtuber song wow you always hold it guys i'm gonna piss you all off i'm gonna have to give this a solid b not not for bad but for listen it wasn't it's not it's the it's not bad it's just what no hear me out i know it's always on the radio i know he he's not talking about us as his holiday but here's the thing i'm an optimistic guy ksi has been nothing but nice wait ksi has been nothing but wrong but however i that doesn't take away from his music i don't think it's that bad i'd listen to holiday i'd sing it while i was in ibiza on a mad night on a mad night out with the lads i would i would what [Music] is it because he's british well well that's not the odd one's out oh you know i might add that i might i might just add that that's a good shout out bought wilbur for the vlog gun thank you thank you all i'm saying by the way guys i don't want to reveal it you guys probably didn't even see if if you guys go and study the youtube's plug section of my new youtube video you will see i think i need to [ __ ] i forgot i absolutely forgot i uploaded you will see what my video got copyright claimed wilbur wilbur singing new york got me copyright god my will you rap bastard how did i go guys i'm going to need you to go to and i'm going to need you all to buy some youtubers right now right now tommy in it buy some wilbur ones [Music] guys i'm going to need you i'm going to need you all to go and i'm going to need you to buy some tommy knit youtubers right now [Music] are you [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] how does that count it's just will say what [Music] this is let me go now that interstate i'm gonna i'm gonna get mumbo jumbo to make a serious video about copyright claims again i'm oh mate okay all right i'm the only person that can save me now is captain sparkles is rapping here we go no no i don't want to see i don't want to see wilbur right now this is wait that's exorcism so sorry so sorry i don't i don't even want to look at wilbur right now um his voice was just that good don't know oh my god cap cap creeper [Music] thank you can we get can we get some pity subs right now can you click subscribe and prime i'll [ __ ] sing all of this at 700 700 subs away what did you expect to not be copyright claim to mid-stream please can we get some subs right now oh my god thank you for the three subs thank you oh and you found diamond time you're so hot perfect steve i just oh wow that's a lot of subs holy [ __ ] come on oh karaoke whatever song is next i'll sing i promise once once we hit it the sub goal so if you want me to if you want me to dare i do a tommy in its singing stream for a moment tonight will be your night that's right that's right channels oh no no oh my god that creep is wrong keep keep jogging steve don't know you [ __ ] idiot [Music] he just keeps going he run run until it's done that is literally how i treat ev every every time i have to i have to get a divorce i just run i just [ __ ] run don't fall over that half slab bird why does he run so so so shittily oh my god the amount of times i've been in i've been in nottingham at the late night and have been his stats but by an angry green man let me tell you man let me tell you wow well i can't believe with that one get up get up you idiot now i always thought i said walnut i thought it was a plants vs zombies reference to the walnut but it turns out it isn't it isn't just just what i'd say oh my god this is the predecessor to manhunts [Music] [Music] you ready guys in a moment the captain sparkle's gonna do some right yeah creeper emojis in the chat in a minute captain's mark is gonna do some rapping i need you all to hold you're all gonna you're all gonna get so violently overwhelmed so fast that i need you all to just [Music] what else is new so my blade's gonna [Music] [Music] the only option should be asked here look at the creepers in the chat oh my god you're creeping around chat you're you're pumped [Music] i think guys i think this might be what corpse the song is about i think he's choking him with his sword oh my [ __ ] he's choking him like he hates him but he does not look he want to date i promise you he doesn't [Music] holy [ __ ] i'm in love with that man wait no wait no i'm not oh my god oh my [ __ ] god thank you all for these these pity subs during that song guys thomas scott dude what i wouldn't do to make a video with tom scott he is so he's like he's like the badass he is like but he's like feel it phil was like i feel his badass oh my goodness please uh tom hit me up please follow me back god i'd love to make a video with you tom everybody actually no guys don't all tweet him that would be how we oh guys surely mask it no no mask is on the same tier as reverend yeah go on yeah yeah yeah yeah incredible it's a work of art it truly is how to make tom scott hate you no don't tweet something that'll be bad i just want to make a bit put revenge higher which means put it higher higher wait he can't go higher rambo it can it can go higher i know no way do you what do you want me to make an ss tia no no just yeah i'll give it a second for it just put it higher just remember it because i will go grab it if it goes no [Music] good good good good it i can't grab it now it's gone that's good you just killed rivet no we know it's there and that's all that no no it's not that when i tweet out the tier it's not there remember wait just wait just make it so that's the bottom of the g it's just it's just right there you can grab it okay okay there you go i gave you a pixel right there like yeah yeah yeah yeah don't know stop calling this this manual beloved chat he's not he's not he's a manipulator now they all know there is nothing attractive about that man and i mean that i really hope i mean that uh now oh jesus we're going back to what who i would call my best friend in the entire world the now i i'll be honest don't his last song was this my best friend logan paul uh he made a song called 2020 the wasn't i don't think it went very big for him let's hear oh it has fifty thousand dislikes let's let's hear it a year that we're living in for me no 2020 i don't like you got me thinking i'd be better off without you yeah you're toxic and like a crazy chick i hate being inside you better not have been logan paul you better not be either you better not have a discord kit oh jesus try to stay sober but turn into a bender cause i don't wanna die in the lockdown yeah i'm thanking god for these doctors and i ain't gonna lie meeting girls online got me feeling like a stalker that is rather perverted logan you're right oh get some trousers [Music] [Music] the clock was taking on climate change and you gave us tick tockers the kids need roams gave us only fans and fake knockers we wanted the bachelor you gave us pete the pilot and if trump wasn't enough you gave us the coronavirus now i got enough toilet paper to make a toilet paper bike and a toilet paper kite hell i got a toilet paper wife it's really hard to cut this bread with this toilet paper knife this year been hella shitty it's a toilet paper life we lost pop smoke and kobe and it wasn't even march yet forest fires going up just like our credit card desk david dobby stopped blogging so i stopped laughing the only okay lower lower lower now it will sit just fine there uh there i can't believe my video got a copyright claim sorry um all right uh chat next one we got another banger from our pal dreamer this time with alex benjamin the tick tocker so this song if you didn't know what this song's about audience of uh you know 16 to 13 year olds this song is about dream wanting you to take off your clothes for him he won't it's just what he this is what it's about this is what this one's about open me i'm telling you alex isn't just talking now he's brilliant alex knows what he's doing man he's [Music] [Music] guys he's right he's right [Music] message you're perfect just the way you are keep talking don't lie in bed it will get sweaty in there now he's um [Music] [Music] there can be no humiliation don't say don't say it accountability [Music] i really wanna let's just get a a more fitting video to go with this a video now initially guys i'm going to be honest with you this is looking this is looking a little d to you right a little d to you but guys so goddamn hard what is i ask myself that every night thinking god i only had 1 686 primes today oh jesus christ my life it's fault fine i guess you are my little jump come here oh no no i don't i don't even want to scream at that because there's something much more pressing [Music] guys guys currently currently it's a dta it's a dt but you ready i'm about to i'm about to it's worth it this is not a mistake [Music] [Music] oh my god oh god why why why why why george why for the love of god how is this your profession i know what i regret george that is a popular theme in your life oh you should you did you lost control in this bit how how and now why is this still up no you you god you should fail you know if i did this i would you anyone would be cancelled for watching it he was like you're so you're so baby and i'm so overwhelmed and no i don't want to change like i don't want to change my [ __ ] clothes i'm going to keep them on i want to stop getting my friends to twerk on the walls i want to i want to stop being so damn overwhelmed no [Music] no no yes obviously yes but no no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] guys i need a way guys i need a win i need one bad i'm calling uh i need to hide it away and i need one bad if rambo doesn't pick up gonna hold it until until he's here he's okay next song guys this song now i'll be honest with you all this song used to be one of the it's so good so good coming up on this program we show you how okay hey rambu what's up i need to pee i'm gonna i'm gonna play music that upsets the uh the chat while i'm here can you just cover for me yeah yeah i can do that i can do that yeah it makes sense yeah talk about really uplifting things because it will confuse you know the people okay okay we'll do we'll do we'll do thank you thank you thank you all right one minute all right sounds good escalators elevators car jacks [Music] um a man lifting something up um big old cranes giant giant cranes um [Music] stairs if you move on oh salt water that can be you if you go into it you know your your like point what else what else um i mean scrolling scrolling that can be uplift no not really um that's about it that's about it actually yeah no that's about it that's really all i've uh that's really all i've got that's that's honestly that's just really all i've got um how much longer do i got here i got about a minute oh that's cool uh you chooses are out that's not really that uplifting but like you know it happens you know nope nope he's back oh it's still on there oh you fools [Music] hello hello i'm just just kind of sitting there i'm just sad i'm just so i'm just i'm just enhanced in the law what lord the law okay the law that is life rambu uh-huh are you able to switch the c and b tears why would i do that i i know i mean like the actual like letters like yeah switch them around yeah why make it make everyone confused about the alphabet they'll look at and be like yeah but why why would i do that i'm like that split second no because it because no because people have that split second when they come into your stream and they'll just rethink what they know about the alphabet i think that would be really that would be like i don't really want to do that rambu at all oh well i mean come on it's it's funny though to have some okay think about it think about it how many viewers you have one person is going to come in and actually think that c comes before b in the alphabet you've already got all these people thinking that s comes before a i mean i don't really know i mean i'm just saying it works just have two c's okay you know what that works that works too because then you'll also just have a bunch of people coming in saying now are there really two c's in the alphabet okay that you're an idiot rambu i'm gonna go back to you know ranking music sounds good thank you what did he talk about was it cringe by the way boys can i get a clap in the chat we've sold ten thousand units so far uh if you want to get some go to that is you youtube you guys you know how to spell you jesus christ uh and please get your get yourself wrong holy [ __ ] i'm just looking i'm just looking oh [ __ ] man yeah that's [ __ ] park all right boys how to get connected find out now now i always get dude how cool would it have been if he did the lyrics in a twitch chat email that's fine that i i just oh [Music] the problem is this has like a hundred million players chad which means when i go out you know [Music] but this bit though come on i'm in your twitch chat yeah i made that [ __ ] cool one oh my god he's just a doormat [Music] he's got social skills that doesn't mean i can't pay the bills there's any way make them why do i drink water like that what do you mean [Music] your new boyfriend's an [ __ ] [ __ ] draw come on what do i do [Music] i don't drink water no mods what taxes no no no wrong listen this is a classic but is it a classic no you have no jared of course i'll bet [Music] what he looks like i've never thought about what a man looks like nude ever living the dream living the dream oh she's living the dream from back when we were 17. no because i'm 17 right now and i have no dreams with any girls i just grind i'm just on the grind ever since i've realized jumping the cadillac exists i've been on the grind it's not worth my time i'm a tick tocker the only girl for me is charlie and she ignores me i like a challenge she has a disney show i will get one that is better than hers it's true i might dream he's in your bed and i'm in your twitch chat stop talking okay even though he's got social skills doesn't mean i can't pay the bills [Music] ass all right we've heard it we need to hear guys guys guys i'm not having a why what what it what your new boyfriend is a it's a solid a but guys what if i told you all that there was another wilbur song that was no it's not bullet nothing god god knows nothing's blurred games like what if what if i showed you that there was another wilbur song that was considerably [Music] guys guys and i and i and i and i mean [ __ ] one minecraft hd back when the trees would never decay oh sugarcane widow this is our boy this is wilber you might not have seen this it's actually him did you not know about this oh now you do now you do and please never forget [Music] and suddenly around the world everyone got excited [Music] [Music] fact smaller i like to think i have a rather gumptious brain when i started to play who the [ __ ] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are completely useless just be glad it's them not wolves spare a thought for the squids when you build your waterfalls you drown wait who is that [Music] oh my god the potent scene is oh wow nevermind he brought it back he brought it back the squids know there's someone there who loves them i love the squids i've always been a squid man i know of squids he likes anything anything anything that swims and he can get with ocean i give it a 10 gifted stephanie what some squids congregate on the sea floor what what's concrete concrete the minecrafter comes down to see them they immediately expect the worst to come huh even back then he was thinking about come on back a child it's you tommy let me [Music] it's when [Music] that sounds hard guys guys i have had a complete change in mindset i have but [Music] oh hey hi hey hey um hey uh so i saw you you listened to my squid song huh oh yeah yeah i just watched the stream oh no oh i like i liked it hey tommy yeah you bro i used to work with a lot called jay schlatt yeah oh i think it's give me deja vu this this whole stream you're doing it's like he's done two of them yeah it looks like he's done two of them here hold on if i just go on youtube real quick hold on [Music] oh wait was he listening to it at 1827 1830 listens to my son tommy is there something you want to tell everyone [Music] he told me it will hmm i am what what i'm not angry i'm just disappointed i will i've i'm i'm sorry i've got to play minecraft with filzer phil's was calling me i need to play minecraft with him get better do better all right i'm telling slap no don't tell no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no guys let's play my least favorite music disc stall you just said hi why is that oh my best moments this was the guy's trouble best moments the best one spoiler alert spoiler alert guys spoiler alert spoiler alert it's all of them it's all of love wait why why can't i not i like the it's all of them am i right around my right guys guys the guy uh plagiarism is an interesting term that people tend to throw around on the internet personally i've never done it myself never you know i [ __ ] okay okay let's just okay let's just finish while he's not here let's just turbo up next oh mate oh guys think about the wholesomeness that is that is that is that is tubbo look at it guys can i get all lower case in the chat we're going to purge in the chat we're all good i'm going to do a little look into my eyes say we are not copying we are being we are joining twit that's what ludwig said we are evolving yummy thank you for the 50 gifted let's get an evolved smile in the chat like a pokemon that's not copying that oh oh turbo um thank you if i'm gonna be honest don't be honest again okay whenever i play a song on spotify immediately after this song plays and i i don't know why it won't leave my suggested but it it won't so i've i oh a whole new realm of knowledge down the forest are you a simple gatherer look i'm a simple gatherer among a world of hunters are you on the trending tab are you checking analytics again i need to yeah i get it's almost like we're in the same position oh wow you're complaining again did you crash the very [Music] and i mean a lot of money a fair amount in debt to turbo uh and i bought him this skateboard and carried it around brighton and tricked him into thinking that took him out my debt so i'm feeling this is my skateboard i bought i carried this around brighton this one he's got his little grubby paws on screen my ears off you mightn't believe it a lot [Music] we all need to take a break [Music] dude i remember i remember toby showing me this in his kitchen but in our kitchen after recording the first vlog honestly this this is one of the ones i might i'll drop it man this one's so good this is when you stop pointing at the desktop that's you know people do that people really do that but it's so mine i'm just trying to keep my life afloat but never quite coping i feel the heat beneath my call up whenever i'm [Music] i'm [Music] you know what next we've got blitz oh [ __ ] i oh my god oh my god oh my god s t u s t u you you think tumbo song is up there with take off my clothes my dream okay okay chat hey tier 8 is plenty fine thank you very much now this this is the this song is better than you know our pictures paint a thousand words a song well it says a limited amount of words but it it oh god pre-crown techno oh go chew getting bored of walls too i should find a new mini game october oh 2013 saw the game man oh my god the [ __ ] is this so man wrong just feels wrong but i guess play a game oh mate by the way just so you all know we're 300 subs away from the full sing-along but we're almost done on this tier list so if you want if you want us to click subscribe and prime right now the big [ __ ] prime button is right there if you want us to but i don't know i'm not sure we're gonna we're 300 subs off horse tamers every game dominating winter all day long everybody this is such an ambitious because it is so damn strong but hey i can't survive get better now until then live teams attackers everywhere but nobody plays blitz 2b so i'll keep on playing and get forest my horse is fast but stupid and i will call it breeze talk to the colleges this is it it's oh and you're the king trying to earn some coins that horse doesn't you know you really didn't match that with minecraft got a long list of level sevens now i level get 5 games keep getting rogue in death match that's just the game the best bit's the wrap at the end don't don't worry guys it's coming hi pixel gets new host i will miss you dirty ping now it's on the east coast though i only want one thing to get the youtube rank what the [ __ ] it's a gumptious f what does gumptious mean and why have i said it so much screaming crying what does having a gumptious means we nerf their kids why i've been saying this word but i don't know what toxic is next having gumption gumptious let's make it gumptious containing gum dude i'll make you know just what do you think he's going to start he doesn't people without detection because of my five bar but it was how old was i when this came out dude i would have been i would have been people how long would i have been in 2015. i'd still make one 2012 i was in yeah [Music] i don't think i legally would have been about to stream when this came out fills this is the rap bit this is where no this is where we all get up start shaking our hips so many teams the forums explode so re-release and update team mode that was my last move and i leave the elite team people ask me why but really i must follow mine eminem is just it's just shut his toilet so bad my whole nine month regime my god my god change my clothes you don't you know but then it seems so that was you've gone down it's been over a year oh nowadays there's nothing ah lots of diamond gear there's five scouts it's getting quite insane i keep getting janitored but that's just the game can i be honest with you well you know a round of applause for techno everyone well i think we're all so let's just not even look at minnie minter it just it would no we go to one viewer no no no no no no pardon me now this is i believe our last uh confusing last song you ready everyone i only found this a little while ago and it's very weird but i think i'm a fan why is it in through you know what fine big hench land with oh my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it good though i'm in the holy land right now can you come here quick yeah this is [Music] [Music] you know what guys you know what it wasn't terrible for an improvised song about lice [Music] i'm gonna go better than ksi better than ksi so let's review the list let's review the list [Music] no we can't no okay i get it i get it j schlot i get at the bottom we have the choke me song that still confuses me to this moment logan paul saying complaining as he often does your new boyfriend he just uh he just get it's too in my face chain take off your clothes the trip [Music] yeah you know what he's not terrible lice life by the sea solid choke me as a bad guys no it's about it's far above my understanding and i you know what boys i think i'm happy to call that it i'm gonna i'm gonna tweet out that link that [ __ ] thing in a minute let's do a bit of an outro then let's [ __ ] i'll probably go hang on will stream for a bit because i know i know you little [ __ ] [Music] well i'll probably go hang out and we'll stream and play some origins boys thank you all very much for watching that was a lovely little stream hello vod viewers if you're watching this give us a like what do you think about this more just chatting stream vlog viewers vlog viewers give us a little what you want us to stream at the moment because i'm kind of just hanging out i've got lots of like videos i want to make i'm really excited about doing ridiculous things but you know for my stream i'm excited to get on the origins more and do stuff like that please do tune in to the streams uh and i'm really really i'm dude i really appreciate you i don't know why i just suddenly directed the mod viewers anyway live stream uh boys thank you all so much for watching again again if you want to get this youtube's uh you absolutely can it's it's really really cool i believe dude we've already sold loads so that's that's crazy thank you all so much being able to like make [ __ ] like that i remember i had months where i dreamed about having my own youtubes so to have [ __ ] two right now it is really really cool uh and a little little public service announcements for you all uh if you if you know if maybe the youtube hasn't thought about maybe once with the where wasn't the where [Music] i would just pay some money before christmas you know maybe put 30 books to the side i don't know maybe i'm hitting or something maybe i'm not maybe it's the coolest thing ever maybe it's a thing you've been asking for for months and months and months on end maybe you should probably re-watch the intro a couple times of the you laugh you lose see if you spin anyway boys you'll see about it soon i'm not saying anything i would just say save 30 quid before christmas mid-november boys you want it then uh thank you all so much for watching i'm gonna host will cause we have an agreement where i have to rate him otherwise it breaks out terms thank you all so much so much for watching that was really really lovely that was really fun uh i quite like doing those dreams um obviously that's all taking the mickey but thank you all very very much um god british in it taking the mickey thank you all uh i'm gonna go raid will now go watch him and i'll see you all later yeah boys thank you have a good evening everyone all right i'll catch you all later yeah have a good night everyone go watch will alright good night [Music]
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,390,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, dream smp, tommyinnit dream smp, tier list, youtuber tier list, youtube songs, wilbur soot, dream, dream music, mask, roadtrip, ksi, corpse husband, logan paul, mask sus remix, tommyinnit reacts to, technoblade, wilbur music, ksi music, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, tommyvods music tierlist, tommyvods youtuber song tier list
Id: Dmz3rgxUeo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 25sec (4465 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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