TommyInnit Is Exiled From The Dream SMP...

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there's no time for spoilers no no time for anything you've read the title today i got exiled from the dream smp if you've watched any of the vods or care about the dream smp server stuff then i'd advise watching this vlog if you're enjoying you've seen any of the tommy knit channel stuff then please subscribe it really really helps out and it's completely free enjoy the vod am i in hell am i in hell as lucifer consume my soul who did this who did this everyone i'm gonna oh it's the world's shittiest block oh my god it's like americans in block four my oh guys tonight might be my last night my last cry let's get all my [ __ ] on me right because if i'm going i don't want to be losing it let's have this probably have come i'm spelled wrong um keep the disc there i don't know anything what would we need what would we need just [ __ ] man just we have to go meet up uh with them but if i'm honest with you guys i don't want to go [ __ ] all right welcome everyone back to the stream let's walk the path for one last no no no no no no no no i am i we did not get this far having a pessimistic one last time mindset absolutely not let's walk the path let's get some primes and then let's find our friends also let's get some food or else i'll starve to death listen to me all right everyone i know what there are about five minutes if that before dream logs on we need to go and find turbo and and and the cabinet because ultimately it's down to president tubo and i don't i don't know i don't think he should be the president but ultimately it's down to him so it's our job to go and say to plead i suppose kill them no no we never you know we wouldn't let's walk hey you know what let's just get some primes subscribe and prime boys if we're here sorry about that i'm just a shot awesome dude ready [ __ ] man i'm done with my canonical coke [ __ ] poll says you're getting exiled the poll doesn't the poll was just merely to see what the viewers think it ultimately no matter what it's down for turbo dylan panda thank you for the tier three stuff holy [ __ ] i can't believe my house that's [ __ ] that's what i like i i'll be honest with you before we go in there because i know it's going to be harder to be honest i just don't want to go that's why and listen we didn't get this far being a being a big puss we got this far fighting all right we'll die fighting everyone work till we're dead like a like a nun yeah what the [ __ ] all right where no one actually replied when i said where are you guys guys i have i have something i need to say to them wherever they are hello wherever they are where is everyone why am i alone i don't like being alone about some of the people better where is everywhere where is everyone oh especially with no animal crossing music i don't like being alone guys guys where is he does he know where i am all right let's go speak to them i i have i know what i need to say to them because i think as long as turbo's not set in his mind i think i think i have something to say something that might go a long way where are you guys why didn't you reply to me from your house i'll walk towards you i'll i'll meet you halfway all right me in the middle meet in the middle so how are you guys any well i mean what do you mean how are we this is what the hell is going to happen tommy yeah yeah what do you make out of all this we're in a difficult spot right now oh really why yeah what do you mean why you just started well i'm just being friendly we just don't play dumb what the [ __ ] tommy tommy uh i gotta keep you up to date with a little bit of uh lore george was he thrown ered is king again really yup bye who why who who that's the power to be drunk holy [ __ ] apparently holy [ __ ] you look good thank you tommy thank you you're welcome uh nice you know dream yeah yeah thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah all right so fellas um okay i i know you should probably lead this to since ultimately i i i i believe sorry for my story i believe dream is getting on in about five minutes or so uh i don't know okay all right so just to recall too let's go inside let's go let's just recall to everyone you have the choice now to to stab me in the back or choose leman berg tubo and it is ultimately just down to you mm-hmm um tell me yes i really don't want to have to okay well don't then you don't have to what i've been thinking recently is that i've and i had a big argument with dream about this last night we cannot keep letting him pull the strings he's involving himself in just about every aspect of this entire goddamn server honestly quite frankly the fact that we went on with the probation thinking back now that's we're just negotiating with him at this point he's right okay so i have styled tommy and and what well he's just another big [ __ ] you're just another big [ __ ] exactly yeah it's i can't get afraid of math listen to me listen to me yeah please um please gentlemen but what the [ __ ] is your neck broken or something no he's just nodding he's agreeing he's nodding smaller all right okay so what's up what's the plan what's the plan what's the plan boys what's going to happen when tubbo did you don't tell 466 000 votes recorded in 48 hours the winner with fifty six point two percent of the popular vote converted to exile you tommy and the latter with forty three point eight percent better to not exile you yeah so if we're going on what the people want they don't think that you're best for the nation they think that you're possibly a liability okay let's figure it okay well that's just the people what do people know these days all right you know listen listen okay please i you know what you know sorry you know what big you said about about being pushed around i think he's right i think and i've and this is what i've been needing this is why i made an effort for us all to get on before dream sorry i was like by the way i was having a poo this is why i made an effort for us all to get on before dream it's because i need i need to say this final piece i we didn't get this far we didn't start leman berg which originally we made from freedom from dream by [ __ ] listening to him all right we didn't by bending to his will now is not the time when we stop this all right here's what i think here's what i think you should do to vote and and it's your call because you are the president but here's what i think you should do i think we make a stand i think tonight i suggest i don't think tonight big bcu tonight's the night of war we die no no listen to me listen to me okay every single time we've stood against him all right every single time now it we haven't stood against him we've been pushed around even with me i had to give him my discs to make la manberg there is only one dream and do you want to know something what and i know this is gonna you're gonna be you're gonna be hesitant to this but i i reckon we get the blade tommy we can't get listen to me listen to me listen no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hear me out dream if he takes down this he takes down every other government other than the dream s p by dream throttling with plans making george the king then then kicking out george then putting error in then no one's the king it's dream dream is the overhead government dream is big brother tenor blade what does he hate he hates government if if dream wins this now wish he will he will if you exile me you're giving him what he wants and then you have nothing against him he knows now history you know now you know if you do that dream knows there is no reason why he can't demolish the lamborghini if dream demolishes la manberg he makes the biggest government of all time he'll be [ __ ] but the platform we're streaming on his amazon so he can't uh he'll be steam he will have the monopoly of this entire server and all he has to do the click of his thing is he makes the government we're [ __ ] all right we're absolutely [ __ ] so if you exile me now all of you that's what we'll do so what i say now what tonight what do you know what do you think you know what [ __ ] the exile tommy i've had it i've had it up to here with that [ __ ] green guy just going into every single [ __ ] area of this goddamn shoulder pulling the goddamn strings i'm [ __ ] tired why are we appeasing to him yeah we're connecting to the guy who's not even part of le mannberg [ __ ] the exile i [ __ ] agree with the exile man here's what we [ __ ] do here's what we [ __ ] do okay there is one of him listen to me listen to me here's what we [ __ ] do tonight is the night of war [ __ ] exile we fight there are more of us than dream all right we have awesome dude we have technoblade we have rambu we have all of us all we need to do is kill him i really think tonight is the [ __ ] night i know what it is if we agree to let dream you know take the upper hand he can within you know one snap take everything over we use we we're not teaming with technoblade all right we're using him because ultimately he doesn't have to team with us he doesn't have to agree with anything we say okay but think about it we have a common enemy we can't government i get the enemy of the enemy as your friend and all that but what happens after dream's gone i go back into power blade hates the reason he [ __ ] over the member when he won is because of government all right if dream has the power to make this huge huge government that is tenor blade's worst nightmare so we can tell him now we can get him on our side and i know i know he's [ __ ] us in the past but if we get it's not about who's with him but please listen to me okay i'm listening tonight is the night of war we fight now we don't stand down yeah we win this fight that technoblade's gonna want rid of not just dreams government but every government so he won't have the power to do then we just backstab technology if we can take down dream i think we could tenor blade will fight for us because if technically right now he hates us we hate him but if he hears word of the government all we need to do is go and fight him right and listen we don't only fight dream if we no we don't fight tennerblade we leave him we all what he doesn't want is a huge government all right he can stand with a little one he having two different ones he can go back to where he is now in retirement if he gets word of a [ __ ] mega government dude i'm telling you here's my only thought when i was sworn into office by wilbur in my in my speech i i i went on about peace i wan i went on about how i didn't want there to be any more conflict how i was fed up with all of this and this is inherently it appears to me a bad idea but i can see i trust big q and fundy's better judgment so i'm not you there is a there is a [ __ ] huge obsidian wall around our home we have to fight for peace now this isn't we don't negotiate this tommy if we side with techno just know i i am willing i'm willing to go with this plan because [ __ ] the exile man i can't we can't let dream keep doing this okay so i'm all for it but just know that me personally after after this war if let's say we we come out victorious i am not going to forgive techno for what he did neither will i play it's about disagreeing with the dream it's about taking that green bastard down [ __ ] it [ __ ] it listen to me tonight is the night bucket tonight's war night all right i have [ __ ] netherright armor i have swords so do you we are in a position now today i have another idea remember all the [ __ ] technoblades he's been away for weeks now we go to him he gives a [ __ ] we fight tonight tonight is war night boys all right let's [ __ ] do it i'm telling you we haven't and we will win this server with war we have it tonight yeah we have it tonight yeah thank you you cannot keep you cannot keep doing this with dream you cannot keep bending down and just and just and just taking everything that he's doing to the [ __ ] server do you realize do you realize what's going on with [ __ ] lemanberg right now he has it in fact why are you thinking give me a second please okay here's all i'm thinking last time we did this we thought we had the upper hand with spirit we think we have the upper hand now he always has something up his sleeve always and we just need to be if we are going through this we have to be prepared for every possibility we're not we're not like sealing any deals okay so if we're doing this we're doing it we're considering every outcome okay the loss we're considering he has something up his sleeve we're considering generally what we want out of this as well right tecno will fight with us all right we can do this i i know that there are there is a side we can lost but we didn't we didn't get this far we didn't start leman berg we didn't when eric betrayed us we didn't give up there when we lost all these wars we didn't just give up all right we fought fellas fellas and not just not just techno not just techno tell me who this dream have who does dream actually have we can get the bad lines we can get we can get awesome oh wait [ __ ] the badlands halo no one wants an omega government which dream will will we'll make it will be tonight is the night of war okay you can do it what do you think about it right so so when we go in there turbo what are you going to say to dream we're going to make a stand and i think i think this is important listen to me please my last i promise to put the discs to the side i promise to fight for them i promise to vote i know put them to the side one last time is all i ask i know i [ __ ] up i know i think we'll be done all right i know i [ __ ] up but tonight i put the discs to the side all right i i'm i'm sorry i i've been i've been a little bit selfish but i put them to the side tonight and we stand for the man berg then we get him back then we do that but tonight we do war we [ __ ] him up okay and we saved the man bug okay all right no more no more i'm starting down to that [ __ ] guy no more okay no we need a plan we need a plan that we literally have no plan okay no here's what we had to dream now because he's on now he's going to start the operation to [ __ ] tear down the man but we need to go tell him we're not exiling me then we go we we ring technoblade we get ghostburg we get or sam do think of that guy with all their potions we everyone because no one wants a mass government other than dream something up and maybe puns will help him all right he's got two people it doesn't matter if they're in full nether right we [ __ ] respawn we kill him all right and then we [ __ ] respect we [ __ ] respawn this is what we do respawn and [ __ ] i'm telling you okay tonight's the night of war who's with us boys yeah we got a war all right all right do we actually okay okay now question for you does anyone have gapples ender pearls before because i'm just my only worries that dream's gonna strike when you tell him um we're not yeah let's distribute this dream might strike us when we tell him you're you're not silent does anyone have anything we can get initial resources from rambo okay well as long as we can get out of there after you've told him you just have to let him know so then then we can go and convince him about technology let's start walking boys let's start [ __ ] walking all right yeah i just want to let the record show okay inherently i'm not sure this is the best idea but taboo taboo it's either it's either die with honor or live under under the ruling of a man who doesn't even respect us and believe me all he has to do is click his fingers and you're all under his government after this you get rid of me you've shown him she's just another one of dream's many [ __ ] um i'd rather die with honor than let that guy keep bossing us around quite frankly let's just not rush into this let's stand here listen we go in we go in we let dream know we're not doing it then we get out and we meet techno because tecno's not going to believe us unless we've proved that right war is afloat all right we've declared war we've declared it won't give a [ __ ] he won't side with us unless we threaten the fact that all he has to do is make a mega government and then we're [ __ ] i'll i'll get into it okay does anyone have gap okay does anyone have an arrow does anyone have arrows or anything because they only got one okay wait wait wait wait wait wait i got you what i'm saying is we just need to prepare because i can imagine dream just [ __ ] stripe thank you oh wait actually wait how's infinity it has infinity oh brilliant thank you all i'm saying is i can imagine dream [ __ ] trying to strike us when he says this so get out yeah especially with i'm not sure we can afford to die anymore so yeah yeah we actually can't what are we gonna do all we gotta do is initially make sure that techno is aware that that we're not lying to him yeah yeah yeah tommy you you can who's going to talk to techno hold on who's going to talk to sacramento and anyone you also um definitely not me he will i will i will he i was the closest we did pucktopia together okay i'll i'll meet up with the badlands but all i'm saying is well i'll talk to everyone all right stay strong fellas because when we get in a call with dream you know we'll start swearing catching us off guard saying saying creepy things to goggy i mean if anyone feels like listen bro i've promised to mature tonight for turbo right i've i've [ __ ] you over too many times man i respect that i'm sorry apology accepted here we do this all right fellas hey we [ __ ] do this if you're calm about you take the lead man you're the president remember as soon as soon as this goes through okay oh it's that sonic guy oh my god no he's trying to distract us so keep walking keep walking there he is there he is oh there he is on top of the wall he's a notch apple too okay okay well as long as we run we don't we don't have to fight now we need yeah remember how many things tesla had he's been gone for so long now he'll have even more things all right okay everyone knows what their position is after we talk to him right okay yeah okay tommy you go to talk to techno uh fondy you fall funny and tall maybe you guys can follow me meet up with the badlands and um yeah yeah it's happening up in george oh that okay right right all right we go in i can do this all right so i can do this okay you gotta go up there we gotta we gotta go up we're going to lemanberg and you know what [ __ ] it maybe we even take off our armor i'm not gonna disrespect the man bug now are we gonna understand how the hell am i gonna go don't worry don't worry we're gonna make our [ __ ] stuff tonight is the night of war everybody let's [ __ ] do this okay look i've made some little blocks thank you gentlemen thank you you know what territory this is thank you for not it is the law just seriously i just didn't want to go you got your back tommy all right [ __ ] this [ __ ] this [ __ ] this exile thing we're gonna do this all right here we go we have come to a a decision dream you're a [ __ ] and you're ugly tommy sorry i just i i mean i had to let a little bit out okay okay yeah a little bit hey dream what are you thinking right now are your thoughts what are you doing you thinking about goggy or maybe girls or urine something gross probably tommy someone everyone i'm quite hating myself hey man i didn't say that quiet you know what i would say i'm just saying just just talk to him yep dream do you have any final final thoughts um no i just i guess i just want to hear what your decision was where you guys came to will you you know i've calmed down a little bit over the last uh last couple days that i had to sit and think about you know what happened what tommy what tommy did what tommy threatened me and i've i've calmed down a little bit so i i guess i just want to hear what your decision is okay well i'm about to say something you seem very calm oh i'm very calm really yes okay look around oh there's giant obsidian walls there is there is dream and that that's that that is a that is a problem okay for too long dreamweaver hello yeah i trust you i trust you know you're the best leader that le mans ever had i trust that you you know you've always made the best decision for leman berg as a you know a gracious leader and i trust that whatever decision you came to was the best one for le mansburg hmm yeah you know you know this is funny actually his i'm sorry tommy i'm sorry actually it's funny dream you tommy i am i am so so sorry sorry dream i've come to the decision that'll be best for the nation the most logical thing to do for tommy to be exiled from la mambo what what teaming with technoblade what is an awful idea it's unawful we just had this conversation no no okay it's awesome what are you doing taboo law is not the best for this nation nothing involving any kind of conflict is the best for this nation okay you guys are thinking emotionally irrationally you need to think logically there's more than just us for that live here okay war is gonna bring destruction terror okay a new regime that we don't want to enforce upon our citizens turbo tub we agreed on this just agreed on this in conversation what are you doing we just agreed on what are you doing what you didn't even know about what the [ __ ] be quiet you've undermined my authority from the get-go okay all of you no one here has respected me you will jump on these merry little bandwagons of of destruction it's not it's not okay and it you you definitely do not have the best interest for this nation at heart and you have made that more apparent than ever before today you agreed with us you agreed that this is what why would you go back to the place like why would you go back on the plan now what the hell when i was calling i made a promise to do what was best for the nation and right now tommy you your presence here is not the best for this nation no man that's not right you agreed with us back me up if i he agreed no he did he did tumble what are you doing man what are you doing why why we lit no okay all of a sudden around the music disc we can't sacrifice everything for them but from the beginning before the man but you know this is alan berg this is everything but before everything the disc still though what about the discs this is just music discs you know what this looks like they shouldn't be able to dictate the future of an entire nation turbo you know what this looks like what we agreed on something and you last minute just call everything off going for your own benefit you know what this looks like taboo what does this look like fondy you're acting like schlatt i'm i'm you're actually you're actually acting like schlatt right now this is what he would do that's exactly what schlatt would do this is what he would do what he would do and take it from me i was i was his right-hand man for the longest time was a vice president that's the exact [ __ ] he will pull tubbo this is what dream wants why why why would why the vote it's not the way it's not the way it's not the right way what is the how is this the right way explain it right how is that how are the discs running this has been the thing from the beginning don't matter tommy how could you not see that they don't matter why what well if they don't matter if they don't matter if you have no attachment to things if you don't if nothing matters then then why does any of any of this matter at all dream please detain and escort tommy out of my country are you what what are you doing let's go tell me you're here by exiled are you ins are you are you kidding me this is happening kidding me suppose it's how it has to be tell me you're a liability you're my friend i don't think you want to die tommy you need to listen to me tommy i'm i don't know what to say i'm sorry i will do i have any time to speak words what can what the no no no tommy this wasn't in the plan not in a place don't tell me what off the path do you have food yeah we're going to be going a long while so am i not allowed well surely i'm at the i'm only exiled from the man berg you're exiled from everywhere that's been touched you need do you need food no no i'm okay here let's grab these beds grab a bed let's go i'm following this uh is uh i don't i'm i'm following i don't say it's a there's a i don't know is he coming i don't know call them hi guys how's it going hello hi uh we have a long journey ahead of us you have food yeah i've got food i i don't really eat much though where are we going um where are we going the ego train wherever the river takes us is the vote for you guys can get in the same boat i don't have to come with you my arms over tommy my arms aren't very strong you're gonna have to row okay what the [ __ ] follow me what happened why why are we leaving why are we going down the road hello connor there you go um oh bye connor oh we're gonna have to get out of our boat i don't know what the i don't have to follow you i don't tell me they're not then i'll just kill you what happens if i kill you i die yeah doing there you can't do this you can't do this you want to do you want to head to east or do you want to head north or what's your what's your thoughts oh no i don't want to head anywhere i want to go back i want to go back this way it's fine this is fine i don't want to go tommy come on so we can come back later do you remember this is actually funny do you remember you remember the first time you ever joined the server and um you got exiled by me yeah it's kind of like that except for now if you don't listen you die oh i hate you you're okay tommy you don't hate me no no i definitely do no you don't hate me this is my house i was gonna where me and me and turbo were gonna make it a new little area that says it's connor's house oh he kind of just steals things he's americans what i don't think this man is very nice he's [ __ ] not he's a band i gave him my blue i'm nice wilbur well but you don't you don't i gave you my blue i i have it look i'll hold it in my in my hand do we even get primes walking this way what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i don't like this no take me back this doesn't feel like a prime path it's not a prime path but prime field prime field think it tell me think about that nice thing about every step we take away from the mamburg is just more primes on the way back careful oh my god i need to [ __ ] wear armor well then there's no way back at least we've gotta get back okay why not what's happening there's not this is um he tommy's going on a vacation oh that's nice why when do i look across when am i how long is how long am i exiled for when can i just go back you can't well tell me what the [ __ ] what is right you're green oh my god i bet you spend all your days [ __ ] urinating in public you absolute [ __ ] life if you go back you die oh there's another ocean this is perfect so i'm gone what about well i mean technically it's no different out here than it is back there i'm i'll be all on my own there's no tubbo on this side there's i said to turbo you're my friend and he didn't i only just got there when you were being thrown out what did you do tommy how did you get thrown out well he did he did quite a few things so you're saying i am the bad guy while we're back he threatened me that's why he's that's actually partly why this happened tommy is this to do with how to sex too oh god at least that book's still going to be in the man bug what's turbo doing then um he didn't even he didn't even he turned on us have i just been betrayed oh he's the president tommy you need to listen to the president you know you you never listen oh i'm usually right i'm always right so i'm just always right well that's oh yeah it's pissing it down out here i don't know maybe maybe you'll realize maybe you'll realize maybe when we're when you're when you're out here how how long do we have to go well when is it when am i how long i thought i was only banished from the handbook that was the deal not the entirety of the smp oh you're you're banished far enough where well let's get back to you let's go on this island over here yeah that looks fun this looks like a good holiday so you want to go really right or do you want to go i don't i want to go back right here this is nice let's live here this is a nice holiday sports dolphins i like this this little you've left me in the pouring rain somebody said he wasn't thinking but what the [ __ ] is the point if there isn't any any emotion tommy think of how good good of a plane spawn this is for a thumbnail oh i don't want views right now i want that's not true um it's almost uh here let me kill the other question oh wow behind you oh god there's like many of them get pewd technology is talking to me should i say that out loud what don't speak to that man um tenta blade is not talking to me well at least we still got our things did you bring any good [ __ ] guys no i have something for you one second well i've still got all my things [ __ ] i'm gonna take him but give me a minute tommy am i in shock tommy don't tell dream but i got this why would i want that we're gonna be okay we're not gonna be [ __ ] okay use your bed go ahead and sleep in there i don't but if i set my spawn no kill me right now just kill me right now no you can't kill me all right tommy um give me all your things no i have all my things my seeds here's my gum powder no don't don't give him all your things flowers here's my they're all my things i'm not gonna give you all my things this is my 29 trap doors here's my sea lanterns here's my fishing rod and here's my picture of alex quackety that's all no they're my things drop them down oh wow or i will kill you fully kill me yes well i i don't care is that all of them yeah oh you don't want to die is there oh it's raining it's not going to set it off i can do it yeah no no no no no no why would you i was hoping surely some of it oh okay okay okay be careful here you're gonna have this rover yeah hey take it no you need it you need it okay i'll give it to you that's you can you can have it you guys can share it a little bit it's you're not in the rain fulbright's the right idea um i melt if i'm in the rain too long like a candle you know i have i guess i have this you might as well have it i don't need it anymore so you can have it i don't want your pity [ __ ] things no you can have it i don't want your pity things pass that to me pass that to me will where you can keep it you can keep it right thank you um yeah all right well uh i'll see you never bye bye dream bye i'll see you i'll probably see you at some point yeah yeah this is going to be fun we're going to have a good time all right all right bye nice nice nice robbing you he just robbed us tommy i think we just got robbed a bit of a rocky start to our vacation it's a bit of a rocky start to our vacation tommy but it's gonna be it's gonna be fine look look at this i think we write an itinerary i don't know what that means let me get some wood tommy i've got something to tell you you know they blew up all our stuff yes oh i've still got my tools have the shovel have the shovel please calm yourself hey pass me the cobbles it pass me the obsidian i i i kind of want that but no no blue it's we don't want any of his what the [ __ ] where's tubbo he's the president of lumamberg he's probably in the mambo i see a ruined portal over there i don't want to run i don't want to use any of dreams ghost but i don't want to use any of dreams pity [ __ ] tools did they sing that sing the speedrun song i'm not in the mood i'm not in the mood i'm drawn how does it go stop it what the [ __ ] is that how it goes wait for me remind me why are you sprinting i don't sprint why don't you sprint there's a village over here oh it's the it's the locals hello we're vacationing here are there any there's some pants and a clock and some horse armor and some glittering melons what the [ __ ] oh do you want some gold pants have we got two pairs no i don't take them please she can't wear metal i can't okay fine well we'll both play pants piss pants the piss pants oh wow i had a yellow adidas track suit oh that's what that was like i've heard yes you can't have sex you're a ghost i see hey over there i don't pass me the obsidian pass with the obsidian i kind of want to keep no no ghost pass with the obsidian please i like the obsidian i was gonna use it for building our house no no i don't want pass me the obsidian holiday home please go barcelona ghost ghost i need i need i don't want any of his things i don't want any of them i don't want any of dreams things i want to pass me it please okay why do you want it we're not taking any of his pity [ __ ] okay that might be a good idea as well um what tommy are you thinking what i'm thinking where are we lads on tour lads on total what does that mean that's on tour tommy it's lads on tour hello oh hello it's lads on tour tommy we're lads and we're on tour that's what we're called lot i don't want to be in the lot we're on the lads we're on the tour tommy oh it's going to be fun i'm getting some i have to mine a tree wilbur wilbur she sounded like you an auto tuner what the [ __ ] lots of hashtag lads on tour i do not want to be on tour right now get it trending get it trending lads what's tubbo doing then what's tumbo doing he's he's he's running i'm processing i am he's he's he's are you on correct are you on heroin no i'm i'm i'm not on either of those things what the [ __ ] wait how far out 2 000 blogs away i'll it's fine something i'll bring my plane over here tomorrow i'll bring my plane out here we can we can put it in a hangar somewhere let me build a house you know a thousand blocks away you know i built the um i built the uh the entirety of le mansburg pretty much you know that yeah with my dead hands and you know what let's do it again i'm going to make us a little little country out here all right it's going to be really fun it's going to be really fun it's going to be a really good time tommy how is this real this [ __ ] oh my god i never should have burned down george's oh no i don't regret anything wait you burnt down george's house a little bit that's probably why they don't like you well well do i actually make things now no this i've got wood ghosper ghost but listen to me i've got wood i don't think you quite understand the gravity of that sentence okay because it's two feet apart from now on let's build let's build tommy i saw some food down there oh ghostbusters yeah why you're wilba right you know you remember big old dubs before he died well i i'd say i'm very i need to ask you something what can i do for you sonny jim that was weird why'd you keep calling me weird i why what can i help why did you make tubbo the president i i didn't that was wilber that was a lifeboat think think man why why did you make why i don't would you want me to pretend to be alive but i don't i want you you think why i don't know did you do this on purpose no i don't i don't want to make anyone upset i just i look i found some clay tommy told me you have that shovel i gave you right you can use the shovel and we can get the clay tommy what do we do now we get the clay hello hello sam well be your mic's going all glitchy sam we're on tour that's on tour sam doesn't want to talk to us and that's okay hey tommy yeah are you thinking what i'm thinking tommy what i'm thinking we get the clay right and i'm gonna make some some terracotta right and then i'm gonna dye the terracotta blue because i like blue at the moment and then what we do is we then we make our house out of birch and light blue terracotta you know what we'll do no you know what i like that but can i give you an adjustment what we're not going to be here for long we're not making a house we're making a campsite you're right we're going on a holiday and we're going back we're making a campsite sure all right we're not we're making we'll make a campsite we're not making i can build a house in the campsite yeah but we're making a campsite with you remember you remember the camp the camar van and the little tents the tents were making that you want me to make the camel van again let's make let's make a little we'll make a a camping area because we're not staying here for long didn't you and alive but once live in a cave yeah yeah how did how did that go what was the what was the plan there it went bad oh is that why people don't like wilbur is it because he wasn't good at building cave houses i'm very good at building houses don't worry we're not building a cave house we're building a campsite i reckon i will build a house i like it here i don't know why you're so being so negative the reason i've i've i understand the reason tubo is like this is because of you wilbur the reason he's president the reason this is all gone not because of you ghosts but because of wilbur that's well well that must have been why he put it in put him as that would have been why he put him as the president well that he's dead now so let's not talk about him but his actions are still are still reaping i know i i don't like to think of him please he's a bad egg look i look i'm getting clay i've got so much clay already i've got i've got a bunch of balls you know how it'd be lads on tour i don't want that's all collecting balls oh i don't want balls right now i want i want to be with my friends i want freedom you want balls no i want i want to build a little house all you ever wanted was balls no that's not true even the slightest really i remember i yeah so i've been i read back through all the books tommy and i i also read rambu rambu's writing a book that's really cool by the way and i've been looking back through all of the all of the books people have written right sorry i've been playing on the server for four months and i'm caving right now with with no this is a i don't why are we starting fresh i'm using stone tools yeah same the mining iron in a pit alone yeah isn't that how the game is played yeah i like video games we're alone there's no jukebox to play we can find some other people it's lads on tour we got to meet new people well there's only villagers and they all have funny noses why did you not want me to talk to technoblade he gave me a message earlier what did he say he said send me the coordinates don't say this out loud oh frick wait what do not send him any and you didn't go you didn't send him wilbur wilbur wilbur you didn't send him any information did you uh please for the [ __ ] love of god he didn't send him anything and then i said message technoblade okay technoblade frick and then and then i oh i don't think i said anything okay i [ __ ] if it wasn't for him we'd still be in the mannburg and i'd still be the vice president and i'd just be fighting dream i wouldn't i wouldn't be having to be against it for well it was wilbur and techno were the people who [ __ ] us over oh that's not entirely my fault then no no it is but i'm gonna make it up to you tommy i'm gonna make it up to you even if you won't forgive alive but i want you to forgive gospel i'm gonna make it up to you tommy i'm gonna make us the best damn holiday home you've ever seen and we're going to have the best time out here it's going to be so fun and you're going to look back at the time in in le mannburg and you're going to say god damn i'm so glad the lads were on tour that day because now instead of having to worry about about about politics and taxes we now have to worry about uh pina coladas and and swimming and and lads lads on tour tommy i just got so much blue it's going to be a really good time wait who's that i don't know why is sam here sam you're on mute in discord please sound please have some blue have some blue songs a bit strategy why is he not muting i'm here sorry why have you been on mute oh i was this is not mine i don't want that this is an important message for you tommy why what i know you're you're sent away and i'm sorry but when you need someone you know where to find me my house is far from all of them you can you can come hide with me if you need a place to stay tommy we'll find you be safe thank you i'm sorry i see the server tearing itself apart sam come you can come on tour with us any day of the week not today why not that was nice i always like catching up with sam what's your favorite thing about him is it his body odor i like i like the fact that he's american but not sickeningly so yeah he tries his best are we really [ __ ] are we really living in the green top for tonight if just for tonight and then i'm gonna build us a holiday home do you have any stone can you make it a campsite looking thing yeah i'm just i'm making it as a furnace actually why do you want to make a campsite because we're not staying here for long wilbur the only reason all of this has happened is because you and tetna blade did this to turbo so what we're to do hey how about you get that another furnace on the go we're not talking about we can't okay okay you uh tecno blade all right the reason is because tubbo was the president so here's what we do what did we do i just i just didn't want to go slap down another slap down another another furnace i say what do we do and let's stop let's stop talking about this let's stop talking about these things these aren't fun tommy i guess for now we'll we've gotta i know what we have to do i've do what i'm sorry guys but i didn't mean to do that don't be sorry it's okay i know what we need to end this all we need to get back my discs my discs who has them turbo and dream why do you care so much about them turbo has the disc so much about the tests and i gave it to him and now he's not on our side anymore but why do you care so much about the discs in the first place what's so good about the discs and can you build another furnace i want to make terrible okay we need iron first bro tommy why do you care about the discs so much because that that's what started this server and until i get them when i when i get them back then i can finally i can finally rest easy i can sleep at night because knowing knowing that dream would be the person that ends up with my discs it's just a more painstaking thought maybe that's all maybe that's why wilbur made tupper president because he wanted someone with with the discs to be in charge but i i don't know maybe that's why you know i do you want i can have a good think about why i think why wilbur made please we just that's what we need the thought of him i uh but why would tuba why would he go back on us after everything why would he do that to me he he doesn't care about the discs anymore maybe wilbur was trying maybe he trusted tubber in his ability and was like toppo we'll continue the nation and keep everyone happy maybe maybe it was between tubbo and vic star and wilbur thought i don't get to see vickstar anymore fixed us allowed he can come on tour fixed our does not want to come on tour with us he's a lad and he can come on tour it'll be got a girlfriend you know still yeah he's he's still on tour well i don't know about that one tommy but what i do know is the tour is available for all lads okay so maybe maybe he can come i'm going to start smelting this clay now can i have another furnace yeah yeah there you go thank you everyone says they're talking [ __ ] over in the mannburg that's not very nice i don't think they should do that i mean you you did so much good for lemberg didn't you didn't you give up the thing you loved the most to get le mannburg in the first place remember at the beginning i remember that i remember a live bow was so happy that day when you came to him and you announced that you that you'd given up your discs for lumber do you remember that tommy hey tommy do you remember when do you remember when you you've you had a duel and you lost one of your lives just just so you could prove that that the man bug was strong enough to stand on its own feet i do remember that was really cool even though you lost and you weren't and you lost very quickly and it was quite miserable to watch you were still you were still really cool and it worked really well i am really cool hey tommy do you remember when you gave up the other discs in order to in order to take slapdown i do you did a really good job and everyone thinks you did really well and literally no one no one i can think of would laugh at you tommy yet still oh my son just broke no one would laugh at you no one in this call no one on the server would possibly think you're a bad person or make fun of your failures thank you no one would laugh at you you did really good look at this loser oh my god this is the funniest thing i've ever seen oh my hey techno blade oh hey wilbur what remember that time you gave up everything for your country and then it just it just exiled you with like the first threat oh that was hilarious oh that was hilarious hey we're lads leave leave leave leave [ __ ] you do you want to come on tour with us do not invite him on could you describe your your nearby he's going to come and he's going to kill us he's going to bully us if you give him a coordinate he'll know where we are because the [ __ ] villain bro but i only have good memories with technoblade oh okay well i'll give you some bad ones there are no bad memories with technoblade oh i reckon there are no teleport we've only had good times together right only good times we were bros man exactly and phil why can't we get the gang back together lads and dads on tour phil actually was in the process of betraying us yesterday when i i didn't even i didn't even get to tell turbo that he was out with and then we can have ice cream we didn't even get to warn him pretend we can pretend and then pretend that you've done an english degree all your stories all your stories we could get a gang together in the water oh there's a dolphin here all right i'm coming back wilbur and a lot of cod fish and we're also by a lake and an enchanted forest with a a broken portal and a village and we're on a plane and there's a snowy biome to this oh i don't know where this is i know where this is if we just oh if we just if i just had my discs that is what where are you it's fine it's fine where are you you can't hear me i'm whispering is definitely not going to come visit even though i really really want him to because i miss him a lot and he's lots of fun you're not there he just murders people he's not lots of fun he's really cool i really like techno blade and he's on his way okay how oh here's the name tag hey tommy i'm gonna i'm gonna make a campsite you know you want to look you man leave leave leaves oh he doesn't even have shoes please go away go away if i get oh actually i take more damage from that than you do okay okay okay politely politely politely you got any free things i don't want your free things you're a [ __ ] pig i don't take things from a pig they'll be covered in mud and [ __ ] and tommy look come on why don't you make a campsite make the campsite over here please on the planes oh i was gonna make it over here by the by the sea in this little and this little thing so we could boat out well because i want to go back to le mansburg soon i want to well we can go back together no come on let's build the campsite i was thinking like here you see this little see this little ridge here i was thinking right here look tommy okay please go away please go away tell her blade i reckon i'm enjoying the show tommy this is great what show the clown circus i [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i like clowns i should have just had the circus that would have been more concise yeah the clown circus thanks technoblade thank you wow [ __ ] english major that's tommy how did he get so injured um natural all right let me just get lots of wood go away please now i just want to know tommy what are your plans going forward now that you've lost everything cirque de gasland no [ __ ] you i just remembered i don't like you all right now my bitrate is dropped could you blame me for all your problems no i don't you really do tommy you really do you have a lot of problems to be fair not many you have army like stubs his toe and he's like curse you techno blade why are you here then why are you here please leave please leave i think about one of you like like like six years ago hey technoblade what do you think we should do for the design of the of the clown circus lads on tour maybe you could build like a big elephant please go away tenno blade i because he's just here to taunt us he's just here to be a [ __ ] a big [ __ ] oh and and and and techno why why don't you like tommy i i'm fine with him i mean he he can get a tad annoying and he does cause like pretty much all the conflicts just due to his own recklessness and then he blames me for it even though it's clearly his own fault but you know he's in denial you can't really accept that you blew up everything with a wither okay you started a government tommy and let me ask you how is that government working out for you that's like are you really enjoying this government like that's like being the mugger and you're defensive mugging someone being like well you're the one that went outside you're the one that chose to leave your house oh my [ __ ] god if i saw you in real life we have a lot of fun today and i think we should all join together and make a campsite come on i'm mining tour please please it's not a government fire armor it's not a game why are you just stood staring you're gonna help me nah i hate you so [ __ ] you know we were gonna get you on our side today you were gonna come to me for help yes tommy i need you to look at me i'm a changed man tommy ah okay i was the one time i trust another human being and i'm like oh i'm gonna take off my armor and he'll he'll role play and not try to kill me immediately and you're like no now it's my chance i mean all i'm saying is i'm pressed and then you still lost you still lost you're a man with no armor you sucker punched me when i had you know armor you got two free hits and then you folded you folded this is why you're alone with no friends tommy this is why you just see him mugging people then being like oh well it's not my fault that you got mugged by me i hate you well anyways before you stabbed me and i had to fight in self-defense i was going to say that i've renounced my violent ways but now that now it's kind of dumb yes isn't it after you just killed me you hypocrite hypocrite no blade that's what i've delivered self-defense all right anyway continue please hypocrite no blade yeah that's what i call you that's what i'll be spamming in your chat from now on hypocrite noble hypocrite no blade it rolls off the tongue anyway continue please what are you gonna do now now that you've lost everything what's keeping you going why are you still trying to get iron armor when everyone's kicked you out you know what you know what whenever every single time i get batted down every single time but you want to know something technoblade yeah i always get back up and i'm gonna get back those discs i'm just saying tommy if you wanted those discs back well perhaps you've been working with the wrong people i'm gonna go now tommy i i wish you luck on your on your quest okay bye bye bye see ya bye it was fun i really ironman oh well that was fun i really enjoyed having 10 no blade here i hated him it's really good it's not just because he looks ugly but he's smart he's still here hey tecno blade i really enjoyed having you here i hope you have a good time and come back soon you're one of the lads you've got to be on tour yeah yeah thank you bros what oh i'll fill you in on that part okay bye bye i like him i like having him here i don't tommy it's getting dark oh that's not you that's technoblade we gotta i'm gonna make our campsite i'm making it right now what the [ __ ] wilbur what no no no just in general yeah what's wrong everyone spamming turn up turn that frown upside down why did funny just kill tubbo it's just turn the frown upside down flip it around it doesn't work what have you got now what have you got now you gotta you gotta smile that's what you got well give us a smile go on what what's so funny it wasn't quite the smile well but we could do with some obsidian uh because i need to get myself an ender chest and re-unlock it oh yeah i could admittedly i probably shouldn't have burned away uh yeah i don't know why you burned that pity absolutely no no [ __ ] that i stand with me it was out of pity i don't take pity things you stand with you yes ah that's good well at least someone does that was a joke i stand with you what the [ __ ] ghostbear i can be quite mischievous yeah be quiet yeah hey ghostburgh yeah where do you reckon we get our primes now uh i need a sparky i think i think we make a prime log okay the prime the prime i like the sound of the prime log or i shouldn't wake up into the campsite that was a horrible sentence i need some i need some torches around here is everyone saying there's a raid i don't know what that is run tommy right i'm one of those minecraft things that i don't understand those are being raided by it's jewish i guess we're out here i wish they'd make uh wait like a pillager raid like he activated like an actual pillager raid and all right i've got i've got log you've got the prime log yeah all come together yeah i know i'm just i built walls it's like an outpost i'm going to i'm going to uh debark the the logs where are okay i'm here i'm here turn around wait we should probably keep this guy because we can get trades oh we don't have a name tag though yes that point i have some potions if you have a golden apple we could do it right now if you have a golden apple i say that okay i'll kill him wait no no wait stay there um is he dead um wait wait how much gold do we have how much gold do we have how much gold do we have like he's dead i killed him tommy yeah oh wait how much gold you have on you right now i killed how much gold did you have on you that's zero oh we had one off and we oh okay i'll sprout walk dogs can be quite mischievous huh all right where do i'll make the prime log shall i yeah you need to come to our campsite i'm here i'm here we're making it in the campsite yeah yeah so just i'm gonna i'm gonna debark all these logs right you put a log somewhere that you're getting shot prime log it's okay well it's gonna be a long little log that i can walk side to side on no it needs to be one you can just share it and go home and hum and okay it has to be to the side put him put him like over here put him in and put him like oh look i made a little corner look put him in this corner here in my case weird will tell me put him right here okay right there that no not there oh now hold on like that yeah prime log oh hey look goggy's joined i like goggy too i can't go back to my home anymore yes you can just get on a boat do you not remember where it is i can show you if you want i can't go back wilbur why not all right here we go what the [ __ ] where did they what the hell can you put some lights down in our camps wait one second is it working what sub we got two there we got one there these are our first log prime logs like seven there two that guys if you have prime sub and prime does it work please oh about oh wilbur well but the prime log is working excellently oh no no no you're blocked you just oh sorry okay here we go wait does the wilbur have you got the stream if you have a sub please click subscribe and prime to check if you have a sub it is out of pity right now and it's for the log tell me that's money you can use that to buy things ready wilbur yeah and we just get p subs so many pity subs tonight oh my god guys it's completely free to check if you have a sub you can click subscribe and prime well bye you like the fine block i like that you know what i hate this entire area other than the prime log that was an incredible idea thank you thanks for the subs guys the primes are blocking the chat it was meant to be oh what the [ __ ] that zombie has a skin condition he's dead now okay watch out for the creepers walking around we should get some reporters down here so can i just ask you does this work do i just yeah i'll get some torches down and then it will light up the prime log to be brighter more people but maybe this is good for us out here maybe this being lonely and having no friends out here is good for me maybe maybe i'll reform maybe this is good for me yeah it's not it's not good it's not good i am on tour and i feel sad that's on tour wait maybe though that's on tour my mic is okay it's it's fuzzing a bit maybe you're the one that's not okay no that's on tour where's lads on tour here right here right now oh i'm number seven i'm trending right now thanks twitter that's on top uh i would check how well we're doing on twitter but i don't use twitter oh guys it's out of pity tonight guys if you if you have a prime sub click subscribe and prime right right about now i think we should go back to making content again right up soon no no i'm i'm enjoying this okay yeah sorry sorry i got a little i got a little carried away there ghost because we hit the sub girl nice thanks i think we're gonna have a great time it's gonna be really fun how do i know look at this i think it's gonna entrance i think this entire i think this loneliness is going to negatively affect my mental health i would rather be at home right now with my friends not alone let's not call it the clown circus i like clown circus i hate it do you want me here do you want me to help strip in these logs yeah yeah strip pull the box strip all the box and then when they when they do the updates on me you know the update the yeah you know they're gonna add like spikes we can put them across to the walls do not shave that log or it will lose so much power what okay now i'm just laughing at how close we were to losing the prime log we almost lost so much money do you have any birch that we could put in there your mike's definitely lagging can you stop i like it like it is like you can hit like go on discord and click voice test and you can hear the lagginess i can hear it going it might be the cable it sounds like the cable is fuzzy hey i can make a bow oh hello hello is this better sort of i think it's better no no not it's not better oh it's worse yes oh we can call it i don't want to call it log topia i want to what what we haven't made an area yet well okay we know we probably should what do we this new little land of ours ghosts but what do we call it hello hello do i say is this better oh yeah you've gone quiet about it anyway i can turn myself up as well okay wow okay i was thinking tommy why don't we call it that's clown circus i hate that name ladson tour we can call it lads on tour tommy i've got it what land of lots no i don't it's lights on tour lads on yeah what does lot stand for wilbur that's on tour land of lads on tour no but i don't like being land of lot why because they're the lame name fine what would you call it uh i'd call it lads on tour or the clown circus that's a horrible name whoa why is that horrible i think it's good welcome to the clown circus they'll say and we'll say thank you you are welcomed i don't want it i don't want us to be the clown circus it's dubbed by tecnoblade why i think that name's a bit grim land land of primes um what's under the prefix for a town prefix suffix suffix postfix log yeah i like the name log stat logs logs living logs whoa i like it a lot lobster lobster's a good name we live in we lived out logsted logs did shire no just lobster just lobster that long lobstered [ __ ] i do like lobster [ __ ] do you not like logs did or should we be logs this year i like both i say i say i say long story [ __ ] if we're being formal but mo oh but most of the time just lobstered because i know you know what i say i say we we harness the i think the param log has shown us the power of logs that's what i've learned it's how we i i wilbur i say the way we get our disc back is through harnessing the power of logs that's that's the only way forward if we work together we can harness the power of logs if we work together with the logs rather than fighting them rather than being scared of so much of my life being scared of the locks and finally i can harness their power i'm gonna harness the logs to uh defeat dream no blade and then and then people will say hey do you remember that look at the p when tommy and wilbur just just used logs and killed everyone that's what they'll say that's what they'll say and they'll be like oh yeah that was my favorite arc definitely not definitely not the better ones that's what they'll say that's what they'll say we need a flag i think the flag should just be a completely brown square yeah me too no i'll design the flag i'll design the flag on the minecraft map thing completely brown square with a log in the middle no i'll do it i'll do it don't worry why don't we just make it the word help no because that's what i want i want help that's not what we're doing i don't like that at all well okay okay ghostbusters pronounced oak huh get it get it like a log log champ log oh there are so many log puns to be made we go if you want to come in here you have to be hard like a log that's a pun that's one of many i've got no that's not a that's if you want to live in log studs here if you want to live in logs this year you have to live life the longer way it's like a vlogger but but you have a lot more mental health conditions it's very sad i've i've making the walls tommy it's going to be really fun we're going to have a really good time in lobster cheer i think i think i'm going to get very very upset here why i feel very lonely what same day why has this happened i don't know i think you did something bad now everyone's going log through the pain oh yes i guess i shall log look as hard as you can long as hard as you can don't think about the world around you just think about log oh thank you you said arranger oh i didn't mean to don't think about the world of ringgit only think of log i know what i'll do i think a vlog oh i miss all my friends you've got me oh it's gonna be fun i've only got you lads on tour say it tommy oh that's on tour that's on tour and we just we just name things we go this is my log gun and then it's just a log and then we go this is my this is my log house and it's just a log and then every time we make a log joke we have to go oh log champ block channel count look down ah log log log and we all burp in sync yes like men like men do and then we don't charge our phones wait wait i can't go with you but know that i am oh i am with you may the log be with you well but i really hope we don't go all crooked in the head whilst we're out here i think it's already happening i'm worried that the logs are getting to us that mother nature is taking her toll on me just come back to our giant log walls no i mean the giant log wall that we live around we should grow strange plants yes i did that before ah hey hey look to me yeah i want you to call me loggy in it from now on i'm not going to do that please do that i need it i need it it's very important that i don't do that i need it so much right now just skin them stars i'm gonna skin these vlogs i can hear them screaming but it's okay it's okay just tell as you're doing it be like oh my god an apple has fallen on the prime log we we must say we must say it's for the prime minister i need to eat it i need to get it in the item frame oh but look at my hunger i need to eat it i need to eat it sacrifice this is what jesus would have wanted this is what jesus would have wanted oh my much god want it so much longer oh i see his vlogs i hear things in logs now i'm entering long vision i'm entering a long vision no the hero wilbur i reckon we've gone insane no no no it's fine look look just after we ski look at this over here only duck is two nights in the wilderness wilbur what what is what no no i won't ask that yet why is that a little bit down the line a little bit down the line that's where we that's when we discover the art of cannibalism oh it's art it's an art form oh well but i really really really need to go back to le mansburg why it's so nice out here there are some logs here i wonder what they what are they saying to me oh yes that's very racist burn those logs for me burn those logs we need to watch these logs suffer so you've got to burn those logs but those logs before they spread their racism to the other one logs buying those logs oh no they're not burning all right this will be good they'll be they'll be tortured instantly no instant no forever i mean not instantly infinitely infinitely well but vocab don't make no sense no mo because it does you're just a fool i'm awful i'm clever and [ __ ] i know i'm like hashtag log is over party why are they over oh no logs logged in day one on a stream and you're already saying slurs this is not the way to go logs burn them burn them burn them on them i really wonder how twit how twitter trending is going to describe the vlog it's over guys wait i could have sent you something on discord don't say it out loud oh my god wait wait i just gotta send this look at this are you sure i can't say that out loud yes i'm very sure you can't say that it'll be really funny though it's nothing rude it's just mean hey guys have you seen this screenshot what's up it's the all time like they are just [ __ ] pissed off with us now apparently minecraft apparently put that on the screen to show that apparently apparently let them know of the logs can we get like like sorry twitter trending guy trending just see what they wrote for it sorry twitter trending guy apparently apparently sorry trending guy put it get it trending that's that's the thing we have to get trending sorry trending guys oh we're number eight now burger king foot lettuce the last thing you want in your burger king burger is someone's foot sorry trending guy tommy i think i think i i think i'm done with the with the stream i think we've built the logs and that's good and we'll get started on the actual camp next time what do you say okay bye bye tommy bye bye bye fellas what a week it's all well and good going insane and i'm sure we've got so much more to do but guys i'm all alone and what do we do now i'm all alone and i'm here with a ghost all by myself well we've got a lot to do now boys thank you for watching i'm boys thank you for watching oh my goodness guys if you did enjoy it then please follow and turn on the little twitch notification uh that really helps we're gonna raid out we're gonna raid quackety uh thank you so much for watching uh go give him a follow as well um thank you all so much for the follows as well tonight and all the primes all the subs as well i know we can't raid but we'll host thank you all so much for watching holy [ __ ] there's larry in the chat boys it's mine and larry's one year anniversary you wanna know why they got him exposure i'm so sorry all right that i'm so sorry but you know it's no seriously though thanks larry oh my god thank you all so much for watching this has been so fun i hope to see you all as this continues because oh boy do we have [ __ ] to do now thank you all so much for watching we're gonna go watch big q oh my god
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 2,194,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, tommyinnit gets exiled, dream exiles tommyinnit, tubbo exiles tommy, tubbo exiles tommyinnit, tubbo betrays tommy, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, tommyinnit exiled, dream smp exile, tommyinnit dream smp, wilbur tommy, tubbo and tommy, wilbur tommyinnit and tubbo, dream vs tommyinnit, dream smp, dream smp vods, dream smp playlist, dream, dream smp war, dream team smp
Id: DI5ueEb7VuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 54sec (5934 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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