Tommy Is Holding It Together in Exile with Dream

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today i'm back in exile with dream and i felt a little bit better ju a little bit boys there's loads of new people watching the vods channel at the minute so if you enjoy then please do come over to the twitch streams the links at the top of the description and all of these are streamed live so if you want to be totally up to date with all the dream smp stuff then that's the best way also please subscribe since if you like the tommy init channel stuff then you'll probably love the content here so i'd really appreciate it enjoy the video everyone welcome back to the stream i missed kind of screw me over there about animal crossing oh are we have we still got mr mushroom no still got our prime log and we're still alone wasn't turbo one wasn't turbo i thought no i didn't i'm seeing things ah on the path here we are is that a penis there's a there's a knobbly in my tent oh [Applause] am i seeing [ __ ] am i seeing [ __ ] right now she came that's my favorite disc this is my favorite sounding disc who got the h-bomb surely not surely wait surely this isn't gonna everyone's giving me discs a little do they know when i'm back in power i will have all of the discs now and then i'll be like cannot hanos and i'll be indestructible and i'll go mmm and snap it [ __ ] i've got ah two things look at that dolphin go ah then it'll burst oh my god oh my goodness gracious me [Music] i need this i need to take this with me all the time [Music] oh well welcome back everyone maybe things aren't as bad as i thought they were today we need we must we mean you know what we need to look look up every night watch it sideways watching satan's sage and his real station is real [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay okay okay [Music] okay okay there we go there we go there we go there we go [ __ ] okay and we have armor today we're feeling good boys i'm feeling good um that was a very very simple fix i can't believe it liz is here oh oh this is i'm so happy this is this has really just made my made my morning but guys we need to do something and quick today i don't know if you've noticed but every single day at the start of my stream dream logs on uh and i'm starting he said that technoblade is over there just over there guys i reckon we going we go and search i reckon we go i reckon we sprint apparently he's in a okay well just just to investigate it because i know that i know that big man dream wouldn't be too happy if he knew so no no not to him not to team with him are you insane it's technoblade i don't why would i want a team with him i think it's just this way think think of the power if we knew where he lives then i can go and um send him mail but secretly in the mail i plan to bomb it will be such an epic prank i'm not sure how far away he is um but we could just go and scout it and then then if he's near no we will not we won't team or anything with him because he's a wrong he's the he's one of the reasons that we're out here alone why i'm so why i'm so so alone doesn't he live the only thing i know is that he's in this direction he lives in the snow biome but it wouldn't make sense that dream would just place me next to where techno lives [Music] but just to be able to smell what it's like to have another person in a home oh my god [Music] you know what you know what no no i'm feeling good today i say we ignore him he he didn't come with me when he could have i like i like friends oh but he could have chose to come with me i'll do the i'll do the proper like you know not wanting to have a conversation answer celebrate out here just to see what it would be like does he live in that village a rabbit fudge oh i could have got rabbits but that would have gone so far i can't believe i just screamed foot [Music] well anyway if he's around here then that does anyone know where he is it's past i'm very lonely out here i'm very lonely back home i miss i think i'm i think i'm i miss my my friends [Music] i'm kind of nervy out here there's so many endermen [Music] dream said he's just in this direction we can work out where he lives [Music] village this way this way everyone say 180 if i've gone the wrong way i need to find him i need to find where another person lives 69 i just i'm just i'm so so lonely 180 you know i'm just gonna go this way i'm sure i'll find if i just keep going he said it's gotta be near it's got to be near [Music] i smell friendship no no we hate him we hate the blade but then again surely and again i've been alone for so long now what does it really matter what are you looking at prick oh he's a he's a little baby kind of friendship with them they're wrong i think we might be near i think we might be near guys friendship oh a pumpkin i can build a girlfriend ah yes two two two oh my god oh my god that's huge things turning round are things turning round i think i'm really near why would he say that that's hurtful it's just where i got exiled on the very first night of the smp whoa whoa i want to go back i want to go back i don't like this now i don't like this now we've been away for too long now not only am i just lonely now now i'm lonely and cold it's my least favorite type of lonely and believe me i've experienced all the types of loneliness maybe we can't find it maybe he doesn't even live here i mean i doubt he does it's called dream would just lie wouldn't he dream was lying let's sprint home village yeah i know that there's a village [Music] chat [Music] so friend no horse dream wouldn't want me going in here phil fight tyranny i thought phil was my friend i could enchant things i could enchant things dream wouldn't like it if i was a dream would like it if i stole he'd it his [ __ ] he'd lose his [ __ ] surely not oh oh oh no i'm in deep fried [ __ ] what the white okay okay we run back we run back we run back we're running back we run back back okay okay which way's back which goes back which race but he can't know he can't hi wilbur i knew i shouldn't have gone there and that was that was stupid that was stupid that was stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we've we've gotta run back we've got to run back oh but i could have i could have just grabbed the pearls is he going to know terribly lives so close to me okay squeeze your other chords he lives so close holy [ __ ] run run now how do i get home we could kill some endermen no we chat we should just get home right right what do we what oh it doesn't matter anymore does it i don't know why i care so much okay that's the swamp do you not blow up creepy do not blow up oh we could have stole all of his things we totally could have just stole all of tenna well it's all right i guess there'll always be happy time we should probably get home quick well we know what it is now we can go back later oh why does he live so close as everyone clocks that every single time tender ladies just terrorized me like a rongan is anyone at home maybe wilbus came home filzer was messaging me phil obviously you know maybe phil's came i built my path now so there's no reason why no one's going to visit me and i can build a girlfriend the path's been blown up no one's home no one's home i guess i'll just sit in vc2 where i belong okay no i deserve that [ __ ] hey where's ghostburgh why the queen was gone no she wasn't okay you know what let's just clean up our land what we need to do uh before before he arrives maybe we should make a little safe spot but i know there's not enough time today he you know i reckon after last night though he's gonna be okay with us he's gonna be much more we need to place down some more torches and make some little lantern area looking things i also need to reinstall snapchat because i've lost all my streaks yeah i'll build me an iphone now where's the compass he's not even said hi to me he's not even oh it works as well because it is that way doesn't matter he didn't say hi let's just leave that plane we could do some nice music while we we haven't had much music on [Music] yeah let's let's get down some torches with we're getting infested by mobs right at the minute guys we're just like literally we're getting overrun and it's just me [Music] hello [Music] [Music] there's music playing did he he didn't turn her in there oh yeah what's your sword i only have an axe that oh you didn't see anything did you uh what do you mean here can you like that i don't have a thing okay i i don't want to just light it place is looking nice i like the christmas tree oh there's a picture here oh it's a queen i actually just woke up tommy and i came straight here to visit you why would you go straight straight here because i wanted to see you why uh because we're friends oh yeah i dream i've just been i had a little idea oops get out of my bed do not sleep in my bed i didn't mean to like i was trying to eat i missed clicked yeah i'm gonna be i've got a couple things on the agenda today um dream i'm gonna build a girlfriend what look i got these pumpkins how do you share them uh right click i am what oh you have to wait you put in your used shears you can't use an axe oh right i'm pretty sure you shears there you go just like i did for vickstar i could do it for me what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh what if we made iron golems and we made them guard your little area i can't fall in love with an iron golem well you could have two oh wow well dream things otherwise no you gotta [Music] here in here in in new orleans where do you live about uh in real life yeah florida here in florida i've had a little idea by the way i want to know what you think uh also if i'm allowed okay basically i'm thinking you know now we've made our big path to get home yes i'm thinking a little while yeah yeah i'm thinking i throw a party because i have this lovely beach and there aren't many beaches in le mansburg uh and the ones that there are are quite polluted whereas this one has dolphins and troubles a beach episode yeah we're not even just a little beach party but we we need to prepare obviously tonight and well obviously you know because i'm not allowed to go back to to um to lemanberg you um i get i get wilbur to send out the invites yeah yeah sure if they're coming here that's fine you can sit down and we'd sit and we'd have a i know i'll do it tomorrow i do it tomorrow dream what do you think what do you think yeah yeah that'd be great sounds exciting i'm allowed i'm allowed yeah can i can i come oh oh yeah okay yeah i'd love to come you know usually people don't invite themselves to parties but i just i was just you're gonna do it anyways i'm gonna help you set it up i think it's kind of like my own party too right yeah yeah just a small one just just for tomorrow or something actually how am i going to grow girlfriends without [ __ ] seeds crow girlfriends what it's kind of kind of weird well dream is it me or is it you that's been left by themselves for about 13 days now that's true you're going to start speaking to pumpkins a lot more than speaking why don't we um alluding to what i'm going to say hello i'm going to give them greetings we're going to give them hugs they're going to say hello to them okay well we probably we probably need um i feel like we need our we need our decorator right we need um we need to tell uh ghostburg about the whole oh yeah should we go get him probably let's join the sea unless he's busy he's not busy he's dead well i think he's really busy could be decorating lemandberg or something he's dad's dream okay you can't be busy and dead you give me both you you can't be bad [Music] i can't believe you laughed at that that was [ __ ] well what do we have what should we just just a little thing well it's what happens when you don't have anyone to bounce off other than a dead man his humor is very different to most people's all right he's not a very good he's not a very good side character true what if we collect i can cut or i'll collect sand from this island over here okay yeah yeah i'm thinking just over there we um what we do oh we have a bench stream and now i'll make a cake i'll make a cake and everyone will show up in it oh he's there oh wilbur hello phil phil aren't you a friend of techno i'm in the queen now acquaintance oh you don't want to know what i do to acquaintances hi tommy i [ __ ] him up i say [ __ ] you [ __ ] look who i brought you tommy you brought me you brought me tetana blade acquaintance i brought you fizzler oh my god uniform you're white yeah and you've got your eyes have gotten bluer all fancy i got some presents for you i'm seeing [ __ ] oh my god tommy slippers it's getting cold you know it's winter phil remember the thing techno gave you ah yeah i got a present there you go what is that a techno blade friendship emerald he gave me three and i've passed them out i gave one to oh okay it's not it's not to give to techno blade no it's not tetherblade isn't declaring his friendship with me is he because i'm burning you from me okay oh thank you phil you know we can be friends i need friends in a time like this hello dream hello dream hi how's it going i've come right over here guys are you are you are you real because i keep [ __ ] seeing i keep seeing tubbo yeah he's right there there he is right there behind the tree i don't see him he's just over there what do you mean you don't see him oh oh you're not seeing things he's right there i don't see it let's go say hi to him come on i'm legit i can't see him no i don't see him i just i'm just worried i'm just seeing [ __ ] oh fundy thanks for the raid i hope you had a great stream i don't i don't know what he raided me what i think that's crazy i'm seeing it i'm seeing [ __ ] i'm not seeing things you're seeing things what fundy raided me phil have i shown you logs to check no it's good it's hot can i have some sand please welcome to the oxfordshire this is mushroom henry oh actually that's not tell them drink drinks might get surprised this is a house house there's a picture of a man on the wall it's not can't believe i hey phil was it easier to get over with the uh the bridge i made is that why you hadn't visited before uh yeah i didn't actually know where you were what did you just do we just saw something what did you say i just i it doesn't matter tommy it's not it's not was it naked no it wasn't it wasn't it's fine where are you we're over here at where we're gonna make our beach area dream's always here why did you need me oh well i tell you later when phil's here is a surprise sorry for this still go away i leave her i leave only only for a minute or two i leave you'll find that mysterious turbo guy dream i swear to christ i think i just kept seeing turbo i didn't see him i never saw him once phil didn't see me there was only you and wilbur i'm pretty sure he wasn't happy my eyes are not the most reliable i see lots of things so we're um we're we're decorating [Music] we're making uh we're making a uh we'll make it up wilbur wilbur it's phil gone okay okay wilbur tomorrow tomorrow june what are you doing i see look over there what it's tough i was just waving it what the [ __ ] i'm not siding with a dead man i'm [ __ ] seeing [ __ ] dream i i don't literally he says turbo's over that hill what were you saying you want you want from me i got distracted i will check it out i got distracted i don't see anybody i'm sorry i could just keep thinking i'm saying things what i'm planning on doing is because uh i've been lonely for so long but now i've made that path that was the reason no one was coming to see me not because they hated me not because they thought i was terrible and ugly because because of because of that path that wasn't there now it's back wilbur i'm going to make a beach party tomorrow tomorrow at like at like 8. tommy i think i think you have a lot of presence i think a lot of people are coming to visit you yeah yeah but no not many people not many people so what i'm gonna do is so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hold a little beach party and can you stop don't aim a gun at me oh dream yep dream what the [ __ ] what okay was double actually here no why are you laughing out with what you were saying i'm making this i'm high on [ __ ] oh no god i need to build a girlfriend and quick holy [ __ ] why is fundy here what is it yeah i came to get uh hey tommy everyone everyone trying to give me a gift now i've blown up wilbur [Music] now i'm blown up everyone's trying to hop on me what now yes oh three things oh my goodness thank you so much i got you i don't know if you need it but i need everything it's not as good as my compass okay it's not as good as this well anyway can you um it's not as good as the company what the [ __ ] man i'm seeing things tommy i told you not to drink the sea water oh well i didn't drink the sea water because it told me to it said he said i'm delicious i said if you say so anyway can i can i just speak to wilbur and dream please i'm trying to i'm tr bundy let's go hide huh let's go let's go hide he needs to talk where are you he's saying [ __ ] uh i don't know actually i missed hi i'm coming i'm going crackers hi tommy i think i think i saw tumblr as well stream was turbo here i did not ever see tubbo but might have been i didn't see him though oh we are not sharing the same netflix account [ __ ] you henry hey dream and wilbur can i please talk through with you what i want to do let's just go to let's just go to vc3 okay dream here's what i want to do all right no one seems to listen to me anymore i'm listening to you they were just talking over here and stuff they were talking over and i'm seeing [ __ ] dream i reckon i'm i [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway what i'm thinking is look i put sand everywhere like the beach is really big now over here yeah yeah so what i'm thinking is because now i've made this little uh path that everyone can come and see me yeah now i've made this path where everyone can come in them come and visit me what i'm thinking we do is set up a little place have a cake and then tomorrow wilbur if you could send out invites to everyone in the hamburg don't tell them though it's gotta be secret they're gonna see it in their mail and then i'll show up tomorrow and everyone will be here everyone it will be like the old days except here and then i'll convince them all to move here i'll say move with me live with me it was nicer and you want me to leave the notes uh eat mail mail you know email eat yeah but i actually want me to you want me to send them all emails yes oh my god i'm getting things we need to make a little chest room as well oh things are looking up for me this is the beach episode yes it is the beach episode it's exactly the three missing so we need your design skills over because we need like a little beach umbrella and i'm gonna make it i'm gonna bake as a [ __ ] cake yes well all my designs i just google what i want to make and put the word minecraft after it and then copy it well if i did that i'd be banned you are so genius i i've been saying this all along but no one's listened to me no one's no one appreciates that i'm a genius no you are yeah 100 well if i did that [ __ ] so do we need swimsuits why guys why are there just people all in there that could be good dream now you've showed up everyone's starting to visit me again i think it's just because they're well to be fair are they with you right now they're just like running around like i don't know if they're here to visit you they're just visiting log shire oh yeah you yeah you're right i think tubbo was like was tough did if tubbo came here like was did tubbo say hi or anything no he didn't do anything he told me he missed you really yeah i gave him a compass that pointed him towards you at all times and he said i really miss him really yeah and then it trended on twitter i thought i saw the compass in a chest like he threw it in a chest in the comm in the community house but i'm not maybe it was a different compass i'm not sure not 100 it would have been called your tommy if it was the actual one don't worry don't worry i'm not scared of pain anymore oh how did you get so many why am i glowing oh you've made me visually high yeah well i'll go make this a bench and oh now i'm visually dead thanks wilbur thanks ghostboy for shooting me have this you have the spot so now now we've got the invites i'll go and send out the invites you want me to you want me to send emails like yeah yeah do it later though i think you should do it later i don't want to okay we gotta wait until we have all the details we can get yeah yeah yeah yeah we need and we meet and we need to because some people might not want to show up based on my um because you know because um because you know uh you know okay sure okay let's make it let's make it nice let's make it pompous let's give it pizzazz okay let's let's get let's do let's get phil fundy back in here though okay well we can't tell them though we can't tell them that's what we're setting up or else oh no no no you go you go okay remember ghostbusters hey i'm gonna set up some little lights as well if that's okay with you i'll go get some netherrack and make it all tribal i have this you want this what no no i didn't want that actually okay i think it's kind of cool i'll make it like um do you know in nemo when they all go um like that i'll do that you know anyone know no hey guys we're making we're making a beach look nice why would you not know that why would no one understand my nemo references you're all like carl frederickson from up are you cleaning the beach from garvey yeah yeah from garden the and goths there are too many guths on my beach we were gone for 10 minutes the beach we're going onto the beach and we're going to find every goth we can and we're going to put them through a lawn mower yeah we'll say we'll say hey goth hey goth lay down goth are you sure yes oh god if only i was back in the mannburg so many more wives would be gone behind us beach things what things are on beaches i have a lot of beach stuff don't you worry i got a lot of beach stuff beehives no no not really yeah yeah beef beef beef bees bee bees bees are we making a beach episode yes yes no yes and everyone's gonna be here everyone's going to go home in the year 2000 but but instead it will be our year which is not the bench i'm on my way beach burr that's my new name until the beach is done how does it feel to have your name just be tossed around in the mud i like it a lot i like it when people say my name oh yeah look look at the bees tommy do you like the bees all right seen on uh they don't have any flowers maybe oh this is gonna be so tomorrow night wait no no no no no no you know i mean who knows what's happening oh fundy oh my god when erect betrayed la manburg i didn't know what to do with myself please please don't say that when a wreck screwed us over for the very last time i thought i thought oh wow this is it for me i'm getting some people what bit okay yeah you do that phil when when eric's got screwed how the hell are they going to describe that one by the way i don't think that's what a trending guy's legally allowed to to like description write for himself because we like we've got thank you twitter description man like trending like five times and he's never written a description for it because he just maybe he's just the thank you maybe he's just insecure he's just yeah why don't we get twitter training man are you insecure question mark we just asked him questions can we get hello twitter man are you having a nice 8th of december trending man what's your what's your type in women trending man are you ginger because if so if so then we need to we need to fix that thank you what the hell fix that yeah yeah we do why do you just hit me you know i've got sensitive loans i wanted attention hey hey hey look at these pillars i'm building i don't like them why because they what they don't they just don't look very good they've got the christmas spirit and they've got love it's kind how do we get our power oh my okay there we go is that there must be only one logs that are stripped and it's in the yeah come on funny [ __ ] man [ __ ] i'm sorry i learned your culture on the culture and like where should i build my girlfriend uh probably far far away so she doesn't have to be sworn into the burden of being your girlfriend okay i'll make her over here near the sheep i've lost my pumpkins she's going to be so yeah she's going to be so hot it's like it's like when the guy like gets trained on the island and has sex with a coconut like exceptional what i don't think no no dream you vastly misinterpreted this you [Music] i don't think it is dream that's well that's it's like the extra scene after the credits you know they need to update them not every film has like an extra scenes afterwards that you have to watch on their second channel man it's not it's just not no it's just like marvel it's like marvel though they do there wasn't a bit in in castaway where a dream it's pretty good is that where you got the extra scenes idea from from marvel i got the actual scenes idea from good mythical morning he got it from marvel so you stole it no i did it don't worry officer i didn't steal that tv i just that's exactly what i did which was exactly how they did it except for minecraft it was great it was transformative why aren't there any girls on my beach look at my crossbow oh you're not a girl you're green okay it's it's you can you can keep that it's pretty strong isn't it it's pretty strong you're right i made it myself i also made this why is there a bee on my oh we have the same pickaxe except yeah except yours is named yeah i name everything what is your name tommy wilbur wilbur where are you i want you to come and meet my girlfriend okay i'll come meet her what's her name what does she like how can i make sure i'm going to be nice to her oh hello her name is her name is hot girl hello you are very beautiful hot girl i really like your arms she's like tree trunks she's built like tree trunks tommy can't knock her down can't knock her down she's all he's ours this isn't just one of those girlfriends you could knock over this is one of those girlfriends that she's a keeper she oh she's got she's on the top of her arms now oh my god oh why have you put piss on her arms phil please don't pee on her please don't pee on my hot girl yeah blonde hair she's taller than me no she's like she's about nine she's very beautiful she's very hot she's hot i reckon she's hot oh thank you hello hot girlfriend no no she's too hot for that she's too hot for my affection i reckon i take two steps back actually actually i'll hold hands with her [ __ ] off yeah good now he's dead oh we're so hot together and i'm glowing why have you placed this in front of us you're absolutely glowing tommy um you are very pretty and beautiful and i'm a big fan of you she only speaks arabian i don't speak arabic you're obviously thinking about the wrong language no no no no no wilbur she definitely told me that she speaks i'm gonna try and speak arabic hold on hot girl is that good tommy was that that means hello apparently was that good to me wait one sec let me once i've got to tell her that she's hot she's blushing she's blushing i like i like hot girl she's really nice i'm a big fan hey tommy how's the beach coming though one sec i've made it way more i've made it way more beachy you can come look it's it's uh that's a fact i just added a ton of sand you know and so it's even bigger the beach is bigger dream you've told me that you've added the stand about eight times and i've added more i'm still i i've been adding more the whole time you just don't stop do you i don't i never stopped i don't want to translate that to you hey tommy let's end this bit now there's nothing funny about really hey i really like what you've done with the beach rugs i reckon that was oh my beach towels can't keep my eyes off of her oh now i'm in a pit otherwise people will steal your chairs that's how love goes tommy yeah okay i love this i love this you need a hot girl next thing you know i'm gonna build as a table a little table to sit down on let's make it albert keep the crafting table here wait phil phil why is this wait wait what in that's okay it's good to know i guess i'm bringing back some more how do you pee dream probably more probably more inventively than most i think he just missed what he said what dream when were when will you invent a new way to pee i don't know then in the next manhunt why all right we'll keep your promise on that there better be a section okay if in the next manhunt you don't talk about p i will be angry if you really drink i just speak to you 90 oh you bet dream dream and wilbur i just need to ask you something yeah it's about how many people are we expecting to show up um i'd say we probably i'd say maybe like maybe maybe like 10 or something we have we just invited all your friends you know four okay ten ten i have more than ten friends tonight well i just needed to ask you how many people have you ever stopped i can't ask you make a list of who you're going to invite you're going to invite taboo you're going to invite probably probably phil and fundy right maybe me wilbur i've got eight i've got eight i can come to the beach party don't worry guys i'll be at the beach party hey tommy don't you worry i'll be at the beach party thanks wilbur this is the meme at the beach party yeah hey wait look look this is the [ __ ] me minute what man [Music] well yeah but there's less ocean there's less ocean wilbur it's about having just the ocean man man he is a man let's go back let's go back let's go okay that i just have to be drowning oh no hold on let me get well let's go back let's go back oh my gosh hey you know what we need to do is make a little path over to here to the let's call it the i got a really good tool for this tommy what do you want ripping up where are we looking what the [ __ ] is that right here whoa whoa you're griefing me wait can i have that no no no no no all you did all you did was just come and grief me then that wasn't cool brother you are you are kind of griefing yeah yeah you kind of just okay mister i would let me just see that for one second vlog oh phil and fundy i'm so excited for tomorrow and i can't tell you why but you're gonna be so excited yeah now i can't till the grass nice nice going i might be hunting for turtles tomorrow what's happening tomorrow oh nothing nothing nothing maybe you'll see me what is happening tomorrow dummy nothing nothing nothing it's a surprise and i can't tell you or they'll get angry at me for ruining the surprise tommy your hot girl's gone oh no it's fine it's just it's no it's fine oh did you think she'd sit on fire what do you mean one of the only bad things about girls is that they set on fire easily and that's and she's no exception i'm supposed to hot men true true hey i i i retract my statement i retract my statement i think i think i must leave soon fundy can i have this stuff yeah it's still in the water it's down the water no it's i don't know how far wilbur is away i can test it [Music] yes as opposed to what disapproved disapproving all right that is how language works i i am constantly seeking out dreams approval oh thanks dream [Laughter] like the perfect moment to give him praises no no it's what i'm constantly farming ours at all times don't worry i approve i appreciate it what do you approve of about him i approve of his he's a magnificent builder he's not very hot i need to google it and i built and i copy what i see on google which is genius you're a genius that your iq is off the charts and i trust me i would never know what do you like about me dream um you are very funny and you're you're friendly you make me laugh it's farming oz i see it hey this is this sheep's [ __ ] oh no [Music] oh phil can you come kill this sheep it's weed all on it on itself yeah i'm not i'm not [ __ ] touching it you are [ __ ] disgusting oh right it's grim wait where did you go okay i see one minute sheep coming right up crazy oh right there time to toast the cheese i'm to toast you just burned p alive p is gone then it's disgusting you're very judgmental today all you're doing is going around telling everyone how disgusting they're being in from your fursuit that is what those in the glass [ __ ] what how do you die in lava there's a clear path come on wilbur did you burn my hit novel no i heard you did no did you know that's the only book in history that sold better than the bible no didn't do it what and it's gone now and there was only one copy too no okay well i believe you ghost but wouldn't lie you should write how to sex three soon oh i think i'm gonna and then the world's gonna snap snap stop snap yeah the world's gonna snap when i write that book they're not ready for it i think only 12 pages of the previous one were revealed and it already just changed so many people's lives but for the better or for the worse i don't care i've also just realized that now that it's oh i mean if it was burnt in lava and we couldn't get it back those of us who've already read it we're the only people to ever know what the how to sex too said ever say that like just me and you yeah i think so unless someone went off on offline and came and looked i think i had to keep thank god thank absolutely yeah yeah we know what's past page 12. yeah i didn't i didn't reach that far no way i i never got to see it i didn't see any of it oh that's good it was life-changing dream it also would have resulted in an instant ban it definitely definitely broke the server rules there's not many server rules so i'm surprised yeah it definitely broke them it made an iron farm oh okay it traded with villagers illegally well it makes an iron farm start spitting iron out miraculously that's how sex works what how to sex first find an iron golem spawner well that's what i was saying is that without my book i kind of [ __ ] there's no iron golem spoiler in minecraft that's true there's not c2 dream if you can't find the iron golem spawner then how are we ever expecting you to sex i guess i guess that's true i guess that's true i didn't know that was part of it though i didn't know it is it is well the thing is the problem without is no one's ever gonna no is that right yep you wouldn't be here if i didn't make an iron golem spawner with your mother guys let's stop talking we're live guys we're live let's not sally was she as hot as hot girl though she was a salmon so with the 100 gifters thank you pog champ boys pog champ just absolutely yeah yeah i just yeah did you see that they just gave me a hundred gifted funding where are my things uh chest in the water i went thanks cash out thanks for the thanks money no give us more though give us more don't stop now do it do it again brand do it do it again brand please so so what happens if you call a brand a [ __ ] they donate for advertising he's like kashaf you're a [ __ ] wow wow wow you know the only way to prove you're not is to donate another hundred yeah yeah yeah donated you're a business you have billions of dollars don't need a billion then we'll do it yeah yeah [ __ ] like god cash out your ass is literally about moving people's money around move their money into thomas yeah i rang that bell [ __ ] wait wilbur why are you putting dirt in the beach let's see what they do let's see what they do the more tier ones the merrier that's what i say cash out guys you allowed to insult brands what happens what happens when you do that they sue you but oh well no clinically and legally they're not [ __ ] but yeah exactly let's clarify this yeah i don't usually use the wrong words i mean what i say i'd say a complicated word to you and you try and define it oh i know what that means i can't define that on stream masticate oh isn't that one when in that one it's like when a fish turns inside out i'm sure well even so why is there a word for a fish turning inside out why is there a dedicated word for that i don't hey man i i ain't no i ain't no dictionary i'm just i'm just a guy trying to do what's right for society i've watched the joker i have yeah we live in one what about semblance what does semblance define us so that's when isn't that when i am i'm like you know in that semblance isn't that simple yep you got it it's when a man starts crying what semblance you go oh look over there phil gary's semblancing again yeah he's having a big old tear-up what's wrong with a man crying tommy oh there's nothing wrong with it why we have a word for it do we only have words for good things yes uh-oh dream disagrees no i definitely disagree that's why what are some bad words you know dream what about terrorists why would i don't know what that word means i only know good words okay like frog like frog or or or healthy bats healthy back what see that's two heads that's a hyphen so okay what i need to do now guys let me go look at my to-do list i've made the beach so wonderful this is more of a desert now oh i need to craft a cake i need to craft it i'm done [Music] making sand dunes but we need a chest view no i don't really need one like i just go to le mans low blow ghost i need i need a chest room oh yeah phil that was weak look what i got this is not this is not to brag or anything can you come and help me tell me you sound like me go yeah well you still haven't got one ghost can you can you come and um can you come and build some oh you're above me oh [ __ ] sorry can you come and um yeah do a trick at least i could see me now hey can you uh come in um build as a chess room because this just isn't cutting it for me i do have a couple extra because i i made a fart in like this chest room oh really i don't know i don't have i don't have any they're not enchanted you haven't used oh yeah guys i'm trying to [ __ ] sort out my chests here yeah sorry i'm sorry tommy sorry we're just like you just start talking over me man i'm trying to try to get me chests in in line hey by the way just so we all know cash out cash up left immediately after we uh did that so someone in your chat just said my dog just died la mao no that's well is that the same person whose dad died the other day like that donated my god no why are you laughing at that because it shocked me that dream that dream said that no no come on no you thought it was funny you didn't it didn't shock you what oh they're back they're back ah yes there's there's the backbone there it is yeah yeah yeah wait tell me here's the thing here's the thing right if you want them to give you more money just don't say their name because they just say they will only say their name if they give a hundred subscribers then you'll have me yeah good work boys imagine this brand imagine this dream smp sponsored by your brand name exactly only only for the for the smaller six million dollars divided to everybody on the server hey that would actually be pretty good everyone would get a couple hundred k okay exactly exactly i'm going to mine some trees oh that is the brand that's a synthetic brand brown 69 hey brand i think you're forgetting the exact rules we set out a brand i think said 100 yeah brand you you idiot brand yeah you give 31 less since you are [Music] 31 subs we're going to start advertising other apps okay that's the nuclear option let me just google brand name competition find one find [Music] [Music] oh wait so if i get an android phone that would be super easy for me to use it as long as it's not an iphone and if you have questions hey brand now's your chance to redeem yeah yeah they're really nervous of us now i don't think that's his manager's on the phone right now he's like can i give the subs i need to be able to give the subject i need you right now if we don't then we will live in the shadow of venmo make the transaction hundreds of thousands [Music] also deleting any any messages that say the brand's name yeah we'll unfilter it for the small price of one thousand gifted subscribers no more expensive hey yeah yeah yeah yeah i reckon that is a snake look at you stay quiet i will go yeah you're about 30 seconds away from it needing to be 200 or i'm gonna make a big venmo logo this could be your logo for the small price this could be your logo okay i've got it i've got it here you go let me let me post it in chat i'll put it in the vc that's what we're making right i'm gonna make us a little um we have to stop the minute they give us the right amount of subs what is the right amount of subs a hundred at the moment but if they keep waiting it becomes two hundred dollars we're building this logo okay guys by the way i'm just going to make it amazing oh my girlfriend's in my of the chest room oh i'm going to make the chest room all the way over oh actually where should i make it wilbur how did you say can you move please in arabic i'll ask her and then we can no no you can't move her she'd be dissected and [ __ ] she's very very amicable fragile why no don't make it funny that's a bit potent what that's a bit that's a bit in the way they're not it's not like 300 gifted steps you know i mean it's beautiful it's beautiful it really pushes their limits it beautifully pushes their limits i'm also thinking we changed the name of your of the initiators i don't think they called it anymore tommy i think we call them venmowers then mowers you know for the first time in in ever i agree how are you doing how you doing remember hey v army where we at that's what i'll call them wilbur so the logo is very not blocky it's gonna be like impossible to build in in minecraft i'll say that on this one no no no no it don't work it'll work oh that's true wait what are we doing we can literally just put it on the wall stay in front of it wait wait i'm just saying i'm wait wait i'm seeing what messages they say guys they just found the illuminati did the brand that's really weird they've been so quiet it's probably cheaper for them like as like a business model to just stop talking to us so that we just stopped talking about apps all together well i think i think that right now uh the the guy like whoever runs the wait they're still here is like on the phone with the ceo like right now he's saying no we need we need we need to literally buy tommy in it we're we're buying we need to we need to buy him we need the funds we need him gone log studs here sponsored by venmo yeah i'm gonna put it right on the front of log stitch here whenever you come in and out of lobster chair you just see the bamboo there's actually a big v logo yeah i think you just said the name of the brand carefully dream dream careful careful well hey hey you know what cash up you've got you've got oh well that's it we're done come to the front of lobster [ __ ] on me wait once i'm just building a chest room this could be you this could be you brand this could be you wait what is it i'm coming hey up [Laughter] oh my great advertisement we need to light this up look brand this could be you get the brand one ready for swap oh yeah yeah i'll get him hey chat i'll get the brand logo hold on wait did they leave we have the brand logo so i'm just saying all caps i'm downloading venmo good shouldn't we all if only if only everyone had your holiness are they still here no they're gone it's fine let's carry on let's let's stop this joke now let's carry on doing normal content yeah they're done who got rid of the venom oh wait do you want to put it back yeah yeah we keep it there we can't just permanently be sponsored by whenever you get gifted anything from any company you just go to that logo saying like 100 more this could be you well but will you come tell me what you're thinking about my chest room i don't like it so far uh i'm coming off i've done i i think that bit was the peak for me that was a good bit i've peaked tell me it's extremely square i know thank you oh man oh oh um why has everyone left me hey tommy i thought from i thought everyone was leaving me turns out i'm just everyone's actually leaving you thought you were leaving hey tommy this is the first time normal wilbur's been on your stream in a while how's it going oh i've missed you you've got to bring me back to life then i'm not sure but the problem is though i literally wrote it into this to the old school here we go here we go that bringing people back to life is almost impossible because otherwise it delegitimizes death doesn't it i what the [ __ ] does that mean listen bro i'm still i'm still rping right now you're still off you're gonna have to respect give me some role play give me some role play i am sad and depressed good that's my extent i you've hurt me i i did you said you said why are you why have you made yourself like again i haven't been keeping up on what you guys are doing why are you sad all the time well what with what with my yeah but i mean like you're not your character's not lonely at all he's getting visited all the time your character literally has never been on this on the server without hanging out with people every day i'm just i'm just questioning your motives here you know i mean as a fellow as a fellow writer you'll understand surely tommy yeah well but i am speechless you have just i'm gonna end now is it just that you missed tubber that could have been that would that would be a that would be a kind of a cheap answer but it would have um can i can i be really honest with you this is really strange to talk about on stream why it's your mistake yeah okay what you want to talk about girls girls women big fan big fan can't go five minutes without thinking core blinding that's a girl in my brain girl in brain girl brain we have fun we're fun on this show yeah we have fun you know hey hey what what hey what if we have no bones though what hey picture that eh we remove all our bones makes our show ten times funnier yeah if i had no bones i would simply i would simply not yeah you go minecraft but i'm all [ __ ] mush and [ __ ] no because i'd be supported by a series of of bladders my bladder i've got i don't know stop the heavily so i don't really need to know on the condition of yours why are you lighting up the holes what [ __ ] weirdo oh so mobs don't spawn in them you idiots who cares if a mob spawns in them so what i don't want because then it all goes and then it's harder for saddest to make all the sounds if they've got for the entire you know when i go did you know when i go you [ __ ] up you can hear me change my music what the [ __ ] man because what you saying you know when um i'm not i'm not i'm not trying to argue with wilbur yeah you shouldn't yeah do you like my new song tommy yeah i'm not gonna self-promote your song brand okay i'm i'm just a guy pretending to be depressed i'm going to let you play a bit of it on stream i bet you shadow played that didn't you no i didn't i bet you [ __ ] recorded it at least you recorded because you are so self-obsessed yo you remind me just i'm suspicious not so dream i'm back he's being all weird i liked it more when it was just me and you dream oh okay we should we should uh well it was going on about characters and [ __ ] and it i didn't like it have you finished your chest room yet no but i'm making it a little thought and i'm quite proud it looks very much like log talk that's not locked that's our style now what do you make of it is it hot it's all right it's canny you know it's nice but like i don't see any chests tommy that's a big thing that's missing from well yes because i'm still building it you know i've got rags in my shirt yeah you look pretty run down do you want you need like a sleep ball i'm sleep deprived you've got a bed yeah but i don't sleep in it i just laid i have i have a gift for you tommy is it is it better eyes not quite that that is weird that you that you didn't go no i have i have those saved for sure oh oh three nice oh that is in poor taste yeah oh god armor for me yeah well thank you thank you you're welcome oh my god no one's ever given me armor before well you are welcome i literally gave you boots no one's ever given me yeah well you did give me you gave me slippers phil that's not that's an early christmas present that's not that's not armor come on let's be realistic here what do you make of my homestead can we get i'm not sure we should keep this big brand logo i'll be honest i know will was really committed to it but i'll be really honest just put it in the chest and then we'll put it back on you know this huge v here i'm not actually sure i i like it and how's this being my home yeah i think i'll hear i'll talk take it down i'll have to get down yeah i don't know i don't care i need to start carrying one on me yeah you think you think uh we've used it a lot more it's just confusing oh building really like confuses me like like genuinely what about i don't know where i might i lost my it makes me go all right maybe i'm colorblind tommy look at this look at this magnificent site oh my god yeah this is your this is your money's worth cash out we're burning the venmo logo oh my god that was powerful i checked i checked their account they've gifted you like over a thousand subs already not enough oh my god i wonder how many oh that's a lot we actually screwed them over like they they actually gave me lots of money to a huge detriment to their brand which is just well to be fair competition generally benefits brands right i'm pretty sure like if you don't know about if you don't know about cash like apps in general and you download one of them you're more likely to download the others at least that's what marketing is that's tough this sounds like someone's paid you to say that no no i i'm pretty sure it's the same it's that i'm pretty sure it's competition is good i think that at the time advertisement they got from just you mentioning it for like two seconds in front of two hundred thousand people by the way was more than enough i'm sure i'm sure they're happy they'll be okay they'll be fine and then there's threatening they're only a brand after all brands don't have feelings you can't marry your brand well well dream let's continue um so what do you mean certain states well i got you some chests for the chest room oh thank you we need to just make our pathway over to the um to the beach for tomorrow dream yeah please come and help me we're gonna pathway for us it's not gonna be easy for people all the old people like phil from you are all right really though you are really really old well hey hey man it wasn't me that said it i'm not though how old are you you know how old i am 32 yes i'm 16. yeah you're really young that should be the other one i should be saying this [ __ ] maybe it is the other way around maybe i'm just really young you're just really young that's you're literally like [ __ ] a child whoa that one that was [ __ ] up that was [ __ ] up why would you say that you know i'm insensitive about my age i'm like an old man but in the sense that i mean you know what are you giggling at you're like a huge man i'm not very much like a huge man am i you just call me giggly boy you were like giggling in your little corner with your shovel going i was helping you you were giggling that's what you were doing this place is pretty nice we need to bake as a cake dream we need eggs how do we need eggs why are the oh there's so many eggs in the mandberg man and we need birch logs for them oh i've got those for these i'll go fetch eggs you get the milk and stuff oh we can we can find some milk doesn't give milk no it does give milk it does right i'm pretty sure it's still you know what i can't remember i know you definitely get money it does i just did it i just did it you you're wrong and i'm right and how could we have a doubt dream i could have never doubted me this iq is so high okay game's never been made fun of by an old man before so he doesn't know well that was a double whammy help me i'm getting eggs all right all right um cake we need wheat and sugar oh [ __ ] we need to get high dream oh i'll be oh until come on until phil comes out come on yeah yeah yeah come on boys check check the bun oh it's time it's time the chat's going crazy so many of you you look up for phil you're looking for phil look over phil oh my god what are you doing go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go hurry hurry come on everyone in chat you have to do it before you come before you come let's go get some sugarcane let's get some stream naked no i'm not [Laughter] he's not one of the good ones oh please it's not what it looks like [Laughter] you're gonna make me fall [Music] [Laughter] you know what to do if you saw that prove to us you saw you know you know they know don't they dream yeah they do they know what to do they know what to do if you know the inside joke you have to do it now if you don't do it now then then you didn't know the inside joke you didn't know yes yeah that's make them feel left out exactly one oh i haven't got me there we go dude [Music] [Laughter] [Music] dude yes [Music] i'll place it now i'll wait tomorrow do you think um wait till tomorrow okay yeah tomorrow if you won't be able to move it once it's placed yeah and some wronging could come up and eat it true it wouldn't be me it wouldn't be me oh no i would never imagine dream eating cake before anybody else know let's hide this not the secret cake that's creepy wait wait wait can i like no no i feel like there's something funny we could do with this that is really fun i didn't know you could make corners like that wait i've had an [Laughter] okay okay you ready you ready you didn't scream you meant to okay you actually don't really fit in the box you need to um all right here i'll back up my back up oh wait let me hear it perfect okay you ready wait oops it just wasn't what i thought it was gonna be okay i thought i thought well look okay phil it's been lovely seeing you can i spend some time with my power dream now you can i will catch you later bye all right so we're thinking tomorrow uh i have called probably at like later later like nine or ten we'll do this yeah we'll invite everyone okay so what time is that my time it's like five p.m well i'm uploading tomorrow so i might i might end up being a little bit later but hopefully about like eight or nine ish yeah and i'm gonna throw a bit and okay and we'll just gonna get all the invites out yeah it's gonna be the first time everyone said maybe turbo will show up actually though yeah i know double will turbo well especially one wilbur gives him the invite i'll make sure it helps out we'll get that done all right well when i log back in tomorrow everyone's going to be here yes well no because we can log in and then just do like the initial preparations and then yeah i need to make sure i set up some other [ __ ] yeah all right well this has been good this has been good this has been a lot of fun um all right you know we've been bonding and stuff i think it's yeah all right we'll see you tomorrow see ya we're getting better everyone we're getting are we we're getting better i guess i guess we're bonding i guess boys thank you all very much for watching it's a scots major type of night boys thank you all so much for watching go watch scott go follow him he's great um thank you all for the subs please i'll be here tomorrow night big one tomorrow all i'm saying is a big one so please turn on the little twitch notification bell if you can see it i think you realm was taken for the prime zo mario 83 with the prime as well rachel pav thank you turn on the little twitch notification bell uh if you can uh hopefully i'll see you all tomorrow thank you all so much for tuning in we've got a big video going live tomorrow well last night the first recording in ages uh thank you so much for watching and i'll see you all later boys good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,476,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft challenge, tommyinnit gets exiled, dream exiles tommyinnit, tubbo exiles tommy, tubbo exiles tommyinnit, tubbo betrays tommy, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, tommyinnit exiled, dream smp exile, tommyinnit dream smp, wilbur tommy, tubbo and tommy, wilbur tommyinnit and tubbo, dream vs tommyinnit, dream smp, dream smp vods, dream smp playlist, dream, dream smp war, dream team smp
Id: _tQgUPoTv6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 27sec (5607 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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