Tommy Is 17 Now...

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hey today was my birthday and i got the dream smp and played with turbo rambu and it was great this is a really fun stream so i hope you enjoy this one also please do subscribe it's completely free and if you like any of my other tommy unit content then you'll probably love the stuff on this channel so please subscribe thank you all so much and enjoy this video welcome back to the stream who's on for my birthday better than no one uh welcome everyone back to the dream smp looks as though it is just just tumbo happy birthday ad [Music] and he's and he's completely afk that's fine i'll just join vc2 oh [ __ ] wait i'm on wait was i just zoomed in then [Music] [ __ ] that's a lot of cake oh my oh my god we've been griefed we've been griefed we've been griefed someone's trolled a lot along me [Music] who did this who did i can't walk on my floor now my feet would be all mushy who did this spit out chap it was captain [ __ ] get on right now [Music] i know my desktop came on the ship get on who did this show yourself log on to the smp i can't he can't just be tumbo please please please please are there any presents maybe why do you why do you do that where you don't say anything and you just hate about i didn't want to interrupt the train of thought okay thanks phone for the 50 gift what the [ __ ] no one's left me any presents i've just been grieved i've got a present what is it oh tomorrow you didn't you're you're too kind you do kind of card would have done a card similar card would have done thank you it's okay do you have any nether right yeah that'll also do any more than that no never mind that's yeah oh yeah in fact there's there's actually yeah yeah yeah this i i need this oh turbo oh really yeah yeah yeah is that all of your resources i am broke that's okay that's okay how are you how am i i know we were actually just hanging exhilarated why because i've got water in a mug i got some water and i put it in a mug why would that be any different to normal water because the mud keeps it cold for longer okay that's cool wait you don't seem to share the passion nice sounds like it's fine it's what i like i've got coke in a can it's cooler it's more trendy it's more hip yeah but it's less healthy why do you need health when you've got primes ain't that right jack hey hey hey yeah yeah yeah hey [Music] it seems as though actually you're the only one that showed up for my birthday well and someone wouldn't miss it did you grief me no captain puffy did i think this is got puffy written all over it that bastard that look at this face look at this face on this sign here look at it look lola get your look that's that's got where's her home i don't know take me to it i've got wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait-wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait-wait excuse me wait wait now please let's go i'm going to give her a birthday surprise i don't even know her she greased me she griefed me i think this is her home here she lives in a in a well yeah why would you choose to live in a well because you know i walk down i remember that down here i'm well in it you're welling it what the [ __ ] yeah i know right not even built bell champa oh my god i haven't been streaming [Applause] oh my god get in the holy water what is this [Music] wall of shame why is this your wall of shame oh my god it's the wrongansboard rollins the board of wrongans who's the last one that i know add a wrong one for me add a wrong one hit me with a wrong he strikes me there's one he does he does he did can i add a roman cause of course of course yeah yeah let me add a wrong one no no no on my birthday it's my birthday and you're saying oh well oh no no stop it right now stop it stop it stop it drown it out drown out the pain primed through the pain they remove pugs but they can never take our primes please can you hit me with another wrong and i'm out of wrong yeah rambu rambu rambu rambu rambu rambu rambu rambu rambu rambu i only did because you told me to that's not true though i'm messaging him i'm saying that you're not right for each other why to vote i'm gonna give you an intervention i actually you know after spending quite a lot of time with him i like rambu come up here come up here okay isn't that a good thing i don't think he's right for you i don't think he's right i think getting married at the age of 17 was a really stupid mistake i think it was a huge mistake tomorrow like oh a like a like a like a mistake rambu rambu join the vc rambu i know you can hear this we need to go down here i need to show you something in a moment but let me just take you something right i think i could be wrong i think he he is just wrong for you all right 70 married at 17 all right you're worse than the girl out of mamma mia and she was the [ __ ] dancing queen you're not the dancing queen i don't think anyone can compare to that actually hey ramboo all right you're the humble turbo are you humble you're honest you're innocent and you should not be married to this bamboo rambu brastard apparently he's a roman well he's speaking said so the board said so would the board lie no words can't lie words can't lie look at me i want you to see this see this home oh what the [ __ ] someone's already been doing it with 10 gifts right but you're not live are you i could just read out my my money i make okay i thought that was a huge yes look to beau come here come here i think this is some relationship advice from me and believe me you know you you know how many relationships i've been in how the sheer frequency quantity many of them listen it's probably a bad thing actually that there's lots no no why would it be bad means they're all unstable no me and my we're not unstable we're very very happy together all five you're very stable all five of us are very we're stable yes they're the thing that the little this is going to know about each other no i'm stable with each of them individually and i split my time in fifths i'm [Music] i think you should rebuild this and move out of rambu's house because he's a [ __ ] evil little boy you think i should read listening to this if rambo is listening to this i think he should be listening to this he should know that i don't hate him i quite like him i just don't think you two are compatible right you know you like this nah i think you should rebuild this house tomorrow you think i should rebuild this yeah yeah it's a really it's a it's a commodity of the of the dream smp isn't it to be honest it would be quite nice to have my old house back i could make like i could rebuild my little cute potato um you could rebuild the poo machine [Music] think of the toilet oh my god you should re-spoil it you should rebuild them i wish you i will here's what i think you do here's what i think we do right we rebuild this all right not like right now obviously because i'm busy but like yeah i don't know maybe on sunday your stream 6 p.m but anyway i genuinely i think i mean yes i genuinely think p.m on sunday taking it too far aren't you i i honestly think the rambu just isn't right for you i i'm in the call you know what do you know what i mean you're just not compassionate you do maybe you agree with that no i really don't understand i'm just kind of you're that's irresponsible i'm responsible i'll guide you to vote i'll be here you seem pretty responsible i'll guide you where are you gonna guide me where are we i'll guide you come with me come with me i'm gonna take you to my secret place my place you have a secret place oh i have a secret place i'm going to re-primes on the way since um it's rainbow since it's secret i'm just i'm just here oh hey rambo hey i've been here for the past like 10 minutes uh it's all being like sucked back in the hole ah like a reverse poo like a reverse oh exactly no no no don't want to think about that actually that's just called like super constipation oh god no no no no let me read some uh up freak show sad damn thank you for the team one i want you to oh god look at all them let's put me in the little guys i can't believe that they've ruined pogba i'm still not over it where are you they had their reasons i'm i'm currently on my way back i'm almost there snort here yeah it's no so it's going to be one of those birthdays is it yeah okay well you know though i'd wait till i was 19 but oh my god you're the same age as me now wow you're younger we're like twins no you're certainly younger come down here oh okay oh oh i know about this place you know what do you even know about it uh this is okay we're gonna go down here do not fall in excuse me i have issues thanks for extinguishing me that was okay look look here are these your things no these are this is fondy's original house wait wait wait wait wait wait over here over here oh why do you have why is oh what if you've got dream sword in there yeah this is where i've been keeping all my [ __ ] about my vault right because the richest people they always look poor all right randy wouldn't tell you this information just for the record i don't wanna i don't wanna you know be with you or anything i'm just saying that randy wouldn't tell you this and he's not a good friend i'm in the game oh can i can i have nightmares no no no i i gave you his armor to bow and i've been armorless yeah but i want the complete collection no no no you're getting greedy i know that seeds are paid for i got stuck help help give me hand me the trident help hand me the trident i can't drop it i'm gonna press q that's not how cobwebs work i know that gifted what the [ __ ] thank you it's just it's look it's just in the cobweb fine fine fine oh thank you thank you that was string what i actually want to do is make a little bit of a roux as well as read my little chat i've got going on i want to make a bit of a room that i am a vault if you will right because then i realized i actually realized my dream sister came here and just flooded this one with seeds that they're not safe here oh is those dream sister seats yeah why does dream sister have so much seeds she just gave them to me out of her the kindness of her soul why does her soul love seed so much no oh board of things oh i read this this is really old enemy what what about this empty stream because like you fundy and you yeah you're not on good terms are you right aren't we fun day [ __ ] fun day he'll he'll be here soon i'm sure come up come on now i can't okay sometimes i just scream people's names when they arrive you know that's true you did it to me please work please who just said fund these nuts that's not on is it bundys nuts i have an idea once rambu gets here i want to go through it with him too i'm almost there i'm i'm still going to call you guys you guys know that i'm in the call right are you nearly here i'm right behind you i want to see if the barrier blocks are still there holy [ __ ] oh they are they are they are yeah because well i basically i need to build a vault man all right because i need to keep my things in like a quiet so it's like a sky vault well i could i i'm worried that then people will find it no no no no this is my i could get sam to make a little redstone door that goes yeah was that planned he just logged in that was very convenient am i still here rambo you nearly speculated so where should i build that where's the place that no one would search people in the chat we say too because i think funny's all basis i need a little secure location i'm gonna read some donations put it on top of the prison yeah but i have mining fatigue yeah but then your chest won't be able to be mined i think the three gifted the i3 i think you should put it in the sky come on let's go i can put it in look at how weird this looks look at me god i'm coming up oh that's a cool idea pog topia ah oh i went there today actually yeah you shut it is anyone in the desolate okay come on come on wait can i my secret tunnel said didn't get blown up to get there can i show it to you i need to go on animal crossing in a bit by the way because i need to i need to redeem my birthday i know i know i look forward to that every year yeah yeah so i might have to say one of my favorite bits i'm pleased by the little things okay oh i've destroyed this who's rebuilt it oh i suppose they've oh actually this looks lovely it's like splendid they made it really who did this who's making all my [ __ ] foolish he keeps janitoring the server that's nice it was very nice of him someone should pay him for that but he doesn't get paid society follow me how crazy is this prince philip decided he wanted to die on my birthday hey you know i call that selfish yeah yeah yeah honestly but look tommy it's an awfully long drop and i have some just go down what the when did you what did you get me for my birthday here do you want it do you want it now yep [Music] holy [ __ ] you guys coming down nope that would have been that would have been amazing if you didn't land the water bucket instantly used it this is where you and i escaped after jay schlatt's inauguration oh yeah oh so much drama here yeah yeah i built this so much no i did i bought a lot of this no you did not i did i built this this and the tunnel you did the wooden path no i built the tunnel i built some of the tunnel hey yo what's up rambu hey yo hi just want to say i'm happy for you to join us but no rap music all right no flash dancing none of that no no flash photography no flash photography we don't deal well with bright lights in that right yeah i don't think i'll i don't think i'll cause any if we don't have epileptic problems probably how are you though ramboo oh i'm doing good i'm doing good yeah oh yeah things are things are going great because i was being determined things didn't sound like they were going so great what do you mean things didn't sound like they were going so great i don't know man speaking to turbo things didn't sound like they were going so great i really didn't say anything sub goal thanks everybody i was literally in the i was literally in the call for all of it one second you guys here's what i'm gonna do all right do i confront them on my birthday yeah guys this morning i woke up i i jumped out of bed on i landed on all fours and i thought i'm stronger all right i'm stronger than i've ever been before i built this one by the way but what i realized was i did not not only did i get physical confidence which believe me i did now i'm seventeen i like i feel like this then if you put i feel bigger you know i like my arms they go like that i think that's just a problem with your bones man you should probably get that checked out actually that that does not sound like that's a good thing don't [ __ ] say that but why what i was thinking is got a little bit more social confidence too rambutan was saying to me he doesn't think that you he thinks that it's all came too quick you and him yours it was literally around for that yeah and that's kind of that's right all of that right tell me what problems tell me what problems you two are having um what what problems are we having um remember i didn't and now i do and it's [ __ ] horrible wait wait do you there's still the potato farm you want to see the potato farm is it is it operative yeah it's still operative i made it a bit prime path here as well look oh god wait oh i hope it's still opera well it doesn't feel very operated [Music] it it is i just watched it do this this is where i put the diamond block that will [ __ ] go crying about yeah and this is also this pit where technoblade beat you to death i prefer not to discuss that on my birthday i'm thinking i make a bit of a vault here all right yeah yeah what i want to do is make a bit of a like with stone blocks all right stone can we get oh thank you yeah so we placed them here and we need a little redstone trap door that goes [Music] yeah yeah and then it goes backwards here back here into a little iron room and then you access my chest with iron doors in front extra blast rot i'm genuinely thinking because i just i need to hide all my things somewhere oh my god i think with the 50 pounds because the thing is secretive these days well it's about i've got lots to lose now times are changing i didn't before look at this look at this what's this holy [ __ ] [ __ ] did you play sound energy valuables now dang what was that place and an ender chest please i do have another chest i don't have sex i gave him all my money by accident don't take any give him by the way please i got a stack of gold blocks for some reason from trista i wasn't really sure how i did that but i did yeah okay okay look at that look at that is that too good yeah remember what seems to be the issue i'm sensing a little bit of uh anger tension in the atmosphere no no no i wouldn't really say that there's any anger have some fish are you sure are you sure well there's some fish there's one fish i wouldn't say i wouldn't say that there's really anything going on you know what no there is something on why'd you all go quiet well yeah what is the thing that's good you're just not gonna say with it oh um i i thought that was about one of you guys chime in rambu why don't you talk about your feelings how are you feeling that tubbo gave me all of his riches uh honestly okay with it because it's your birthday i mean i'm i'm i'm i'm fine with it i have your trident doesn't really need the diamonds anyway am i trying because it's your birthday can i have my trident because it's your birthday oh the way around oh okay okay uh i mean i only have one trident i'd say i can probably make you another one if you want but other than that i've got stone oh yes please just to have the fly thing on well i've got them all all right what i'm gonna do is we need stone bricks we need to make this a secure facility okay okay prison well yeah yeah like the prison but yeah but if tommy and it made it here let me get let me get my with 100 more oakwood with 1 000 okay if i just quiet these down i've heard prison isn't that funny generally in real life anyway how are you amber yeah i i i'm doing good i'm doing good you you've asked me you've asked me this like three times just i'm just hoping that you're okay you know someone seems like i am okay i am okay hey what's up welcome you guys hear about wilbur what happened to what what happened to wilbur he was a dick oh i okay two people today i said hey can i have a preview of your new song dream and wilbur one of them went of course of course and i danced around my room with with joyous emotions to it going yes that's where the mask is and then the other one went in there him in there like that it's very hello hey tommy it's your friend joe oh what's up joe hi joe how you doing mate i'm just here to say goodbye today it's my birthday it's joe how are you joe yeah i'm doing well are you having a good day yeah it's been good it's been good just slagging off will just slack him off yeah it's gonna be done doesn't it yes hey amen yeah no joe how what did you make of the new uh marvel show the one with captain america i've only watched episode oh i need to watch the uh episode four well episode [ __ ] does it get better or worse it comes out every friday doesn't it is it better or what i think it's it's better to watch because it's just typical yeah and it's good but yeah i just want to quickly say happy birthday thanks joe i appreciate that hope you have a good day too joe don't do anything you'd regret who is that person it's joe what do you mean it's joe come on [Music] do you actually just sit mining i know it's sometimes yeah oh my god okay okay [Music] by the way oh good lad ah thank you i was hoping that someone would have you know can we get pistons sam hog topia knee piston door please please please wait where's all that tnt you nabbed we could do something fun with it like what like you said you wanted more riches we could mine but with the tnt or we could use it to make a cannon [Music] what's a tnt cannon you know where you line it up and you press the one at the end and then you launch tnt at people i would like to make sure you want to make that yeah yeah yeah can i do the thing where i go flying as well with the make it so that we tnt up yeah yeah i would like to go upwards look look up here this is my mine i made don't you mean roller coaster can we launch the tnt at the prison oh go on do you want to yeah yeah okay wait so we've made this if sam gets here soon we can just put up the door to them it's quite a long way back so is there anything else we need to put in it or should probably maybe take one down let me see yeah yeah it'd be first it's a pretty good vault yeah yeah right a little bit on me a little bit yeah right here oh oops what was it what was it now i suppose that'd probably get us into dream we could kill him oh my god 150 pound donation thank you wow that's oh my god can you mine this can you mine the center chest i don't have sulk touch yes can you come and show me your house please ah [ __ ] it out all right okay don't talk about the prison did he just refer to himself as big man i think he does that hi sam hello sam you just caught yourself big man i did i did it was a lapse of judgment judgment though good good sam can you um how would you could you make a secret redstone door here with the thing where i press q and then it opens up yeah i i can do that you want it to just be a two block door though you don't want a big door i would like a big cooler how big do you want i mean we can do five big big big yeah yeah yeah yeah nine by nine yeah nine by nine is max size let's do five by five we got five by five yeah yeah yeah five by five we yeah yeah well i mean okay help me there's no we in team no there is no we in you why is there so much weed awesome dude okay let's get a little this is where i just want to have my little bunker right this is where i'm going i'm hiding all my things down here sam so the people don't know i'm very rich oh you're rich now i didn't know that i'm not wait no wait no i'm not sam what did you get me for my birthday sam i got you something good is it was it is it a threat is it tnt how did you know it was tnt yes oh it's awesome sorry yes what did you wait what did you get me something oh wow okay that's good that's good that's good that's fine okay well sam we're thinking we'll come back here in a little bit and build this door i think we should do now wait wait you want me to build this door right now yes are you gonna just deny the birthday boy's request you're just gonna know i just i just thought you were gonna help me dig it out but i'll dig it out it's fine don't worry you can use some tnt because we have something we have some okay i also have a redstone torch here so sam you'll be oh it wasn't fast enough it actually was not as bad as i thought yeah that destroyed like that sam so we're just thinking so you'll be here like for a little while won't you you'll be sat here yeah i'll work on this for a little while yeah it won't take me long yeah so you'll be sat just here awesome cool cool yeah i'll just be here there's a lot of buttons down here what are those for uh oh no just just a little bit of trouble when he went nuts yeah yeah yeah yeah childhood trauma and stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah wow that got really deep i feel like i got a little too deep for me honestly i'm gonna be honest with you okay wait don't worry i'm very shallow you don't know i meant you know now i'm 17. do you have any iron legally i can drive now so you actually can as well god i don't even get me started oh my god i could drive i could [ __ ] just oh wow you drive a car i did i told you about it i still cried twice and crashed in like a minute i crashed a car right there i'm getting hit in the open road and i ain't coming back oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no rabbit rabbit no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay and i ain't going back you just immediately went backwards as soon as you said that now i can hear this the dream song and i will understand this it's it's no timber get out of the road gather the road i'm not in the room no get out the road both of you get out the boat go get out the boat get out of the road my mum got me a big l oh i got an l as well yeah magna l to wham on a car yeah i said mother what's this big yeah yeah i'll bring my l to you and i'll [ __ ] slap you around the skull with it oh that's gonna be so awesome yeah that will be awesome that's gonna be great when i get slapped by the big l do you have l's in america nope i have no idea what you guys are wait do you not have those what is an l what like what do you mean you got an l it's the magnetic l the magnetic l yeah that you put on your house magnetic l what does that mean that you put on your house no you put it on your car you put it on your car why would you put an l on your car yourself wait but why would you do l that kind of like sure that means learning it also means loser did you know that yeah i thought my mum got me a big loser sticker then she was going to throw me out the window but she didn't she didn't so i can hit the open road what else can i do now i'm 17 um illegal substances laugh at 16 year olds cry all of those are actually very yeah didn't used to say pog 2020. it did didn't it why don't we just take it down tnt yeah i will happily let's go i don't want anything to light the tnt so i'm just going to what oh oh it's my pnt tnt yeah yeah probably yeah um we should probably destroy them right yeah you should probably destroy [Applause] uh-oh [Laughter] oregon [Applause] you set your spot and then forgot wait where is he at he's 10 million blocks out no oh my gosh sam we also need more tnt we do not need more wait if i just destroy my bed right now yeah just wait just just break the bed and then die yeah why do i have three minutes why do i have mining fatigue wait how do you have money oh yes sam by the way sam the the stuff that we code embrace when you get too far out i couldn't break anything i will not be exiled for a third time please slowly but surely tommy this is hey this is just sam growing up you got to learn things are hard and they take forever no no no no no no things are not happening sam the code breaks when you get too far out by the way interesting thank god for the entertainment yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait no no if i don't he blocks out if i die i'll lose my mind yeah yeah why did my friend oh over there kill me friend i need it if you guys hey guys by the way if you don't know why tommy in it is 10 million blocks away from spawn it's all explained in his latest giving why do i keep getting mining fatigue upon being respawned it's because the code's busted it's the prison code isn't it when you get too far yeah yeah when you get too far away when you get um lit so when you yeah yeah so it's like regional perfect well i mind it now i spawned in it wait wait did tommy's stuff just blow up yeah it literally just blew up uh oh what oh there we go there we go tommy what where are you rambu i did happen to have that totem on me you did have that totem wait were you holding the train i did happen to hold the totem and then it blew me did you die twice give me my stuff back give me my stuff back tommy your stuff got blown up your stuff got blown up wait tommy here here tommy here sam can we get some more treasure thanks rambo you'll have enough you've got to go all the way to my tnt uh farm my sam can we have more tnt we promise we'll be responsible we'll be responsible with it it's not like we blew up the majority of the prime part we did not just blow up someone's house wait you guys blew up people's stuff no wait what happened i haven't seen it yet it was a tnt camera but we did we bought one tnt into a giant pile of tnt wait what women never mind no it's women times free there's four three women oh far too many at once okay i'll go there we're not gonna go down that route the cry it just says it says y never too many no this says y seven wait where's y seven y seven that just says y seven wait did it blow up it's just plus seven y seven dude why why wait that blew up a lot yeah we really put a lot of stuff i don't think we should have i don't think we should have bridged using tnt and then also no the thing is though the first tnt would have been fine but then tubbo actually placed another one oh that launched it and then it got wait i didn't think it was gonna wait did i actually not get any of yeah no all your stuff is gone because you got blown up and then it just blew up whose horse is this happy birthday happy birthday wait really is all my stuff actually just oh yeah this stuff just got blown up dude this happens regularly on this hell at least i have this cake okay candy day to have a birthday no from when we re-overtook um manberg yeah yeah it's still full of crap really yeah it's been a lot of wandering today fellas my legs are getting a bit i just died with all my i just died to the hands of tnt yeah would actually work yeah it would work we just need a little bit more tnt sam sam yeah sam can we get some tnt can we have some tnt more tnt you sound so yeah go go go to the creeper farm in my face and just get more sam can you call god real fast i don't even have a water bucket oh this is my worst birthday ever rambo i'm doing the puppy eyes at you give him tea wow that works really what was that that was just military my god oh rambling you've got any water bucket i i do yeah what yeah i do the miners want that and he's so good he's really good at this what the heck is going on why is that okay so is there all the red stuff going then yeah it's being sucked up like a big husband you wanna just jinx you know now foolish is doing that you wanna just go get that red stuff off there and have a chat yeah sure can we do that can we just go just [ __ ] take it down get me a hoe please poem rambu homie i got i got you a hoe homie rambo hoe where's the hoe yo thank you for the ho bro sound like you're reading a donation make sure you give me that whole back all right i've got hobo rambu hold me up i only have one hoe right now rambu homie i only had one home i need to homie i'm sorry i don't have multiple hoes right now i only have one home bamboo give me another oh fine i know you have another hoe in there rambo i only have one hoe everybody here here okay out here here i got you i got you he's making another hoe right now i'm making another hoe right now here you go you can be his size it's not as good as the other hose yeah it's the size we've already had thank you man's got two hoes you you had it's got two holes wow okay if we go there let's get a few more blocks can we just tear down the explosives it's really all right foolish told me yeah go ahead yeah let's do it let me be an ambassador to the community well those are two different people oh wait no everyone everyone's read is saying man's got two hoes i know yeah and also um santa says it so why can't i exactly that says it three times i'll read some of the donations we've got three hoes baby rambu want to remember do you like i don't know why i'm singly do you want to read the donations with me yep sure okay happy birthday am i supposed to just am i supposed to just read it thank you for the 10 pounds something yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you for the 10 pounds thank you for the 10 pounds so guys how do you mind this quick oh it's hot of course i've caught how can i be so blind why is it hosed at mine this quick that's such an obscure because hoes needed a purpose so then minecraft gave hosts amen amen amen your entire chat for me is just filled with the sensor god oh the auto mod cue is dying dude let's just take this [ __ ] down man it's a new day man it's past april the 9th we don't need any of this egg [ __ ] done we will use the hose to destroy the egg that's the hose will take down the egg what if we just hoe it to death hey i've been there done that pal can't yeah you can't the law is a mysterious thing yeah lawyers bro yeah yeah uh i have a pizza that's just been in the oven for the past like 30 minutes that does not describe you've been up to it's my favorite kind of that no that does actually that describes perfectly what i've been up to 30 minutes you know puns i played scrabble with my mom today how are you how'd you do i lost she's too good at literacy and i am not i hate it when that happens that sounds like what would happen you know puns for some reason as a guard at chess what puns do these days puns just plays uh ballerina he does oh my god he's so cracked dude it's awesome i'm not a big fps gamer i know and it sucks i prefer it's really not that's his birthday yeah it's my birthday and you're calling me a sucker you're telling him that he's recording you sucks i'm saying it sucks that you don't like fps games that's what it sounded like to me though i'm just gonna why would you shoot guns in game because i can't shoot guns in real life escapism no i'm not old enough to have a gun like how do i go up here and i don't have my own property why would you have your own property i think well that's just that's just cruel in it yeah i literally gave you one yeah and then i got blown up to death by you yeah yeah um hey i was just trying to get rid of all the crap can you help me please empowered me and i was what was that can you help me please i can't i can't i can't quite reach this building here wait here it's gonna go to the top and destroy it but in fact why because i can i can get you up there well you've gone up without my water turbo's here turbo can you just i'm going i'm not waiting i am how do you just help i'm tubbo okay here you go no we're not gonna be reenacting the end of radio rebel but with tubbo okay no i thank cg5 for the birthday donation oh that's what i was gonna watch okay fellas fellas you know music lowry yeah he made me a song for my birthday that was nice music larry yeah yeah yeah music laura and i'm going to watch it because i haven't seen it yet and he may i do i went all right one sec one second one sec play it through discord okay i really hope it's just a happy birthday song are you ready i haven't seen this yet [Music] this is what music larry did [Music] i don't know what it is [Music] [Music] help me go outside go outside okay it's kind of a jam holy [ __ ] [Music] this is cool listen to the song tomorrow stop talking about my eyes potatoes yo can i have my water bucket please rambo yeah yeah this is cool you know you know music larry don't you ramble um yeah it's like help me destroy this [ __ ] [Music] it's because of my height and my my my kind of yeah [Music] is good because there's just a harmony really true and i'm going to give my own account to anyone and technically that's a member now so yeah i wouldn't say that oh is it fight listed wow yeah is it did you get on one more retry the youngest and i wouldn't say that's it's not me though is it really no it's not me is it it's not me is it though i'm more i'm you know i'm big physically and i'm mentally that was awesome thanks music larry that was pogba's that's really cool that's really cool no but i'm not the youngest am i you are you are the youngest than you remember you joined i was almost sure there was someone that was a little bit younger than me and i was [ __ ] hyped nope yeah i remember hey don't worry it goes like first the worst so you're the worst youngest and then like second i'm just i'm just hey hey you know the word finner no i'm gonna use it now it's finna [ __ ] up did i use it right sam i i don't i don't think so i don't think you did finna [ __ ] i don't think you [ __ ] up man i didn't even know that that was a word it is it is rice comes and knows it that's not how you use it says a lot of things right why is everyone going no because you didn't use it yeah you finna [ __ ] up yeah just saying yeah die i finna die is that a thread that sounds that sounded awfully threatening considering i've been nothing but pleasant and considering it's his birthday my birthday 12 years ago today i was i popped out and i was like what's up remember can you place the thing up there you did not just say i popped out i popped out i popped up i popped off but the other way i popped out of the wall and i said what's up did you mean to say 12 years ago i didn't say 12 years ago because i'm not 12. can you go up there to one place okay i don't i don't have a water bottle unironically did say 12 years i'm finna get i'm finna gonna [ __ ] years up right that's not i still don't think that's the right way to use it yeah you're finna die you're you'll fit up you'll finna ugly rabbit go up there please and place my water that me up ramboo ramboo hello he's buffering i thought i thought i just i just gave him my water bucket hey hey hey i had to grab something what was it my birthday yeah my pizza all right keep going you're going up yeah you finna die oh upon me i ragged mama earlier so got the burps [Music] so you guys really put l's on your on your cars to signify yeah you're a bad driver it's a put big big red l well i'll show you the l i would love to see you i can show you the l it's the world i could show you the world that that's the words of the to that song you were singing yes it's called a parody sam yeah here's the one that's made by captains okay this is a low res image of the l but it gets the job done i got one of these and i could put it on my fridge put it on my car i'm gonna buy going to buy a lamborghini that's what it looks like seriously on the front wait that's what it looks like [Music] for this one why is that dumb it's the hell down that water right now let's clean this [ __ ] up clean this [ __ ] all up we're like the villains in the intro of spiderman i'm not a villain no am i you know i have no i never seen spiderman was it good yes it was good it was spiderman it had tom holland in it oh reason to watch anything amen what shall i do as my next girl says with a mouth full of rambo as the only one that didn't i just had to chime in rambu guys at the next sub goal rambo will give me his trident that is true no i will [ __ ] you yep i heard uh rambu agrees he's actually signed it in the contract as well in the contract yeah we like our ndas here on the dream smp here on the dream smb we like our ndas and we love we like our edits we like our hoes andy a's and hoes welcome to the dream smb welcome to the trip yeah when you were to join remember you had to sign the dream smp and we're all going to get a really serious dm after this stream going it's just not true i don't know we do not sign that laundry room [Laughter] i'll give you a trident i already gave you okay no shot oh you just died in front of me i didn't mean to did i watch this okay i thought it was going to land on the bed but missed oh my god i miss because i was in the right okay i'm gonna you know want me me up i'm gonna get my massive allen i'm gonna stick it over your face and you're gonna suffocate and to suffocate i'll stick my l over your face you're dying with me i would rather not well tough luck what is 150 pounds i don't think i understand we're talking about your birthday but i don't know what i'm just saying you don't gotta flex like that just because it's your birthday i'm just saying it looks good doesn't it does it i look good yes i do look good you're like you remind me of the guy that made gambling styles sometimes psycho is that a compliment psychic the man that was not a compliment i don't care what he says what's his name i don't know what's his real name psy is it really psy his name is sai yeah he's known only by nothing else no i think it's multiple i think it's a band isn't it sorry i would change my name to something cool okay you know if we get to my you know if we get to 30k will you change your name to grubbo no i change it to piranha though i'll choose finder i change mine to like a noise like oh yeah that'll be my name how good to see you you'd be like those weird characters from star trek no i wouldn't be like a weird character from star trek why they speaking noises and then the text at the bottom says what they're saying i don't talk enough it's just called a different language well now you've made me look silly yeah that is yeah talking in noises is just known as spanish or france or france or all of france i just everyone technically speaks in noises when you think about it i don't want to get crypticated today's meant to be a laid-back day i'm not thinking did you know some people think the reason why you can't remember things like very well like like but the reason why not everyone has a photographic memory is because we have language did you know that i learned about this the other day really pretty interesting so it's because i'm linguistic well we give that up to like because like think about it like all the memories you have right there's no language involved with that and then as soon as you learn your language like what your english or whatever language you speak all the rest of your memories are in that light guys could someone play some water at the bottom of the pillar okay okay i'll get a poop i'm sorry i have memories of where i had no idea how to do someone play some water at the bottom of the pillar please i got you so it's because i know the english language is did you put it down the right way thank you can i also have your water bucket please uh no it's my b day oh true [Music] manny on it oh because i stole it from jack manifold it's the manny fork thanks man you're a good friend tomorrow i don't tell you that mainly because i have to be sacrificed don't usually mean satanically [Music] why do you want to be satanically sacrificed me to talk just let us know we're here i don't know just be for a jam dude for a jamming session you've been you've been doing too many streams of sacrifice would be fantastic are you [ __ ] high my sacrifices are boneless man just like the wings i love kfc it's so bad for you so bad for you i don't care no it's really bad guys i made a totem of tnt where he wants no don't do that oh i actually would you did what there was a flame bow i don't i have a flame bubble but it's at my house you made a totem of tnt a totem of tnt i mean actually how does that work i put three tnt on top of each other well that's my tnt that is that is just a that is just three tnt now it's a touch on top of each other it's a totem why did my wet just go right into the ground what whoa did you just call it you're wet where did it go though more important more importantly wait where did my wet go [Music] please stop sam do you know where tommy sweat went slam i found it i'm an expert i lost my wet again what do you think about the word moist oh [ __ ] off it's probably wet moist is like wet but without the commitment tommy do you want this to be a thing where you drop an item or do you want it to be like one of these buttons in here randomly works to like open the door like one of these random buttons of all the thousands of buttons in here [Music] without the commitment it's what it is not wrong why did you learn that makes sense like if it didn't like if it was going to rain it would be like damp in the air but it's like god didn't have the commitment to make it right my yeah moist is like weather without the courage you know yeah it's just like it could be wet but i don't feel like it right now it could be wet but i'm having performance problems you know it's just not for me i doubt god often has performance wait wait no no i didn't i didn't wait no way no no no no no no no no no wait that wasn't at all for us thank you expelled i'm gonna meet god one day ask him about his problems i will actually hey god do you have performances why did you invent impotence oh i wasn't talking about that oh you did god what did you what were you thinking when you made the platypus god what was going through that tiny little head of yours anyway you know what we need it it's for the word octopus to be known as octopi what does that make no sense it's talking about just an english thing all right well fine who's the god of english [ __ ] bring them into this then it's not shakespeare's experience shakespeare because he made all like the school english he made some words that i can make a word can you add my word to the dictionary please what is it that's not where that's the sound this is why we don't remember things it's because of the mouth sounds the mouth sounds are the reason why we can't remember if you wanted you to though i'd have photographic memory could someone listen primers let me let me read some donations what's your favorite dinosaur um tuba's gonna chime in with his favorite dinosaur in a moment so i'm just waiting yeah i was holding off can i go yeah diplodopus my mine is not the dip in the dopas diplodopus why do these blocks take my wet why did you actually my favorite one is the first one that went extinct i hate you that's horrible yeah that's what i mean no i don't thank you i don't know what it was but whichever one was the first brachiosaurus your mom asaurus this one that's funny [Music] what's a branch triceratops triceratops yeah i love my dinosaurs why they're all dead like you're not gonna get any closure yo people from the past they're all dead that's why we should talk about you too that's a little bit hey my man's spin are gonna cry wait did you just really say that was deep to that sentence he really just said people that have died have died and you went man that's well i mean well he was coming off on me saying you want to get closure right people they're really dead though basically said like you'll never get closer with anyone that's already died because they're dead that's basically what he said he just said dead people are dead and that's inherently fine i'm factually accurate thank you very much not quite engaged death this is something you understand is this a new concept for you the last system no no no no i'm there i'm there i understand what we're talking about i don't think you do that what have you got it though got it like round your head oh how wide is your head you strike me as the kind of person to have a wife sam are you aware of the concept of death well you know when i hit the the humble age of 97 i'm gonna die you know what i want to get to a hundred so i get oh the queen won't be able to get it so i get the point i want to get the plaque dude i want to get to 200 so that people can just look at me and go oh man just let them go already i just want to get to 102 so everyone can go right wow okay how do you reckon you'll die volcano somewhat crazy i'm going out with a bang guys if we all get way way too old do you just want to jump in a volcano no together that'll be so horrible you get all sizzly and all tingly and you literally just said that's how you want to die yeah how i wanna die i know how how i will die how will you die then well wait you don't want to die the way you you no because it hurt in reality a few months ago i came up with this title and i want to make that video now i want to make that video but because i like that title does that mean that for my vlog channel that will be a suitable and realistic video i don't know maybe but i feel that as i researched into it and found out that the only whole volcano is in i think it's in like a rack i was like okay perhaps i won't make that video i still want to go you could use you could like you could trip a mile away from a volcano i almost yeah but i want to be on the top i want the thumbnail to be me leaning over a volcano pulling the pug face why would we go to hawaii because that's where there's actually silly names because islands in the ocean are formed by volcanoes twice it was very lovely actually yeah it's also hawaiian silly name yeah that's right volcanic eruptions underneath the ocean and it forms islands you know what i listen i want that's how i don't want to be educated ever wait okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no i do want to be educated when i'm wrong this isn't a time where i've been wrong i'm just this is you know it's like school i'm a big fan of sediment truck hey band of rocks huh i'm a big fan of the rock sometimes i mash him too i [ __ ] have tweeted him so many times and i know he sees it but he doesn't reply i just like really don't respond to my tweets if i'm able to like if i'm ever able to like spectate like certain events right i want to see him react to one of your tweets and just go huh like i want to see that reaction right there we got tweeted him okay good hold up i did something really bad what did you do i bet i basically okay okay so a rapper died and i didn't realize and i okay okay long story so the other day i was on instagram and i saw it yesterday in ksi does birthdays for all of his friends and i went i want him to put me on his instagram story and so he tweeted and so i just immediately replied going ksi please put me on your instagram story it is my birthday and then i swiftly realized that the tweet he had put was rest in peace dmx and when oh god and i just and i just completely ignored that tweet and just replied ksi it's my birthday put me on your instagram story and i went oh [ __ ] so i quickly deleted it but that could have been bad but luckily i quickly read it and realized oh wait oh my god i got that notification on my phone yep i saw that thanks thanks rambu signal boost me please guys i got you i got you guys there's 300 000 of you here if you were to do this though the rock would the rock would likely see if everyone here liked this tweet immediately it was only five hours ago this light tweet the [ __ ] like five hours ago the most likes gained speed run i should probably follow the rock i'm a bad person am i following the rock it's only the rock i really want to see the rock wearing and i'll feed you [ __ ] apron is that what you're going to tweet at the rock it's that you're going to tell me wait this cake regenerated no rambu just did his i regenerated the cake i put my fingers in the cake come here i got you okay wait one second let me get over there he's so weird like that he just like he has like oily fingers and stuff rock rock it's me brock please respond this is getting sad rock this is embarrassing people watch it i've got a live audience wrong there are a lot of people watching right now right now pull it the [ __ ] together rock rock what's that song where it goes like you are my rock i think it's called i know the vine that goes you are my dad i'm not your dad are you coming in no that's not what it was you're not oh i lost my wet for a second all right what's up i think that you get it back i wish i had wet i don't have any all right there you go boom he solved world hunger i can create matter dude let them eat cake then they chopped off her head oh i have no idea what that reference was and i'm very confused now it was a reference to history oh i see i do know french revolution let them eat cake and then they chopped off her head oof i'm sure she made that noise when she died no it was probably what was that yeah someone's not thinking sam can we blow over the prison yeah please please [Music] to create this door for tommy that i honestly now that i've been thinking about it he's not ever going to use this i'm literally going to build this he's going to come flip the switch one time be like wow that's so cool and then never use it again no i will say i will happen you will people visit parktopia all the time people get to [ __ ] with you all the time we're gonna revitalize it man yeah oh my god we could ah rambut what do you do at this stage what do i do with this one well can you take me to your base what do you do i've i've been struggling recently what to do now because i have all the resources what do you do well what i do is i just well you have like you have like your own what do you want the secret key to be for your entrance that you're gonna throw on the ground cooked cod i don't want it to be cooked cod i want it to be wheat wheat weed like the drug okay well what is what is that so what is yours collect me some of that collect me squid weed like dandelions no no weed where are you rambi you're much quicker than me it's not on can you wait for me you're being a bit of a selfish wait up please okay okay okay canonical long legs wow rambu this was your fault oh prime path everyone and it's my birthday double points please everyone it's his birthday check subscribe and prime if there's a big prime button please press it it's completely free you already take money from amazon and it's pogba's to be fair if you do press it oh that was like six there oh but as soon as he gets off at you off the cancel yeah you have to refund your subscription you have to refund the subscription as soon as he gets off yeah as soon as i get offered but you don't have to [Music] he just didn't give us any warning you ran off he does that a lot come on holy [ __ ] oh my god i like tesco's quite a great lot i went there the other day with jack thank you for letting us know you're going the wrong way this way i went there with jack you know we got funny yeah i got kicked out really yeah why because i was filming in tesco's i didn't kick you out they did i showed you the footage there you go they did not kick you out they did they yeah yeah no one told me that there were big holes in that bridge well eyeballs wait why are you sprinting i thought this wasn't your thing not a prime path there's no point rambo just chat off without me he's hiding all his belongings from you calling it reading the chat where do we go now uh hey you know what i do this hey this might just be me but i [ __ ] hate snow biomes i think this is like i hated my time maybe says it was with that no but i just snowbite suck because of the um what is it because of the thanks for the follows because the slowness skeletons they suck also just because it's ugly and snowy wait because it's your birthday can you take things from technoblade yep awesome thanks that's just how it works that either summons him or phil too so it's like welcome to the abode where's your house his house is the weird square one at the back i just come to you and he's got a chest full of emerald blocks i keep seeing it on stream and you're just always in this one room [Music] where's the room rambu where's the famous room it's down here it's down yeah this is the famous room it's horror room it's horrible yep wait make it ding there we go okay well that's my alarm wait okay guys i'm gonna go oh it's been real it's been real uh phil phil oh i'm gonna end up now did you guys light up wait i just finished bye boys thank you very much for watching another stream um [Music] yeah no let me just read some of the donations for a sec and keep changing the game thank you man no i really appreciate you all coming by tonight uh it's really cool there's this many yeah i i really really do appreciate it i'll be live again soon i think we've got big dream smp stuff coming soon but until then it might be a bit on our fee i'm not i'm not sure what's happening you uh you all know how i am um but no i've been working crazy stuff on the youtube we've got next vlog coming out not this week but the week after all right and big streams coming i'm just saying i'm just saying it [ __ ] okay one there's gonna be one big day this week you won't find out but when i'm filming the vlog in fact monday so much if you are if you're a twitter user you should go on twitter on monday all right just throughout that day oh my god thank you all so much for watching uh i hope you all have a good night thank you all this is ace um the euro show i really do appreciate it i'm gonna host films on minecraft so go follow him of course you will know you will know the drill right i'm gonna coach you think for the ten years thank you all so much for the subs today man holy [ __ ] gonna host phil thank you all so much for watching and have a good night everyone yeah thank you alright good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,461,566
Rating: 4.9723377 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit birthday, tommyinnit age, tommyinnit is 17, dream smp, dreams minecraft server, tommy is 17 now, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, tommyinnit birthday stream, tubbo, ranboo, tubbo vods, ranboo vods, minecraft challenge, minecraft but challenge, beating minecraft, dream minecraft, tommyinnit minecraft, tommyvods minecraft
Id: BWLiMTavk1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 57sec (4737 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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