Tommy Speaks to Mexican Dream in Exile

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still in exile and completely alone until today mexican dream showed up and spoke to me and dream it was just a just a roller coaster of emotions boys thank you all so much for one million subscribers on the vlogs channel the support at the moment has been just crazy and if you enjoy please do subscribe i can't thank you all enough and enjoy the video welcome back to the stream in exile we're alone pissed why am i i'm always further and further out in the [ __ ] water and i don't can someone do a an analysis i don't understand why my armor on this time though oh oh i saw oh my blue is oh [ __ ] oh you're so ugly man and your tentacles you're not beautiful you're just uh you're never gonna find love he's on oh doesn't matter one guy said welcome back oh and h bomb oh oh hey you waited a [ __ ] week to say hi to me no no we can't be angry at people we don't have enough friends to afford to be angry at people don't be rude to the squid hey how come when i think normally now it doesn't appear normal to everyone else so at the end of the last dream snp stream uh we died but it's okay because i got some of our things i got some of our things i just got some better things we have some things to do today um so i'm trying to make it i'm trying to make it easier for people to come and see me because so far only one guy's been which is really gay great great which is really which is really great because because i've been very very alone and i've not been seeing anyone and turbo hasn't spoke to me but hey let's play some happy music but what i'm okay no i can't i can't try and match the mood of that what we're gonna do is make a big path that says hey go this way to go and me meet tommy in it um and i tried doing that last time but because i've not seen anyone i forgot about what society considers normal and i just kept making uh reddit jokes oh okay we're in vc2 no one's joined me yet we should we should probably have a look around actually but hey hey you remember when we used to just walk around and go hey hey welcome back to the stream everyone hey look at me now i'm now better at mcc i can [ __ ] crit [ __ ] no no absolutely not absolutely not [ __ ] this who did this was it's a beam was it the beam oh [Music] absolutely [ __ ] not no no no no no no we will not we will not go away from the primers [Music] what the [ __ ] hello hello hey hey oh hey look at this i just saw that on a tree look at that tree oh oh it's a skeleton i don't know why it's in the tree dream that is pretty cool oh yeah of course sorry thank you so how are you how have you been i am pretty good have you been uh okay okay yeah i've just um i've realized i was being a bit silly dream because i was trying to make no one come and say oh i need to update my streaks have you been kept keeping how long has it been going on for we're about to hit we're about to hit day five five oh wow yeah i was going for a couple days yeah where were you i was just i was just busy you're the i thought you would you're usually the only person that comes to see me who would anyone come to see you while i was gone no no really yeah actually i think ramboo might have but that's good i don't know dream i think he's only friends with me out of pity he gave me these two nether right pickaxes though how do i wait you that doesn't sound i can keep it though two then you can give me mine well no but the thing is i've got to give rambu his back all right anyway you can keep you can keep the pickaxe you can keep the big eggs anyway but one of the i'm sorry i'm getting too i'm thinking about the old days i'm thinking about because no one's no one's been coming to visit me other than you which is i'm really glad you thank you thank you by the way i don't think i thank you you're welcome for coming to see me just been trying to keep you company yeah no it's been really nice we've we've become better friends yeah yeah we have it's come with me it's been really nice have you got anything you want me to do uh no i guess not dream what oh uh hello mexican dream come in hello i was just about to go staring to lava ominously but yeah man dude where are my men we're here have you met mexican dream dream oh mama hola a dream what do you yo hey i'm sorry man i was traveling in the bath man i was i was drinking laid out man what where am i what place is this smell when was the last time you were on mexican dream hey nice threads man i don't have clothes man i could use some of that man why are you man where's the last time when was the last time you were here um well what what was the last controversy that happened when you were here um no no no no no no i've never been here men he's never experienced any controversy with me never oh amen what is this man oh you haven't seen him i can't believe you finally came home home man this ain't harm this in mexico man this is so i've been exiled it's very sad no one's been coming to visit me so i was about to go and make it the path much easier to visit what what what so what happened man why you out here man why are you not in in the dreamers and beam and this is way beyond dream smb they kicked me out you do to him man he no but he's my friend now apparently i think you are my well wait wait if there's two of you which one's hotter i am your new friend man uh okay are you my new friend i'm your new friend hey do you need me to put my items in a pit for you yeah man give me all your things man okay all the shoes your wallet man i also want them your pools man okay i'll never put it in a chest for me man yeah this is what dream always makes me do is this you guys want to know a mugging tactic i thought you were a mid mug no no no no man no man that wasn't i'm doing two at a time man i gotta be efficient with my time man how does he just have a grass block why do you just have aggressive ones you sold again walk down this bath man walk down the road all right walk down just walk no no no man no walk up over here man i'm sorry my second dream all right hey what's the time man what time is it man it looks about mid days let me pull out my phone and check yeah yeah you pull it out man pull out your phone man i don't i'm not sure you how do i know you know how do i know you're very used to that site man don't look at me like that oh it's kind of who the [ __ ] we'll make it like home we'll make it like home check this out well i've been so lonely check this out man it's a burrito man it's a burrito wait wait that that's i think that's a moe's burrito who's moe i can tell look the salsa that's how the that's how much who's the [ __ ] mo and then you see this [ __ ] man i'm a genius it's you can't look at a taco and then name it and go i'm a genius no i'm not i didn't name a dream clever oh that's where a dream is better than mexican dream [ __ ] you man i i i said that hey wait so now you're here do i even need to follow this man i was about to go and try and get people to come and see me but no man all you need is mexican dream and we can speed run we can hey show me around man oh i will i will so oh i can't believe you've got to see me wait how do i know this isn't a dream because i keep having dreams and [ __ ] i'm like i'm like an hallucinator i'm high on life but also on i don't need your handouts man i'm having me food how do i know i'm not high on [ __ ] because i reckon i've been seeing a lot of [ __ ] weird ass things out here i had a have you heard of juan mendes so i don't want your handouts man okay i don't want your food he's looking at me he's like god this man needs food what the [ __ ] man i don't need your government hey dream dream this even even though we may be naked and homeless are you homeless do you need a home homeless man i don't know we have your home just for you we have a home no no no no no no he's not we're giving him the pity 10 dream what the [ __ ] that's that's the awesome dude only are you you [ __ ] get are you [ __ ] your hands oh my god that's [ __ ] oh no that guy's committing suicide just at the sound of it oh that's envy him i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and spin on this okay you man i don't want i don't need to go and get any new people now i don't like mexican dream actually next in dreams weird wha not [ __ ] up i'm homeless man i'm homeless i said i said i said please don't say those words to me oh okay well here's the thing i was gonna i was gonna go and make a path so new people could come and join us but i don't need anyone you now you don't need anyone you got me man um hey are you homeless i i said yeah well well listen listen we don't need to you can live with me you could be exile with me all right all right tomas come over here where do you want to live where will you live no no you stay the [ __ ] away the [ __ ] away there's mother [ __ ] man he keeps handing me a hand out he looks at me man immediately thinks oh i'm gonna give this guy food man i'm gonna give him yeah oh you know i actually is actually sort of mine i mean he's he's borderline my owner big q so um i'm not really sure he's your dad no no hey he's mugging me man he thinks i'm gonna allow this man he's in the wrong barrio man drop the ground up drop the grass block oh yeah drop the moves baby let's go man dropping [ __ ] moves man are you running why are you running out of your man this guy's [ __ ] he's great he's a part of that man hey hey can i call you md for sure md man i can get you some of that i don't want it i don't want md from you mexican md md no i'm in this got the good [ __ ] i don't know who's juan mendez my boy juan mendez who is juan mendez amen tomas i don't i'm not getting along with this dream guy why not i can very well well okay okay here's the thing he actually put why don't we why don't we be a little bit less me to him because he put me in this position and he the reason i'm so uh i've not been looking too hot oh no i'd say i still look hot but the reason i've not been looking too hot is because of him oh yeah this is where he's not your dad's not buying you clothes man he's not he's letting my clothes this is where we're gonna have a party oh man we're gonna have a party here don't worry i'll talk to that dream guy in a way he understands where is he man where is he hey sueno where are you man what does that well can we build you a house then because i i want to remember you're gonna be a roommate we could get you a second tent would you live in a tent where are you wait wait oh man i've been living in a [ __ ] that [ __ ] livestream i'm sorry i'm just getting some good [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm sorry man oh it's the md man i haven't been i haven't been taking it as much recently well okay let's build you a house then okay let's what what's your fault where'd it wait we should apologize to him if you've upset him i don't know where he's wait he's not on the [ __ ] server oh oh oh he's back man what the what the [ __ ] is that what the oh wait hello hi [Music] hit me you know you know how to impress hey you helped me with blockchain i don't know wait this is my mind okay can we build a house while we do this we need to build a house while you do this or else okay that's fine it's part of the infrastructure it's about the infrastructure it's fine we'll build around it we'll build around it oh mamacita it's been so long it's been a long time yeah you look the finest ever you got those levi jeans two for one yes i do oh man they make you look i want the good hey dance with me mamacita i got some good [ __ ] no don't dance don't you you guys can't dance i'm built yeah you're homeless am i [ __ ] hallucinating oh how do i know i'm not seeing [ __ ] oh i reckon i'm saying [ __ ] i'm seeing [ __ ] man i gotta be honest man i'm a little homesick man what is that i mean okay we'll make you go man people really taught me that i miss mexico listen listen to me hey md empty look me in the eyes md md look me in the no empty stop being so depressed let me look at your goatee oh no it's simba oh no it's actually you're groin i don't want to look at you you you cannot touch my ghosty man you know my god is my private party don't let don't let strangers stretch your private parts that's my goatee man no one can touch me it's touching you my private oh my god all right oh i say i said look at me here's what we do it's what we do i'm also depressed what with me living out here and my me going to racks we make you a home and we become you live with me and every day i log on and i go oh empty you go oy and then we go and high five and play smash bros and fortnite that's what we do that's what we do i smash my bros i'm not no no no no no no no we're not that good bros oh okay here's what we do md here's what we do md and we make this we make this you see and then we'll make it like home but i don't know that you got to help me you got to help me here i got it you as well what's your i don't know why you've changed so drastically but i i have no idea how to address you don't worry man i'm gonna make this place like home in a second i'ma put a portrait of my family man okay well no no i'm making it here big q i'm d i'm where do you have somebody man man you don't respect my familia oh sorry i'm sorry man i gotta i just need to feel like at home mama sita ain't caught in it i'm sorry mama sita you ain't cutting it out man wait a minute wait a minute check this out man i really miss my family man i wish they could be yours oh yeah i miss my family too mexican dream [ __ ] [ __ ] man um oh that's all it's a five by five man either my family man i miss my family me too [Music] [Applause] i miss you homies i miss you so much man i miss my brothers man i miss you so much they're they're so attractive what the [ __ ] man i mean no i've no that's that they're not that's not what i hey out of the six of us [Music] hey let me tell you the story of each of these guys man all right okay i'm going to be oh my god man i turned one minus man i turned him around oh man man don't touch them don't cut them hey don't duck i don't know their names he's not a fat ass man he's got a fat [ __ ] ass kicked his mouth he's upside can we at least build you a home while we try and listen to these because you need somewhere to rest or else you're going to be on you're going to be high all the time i guess tell me the story tell me you need your familia so juan mendes man he taught me the books man he taught me how to read he taught me how to count men it's very good thing mamacita here taught me how to love me coming out of love that can't be true mama see you surely mama see that no you don't you ain't no you don't get around do you mamacita please no he's my one and only oh no that's right man that's terrible right let's just tell them how we met mamacita tell them how we met he we met and he tried to show me how to hey we're the drive-by man get the [ __ ] down oh i'll take them i'll take i'm chewing them like a dog oh [ __ ] okay i should make a rap song about this man okay we'll do it crazy i at least i just want to build you a home i want to build you a house i don't i can't i can't okay help me help me and tell me about things but i can't i can't really remember what it's like for you because i wasn't there so you got to tell you tell me about it because i i just want to hear about any story ever all right hey mamacita tell him how we met please please wait what's that you want yeah the only flooring i know is the concrete of the streets man you want piss floor oh i pissed from the floors man oh you want yeah you want piss floor you know what i like to do man i like to steal shopping cards man you [ __ ] ride them with my homies man is [ __ ] awesome man yeah yeah i love that too there's a video how'd you meet though how'd you i want to know how you met please well he and his squad were doing drugs and they invited me and gave me a line yeah what's a line they they placed it down in a row and then i had to go like what yeah it's our initiation face hey dummy dummy listen man i don't want to talk to you man if you're not if you're not going to change your name legally you why do i change my name okay mama see you mama see you hey what do i call that what do i call it do i go hey hey hot lady color color sexy [ __ ] watching white me are they watching why aren't they watching hey get him out of the get him out of here man we want our guys i'll give you to your brother's side this is just i know where you know what it is oh yeah yeah man yeah man yeah oh my god everyone's saying this has to be toss surely this is breaking just all of the rules all right man amen my house is not built man what are you doing you're slacking he's slacking you know what we do with cellos back in the bar and when they slack man i slapped her ass man i give him encouragement i think come on wait no no no no no don't hit me please oh no no i reckon hey i work for free man but please [ __ ] all right as fast as possible oh man amen amen jump on it check the tournaments check the sound it makes that's the things you're saying right now they're breaking laws they're breaking laws i know i'm not the street laws man the mexican dream the things you're saying break laws right now i that's the thing just saying break laws why are you bubbling now why the [ __ ] are you bubbling hey hey don't cover your ears man cover your ears okay let go dream cover your ears man all right hey mama check this out this was gonna happen no dream put a stop to this please please this dream oh no oh you've gone too far okay i'll build you a shack i'll budget just please i'm not sure if i want you to to be my only roommate mexican dream did you know all day yeah did you know that tommy wrote a book called how to sex i did i wrote a book called how to sex get the [ __ ] away from me you take me to that [ __ ] book right now now it got i can't read the first one on stream ever no no no no you're gonna show me the you know now man man i know how to sex man i know how to do it you're the king you're the king of the creepy [ __ ] man all right well let's go this i gotta read wait well i'm sorry i just want to say i'm okay let me show you this is the campsite this is we have a horse here oh sorry i've been alone for a long time we have a red cow i've been alone for so long i'm losing sight of what's right and um he's lovely he's um he gives us all of our food we wouldn't be here without him thank him say hey say a prayer would you what's up mama hey you're unleashed aren't you stop hitting on everything you say sorry stop [Music] oh yeah are they seeing this i'll show the chat how the chat how they do i'll play you a song i'll play anyway do you have the equivalent of a twitch prime song [Music] can i go baby like that oh yeah baby check if you have a prime minister there's like five there [Music] i'm clicking i'm drinking again [Music] oh my god this is so very inappropriate you know what's really prime my homie juan mendez he's in his prime man he's easy is he i'm saying man i'm starting to like this [ __ ] you've heard of twitch but have you heard of twitch live what mamasita man when oh man she kind of get under stupid [ __ ] sometimes oh yeah oh yeah yeah i mean i see that yeah mama please please i can i i can have a word mamacita mamacita please take this take this think think more now you've got that that's you call that your thinking block play a song you think with think think with that don't masturbate you're not enhancing you i know i do i do watch this cc so how are you oh my god she's coming on she's coming no no no please mama see you oh my god when they played that song when the ladies played that song to me i know i've done good let's be run [ __ ] no no please now you're ruining my phone oh my god [Music] no no no do not place down that block that will get me banned on twitter mexico [Music] [Music] she once he [ __ ] keeps enough pants yes you're making me look bad i'm sorry jesus christ all right i want to read the book man come in come with me all right on our way uh we okay we take the mountain route we take the mountain route then we see far ships then we can think we can get good ideas on our way you read this [ __ ] before mamacita you're right i've never i've never i've just heard the good message you don't need to read no books i am i show you i'll show you man so you gotta remember i've been in exile for quite some time now there are not many secrets on this island but this this is where i'm gonna write i'll show you where i'm gonna write how to sex three since number two got burnt all right man all right i'm excited man because not because i don't know old memories no oh no oh wait wait wait wait let me take them out if are we looking at them put them back put are we looking at them oh wait i've got to play a song if we are i've i've purposefully not looked at these on stream once but if we're going to look at them then we can are you looking at this man put it back no no put it back put it back put it back i might i'm like you gotta explain okay put it in put it in put it hey put them all in put them all in what what is this who's this man oh no okay why do you look like that man okay let me what do you make of this mama see that this guy's crazy huh wait wait okay can you pull up this one's look at this one this is what they're gonna put them all back in put them all back in please okay oh you know i'm gonna you know i might get emotional what the [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait wait put them in put them md am i allowed to get emotional around you around the homies amen okay okay i will i can i tell you something come over here man come over here well am i allowed to get emotional around the homies i miss juan mendez okay you will comfort me comfort me if i start because i'm like yeah okay oh it's christmastime [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] look at this one this one's especially special i just want to make you cry how you see it [Music] [Music] no no no i'm sad i don't man you like slapped me i need to hold someone's hand i need to hold someone's hand i need a good hook oh that's a hug you had a knife on you what the why are you holding a shield while we hug [Music] i told you i get emotional i told you i get [ __ ] emotional ah man i have a solution no no no no no no go go dream don't do this girl dream no no they're all gone why did you just do that you monster you monster see that this guy got [ __ ] problems man it's environment to go mama hey i hey that's why i call my homies amen listen when juan mendes leave me man i go oh how did you go how did you go i can't cope anymore i'm gonna drown myself oh man okay no i won't then i won't then check this you don't mean this is what we do man very toxic it's how you forget you check this out you take one and you go this doesn't seem like the right way to [Laughter] go no that just doesn't seem like the right way to all right yeah i'll help you feel better i'm just cleaning up his blood that's not helping him feel better okay donald duck what the [ __ ] did you just say no no no no no no no no no i can hear you two arguing from over here what the [ __ ] oh no please don't get a divorce you do the happiest couple i know you two are the happiest couple i know you're the happiest kid you're that happy it's good but i know check this out man check this out speed one wow let's go [Music] just don't get a divorce you do with the happiest couple i know all right man i want to build my house let's go why try i try okay all right you two go up ahead after me you need to go up ahead after me i'll just be a minute what's his name what's his name the the home you had like the pictures oh the homie that [ __ ] me over uh two by two bar turbo man my my honda civic half durable man it's a it's grass no no no no no boat it means it means like strip club like two i don't know it doesn't mean i'm not it means strip club man anyway oh you've wrecked my campsite look at this i mean this is a moe's burrito like i'm not wrong i'm right it's it's not a most burrito it's a moe's burrito a rosemary burrito where'd you get the picture from where'd you get the picture from [ __ ] if you care man [ __ ] who the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of my business what's going on over there what's going on over there i don't know hey hey i hear that from over here i see i hear you shouting at your girl hey hey hey hey girl dream a girl dream is he shouting at you no no no no no no no i she came over here she did this to homie juan mendez that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up all right all right i'm gonna need i am gonna you you can't get a divorce it will break me oh and i'm already soap and i'm already so broken so i'm thinking man my my kitchen right here man right now you do you two the happiest couple i know you can't get a divorce that's not why is everywhere this is the kitchen man let's make some walls man what the [ __ ] you're homeless you need walls why he said walls he said was he said hey you too you too hey i might i might not know much about this yes hey he just did drugs did i i hey i'm just the decorator here hey all right man i know exactly what i want to build i'm just the decorator here i'm just the decorator here i'm just a wall guy build my house i build i build my my [ __ ] rock man you build a truck look what he put in your house no they they all tell me you know what it means do you know what it means he's gross man he's gross me that's what they tell me that's what they tell me i'm not gross i'm just doing my job i'm just this is why i hate men you better [ __ ] not not on my stream you better not no no look at me no girls no no no no no no no no no no no no okay i'll build a door i'm gonna have to use it we stay down we stay down oh yeah like that okay i gotta speed with the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] bad man i'm coming i'm coming man amen amen keep my mamacita happy before i will right how are you how are you would you describe yourself i'm not going to be able to take him down please please i can't do this i can't do this romo i got him oh oh you're so clever his house is destroyed that's fine let's cover it up with piss you won't know it's a thing [Laughter] i'm coming from the phone why where are you where are you i'm on the phone man that's not a location the phone right what are you on international waters what are you saying what did you say well you said you said you crashed in the atlantic the juana no i don't i don't no not the watermen iguana that was the iguana i gotta please please i'm gonna die my messiah i need some of your food i have melons but i don't like melons oh my god thank you get jumped oh my god this is a dodgy ass neighborhood why is there so many lines everywhere mamacita mamacita please please what do we do when he arrives back okay what do we do when he arrives back oh you just hit me please no someone talk to me i can't be lonely like this fine fine guess you're gonna give me the silent treatment just dropped i'm back man [Applause] you get your things i i never steal another man's things man you yeah you're making me all good yeah man man i'm kind of sad man i'm not going to lie to you man i'm a little sad can you help me build el migoro boost man okay but we got to build you a house first and a bed and a home and a door you need walls i need i need you to help build my micro boost man but we need walls first we can't have that it's just no stop talking about walls man you need [ __ ] okay [ __ ] a little too comfortable about walls what is that why would white wonders with that we can always turn this into a bus like a caravan like a caravan yeah no man not a caravan you know you know what you know what we're gonna do check this out man i need man put some sad music man i'm really sad right now i miss my baby man oh okay i'll play the same christmas song i played before oh yeah your baby's back oh no she's not oh no she's not what did you call me oh andre this [ __ ] guy again this is double ganga hey you know i know you know what you've really added some pep to my step now so i'm going to use some of my old past confidence hey [ __ ] boy hey hey what do you like discs what a weird oh yeah yeah hey don't turn around don't turn around i'm not oh he [ __ ] took him out he took out well i can't remember his name look at this [Applause] [Music] he just jumped in front of the bullet jose no no you can't do this i'm gonna rap about this no no shoot me not them actually no shoot them leave my homies alone okay yeah i definitely don't have my confidence back [Music] i'm calling i'm calling a dream you've got a hit on show ass you've got a hit on yo hey hey hey if you need a uh i know i know you as much you have so much beef he has like two spring stacks of rocks like robbed like a convenience store i don't know why [Applause] i know that we're having we've been having a rough time out here in exile but this has really made me feel better can i can i bodyguard you yeah okay and you promised you're right the following are you ready are you ready yeah on this do you want to go golfing no no man you gotta do it like hey man oh you wanna go golfing okay fine oh my god your homies are on fire your homies are on fire get back quick get back hey man go for it do you want to go golfing you [ __ ] man oh no what [Applause] [Music] hey look at me look at me no mexican dream i've been in the same place as you before i've been in the same place i know it's [ __ ] i know it's [ __ ] up i know it's [ __ ] up i know it's but i've been in darkness don't do this don't do this stay here okay no it's a cross okay i thought it was a stair no oh yeah don't cry don't cry no i'm dating this will make you feel better [Applause] look look i'm doing it look drugs on drugs why are you laughing why are you laughing that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you [Music] so many item frames all the time the only thing that could make me happy is if we build this in real life yeah trucker man this is dream car this is mex this is dream car man let what do you mean [Applause] we've had a good time think of all the time please [Music] why are you doing this why are you doing this look at this look at this quackity mexican dream mexican dream come here mexican dream come here don't you hurt him don't you hurt him this is a warning for you this is a warning for you you ready wait what is it man what are you doing man [Music] [Music] [Music] no no you don't know that why do you not think it's gonna be monetized you reckon youtube still finds me annoying at first oh [ __ ] why do you think [ __ ] with the wrong talk to me talk to me talk to me the fight was so so so quick even though you had almost almost the equal armor no mostly you talked to me talk to me mexican dream even though you had borderline the exact same tools you you still were so now talk to me he was my last friend my last true friend on this bastard server you did this [Music] no now we need to we need to put his stuff in a chest can i keep it no but he was my last he was my last friend do you have his boots yeah can i keep them in memory of him yes yes you can okay i'm going to be honest dude if you take one look at the durability you'll be able to help engage oh my god that's fine yeah yeah yeah how does he have so good yet so [ __ ] stuff he's the poorest rich man around it'll last it will last longer than he did why that was my last friend on this server and that was his last death oh what do you want to do today what let's go to the nether be porn chat this is cannon to the storyline it is he was my last friend and he just showed up [Music] i could hear the the mexican music playing after he died it's almost like i could hear it i mean i actually could hear it he was playing it but i'm just i need to scream dream i need to let it all out all right i'll leave i'll leave you no i just can't scream though you just killed my last friend oh i still hear him dream i hear his surprise i can almost hear it dream that was the dream that was my last friend now i've got no one do i still have you though watch this watch this i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a twirl you ready oh where's my pro gonna land he's gone he's he's canonically dead [Music] mexican dream is canonically dead i never thought i'd see the day where mexican dream was canonically dead i never thought i'd see the dream day where mexican dream was canonically alive but last week you let him dream oh i keep missing my pearls what is wrong with me so much is wrong with you so wait dream do i not have any friends left i think you don't have any friends left you have me did i miss my pro again again i didn't you're right i've just got you now dream do you see the abstract okay well at least we've got each other's back that's true that's true rambu actually gave me this pickaxe out of pity by the way really yeah so he's not really a all right i'll give you my pickaxe not out of pity i'm just here to help we should probably we should keep the memorial but we what dream what do we do with this house what do you want to do with it we can leave it leave it up as a as a memorial i mean i love the guy but it's very very very ugly we can take it down as a memorial you really just want some is such a powerful image his blood is still on the floor yeah keep his blood keep his blood it'll remind me of him okay okay keep his cross do we keep his home we could well you can leave it here let's leave it here i do think it looks very ugly that's fine let's leave it here okay ripped mexican dream he was always the best you murdered him you killed him you killed him no i'll do my speech dream you actually were the one that killed him you were the one that you were the mexican dream he had all the qualities of dream except he was better because he was mexican we may sit here in prayer and pray for the happiness in the afterlife with mexican dream and all his so much better he was he was and did you say with all of his [ __ ] yes yes of course and um legends never die he'll be why did you do this he he died of a drug overdose he i watched you kill him no no no no no no he he died he did not die he died of natural causes you're switching up your stories quite a lot rest in pieces mexican dream would you like to go up and say a few words yeah yeah i will well thank you all for coming um he was a great friend of mine he was the godfather to all of my you know if i was avatar after me you're closer to them they just you've just got a very villainous aura of you i don't no no i don't know why i he was uh he was my only friend around here other than you and now he's gone he was my last hope and now he's gone i've got nothing left other than you rest in peace mexican dream person peace that was a beautiful ceremony we should probably clean up this area slightly i'm going to be honest with you and then i don't think we should leave his home as much as i love the guy i think i think he's probably leave his home we can break this what about his monument do you not think it's a bit okay you want to break this what do you want to do i'll follow your kind of the boss oh okay do you have a flint and steel i can't burn any of this stuff oh if you want it you should okay here you should do it you should do it why should i give it on the floor i don't really i have a full inventory do you really want me to well if you want to it's just you said you want to clean up the area and this is dirty okay it's gonna burn his house down all right all right well i think i'm gonna head out tommy are you burning me you had one on you i'll be all right i'm gonna head out tommy um i'm glad we were able to have fun you killed him well i'll see you hey hey i i have one last request of you actually uh dream i've almost lost all of my hope if there's any anyone you could bring on just please i i i don't think i'm gonna look at me dream i know that we're having lots of fun here but just from a me point because i know i don't really delve into my health with you ever because you don't care but i don't think i've got very long left so if there's just anyone you think you could that could maybe get me through this just please i do have an idea what if well that you don't have to say if you if we know i i think there's you know i just i don't think i've got very long at all dream uh and before i go if if i'm to stay exiled like this forever before i go you know i mean even though i find a very annoying you know trista okay how about how about tuesday uh okay well what day is it today it is monday no sunday oops well okay well just one of the next ones i'm not sure i'm but just one of the okay if that if that just yeah because i don't think i've got very long thank you oh oops yeah monday i just i just checked my one day would you would you tomorrow yeah yeah if that's just i don't know i i mean do you you know i'm doing good you know i'm doing all good and you know i really you know you're my good friend but yes yes i just uh all right all right i'm gonna head out i'm sure uh i guess uh yeah dristo will come tomorrow and talk tomorrow yeah okay well i'll see you tomorrow all right well yeah see ya bye all right everyone we've got one last day i thought maybe we could have someone move in with us today no no no he doesn't allow that which is fine which is fine because it's you know it's his uh it's really his rules now but maybe tomorrow can be our last after tomorrow then i then i think it's over what's up [Music] i mean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i'm gonna start raging [Music] all right no no no no no no no i've got it well this is how we're feeling but don't worry we'll see drista tomorrow we'll see drister does it just end it's such a bad disc mail i don't feel like it i'm out uh yeah i think i'm nearly over chat i think i'm we'll see dresden tomorrow and that can be our last you know our big one and then uh actually let's not swim and then i and then i don't know because i don't think i have a very i don't think you can look at me i mean seeing mexican dreams death we're gonna be in exile forever boys thank you all very much for watching thank you all so much for all the subs as well i really really appreciate you all um coming over to the stream we are gonna go raid wilber he's live from his room oh my goodness thank you all so much for watching oh this has been really really fun we'll go watch wilbur go give it just pog champ in his chat um yeah big drifter stream with dream sister tomorrow everyone whoa so i'll see you all there for that uh i've had a brilliant one tonight thank you all so much for watching i'll see you all later good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,617,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, dream exiles tommyinnit, tubbo exiles tommy, tubbo exiles tommyinnit, tubbo betrays tommy, tommyinnit vods, tommyvods, tommyinnit exiled, dream smp exile, tommyinnit dream smp, wilbur tommy, tubbo and tommy, wilbur tommyinnit and tubbo, dream vs tommyinnit, dream smp, dream smp vods, dream smp playlist, dream, dream smp war, dream team smp, tommyinnit dream smp exile, mexican dream, mexican dream dies
Id: 6lhr1KlIVQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 1sec (4261 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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