Minecraft Manhunt | George VS Dream REMATCH

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we're gonna go and get your role of health now i have an extra row of health this is manhunt versus dream rematch can you just let me have a head start again no you you have you could just beat me to death right now with your fist you have five times my health why are you how are you legitimately asking for a head start [Music] come on let's go let's go dream stop chasing me we're just running in a straight line you can't we can't you can't catch up to me surely surely you can't catch up to me yeah i could have but oh you left me you left me okay ah this is annoying i don't want to get these birch trees i hate birch trees wait i have a plan i never have a plan how have you already got a sword what he's just running here just running at me no wait where did i come from where i come from george where did i come from no i came from over there what come here george oh george no this is ridiculous it's ridiculous come on [Music] come here you gotta be so low you gotta be so low we won guys we won the manhunt we won it's over the game is over i won let's go let's actually go i made an axe i should have been uh yeah but you didn't you didn't because you're a noob and i'm better than you how low were you how long honestly how low did you get it doesn't matter irrelevant yeah yeah probably like one night irrelevant just like you i just don't know like where you are which is really bad really bad that's like one of the most intense parts of manhattan you know i just don't know where i am you don't know where the hunters are this is so bad you know they're hunting bad oh okay hey dream hey what's up i'm just gathering some resources some resources having armor i see how did you get armor oh you crafted it all in the same thing wait because you didn't get no oh you did a quiet hardware you already did i did a while ago you didn't realize that it was like 30 seconds after you killed me i need a cave like you literally have better stuff than me right now i have nothing because i'm just efficient you're a fish you didn't you're confirming that you're a fish yes i'm efficient guys dreams of fish wait yeah minecraft but my friend minecraft but my friend is a fish new video this isn't the conversation to have right now this is intense manhunt moments featuring george and dream part five wow you mean i am pickaxe i'm just like i need stuff like this stuff's good still but i need more stuff i agree yeah all right oh so like when you do manhunts do you are you just like always looking behind you i feel like i'm just always checking like what if what if you're just there you never know right yeah how do i know you're not lying you could be really close to me for what i know maybe i am you have five rows of health george what are you so afraid of if i if i confront you like you can just crit me out i don't know this is so scary whoa what nothing kill the mob so i'm guessing you got scared by something no i don't get scared oh george what i see your little your little trail see some fire dream george where are you hey where are you george train george i see you no you don't oh yes i do what am i doing you're right off the edge of a block oh you just jumped down oh run run dream run free stop come here george oh george [Music] hmm we got a boat oh wow you have one too no i don't have one you have one too i would never make a boat that sounds like a dumb thing to do he's in a boat he's in a boat he's in a boat he's in a boat he's in a boat stop stop seriously seriously oh you're hitting the lid i'm getting closer george dream actually get away from me seriously he's right behind me he's right behind me what do i do what do i do what do i do i need a thing all right give you a little bit of space there waste your food i'm fine with that just keep running i have plenty this is not good this is not good i'm gonna kill you george oh my god yes yes you did half a heart to me george yeah i slowed you down though i slowed you down i'm still right behind you no no your father your father george just stop running give up and die hmm [Music] no oh george come here [Music] oh my god all right i don't know why you didn't fight me the whole time you're an idiot you're an angie an idiot you're dumb you're stupid you're so bad you're an idiot yes no way there's no way i actually killed you i killed him let's go oh my god oh my god he's cracked it's definitely a setback it's definitely a setback but it's okay so there's endemon here but i don't think i have time honestly to deal with them you can just do trades i'm gonna regret it but maybe i won't because any times left staying up here it's dangerous once i'm in the nether i feel like i'm i feel like i'm safer in another for some reason i'm probably it's actually probably worse i mean i can knock you in lava and your health doesn't really matter when that happens so i didn't have i don't have quite enough i'm mining a little bit because i don't have quite enough for full everything but i am i back that's my stash my secret stash where i keep my mustache and spruce mustache and you keep your big fat ass okay kind of weird well i mean it's the truth look this is the bit of the manhunt where you don't expect any any any like little jump scares because everything's happy we're all happy [Music] nothing's gonna go wrong well and it's working it's working oh george i got you there really badly well i had to have got you there really badly i heard you like click your keyboard and crap [Music] all right perfect i wonder how far you are for me we're gonna find out nether okay all right george i see you i see you i literally see you i'm right behind you [Music] all right ah it's gonna take so long to find the fortress okay i see fire that's probably a lava pool it's probably yours i'm guessing your portal okay all right okay um you're definitely you're definitely gonna trap me i don't know how though i'm trying to think and the thing is this is the this is the actually that i have oh that would have been so good no okay listen you're a terrible actor no listen little i'll tell you i'll tell you the advantage that i have are you ready i tested about like a thousand different nether entrance portal traps okay and i know how each and every one works in every way so theoretically the the most powerful nether trap the portal is actually lava which is surprising that that's what it was that's not what i was expecting from my findings that is what the most powerful nether portal trap is all right and now i come through in one second oh you slept if i managed to meme you again you don't have to go so far oh wait you did that on purpose what happened nothing i just wanted to see your reaction okay and what do you think of my reaction i think you took a lava trap and you are but you only did it to one side so i can just let him break the dirt and walk out the other side dream dream yes yes wait wait wait wait no no no no oh my god oh oh oh oh my god no way there's no way what oh my god you tried to trick me didn't you you actually tricked you you how'd i try and trick you no way i actually just out brained you i thought about it at the very last second what if you trapped the other side you literally did that you act no way oh my god i actually oh my god if you'd got me with that that would have been in dream 1 million iq montages but now it's in the george 1 million iq montage i'm guessing you didn't go across here but i kind of have to oh i'd be so mad if i found the lava right now oh my god my sprint wasn't on i just almost fell on the lava i blocked clutch otherwise i would have fallen in that would have been really bad that actually would have been really bad what you're dead you're dead you're dead i'm dead you're dead you've got to be dead you've got to be dead no dream i'm coming for you oh my gosh dream come in oh my god impossible come on dream where did he go this is dream hunt wait where are you a dream team dream how did you escape george where did he go you actually just lost me i lost you i mean there's no way you survived that how did you survive you were in lava no i need you i need to kill you right now where are you where are you there's literally zero chance you would find me i just dug into a wall and then blocked myself in how are you ever gonna find me i i actually just like completely through this isn't the end room like i'm i'm not i'm not making myself look very good here like i should have killed you there like i'm just nervous i'm nervous yeah i'm so sure i'm nervous why why are you nervous i don't know all right let me get there really quickly so i can break the the spawners give me a minute yeah come near here see what happens see what happens i will i will i'll be there in a minute just give me a second just give me one second okay you killed one all right well you should have seen my perspective that was clutch like i got down to one heart but oh you should have been recording this this would be cool are you recording it oh you're not are you no where are you noah oh you're nowhere nowhere yeah i'm nowhere that's great i thought you just hit me he's nearby he's nearby [Music] so dream what a pleasant surprise to see you here oh i can see you through walls how coincidental hmm where's the other blaze spawner i already broke one [Music] oh oh you're so annoying oh oh dream let's go rematch part two dream let's go you're taking damage you can't hide i can see you [Music] dream if i'm going down oh no no yes how low are you how long i'm so low i'm so low i guess maybe i understand me how much art lava does lava and i created you dream it's over it's over no it's over not over at all it's completely over it's over it's actually over how is it over oh my god it's over ah how much how low are you you need to tell me how low you get i was like halfway definitely you had to be on your low you had to be you had to be like you'd be waving no i literally you lost two rows of hearts no no you lost you definitely 100 you lost more than that i i did i i count crits and i i created you i think three times which is already like basically well unfortunately oh you might have a something for me actually can this thing leave i just don't know how much that's the problem is like so much of how i fight is based on like i just i i let it count in my head like okay i did this much i did this much they're gonna die now and then now like it's just too complicated i'm getting into like it's like 15 hits no that doesn't it doesn't work because it's like oh yeah divide but divide by four yeah divide by four but i'm also saying like the lava and stuff so it's like square root it and then and then finally located finally complicated the whatever the it's actually a really good i never thought about that george the binomial theorem of it the problem is like i want to fight you again but i feel like the nether is advantaged to you because i can't put down water and you can just put me on lava and that's like kind of busted i can't do anything about that you can just you can just literally like you said you're like if i'm going down you're going down you just like jumped in the lava with me and took the damage to put me in lava this is like that's just like what am i supposed to do that i can't send myself out or anything like it's impossible like at least if you do that usually like you would die because you just you you would throw yourself in and you would 100 die usually this isn't usually i mean this is george in the same way even like an actual even like an actual manhunt you would die too like and i wouldn't die because you'd just throw yourself in and then i would just get out and run and you would just die because you were too deep in it well you should have thought about that before you let me have four times your health where are the traders where are they i said that's part of that's part of manhunt getting the pearls see i just want to get the pearls instantly i do want to get them i got i got a pole drop and i got station now let's just assume can move on look at this whoa this is kind of epic that's also kind of epic yeah okay here we go you like that dream see that fast there you go that's what i said oh god what have i done oh no i said before i was like and usually it's like so hard but like you can just tank it because you have so many so much health if i die i get to go back if i die i get to go back no no you don't you don't you're so much health there's no way you should die to anything the brutes are so strong you can probably take them you have so much health you can take them yeah i just killed them easily they're trash me saying if i die i get to come back with a joke where are the gold blocks i don't know how the bastions work oh god this is so annoying where are the gold blocks like where do they spawn yeah i need to kill these idiots different oh no please die it'll be the best thing ever it'd actually be the worst thing it would be pretty great [Music] especially saying you have like 100 hearts or something [Applause] hmm but i need gold can i lose hunger there we go what are you doing jim i am just getting resources like you give me all this time and so i'm just like sure i'll get some resources all right why not okay sure diamonds okay oh no two at a time please oh my god what are the odds of that happening what happened i just probably just died when i teleported like literally probably i'm never gonna find that perfect drop whoa oh no oh that did not just happen i didn't know they all got mad at you you just don't sound like you're you're being very smart george i'm being very smart okay so smart in fact that not even you could comprehend it penguins aren't your friends george yes they are no they don't know you there's two two of my friends 57 say i'm gonna win dream what do you think about that yeah five times my health and you're decked out i wouldn't be surprised george takes like a million years did it that was actually why i um i was gone for so long i was so inactive and then i feel like you guys noticed because he was like putting off editing that's the only thing not because he was because every time i would ask him let's listen let me just listen every time let me ask him that makes me want to stream he'd go i have to edit and then the next day i'll give you anything i didn't edit at all i'm like did you want to do on streams like no i had literally i have to edit i have to then he wouldn't do it and then he would just keep like pushing everything off even though he was making zero progress listen um i'm listening okay wait listen when i have something to edit i don't like to do anything else but either procrastinate or edit because i feel like if you procrastinate so much yes yes because i feel like oh i shouldn't stream right now because i should be editing but then i end up just not doing anything so um that is why i was inactive because it took me a week of procrastinating and doing nothing now i'm just having fun before it was all spooky scary skeletons now it's just muffins and pancakes until i come up behind you and start to kill you and then the sad music the happy music is still playing and then it's creepy at that point okay back to that crying obsidian cool that's not the last gold isn't it there's a bit more got pearls i'm guessing question is do you have enough i got pearls you got paws why are you trading you've got nothing else to do what else do i have to do you're just you're doing nothing whoops oh look who it is is it whatever his name was again it is how do i know oh my god i'm an idiot [Music] throw that away all right i think i'll take that this this game is getting to me dream this game is getting to me why things are going wrong and it's not good june has made diamond armor well i mean one piece you could have made them all for all i know you probably have you've probably been mining diamonds like i said you probably are like how have you had this much time what is wrong with you me what's what am i doing wrong this is why we should have played 1.6.1 1.65 your strategy was bad your strategy had to have been bad like the best times like 13 minutes or something like 11 minutes or something i don't know something crazy you've been in the nether for like an hour mmm you're in the overworld hmm so that wondering trader huh yeah what about him what do you do you're so quiet you're intense you're you're you're focusing maybe what are you doing jeremy nothing oh george oh george oh there's an eye vendor let me grab that oh it broke [Music] it was after you i don't know why why i did it come here george time to die it's been too long where nothing's happened george come on dream okay i'll follow you you're going away from the stronghold i saw which way it went it went this way you're trying to confuse me you're trying to confuse me it went this way it went no way it did not it did not go this way it did actually didn't it did it it did it did it did it did it did i mean it didn't let you did it it literally you're not going the right way oh now are you doubting it now are you doubting it are you doubting it because you're going the wrong way bucko [Music] hey george [Music] come on dream what oh you're dead this is this is it this is the one you can't beat me in the water you can't beat me in water they can't beat me in water that you run oh my god come on dream come on george come on no oh my god hey go george oh george i'm gonna go yes my god come on dream stop stop oh george come on oh my god come on come on come on jump yes yes yes no no no i was glitching oh come on come on come on oh no annoying with the fort the end whatever it's called the stronghold it's so far away no it's like on the other side of the world oh george please come here george spammy i don't i'm not going to spare anything come on come on you have the most op food source too just get out of here okay come on how are you so annoying come on no ah let's go let's go [Laughter] yeah let's go oh my arrow at the left i shot i saw you pearl so i just shot an arrow and i hit you oh my god oh that was epic george you have to there's no way you wouldn't you have to see my little bunker you have to see my bunker i had three hit an arrow on me that takes me too too much damage past my my pole this is the saddest moment you look at my bunker and then look what i have this is my backup stuff oh is wrong with you i i oh my god i i go look what i have now look what i have like just look at this this is my stuff like i was how long was i in the nether four like i was in the time i was in there for like an hour and a half probably but either way it doesn't i mean either way like i i had my my base of stuff i just kept getting extra cells like i guess i guess there's a chance he kills me i was pretty confident you wouldn't kill me but i guess there's a chance i have nothing better to do but just collect more i might be uploading soon fifth hunter oh who's the fifth hunter gonna be dream is gonna be me on an alt yeah that's leaked actually i was gonna say shirley who's shirley isn't that like um your girlfriend wait you're so stupid oh are we still alive guys guys don't clip it don't tell anyone should i tell them about your girlfriend i don't have a girlfriend oh he has a girlfriend he has a guy he doesn't know what to say he doesn't want to say he's a girlfriend he doesn't want i don't have a god he doesn't want to say who it is he doesn't want to say who the girlfriend is what are you talking about didn't want to say i don't you're an idiot he doesn't want to say should i reveal him should i reveal him to girlfriend should i reveal there's nothing to reveal i can tell a funny story about your girlfriend okay [Music] yeah exactly you're an idiot this is why this is my story this is an idiot day do you want to tell you do you want to tell a story about about your girlfriend i don't know what you're going to say i don't know what you're going to say i'm not going to i'm not going to say it i'm not going to agree to it just because i don't know what you're going to say yeah her name is clay no no he has a girlfriend yeah okay anyway i don't but okay and you can keep you can keep denying it all right well if i have a girlfriend then you have a girlfriend i mean i don't but you actually do that's what makes it funny you're an idiot i oh i'm an idiot now yes you're an amazing flustered you're all flying i'm not flustered your girlfriend's gonna see this okay whatever
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 1,230,986
Rating: 4.934041 out of 5
Keywords: georgenotfound, gogy, george minecraft manhunt, george manhunt, georgenotfound twitch stream, george twitch stream, george livestream, georgenotfound manhunt, georgenotfound manhunt livestream, george minecraft youtube, george minecraft channel, dream outplaying george, george outplayed dream, dream outsmarting george, george and dream, dream hunts george, dream george hunter, dream manhunt george, george manhunt rematch, dream minecraft, dream, manhunt livestream, manhunt
Id: STCvycZc34U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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