Tomato Sauce and Braciole

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hi everybody today I want to show everybody the make the sauce with a brush or I got a couple of piece so we get pork now this is the sauce that was made but we could go my homemade sauce now before I put on the fire I use little oil not too much only like this yeah I put the sauce on the pots are stabbing give a boy when the sauce is up the boiler I want to make the brush hole in the pork l1 fry set with a garlic onion now we start with the sauce like that told anybody my sauce it's make only salt in based on the top here you can see the basil I got a right over here it's it if this it's the sauce now I want to show this into the chalk of beef it's a foot brush show now what I did I was buying nice piece yeah I put it for 15 minutes of the fries the firt a little bit that the meat is I can't go to go to with a knife now see you've got a store and you buy already like this you can say it's a double of the price by our to buy bigger piece and I did it by myself okay now this it's fresh garlic yeah I want to cut like this first because I I don't like this you fly away from me okay now this is a pass holy in which are put together with the garlic we mix all together okay now we start with a brush or a water to a poor Kneedler parsley garlic over here inside slider yeah you Selena it's a block of pepper a little hot pepper mix it together the parmigiana cheese inside just like that after this we start the roll the brush off it we do like this one by one it's easy look after that we use to pick you put one over here a 1 over here now when you cook this you got to make a shoe so somebody to the brush holder you got at all you got a tool to pick or you got one like this when you cook a you gotta eat you can put it to pick out that's what you gotta do each one look that's what it look like this after show the cook and the parts I can use some flour and make a nice brown the brush hole inside the pots can now prepare the garlic a turn on y'all got a chopper to put on the pots gotta fry the pork and the brushroll if we started with the garlic now we put everything on this pads over here we use some the oil the plane Han okay now the gallic is an Israeli and one important too much we started with a brush oh hey you do like this little flower just like that it look if the flame it denote big to I because it's to I you burn everything to the onion the garlic like this I guess I got a disarray pork rib yeah I use this a pork rib because the sauce become a more taste and more good gets Lily fat and we put it together over here after one it's nice we put it together inside the pots the sauce now this is not the big nice color I want to see now everybody like a hot pepper I got told everybody now I can use the money or yet baby and the sauce now I know gotta know kids eat and a half okay now this I was the lightest by n minutes seven to eight minutes what I do not Apple in wine I use the pinot greej or white dry yes for little wine little wine over here a little wine over here though I say like this when you drink wine the mid that's the better okay now we'll live it take the wine reduce a burst into the wine or together in order to do this the body sauce 1 hour 45 minutes the sauce say the meat be ready okay now this is ready and we start the pour the sauce just like that okay now make a shooter scrape this part do not leave a knot over here all the good stuff it's right over here like this scrape everything it is everything you gotta go the sauce all right now we'll get a nice start of the sauce look a nice color look at this beautiful and now the past is ready I was make orecchiette now what I'll do I use Villa sauce first now one of the pasta the B mix really good I've given it all the pasta okay now we put this this nice big Italian dish okay now we prepare the dish if we dry this we go to the part of my Janna cheese if we go nice my garden basil it is it's my own baby from my garden and now I want to try my orecchiette this a I want to take one the brush hole a play on atop it like I said everybody when you take the brush off make sure to take the to peek out it's one it to look a nice hmm hello everybody I hope everybody watching this video in my beautiful dish with no sauce this year thank you bye everybody a bon apetito a son
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 220,939
Rating: 4.9346862 out of 5
Keywords: homemade tomato sauce, sauce, homemade fresh tomato sauce, braciole, tomato, braciole recipe, Cooking Show, tomato sauce recipe, tomato sauce, homemade, tomato sauce homemade, Recipes Cooking
Id: iea33jgC9QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2012
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