Sunday Gravy, Italian Recipe - Gianni's North Beach

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I live on top of the hill but everyday I go down to the village to buy the food that I'm gonna cook that night welcome to what's left of the italian-american neighborhood in San Francisco I'm Johnny and this is my North Beach [Music] today we're making a Sunday gravy that's that warm cooked pasta sauce from Campania so without a little city I had to get a beep bra jewel and to get a pork bra jewel and to get my special mix for the meatballs and we got some sausage so now we're gonna go back up the hill and we're gonna make a Sunday green we're making a traditional southern Italian sunday gravy so now let's take a look over here what we're going to use to flavor the Sugo the sunday gravy this is a battuto this is a your combination of whatever you want to use in terms of vegetables flavoring agents herbs we got some nice organic basil we have some organic parsley we've got carrots celery onion garlic and a bay leaf but let's start with the tomatoes here so again these are the dop san marzano tomatoes from Campania they're packed with basil and I see a piece right here so I'm going to take that out use your hand just go in here see what I'm doing to squeeze these sometimes you're going to squeeze in here and you're going to feel that you get that little bit of stem up here so you like this color I don't like that too much so I'm going to take that out look there's another piece of Visine ego I'll get out of here a rough crush and that's all you really have to do so I got these garlic's I put this over here ba-ba-boom right you get the paper off nice and nice now this is I'm going to leave whole no chopped and no slicing because this is going to flavor the tomatoes I'm going to take it out before we finish the sauce okay so let me get my flame going here I'm going to keep it pretty high for this this part of the cooking of the of the sunday gravy I'm going to put a fair amount of olive oil in here because there's going to be a basic flavoring ingredient so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take that garlic I'm going to put that in here I'm going to take this onion that goes in this is pretty classic flavoring for even a bolognese sauce I'm going to put the carrot and all these see I left them chunky because all of these I'm going to take out after we're done cooking okay and this is a bay leaf this is a secret ingredient of my mother's sunday gravy the one formula bellick line we're going to put that in there so you don't want to get any color on this on this sofa neat though so we just want to let these start reducing releasing some of their flavor into the olive oil now hot flame at this point you hear that you hear that sizzle of the olive oil we should get a nice sizzle when this tomato hits this hot oil in this sofrito that's important because chemistry this is that that hot oil is going to really infuse flavor into the tomatoes as they dropping okay hear that sizzle on the side there that's what you want so you just color that that oil went so fresh basil and then another Mirabelli claw no ingredient a little Italian flat parsley and again we're just going to let this give its flavor to the Sugo and then we'll take it out when we're done cooking [Music] we got the sunday gravy the Sioux go over there simmering now we got to turn to the meats that we're going to put in there and so we got a beef and a pork brizola we got some sausage over here with fennel and over here we got the my special mixture for meatballs this is 1/3 beef 1/3 veal in 1/3 pork this is going to be the base for our meatballs some garlic some parsley I got the pecorino romano from Latvia the area around Rome and over here I put in a pan you see these over here these are these are pignoli we're going to use these in the pork Brazil and I just put them in a pan over heat for just a little bit to toast them up a little bit just get a light brown color you don't want to get too dark now this is going to be a fine mint so I'm going to I'm going to give that a little bit more pressure see how that came off nice we get rid of the paper because that's half way through chopping get rid of that so we're going to take this all over here so let's get the garlic minced we're going to use this in the meatballs and in both of the brushroll so for this one this is going to go this parsley is going into the into the brush also I want this a little bit finer than the parsley I'm going to chop for the for the meatball and then to finish it up I'm going to take some of this and move it over here we're going to mix it all together okay so now both of these are going to start with the same thing I'm going to take a mixture of the of the parsley and the garlic and you again we're just doing a little soft spread of this over to meet and try to get it all evenly across the meat because we're going to roll this up like a jelly roll and for this one it just beefs a little too big one lunch you bolted he's also going to get some pecorino romano so let me just grate a little bit in this seal nice now we going to get a little salt and pepper common ingredients in both fresh ground pepper Wow I can smell that already and then here's a little bit of our Sicilian sea salt again going on both okay so now I told you that this one was going to be different than this one the pork from the beef why because that a pork one only remember there's been Yoli I told you about we're going to take those and we're going to sprinkle them around the beef Roger oil and this is I think one of those things that shows the influence of North African cuisine the addition of pine nuts and raisins but it only marries well with the pork I don't put the pignoli in that and the raisins in the beef it's a different flavor jelly roll nice and tight roll it up like this beautiful put it to the side we'll do the same thing here with beef brush roll I don't want to lose none of this filling nice and tight and we get this tongue back over here laughs a novel we don't want that filling to come out when we're cooking so I got these little strings OOP this one's a little small so I think I might be able to get away with just two strings one on each side you know what that filling to come out when it's cooking don't worry about those strings hanging out we're going to trim those down same thing put an extra one and again protect your end yeah it's a good goat advice in life so now the third thing we're going to do we got our brush all done is we're going to make the we're going to make the meatball so these were a little rougher dice it wasn't as fine as what we put in the brush also let's put all that in here okay what do I got over here stale bread I'm making what's called a panade here empanada and Natalia this bread is going to help make the meat tender when we form the meatballs pecorino-romano they've been making this and lot Co for hundreds in under two years a little salt then we got cracked black pepper now to bind this all together I'm going to put an egg and then I'll see if I need to I'll click too but I don't want it to be too wet you want to get this all incorporated into the chopping well some moisture but primarily the eggs in there to help bind this mixture okay now we're going to form the meatballs so I'll take a little bit of meat all right it fits a little bit of my pot up on my hand I'm just rolling it around you want to you know make these a little compact so that they don't fall apart when you're cooking them and that's it that's about the size that we want to do it starting at a pretty high temperature because what I want to do is I want to add some canola oil to this pan and I leave it on the side in case I have to add more later and some extra virgin olive oil for the flavor the canola oil is going to allow us to get a higher cooking temperature than just the olive oil extra virgin olive oil would have given us but I want the flavor of the oil in here so you're starting to get a little smoke out of there I think it's going to be okay let's test it with one of these sausages yeah there's the sizzle we want let's get it right over here and put the sausages on the outside for now okay now what I usually do with the meatballs is give them a little final form move over there and then bring them over and then once I put this in there I'm going to leave this alone make sure the room for everything you don't want to crowd too much got a nice sizzle on the on the oil we're just going to let these sit I'm going to turn it down a little bit now because I don't want to burn anything okay so this is what we're looking for on the meatballs see that crust that's what you want to form so we're going to turn these other meatballs over see they're not sticking to the pan so I can turn them over we want to get that same carmelization on the other side so you got one it's beautiful okay and then the brush off look at that crust on there that's exactly what we want see how the brief one is doing look at that beautiful so we're just going to caramelize the other side fuzzies the tomatoes are broken down now I'm going to add the meat and I've got to get some of the flavor of the oil from the meat of the sausage and then in the gravy you just want to make sure all this meat submerged and I'll leave it a little bit of jar so we get some of that water and some of that steam to pull out of it we're using a fusilli napolitana and easy way to open up the pasta and we're going to salt the water remember this is coming from Campania so I'm going to put a fair amount of salt in here because I want it to be as salty as the Bay of Naples and we're going to put in the pasta so we want to keep that long move it around a little bit to make sure none if it's going to stick and this will come back to a rapid boil it's probably going to take this a little bit on the thick side this pasta so it's probably going to take about seven or eight minutes here's the sunday gravy right now I just want to go in and grab the brush all the pork Bravo I guess that's the beef here's the plug see it's a lot whiter get a couple of these so is Egypt and we get a few of these meatballs now the meatballs I didn't put him way in the beginning because I didn't want them to get too saturated with the gravy look at this look at this look at the texture of that remember where we started with those some rosado's out of the can so we want to bring this up to temperature but these are CDs are still all dented I'm going to finish cooking them right over here this is the stuff I used to make with my mother in my a Florence oh no no me this brings back memories okay so we're going to take this off the heat so we'll take some of the pasta from here look at this just enough sauce to dress the pasta see look at that meatball sausage beef brushroll and pork Bravo cheese don't use that stuff in the cardboard cart and I'll kill you after all this work you put that stuff on there no good [Music] back at my house where I grew up in our Jersey doing loaders gravy and back in Mirabella quano this is the pork brush off North African flavors and meats tender let's have a little bit of a big puzzle totally different beef tender but you only got the garlic for parsley another pecorino in there no sweetness the meatball you're just around it outlets have a little bit of sausage so we create a little bit of Johnny's North Beach here in my kitchen now you can make a sunday gravy and put it in your mouth I'm Becca Mirabelli colano but I'm Johnny North Beach I got so emotional
Channel: Gianni North Beach
Views: 709,758
Rating: 4.8598571 out of 5
Keywords: sunday gravy, italian, cooking, italian cooking, italian food, tomato, tomato sauce, San Marzano Tomato (Organism Classification), Italian Food (Cuisine), san francisco, North Beach (Neighborhood), California (US State), gianni, gianni mola, gianni's north beach, bracciole, veal, meat, food, food video, cooking video, sausage, pork, Braising (Culinary Technique), italian-american, Braciola (Dish), Meatball (Dish), Sausage (Type Of Dish)
Id: nsxVok0tdXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2010
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